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大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 How to Live Wisely课文翻译

大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 How to Live Wisely课文翻译
大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 How to Live Wisely课文翻译

Reading & Digesting

How to Live Wisely

Richard J. Light

1 Imagine you are Dean for a day. What is one actionable change you would implement to enhance the college experience on campus?

2 I have asked students this question for years. The answers can be eyeopening. A few years ago, the responses began to move away from “improve the history course” or “change the ways labs are structured.” A di fferent commentary, about learning to live wisely, has emerged.

3 What does it mean to live a good life? What about a productive life? How about

a happy life? How might I think about these ideas if the answers conflict with one another? And how do I use my time here at college to build on the answers to these tough questions?

4 A number of campuses have recently started to offer an opportunity for students to grapple with these questions. On my campus, Harvard, a small group of faculty members and deans created a non-credit seminar called “Re?ecting on Your Life.” Here are three exercises that students find particularly engaging. Each is designed to help freshmen identify their goals and reflect systematically about various aspects of their personal lives, and to connect what they discover to what they actually do at college.

5 For the first exercise, we ask students to make a list of how they want to spend their time at college. What matters to you? This might be going to class, studying, spending time with close friends, perhaps volunteering in the off-campus community or reading books not on any course’s required reading list. Then students make a list of how they actually spent their time, on average, each day over the past week and match the two lists.

6 Finally, we pose the question: How well do your commitments actually match your goals?

7 A few students find a strong overlap between the lists. Te majority don’t. T hey are stunned and dismayed to discover they are spending much of their precious time on activities they don’t value highly. Te challenge is how to align your time commitments to re?ect your personal convictions.

8 In the core values exercise, students are presented with a sheet of paper with about 25 words on it. The words include “dignity,” “love,”“fame,” “family,” “excellence,” “wealth,” and “wisdom.” They are told to circle the five words that best describe their core values. Now, we ask, how might you deal with a situation where your core values come into con?ict with one another? Students find this question particularly difficult. One student brought up his own personal dilemma: He wants to be a surgeon,and he also wants to have a large family. So his core values include the words “useful” and “family.” He said he worries a lot whether he could be a successful surgeon while also being a devoted father. Students couldn’t stop talking about his example, as many saw themselves facing a similar challenge.

9 The third exercise presents the parable of a happy fisherman living a simple life on

a small island. Te fellow goes fishing for a few hours every day. He catches a few fish,

sells them to his friends, and enjoys spending the rest of the day with his wife and children, and napping. He couldn’t imagine changing a thing in his relaxed and easy life.

10 Let’s tweak the parable: A recent M.B.A. visits this island and quickly sees how this fisherman could become rich. He could catch more fish, start up a business, market the fish, open a cannery, maybe even issue an I.P.O.Ultimately he would become truly successful. He could donate some of his fish to hungry children worldwide and might even save lives.

11 “And then what?” asks the f isherman.

12 “Then you could spend lots of time with your family,” replies the visitor. “Yet you would make a difference in the world. You would have used your talents, and fed some poor children, instead of just lying around all day.”

13 We ask students to apply this parable to their own lives. Is it more important to you to have little, be less traditionally successful, yet be relaxed and happy and spend time with your family? Or is it more important to you to work hard, perhaps start a business, or even make the world a better place along the way?

14 Typically, this simple parable leads to substantial disagreement. These discussions encourage first-year undergraduates to think about what really matters to them, and what each of us feels we might owe, or not owe,to the broader community — ideas that our students can capitalize on throughout their time at college.

15 At the end of our sessions, I say to my grou p: “Tell me one thing you have changed your mind about this year,” and many responses reflect a remarkable level of introspection. Three years later, when we ask them again, nearly all report that the discussions had been valuable, a step toward turning college into the transformational experience it is meant to be.






















One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon). But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?


大学英语口语教程:温泉洗浴 1.Spending time in the hot spring is the real fun. 花些时间泡温泉才是真正的乐趣所在。 2.It is said that hot springs are good for your health. 人们说泡温泉是有益健康的。 3.Hot spring has different curative effect for different diseases. 温泉对不同的病症具有不同的疗效。 4.After a very relaxing hot spring bath, he fell asleep quite quickly. 因为泡过温泉,他很快就睡着了。 5.Spa water is thought to be very good for health. 人们认为矿泉水对健康有益。 6.Do you have a spa and a casino? 你们有温泉和赌场吗? 7.I soak in a hot spring bath. 我浸泡在温泉中。 8.The conference center offers a health spa. 会议中心提供健康水疗。 9.Tourists luxuriate in the hot baths in a hot spring resort.

观光者们在温泉胜地尽情享受温泉浴。 10.I enjoy going to a hot spring once a year. 我喜欢一年去洗一次温泉澡。 11.This is a hot spring credited with miraculous curative powers. 这是被认为具有奇特治疗功能的温泉。 12.She tried the baths there for an internal malady. 她到那儿洗温泉对她的内科病实行浴疗。 13.I hear sick people go to hot springs for the curative waters. 我听说病人因为泉水可治病而去洗温泉。


Text comprehension I. C II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T. III. 1. Para.2: whether they should have a second child. 2. Para.2&3: feel lonely; be more spoiled. 3. Para.4: A third of the population in Japan will be aged 65 or over by 2020. 4. Para.5: because the cost of supporting a child up to the age of 18 is around US$160,000. 5. Para.6: favoritism or sibling jealousy; less quality time and attention to children; decreased self-esteem and self-confidence. 6. No. No simple answer. Circumstances vary from family to family. IV. 1. As for the issue of single children, people are often concerned about whether an only child necessarily means a lonely child. 2. Some single-child parents feel they are too busy with their work to spend time and energy on a second child. Consequently, they choose to have no more children. 3. The conditions affecting each couple vary from family to family. I . Vocabulary I Phrase practice 1. demanding jobs= jobs needing a lot of attention or effort 费力的工作 2. with regard to = in connection with; on the subject of 关于,至于 3. stigma =sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed 耻辱,受到侮辱 4. give-and-take =willingness of each person to satisfy others’ wishes 妥协,互让 5. declined = decreased 6. sibling jealousy = the feeling of wanting to get what sb else has among brothers and sisters II.


BOOK2课文译文 UNIT1 TextA 中国式的学习风格 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店堂。 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。 我和埃伦都满不在乎,任由本杰明拿着钥匙在钥匙箱槽口鼓捣。他的探索行为似乎并无任何害处。但我很快就观察到一个有趣的现象。饭店里任何一个中国工作人员若在近旁,都会走过来看着本杰明,见他初试失败,便都会试图帮忙。他们会轻轻握牢本杰明的手,直接将它引向钥匙槽口,进行必要的重新定位,并帮他把钥匙插入槽口。然后那位“老师”会有所期待地对着我和埃伦微笑,似乎等着我们说声谢谢——偶尔他会微微皱眉,似乎觉得我俩没有尽到当父母的责任。 我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育(尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示中国人对创造性活动的态度。因此,不久我就在与中国教育工作者讨论时谈起了钥匙槽口一事。 两种不同的学习方式

我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。既然大人知道怎么把钥匙塞进槽口——这是走近槽口的最终目的,既然孩子还很年幼,还没有灵巧到可以独自完成要做的动作,让他自己瞎折腾会有什么好处呢?他很有可能会灰心丧气发脾气——这当然不是所希望的结果。为什么不教他怎么做呢?他会高兴,他还能早些学会做这件事,进而去学做更复杂的事,如开门,或索要钥匙——这两件事到时候同样可以(也应该)示范给他看。 我俩颇为同情地听着这一番道理,解释道,首先,我们并不在意本杰明能不能把钥匙塞进钥匙的槽口。他玩得开心,而且在探索,这两点才是我们真正看重的。但关键在于,在这个过程中,我们试图让本杰明懂得,一个人是能够很好地自行解决问题的。这种自力更生的精神是美国中产阶级最重要的一条育儿观。如果我们向孩子演示该如何做某件事——把钥匙塞进钥匙槽口也好,画只鸡或是弥补某种错误行为也好——那他就不太可能自行想方设法去完成这件事。从更广泛的意义上说,他就不太可能——如美国人那样——将人生视为一系列 的情境,在这些情境中,一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现需要创造性地加以解决的新问题。 把着手教 回想起来,当时我就清楚地意识到,这件事正是体现了问题的关键之所在——而且不仅仅是一种意义上的关键之所在。这件事表明了我们两国在教育和艺术实践上的重要差异。 那些善意的中国旁观者前来帮助本杰明时,他们不是简单地像我可能会做的那样笨拙地或是犹犹豫豫地把他的手往下推。相反,他们极其熟练地、轻轻地把他引向所要到达的确切方向。 我逐渐认识到,这些中国人不是简单地以一种陈旧的方式塑造、引导本杰明的行为:他们是在恪守中国传统,把着手教,教得本杰明自己会愉快地要求再来一次。


现代大学英语精读1U n i t6课后练习答 案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 6 Preview 1. Listen to the recording of the text and choose the statement that best reflects your understanding. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D Vocabulary 1. Become familiar with the rules of word formation. 1. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs. 1. strain 7. realization 13. assurance 2. teasing/tease 8. burial 14. astonishment 3. dawn 9. scattering/scatter 15. expectation 4. Death 10. grasp 16.insurance 5. leak 11. appreciation 17. reflection 6. inspection 12. flight 18. belief 2. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. 1. stream 6. Accept 2. state 7. encounter 3. relate 8. Collect 4. form 9. radiate 5. recognize 10. identify 3. Decide whether the missing letter is e, o or a. (注意:在不发音的e结尾的动词后面加er, or或ar时,应先删去该字母e;在以重读闭音节结尾的动词后面加er, or或ar时,如结尾只有一个辅音,则该辅音必须双写。) 1. reporter 10. supporter 19. composer 2. professor 11. visitor 20. interpreter 3.Editor 12.1iar 21.beggar 4.Adviser 13. seller 22. sailor 5.Robber 14. murderer 23. announcer 6. actor 15.traveler 24. manager 7. aggressor 16. scholar 25. invader 8. beginner 17. author 26. creator 9. passenger 18. successor 27. dealer 4. Translate the following expressions, paying attention to the different use of the suffix “-ful”. 1.令人羞愧的结果 10.带着哭腔;声泪俱下地 2.满满一碗米饭 11.吃一大口 3.色彩鲜艳的衣服 12.一厢情愿的想法 4.一个令人快乐的人 13.有希望的形势


Globalization is sweeping aside national borders and changing relations between nations. What impact does this have on national identities and loyalties? Are they strengthened or weakened? The author investigates. 全球化正在扫除国界、改变国与国之间的关系。这对国家的认同和对国家的忠诚会带来什么影响呢?它们会得到加强还是削弱?作者对这些问题进行了探讨。 In Search of Davos ManPeter Gumbel 1. William Browder was born in Princeton, New Jersey, grew up in Chicago, and studied at Stanford University in California. But don't call him an American. For the past 16 of his 40 years he has lived outside the ., first in London and then, from 1996, in Moscow, where he runs his own investment firm. Browder now manages $ billion in assets. In 1998 he gave up his American passport to become a British citizen, since his life is now centered in Europe. "National identity makes no difference for me," he says. "I feel completely international. If you have four good friends and you like what you are doing, it doesn't matter where you are. That's globalization." 寻找达沃斯人 彼得·甘贝尔 威廉·布劳德出生于新泽西州的普林斯顿,在芝加哥长大,就读于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福大学。但别叫他美国人。他今年40岁,过去16年来一直生活在美国以外的地方,先是在伦敦,1996年后在莫斯科经营他自己的投资公司。布劳德如今掌管着价值16亿美元的资产。1998年,他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民,因为他现在的生活中心在欧洲。“国家认同对我来说不重要,”他说,“我觉得自己完全是个国际人。如果你有四个朋友,又喜欢你所做的事情,那么你在哪儿无关紧要。这就是全球化。” 2. Alex Mandl is also a fervent believer in globalization, but he views himself very differently. A former president of AT&T, Mandl, 61, was born in Austria and now runs a French technology company, which is doing more and more business in China. He reckons he spends about 90% of his time traveling on business. But despite all that globetrotting, Mandl who has been a . citizen for 45 years still identifies himself as an American. "I see myself as American without any hesitation. The fact that I spend a lot of time in other places doesn't change that," he says. 亚历克斯·曼德尔也是全球化的狂热信徒,但他对自己的看法与布劳德不同。61岁的曼德尔曾任美国电报电话公司总裁。他出生于奥地利,现在经营着一家法国技术公司,该公司在中国的业务与日俱增。他估计自己几乎90%的时间都花在出差上。然而,尽管曼德尔全球到处跑,已经做了45年美国公民的他还是认为自己是个美国人。“我毫不迟疑地把自己当作美国人。我在其他地方度过很多时间,但是这一事实不能改变我是美国人,”他说。 3. Although Browder and Mandl define their nationality differently, both see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. And not incidentally, both are Davos Men, members of the international business élite who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971. This week, Browder and Mandl will join more than 2,200 executives, politicians, academics, journalists, writers and a handful of Hollywood stars for five days of networking, parties and endless earnest discussions about everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implications of nanotechnology. Yet this year, perhaps more than ever, a hot topic at Davos is Davos itself. Whatever their considerable differences, most Davos Men and

大学英语精读4 Unit6答案

大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit6答案 1) prelude 2) schedule 3) be in the way/get in the way 4) individuals 5) sequence 6) preserve 7) relevant 8) integrate 9) glide 10) inquiry 11) conscious 12) continual 13) Reading between the lines 14) sets of 15) original 1) resumed 2) transferred 3) manufactured 4) loosened 5) invariably 6) set down 7) restrain 8) literally 9) glided 10) magnificent 11) do good to 12) consists ... in 1) have dipped into 2) read through 3) picked up 4) left off 5) has thought through 6) reaching for 7) tied up 8) was marked up 9) consisted in/consists in 10) reduced to 1You mustn't let your social life get in the way of your studies.) 2) A good director is indispensable for a successful film.

unit 6 大学英语综合教程答案

BOOK 1 - Unit 6 - Language Focus - Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. 1) The former lake bed is now a [fertile] plain producing good crops of wheat. 2) Aunt Pat's rough, red hands [reflected] a life of hard physical labor. 3) If you are living [overseas], you may not have to pay tax in your own country. 4) Helen is pretty, of [slim] build, with blue eyes. 5) We [split] the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves. 6) Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer [sustained] the trapped miners. 7) The [glow] of the setting sun reddened the stream. 8) The kidnappers (绑架者) [thrust] the boy into the car and drove off. 9) It is common knowledge that dogs have a [keen] sense of smell. 10) The unusually cold winter caused many plants to [bud]late this year. 11) Training is provided, so no [previous] experience is required for the job. 12) We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight — [whichever] suits you best. 2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you. 1) I strongly dislike the sickly smell of carpets and furniture in the bedroom. (disgust) The sickly smell[of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me]. 2) Correspondence between Mary and Henry came to an end after the death of her mother. (correspond) corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother].Mary stopped[ isolated an ) is a radio transmitter (发射台most 3) The suitable site for place far from cities. (best located)].from citiesan isolated place far radio A transmitter[is best located at Martin didn't hear attention so that I game 4) The on TV completely held my come in. (absorb)was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn't hear Martin come in].I[5) Thanks to the rough surface of the basketball,


全新版大学英语综合教程 1 课文对照翻译BY12020212 Unit 1 Growing UP Part ⅡText A Writing for Myself When we are writing we are often told to keep our readers in mind, to shape what we say to fit their tastes and interests. But there is one reader in particular who should not be forgotten. Can you guess who? Russell Baker surprised himself and everyone else when he discovered the answer. 我们写作时常常被告诫,脑子里要有读者,笔者所云一定要符合读者的口味和兴趣。但有一位读者特别不 该忘记。你能猜出是谁吗?当拉塞尔穃ul0贝克找到这个问题的答案时,他自己和别人都感到大为惊讶。 Writing for Myself Russell Baker 1 The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold. Until then I've been bored by everything associated with English courses. I found English grammar dull and difficult. I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write. 为自己而写 拉塞尔穃ul0贝克从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级, 这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛 恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。 2 When our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects. Mr. Fleagle had a reputation among students for dullness and inability to inspire. He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim. He wore primly severe eyeglasses, his wavy hair was primly cut and primly combed. He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts. He had a primly pointed jaw, a primly straight nose, and a prim manner of speaking that was so correct, so gentlemanly, that he seemed a comic antique. 弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格 尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了, 古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,领带端 端正正地顶着白衬衣的领扣。他长着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来一本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活 脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 3 I prepared for an unfruitful year with Mr. Fleagle and for a long time was not disappointed. Late in the year we tackled the informal essay. Mr. Fleagle distributed a homework sheet offering us a choice of topics. None was quite so simple-minded as "What I Did on My Summer Vacation," but most seemed to be almost as dull. I took the list home and did nothing until the night before the essay was - 1


大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期: 2008-2009学年第一学期 学时 18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象 2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to: 1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information should be collected before the class. (about 10 minutes)


Unit 1 PartⅡTextA One Writer's Beginnings 作家起步时 我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。母亲念书给我听。上午她都在那间大卧室里给我念,两人一起坐在她那把摇椅里,我们摇晃时,椅子发出有节奏的滴答声,好像有只唧唧鸣叫的蟋蟀在伴着读故事。冬日午后,她常在餐厅里烧着煤炭的炉火前给我念,布谷鸟自鸣钟发出“咕咕”声时,故事便结束了;晚上我在自己床上睡下后她也给我念。想必我是不让她有一刻清静。有时她在厨房里一边坐着搅制黄油一边给我念,故事情节就随着搅制黄油发出的抽抽搭搭的声响不断展开。我的奢望是她念我来搅拌;有一次她满足了我的愿望,可是我要听的故事她念完了,她要的黄油我却还没弄好。她念起故事来富有表情。比如,她念《穿靴子的猫》时,你就没法不相信她对猫一概怀疑。 当我得知故事书原来是人写出来的,书本原来不是什么大自然的奇迹,不像草那样自生自长时,真是又震惊又失望。不过,姑且不论书本从何而来,我不记得自己有什么时候不爱书——书本本身、封面、装订、印着文字的书页,还有油墨味、那种沉甸甸的感觉,以及把书抱在怀里时那种将我征服、令我陶醉的感觉。还没识字,我就想读书了,一心想读所有的书。 我的父母都不是来自那种买得起许多书的家庭。然而,虽然买书准得花去他不少薪金,作为一家成立不久的保险公司最年轻的职员,父亲一直在精心挑选、不断订购他和母亲认为儿童成长应读的书。他们购书首先是为了我们的前程。 除了客厅里有一向被称作“图书室”的书橱,餐厅的窗子下还有几张摆放百科全书的桌子和一个字典架。这里有伴随我们在餐桌旁争论着长大的《韦氏大词典》、《哥伦比亚百科全书》、《康普顿插图百科全书》、《林肯资料文库》,以及后来的《知识库》。“图书馆”书橱里的书没过多久我就能读了——我的确读了,全都读了,按着顺序,一排接着一排读,从最上面的书架一直读到最下面的书架。母亲读书最重要的不在获取信息。她是为了享受快乐而埋头读小说。她读狄更斯时的神情简直就像要跟他私奔似的。她少女时代读的小说印在了她心头的,除了狄更斯、司各特和罗伯特?路易斯?斯蒂文森等人的作品之外,还有《简?爱》、《切尔比》、《白衣女士》、《绿厦》和《所罗门王的矿藏》。 多亏了我的父母,我很早就接触了受人喜爱的马克?吐温。书橱里有一整套马克?吐温文集和一套不全的林?拉德纳作品集,这些书最终将父母和孩子联结在一起。 我一本接一本阅读摆在我面前的书,读着读着便发现一本又破又旧的书,是我父亲小时候的。书名是《桑福徳与默顿》。我不相信如今还有谁会记得这本书。那是托玛斯?戴在18世纪80年代撰写的一本著名的进行道德教育的故事书,可该书的扉页上并没有提及他;上面写的是《桑福徳与默顿简易本》,玛丽?戈多尔芬著。书中讲的是一个富孩子和一个穷孩子与他们老师巴洛先生之间的冗长的谈话,其间穿插着戏剧性场面——分别写了富孩子和穷孩子如何发火、如何获救。书末讲的道德寓意不是一条,而是两条,都印在环形图案里:“不管发生什么,该做的就去做”,还有“想做伟人,必须先学会做个好人”。 这本书没了封面,封底用几条纸片粘牢,有好几层,如今都泛黄了,书页上污迹斑斑,边角处都破碎了;书中花哨的插图脱了页,但都保存良好,夹在书里。即使在少不更事的童年,我就觉得那是我父亲小时候拥有的惟一一本书。他一直珍藏着这本书,或许还枕着这本没了封面的书睡觉:他7岁时就没了母亲。我父亲从来没跟自己的孩子提起过这本书,但他从俄亥俄一路把它带到我们的家,把它放进我们的书橱。


One Writer's Beginnings 1 I learned from the age of two or three that any room in our house, at any time of day, was there to read in, or to be read to. My mother read to me. She'd read to me in the big bedroom in the mornings, when we were in her rocker together, which ticked in rhythm as we rocked, as though we had a cricket accompanying the story. She'd read to me in the dining room on winter afternoons in front of the coal fire, with our cuckoo clock ending the story with "Cuckoo", and at night when I'd got in my own bed. I must have given her no peace. Sometimes she read to me in the kitchen while she sat churning, and the churning sobbed along with any story. It was my ambition to have her read to me while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter. She was an expressive reader. When she was reading "Puss in Boots," for instance, it was impossible not to know that she distrusted all cats. 作家起步时 我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。母亲念书给我听。上午她都在那间大卧室里给我念,两人一起坐在她那把摇椅里,我们摇晃时,椅子发出有节奏的滴答声,好像有只唧唧鸣叫的蟋蟀在伴着读故事。冬日午后,她常在餐厅里烧着煤炭的炉火前给我念,布谷鸟自鸣钟发出“咕咕”声时,故事便结束了;晚上我在自己床上睡下后她也给我念。想必我是不让她有一刻清静。有时她在厨房里一边坐着搅制黄油一边给我念,故事情节就随着搅制黄油发出的抽抽搭搭的声响不断展开。我的奢望是她念我来搅拌;有一次她满足了我的愿望,可是我要听的故事她念完了,她要的黄油我却还没弄好。她念起故事来富有表情。比如,她念《穿靴子的猫》时,你就没法不相信她对猫一概怀疑。 2 It had been startling and disappointing to me to find out that story books had been written by people, that books were not natural wonders, coming up of themselves like grass. Yet regardless of where they came from, I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them —with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself. Still illiterate, I was ready for them, committed to all the reading I could give them. 当我得知故事书原来是人写出来的,书本原来不是什么大自然的奇迹,不像草那样自生自长时,真是又震惊又失望。不过,姑且不论书本从何而来,我不记得自己有什么时候不爱书——书本本身、封面、装订、印着文字的书页,还有油墨味、那种沉甸甸的感觉,以及把书抱在怀里时那种将我征服、令我陶醉的感觉。还没识字,我就想读书了,一心想读所有的书。 3 Neither of my parents had come from homes that could afford to buy many books, but though it must have been something of a strain on his salary, as the youngest officer in a young insurance company, my father was all the while carefully selecting and ordering away for what he and Mother thought we children should grow up with. They bought first for the future . 我的父母都不是来自那种买得起许多书的家庭。然而,虽然买书准得花去他不少薪金,作为一家成立不久的保险公司最年轻的职员,父亲一直在精心挑选、不断订购他和母亲认为儿童成长应读的书。他们购书首先是为了我们的前程。 4 Besides the bookcase in the living room, which was always called "the library", there were the encyclopedia tables and dictionary stand under windows in our dining room. Here to help us grow up arguing around the dining room table were the Unabridged Webster, the Columbia Encyclopedia, Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia, the Lincoln Library of Information, and later the Book of Knowledge. In "the library", inside the bookcase were books I could soon begin on —and I did, reading them all alike and as they came, straight down their rows, top shelf to bottom. My mother read secondarily for information; she sank as a hedonist into novels. She read Dickens in the spirit in which she would have eloped with him. The novels of her girlhood that had stayed on in her imagination, besides those of Dickens and Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson, were Jane Eyre, Trilby, The Woman in White, Green Mansions, King Solomon's Mines. 除了客厅里有一向被称作“图书室”的书橱,餐厅的窗子下还有几张摆放百科全书的桌子和一个字典架。这里有伴随我们在餐桌旁争论着长大的《韦氏大词典》、《哥伦比亚百科全书》、《康普顿插图百科全书》、《林肯资料文库》,以及后来的《知识库》。“图书馆”书橱里的书没过多久我就能读了——我的确读了,全都读了,按着顺序,一排接着一排读,从最上面的书架一直读到最下面的书架。母亲读书最重要的不在获取信息。她是为了享受快乐而埋头读小说。她读狄更斯时的神情简直就像要跟他私奔似的。她少女时代读的小说印在了她心头的,除了狄更斯、司各特和罗伯特?路易斯?斯蒂文森等人的作品之外,还有《简?爱》、《切尔比》、《白衣女士》、《绿厦》和《所罗门王的矿藏》。 5 To both my parents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain. There was a full set of Mark Twain and a short set of Ring Lardner in our bookcase, and those were the volumes that in time united us all, parents and children. 多亏了我的父母,我很早就接触了受人喜爱的马克?吐温。书橱里有一整套马克?吐温文集和一套不全的林?拉德纳作品集,这些书最终将父母和孩子联结在一起。 6 Reading everything that stood before me was how I came upon a worn old book that had belonged to my father as a child. It was called Sanford and Merton. Is there anyone left who recognizes it, I wonder? It is the famous moral tale written by Thomas Day in the 1780s, but of him no mention is made on the title page of this book; here it is Sanford and Merton in Words of One Syllable by Mary Godolphin. Here are the rich boy and the poor boy and Mr. Barlow, their teacher and interlocutor, in long discourses alternating with dramatic scenes —anger and rescue allotted to the rich and the poor respectively. It ends with not one but two morals, both engraved on rings: "Do what you ought, come what may," and "If we would be great, we must first learn to be good." 我一本接一本阅读摆在我面前的书,读着读着便发现一本又破又旧的书,是我父亲小时候的。书名是《桑福徳与默顿》。我不相信如今还有谁会记得这本书。那是托玛斯?戴在18世纪80年代撰写的一本著名的进行道德教育的故事书,可该书的扉页上并没有提及他;上面写的是《桑福徳与默顿简易本》,玛丽?戈多尔芬著。书中讲的是一个富孩子和一个穷孩子与他们老师巴洛先生之间的冗长的谈话,其间穿插着戏剧性场面——分别写了富孩子和穷孩子如何发火、如何获救。书末讲的道德寓意不是一条,而是两条,都印在环形图案里:“不管发生什么,该做的就去做”,还有“想做伟人,必须先学会做个好人”。 7 This book was lacking its front cover, the back held on by strips of pasted paper, now turned golden, in several layers, and the pages stained, flecked, and tattered around the edges; its garish illustrations had come unattached but were preserved, laid in. I had the feeling even in my heedless childhood that this was the only book my father as a little boy had had of his own. He had held onto it, and might have gone to sleep on its coverless face: he had lost his mother when he was seven. My father had never made any mention to his own children of the book, but he had brought it along with him from Ohio to our house and shelved it in our bookcase. 这本书没了封面,封底用几条纸片粘牢,有好几层,如今都泛黄了,书页上污迹斑斑,边角处都破碎了;书中花哨的插图脱了页,但都保存良好,夹在书里。即使在少不更事的童年,我就觉得那是我父亲小时候拥有的惟一一本书。他一直珍藏着这本书,或许还枕着这本没了封面的书睡觉:他7岁时就没了母亲。我父亲从来没跟自己的孩子提起过这本书,但他从俄亥俄一路把它带到我们的家,把它放进我们的书橱。 8 My mother had brought from West Virginia that set of Dickens: those books looked sad, too — they had been through fire and water before I was born, she told me, and there they were, lined up — as I later realized, waiting for me. 母亲则从西弗吉尼亚带来了那套狄更斯:那套书看上去也惨不忍睹——她告诉我,我还没出生,这些书就历经水火之灾,可现在它们还是整齐地排列在那儿——后来我意识到,是等着我去读。 9 I was presented, from as early as I can remember, with books of my own, which appeared on my birthday and Christmas morning. Indeed, my parents could not give me books enough. They must have sacrificed to give me on my sixth or seventh birthday — it was after I became a reader for myself-the ten-volume set of Our Wonder World. These were beautifully made, heavy books I would lie down with on the floor in front of the dining room hearth, and more often than the rest volume 5, Every Child's Story Book, was under my eyes. There were the fairy tales — Grimm, Andersen, the English, the French, "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"; and there was Aesop and Reynard the Fox; there were the myths and legends, Robin Hood, King Arthur, and St. George and the Dragon, even the history of Joan of Arc; a whack of Pilgrim's Progress and a long piece of Gulliver. They all carried their classic illustrations. I located myself in these pages and could go straight to the stories and pictures I loved; very often "The Yellow Dwarf" was first choice, with Walter Crane's Yellow Dwarf in full color making his terrifying appearance flanked by turkeys. Now that volume is as worn and backless and hanging apart as my father's poor Sanford and Merton. One measure of my love for Our Wonder World was that for a long time I wondered if I would go through fire and water for it as my mother had done for Charles Dickens; and the only comfort was to think I could ask my mother to do it for me. 从记事起我就收到给自己的书了,那是在生日时,还有圣诞节早晨。我父母真的是送给我再多的书都嫌不够。在我6岁或7岁生日时——那是在我自己能读书之后——他们送我一套10卷本的《我们的神奇世界》,为此,准是作了不少牺牲。那套书真漂亮,厚厚的,我总是带

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