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1 around the world

2 in search of wealth

3 held a ceremony

4 during the middle of the 19th century

5 in the 1870s

6 eating places

7 in 1948

What company did the first Chinese settlers in London work for?

8 the East India Company 0.4

9 Chinese sailors

10 Chinese culture and traditions


Ethnic area





Chinatown first

Western Washington

The First railroad system

Eastern middle parts


Low cost eating

Stores places

Gates area

1 What is this passage about

2 What is Chinatown

3 What did Chinese people go to America for?

4 What did San F mayor do to honor Chinese efforts to improve the city?

5 Where were Chinatowns established?

6 When was the construction of railroad system ended?

7 When did the largest number of immigrants go to the US?

8 Who did the first Chinese settlers in London work for?

9 what else did later immigrants operate besides small stores?

10 What kind of places are Chinatown for visitors?

From this passage:

Some movie show a false image of America and its people. That kind of movie are always made for young people, people who make movies try to provide entertainment and excitement. Indeed violence and criminal acts are not common in the United States.

1 America

2 represents

3 criminal

4 excitement

5 young people in high school or college 0.1

6 ban

7 violent

8 protect

9 freedom of speech

10 fail


1 America

2 real incident

3 action movie

4 violence criminal

5 young people

6 entertainment excitement

7 violent sexual

8 legal action

9 freedom of speech


1 what is this passage about?

2 what will the movies deal with true subjects add on the screen?

3 what do directors usually add to a movie to make it more interesting?

4 what are extremely common in the US?

5 for whom are many American movie made?

6 what do people who make movies try to provide?

7 what type of movies have some Americans tried to ban?

8 what have American people done to stop bad movies?

9 why have American court decisions protect producer’s right to make any kind of movie?

10 what does the US Constitution guaranteed?


This passage is something about the environment of America. America environment have been pretty well protected from pollution and overuse. Bill invited Xin on a fishing one afternoon. Xin was surprised to learn American people love ocean fish much more than river fish and he harmonious relationship between people and wild animals. She also saw many wild animals which can only see in zoos in China. I think These outdoor experiences were fascinating adventures and meaningful memories to Xin.

Hunting is a sport of pursuing and killing wild game animals in order to provide food, or simply for the thrill of the chase, or for the enjoyment of outdoor life. People have been hunting since prehistoric times to provide themselves and their families with food, fur and leather clothing, and hides for shelter. With the development of agriculture, animal husbandry, and, eventually, manufacturing, hunting gradually diminished in importance as a means of survival. Because of its challenge and pleasure as a sport, however, hunting has remained a popular activity in modern

times.Game animals are hunted throughout the world. In North America, deer, elk, bear,

pronghorn, caribou, rabbit, squirrel, duck, goose, pheasant, and wild turkey are hunted. Among the animals hunted in Asia are elephant, tiger, wild sheep, deer, bear, rabbit, waterfowl, and pheasant. African safari-hunting offers opportunity to bag a diversity of game: Cape buffalo, elephant, lion, antelope, and duck and other wild fowl. European hunters generally go out for wild boar, fox, red stag, rabbit, and various game birds. Jaguar, peccary, deer, duck, dove, and turkey are popular quarry in Central and South America.


2、Christmas and Easter

2、T T T F F T F F

3、specific\community\gatherings\weekends\federal\celebrated\vacations\significance\secular\ festivals

4、Why do Americans celebrate many festivals and holidays?

What kind of events are holidays often in America?

On which day are most commemorative federal holidays celebrated?

What do some Americans think about many notional holidays?

What are the two most important religious holidays of the year for Christians?

sports activities ;Watching sports

A 3 6 7

B 5




Because they want to keep fit and have their free time occupied.

The popularity of sports in America has led to its commercialization.

Shaping programs for women.

There are organized sports competitions between one school and another. Almost every student takes part in sports activities one way or another.

The average student may fail to make the team.

Watching professional ball games on TV.

Participation in sports activities is indispensable to most American people’s lives. healthy pour enterprises styles infant athletics organized

track are the most popular sports

cheer for their school

make the team as he might have in high school

Watching sports on TV is a guy thing

What activities do many Americans watch and participate in

What do Americans use sports to do

What kinds of organized sports programs are there in American high schools What are the most popular sports in American high schools

What is the popular Sunday afternoon pastime in America

Many Americans watch and participate in sports activities, which are a deeply ingrained part of American life.Americans use sports to keep healthy and active and to occupy their leisure time.Americans pour billions of dollars into sports and their related enterprises, which influences family, school life, and clothing styles.People of all classes, races, sexes, and ages participate in sports activities—from toddlers in infant swimming programs, to teenagers participating in school athletics, to middle-aged adults bowling or golfing.In American high schools there are organized sports programs with inter-school competitions.Football, basketball, baseball and track are the most popular sports.Even if a student does not play in one of those sports, he or she usually goes to see the games and cheer for their school.It is much the same at the college and university levels, except the sports competition is on a much higher level and the average student cannot make the team as he might have in high school.The next step up is professional sports, and it is a very popular Sunday afternoon pastime to watch football, baseball, or basketball on TV.Watching sports on TV is a guy thing and frequently three or four young men will get together to watch a game.


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. A pretty, well―dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square, and a said to the driver, "Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?" "Yes," said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently (不耐烦地) at his watch every few seconds. "Take me over there," said the young lady. There were a lot of cars and buses in the square, so the taxi driver asked, "Are you afraid to cross the street?" "Oh, no!" said the young lady. "But I promised that I would meet the young man for lunch at one o' clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be late." 1.How did the young woman get to the square? A.She arrived in a taxi. B.She drove there in a car. C.She got there by bus. D.The story doesn't tell us. 2.Why did the lady stop the taxi? A.Because she didn't want to be late for her appointment (约会). B.Because she wanted to get out of the taxi. C.Because she wanted to go to the restaurant in it. D.Because she was afraid of walking across the street. 3.The young man at the other side of the square_______. A.had probably been waiting for a long time B.had some problem with his watch C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant D.was someone the young lady didn't want to see 4.The young lady was_______. A.clever at making excuse B.not late at all C.45 minutes earlier D.15 minutes late 5.Had she tried not to be late? A.Yes, she had tried her best. B.No, she was just pretending that she had tried. C.Yes, she had tried but she was still late. D.No, she thought being late was better than being early.


U7P1 Lead in A family beg ins with two people. Love deepe ns and grows betwee n a couple and soon a weddi ng takes place , the beg innings of a family. Childre n are born, grow ing and maturing with every passing year. When grown up, they, too, fall in love and marry. The process of creati ng a family beg ins aga in, add ing gen erati ons to the family. A day in the life of a family is filled with work and school, errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we can find children excitedly sharing the events of their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time for - working together and playing together. Reading to the children, singing songs, doing homework together, and playing games are some activities that take place duri ng family time. A televisi on show may be what each family member n eeds to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Stro ng family relati on ships are developed by spe nding quality time together. Key: 1. takes place 2. maturing 3. process 4. filled with 5. excitedly 6. time 7. singing 8. activities 9. show 10 relax 完形填空 1. You have to be a born optimist to be able to do this hard job and not despair. 你是一个天生的乐观主义者,能够做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望 2. Econo mic recon structio n in the country must beg in with the recoveri ng of agricultural product ion.


Unit 1 Old friends, different choices V ocabulary Task Answers/Script A It’s been 10 years since I saw you last. I was able to travel and see the world. And I never got stuck being a housewife! B Things are going great for me these days. I finally settled down and got a real job. Now I work 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store. C Life has sure treated me well. I put myself through school. I was able to work my way up in a company. And then I started my own business. Listening Task First Listening Answers 1. He went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company. 2. She was in a few beauty contests, but she never won. She now has two children. 3. He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children. 4. She’s the branch manager at the local grocery store. 2)second listening Answer 1. He missed his home. 2. She hopes her daughter will become a model. 3. He loves his family. 4. She’s proud of her new job. Script 1. A: Jim, I can’t believe it-wow! I haven’t seen you since we graduated fr om high school! What have you been doing? B: Well, after I went overseas for graduate school, and I had a great time. But finally I had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach company. B: Yeah,I remember you always wanted an international lifestyle. A: Oh, I had a great time overseas, but I got home-stick, too. 2. A: Carol, is that you? B: Yes, it’s me! A: Oh, it’s so good to see you! You know, Carol, I remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world. Did it happen? B: Well, no. I was in a few beauty contests, but I never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract. A: Oh, that’s too bad. B: Yeah, but now I guess I’m too old, and I have two young kids, a boy and a girl. You know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day. 3. A: What have you been up to over the years, Ed? B: Well, I have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office. A: Hmm, I remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driver—What happened? B: The closest I’ve come to that is driving a Porsche over 100 mph on the Autobahn. No, my greatest achievement is my family.


1. People have been talking about health for a long time because people know the importance of it. People's understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research. Recently the term "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer means just the absence of illness. Today, health means the well-being of your body, your mind and your relationship with other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term----quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a person's life?One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer, healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, you could expect to live to the age of 75. 2. 1. ______leads to people's deeper understanding of health. 2. https://www.doczj.com/doc/c017041075.html,mon knowledge 2.Progress in scientific research 3.Better conditions of living 4.Quality of life 3. According to the passage, to people of today, health means______. 4. 1.absence of illness 2. a long life 3.good conditions of living 4.overall satisfaction with life


Unit1 A篇 我在哈佛的第一周 新生进入哈佛校园的第一天,据说总是令人激动不已。这的确也是我来到哈佛第一天的真实写照。父母陪着我开车驶过主校门进入校园时,那柔和的阳光透过绿树间隙照射在古老的砖墙建筑上。沾满晨露的绿草在阳光下闪闪发光。我凝视着车窗外面的迷人景色,心中暗想:“最幸运的新生不过如此了!” 我们来到了卡纳迪公寓——我的宿舍楼。我和四个女孩同住在四室一厅的套房里。这个套房在顶楼,天花板很高,上面有天窗。从卡纳迪公寓到餐厅和上课的教室,都只需要两分钟的路程。我很喜欢自己的室友。我们各自的背景、种族、宗教信仰和兴趣爱好都完全不同。这也反映出哈佛引以自豪的“多样性”。第一周,幸亏有这样四个可称为朋友的女孩相伴,帮助我顺利度过了到哈佛后的这段适应期。这一周有许多重要的决定需要我来做,而没有父母和好友的帮助,有时我会感到十分艰难。 选课是第一步。在哈佛,新生唯一的必修课是说明文写作。这一年,我实际上可以选修我想学的任何课程,而且课程的门类出奇地多!我该如何选择呢?庆幸的是哈佛允许新生在“选课周”里到课堂试听。上课时间和平时一样,我们可以试听任何想选修的课程,多少不限。如果我最后决定选修某一门课程,我就要完成“选课周”里布置的所有功课。另外,如果我试听了一门选课表上看似很好的课程,却发现这门课并不适合我,或教授讲课枯燥乏味,我可以决定不选修这门课!同样艰难的是在众多的运动队、出版社团、乐队、戏剧社或俱乐部中做出选择。到底该参加哪一个呢? 在哈佛,就餐肯定也是最能引得新生关注的事情之一。不过并不是指一日三餐吃的东西——尽管饭菜很可口,而是指就餐的环境真的很好。我们的餐厅与其说是个自助食堂,不如说更像是一个教堂或博物馆。桌子、椅子、地板、墙壁,还有高高的天花板都是用华丽的深色木料制作的,油漆得精光锃亮。而且,大厅里悬挂着枝形吊灯,墙上镶嵌着明亮的彩色玻璃窗,厅里到处可见哈佛历史名人的雕塑和画像。 哈佛第一周的所有这些经历将成为我毕生的珍贵记忆。然而,哈佛这一周给予我的最宝贵的财富,却是我遇到的其他同学。我在这儿遇到的每一个人都是那么朴实。每当我看到有人在嘉佩乐音乐会上演唱动人的歌曲,有人在才艺秀上表演精彩的小提琴独奏,有人在我去听的一堂课上阐述深刻的见解,我都惊讶不已!能够欣赏身边这么多有天赋的同学并能与他们相伴,这正是我在哈佛第一周体验到的最宝贵的经历。一周已经过去,四年大学生活就在前头——真是令人迫不及待! Unit2 A篇 我们都有梦想。通常,当我们睡着了。这样的梦想可以比帮助更伤人。例如,假设在做梦你吃小麦片,醒来,发现只有一半床垫不见了!嗯,我指的并不是这种类型的梦。相反,我在考虑一个人的视野,愿望,或狂热的对未来的希望。我们的梦想是我们的灵魂之歌。生活中没有一个是减少到一个空洞的存在。但是生活有梦想充满了意义和目的。 尼尔?皮尔特既是Rush摇滚乐队的鼓手和主要词作者,也是一位作家和哲人。请看他是何等优美地表述了生活和梦想之间的关系:“生命就像一支蜡烛,而由梦想将其点燃。”安利公司的创始人理查德?M?德沃斯也谈及希望之火:“一个人心怀梦想和大志,时时刻刻地在渴望和希望,却没有尝试将这一切付诸现实,还有比这种人的生命更富悲剧性的吗?他的梦想只能发出摇曳的微弱光亮,却永远不能迸发出火焰。”


Unit 8 P40—WU 1.get off 2.blocks 3.get on 4.go down 5.take 6.get 7.catch 8.corner P41—FL 1.Tivoli Gardens 2.Harrods 3.Red Square 4.Singapore Zoo 5.Sydney Opera House 6.Imperial Palace P41—SL 1. I’m looking for… 2.Do you know where…? 3.Do you know where…? 4.Can you tell me how to find…? 5.We’re trying to find… 6.Do you know where…? P41—TL 1.Just walk down the street;You can’t miss it 2.on the other side of town;but I’m not sure 3.It’s easy;Over there 4.very far from here;take a taxi 5.You can’t see it from here 6.get to the station P42—PREPARE communicate,money,inexpensive,scared,way P42—GTMI 4,2,8,5,9,10,1,6,3,7 Unit 9P44—WU 2.responsibility 3.leadership 4.great salary 5.long hours 6.teamwork 7.danger 8.no comment P45—FL 1.accessories shop 2.fast food restaurant 3.insurance company 4.hotel P45—SL 1.She could practice foreign languages. 2.He learned to use a cash register. 3.He learned to work on computers. 4.She could ski a lot. Unit 10 P48—WU 1.L 2.J 3.A 4.F 5.I 6.H 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E 11.G 12.K P49—FL 1.Mexio 2.Arizona 3.China 4.China P49—SL 1.It means “miracle”.It protects her. 2.It is Navajo.It reminds him of a place. 3.They are porcelain.They’re from the Ming dynasty. 4.It means “harmony”.It represents his daughter. P50—PREPARE Livestrong:knowledge is power,attitude is everything,help people with cancer ONE:global unity,fight to end poverty,one person=one vote Personal commitment:color of purpose,practice=commitment,commit to your goals P50—GTMI Yellow:Livestrong,help people with cancer,Lance Armstrong White:ONE,end poverty and injustice,Bono Red:Personal commitment,to help accomplish goals,Kathleen Hall Review Unit 2P52—PART 1 1.weigh,rather 2.talk about 3.e-mail address 4.nephew 5.adopted 6.sister,brother-in-law 7.grandparents 8.around the coner 9.go down,on your right 10.Turn right,two blocks 11.great salary 12.responsibility 13.teamwork 14.necklace 15.special meaning P53~54—PART 2 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.b P55—PART 3 1.That’s kind of private. 2.I don’t really give out my phone number. 3.I’d rather not talk about that. 4.I like to keep that to myself. 5.That’s a strange question. 6.Are you two related? 7.How are you related to Tom? 8.I look like my father. 9.I take after my mother.What about you? 10.We get


大学英语心得体会 大学英语教学改革自2003年教育部发布《大学英语教学要求》(试行)开始,经过试点、示范、推广三个阶段,对教学大纲、教学方式和内容(教材、软件、教学方法和模式),以及四、六级考试形式进行了前所未有的全新改革。作为一名教师及教学管理者,我更深感这次改革对中国的大学英语教学是一场革命,她必将改变传统意义上对英语学习的一些理念,建立起更符合时代特点和学生需求的一系列教学体系。 在大学英语教学改革进入到实质性阶段的关键时刻,教育部组织了这次大学英语教师培训,非常及时,非常有效。这次培训对于大学英语教师进一步更新教学理念、改进教学方法、探索特色的教学模式、了解机考模式都起到了积极作用,更为全国的大学英语教师提供了学习交流的平台。 在这次培训中,我收获颇多,有感如下: 一、更加深刻领会“以听说为主,全面提高英语实用能力”。传统的英语教学是以读写为主,学生从小学就开始学英语,一直学到大学、硕士、博士,可是,绝大部分学生仍然听不懂和开不了口。我们的教学方法没有启发学生的学习兴趣和教给学生自己不断在使用中学习的可持续发展能力。英语学习的听、说、读、写、译的五种能力中,听力应该是

可持续发展能力的核心和关键,如果不解决听力问题,我们的学生永远无法掌握英语和使用英语。所以,英语听力是纲,其他都是目,只有抓住了听力,才能纲举目张,解决学生的自主学习和可持续发展能力的问题。 二、更深刻认识到机考的重要性及紧迫性。四、六级机考势在必行,这是时代的要求,也是教师和学生的需求。通过计算机网络及强大的试题库支持,可以解放教师和学生,满足学生随时随地考试的要求,同时尽可能减少了纸质考试作弊漏题的可能性。 三、更深刻领悟到教师角色的定位——学生学习的辅助者、引导者,不再是教学的主宰者。传统的英语教学理念一直根深蒂固,以教师为核心的教学模式长期占据着课堂教学,学生和教师都已习惯于填鸭式的教学,一旦打破这种模式,要有适应的过程。但是教师应该主动积极有意识地实现自我转变,退出主讲舞台,把更多的机会留给学生,让学生成为学习的主角,教师成为一名优秀的导演。 四、更坚定走特色道路,在教育部大政方针指引下,加强我校大学英语教学特色。受到多方因素影响,各高校都有其不同特点,教学模式未必一刀切。关键在于要体现自己特色,探索出真正符合本校实际的教学模式及方法。这种模式及方法可能是多样的,多层次的,更是多姿多彩的,我认为这才是大学英语教学改革的本质和目的。


Unit1 1)等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 2)她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 3)我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。 4)我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 5)接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 1. Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2.Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4. No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so. Unit 2 1. 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样阴郁。 2.“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如对 虾加黄油面包。”他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话中第一次有了妥协的 意思。 3. 但是,虽然清晰地感觉到了他的妥协,——只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲盘子边上的牡蛎。 4.(添加了可可油后)巧克力凝固成易折断的条块,入口即化。 5. 但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇的畅销?有是什么原因导致了巧克力的上瘾特性,使 无数人承认自己是巧克力迷呢? 1. They don’t serve chips/French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds. 2. He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it. 3. When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar. 4. He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.


大学生英语学习心得体会 如何提高大学英语学习效率一直困扰着我国的大学师生。以下学习啦小编为你带来大学生英语学习心得体会,希望对你有所帮助! 大学生英语学习心得体会篇1 1.对外交流需要英语随着世界经济的发展,国际问交流越来越频繁,中国人出国和外国人来中国正逐步成为平常事。随着中国经济与世界经济的接轨,这种交往还会急剧增加。国际交往中使用得最多的是英语,飞速发展的国际交往与比较低的外语水平之间的矛盾日益突出。正是在这种形势的推动下,人们正在以极大的热情学习英语。 .不出国也需要英话 随着近年来世界范围的信息高速公路的高速发展,世界进入了信息社会和网络世界(1997年世界经济论坛会议语),地球显得越来越小,国内和国外的界限变得不大清楚了。从一定意义上讲,可以说国内就是国外。例如随着Internet 网上多媒体(文字、声音和图像)的World Wide Web(即www)的出现,各种虚拟(virtu al)事物层出不穷。 .不搞高科技也需要英语 一般说来,我们中国不仅仅在尖端科技方面落后于外国,在一般科技方面也远远落后于外国。任何从事非尖端科技工作的人要想在自己的专业方面有长进,也必须懂得英

语,以便及时了解国外的动态,吸取其先进经验。 .不从事科研工作也需要英语 别人解决不了的问题你能解决,别人不明白的问题你能说明白,别人预见不到的问题你能预见到(其实可能是从外文书刊上看来的),如此等等。你可能会被那些从来不看外文书刊的同行视为能力和智力过人。如能在搞通的同时结合我国的具体情况加以改造,可能还有所创造。 .英语的其他用途 由于改革开放形势的需要,社会对于英语人才的需求量与日俱增,学会英语以后即使不去做英语教师,起码也可以辅导别人学习英语。随着社会的发展,对于下一代人的英语水平的要求也会越来越高。大学毕业的父母,可以辅导孩子学习英语。 中间过渡段落部分: 正因为英语在现在的社会生活中的重要性,所以我也在学习的过程中总结了一些经验,争取今年能过四级。 下面具体说一下我在英语学习上的心得: 英语是一门语言科学,要学好它需要我们开动脑筋,勤于思考。英语知识多而零碎,因此,学过后及时归纳和总结是很有必要的。 在学习中,我总结了以下几点: 记单词方面:


北邮大学英语2答案 【精选】

一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.(错误) I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We ____1___her Xi Wang. It means “hope”. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed____2___100 grams. Xi Wang drank her mothe r’s milk for as much as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots (嫩芽) and ____3____. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a____4___young panda and weighed 35 kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself _____5___ her mother had another baby. ____6_____, it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild. Here are some of the _____7____that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future. If hunters catch a panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers____8____trees and forests, pandas will have no place to live in. When mothers leave baby pandas alone, people will often take them away. People think that the baby pandas need ____9_____. If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do____10_____, soon there will be no more pandas in the world!?? a. A.made B.called C.told D.kept 学生答案: B; 标准答 案: B b. A.quite


英语期末复习资料 ——献给亲爱的小钰 Unit1 5. 1.Taxes are an obligation which my fall on everybody. 译文:交税是每个人应尽的义务。 2.We applauded the authority’s decision not to close the hospital. 译文:我们赞成当局不关闭这家医院的决定。 3. The doc tors instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick mans life depends on it . 译文:必须遵照医嘱,因为这关系到病人的生命。 4.Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking ? 译文:这些民意测验果真能够反映人们的所想吗? 5.I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases. 译文:我认为记忆是掌握单词和短语用法的灵活性的好手段。 6.In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staf f . 译文:在办公记录中,她总是贬低下属的工作。 7.The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving or greater efficiency and profit . 译文:铁路运输的历史从某种意义上说即是人们追求更高效率和更大收益的历史。 8.He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it e ntailed . 译文:他上任之前对牵涉的职责等事宜一无所知。


ENGLISH SUMMA TY How time flies! A term will come to an end again. This is the last semester for me to learn English in class in the university. To be honest, I am a little reluctant to end up my English study. After all, English plays a vital role in our life. When we are not stick to learning English, it always goes from bad to worse. However, to my relief, my attitude towards English is positive. At least, I was never late for the class, let alone be absent of the class. I remember that one day I had to conduct a physical experiment, but I didn’t ask for a leave. Although I was burdened with worries at that time. I still waited for the end of the class and then ran to the laboratory. Generally speaking, I always had previewed the text before the teacher taught it. Not only would I write down the explanations of the new words, but I would also finish the exercise all by myself. Sometimes it was difficult for me to translate Chinese into English correctly. But when I didn’t know how to translate the sentence in the exercise, I would turn to the dictionary for help rather than seek the answers from the internet. Besides, thanks to the morning reading, I could often learn the lesson thoroughly before the class. Frankly, I listened to the teacher carefully. Because the teacher did not just teach us the knowledge in the textbook, she also made some suggestions for our life. She recommended that we should learn some liberal arts to enrich our life due to the science we are major in. Moreover she reminded us to prepare for the employment in advance. I enjoy learning English in this way. However, sometimes I was yet absent-minded in the class. Sometimes I couldn’t help talking with others.(this phenomenon is rare) To make matters worse, I seldom answered the questions the teacher asked. As a matter of fact, sometimes even if I knew the answer or I had made the preparations, I would not put up my hand to answer the question. In a word, I lack the confidence and courage and this let me down. I have tried to stand up several times but I didn’t make it at length. That is to say, my performance in the class wasn’t so well. Worse still, in this term, I didn’t get involved in so many English competitions. To me, I lost a great many opportunities to improve myself. In a way it is my loss. In recent days, I have been occupied in preparing for the CET-6. For the sake of other activities, I spent little time in preparing for the exam before. Compared with CET-4, CET-6 needs the sturdy basic of English and more practice. As consequences, chances of getting high mark are slim. But I will still make desperate efforts to achieve my goal. Through such a term of learning English, in some aspects maybe I have improved my English. But what I find is that I’m getting more pessimistic. From the bottom of my heart, I prettily understand that I should attribute everything to my English pronunciation. I always think that my pronunciation is poor. As a result, I dare not to stand up to answer any questions. It is obvious that the inferior emotion leads to everything. Towards this problem, I must find a solution to tackle it. Unfortunately we will not have English class next term, But I will still insist on studying English on my own, especially improving my pronunciation. Whatever the trouble I will confront with, under no circumstance will I give up.

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