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第12卷 第3期2014年6月南水北调与水利科技S outh 2to 2North W ater Transfers and Water Science &Techn ology V ol.12N o.3Jun.2014水文地质与工程地质收稿日期:2013209224 修回日期:2014204211 网络出版时间:2014205208

网络出版地址:http://w w https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,k https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,/kcms/doi/10.13476/https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,k i.nsbdqk.2014.03.035.html



作者简介:朱菊艳(19822),女,江苏镇江人,工程师,博士,现主要从事地面沉降相关研究。E 2m ail:z hujuyan82@sin https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,

通讯作者:郭海朋(19792),男,山东青州人,副研究员,博士,主要从事地面沉降方面研究。E 2m ail:gu ohp@https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,

D OI:10.13476/https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca16619897.html,ki.nsbdqk.2014.03.036




摘要:由于地下水的长期超量开采,华北平原已成为世界上超采地下水最严重、地下水降落漏斗面积最大、地面沉降面积最大、沉降类型最复杂的地区。本文利用GIS 空间分析方法,分别对整个华北平原和沧州市的深层地下水开采量和沉降量进行对比分析,发现到2010年为止,华北平原年均沉降体积为10.73亿m 3,同期深层水年均开采量大约为24.5~26.75亿m 3,因此,华北平原地面沉降体积占深层水开采量的40.1%~43.8%,间接表明了深层水开采量中含水层和弱透水土层压密释水量所占比例;沧州地区1970年-2008年年均沉降体积约为1.98亿m 3,深层地下水年均开采量为3.44亿m 3,该区的沉降体积占深层水开采量的57.6%,远大于华北平原的计算结果,这与沧州地区的岩性结构和补给条件有关。


中图分类号:P642.26 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167221683(2014)0320165205

Relationship Between Land Subsidence and Deep Groundwater Yield in the North C hina Plain

Z HU Ju 2yan 1,G U O H ai 2peng 2,L I Wen 2peng 3,T IA N Xiao 2wei 4

(1.Schoo l of W ater R esour ces and Env ir onment ,China Univ er sity of Geosciences (Beij ing),Beij ing 100083,China;

2.China I nstitute of Geo 2Envir onmental M onitor ing ,Beij ing 100081,China;

3.Center f or H y dr ogeology

and Envir onmental Geology ,B aoding 071051,China;4.T he Four th T eam of H y dr ogeological and Engineer ing Geology ,

H ebei Bureau of Geo 2ex p lor ation,Cangz hou 061000,China)

Abstract:Due to long 2ter m ex cessive g roundw ater ex plo itatio n,the No rth China Pla in has beco me an ar ea w it h t he mo st exces 2siv e gr oundw ater pumping ,the lar gest area of g roundw ater depr essio n cones and land subsidence,and the most co mplex subsid 2ence type in the w or ld.In this paper,G IS spatial analysis metho d was used to conduct comparative analysis o f deep g ro undw ater yield and land subsidence in the No rth China Plain and Cang zho u City.T he results show ed that the annual subsidence volume of the N o rth China pla in is 10.73@108m 3until 2010w hile the annual deep g ro undwater yield is about 24.5@108~26.75@108m 3.T herefo re,the land subsidence v olume acco unted fo r 40.1%to 43.8%o f deep g roundw ater y ield in the No rth China P lain,indicating the pr opor tion of r eleased wat er f rom the compressibility of aquifer and the aquitar d of the to tal deep g ro undw ater yield.T he annual subsidence vo lume w as 1.98@108m 3and t he annual deep g ro undwater y ield w as about 3.44@108m 3in Cang 2zhou reg ion bet ween 1970and 2008.T he propor tio n of subsidence vo lume of tota l deep g roundw ater yield w as 57.6%,w hich was much hig her than that o f the No rth China Plain and can be explained by the litho log ical structure and r echar ge co ndit ions of deep gr oundwat er in Cang zho u r egio n.

Key words:deep g ro undwater ;land subsidence;spatial ana lysis;N ort h China plain;co mpr essibilit y;geo log ical disaster s;r eso ur ce attribute



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