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学习内容:Unit 1 Module 6 (1)


1. Hearing his story, we all burst into l__________.

2. Bob Hope was one of the most famous stand-up c__________ of his time.

3. She made no r___________ to my question.

4. What was your r__________ to the news?

5. There are so many people there, and I have to q___________ for the food.

6. Regular p__________ exercise as well as proper diets does good to our health.

7. He was a__________ $5000 for the great discovery he had made.

8. He is suffering from a v__________ disease. Next month, he will receive an operation on his eyes.

9. Mr. Brown is a h__________ man. In other words, he has a sense of humor.

10. The driver saw the police car following him in his side m__________.


1. 对……有好处(两种)

2. 取笑,拿……开玩笑(两种)

3. 在日常生活中

4. 减肥

5. 对某人进行印象模仿

6. 指向

7. 继承某人的事业

8. 后来

9. 非凡的即兴创作的能力

10. 各种年龄层次的观众


1. Who do you suggest ________ to do the work?

A. send

B. be sent

C. sent

D. sending

2.Don’t interrupt me. I ________ letters all morning and have only finished five.

A. write

B. have written

C. am writing

D. have been writing

3.________, Luo Dan didn’t perform well as expected in the singing competition. She was very sad.

A. Somewhat

B. Somehow

C. Anyhow

D. Anyway

4.—Supposing you won a big prize, how would you deal with it?

—________ I’d spend it on my further education abroad.

A. Really?

B. It’s impossible!

C. Me?

D. Maybe you’re right.

5.Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ________ one.

A. better-known

B. well-known

C. best-known

D. most-known

6.I won’t tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ________ on it for more than an hour.

A. has been working

B. will have worked

C. will have been working

D. had worked

7.It was ________ weather that we went out for a walk.

A. such warm

B. one such warm

C. so warm

D. so warm a

8.Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ________ fresh for several days.

A. be stayed

B. stay

C. be staying

D. have stayed

9.________ wants to go rafting this weekend, raise your hands, please.

A. Anyone who

B. Those who

C. Anyone

D. Who

10.We should not waste anything. ________, we should not waste food.

A. After all

B. Above all

C. At all

D. For all


A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him.

“I don’t understand,” he said. His mum just hugged him and said, “You 1. ______ will.”

Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does my mother seem to cry for no reason?” “All women cry for no reason,” 2. ______ so much could his dad say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still 3. ______ why women cry. 4. ______ he gave a call to God, and when God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so 5. ______?”

God said, “When I made the woman she had to be 6. ______ . I made her shoulders 7. ______ enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give 8. ______ .”

“I made her 9. ______ childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else 10. ______ , and to take care of her family in spite of sickness and fatigue (劳累) without 11. ______. I gave her the sensitivity to 12. ______ her children under any and all circumstances, 13. ______ her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her wisdom to carry her husband through his 14. ______ . I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never 15. ______ his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him 16. ______. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. She can use it whenever it i s needed.”

“You see, the beauty of a woman is not in the 17. ______ she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she 18. ______ her hair. The 19. ______ of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart and the place where love 20. ______ .”

1. A. surely B. never C. probably D. seldom

2. A. only B. even C. almost D. hardly

3. A. hoping B. knowing C. wondering D. expecting

4. A. Actually B. Generally C. Luckily D. Finally

5. A. easily B. rarely C. simply D. excitedly

6. A. clever B. beautiful C. special D. ordinary

7. A. thick B. fat C. wide D. strong

8. A. sympathy B. comfort C. kindness D. mercy

9. A. stand B. load C. accept D. burden

10. A. gives in B. gives away C. gives up D. gives out

11. A. difficulty B. danger C. rest D. complaining

12. A. control B. love C. respect D. satisfy

13. A. even if B. in case C. so that D. as though

14. A. disagreements B. misunderstandings C. faults D. quarrels

15. A. minds B. helps C. refuses D. hurts

16. A. nervously B. tiredly C. determinedly D. unselfishly

17. A. clothes B. smile C. hair D. glasses

18. A. washes B. dyes C. cuts D. combs

19. A. figure B. intelligence C. beauty D. appearance

20. A. hides B. lives C. stores D. comes


The Chong Yang Festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is also known as the Double Ninth Festival.

The festival began as early as the Warring States Period(475BC-221BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy(二分法), yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. Among Chinese numbers, nine belongs to positive numbers and it is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a double yang day, hence people start to say Chong Yang Festival. The ninth month also predicts the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would the be burned as offerings.

The Double Ninth Festival sees various activities. On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemums(菊花), drink chrysanthemums wine, and eat cakes. Ancient people thought climbing a mountain on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters, and this

gradually evolved into a relaxation and exercise.

Ancient people used to wear cornel(山茱萸) and admire chrysanthemums. Cornel is a kind of plant with edible(可食用的) fruit, while its stem and leaves have medicinal value. To prevent plague(瘟疫) and drive off smelly smells, people wear cornel and chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Festival, and drink tea and wine made from the flowers.

Nowadays many people will still climb mountains, admire chrysanthemums, appreciate the beautiful scenery of autumn and eat cakes. In recent years, new contents have been added into this ancient festival, which has become a time to show respect for the elderly. People hold various activities in honor of senior citizens, wishing them good health and a long life.

The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one’s ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organized during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm(重申) their love and concern for family


学习内容:Unit 1 Module 6 (2)


1.The old couple have experienced so much that they want to live a ________ life in the country.

A. quiet

B. silent

C. still

D. calm

2.________ the big earthquake, the local government tried every means to provide shelters for the victims.

A. Before long

B. Soon after

C. Long before

D. As soon as

3.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ________ most of her day.

A. takes up

B. makes up

C. saves up

D. puts up

4.While working in that country, he ________ a great deal of knowledge on planet life.

A. picked up

B. looked up

C. put up

D. called up

5.They were not prepared to ________ the olive branch to their enemies.

A. hold on

B. hold out

C. hold back

D. hold up

6. The moment their movie star appeared on the stage, the excited fans ________ thunderous applause.

A. ran into

B. burst into

C. came into

D. turned into

7.Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4097 ________ at 18:20.

A. took off

B. will take off

C. has taken off

D. takes off

8.His speech ________ for so long that people began to fall asleep.

A. came on

B. took on

C. worked on

D. went on

9.—She is very tired. —So she is. She ________ letters all day.

A. types

B. was typing

C. has typed

D. has been typing

10.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ________ so rapidly.

A. had changed

B. is changing

C. will change

D. changed

11.With the business of the company expanding, the manager is considering ________ more staff.

A. taking over

B. taking on

C. taking away

D. taking up

12.Please don’t punish him. ________ he didn’t do it deliberately.

A. At all

B. After all

C. In all

D. First of all

13.In the ward above the bed is a bell which the patient can ring ________.

A. in no time

B. in a hurry

C. in an emergency

D. in a while

14. Try to spend your time just on the things you find _________.

A. worth doing them

B. worth being done

C. them worth doing

D. worth doing

15.He ________ the resignation(辞职信) _________ the director and left the company without permission.

A. presented; with

B. presented; to

C. has showed; to

D. showed; with

16.________ building a charming city, almost all the citizens have joined in the big clean-up in and out of their


A. In favor of

B. In order to

C. In honor of

D. In respect of

17. We should treat the subject seriously. Don’t ________ it or we could lose our jobs because of it.

A. make the best of

B. make jokes about

C. take advantage of

D. get hold of

18. They had a pleasant chat ________ a cup of coffee.

A. for

B. with

C. during

D. over

19. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time that someone ________ me that evening.

A. to have interrupted

B. would interrupt

C. had interrupted

D. has interrupted

20. Those old soldiers never laugh or smile and try to appear very serious ________what they are ________ is

very funny.

A. as though; making fun of

B. even if; looking on

C. even though; talking about

D. in case; laughing at

21. When I knew that country _______ continued to live up to its tourist brochure image, I was filled with wonder.

A. anyway

B. somehow

C. anyhow

D. someway

22. He was beginning to get very ________ with me about my carelessness.

A. annoyed

B. excited

C. satisfied

D. worried

23. I wonder how much ________ you. It must have been a lot of money.

A. does the watch cost

B. did the watch cost

C. the watch costs

D. the watch cost

24. It is a popular practice for some people to expand on their achievements but ________ their shortcomings

when they report what they have done in their work.

A. ignore

B. glare

C. stare

D. look

25. I don’t think ________ so much time on minor problems because we have a lot of important ones to deal with

at the moment.

A. it is worthy to spend

B. it is worthwhile spending

C. it is worthy of spending

D. it is worthwhile to be spent

26. The young man is quite brave and strong. He is always ready to ________ heavy responsibilities and turn

down the light ones.

A. break down

B. get down

C. take on

D. take over

27. We all ________ to the eighty-year-old man, wishing him a happy birthday.

A. raised the glass

B. raised our glasses

C. sent our glasses

D. gave the glass

28. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have ___________ twenty already!

A. become

B. turned

C. grown

D. passed

29. I don’t suppose anyone will go there, ________?

A. do I

B. do n’t you

C. will they

D. won’t they

30. The television has played such an important role in our daily life that we cannot imagine how we will

________ without it.

A. go

B. get

C. come

D. carry



Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people.

The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span(寿命)can be prolonged(延长).

Gene technology can help to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial family being a good example, have hereditary diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.

Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep, therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in a very normal way. Of course, the government must take care to control gene technology.

1. What does “these two killers” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. Gene technology and another treatment of the two diseases.

B. The two murderers who killed the cloned baby.

C. The two diseases of cancer and heart disease.

D. Hereditary diseases and cancer.

2. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. How gene technology can be applied in the field of treating hereditary diseases.

B. Gene technology can be used to clone human babies.

C. Gene technology can help people to give birth to a baby.

D. Gene technology can help the English imperial family out.

3. In what way gene technology can help to treat hereditary diseases?

A. Using gene technology, people with hereditary diseases can have more living days.

B. Using gene technology, scientist finds the wrong gene and correct it.

C. Using gene technology, human babies can be cloned.

D. Doctors can cure cancer and heart disease with the help of gene technology.

4. What is the main purpose of writing this passage?

A. Exp ressing the writer’s idea that gene technology will benefit people.

B. Telling people the advantages of gene technology.

C. Telling the readers that gene technology will not benefit people.

D. Explaining that gene technology will also do harm to the humanity.


More Kiwi children are being treated for sleep disorders before bedtime. Specialists say computer games and texting disturb sleep patterns and cause learning, concentration and growth problems.

Dr. Alex Bartle, director of the Sleep Well Clinic, which has branches in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, said there was no question that technology kept children awake.

Computer games and social networking sites such as Bebo and Facebook were worse than TV for stimulating young minds because they were m ore “interactive”.

They should be switched off at least an hour before bedtime. “To fall asleep, you need to have a certain amount of calmness in the brain,” said Bartle. “To be excited doesn’t help those brainwaves settle.”

In Britain, National Health Service data show almost 3,000 under-11s were referred to specialists for problems, such as insomnia(失眠) and sleep-walking in 2006, up 26 percent from 2002.

While there are no figures in New Zealand, experts have no doubt that the number of children needing help is increasing. “We have the same sorts of technology, the same lifestyles,” said Bartle. “W e certainly see it on a regular basis at the clinic.”

Professor Philippa Gander, director of Massey University’s Sleep/Wake Research Centre, said poor sleep had been linked to learning, behavioral and growth problems.

Bartle said parents should ensure children were well-rested and not kept awake by the technology surrounding them. “They need to encourage kids to get out during the day. Coming home and playing on computers as soon as they get home isn’t good from a sleep point of view. Parents need to be strong enough to remove TVs or computers.”

The Child Health Research Foundation has funded studies on sleep problems and is waiting for the results.

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Children like computer games.

B. Technol ogy disrupts children’s sleep.

C. Kiwi children don’t like outdoor activities.

D. Kiwi parents should prevent children watching TV.

6. The underline word “stimulating” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.

A. using

B. interrupting

C. exciting

D. tiring

7. Kiwi experts are sure that the number of Kiwi children with sleep problems is increasing because_______

A. they have exact data from the survey conducted by themselves

B. they get the reports about the children referred to specialists

C. Kiwi children play more online games than British children

D. Kiwi children are in the same situations as the British children

8. What can be learned from the passage?

A. Some parents fail to set a limit on the time their children spend on technology.

B. Children should not watch TV or play online games in the evening.

C. About 3,000 Kiwi under-11s were referred to specialists for sleep problems in 2002.

D. Watching TV does more harm to children than playing computer g

Keys: unit1 module 6(1)

一、1. laughter 2. comedians 3. response 4. reaction 5. queue 6. physical 7. awarded 8. visual 9. humorous 10. mirror


1. celebrate

2. history

3. representing

4. living

5. Activities

6. past

7. misfortune

8. smelly/unpleasant

9. way/means 10. honor

Keys: :unit1 module 6(2)







泰州二中2016-2017学年度第一学期第一次限时作业 高二语文 考试时间120分钟总分160分 一、语言文字运用(16分,每小题2分) 1.下列加点字注音正确的一项是(2分) A.险衅(xìn) 挣揣(chuài)陨(yǔn)首乳媪(yùn) B.笑靥(yàn)蓓蕾(lěi)草蓐(rù)期(jī)功 C.墙垣(yuán)浩淼(miǎo)懊丧(sàng)考妣(pǐ) D.鼓枻(yì)谂(shěn)知偃(yǎn)仰矜(jīn)持 2.选出对下面加点的字词解释有误的一项 (2分) A.往往 ..而是到处而刘夙婴.疾病缠绕 B.形影相吊.慰问受物之汶汶 ..者乎玷辱 C.都搵.做重重叠叠的泪揩拭乳.二世用乳汁喂养 D.余扃牖.而居门其制.稍异于前格局 3.选出与“慈父见背”中“见”字用法相同的一项是 (2分) 4.A.冀君实或见恕也 B.臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵 C.徒见欺 D.是以见放 4.下列用典出处正确的一项是 (2分) ①举案齐眉②蜗角虚名③红泪④司马青衫 A.①孟光②王嘉《拾遗记》③范仲淹《苏幕遮》④白居易《琵琶行》 B.①薛灵芸②《庄子则阳》③王嘉《拾遗记》④范仲淹《苏幕遮》 C.①孟光②《庄子则阳》③王嘉《拾遗记》④白居易《琵琶行》 D.①薛灵芸②王嘉《拾遗记》③《庄子则阳》④范仲淹《苏幕遮》5.次填入下面句子中横线处的词语,恰当的一组是(2分) 一直以来,我们始终在追赶世界的脚步,以的姿态学习西方发达工业文明的科学、技术、制度,我们的价值判断了物质,滞后了精神,稀释了情感,丢失了传统——是人文精神和人文情怀的继承和重建。 A.嗷嗷待哺重视而且 B.急不可待优先尤其 C.嗷嗷待哺优先尤其 D.急不可待重视而且 6.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(2分) A.专家指出,中央对文化建设的高度重视,高层在文化理论创新与实践认识方面正逐渐走向成熟,相关的文化建设能力正在不断地提升。 B.明年我国将把促进社会公平放在更加突出的位置,加强和创新社会管理,突出抓好维护社会稳定、保障公共安全等工作。 C.在欧洲看“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”,你立即就能感觉到,这种恬然的自信只属于那些真正从中世纪的梦魇中苏醒、对前路挺有把握的艺术家们才会有。 D.下半年以来,鄂尔多斯市发生多起高利贷崩盘事件。有研究者认为,目前我国部分地区民间高利贷风险逐步加大,所以采取措施加以控制,就可以解决部分地区的金融问题。


一、第六章 圆周运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,用一根长为l =1m 的细线,一端系一质量为m =1kg 的小球(可视为质点),另一端固定在一光滑锥体顶端,锥面与竖直方向的夹角θ=30°,当小球在水平面内绕锥体的轴做匀速圆周运动的角速度为ω时,细线的张力为T ,取g=10m/s 2。则下列说法正确的是( ) A .当ω=2rad/s 时,T 3+1)N B .当ω=2rad/s 时,T =4N C .当ω=4rad/s 时,T =16N D .当ω=4rad/s 时,细绳与竖直方向间夹角 大于45° 【答案】ACD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 当小球对圆锥面恰好没有压力时,设角速度为0ω,则有 cos T mg θ= 2 0sin sin T m l θωθ= 解得 053 2 rad/s 3 ω= AB .当02rad/s<ωω=,小球紧贴圆锥面,则 cos sin T N mg θθ+= 2sin cos sin T N m l θθωθ-= 代入数据整理得 (531)N T = A 正确, B 错误; CD .当04rad/s>ωω=,小球离开锥面,设绳子与竖直方向夹角为α,则 cos T mg α= 2sin sin T m l αωα= 解得

16N T =,o 5 arccos 458 α=> CD 正确。 故选ACD 。 2.如图所示,水平圆盘可绕竖直轴转动,圆盘上放有小物体A 、B 、C ,质量分别为m 、2m 、3m ,A 叠放在B 上,C 、B 离圆心O 距离分别为2r 、3r 。C 、B 之间用细线相连,圆盘静止时细线刚好伸直无张力。已知C 、B 与圆盘间动摩擦因数为μ,A 、B 间摩擦因数为3μ,设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,重力加速度为g ,现让圆盘从静止缓慢加速,则( ) A .当23g r μω=时,A 、B 即将开始滑动 B .当2g r μω=32 mg μ C .当g r μω=C 受到圆盘的摩擦力为0 D .当25g r μω=C 将做离心运动 【答案】BC 【解析】 【详解】 A. 当A 开始滑动时有: 2033A f mg m r μω==?? 解得: 0g r μω= 当23g g r r μμω=


2.15 Grammar 2笔记答案 【现在完成时的用法】 1、表示过去已完成的动作对现在有影响。 2、表示动作从过去开始,持续到现在,并且仍有可能继续下去。 3、表示动作从过去开始,到现在发生了多少次。 【现在完成时的时间状语】 1.①He’s already come back, ________ he? 答案:hasn’t ②He’s already late,_______ he? 答案:isn’t 2.He hasn’t finished his homework _________. 答案:yet → Has he finished his homework _________? 答案:yet → Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. =★____________. / No, __________.还没。 答案:Not yet./ No, not yet. ★表格里填“否定句”、“疑问句” 【例题精讲】①already ②yet ③yet ④yet ⑤C 3.never They have never _______ to the USA, _______ they? 答案:been; have ★___________从没。答案:No, never. 5.表格第一行现在完成时;第二行一般过去时 e.g. I have had breakfast. 否定:I _____________ breakfast. 答案:haven’t had I had breakfast. 否定:I_____________ breakfast. 答案:didn’t have 6. I haven’t seen them ____________ (recent). 答案:recently ★There _____________ (be) many changes in recent years. 答案:have been 8.表格第一行一般过去时;第二行现在完成时 ★在过去的三年里,在近三年里in / during / over the past / last three years 13.★e.g. I have watched TV for an hour. ___________ have you watched TV?答案:How long ★Simon is in Grade 8. He__________(study) in Sunshine Primary School for six years. 答案:studied 14.e.g. Simon ________(study) in Sunshine Middle School since two years ago / since 2018. 答案:has studied ★He __________ (leave) the village 18 years ago and I __________ (not see) him since then. 答案:left; haven’t seen 【例题精讲】答案:A 用for和since填空:①for ②since ③for ④since ⑤for ⑥since 17.答案:D 现在完成时使用注意点: ★1. I _____________(go) to the USA twice last year. 答案:went ★2. -When _________ you __________(watch) it? 答案:did; watch ★3. Yang liwei ______________(be) a pilot for ten years. 答案:was 4. I ______________(read) three books these days. 已经看了答案:have read I ______________(read) the book these days. 一直在看答案:am reading 【习题】随堂检测 1.recently 2.haven’t finished 3.have been 4.have finished 5-10.BADDBD


2016-2017学年江苏省泰州二中高三(上)第二次限时作业生物 试卷 一、单项选择题:本部分包括20题,每题2分,共计40分.每题只有一个选项最符合题意. 1.下列有关细胞中元素和化合物的叙述正确的是() A.脂肪分子中含H比糖类多,是主要的能源物质 B.ATP、磷脂、糖原、DNA的组成元素中都有C、H、O、N、P C.氨基酸分子中的N主要存在于氨基中,核酸中的N只存在于碱基中 D.葡萄糖存在于细胞质基质、叶绿体和线粒体中 2.下列有关原核生物和真核生物及结构的描述,正确的是() A.青霉菌具有生物膜系统 B.大肠杆菌基因的转录仅发生在拟核区 C.硝化细菌不能进行有氧呼吸 D.细胞核中可完成基因的复制和表达 3.用蛋白酶去除大肠杆菌核糖体的蛋白质,处理后的核糖体仍可催化氨基酸的脱水缩合反应,由此可推测核糖体中能催化该反应的物质是() A.蛋白酶B.RNA聚合酶C.RNA D.逆转录酶 4.如图表示蝴蝶兰在正常条件下和长期干旱条件下CO2吸收速率的日变化,据图分析,下列叙述正确的是() A.长期干旱条件下,叶肉细胞在10~16时不能进行光反应 B.长期干旱条件下,蝴蝶兰可通过夜间吸收CO2以适应环境 C.正常条件下,12时CO2吸收速率最快,植株干重最大 D.正常条件下.叶肉细胞在20~24时不能产生A TP和[H] 5.下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述不正确的是() A.能将无机物转化成有机物的生物细胞一定含有核糖体 B.神经细胞轴突末梢形成的突起释放神经递质 C.细胞间进行信息交流时可依赖于细胞膜上的特异性受体 D.效应T细胞与癌变细胞密切接触可导致癌变细胞坏死并裂解 6.如图是细胞代谢过程中某些物质变化过程,下列叙述错误的是()


江苏省泰州中学平面图 北 南

泰州市二中附中平面图 机房分布: C、D、E、F、G机房全在3号楼 机房C和D在3号楼5楼 机房E和F在3号楼4楼 机房G在3号楼3楼

江苏省青少年信息学奥林匹克2010冬令营“泰中杯”日程总表 注: 1)机房在省泰中(A、B)及二附中(C、D、E、F)共 6个,营员必须凭证对号上机 2)小营人员在A、B机房上机、上课在行政楼六楼报告厅 3)A层次人员上课地点:南实验楼高二(1)、高二(2)、高三(19)三个教室 4)B层次人员上课地点:南实验楼高二(1)、高二(2) 5)领队会:在行政楼四楼东会议室 6)营务办公室:在行政楼四楼西会议室

“泰中杯”(B层次)教学安排 一、指导思想: 1、通过冬令营集训,养成良好的编程规范习惯,为进入下一阶段培训打下良好的基础。 2、掌握数据结构的基本知识、基本操作,体会数据的结构设计不同,其对应的算法也 不同,充分理解“程序=数据结构+算法”的思想。 3、掌握过程与函数、记录与文件的基本知识和相应操作。 4、掌握线性表、栈、队列的基本知识及相应操作。 5、能够灵活运用数据结构的知识解决实际问题,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力 以及综合应用的能力。 6、通过冬令营的集体生活和各类文体活动,培养学生关爱他人,团结协作;学会自理, 学会生活。 二、教学安排:上午上课(8:00—11:30)下午上机(2:00—5:00)

“泰中杯”(A层次)教学安排 指导思想: 1、通过冬令营的集训,使学生能够掌握数据结构的基本知识、基本操作,体会数据的结构 设计不同,其对应的算法也不同,充分理解“程序=数据结构+算法”的思想。 2、熟练掌握线性表、树、图的基本知识及其应用。 3、能够灵活运用数据结构的知识解决实际问题,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力以及 综合应用的能力。 4、通过冬令营的集体生活和各类文体活动,培养学生关爱他人,团结协作;学会自理,学 会生活。 教学计划:上午上机(8:00—11:30)下午上课(2:00—5:00) (A层次) (A预) 摸底分班测试地点:电教楼一楼阶梯教室、电教楼二楼阶梯教室


七年级英语 命题:王学宏校对:姜华平 成绩__________ 请将试卷的答案写在答题纸上 第一部分选择题(75分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) A)听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. What food does Mike like? A. B. C. 2. Which is Tom’s favourite festival? A. B. C. 3. What does the girl buy for Jack? A. B. C. 4. What are the boys doing? A. B. C. 5. What’s Tom’s father like? A. Fat. B. Short. C. Thin. 6. What does the boy want to be when he grows up? A. A doctor. B. A player. C. A teacher. 7. How much does the woman need to pay? A. Seven yuan. B. Twenty-three yuan. C. Sixteen yuan. 8. How long is the shopping mall open? A.10 hours. B. 12 hours. C. 11 hours. 9. Where are they? A. In a fast food shop. B. In the hospital. C. In the school. 10. How does the boy usually go to school? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus. B)听下面1段对话和2篇短文。对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 对话和短文读两遍。 听1段对话,回答第11~12小题。 11. What tea does the man want? A. Green tea. B. Black tea. C. Flower tea. 1

江苏省泰州市第二中学2017-2018学年高三上学期期初检测物理试题 Word版无答案

泰州二中2017-2018学年第一学期期初检测 高三物理试卷 (考试时间100分钟 满分120分) 一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .运动越快的汽车越不容易停下来,是因为汽车运动得越快,惯性越大 B .同一物体在地球上不同的位置受到的重力是不同的,所以它的惯性也随位置的变化而变化 C .一个小球竖直上抛,抛出后能继续上升,是因为小球运动过程中受到了向上的推力 D .物体的惯性大小只与本身的质量有关,质量大的物体惯性大,质量小的物体惯性小 2.在滑冰场上,甲、乙两小孩分别坐在滑冰板上,原来静止不动,在相互猛推一下后分别向 相反方向运动.假定两板与冰面间的动摩擦因数相同.已知甲在冰上滑行的距离比乙远,这 是由于 ( ) A .在推的过程中,甲推乙的力小于乙推甲的力 B .在推的过程中,甲推乙的时间小于乙推甲的时间 C .在刚分开时,甲的初速度大于乙的初速度 D .在分开后,甲的加速度大小小于乙的加速度大小 3.如图1所示,质量满足mA =2mB =3mC 的三个物块A 、B 、C ,A 与天花板之间,B 与C 之间均用轻弹簧相连,A 与B 之间用细绳相连,当系统静止后,突然剪断AB 间 的细绳,则此瞬间A 、B 、C 的加速度分别为(取向下为正) ( ) A .-56g 、2g 、0 B .-2g 、2g 、0 C .-56g 、53g 、0 D .-2g 、53 g 、g 4、如图所示,在动摩擦因数μ=0.2的水平面上有一个质量m=1kg 的小球,小球与水平轻弹 簧及与竖直方向成θ=45°角的不可伸长的轻绳一端相连,此时小球处于静止状态,且水平面 对小球的弹力恰好为零。在剪断轻绳的瞬间(g 取10m/s 2),下列说法中正确的是 A .小球受力个数不变 B .小球立即向左运动,且a =8 m/s 2 C .小球立即向左运动,且a =10m/s 2 D .若剪断的是弹簧,则剪断瞬间小球加速度的大小a 2 5.在水平地面上运动的小车车厢底部有一质量为m 1的木块,木块和 车厢通过一根轻质弹簧相连接,弹簧的劲度系数为k .在车厢的顶部用一根细线悬


第Ⅰ卷 一选择题(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 1.“百姓”一词,辞海注释:“书尧典:‘平章百姓,百姓昭明’,孔传:‘百姓百官’,郑注‘百姓,羣臣之父子兄弟’。”孙星衍尚书今古文注疏:“周语富辰曰:‘百姓兆民’”材料中的“百姓”是指 ?A.封建地主阶级B.战国的“平民”C.奴隶主贵族?D.西周的“国人”2. 张廷玉在《明史·刘健传》中记载了这样一件事:(武宗时,刘健等提出压制近幸)拟旨上,不从,令再拟。健等……以原拟封进。越五日,健等复上疏,历数政令十失,……因再申前请。帝不得已,命所司详议。……既而所司议上,一如健等指,帝勉从之……这说明明朝的内阁制 A.明朝内阁形同宰相,能左右皇帝的决策。 B.明朝内阁是皇权的组成部分必须完全遵照皇帝的旨意行事。 C.明朝内阁权力在不同的时期确有差异,其所起作用要视皇帝的开明程度而言。 D.明朝内阁只是侍从左右,以备顾问,协助皇帝处理朝廷文书的机构。 3. 有学者认为,战国至西汉初农民的桑麻纺织业、家畜饲养和园艺种植等多种经营的收入,可占农家生产总收入的40%以上。这种观点 A.推翻了对古代抑商政策的固有认识 B.否定了古代中国农业经济的基本特点 C.深化了对古代中国自然经济的理解D.肯定了战国至汉初私营纺织业的发达 4.明代王骥德《曲律·杂论》载:“元人诸剧,为曲皆佳,而白则猥鄙俚亵,不似文人口吻。盖由当时皆教坊乐工先撰成间架说白,却命供奉词臣作曲,谓之‘填词’。”对材料认识最准确的是 A.文学发展呈现世俗化趋势 B.文人素养影响文学创作 C.元曲发展渐显衰落态势 D.都市繁荣促进文学发展 5. 罗荣渠先生在《现代化新论》一书说:“在此以后,外国渗透中国的方式从外贸领域扩大到投资、生产、销售、金融各个领域,直接改变了原有的小农—手工业生产方式,使中国在经济上和财政上都日益陷入对资本主义世界经济体的依附地位。”这里的“在此以后”是指 A.第一次鸦片战争B.第二次鸦片战争 C.洋务运动D.甲午中日战争 6. 20世纪初中国某地县志记载:“所食者率皆本地所树之粟,所衣者率皆本地所出之棉,男耕女织,终岁勤劳,常见农民自顶至踵所用衣、袜、鞋、带皆由自力织成者。”由此可知当时的中国


泰州市第二中学附属初中2014-2015学年度第一学期期中考试 八年级英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) 命题:吴婷校对:孙爱芳 成绩__________ 请将答案写在答题纸上 第一部分选择题 一、听力部分(共30小题;每小题1分,计30分) A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。(每段对话读两遍) ()1. What’s the boy’s favourite sport? A. B. C. ()2. What did Lee probably see during his holiday? A. B. C. ()3. What does Jack look like? ()4. How did Sally go to the Palace Museum? A. B. C. ()5. What subject is Andy good at? A. Geography B. Chinese C. History ()6. Why does the girl look tired today? A. Because she went to bed too late. B. Because she didn’t sleep last night. C. Because she did homework all night. ()7. Who went to the Temple of Heaven yesterday? A. Lily and Tom. B. Lily and her cousin. C. Tom and his cousin. ()8. Wh at’s the man going to do first?


江苏省泰州市第二中学2020届高三语文2月质量检测试题(无答案)一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段文字的横线处填入词语,最恰当的一项是 (3分)() 人至晚年,往往会于回忆之中,沈从文说过“回忆是有毒的”,这话只说对了一半。 靠回忆活着的人,确已缺少了创造的活力。没有回忆的人生又是有的。回忆往往是人生驿站上的回眸。你,可将经验性的东西展示给后人,使其少走弯路。 A.沉迷缺憾追根究底B.沉溺缺憾追根溯源 C.沉溺缺失追根究底D.沉迷缺失追根溯源 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)() A.新的生命教育当以“过一种幸福完整的教育生活”为核心,引导孩子感悟生命意义、实现人生品位、拓展生命的“长宽高”。 B.科学研究和公众间的认知鸿沟,就如隔着一张纸,媒体及网络的作用,就是用通俗的语言,捅破这张纸,讲明意义、作用。 C.国民爱国热情的理性翻放、合理表达,是“中国号”航船在复杂的国内国际环境中破浪前行时最深厚的底气、最有力的支撑。 D.网友爆料、媒体提出质疑:辽宁“最美野长城”被抹平毁容,当地文物局以维修之名用砂浆抹成了一条细细的“水泥路”。 3.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分)() 帕乌斯托夫斯基对大自然的态度平和而优雅。。 ①文学借此恢复对美和善的感知和表达 ②也含着一种仁爱的生命意识 ③因而,他的这种“自然崇拜”的文学主张和写作实践,就同时具有了双重意义 ④这态度里含着一种成熟的审美意识 ⑤而这些,恰好又都是他所生活的那个时代所缺乏的,也是那个时代的文学所缺乏的 ⑥人们借此摆脱紧张、僵硬的“斗争模式” A.④①⑥③⑤② B.④②⑤③⑥① C.④③⑤②①⑥ D.④②③⑥①⑤ 4.“题辞”是为表示纪念或勉励而题写的文字,使用“题辞”,须考量相应的场合,如,适用于新婚,以表达道贺之意;,适用于长辈寿庆,以表达庆贺之意;,适用于教育机构开办,以表达祝贺之意。下面选项全部正确的一项是() A.百年好合齿德俱尊启迪有方 B.宜尔室家寿比南山杏林春暖 C.珠联璧合福寿全归英才渊薮 D.琴瑟重调松鹤延龄时雨春风 5.对下列材料的理解不恰当的一项是(3分)() 王羲之题卫夫人《笔阵图》说:“夫欲书者,先干研墨,凝神静思,预想字形大小,偃仰平直,


泰州市第二中学 年迎新春师生联欢会活动方案 “新家园、新梦想、新征程”师生联欢会 为丰富和活跃师生的课余文体生活,解放教职工身心,促进教职工发展,加强教职工之间的交流,增强教职员工的凝聚力和向心力,推进学校教育教学工作进一步发展。特组织开展以“新家园、新梦想、新征程”为主题的泰州第二中学年迎新春师生联欢会。 二、活动时间 年月日下午: 三、活动地点 青春剧场 四、活动项目 诵读、歌唱、器乐、舞蹈、体操、小品、游戏等 五、报名要求及报名表(见附件) 以教研组(含校长组,组长:戴荣;后勤组,组长:张宏)为单位,组长负责集中报名,于月日上午:,重在参与,娱乐为主。所有中层干部及助理均在所属教研组报名。可携子女参与节目(礼品只发给本校教职工。子女或学生参与可领取福字),参与人数不限。 (备注:特殊情况见附表) 六、现场抽奖 (一)参加活动人员入场时即可领取一个幸运号(微机组负责) (二)现场抽奖时抽出幸运号(与领取的幸运号总数一致),并公布,幸运星上台领奖时,每人讲一句祝福语(对同事或学校表示祝福都可)。 .每位表演者均获三等奖,表演结束后表演者可以领奖。三等奖奖品价值元左右; .请每位副校长抽取二等奖,二等奖奖品价值元左右; .请戴荣校长抽取一等奖,一等奖奖品价值元左右;

.获奖者不重复领奖,以最高奖项领奖; .现场造表,所有获奖者领奖后签名(汤爱文负责)。 七、送礼物 所有活动参加者均可获得泰州市第二中学“五福临门”纪念品一份。(未参与此项活动者或中途离场者均作自动放弃处理,不可由他人代领纪念品。此项经费由行政上支持) 八、资料整理 活动方案、文字实录及影像资料、活动总结等上传泰州二中校园网;整理归档。 泰州市第二中学工会 附表 年迎新春活动招募,你在哪? 组别:组长:组内人数:

江苏省泰州市第二中学高中信息技术教案:第四章 建立主题网站

网络技术应用 第四章建立主题网站 【课标导航】 学会建立站点。 设计制作网站首页。 提取网页相同部分制作模板。 利用模板文件新建网页,与首页建立超链接。 【重点理解】 *实现网站的基本过程。 *网站的选题立意,网站的设计规划,网站的开发制作,网站的发布、管理。 *建立主题网站,首先需要创建一个Web站点,用于保存和调试创建的网页。 FrontPage中有8种类型的站点模板。 设计目录结构,对于站点本身的上传、维护以及内容的扩充与移植都有着重要的影响。 *主页制作。 好的主页应该主题鲜明、美观生动、引人入胜。先搭建网页框架,接着给网页添加内容。 *主页制作好了以后,为了保持网站风格的一致性,可以把相同的部分提取出来制作成模板。*建立超链接,可以灵活在页面间跳转。 【延伸拓展】 *FrontPege中有8种类型的站点模板:①只有一个网页的站点②导入站点向导③个人站点④公司展示向导⑤客户支持站点⑥空站点⑦讨论站点向导⑧项目站点。 *制作首页时,利用表格组织定位网页,可以设计出布局合理、结构协调、美观匀称的网页。一般来说,有以下几步:①在网页中加入表格②调整表格结构③设置表格属性④表格的嵌套。*网页中最常用的图片类型是GIF和JPG.因为这两种图片的文件较小,有利于提高网页的浏览速度。在网页中,文字与图片的比例要恰当。 *建立页面之间的超链接首先要精心设计网站的链接结构。超链接可分为文本超链接和图片超链接两种表现形式,方法基本相同,关键是定义超链接的URL. *书签——在浏览网页时,经常会需要在本页内跳转。制作书签对小区域浏览十分方便,而且不需要再打开新的网页文件,跳转速度非常快。 热点——热点也称为图像映射,允许将不同的URL指定给一副图片的不同部分。


泰州市第二中学附属初中九年级第二次模拟考试 英 语 试 题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分) 成绩__________ 注意事项: 1.本试卷共分两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,第Ⅱ卷为非选择题。 2.请将选择题的答案填写在答题卡上。 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共70分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. ―Excuse me, Jim. Do you have any books about Chinese history? ―Yes. ______ book above the shelf is _______ useful one. A. The, a B. A, the C. The, an D. An, the 2. The world paused to remember a cultural giant _______ April 17 after Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez died _______ the age of 87. A. on; at B. on; in C. at; at D. at; in 3. There are only ________ new words in the book, but I know _______ of them. A. a little, none B. few, all C. a few, none D. little, all 4. We all want to try something new, but finding the ________ to start is always the hardest part. A. success B. pride C. courage D. progress 5. ―Look at the lady there. ______ it be Mrs. Green? ―No, it _______ be her. She left for London this morning. A. Must, can‘t B. May, mustn‘t C. Can, may not D. Can, can‘t 6. Make a list of the things you want to buy before you go to the supermarkets. ______, you will certainly forget some of them. A. Therefore B. Anyway C. However D. Otherwise 7. ―Which would you like, a hamburger or a sandwich? ― _____ of them is OK. I think _______ of them are delicious. A. Either, All B. Neither, both C. All, either D. Either, Both 8. ―There is too much salt in the Chinese diet. ―Right. The WHO says only 1.5 grams of salt ______ for each man every day. A. is needed B. needs C. will need D. has needed 9. —We must act now because time is _______. —Yes. Let‘s start. A. coming out B. giving out C. cutting out D. running out 10. —My daughter has passed the exam. —Congratulations! She‘s really excellent. —____________. A. No, no, she is nothing B. Oh, thank you C. Sometimes she is intelligent D. You are right 11. —_______ do you like _______ the picture on the wall? —The colour. A. What, about B. How C. How, of D. What, of 12. When the sun ___ in the east, the little hero tried hard ___ the red flag to the top of the pole. A. rising… to rise B. rose… to raise C. rose… raising D. rising… raising 13. Frank often wears a mask _____ he can keep fit in the foggy and hazy (霾)weather. A. only if B. until C. so that D. even though 14. —Kitty, do you know ______? —Sure, about forty minutes. A. when did their class meeting begin. B. where their class meeting was held C. how often their class meeting is held D. how long their class meeting will last 15. —If I work hard at my lessons from now on, can I do well in them? —Sure. ___________. A. All rivers run into sea B. Every day is not Sunday C. Better late than never D. Practice makes perfect 二、完形填空(从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案填空)(共15题,每小题1分, 满分15分) Tina was a seventeen-year-old girl who always wore a bright smile. She suffered from a disease and had to use a walker most of the time. People didn‘t speak to her very often. Maybe it was because she looked 16 and people didn‘t know how to come near to her. Tina usually broke the ice with people she met with a big ― 17 .‖ In one class, I gave the students an assignment (作业)to 18 a poem. I only made the assignment worth a very small part of their total grade since I knew most of my 19 would not do it anyway. In the class, one by one each student 20 to correctly recite (背诵)the poem. Finally, angry and half joking, I said that the next student who 21 recite the poem had to do three push-up (俯卧撑). To my 22 , Tina was next. She used her walker to move to the front of the class. 23 she recited, she made a mistake. Before I could say a word, she 24 her walker and started doing push-ups. I wanted to say, ―Tina, I was just 25 !”But she 26 , continued the poem and she finished the rest perfectly. When she finished, a student asked, ―Tina, why did you do that? It‘s not an important assignment!‖ ―Because I want to be like you guys! To be 27 .‖ Tina said. Silence fell on the whole room when another student cried out, ―Tina, we‘re not normal! We are teenagers! We get in 28 all the time.‖ ―I know,‖ Tina said as a big 29 spread across her face. The rest of the students laughed, too. Tina got only a few 30 that day, but she got the love and respect of her classmates. To her, that was worth a lot more than a grade. 16. A. different B. strong C. short D. young 17. A. Sorry B. Bye C. Hi D. Thanks 18. A. recite B. copy C. find D. read 19. A. friends B. students C. teachers D. parents 20. A. started B. planned C. continued D. failed 21. A. shouldn‘t B. couldn‘t C. needn‘t D. wouldn‘t 22. A. surprise B. surprised C. excitement D. excited 23. A. Because B. When C. After D. Though


泰州市第二中学附属初中2012—2013学年度第二学期 教育教学开放日活动方案 一、活动目的: 1.推进课程改革,打造高效课堂,提升教学质量。 2.展示我校师生精神风貌,宣传学校办学成果,扩大学校办学影响。 3.加强学校之间、家校之间的沟通、联系,增进校际交流。 二、活动时间: 4月9日(星期二) 三、活动内容: 课堂教学展示、评课交流。 四、参加人员: 市、区教研室领导、教研员,兄弟学校领导、教师代表。 五、组织领导: 组长:杨剑平 副组长:顾宏琦潘键王辉黄进 组员:虞苏陈桂祥王钢来汤文彬孙步云童心汤中华丁亚琴尹永红毛萍萍谢志锋邓小卿缪小静张景元杨益岷刘洁 六、任务分工: 1.教务处:负责课堂教学展示活动的筹备和具体实施;印发课堂教学展示活动安排表;维护各班和各专用教室的电教设备,确保开放日正常使用;收集整理开放日活动各项资料。 2.教科室:负责准备发放给外来听课人员的材料;收集开放日课堂教学评价表;各教研组组长组织本组教师及来校听课教师评课交流。 3.政教处: 负责班级文化布置及校园环境保洁;加强学生文明守纪教育;负责班团队活动展示的筹备和具体实施;联系安排家长代表参加开放日活动。 4.总务处:负责校园卫生与保洁;布置横幅、彩旗、展板、花草等,营造氛围;安放和回收听课班级所需凳子;负责各休息室茶水供应;负责校园秩序安全,加强门卫管理,协调外来听课人员车辆停放。

5.办公室:负责向相关领导和学校发出参加我校开放日活动的邀请;接待兄弟学校专家领导;展板、橱窗及电子显示屏宣传标语展示;联系媒体进行报道。 6.工会:负责督查教师办公室卫生保洁;负责安排开放日教师车库车辆排放。 7.团委:负责外来听课人员签到、材料发放。 七、活动要求: 1.每位教职工均应以认真负责的态度精心准备,把开放日作为展示水平和锻炼能力的机会。 2.展示课应符合新课程改革的方向,突出追求高效课堂的主题,力求体现课堂教学的个性化和现代化。 3.参加课堂教学展示的教师课后应主动、认真、虚心听取听课家长、同行及专家对课堂教学的意见,以利于进一步改进教育教学工作。 4.全体教师应主动参加听课和评课,互相学习,取长补短,并认真作好听课和评课记录。 泰州市第二中学附属初中 2013年4月2日


江苏省泰州中学附属初级中学2019-2020学年八年 级下学期期中数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 代数式中的x取值范围是() A.x B.x C.x D. 2. 对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是() A.矩形B.菱形 C.正方形D.无法确定 3. 反比例函数y=的图象经过点A(﹣2,3),则此图象一定经过下列哪个点() A.(3,2)B.(﹣3,﹣2)C.(﹣3,2)D.(﹣2,﹣3) 4. 质地均匀的骰子六个面分别刻有1到6的点数,掷两次骰子,得到向上一面的两个点数,则下列事件中,发生可能性最大的是() A.点数都是偶数B.点数的和为奇数 C.点数的和小于13 D.点数的和小于2 5. 更接近下列哪个整数() A.2 B.3 C.1 D.4 6. 如图,□ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于O,过点O作OE⊥AC交AD于E,若AE=4,DE=3,AB=5,则AC的长为()

A.3B.4C.5 D. 二、填空题 7. 化简:=_______________ 8. 双曲线y=经过点A(a,﹣2a),B(﹣2,m),C(﹣3,n),则 m_____n(>,=,<). 9. 矩形ABCD中,AC+BD=20,AB=6,则BC=_____. 10. 2019年泰州主城区共有8400名学生参加中考,为了解这8400名考生的数学成绩,从中抽取了800名考生的数学成绩进行分析,在这个统计过程中,样本是_____. 11. 若解关于x的方程=+2时产生了增根,则m=_____. 12. 如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,点D、E、F分别为AB,AC,BC的中点,若CD=5,则EF的长为_____. 13. 分式的值为0时,x=_____. 14. 面积一定的长方形,长为8时,宽为5,当长为10时,宽为_____.

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