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(二) 选择性必修 模块5 三维设计与创意

(二) 选择性必修 模块5 三维设计与创意
(二) 选择性必修 模块5 三维设计与创意
































高中数学学习材料 (灿若寒星 精心整理制作) 必修五模块测试卷 (150分,120分钟) 一、选择题(每题5分,共60分) 1.在△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别是角A ,B ,C 的对边,且cos 2 2A =c c b 2+,则△ABC 是( ) A.直角三角形 B.等腰三角形或直角三角形 C.等边三角形 D.等腰直角三角形 2.在等比数列{a n }中,如果a 1+a 2=40,a 3+a 4=60,那么a 7+a 8等于( ) A.135 B.100 C.95 D.80 3.在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,且(3b -c )cos A =a cos C ,则cos A 的值等于( ) A. 23 B. 33 C. 43 D. 6 3 4.〈日照模拟〉已知等比数列{a n }的前n 项和S n =t 2 5 -?n - 5 1 ,则实数t 的值为( ) A.4 B.5 C. 54 D. 5 1 5.某人向正东方向走x km 后,向右转150°,然后朝新方向走3 km ,结果他离出发点恰好是3 km ,那么x 的值为( ) A.3 B.23 C.3或23 D.3 6.设{a n }为各项均是正数的等比数列,S n 为{a n }的前n 项和,则( ) A. 44S a =66S a B. 44S a >66S a C. 44S a <66S a D. 44S a ≤6 6S a 7.已知数列{a n }的首项为1,并且对任意n ∈N +都有a n >0.设其前n 项和为S n ,若以(a n ,S n )(n ∈N +)为坐标的点在曲线y = 2 1 x (x +1)上运动,则数列{a n }的通项公式为( ) A.a n =n 2+1 B.a n =n 2 C.a n =n +1 D.a n =n


必修五高中数学模块综合测试 (满分150分,测试时间120分钟) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.已知集合M={x|-4≤x≤7},N={x|x 2-x-12>0},则M∩N 为( ) A.{x|-4≤x <-3或4<x≤7} B.{x|-4<x≤-3或4≤x <7} C.{x|x≤-3或x >4} D.{x|x <-3或x≥4} 解析:N={x|x <-3或x >4},借助数轴,进行集合的运算,如图 . 得M∩N={x|-4≤x <-3或4<x≤7}.故选A. 答案:A 2.若A 是△ABC 的一个内角,且sinA+cosA= 3 2 ,则△ABC 的形状是( ) A.锐角三角形 B.直角三角形 C.钝角三角形 D.不确定 解析:由sinA+cosA=32,得sinAcosA=18 5-<0. 又∵0<A <π,∴ 2 π <A <π.故∠A 为钝角. 答案:C 3.一群羊中,每只羊的重量数均为整千克数,其总重量为65千克,已知最轻的一只羊重7千克,除去一只10千克的羊外,其余各只羊的千克数恰能组成一等差数列,则这群羊共有( ) A.6只 B.5只 C.8只 D.7只 解析:设这群羊共有n+1只,公差为d (d ∈N *). 由题意,得7n+ d n n 2 ) 1(-=55,整理,得14n+n (n-1)d=110. 分别把A 、B 、C 、D 代入验证,只有B 符合题意,此时n=5,d=2. 答案:A 4.已知点P (x ,y )在经过A (3,0)、B (1,1)两点的直线上,那么2x +4y 的最小值是( ) A.22 B.42 C.16 D.不存在 解析:可求AB 的直线方程为x+2y=3. ∴2x +4y =2x +22y ≥24222 2222322=+=?+y x y x . 答案:B 5.若实数x 、y 满足不等式组?? ? ??≥--≥-≥. 022,0, 0y x y x y 则w=11+-x y 的取值范围是( ) A.[-1, 31] B.[3 1,21-]


高中数学学习材料 金戈铁骑整理制作 模块综合检测卷 (测试时间:120分钟 评价分值:150分) 一、选择题(每小题共10个小题,每小题共5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求) 1.已知{a n }为等比数列,a 4+a 7=2,a 5a 6=-8,则a 1+a 10=(D ) A .7 B .5 C .-5 D .-7 解析:∵{a n }为等比数列,∴a 4a 7=a 5a 6=-8.又 a 4+a 7=2,∴?????a 4=4,a 7=-2或?????a 4=-2,a 7=4. 当a 4=4,a 7=-2时,a 1=-8,a 10=1,∴a 1+a 10=-7; 当a 4=-2,a 7=4时,a 10=-8,a 1=1,∴a 1+a 10=-7. 综上,a 1+a 10=-7. 2.某人投资10 000万元,如果年收益利率是5%,按复利计算,5年后能收回本利和为(B )

A .10 000×(1+5×5%) B .10 000×(1+5%)5 C .10 000×1.05×(1-1.054)1-1.05 D .10 000×1.05×(1-1.055)1-1.05 解析:注意与每年投入10 000万元区别开来. 3.在△ABC 中,已知cos A = 513,sin B =35 ,则cos C 的值为(A ) A.1665 B.5665 C.1665或5665 D .-1665 解析:∵cos A =513>0,∴sin A =1213>sin B =35 . ∴B 为锐角,故cos B =45 .从而cos C =-cos(A +B )=-cos A cos B +sin A sin B =1665 . 4.若a c >0,则不等式①ad >bc ;②c a >c b ;③a 2>b 2;④a -d -b >0,可得(- ad )>(-bc ),即ad 1b ,c >0,故②正确;因为函数y =x 2在(-∞,0)上单调递减,故③正确;由d >c >0,得-d <-c <0,故知a -d

外研版必修五Book 5 各个模块重点短语总结

Book 5 Module 1 The British and American English Ⅰ写出下列短语的汉语意思。 1. have …in common with 2.make a difference 3.get around 4. pick up 5. lead to 6 as usual 7.in favor of 8. .go on vacation 9.carry out 10.belong to 11.thanks to 12.see to 13.in terms of 14. in need of 15.burst into laughters 16. at the flick of a switch 17.above all 18.no way 19. by the way 20.feel embarrassed on sth 21.be warmly welcomed by 22.have a place in… 23. donate sth to sb = 24. at the age of 5 25.be eager to do 26.be busy with sth/ be busy doing 27. be good at / do well in 28. give one’s views/ opinions on sth 30 I didn’t understand it = 31. fight against 32 fight for 33. be best known for Ⅱ根据中文释义写出下列短语。 33.偏爱做…/喜欢做…34.将A与B进行比较 35.将A比成B 36.与…相似 37.对…有影响38.习惯做… 39.过去常常做…40.被用来做… 41.称…为42.总体来说 43.根据44.既然,由于 45.通过/完成/接通46.在某人去…的路上 47.因为48引起/导致


模块综合测评(二) (时间120分钟,满分150分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.数列1,3,7,15,…的通项a n可能是() A.2n B.2n+1 C.2n-1 D.2n-1 【解析】取n=1时,a1=1,排除A、B,取n=2时,a2=3,排除D. 【答案】 C 2.不等式x2-2x-5>2x的解集是() A.{x|x≤-1或x≥5} B.{x|x<-1或x>5} C.{x|10, 所以(x-5)(x+1)>0, 所以x<-1或x>5. 【答案】 B 3.在正项等比数列{a n}中,a1和a19为方程x2-10x+16=0的两根,则a8·a10·a12等于() A.16 B.32 C.64 D.256 【解析】∵{a n}是等比数列且由题意得a1·a19=16=a210(a n>0), ∴a8·a10·a12=a310=64. 【答案】 C

4.下列不等式一定成立的是( ) A .lg ? ?? ?? x 2+14>lg x (x >0) B .sin x +1 sin x ≥2(x ≠k π,k ∈Z ) C .x 2+1≥2|x |(x ∈R ) D.1x 2+1>1(x ∈R ) 【解析】 5.在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,ac =3,且a =3b sin A ,则△ABC 的面积等于( ) A.12 B.32 C .1 D.34 【解析】 ∵a =3b sin A ,∴由正弦定理得sin A =3sin B sin A ,∴sin B =1 3. ∵ac =3,∴△ABC 的面积S =12ac sin B =12×3×13=1 2,故选 A. 【答案】 A 6.等比数列{a n }前n 项的积为T n ,若a 3a 6a 18是一个确定的常数,那么数列T 10,T 13,T 17,T 25中也是常数的项是( ) 【导学号:33300114】


模块五第五单元测验试卷 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:语言知识和语言运用: I. 语言结构:(15) Last Sunday I (21) (see) the worst storm in years. It came suddenly in the mid-afternoon and lasted more than three hours. At first, the sky grew dark all of a sudden. (22) (介词) minutes, forks of lightning forced (23) (冠词) way into the sky. Then it was followed by the boom-boom-boom of thunder. A very strong wind blew into my room. My valuable notes, lying on my desk in the room, (24) (fly) high into the air. I jumped up to catch them but (25) (luck) a few sheets sailed out of the open window. As I ran out of to get the notes, big drops of rain began to fall. (26) (连词) I ran back into the house, the rain began to pour in waves. I fought to close the windows. I did it (27) (连词) was wet all over. I dried myself with a towel. Then I heard a sudden loud sound from the back of the house. I ran out of the room to find out (28) (引导词) it was. A tree was broken. Part of its big branch lay across the floor. The table was (29) (短语动词) pieces. (30) (代词) would take a lot of work rebuild it. However, we were thankful that nobody was hurt.


必修五模块考试A 卷 一、填空题(每题5分,共25分) 1.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和n n S n +=2 ,那么它的通项公式为=n a . 2.在ABC ?中,若2 22c b a <+,且2 3 sin = C ,则=∠C . 3.已知数列{}n a 满足()211 ,1 1≥+= =-n a a a a n n ,若,04=a 则=a . 4. 已知y x ,满足?? ? ??≤+≤≤≤≤,82,30,40y x y x 则y x +2的最大值为 . 5. 设的最小值为,求且y x y x y x 1 1120,0+=+>> . 二、选择题(每题4分,共28分) 6.在ABC ?中,bc c b a ++=2 2 2 ,则A 等于 ( ) A. 0 120 B. 0 60 C. 0 45 D. 0 30 7.已知等差数列{}n a 的通项公式为n a n 23-=,则它的公差为 ( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 2- D. 3- 8.已知R c b a ∈,,,则下列推证中正确的是 ( ) A. 2 2 bm am b a >?> B. b a c b c a >?> C. b a ab b a 110,3 3 > D. b a a b b a 110,22> 9. 在ABC ?中,0 45,100,80===A b a ,则此三角形解的情况是 ( ) A. 一解 B. 两解 C. 一解或两解 D. 无解 10.在等比数列}{n a 中,,8,1641=-=a a 则=7a ( ) A. 4- B. 4± C. 2- D. 2± 11.若,1>a 则1 1 -+ a a 的最小值是 ( ) A. 2 B. a C. 3 D. 1 a a 2- 12.不等式0)86)(1(2 2 ≥+--x x x 的解集是 ( ) A. }4{}1{≥-≤x x x x B. }4{}21{≥≤≤x x x x


模块综合测评(五) (时间:100分钟;满分120分) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html,ter it often meant hunting wild animals and birds.About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games.This is the usual meaning of the word today.People spend a lot of their spare time playing football,basketball,tennis and many other sports.Such people play because they want to.A few people are paid for the sport they play.These people are called professional sportsmen.They may be sportsmen for only a few years,but during that time the best ones can earn a lot of money. For example,a professional footballer in England earns more than 30,000 pounds a year.The stars can earn a lot more.International golf and tennis champions can make more than 50,000 pounds a year.Of course,only a few sportsmen can earn as much money as that.It is only possible in sports for individuals,like golf,tennis and motor racing.Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is this: the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports.An advertisement for sports equipment doesn't simply say,“Buy our things”.It says,“Buy the same shirt and shoes as ...” Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food.They allow the companies to use their names or photographs and they are paid for this.Sport is no longer just something for people's spare time. 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了运动员及其收入的情况。 1.Which of the following is RIGHT? A.Companies can use the photo of a sportsman for free. B.The products advertised by sportsmen are more expensive than those advertised by film stars. C.Sportsmen advertise products just to be fam- ous. D.Sport is a means of making money now. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段的最后几句可知,体育已成为运动员挣钱的门路。故选D。 【答案】 D 2.What is the usual meaning of the word “sport”? A.It means something that people do in their free time.


Book 5 Module Two A Job Worth Doing Period I Introduction and Reading Producer: Bai xiaoyun Date: October Proofreader: Zou Feng Aims: Knowledge and skills: Grasp some important words and expressions. Learn to use them correctly Process and methods: Teacher: instruct; encourage; evaluate; monitor Students: study independently; cooperate; discuss; raise questions; draw conclusions Student-student interaction; teacher-student interaction; student-teacher interaction; Student-guided learning plan interaction Emotion, attitude and value: The students have confidence in learning English and also a strong spirit of cooperation. Difficult and important points: word formation ; wonder; skin v. although surprised, Word formation 1.habitat n. 栖息地----habitant n.居民,居住着---habitation n.居住 2.extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的---- extinction n. 灭绝 3.protect vt. 保护-----protection n.保护----protective adj.保护性的,关 切保护 4.worth adj. 值的---- worthless adj. 无价值的,没用的---- priceless adj. 无价的 ---- valueless adj. 无价值的 5.spot n. 现场v. 发现,认出 6.live adj. 活的,现场的v.活,生活,居住adv. 现场地----life n.生存,生命---- living adj. 活的,现存的n. 生计 7.continent n.大陆---- continental adj. 大陆的 8.energy n.活力,能源---- energetic adj.精力充沛的----energetically adv 9.monitor n. 显示器,检测器,班长vt. 监视,检测,观察


青少年三维创意设计等级考试理论综合试卷(一级)2020年9月分数:100 题数:40 一、单选题(共20题,每题2分,共40分) 1.青少年通过三维设计软件创作月球车模型,其目的是什么?() A. 激发和提升对宇宙探索的热情 B. 要造一辆真实的月球车,登陆月球 C. 检测软件能不能完成复杂模型的设计 D. 要买一辆月球车模型 试题编号:20200824-38 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:A 试题难度:一般 2.三维模型上的立体文字是通过哪些命令得到的?() A. 预制文字 + 草图编辑 B. 预制文字 + 拉伸 C. 预制文字 + 图片 D. 预制文字 + 拔模 试题编号:20200824-30 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:B 试题难度:一般 3.在三维软件中观看正方体时,同时最多可以看到几个面?() A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个

试题编号:20200824-10 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 4.在三维建模过程中,鼠标的作用不包括哪些?() A. 旋转工作区 B. 移动工作区 C. 穿透模型 D. 选择功能命令 试题编号:20200824-08 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 5.熔融沉积式3D打印工艺是将材料加热至熔融状态,然后通过哪种方式才 能形成立体模型呢?() A. 切削 B. 焊接 C. 逐层堆积 D. 拼插 试题编号:20200824-01 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 6.判断以下哪个草图轮廓是不能直接拉伸的?() A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4) 试题编号:20200824-23


模块综合测评(六) (时间:100分钟;满分120分) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Animal Conservation Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger.Finding ways to protect the earth's wildlife and conserve the natural world they inhabit(居住) is now more important than ever. Dodos The dodo is a classic example of how human caused damage to the earth's biology.The flightless dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.It lived on fruit fallen from the island's trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505.The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs,monkeys and rats.The population of dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681. Rhinos (犀牛) The rhino horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine.This has led to the animal being hunted in its natural habitat.Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia,most rhinos now live in protected natural parks and reserves.Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years,and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers. The Giant Pandas The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbol is far from certain.As few as 1,000 remain in the world. The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison.However,the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose(造成) one of the most serious threats to the animals' continued existence. Whales The International Whaling Commission is fighting to ensure the survival of the whale species.Despite the fact that one-third of the world's oceans have been declared whale sanctuaries(保护区),7 out of 13 whale species remain


数学模块测试样题 数学5人教A 版 考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合要求的. 1.限速40/km h 的路标,指示司机在前方路段行驶时,应使汽车的速度v 不超过40/km h ,写成不等式就是 A.40v < B.40v ≤ C.40v > D.40v ≥ 2.在△ABC 中,,,A B C ∠∠∠所对的边分别为,,a b c ,则下列关系正确的是 A.222cos C a b c =+- B.222cos C a b c =-+ C.222 cos 2a b c C ab +-= D.222 cos a b c C ab +-= 3.不等式(2)(1)0x x +->的解集为 A.{} 21x x x <->或 B.{}21x x -<< C.{} 12x x x <->或 D.{}12x x -<< 4 则n A.27 B.28 C.29 D.30 5.n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,如果10120S =,那么110a a +的值是

A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 6.不等式210x y +->表示的平面区域在直线210x y +-=的 A.左上方 B.左下方 C.右上方 D.右下 方 7.在△ABC 中,,,A B C ∠∠∠所对的边分别为,,a b c ,若2 2 2 0a b c +-<,则△ABC 是 A.锐角三角形 B.直角三角形 C.等腰三角形 D.钝角 三角形 8.在△ABC 中,1,AB AC ==∠A =30?,则△ABC 的面积等于 A. 2 B. 4 D. 12 9.在△ABC 中,,,A B C ∠∠∠所对的边分别为,,a b c ,若8,60,75a B C =∠=?∠=?,则b 等于 A. B. C. D. 323 10.对于任意实数a 、b 、c 、d ,下列命题: ①若a b >,0c ≠,则ac bc >; ②若a b >,则22ac bc >; ③若22ac bc >,则a b >; ④若a b >,则 11 a b < 中,真命题为 A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 11.已知实数x 、y 满足约束条件?? ? ??≤+≥≥622y x y x ,则y x z 42+=的最大值为 A.24 B.20 C.16 D.12 12.已知等差数列{}n a 的公差为2,若431,,a a a 成等比数列,则1a 等于 A.4- B.6- C.8- D.10- 13.若{}n a 为递减数列,则{}n a 的通项公式可以为 A.23n a n =+ B.2 31n a n n =-++ C.12n n a = D.(1)n n a =- 14.在R 上定义运算 a c ad bc b d =-,若 3 2012 x x x < -成立,则x 的取值范围是 A.(4,1)- B.(1,4)- C.(,4)(1,)-∞-+∞U D.(,1)(4,)-∞-+∞U


Module 4 Carnival I. 教学内容分析 本模块的主题是狂欢节。以西方的几种主要传统节日作为导入,接着通过各种活动详细介绍了狂欢节的历史、发展、种类及人们的活动、饮食、服饰和习俗。其中有关食物和节日的词汇,和表达喜好和厌恶的句型又可以引申到中国传统节日和习俗,有益于培养学生的跨文化意识。 本模块从五幅西方节日图片的探讨开始,导入本模块的话题——Carnival。 Introduction 部分设计以西方的五种主要传统节日(Carnival, Holi, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day)作为导入,让学生通过图片做配对练习了解西方的节日习俗,激发学生对西方节日的好奇心,达到导入整个模块的效果。 Reading and Vocabulary介绍有关狂欢节的一些知识,主要介绍了狂欢节的面具。课文前后的四个相关练习帮助同学们学习和了解了相关词汇和文章主旨。 Grammar部分主要是通过练习复习被动语态在各种时态中的运用的语法项目。 Vocabulary and Listening分为词汇部分和听力两大部分。词汇部分学习和巩固一些关于食物的单词;听力部分是关于西方节日的,对于同学们来说,听力材料偏生疏,因此听力要做一定的处理。 Learning to learn是关于通过听听力提高语音面貌的英语学习方法,对于提高学习策略水平有很大的帮助。 Everyday English通过学习复习Vocabulary and Listening中的句子学会一些非常有用的日常生活用语:give up, go wild about, more or less, high spot, funnily enough, in your blood, wash down 和walk off a meal。 Function介绍表达“喜欢、不喜欢和偏爱”的功能用语。 Reading and Writing集说话和写作于一体,培养的是学生语言综合运用的能力。首先是阅读一篇讲述亲历Notting Hill carnival的E-mail。其次探究描写气氛、音乐和食物的形容词。最后仿写一篇E-mail介绍中国某个节日的气氛、音乐和食物。 Cultural Corner 通过阅读The Meaning of Carnival的文章,了解狂欢节的意义和发展演变,并且要求同学们思考哪一个中国节日最像狂欢节,进行跨文化的思考。 Task要求学生小组合作写一篇文章介绍一个中国节日。 II.学情分析 高二学生已经具备一定的词汇量和语法知识,在教学中要有意识地培养他们听、说、读、写综合运用语言知识的能力,尤其是阅读能力。通过本单元的学习,培养学生的世界观,进一步了解外国文化和风俗习惯,才能达到英语教学的基本目的。 III. 教学重点和难点 1. Teaching important points (1) Enable Ss to know the new words and phrases in this module. (2) Enable Ss to understand how to talk about or give a description of festivals over the world. (3) Enable Ss to know how to show likes, dislikes and preferences. 2. Teaching difficult points (1) Review the usage of the passive voice. (2) Enable Ss to write an article to introduce Chinese festival (3) enhance Ss’ awareness of differences between Chinese and western cultures. III. Teaching plan Period 1 Task, Introduction Period 2 Reading (Workbook P87), Reading and Vocabulary (1) Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary (2), Cultural Corner Period 4 Learning to learn, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English Period 5 Grammar, Function, Reading and Writing Period 6 Workbook, Module File IV.Teaching procedure Period 1 Task, Introduction Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module. 2. To develop Ss’ speaking ability. 3. Enable Ss to get some information about five western festivals: Carnival, Holi, Halloween, Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day. 4. Enable Ss to describe a Chinese festival. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Lead-in Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module. Show the word “festivals” on the screen and then e ncourage the students to talk about as much information on festivals in China as possible. Step 2: Speaking Purpose: To develop Ss’ speaking ability and get a general idea about Chinese festivals. Ask the Ss to make a list of the Chinese festivals according to solar calendar and lunar calendar and talk something


全国青少年三维创意设计等级考试标准 V1.0.2 中国电子学会普及工作委员会 中国电子学会科普培训与应用推广中心 全国青少年电子信息科普创新联盟 科普服务平台:https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html, 官方考试平台:https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html, 2018年6月

总体说明 本标准由中国电子学会科普培训与应用推广中心制定。V1版本由全国青少年电子信息科普创新联盟标准工作组开发,由中国电子学会普及工作委员会审核通过,适用于由中国电子学会举办的全国青少年三维创意设计等级考试,由经授权的全国青少年电子信息科普创新教育基地、全国青少年三维创意设计等级考试中心承担招生和考试服务工作。 本标准旨在激发和培养青少年学习三维设计和3D打印的热情和兴趣,充分适应我国青少年的认知心理和水平,从三维创意设计软件的理论知识和上机操作出发,普及创客教育理念,提升青少年的创新能力、动手实践能力和语言表达的综合能力,引导青少年建立工程化、系统化的逻辑思维,使青少年三维创意设计等级考试更具科普性、趣味性和实践性。 本标准不以评价教学为目的,考核内容不是按照学校要求设定,而是从实现三维设计项目所需要的技能和知识,以及国内3D打印教育的普及情况而确定,主要以实践应用能力为主。 本标准由低到高分为一级至四级,分别对应着青少年在借鉴模仿、二次创新、独立创新设计、实用设计四个层面的水平能力。 本标准版权属中国电子学会所有。本标准使用者仅限于经中国电子学会直接授权的相关合作单位,包括全国青少年机器人技术等级考试服务中心/服务网点、全国青少年电子信息科普创新教育基地。未经中国电子学会允许,任何单位及个人不得擅自复制、摘编、变造本标准所含文字、图片、链接等信息,违者将依法追究法律责任。授权单位查询网址为https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html,和https://www.doczj.com/doc/c213976373.html,。 所有相关本标准的解释权属于中国电子学会。


人教版数学必修五模块综合测试题 (时间120分钟,满分150分) 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.数列0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,-1,…的一个通项公式是 ( ) A .()2 1 1+-n B .cos 2π n C .cos ()21π+n D .cos ()2 2π+n 思路分析:分别取n=1,2,3,4代入验证可得. 答案:B 2.已知△ABC 的三边长分别为a-2,a ,a+2,且它的最大角的正弦值为2 3 ,则这个三角形的面积是 ( ) A . 4 15 B . 4315 C .4 3 2 D . 4 3 35 思路分析:先判断出a+2所对角最大,设为α,则sin α= 23,∴cos α=±2 1 . 当cos α=21时,由(a+2)2=a 2+(a-2)2 -2a(a-2)·cos α,解得S=0,不合题意. 当cos α=-2 1时,由(a+2)2=a 2+(a-2)2 -2a(a-2)·cos α,解得a=5或a=0(舍去). ∴S= 21 (a-2)·a ·sin α=2 1 ×3×5×23=4315. 答案:B 3.在等比数列{a n }中,a 9+a 10=a (a≠0),a 19+a 20=b ,则a 99+a 100等于 ( ) A .89 a b B .(a b )9 C .910 a b D .( a b )10 思路分析:∵a 19+a 20=a 9q 10 +a 10q 10 =q 10 (a 9+a 10)(q 为公比), ∴q 10 = 1092019a a a a ++=a b . 又a 99+a 100=a 19q 80 +a 20q 80 =q 80 (a 19+a 20)=(a b )8 ·b=89a b . 答案:A 4.首项为2,公比为3的等比数列,从第n 项到第N 项的和为720,则n 、N 的值分别是 ( ) A .n=2,N=6 B .n=2,N=8 C .n=3,N=6 D .n=3,N>6 思路分析:∵S N -S n-1=720, ∴3 1)31(231)31(21------n N =720,即3N -3n-1 =720.

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