考研英语语法 比较结构(4)

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【例1】(05-Text 4)


二、the more…the more…句型表示比较


【例】(01-Passage 2)



【例1】(00-Passage 2)

【例2】(05-Part B)

【例3】(00-Passage 1)


一、 n o …more than 表示比较

no more …than 这一句型是考研英语中出现比较频繁的句型,这一句型有一变体形式

“not…any more than”。功能上看,这一句型表示的是两个事物之间的类比关系,即用than 后面的事物来作比,阐明前边主句所要表达的观点;意思上讲,这个结构表示:同…一样不”,特别注意的是,than后面的句子为肯定形式,但要译成否定意义。


二、(just) as…, so…结构表示类比



三、not…so much as表示比较

考研英语中,not…so much as…这一句型也增多次出现,该句型从结构上来看,可以有not A so much as B或者not so much A as B两种结构,其中A和B是两个被比较的平行结构,如:同为介词短语,动词不定式,名词短语或其他平行结构。


【例2】(01-Passage 5)


四、其他more than结构的理解与翻译

1.more than表示“不仅是,非常,十分”等

在很多句子中,more than不能按字面意思翻译成“比…多”,而是要引申转译为“不仅仅是”或“不只是”。此时,more than后面往往接一个动词或名词。



2.“more than+形容词”表示“非常”

英文中,more than后边可以接一个形容词,这时more than本身相当于一个程度副词,用来修饰形容词,可理解为“非常,十分”。


3.“more than+数字”表示“多于”

“more than+数字”往往表示“多于…”,其反义词是less than。


4.nothing more than结构

nothing more than表示“只不过是”,类似于nothing but短语。


5.no less than/nothing less than结构

上面我们讨论过no more than表示“仅仅,只有”,这里的no less than相当于no more than 的反义短语,表示“不少于…”。同理,nothing less than与是nothing more than的反义短语,表示“不亚于…,相当的…”。





五、rather than与other than结构的理解与翻译

rather than,表示客观事实,意为“是…而不是…;与其…不如…”,表示否定than后边的事物。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、

动词等,rather than前后两个成分之间是并列关系。

other than,相当于different from…,意思是“不同于…,除了…以外其他的…”,它连接的两个成分是所属关系,也就是说A other than B中,B属于A中的一部分。


【例2】(97-Passage 3)




1. In fact, the more new things we try —the more we step outside our comfort zone —

the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

(09-Text 1)

2. Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the

stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals

than do males under the same conditions. (08-Text 1)

3. But his primary task is not to think about the moral code,which governs his activity,

any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of

rules of conduct in business. (06-Part C)

4. For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the ’80s,

downshifting in the mid-’90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life —

growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one —as a personal

recognition of your limitations. (01-Passage 5)

5. By 1996 foreign-born immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a home ownership

rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans.

(06-Text 1)

6. That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real

difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by

changes in catch sizes. (06-Text 3)

7. To create a level playing field and to make the game fairer so that every team has a

chance of winning, Professor Samuels suggests that the solutions include a more equal

distribution of the revenue coming into the game and the introduction of a version of

salary capping similar to that in rugby league, and that adopted by the National Football

League in the United States.


1.【分析】本句包含the more...the more...the more结构。注意第一个the more后谓语和宾语倒装,第二个the more引导的句子是前面从句的同位语,第三个the more引导的句子为主句,注意表语和系动词的倒装。


2. 【分析】句子的主干Studie s…have shown that…中含有一个that引导的宾语从句,从句的主干是sex hormones…affect the stress response…;现在分词结构causing females…作结果状语,为避免头重脚轻,more…than比较结构后的do males under the same conditions用了倒装句,正常语序为:males under the same conditions do,其中do为代动词,指前文的produce。


3. 【分析】复合句。该句的结构是…his primary task is not…any more than…。其中固定搭

配not A any more than B表示前后都否定,即“A和B同样不是”。


4. 【分析】句子的主干是downshifti ng…is not so much a search for…as a…。句首介词结构

For the women…作状语,其中含有一个who引导的定语从句修饰the women of my generation;两个破折号间的部分是对the mythical good life的解释说明,其中的one指代前面的organic vegetables;not…so mu ch结构译为“与其说…,不如说…”。
