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2010 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题

Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled H ow Should P arents Help C hildren to B e Independent? Y ou should write at

least 150 words following the outline given below.


2.为了让孩子独立 , 父母应该……

How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?

Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on A n swer Sheet 1. F o r questions 1-7, choose

the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

A G rassroots Remedy

Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. To this end, we walk the dog, play golf, go fishing, sit in the garden, drink outside rather than inside the

pub, have a picnic, live in the suburbs, go to the seaside, buy a weekend place in

the country. The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk. And

when joggers ( 慢跑者) jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them instinctively heads to t he park or the river. It is my profound b elief that n ot only do

we all n e d nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or


But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived ( 丧失). I spent my boyhood climbi n g trees on Streatham Common, South L ondon. These days,

children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and odd new perceptions about what is best for children, that is tosay, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be


The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD—attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (多动症). Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.

A study in Sweden indicated that kindergarten children who could play in a

natural environment had l e s illness and g reater physical ability than children used

only to a normal playground. A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, academic levels were raised across the

entire school.

Another study found that children play differently in a natural environment. In playgrounds, children create a hierarchy ( 等级) based on physical abilities, with the

tough ones taking the lead. But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based

on imagination and creativity.

Most bullying ( 恃强凌弱) is found in schools where there is a tarmac ( 柏油碎石) playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged

to explore. This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School in Streatham, with its

harsh tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners fantasising about wildlife.

But children are frequently discouraged frominvolvement with natural spaces,

for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might

cause damage. So, instead, the damage is done to the children themselves: not to

their bodies but to their s ouls.

One of the great problems of modern childhood is ADHD, now increasingly

and expensively treated with drugs. Y et one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.

The life of old people is measurably be t er when they have access to nature.

The increasing emphasis for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.

In wider and more difficult areas of life, there is evidence to indicate that natural surroundings improve all kinds of things. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.

Dr William Bird, researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, states in his study, “A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its restorative process helps reduce anger and ims p iv u e lbehaviour.”Wild places need encouraging for this reason, no matter how small their contribution.

We tend to look on nature conservation as some kind of favour that human

beings are granting t o t he natural world. The error here is far too d eep: not only do

humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is profoundly damaging.

Human beings are a species of mammals ( 哺乳动物). For seven million years they lived o n the planet as part of nature. Our ancestral selves miss the natural

world and long for contact with non-human life. Anyone who has pa t ed a dog,

stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a pint of beer, given or received a bunch of

flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.

We need the wild world. It is essential to our well-being, our health, our happiness. Without the wild world we are not more but less civilised. Without other living things around us we are less than human.

Five ways to find harmony with the natural world

Walk: Break the rhythm of permanently being under a r o f. Get off a stop earlier, make a circuit of the park at lunchtime, walk the child to and from school, get a dog, feel yourself moving in moving air, look, listen, absorb.

Sit: Take a moment, every now and then, to be still in an open space. In the

garden, anywhere that’s not in the office, anywhere out of the house, away from

the routine. Sit under a tr e , l o k at water, f e l refreshed, ever so slightly renewed.

Drink: The best way to enjoy the natural world is by yourself; the second best way is incompany. Take a drink outside with a g o d p erson, a g o d g athering: talk

with the sun and the wind with birdsong for background.

Learn: Expand your boundaries. Learn five species of bird, five butterflies, five tr e s, five b ird songs. That way, you s e and hear more: and your mind responds

gratefully to the greater amount of wildness in your life.

Travel: The places you always wanted to visit: by the seaside, in the country, in

the hills. Take a w e kend b reak, a day-trip, get out there and d o i t: for the scenery,

for the way through the woods, for the birds, for the bees. Go somewhere special and bring specialness home. It lasts forever, after all.

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。

1.What is the author’s profound belief?

[A]People instinctively seek nature in different ways.

[B]People should spend most of their lives in the wild.

[C]People have quite different perceptions of nature.

[D]People must make more efforts to study nature.

2.What does the author say people prefer for their children nowadays?

[A]Personal freedom.

[B]Things that are natural.

[C]Urban surroundings.

[D]Things that are p urchased.

3.What does a study in Sweden show?

[A]The natural environment can help children learn better.

[B]More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.

[C]A good playground helps kids develop their physical abilities.

[D]Natural views can prevent children from developing ADHD.

4.Children who have chances to explore natural areas .

[A]tend to develop a strong love for science

[B]are more likely to fantasise about wildlife

[C]tend to be physically tougher in adulthood

[D]are less likely to be involved in bullying

5.What does the author suggest we do to help children with ADHD?

[A]Find more effective drugs for them.

[B]Provide more green spaces for them.

[C]Place them under more personal care.

[D]Engage them in more meaningful activities.

6.In what way do elderly people benefit from their contact with nature?

[A]They look on life optimistically. [C] They are able to live longer.

[B]They enjoy a life of better quality. [D] They become good-humoured.

7.Dr William Bird suggests in his study that .

[A]humanity and nature are complementary to each other

[B]wild places may induce impulsive behaviour in people

[C]access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence

[D]it takes a long time to restore nature once damaged

8.It is extremely harmful to think that humanity and the natural world can be .

9.The author believes that we would not be so civilised without


10.The five suggestions the author gives at the end of the passage are meant

to encourage people to seek with the natural world.

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long

conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken o nly once. After each question there will be a pause. During t he pause, you

must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

11.[A] The man should visit the museums.

[C] The beach resort is a good choice.

[B] She can’t stand the hot weather.

[D] She enjoys staying in Washington.

12.[A] Her new responsibilities in the company.

[B]What her job prospects are.

[C]What the customers’ feedback i s.

[D]The director’s opinion of her work.

13.[A] Combine her training with d ieting.

[B]Repeat the training every three days.

[C]Avoid excessive physical t raining.

[D]Include weightlifting in the program.

14.[A] When she will return home.

[B]Whether she can go by herself.

[C]Whether she can travel by air.

[D]When she will completely recover.

15.[A] The woman knows how to deal with the police.

[B]The woman had been fined many times before.

[C]The woman had v iolated traffic regulations.

[D]The woman is good at finding e xcuses.

16.[A] Switch off the refrigerator for a while.

[B]Have someone repair the refrigerator.

[C]A sk the man to fix the refrigerator.

[D]Buy a refrigerator of be t er quality.

17.[A] He owns a piece of land in the downtown area.

[B]He has got enough money to buy a house.

[C]He can finally do what he has dreamed of.

[D]He is moving into a bigger apartment.

18.[A] She is black and blue all over.

[B]She has to goto see a doctor.

[C]She stayed away from work for a few days.

[D]S he got hurt in an accident yesterday.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.[A] Shewas a bank manager.

[B]She was a victim of the robbery.

[C]She was a defence lawyer.

[D]She was a witness to the crime.

20.[A] A tall man with dark hair and a moustache.

[B]A youth with a distinguishing mark on his face.

[C]A thirty-year-old g uy wearing a light sweater.

[D]A medium-sized young man carrying a gun.

21.[A] Identify the suspect from pictures. [C] Have her photo taken for their


[B] Go upstairs to sign some document. [D] Verify the record of what she had said.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22.[A] By reading a newspaper ad. [C] By listening to the morning news.

[B] By seeing a c ommercial on TV . [D] By calling an employment service.

23.[A] She could improve her foreign languages.

[B]She could work close to her family.

[C]She could travel overseas frequently.

[D]She could use her previous experiences.

24.[A] Taking management courses. [C] Working as a secretary.

[B] Teaching English at a university. [D] Studying for a degree in French.

25.[A] Prepare for an interview in a couple of days.

[B]Read the advertisement again for more details.

[C]Send in a written application as soon as possible.

[D]Get to know the candidates on the short list.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each

pa s age, you will hear some questions. Both the pa s age and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer

from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26.[A] They cannot see the firefighters because of the smoke.

[B]They do not realize the danger they are in.

[C]They cannot hear the firefighters for t he noise.

[D]They mistake the firefighters for monsters.

27.[A] He travels all over America to help put out fires.

[B]He often teaches children what to do during a fire.

[C]He teaches Spanish in a San Francisco community.

[D]He provides oxygen masks to children free of charge.

28.[A] He saved the life of his brother choking on food.

[B]He rescued a student from a big fire.

[C]He is very good at public speaking.

[D]He gives informative talks to young children.

29.[A] Firefighters play an important role in A merica.

[B]Kids should learn not to be afraid of monsters.

[C]Carelessness can result in t ragedies.

[D]Informative speeches can save l ives.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30.[A] To satisfy the needs of their family.

[B]Tofully realize their potential.

[C]To m ake money for early retirement.

[D]T o gain a sense of their personal worth.

31.[A] They may have to continue to work in old age.

[B]They may regret the time they wasted.

[C]They may have nobody to depend on in the future.

[D]They may have fewer job opportunities.

32.[A] Making wise use of your time.

[B]Enjoying yourself while you can.

[C]Saving as much as you can.

[D]Working hard and playing hard.

Pa s age Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33.[A] Hardworking students being accused of cheating.

[B]Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.

[C]Innocent people being suspected groundlessly.

[D]Junior employees being made to work overtime.

34.[A] Forbidding students to take food out of the restaurant.

[B]Requesting customers to pay before taking the food.

[C]Asking customers to leave their bags on the counters.

[D]Allowing only two students to enter at a time.

35.[A] He was taken to the manager. [C] He was asked to leave.

[B] He was closely watched. [D] He was overcharged.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For

these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

注意:此部分试题在答题卡 2 上作答。

Writing keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with

relatives and friends. We write to (36) our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and (37) their heritage (传统).

With computers and Internet connections in so many (38) ___ , colleges,

business, people e-mailing friends and relatives all the time —or talking to them in

writing in online (39) _____________ rooms. It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more (40) _____________ than waiting until Sunday for the telephone (41)

_____________ to drop. Students are e-mailing their professors to (42) _____________

and discuss their classroom assignments and to (43) ___ _______ them. They a re

e-m ailing classmates to discuss and collaborate ( 合作) on homework. (44)


Despite the growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal le t er. (45)

_______________________________ ____________________ _. No ma t er what the content of

the m essag e,its real po int is,“I want you to know that I care ab out you.”(46)

, but only in the success of human r elationships.

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 m inutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank

following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your

choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a le t er. Please mark the corresponding le t er for each i tem on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through

the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and t he environment in which you were 47 . The study of

how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain a nd behavior.

Any research that suggests that 50 to perform certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what

you can 51 based o n somethingthat is beyond y our control, such as your genes? It

is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and

eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how 52

they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological

scientists is the53 to which all of these characteristics are influenced b y nature and

nurture(养育), by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science 54

that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective,

people are born 55 like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured,

but the way it 56 appears can vary based on the development process. However,

the basic picture is there from the beginning.

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

[A]abilities [I] extent

[B]achieve [J] indicates

[C]appeal [K] proceeds

[D]complaints [L] psychological

[E]contributions [M] raised

[F]displayed [N] smart

[G]essentially [O] standard


Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each pa s age is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Y ou should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


英语四级翻译真题及答案 英语四级翻译真题(一):红色 在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和幸福,在春节和其他喜庆场合,红色到处可见。人们把现金作为礼物送给家人或亲密朋友时,通常放在红信封里。红色在中国流行的另一个原因是人们把它与中国革命和共产党相联系。然而,红色并不总是代表好运与快乐。因为从前死者的名字常用红色书写,用红墨水写中国人名被看成是一种冒犯行为。 参考译文: The color of red in Chinese culture usually means good luck, longevity and happiness. Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions. Cashes often in red envelopes are sent to family members or close friends as gifts. Its popularity can also be attributed the fact that people accociate it with Chinese revolution and Communist Party. However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy in that the name of the dead used to be written in red. Using red ink to write names of Chinese people were seen as an offense. 英语四级翻译真题(二):白色 随着中国的改革开放,如今很多年轻人都喜欢举行西式婚礼。新娘在婚礼上穿着白色婚纱,因为白色被认为是纯洁的象征。然而,在中国传统文化中,白色经常是葬礼上使用的颜色。因此务必记住,白花一定不要用作祝人康复的礼物,尤其不要送给老年人或危重病人。同样,礼金也不能装在白色信封里,而要装在红色信封里。


2022年6月大学英语四级真题1 (总分:13.97,做题时间:130分钟) 写作 1.rections: Suppose you are writing a proposal to your school library for improving its services. You are to write about its current problems and possible solutions to these problems. You will have 30 mimutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.__________ (分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( Dear Sir or Madam, I hope you are doing great! I am Li Ming, one of the sophomore students in our university. Following my recent experience of using our school library, I have decided to send you some feedback. In the first place, the librarians there are not very friendly and helpful as they often fail to tell us where to find the book we want, and moreover get impatient easily. What´ s more, the books available in the library are too old to catch upwith the latest development of related disciplines. Finally, the reading rooms are not bright enough as some of the lights have gone dark. All these have brought great inconvenience to us students, which leaves me with no choice but to write you this letter. From my perspective, it would be wise for you to offer all the librarians a training course to familiarize them with the layout of the library and the classifications of the books. If possible, sincerely hope that you consider the possibility of renewing some of the books and maintaining the facilities properly. Thank you for your time and consideration. Look forward to your favorable reply. Warm regards, Li Ming ) 解析: 翻译 2.从前有个人养了一群羊。一天早上他准备出去放羊,发现少了一只。他仔细一看,看到羊栏上有个窟窿。显然,夜间有狼钻进羊圈叼走了羊。 邻居劝他修羊栏,可是他不听。


历年四级真题及答案解析 大学英语四级考试(CET-4)作为中国大学生英语能力的重要评估标准,每年都吸引着无数学子的关注。历年来,四级考试的试题形式和内容都有所变化,因此了解历年四级真题及其答案解析对考生备战考试具有重要意义。 一、听力部分 听力部分是四级考试中最容易失分的一部分,因此对于历年真题及其解析的掌握显得尤为重要。以下是一道经典的听力题目及解析: Question 1: What will the woman do this weekend? Options: A. Go to the library and study. B. Help the man with his project. C. Go shopping with her friends. Answer: A 解析:听力材料中,男士正在询问女士周末的计划,女士回答道:“I'll go to the library and study.” 因此正确答案为A选项。 二、阅读部分

阅读部分是四级考试中的核心部分,主要测试考生的阅读理解能力。下面是一道典型的阅读题目及解析: Question 2: According to the passage, what is the main purpose of the government's new policy? Options: A. To reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. B. To promote economic growth and create more jobs. C. To improve public transportation and reduce traffic congestion. Answer: B 解析:文章中提到,政府的新政策旨在为经济增长创造更多就业机会。因此正确答案为B选项。 三、写作部分 写作部分是四级考试中的重点,要求考生能够熟练运用英语表达自己的观点和思路。以下是一道典型的写作题目及解析: Question 3: Should university education be free? Outline: 1. Introduction:背景介绍


大学英语四级历年真题 篇一:历年英语四级真题及答案下载 2022年6月英语四级真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 注意:此部分在答题卡1上。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为… Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling _____________________________________________________________________ __________ Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Caught in the Web A few months ago, it wasn t unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She d wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging


英语四级历年真题试卷 在做真题的过程中同学们要不断地总结和体会,慢慢消化,相信会对大家的四级提高有所帮助。下面是我为大家整理的有关英语四级历年真题试卷汇总,希望对你们有帮助! 2023年12月大学英语四级真题试卷一阅读答案及解析 Part III Reading Comprehension Section A 26. [C] essential 27. [M] suspicion 28. [G] miserable 29. [A] constantly 30. [O] watching 31. [J] records 32. [K] removed 33. [F] load 34. [I] properly 35. [H] pressure 解析: 26题根据上下文得知,此处应该是说人与人之间信任的重要性。很明显答案C. essential符合条件,B选项有可信的意思,看到此

选项可能下意识地会选这个答案,但翻译成“信任是可信的”,和主旨无关,此处还是讨论信任的重要性。 29题容易选一个名词比如records和”mistakes”并列,但是后面的选项并没有双引号,后面是一个动词reminding,可以推测前面需要填入副词来修饰reminding,根据语义“要求你做这做那”,可以推出是不断要求,而不是properly恰当地,排除完可以得出constantly. 31题,此处判断应填名词,有同学可能会和pressure弄混淆,但此处并不能得出公司要施加压力。公司出于自我保护和信任问题,对于任何交易记录都会留有根据和存根,这些都是记录,所以答案应该是records, Section B 36. [G] The Chetty data shows that neighborhoods and places mattered for children born in the San Jose area of the 1980s. 37. [D] The reasons kids in San Jose performed so well might seem obvious. 38. [K] The idea that those at the bottom can rise to the top is central to Americas ideas about itself. 39. [B] Indeed, data suggests that this is one of the best places to grow up poor in America. 40. [J] But in todays America-a land of rising inequality 41. [I] Leaders in San Jose are determined to make sure that the city regains its status as a place where even poor kids can access the


往年英语四六级真题汇总 正在备考的同学们要多加练习,进一步提升自己的学习力量,争取六级一把过。下面是为大家整理的有关大学往年英语四六级试题汇总,盼望对你们有帮忙! 大学往年英语六级试题汇总 卷一:度假 随着生活水平的提高,度假在中国人生活中的作用越来越重要。过去,中国人的时间主要花在谋生上,很少有时机外出旅游。然而,近年来中国旅游业进展快速。经济的富强和富有中产阶级的消失,引发了一个前所未有的旅游热潮。中国人不仅在国内旅游,出国旅游业越来越普遍。2023年国庆假日期间,旅游消费总计超过4000亿元,据世界贸易组织估量,2023年中国将成为世界上最大的旅游国,在将来几年里将成为出境旅游支出增长最快的国家。 参考范文: As the life quality improves, taking holiday is playing anincreasingly important role in the life of Chinese people. In the past, much ofChinese people’s life was spent on making a living, so we were always denied thechances to go out for a vacation. Nevertheless, the rapid development in Chinesetourism as a result

of a flourishing economy, which also leads to the rise ofaffluent middle class has seen an unprecedented boom in travelling. Chinesepeople not only choose to travel at home but also seek to embark on a foreignexcursion. During the National Day period, the total tourism consumption reachedover 40 billion yuan. It is estimated by the WTO that by 2023, China will be thelargest tourism country which will witness a rapid increase in the outboundtourism expenditures. 卷二:学汉语 随着中国经济的蓬勃进展,学汉语的人数快速增加,使汉语成了世界上人们最爱学的语言之一。近年来,中国大学在国际上的排名也有了明显的提高。由于中国教育的巨大进步,中国成为最受海外学生欢送的留学目的地之一就缺乏为奇了。2023年,近40万国际学生蜂拥来到中国市场。他们学习的科目不再限于中国语言和文化,而包括科学与工程。在全球教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中国正在快速赶上。 参考译文: With China’s booming economy, the number of people who learn Chinesegrows rapidly. It makes Chinese become one of the favorite languages that peoplewould like to learn. Recently, Chinese universities rise significantly in worlduniversity rankings. Since the significant progress made in Chinese


英语四级历年真题 导言 英语四级考试(CET-4)是中国大学英语能力考试(CET)的一部分,是测试大学本科学生英语语言能力的一项标准化考试。通过CET-4考试,考生可以获得国家承认的英语水平证书,并且对将来的就业和继续深造都有积极的影响。 本文将为大家提供一些历年的英语四级真题,供大家备考参考。希望通过练习这些真题,考生们能够更好地了解考试的内容和形式,提高自己的备考效果。 历年真题 2019年12月真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading classics. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Section B


英语四级真题试卷及答案 第一部分:听力(共四节,20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)Section A 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A Section B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A Section C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C

Section D 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Passage One 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D Passage Two 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. A

Passage Three 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C Passage Four 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. D 第三部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B

47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. C 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分) Part I:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 61. their - his/her 62. busy - busier

63. visit - visited 64. spent - spend 65. more - most 66. in - on 67. What - How 68. quickly - quick 69. time - times 70. beautifully - beautiful Part II:写作(满分30分) 范文如下: The Importance of English Learning Nowadays, English has become a global language and the ability to speak English has become a necessary skill for individuals in both personal and professional aspects. In order to meet the demands of the English language, the English four-level examination is widely recognized. English learning provides numerous benefits for individuals. Firstly, it expands the horizon of an individual and allows for a greater appreciation of different cultures. With English proficiency, one can communicate with people from different countries, thus broadening their perspectives on the world. Additionally, English is the dominant language in various fields such as business, science, and technology. By mastering English, individuals can


历年英语四级作文真题题目及范文参考汇总 大学英语四级考试快到了。不知道你是否提取了上面的好单词和句子。写作是日常积累和实践的重要组成部分。希望你能认真备考,尽快通过大学英语四级考试!下面是为大家整理的有关历年英语四级作文真题题目及范文,希望对你们有帮助! 2020年7月大学英语四级作文真题题目一 xxxxons: For this part, you are xxxx 30 xxxx to write an essay on the use of xxxxtion apps. You can start your essay with the xxxxe The use of xxxxtion apps is xxxxng xxxxingly xxxx. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 word 2020年7月大学英语四级作文真题题目一范文 The use of xxxxtion apps is xxxxg xxxxingly xxxx. Why? xxxxdly, in the xxxxoray xxxx, an xxxxing number of people, with the help of xxxxtion apps, find it xxxxent to read xxxx xxxxure or essays. On the one hand, these apps can bring users xxxx xxxxncy and help them save more time or energy, xxxxlarly for those who have no xxxxge of a xxxx xxxxe. For xxxxe, a host of people may have a xxxx of xxxxlties or xxxxs in xxxxg xxxx, but with the xxxxnce of these apps, it will not be xxxxlt for them to read and xxxxand xxxx xxxxls. On the other hand, it is these apps that cuase some xxxxs to lose xxxxion for xxxxg. With Apps in hand, they are not xxxx to do their utmost to xxxxe new words, xxxx xxxxg or xxxx skills every day. xxxx, they will fail to get a good xxxx of any xxxx xxxxe. I, as a xxxx xxxx, deem that it is of great xxxxty for xxxxers to use xxxxtions apps in a xxxxl way. We should bear in mind that any xxxxtion app is merely a tool. xxxxd that one xxxx to master a xxxx xxxxe, it is xxxxel to xxxxe each day xxxx of xxxx on xxxxtion apps. 翻译APP的使用变得越来越普遍流行。为什么呢?不得不承认,在当今社会,在翻译APP的辅助下,越来越多人发现阅读外语文献或文章变得高效又方便。 一方面,这些APP能带给使用者更高的效率并帮助他们节约时间和精力,尤其是对于根本不懂一门外语的人而言。例如,很多人在学英语方面有各种困难或麻烦,但有了这些APP,他们读懂或理解英语资料将不是难事。另一方面,正是这些APP导致一些学习者失去了学习的动机。有了Apps,他们不愿尽全力每天背生词、练听和说的技能。最终,他们将无法掌握任何一门外语。 作为一名大学生,我认为年轻人很有必要以理性态度实用翻译Apps。我们应该牢记在心的是任何翻译APP也只是工具。假设一个人想要掌握一门外语,明智的做法是每天训练,而不是依赖翻译App。 2020年7月大学英语四级作文真题题目二 xxxxons: For this part, you are xxxx 30 xxxx to write an essay xxxxing on the xxxxnce of making plans. You can give one or two e_amples to xxxxate your point. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2020年7月大学英语四级作文真题题目二范文


历年四级考试真题答案解析 综合英语四级考试是许多大学生必须面对的一项重要考试。对于很多学生来说,四级考试的英语水平是一个重要的参考标准。一般而言,以考试形式为主的考生最关心的就是答案解析。本篇文章将从历年的四级考试中选取几道题目,并对其答案进行深入解析,帮助考生更好地理解掌握英语的相关知识点。 1. 阅读理解题 Passage 1: According to scientists’ studies, cheetahs have been sprinting across the African savannah for over a million years. But today, fewer than 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild. They are facing extinction. Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss? A) The history of cheetahs. B) The number of cheetahs in the wild. C) The sprinting ability of cheetahs. D) The challenges faced by cheetahs. 答案解析:这道题的答案是D) The challenges faced by cheetahs.第一句话说明了cheetahs已经在非洲大草原上奔跑了超过

一百万年,然后第二句提到,现在野生的cheetahs不到12,000只,正面临灭绝的危险。因此,文章的主要讨论点是cheetah所面临的挑战。 Passage 2: In ancient Greece, athletes used to compete nude. It was believed that this enhanced their performance and showed the significance of sporting achievement. However, in modern times, athletes wear sportswear during competitions. This change reflects both the development of sports technology and cultural changes in society. Question 2: What does the passage mainly discuss? A) The significance of sporting achievements in ancient Greece. B) The cultural changes in society influencing sports. C) The development of sports technology. D) The use of sportswear in modern competitions. 答案解析:这道题的答案是B) The cultural changes in society influencing sports. 第一段提到古希腊运动员裸体比赛的信念,第二段提到现代运动员比赛时穿运动服的改变,都说明了社会文化对于体育的影响。因此,文章主要讨论的是社会文化对于运动的改变。 2. 完形填空题


大学英语四级历年真题及答案解析优秀3篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结报告、合同协议、规章制度、条据文书、策划方案、心得体会、演讲致辞、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as summary reports, contract agreements, rules and regulations, doctrinal documents, planning plans, insights, speeches, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


英语四级考试真题试卷附答案(完整版第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a ne ws report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a local farm orga nized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words b ut no more than 180 words. ______________________________________________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________ __________________ Part III Reading prehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You a re required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices g iven in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage throug h carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is i dentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on Answ er Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use a ny of the words in the bank more than once. The center of American automobile innovation has in the past dec ade moved 2,000 miles away. It has __26__ from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are ing to life. In a __27__ to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced __28__ that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road. "Michigan's __29__ in auto research and development is under atta ck from several states and countries which desire to __30__ our lea dership in transportation. We can't let that happen," says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead __31__ of four bills recently introduced. If all four bills pass as written, they would __32__ a substantial u pdate of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions. Manufacturers would have nearly tot al freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads. The y would be allowed to send groups of self- driving cars on cross-stat e road trips, and even set up on-demand __33__ of self-driving cars , like the one General Motors and Lyft are building.


大学英语四级历年写作题目 大学英语四级考试作为中国大学生英语水平测试的重要一环,其作文题目一直备受。下面是历年大学英语四级考试的写作题目,供大家参考。 2022年6月: 四级写作题目:投诉信 四级翻译题目:传统节日 2021年12月: 四级写作题目:介绍一本书/一部电影/一首歌 四级翻译题目:中国美食文化/中国传统节日 2021年6月: 四级写作题目:道歉信 四级翻译题目:中国茶文化/中国航天工程 2020年12月:

四级写作题目:邀请信 四级翻译题目:中国传统文化/中国美食文化 2020年7月: 四级写作题目:感谢信 四级翻译题目:中国传统文化/中国旅游景点 2019年12月: 四级写作题目:建议信 四级翻译题目:中国传统文化/中国美食文化 2019年6月: 四级写作题目:自我介绍/个人简历 四级翻译题目:中国传统文化/中国旅游景点 通过分析历年大学英语四级考试的写作题目,我们可以发现一些趋势和重点。写作题目越来越注重实用性和文化性,例如投诉信、介绍一本书、传统节日等。翻译题目的内容越来越与中国传统文化和现实生

活密切相关,例如中国茶文化、航天工程、美食文化等。写作题目的类型也呈现出多样化的趋势,包括自我介绍、个人简历、邀请信、感谢信等。因此,考生在备考时应该注重练习不同类型的应用文写作,并且积累相关的文化知识和词汇表达。 在大学英语学习中,写作被视为衡量学习者语言表达能力的重要标准之一。作为全球性的英语能力评估体系,大学英语四级考试(CET-4)对考生的写作能力有着明确的要求。因此,对于希望通过四级考试的学生来说,掌握写作技巧并提高写作水平显得至关重要。 理解四级写作的评分标准是提高写作水平的基础。在评分过程中,阅卷老师会文章的内容、结构、语法和词汇等方面。内容上,文章需要涵盖题目要求的所有要点;结构上,文章需要逻辑清晰,段落之间衔接自然;语法和词汇上,文章应使用正确的语法和丰富的词汇。 丰富的词汇和准确的语法是写出好文章的基础。考生可以通过阅读英文文章、新闻、邮件等,积累常用词汇和表达方式,同时学习语法规则,以便在写作中准确运用。 通过学习写作技巧,如如何构思文章结构、如何引入主题、如何展开论述、如何结尾等,考生可以提升写作效率和质量。还可以通过写作练习,如写日记、读书笔记等,锻炼自己的写作能力。

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