当前位置:文档之家› 6问路askingtheway英文对话



Chapter 6 Asking the way

A 你(A)新到一个城市,向一个过路人(B)打听邮局在哪儿: A:Excuse me,could you tell me where the nearest post office is? 对不起,请问最近的邮局在什么地方? B:Yes,it’s that way,about two blocks from here. 走那条路,过两条马路就到了。 A:On the right or left side of the street? 在马路的左边还是右边? B:On the left. 在左边。 A:Thank you very much.太感谢你了。 B:You’re welcome.不客气。 B 你(A)新到某市,不知道火车站在哪儿,向某人(B)打听: A:Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the railway station? 请问去火车站怎么走? B:Just go straight along this street,turn left at the first crossing and walk straight ahea d about100meters.You can’t miss it. 沿着这条街一直往前走,到第一个十字路口向左拐,然后再往前走100米,你就到了火车站。 A:About how long will it take me to get there? 去那儿大约要多少时间? B:It’s about10minutes’walk,I think.步行大概要十分钟。 A:I see.Is there a bus I can take?我明白了,可以乘公共汽车去吗? B:Yes,you can take the No.5bus over there.Get off at the next stop.

Asking the way(问路)

Asking the way 问路 Ⅰ常用表达法 1.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Bank of China? 打扰一下,您能告诉我去中国银行的路吗? 2.Sir, may I ask the way to the nearest hotel? 先生,请问离这里最近的旅馆怎么走? 3.Would you mind telling me the way to the headquarters of the U.N.? 请问去联合国总部怎样走? 4.Take the second turning on the left. You can’t miss it. 走左边的第二个拐弯处,不会错。 5.Go along the road to the traffic lights and turn right. 沿着这条路走到红绿灯处再向右转。 6.Walk straight ahead for five minutes. 笔直走五分钟。 Ⅱ对话范例 Dialogue 1 A:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Bank of China? 甲:打扰一下,您能告诉我去中国银行的路吗? B:Take the second turning on the left. You can’t miss it. 乙:走左边的第二个拐弯处,不会错。

A:Is it far? 甲:离这里远吗? B:No, only a five-minute walk. 乙:不远,只有5分钟的路。 A:Thank you. 甲:谢谢。 B:Don’t mention it. 乙:别客气。 Dialogue 2 A:Sir ,may I ask the way to the nearest hotel? 甲:先生,请问离这里最近的旅馆怎么走? B:Go along the road to the traffic lights and turn right. 乙:沿着这条路走到红绿灯处再向右转。 A:Thanks. 甲:多谢。 B:You’re welcome. 乙:别客气。 Dialogue 3 A:Would you mind telling me the way to the headquarters of the U.N.? 甲:请问去联合国总部怎样走? B:Go straight to the square and you will see a very tall


实用英语口语教程 第十一单元:问路英语口语对话 Asking the way Sentence patterns Let’s take a look at our basic sentence patterns. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital? Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station? Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema? I’m trying to find the post office. Could you help me? Excuse me, is the right way to the department store? Would you mind showing me how to get to the hotel? Could you tell me which is the nearest way to the airport? Excuse me, can you tell me the restaurant address? How long will it take me to get there? Pardon me? Can you give me directions to the Central Park? Now let’s look at our situational dialogue? Excuse me, nurse. Can you tell me where the bank is? Yes. The bus doesn’t go there di rectly. You have to take the No. 26 bus for five stops and then change to a No. 16 bus and get off at the third stop. When you get off, you can see the bank. How long will it take me to get there? It’s about an hour. I see. Thank you. Not at all. Excuse me, can you tell me where the school is? I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m not familiar with here. Thank you anyway. Excuse me, could you tell me the bookshop’s address? Yes, the bookshop is just around the corner. Turn left and you will see the bookshop. Thank you very much. By the way, is the hospital beside the bookshop? Right. If you see the bookshop, you can see the hospital. Thank you very much. Not at all. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the airport? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the restaurant? Pardon me? Could you tell me where the post office is? Pardon me? Could you tell me where the Central Park is? Pardon me? Could you tell me where the hospital is? Sorry to trouble you. Would you mind showing me the way to the zoo?


实用英语口语教程 第十一单元:问路英语口语对话 Asking the way Sentence patterns Let’s take a look at our basic sentence patterns. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital? Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station? Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema? I’m trying to find the post office. Could you help me? Excuse me, is the right way to the department store? Would you mind showing me how to get to the hotel? Could you tell me which is the nearest way to the airport? Excuse me, can you tell me the restaurant address? How long will it take me to get there? Pardon me? Can you give me directions to the Central Park? Now let’s look at our situational dialogue? Excuse me, nurse. Can you tell me where the bank is?


关于指路的英语对话 随着中国经济在各个领域的不断发展,经济地位在国际中的不断提升,各个行业都迫切需要复合型人才即具有专业知识又精通外语的人才。专业英语作为一项重要的工具,是学生就业和适应社会发展的必要手段。店铺整理了关于指路的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 关于指路的英语对话一 优质解答-Excuse me,may i bother you a few minutes? -Sure,you can. -Could you please tell me where the central park is?i just get here for 2days. -The central park..i think it's a little far from here. -Then could you point me the way to get there? -First,you have to go straight until the second crossing,You can take the NO.75 bus there. After 3 stops you can get off the bus.Then you can see the notice,it will point you to the right way. -Oh,thank you so much!you just gave me quite a detailed route!i think i can remember the steps. -Hope you will get there safely. -Thanks again! 关于指路的英语对话二 Asking the way: 如何问 1、Can you tell me the way to the post office? 2、Is this the way to the post office? 3、Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? 4、Which is the nearest way to the post office? 5、Is the post office far from here? 6、How long will it take me to get to the post office? 7、Excuse me, is there a post office near here?


日常情景英语对话范文:问路 情景对话是英语教学中常见的一个话题,特别对于中小学生的英语学习,这类的情景对话经常出现在考试中,用来考查学生的情景交际能力,和掌握的日常交际用语。比如问候;打电话、感谢和应答;道歉和应答;邀请和约会;提供帮助;谈论天气;购物;问路等情景在英语教学大纲中经常出现,那么今天就和大家分享一些关于问路的英语情景对话。 日常情景英语对话范文:问路 A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map? 对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city. 我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。 A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station? 哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢? B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left. 顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。 A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station? 对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way. 我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧! A: Excuse me. I wonder if you co uld help me. I’m looking for the Museum. 对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。 B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town. 哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。 A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum? 哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢? B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there. 您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车


英语口语对话听力:问路 Asking for Directions问路 I went to Vancouver for a meeting this week. I have always liked Vancouver, and on top of that, my cousin Dominick just moved there.I got in touch with him and he invited me over to see his new place.On the way over, though, I got a little lost. I knew I was in the right area, but I was turned around. He lived in an apartment over an old bakery and I couldn”t find it. 我与他联系上了,他邀请我去看看他的新居子。但在去那的路上,我有点迷路了。我知道大致的地方我走对了,但我方向有点弄反了。他住在一家面包店上面的公寓中,但是我没有找到。 Dialog 英语情景对话 I stopped a man who was walking by to ask for directions. 我叫住了一位男士向他问路。 Lucy: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakery building? (女):对不起,能告知我到Cross bakery大楼怎么走吗? Man: The Cross Bakery building? Oh sure. You”re actually

关于问路的英语作文 Asking the Way

关于问路的英语作文 Asking the Way I was walking in a strange city, feeling quite lost. I stopped a passer-by and asked politely, “Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?” The person I asked was a friendly old man. He smiled and said, “Yes, of course. It’s not far from here. Just keep walking straight ahead for about five minutes and you will see it.” “Thank you so much,” I said gratefully. The old man nodded and said, “You’re welcome. Have a nice day!” I thanked him again and continued on my way. After five minutes of walking, I saw the bus stop. I was so relieved to find it so easily. I realized that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it can be a great way to find your way when you are lost.


生活英语之一:问路AskingtneWay 问路有以下几个基本问题: 一、问怎么走?比如: 1、Could you tell me the way to the post office? 你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?(the way to 去怎么走?) 举一反三:Railway station火车站怎么走呢? Excuse me ,can you show me the way to the railway station? 2、I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the City Library from here(I wonder if 是否可以)。 从这里到市图书馆怎么走?(how to get to 怎么去?) 举一反三:从这里到星光饭店、西湖公园(park)、友谊宾馆(Friendship Hotel)怎么走? 3、I wonder if you could tell me where the post office is? 是否可以请你告诉我邮局在哪?(where the is在什么地方) 举一反三:Bank 银行 4、可以先加Sorry to trouble you。然后再问路。 5、如不知道对方所问的地方: Sorry,I am stranger here myself,You have better ask someboby else我对这个地方不熟悉,你最好问一下别人。 或者:But I have suggest you take a taxi .It is quicker 我建议你最好叫出租,那要快些。 Well ,I will take a taxi .can I call a taxi here?好吧,我就叫出租车,可以在这儿叫吗? 二、答怎么走,即指路,比如: 1、沿这条街往前走,大约走4分钟,邮局就在那条街的拐角处。 Go Straight along this street ,You walk about four minutes ,The post office is at the corner of that street. at the corner of拐角处


6个问路时常用的英语表达句型 1、Remember to be polite when asking for directions, and don’t forget to say “thank you”! 问路的时候切记一定要礼貌,不要忘记说“谢谢”。 2、“How do I get to …” – This is the simplest way to ask someone for directions. When you use this phrase, the other person will either tell you which mode of transport (bus, underground) to take or will explain your route. “我该怎么去…”这是向他人问路最简单的'说法。当你用这个短语的时候,别人也会告诉你选择哪种交通工具到目的地(公交车,地铁)或者告诉你清楚的路线。 3、“Could you tell me the best way to get to …” – This is a very polite way to ask for directions. “你能告诉我去…最好的方式吗”这是非常礼貌的问路方式。 4、“Where exactly am I?” – Now, if you are travelling to an English speaking country and you ask for directions, you still might get lost. And in order to get new directions, you might need to find out where exactly you are, for example which street you are on. If this is the case, ask this particular question. “我现在的到底在哪?”—此刻,如果你在一个讲英语的国度旅行并问路时,你可能仍然会迷路。为了得到新的方向,你可能需要找出你现在所在的具体位置,例如你在哪条街。如果是这样的情况,就用这个特别的方式问路。 5、“What is the quickest way to get to …” –Let’s pretend you have to catch a bus and this bus comes at certain times in the day. So you need to get to the bus stop quickly. If you need to go somewhere fast, ask this question. “到…最快的方式是什么”—让我们假设你要搭乘的一辆公共汽车,而一天就只有几趟,因此你需要迅速的去公交车站台。如果你需要迅速的去某地,


“问路”英语对话练习 Asking and Directing the Road Conversation 1 A : Excuse me , sir . Is there a barber near here ? B : Yes , the nearest one is at the third cross of this road. A : I’m a stranger here . How can I get there , please ? B : Just walk down the roa d for a few minutes , and you’ll find it on your right . A : Thank you very much . Conversation 2 A : Excuse me , please . Could you tell me how to get to the No.10 Middle School? B : Walk down this road , take the fourth turn to the right . Then you’ll see it . A : Is it far from here to there ? B : No. It’s only about five minutes’ walk . A : Many thanks ! B : Not at all. Conversation 3 A : Excuse me , sir , could you please tell me the way to Xidan Bookstore ? B : Yes , of course . Would you like to walk there or take a bus ? A : Er...Is it far from here ? B : It’s just about ten minutes’ walk . Go along this street , on the third cross you’ll find it on your left . A : Then I’ll walk . Many thanks . B : Not at all . Conversation 4 A : Excuse me , sir , Is this the road to the peace Store? B : You could get there this way , but it’d be faster to go along the Wort Street . A : Where’s Wort Street , please? B : Turn right at the third intersection, you’ll see the street and then walk along the street to the south. A : How far is it from the Wort Street ? B : Just walk for a few minutes , you’ll find it . A : Thank you very much . Conversation 5 A : Where on earth are we ? B : Judging by all the traffic , I’d say we’re near the outskirts of the city . A : What did I do wrong? Did I take a wrong turn ?


指路的英语作文4篇 篇一:关于用英文指路 Aboutaskingtheway 1.用英语问路的常用套语: Excuseme,canyoutellmewheretherailwaystationis?对不起,请问火车站在哪儿?Excuseme,butcanyoutellmethewaytothetrainstation?劳驾,请问去火车站 怎么走?Excuseme,couldyoutellmewhichisthewaytothenearesthospital?请问去最近 的医院怎么走? Excuseme,wouldyoupleaseshowmethewaytothepostoffice?请 告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗? Excuseme,wouldyoumindtellingmethewaytothepolicestation?对不起,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗? Excuseme,couldyougivemesomedirections?请你给我指指路好吗? Excuseme,canyoudirectmetothepostoffice?请问到邮局怎么走? Excuseme,where‘sthemen’s(ladies‘),please?请问男(女)厕所在什么地方?Excuseme,where‘sthebusstation,please?请问公共汽车站在什么地方? Excuseme,howcanIgettotheNo.1MiddleSchool?请问去一中怎 么走? Excuseme,couldyoutellmewherethereisapublictelephone?请问哪儿有公用电话?Excuseme, isthistherightwaytothePeople‘sPark?请问去人民公园走这条路


问路的英语对话 问路的英语对话(1): A:Excuse me。I’m afraid I got lost。Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎样走吗? B:I’m walking that way。Let me lead you the way。 B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧! A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map? A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city。 B:我们在那里,汽车站,我们此刻在市中心。 A:Oh !I think I’m lost。Can I go from here to the railway station? A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从那里到火车站呢? B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left。 B:顺这条街一向走过两个街区,然后左转。 A:Excuse me。I wonder if you could help me。I’m looking for the Museum。A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮忙我,我在找博物馆。 B:Boy,you are lost。It’s across town。 B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。

A:Oh !What bad luck !How can I get to the Museum? A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎样去博物馆呢? B:You can take a No。24 bus here and then transfer to a No。53 bus to get there。 B:您能够在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。 问路的英语对话(2): "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?" Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do。Do you need directions? " Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions。 "劳驾,您能告诉我双安商场怎样走吗?""是的,我明白。你需要指引吗?" 问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎样走?)这句话也能够用来问路。 问路的英语对话(3): Lucy:Pardon me,do you know this city well? Tom:What's the problem? Lucy; Could you tell me where the American Embassy is,please? Tom:It's on the other side of town。 Lucy:That's no good。Maybe you can help?


《问路的英语对话》 问路的英语对话(1): A:Excuse me。Im afraid I got lost。Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎样走吗? B:Im walking that way。Let me lead you the way。 B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧! A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map? A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city。 B:我们在那里,汽车站,我们此刻在市中心。 A:Oh !I think Im lost。Can I go from here to the railway station? A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从那里到火车站呢? B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left。 B:顺这条街一向走过两个街区,然后左转。 A:Excuse me。I wonder if you could help me。Im looking for the Museum。 A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮忙我,我在找博物馆。 B:Boy,you are lost。Its across town。 B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。 A:Oh !What bad luck !How can I get to the Museum? A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎样去博物馆呢? B:You can take a No。24 bus here and then transfer to a No。53 bus to get there。 B:您能够在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。 问路的英语对话(2): Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?

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