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Chapter 7 Language, Culture, and Society

What is culture?

广义:the patterns of brief, customs, institutions,techniques,language.

侠义:refers to local or specific practice, belief or customs.

The relationship Between Language and Culture

A.Part to whole (language is a part of culture .)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd16680582.html,nguage can transport Culture.


定义:study language in a sociocultural context.

人物1. Malinowski提出:

a.The meaning of a word greatly depended upon its occurrence in a given context.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd16680582.html,nguage functions as a link in concerted human activity.

人物2. Firth: 伦敦学派的创始人):

He developed his own theory of CONTEXT OF SITUATION(情景语境理论).

情景语境理论:A. The relevant features of the participants,persons,personalities:

I. The verbal action of the participants.参与者的言语行为

II. The non-verbal action of the participants.参与者的非言语行为

B. The relevant objects.相关事物

C. The effects of the verbal action.言语行为的影响

Firth, who speaks (or writes ) what language (or what language variety ) to whom and when and to what end. (Fishman,1972:46).


Hymes,1972 提出:

1.A speech community refers to a group of people who …share not only the same rules of speaking, but at least one linguistic variety as well?

2.Situation, event and act are three units of interaction. Put together, these units form a nested hierarchy that can be used to study how members form a given community speak to each other.

SPEAKING: S= Situation(场景) ,P= Participants (参与者), E= Ends (目的), A= Act sequence (相关形式和内容), K=Key(语气), I= Instrumentalities(语式) , N= Norms (准则), G= Genres (体裁)

SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESES: 是由Sapir and Whorf 两人提出.

Linguistic Determinism(语言决定论):language may determine our thinking patterns Linguistic Relativity(语言相对主义):

A. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around.

B. Similarity between languages is relative.

7.1.2 More about the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESES: this hypothesis primarily suggests is that our language will mould our view of the world.

Two versions of the SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESES :

1.A strong version(强式说): emphasizing the decisive role of language as the sharper of our thinking patterns.

2.A weak version(弱式说) :but the cross-cultural differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relayive, rather than categorical.(相对的)

In the later 1960s, two American scholars, Brent Berlin and Paul Kay, conducted a large cross-linguistic investigation of basic color vocabulary, which involved 98 languages in the world.

(Berlin & Kay,1991:46):

Dani :There are only two basic color words in this language: modla for light, bright, hence, white

mili for dark, dull, hence, black.

7.1.5 Culture in Language Teaching Classroom

There are three objectives for us to teach culture in our language class:

1.To get the students familiar with cultural differences.

2.To help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of target culture will.

3.To emphasize the inseparability (不可分离性) of understanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practices.

7.2.2 A Situationally and Socially Variationist Perspective (情景和社会变体) “You are what you say” (Lakoff,1999)

Social factors that are believed to influence our language behavior in a social context. Among these factors, some major ones include: a) class, b) gender,c)age, d)ethnic identity,e)education background,f) occupation,g) religious belief. William Labov:

a famous sociolinguist, conducted a rather meticulous survey at several departments in the City of New York:

The objective for having this sociolinguistic investigation was to examine the relationships between speakers’social status(社会阶段) and their phonological


Result: class and style are two major factors influencing the speakers? choice of one phonological variant over another.


Women Register(女性语言) in the language that takes on the following features:

1.Women use more “fancy” color terms such as “mauve” and “beige”

2.Women use less powerful curse words.

3.Women use more intensifiers such as “terrible” and “awful”.(加强词)

4.Women use more tag questions. (附加问句,反役疑问句)

5.Women use more statement questions(陈述问句) like “Dinner will be ready at 7 o?clock?” with a rising intonation at the end.

6.Women?s linguistic behavior is more indirect and ,hence,more polite than men’s

Women register is not only used by women but also by powerless members in society.

“Sex” is a word used to refer to one?s biological property, while “gender” is a word employed to show one?s social property.(社会属性)

Linguistic Sexism(语言性别歧视): if we want to reform the language ,the first thing we need do is to try to change the society.

7.2.3 More about Sociolinguistics.

社会语言学(Sociolinguistics), as an interdisciplinary study of language use, attempts to show the relationships between language and society.

Sociolinguistic studies c an further be specified as two related but not identical perspectives of observation,namely,sociolinguistic study of society(语言社会学研究) and a sociolinguistic study of language(社会语言学研究).

As far as language teaching is contributions which can further be summarized as follows(Berns,1990:339):

1.Sociolinguistics has contributed to a change of emphasis in the content of language teaching.(有利于语言教学的重点转移)

2.It has also contributed to innovations in materials and activities for the classroom.(有利于语言课堂在资料和活动方面的创新)

3.It has contributed to a fresh look at the nature of language development and use.有利于重新审视语言的发展和使用的本质

4.It has contributed to a more fruitful research in this field.(有利于在这一领域里有成果研究)

Rogers(1961): and set up a tripartite mode (三重模型) for successful communication:

1.Try to look at things from other persons? point of view.

2.Try to sense their feeling to given issue.

3.Try to understand their way of knowing the world.

7.3.2 Cross-cultural Communication(跨文化交际)

1.When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗

2.Put yourself in other?s shoes.换位思考

3.One culture?s meat is another culture?s poison.各有所好,各有所爱

4.Honesty and sincerity are key points to mutual understanding.诚实和真诚是互相理解的关键Chapter 8 Language in Use

8.1 Speech act theory(言语行为理论): a theory about language used to do things.

The theory originated with British philosopher John Austin in the 50’s of the 20th century and developed by J. R . Searle (Austin’s student).

According to this theory, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are speaking, thus linguistic communication is composed of a succession of acts. 我们在说话的时候正在进行各种行为,因此语言沟通是由一连串的行为

Basically, John Austin and his student J. Searle believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to “do things”, to perform acts.“言语行为”理论是由英国牛津大学道德哲学教授奥斯汀建立的。他认为人们说话时不仅是传递信息或描述物体,通常是言语本身即是一种行为,即以言行事。

8.1.1 Performatives(施为句) and Constatives(叙事句\表述句)

Austin?s first shot ai the theory is the claim that there are two types of sentences: performatives and constatives.奥斯汀理论的第一步是认为句子有两类:施为句和叙事句。

performatives: Austin argue that sentences like the following do not describe things. they can?t be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is ,or is a part of, the doing of an action.And verbs like name are called performative verbs.这些句子并不是用来描述事物的,因此没有真假。说出这些句子是或者句子的部分本身就是实施某种行为。所以这些句子称为施


Constatives: Constatives are statements that either state or describe, and are thus verifiable and constatives bear the truth-value.表述句是指各种陈述,其作用是描写某一件事件,过程或状态,有真假之分。

Constatives & Performatives

A description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking. The speaker cannot pour any liquid into a tube by simply uttering these words. He must accompany his words with the actual pouring. Otherwise one can accuse him of making a false statement. Sentences of this type are known as constatives. E.g. I pour some liquid into the tube.


In some senses, constatives are also performatives. e.g.

The cat is on the mat. (implicit 隐性的performatives)

I tell you that the cat is on the mat. (explicit 显性的performatives)

Austin explored the possibility of separating performatives from constatives on grammatical and lexical criteria(标准,条件). 奥斯汀从语法和词汇上区别施为句和表述句。

(1)Typical performatives use first person singular subject, simple present tense, indicative mood, active voice, and performative verbs.典型的施为句一般是a. 第一人称单数作主语;b. 用一般现在时;c. 用陈述语气;d. 用主动语态;e. 动词是施为性动词。


1.Pedestrians are warned to keep off the grass.行人禁止践踏草坪。

2.Turn right. 向右转。

3.Thank you.

4.You did it.你犯了罪。

The above are performatives.

(2) the most typical constative verb state, which is used to describe things, may be used to do things. In uttering “I state that I’m alone responsible”, the speaker has made a statement and undertaken the responsibility. “state”一般被用来表述事物,是最典型的表述动词,却也可以被用来做事。说“I state that I’m alone responsible”(我声明我承担全部责任)的时候,说话人就发表了声明,承担了责任。这句话就成了performatives.

8.1.2 A Theory of the Illocutionary Act (行事行为理论)

1.Locutionary Act(发话行为):The act of uttering words, phrases, clauses.

It’s an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology. Namely, the act of saying something : the utterance of a sentence with determinate (确定的,一定的,决定的)sense and reference.


2.Illocutionary Act (行事行为): to say sth. is to do sth.

The act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something; its force is identical with the speaker’s intention. The making of a statement, offer promise, etc, in uttering a sentence, by virtue of the conventional force associated with it. the act of using a sentence to perform a function such as command, request, etc.


* Illocutionary Force(行事语力):may be said to be equivalent to speaker’s meaning, contextual meaning,or extra meaning, and may be translated into Chinese as “言外之意”.

The intention or purpose underlying the act of saying sth. (speaker’s meaning)

e.g. You have left the door wide open.

the locutionary act performed by the speaker is that he has uttered all the words “you”“have”“door”“open”etc. and expressed what the words literally mean. locutionary: utterance of all the word.

the illocutionary act performed by the speaker is that by making such an utterance, he has expressed his intention of speaking ,i.e. asking sb. to close the door. “or making a complaint.

3.Perlocutionary Act (取效行为): the effect of the utterance.

the act performed by or resulting from saying something, it’s the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something, the bringing about of effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence, such effects being special to the circumstances. The results or effects that are produced by means of saying sth.


The differences between Illocutionary Act and Perlocutionary Ac t is : one is related to the speaker’s intention and the other not.

8.2 The Theory of Conversational Implicature(会话含义理论): proposed by Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice.

The extra meaning not contained in the literal utterances, understandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker’s knowledge or knows why and how he violates intentionally one of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.


8.2.1 The Cooperative Principle(合作原则) 简称:CP

Grice argues that we can make a distinction between what B said in this case and what he implied, suggested or meant.

合作原则的内容:Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.使你所说的话在其所发生的阶段,符合你所参与的交谈的公认目标或方向。

Grice introduced four categories of maxims as follows:


1.Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange).使所说的话正好满足当前交谈的需要的信息。

2.Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.说出的话语所含的信息量既不能太多,也不能太少,只要满足交谈目的的信息量即可。所说的话不要多于需要的信息。


A: Do you know where Mr. X lives?

B: Somewhere in the southern suburbs of the city.

This is said when it is known to both A and B where Mr.X’s address is. Thus B is withholding some of the information required and is flouting (违反)the maxim of quantity(not informative enough). The implicature produced is “I do not wish to tell you where Mr.X lives.”


Try to make your contribution one that is true.所说的话要求真实。

1.Do not say what you believe to be false. 不要说自知是虚假的话。

2.Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. 不要说缺乏足够证据的话。说出的话尽可能真实,有证可查,至少是自己信以为真的话。


A: Would you like to come to our party tonight?

B: I’m afraid I’m not feeling so well today.

This is said when it is known to both A and B that B is not having any health problem that will prevent him from going to a party. Thus B is saying something that he himself knows to be false and is flouting the maxim of quality. (He doesn’t tell whether to go or not).The implicature produced is “I do not want to go to your party tonight.”


Make your contribution relevant. 要有关联。说出的话要切题,不说与主题、论题或话题无关的话。


A: The hostess is an awful one. Don’t you think?

B: The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren’t they?

This is when it is known to both A and B that it is entirely possible for A to make a comment on the hostess. Thus B is saying something irrelevant to what A has just said, and flouting the maxim of relation. The implicature produced is “I don’t wish to talk about the hostess in such a rude manner.”


Be perspicuous and specific.要清晰。说话清楚明白,简练而且有条理,避免含混和歧义。

1.Avoid obscurity of expression. 避免晦涩。

2.Avoid ambiguity. 避免歧义。

3.Be brief (avoid prolixity) 要简洁,简短有力。

4.Be orderly. 要有序的


A: Shall we get something for the kids?

B: Yes. But I veto (否决) I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.

This is said when it is known to both A and B that B has no difficulty in pronouncing the word “ice-cream”. Thus B has flouted the maxim of manner. The implicature produced is “I don’t want the kids to know we are talking about ice-cream.”

8.2.2 Violation of the Maxims 违背准则


8.2.3 Characteristics of Implicature

1.Calculability 可推导性

2.Cancellability 可取消性

3.Non-Detachability 不可推导性

4.Non-Conventionality 非规约性

8.3.1 Relevance Theory 关联理论

( proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in their book Relevance: Communication and Cognition交际与认知)

Ostensive-inferential Communication明示推理交际







The communicator produces a stimulus which makes it mutually manifest to communicator and audience that the communicator intends, by means of stimulus, to make manifest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions I.

Principle of Relevance(关联原则)的定义:Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. 每一个明示交际行动都传递一种假定:该行动本身具备最佳关联性。明示交际行动:说话人表明自己说话的意图。

关联理论3定义:①an assumption is relevant in a context if and only if it has some contextual effect in that context.②an assumption is relevant to an individual at a given time if and only if it is relevant in one or more of the contexts available to that individual at that time.③ a phenomenon is relevant to an individual if and only if one or more of the assumptions it makes manifest is relevant to him.

由关联理论3定义得出的Presumption of Optimal Relevance(最佳关联设想) Presumption of Optimal Relevance(最佳关联设想) :

A.The set of assumptions {I} which the communicator intends to make manifest to the addressee is relevant enough to make it worth the addressee?s while to process the ostensive stimulus.发话者意欲向听话人显映的假设集{I},具有足够的关联,使听话人值得努力去处理该明示的刺激信号。

B.The ostensive stimulus is the most relevant one the communicator could have used to communicate {I}. 这一明示刺激信号,是发话者传递假设集{I}时所能运用的最大关联的信号。

Degrees of Relevance(关联程度):



关联是一个由最大关联到最小关联或无关联的连续体(continuum),简略些说可分为最大关联(maximally relevant),强关联(very relevant),弱关联(weakly relevant)和完全不关联(irrelevant)。


(1) an assumption is relevant in a context to the extent that its contextual effects in this context are large. 语境效果与话语的关联性成正比关系: 在其他条件相同的情况下,语境效果越大,关联性越强;

(2) an assumption is relevant in a context to the extent that the effort required to process it in this context is small.处理话语所付出的努力是负面的因素,与关联性成反比关系:在其他条件相同的情况下,处理话语的努力越小,关联性就越强。

关联性Relevance =语境效果Contextual Effect /推理努力Processing Effort

Revised Principle of Relevance



最大关联(maximal relevance)是话语理解时付出尽可能小的努力而获得的最大语境效果。最佳关联(optimal relevance)是话语理解时付出有效的努力之后所获得的足够的语境效果。

8.3.2 The Q-and R-principles: proposed by Laurence Horn

The Q-Principle is intended to invoke the first maxim of Grice’s Quantity, and the R-Principle the Relation maxim.

The Q-principle数量原则(hearer-based):

Make your contribution sufficient (cf. Quantity)

The R-principle关系原则(Speaker-based):

Make your contribution necessary (cf. Relation,Quantity2, Manner3)

The hearer-based Q-principle is a sufficient condition(充分条件) in the sense that information provided is the most the speaker is able to.

The R-Principle, in contrast, encourages the hearer to infer more is meant.(R原则鼓励听者推导出更多的意思)

In communication,people always tend to convey the greatest information (Q-Principle) with the least utterances (R-Principle).(用最少的语言表达最多的意思。)

In other words, the Q-Principle is concerned with content (内容), the speaker who follows this principle supplies the sufficient information. the R-Principle is concerned with the form(形式), the speaker who employs this principle uses the minimal form, so that the hearer is entitled to infer that the speaker means more than he says.

Chapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics

Saussure(索绪尔): father of modern linguistics现代语言学之父

Saussure’s ideas were developed along three lines:linguistics(语言学), sociology(社会学) and psychology(心理学).

1.Saussure believed that language is a System of Sign. 索绪尔认为语言是一种符号系统。

This sign is the union of a form and an idea, which Saussure called the SIGNIFIER(能指) and the SIGNIFIED(所指).

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd16680582.html,NGUE vs. PAROLE(语言和言语)



12.1 The Prague School (布拉格学派):

12.1.1 Introduction

It sees language in terms of FUNCTION.(从功能的角度研究语言)

1.They fully justified the synchronic study of language but erected no rigid theoretical barrier to separate diachronic study.(布拉格学派以共时研究为主,但并没有完全将共时研究和历时研究想隔离)

2.They emphasized the systemic character of language by arguing that no element of any language can be satisfactorily analyzed or evaluated if viewed in isolation,and assessment can only be made if its relationship is established with the coexisting elements in the same language system.(布拉格学派强调语言的系统性,她们认为语言系统中任何一个成分都是相互联系着的,不能孤立研究两个分开的成分。)

3.They took language as a tool performing a number of essential functions or tasks for the community using it.(他们将语言看作是一种工具,用来研究语言的一系列功能。)

12.2.2 Phonology and Phonological Oppositions

The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and t he distinction between phonetics (语音学:研究发音)and phonology(音位学).

LANGUE belongs to phonology , PAROLE belongs to phonetics. 语言是音位学,言语是语音学。

A phoneme may be defined as the sum of the differential functions. 音位:在某一语言单位中,具有区别意义的最小的语言单位。

12.1.3 Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP)

Functional Sentence Perspective is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances (or text) in terms of the information they contain.句子功能观:是语言分析的理论,分析一篇话语中/语篇中所包含的信息

Theme: 主位:说者和听者都知道的信息。


The Subject-Predicative distinction is not always the same as the Theme-Rheme contrast.(主语并不一定是主位)


A.Sally stands on the table.

(Subject) (Predicate)

(Theme) (Rheme)

B. On the table stands Sally.

(Predicate) (Subject)

(Theme) (Rheme)

Sally is the grammatical subject in both sentences, but the Theme in (A) and the Rheme in (B).

Communicative Dynamism (CD)交际性动力: is meant to measure the amount of information an element carries in a sentence.衡量一句话中所承载的信息量的大小。

12.2 The London School (伦敦学派)

12.2.1 Malinowski’s theories

Malinowski: Anthropology(人类学家),波兰人。

他认为:According to him, the meaning of an utterance does not come from the ideas of the words comprising it but from its relation to the situational context in which the utterance occurs.话语的意思并不来自于组成这个话语的单词语境,而是来自于情景语境。

He distinguishes three types of context of situation(三种情景语境):

1.Situations in which speech interrelates with bodily activity.话语与当时身体活动有直接关系的情景

2.Narrative situation. 叙述情景

3.Situation in which speech is used to fill a speech vacuum--PHA TIC COMMUNION. 话语用来填补言语空白的情景——寒暄交谈。


1.By the first type of situation Malinowski meant that t he meaning of a word is not given by the physical properties (物理性能) of its referent(指示物), but by its function. Explanation: 词的意义不是它的自然属性给的,而是所指物它的功能。

2.The second type: Malinowski further distinguished “ the situation of the moment narration (叙述本身所处的当时当地情境)” and “the situation referred to by the narrative(在交谈中提到的/涉及到的情境<言语中所谈到的情景>)”

3.The third , its meaning cannot possibly come from situations in which language used, but form the “atmosphere of sociability and the fact of the personal communication of these people”

According to him, the real linguistic data are the complete utterances in actual uses of language.真正的语言数据资料……

12.2.2 Firth’s theories

Firth : Halliday’s teacher (韩立德的老师)

Firth influenced by Malinowski, he regarded language as a social process, as a means of social life, rather than simply as a set of agreed-upon semiotics and signs. Firth 把语言看作社会过程,人类社会生活的一种方式,而不是一种约定俗成的符号内容。

Firth did not see language as something wholly inborn or utterly acquired.(即是天生的,又是后天形成的)

Thus he insisted that object of linguistic study is language in actual use.研究对象:实际使用中的语言。

And the goal of linguistic inquiry is to analyze meaningful elements of language in order to establish corresponding relations between linguistic and non-linguistic elements.研究意义:语言中有意义的分成分析出来,以便于建立语言因素与非语言因素之间的对应关系。

The method of linguistic study is to decide on the composite elements of language, explain their relations on various levels, and ultimately explicate the internal relations between these elements and human activities in the environment of language use.研究方法:决定语言的组成部分,说明他们在各个层次上的关系,以及他们之间相互的关系。

Firth held that meaning is use(意义就是使用). Thus defining meaning as the relationship between an element at any level and its context on that level.(任何层次上的成分和它的语境层次上的语境关系)

There are five levels of analysis: 1. Phonological 音位学

2. Lexical and semantic 词汇和语义层次

3. Morphological 形态学

4. Syntactic 句法

5. Context of situation 情景语境


Firth defined the context of situation as including the entire cultural setting of speech and the personal history of the participants rather than as simply the context of human activity going on at the moment. 情景语境包括语言的整个文化背景和参与者的个人意识,而不是语言从事的某种活动。

By a typical context of a situation, he meant that social situations determine the social roles participants are obliged to play;典型的情景语境:社会情景决定了我们在社会情景中所扮演的角色。

Firth: Situational context(情景语境) and the linguistic context(语言语境) of a text:

1.The internal relations of the context itself.语篇本身的内在关系

A. The syntagmatic relations between the elements in the structure.结构成分之间的组成关系。

B. The paradigmatic relations between units in the system.系统中单位之间的聚合关系。

2.The internal relations of the context of situation. 情景语境的内部关系。

A. The relations between text and non-linguistic elements ,and the general effects.语篇和非语言成分之间的关系,以及总的效果。

B. The analytical relations between words, parts of words,phrases and the special elements of the context of situation.分析词,词的一部分,短语以及情景语境中特殊成分的关系。

Firth:also listed a model in his paper in linguistics that covers both that situational context and the linguistic context of a text:

1.The relevant features of the participants参与者的有关特征: persons ,personalities.

A. The verbal action of the participants. 参与者的言语行为

B. The non-verbal action of participants. 参与者的非言语行为

2.The relevant topics, including objects, events, and non-linguistic, non-human events.

3.The effects of the verbal action.言语行为的效果

Firth’s second important contribution to linguistics is his method of PROSODIC ANALYSIS(韵律分析法),called PROSODIC PHONOLOGY(韵律音位学).

Firth pointed out that in actual speech, it is not phonemes that make up the paradigmatic relations, but PHONEMATIC UNIT(准音位单位). Firth 认为构成联合关系的不是音位,而是准音位单位。

He held that the basic unit in analyzing speech is not word,but text, text in particular contexts of situation. 分析话语的基本单位不是一个单词,而是语篇<特定语境下的语篇>。

12.2.3 Halliday and Systemic-Functional Grammar(系统功能理论/语法)

System-Functional Grammar has two components: 1. System Grammar 系统语法

2.Functional Grammar 功能语法

Systemic Grammar aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential(意义潜势).

Functional Grammar aims to reveal that language is a means of social interaction.

Systemic-Functional Grammar is based on two facts:

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd16680582.html,nguage users are actually making choices in a system of systems and trying to re alize different semantic functions in social interaction.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd16680582.html,nguage is inseparable from social activities of man.

Halliday’s Systemic Grammar is different from other linguistic theories in the following aspects 韩立德的系统语法与其他语言学理论的不同体现在:

1.It attaches great importance to the sociological aspects of language.重视语言的社会学性质

2.It views language as a form of doing rather than a form of knowing.认为语言是做事的一种手段,而不是知识的一个表现形式,把语言行为潜势与实际语言行为相区分

3.It gives a relatively high priority to description of the characteristics of particular languages and particular varieties of languages.重视对个别语言以及个别变体的描写

4.It explains a number of aspects of language in terms of clines. (i.e ungrammatical→more unusual→less unusual→less usual→grammatical)用连续性这一概念来解释众多语言现象。


5.It seeks verification of its hypotheses by means of observation from texts and by means of statistical techniques.依靠对各种语篇的观察和统计学的手段来验证自己的假设

6.It has as its centre the category of the system.把系统范畴作为核心

In systemic grammar, the notion of system is made a central explanatory principle, t he whole of language being conceived as a “system of systems”.在系统语法里,系统的概念是由一条基本的解释性的原则构成的,即整个语言系统被认为是一个“系统的系统”。

On a very general level, there is the AXIS OF CHOICE and AXIS OF CHAIN:

Axis of Choice(选择轴)/paradigmatic(聚合)/ 意义的选择

Axis of Chain(链状轴)/ syntagmatic(组合)/语法的选择

伴随着话语次序出现的维度是连锁轴,而沿着纵线出现的基本模型则构成选择轴。连锁轴代表组合关系,选择轴代表聚合关系。出现在选择轴上的是对比关系。如果没有对比,语言就失去了交际的作用。连锁轴处理语法的表层,例如句法结构,语言单位,以及它们的级(句子,子句,词组,词,语素)。选择轴处理语法的意义,例如系统和精密度。系统就是一组存在于语法中的一系列选择(The SYSTEM is a list of choices that are available in the grammar of a language)

例如英语中"数"的系统(number system),包含两种选择:单数和复数(singular and plural)。而人称系统(person system )提供了三个选择:第一人称,第二人称,第三人称(first person, second person ,third person)。

-- 单数



-- 复数

-- 第一人称


人称-- 第二人称


-- 第三人称

There are also systems of gender,tense,and mood.(性,时态,语气)


All system have three essential characteristics所有系统所具备的三个基本特点:

1.The terms in a system are mutually exclusive.系统中的选择选项是互相排除的。选择了其中


2.A system is finite..每个系统都是有限的。我们完全能够确定一个系统的限度,准确地说出它所包含的选择的数目,一个不多,一个不少。

3.The meaning of each term in a system depends on the meaning of the other terms in the system.系统中每一个选择的意义取决于系统中其他选择的意义。如果其中一个意义改变了,其他选择也要改变意义。

In English, we make choices between different types of processes,participants, and circumstances.在英语里,我们可以对不同类型的过程、参与者和环境进行选择。它们都被统称为及物性选择(transitivity)。首先,我们把所有的选择区分为六种:

|-- 物质过程material process

| (John kicked the ball)

|-- 行为过程behavioural process

| (John laughed)

|-- 心理过程mental process

及物性系统| (John likes Mary)

(Transitivity) |-- 言语过程verbal process

| (John said it is cold in the room)

|-- 关系过程relational process

| (John is on the sofa)

|-- 存在过程existential process

| (There is a cat on the sofa)


E.g intention process 目的过程

1. Action process→

Transitivity material process→(动作过程)supervention process 意外过程

(及物性)(物质过程) 2. Event process


When meanings are expressed, people are intentionally making choices in the system network. On this basis, choice is meaning. 在表达意义时,人们特意在系统网络中进行选择。在此基础上,选择就是意义。

Functional Grammar:功能语法

功能语法包括:1.The Ideational Function概念功能

2.The Interpersonal Function 人际功能

3.The Textual Function 语篇功能

The Ideational Function概念功能:

定义:The Ideational Function is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. 概念功能是用来传递新的信息给听者。

概念功能包括经验功能(experiential function)和逻辑功能(logical function)两个部分。The Ideational function mainly consists of “transitivity” (及物性)and “voice”(语态)

E.g John built a new house. (物质过程)

Actor: John

Process: Material: Creation :built

Goal: Affected: a new house


1.Material process(物质过程): are those in which sth. is done(做了什么事情)

物质过程是表示做某事件的过程(a process of doing)。这个过程本身一般由动态动词(如)来表示,“动作者”(actor,即逻辑上的主语)和动作的目标(goal逻辑上的直接宾语)一般由名词或代词来表示,如图1:




2.Mental process(心理过程):

心理过程是表示“感觉”(perception )、“反应”(reaction)和“认知”(recognition)等心理活动的过程(a process of sensing)。表示感觉的动词有see,look等;表示反应的动词有like,please等;表示认知的动词有know,believe,convince等。





3.Relational process(关系过程): can be classified into two types: Attributive(归属) and Identifying(识别)

关系过程指的是反映事物之间处于何种关系的过程(a process of being)。它可分为“归属”(attributive)和“识别”(identifying)两大类。归属类指某个实体具有哪些属性,或者归于哪种类型,其公式是“A是X的一种”。这两种关系过程各自又可进一步分为“内包式”








4.Verbal process(言语过程)

言语过程是通过讲话交流信息的过程(a process of saying)。常用的动词有say,tell,praise,boast, describe等。“讲话者”不一定是人。在言语过程中,“受话者”也可以作为一个参与者出现。“讲话内容”(verbiage)可能是要传递给受话者的某个信息,也可能要受话者做某件事,如图6:




5.Behavioral process(行为过程):refers to physiological and psychological behavior. Behavioral Process has only one participant.(行为过程只有一个参与者) and when Behavioral Process has two participants, we may take it as Material Process

行为过程指的是诸如呼吸、咳嗽、叹息、做梦、哭笑等生理活动过程(a process of behaving)。行为过程一般只有一个参与者即“行为者”,而且行为者一般是人。这一点与心理过程相似,与物质过程不同。如图5:




6.Existential process(存在过程)

存在过程是表示有某物存在的过程(a process of existing)。常用的动词是be,此外还有等exist, arise。在每个存在过程中,都必须有一个“存在物”(existent)。如图7:




The Interpersonal Function(人际功能)


The Interpersonal Function embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relations.


And Interpersonal Function is realized by MOOD and MODALITY.人际功能是通过语气+情态来实现的。




限定部分(finite element)用来表示时态(tense morphemes)的助动词(auxiliary verbs)和情态动词( Modal verbs). (例子中的will\is)


Ignoring the problem will not make your work easier.

To argue with the captain is asking for trouble.

According to Halliday,

of the various speech roles, two are the most basic: giving and taking.语言的言语角色最基本的任务是给予和求取

the commodities exchanged can also fall into two kinds: goods &services and information.交换物也可分为两类物品及服务、信息

Speech roles and commodities exchange make up four principle speech roles: offer, command, statement, and question.言语角色和交换物构成了四种主要的言语功能:提供、命令、陈述和提问.

Role in change


Commodity exchange


(a) Goods-&-services (b) information

(i) giving给予


Would you like this teapot?


He?s giving her teapot

(ii) demanding求取


Give me that teapot!


What is he giving her?

The Textual Function (语篇功能):衔接、连贯


第一章语言和语言学 第一节语言的客观存在形式 一、语言: 1.语言是一种社会现象,不是一种物质实体。 2.言语交际是一个编码(说话)和解码(听话)的过程。 (语言的客观存在形式首先表现为人与人之间的口头交际行为,有声的口头语言,即口语) 3.语言的客观存在形式跟语言学家研究的语言是不完全一模一样的。 二、口语和书面语的主要差别: 1.口语:是有声的口头语言。 2.书面语:是经过加工提炼和发展了的口语书面形式。 3.口语是第一性的,书面语是第二性的。 4.书面语比口语更精练、更精确。 5.书面语比口语省略成份少一些。(多了一些成份) 三、口语与书面语的关系: 1.口语是第一性的,书面语是第二性的。 2.书面语反过来影响和促进口语的发展。 3.口语、书面语基本是一致的。(一般情况下) 四、书面语产生具有重大的历史意义: 书面语的产生克服了口语的时间、空间的限制,是人类进入文明社会的标志。 五、语言和民族: 1.语言是民族的重要标志,但不是最可靠的标志。 (1)在绝大多数情况下一个民族使用一种语言。 (2)也有一个民族使用多种语言。(犹太民族) (3)不同民族使用同一种语言。(满族、汉族) (4)尽管语言是最直观的,最容易识别民族的标志,从目前了解到的情况来看,“共同的历史文化传统和由此产生的民族认同感”,也许是维系一个“民族”的最根本的因素。 因而也是确定一个民族的最根本的标准。不能单凭“互相理解程度”来区分语言和方言。() 六、语言与种族的关系: 语言和种族没有必然的联系,但不是完全没有联系。特别就“语系”而言,两者之间的联系还是比较明显的。(汉语、汉藏语系都有声调) 七、语言和种族没有必然联系的根本原因是:语言能力和生理因素、心理因素有关,但是语言不是一种生理现象,也不是一种心理现象,不是先天遗传的,它是一种社会现象,完全是在一定的语言环境中后天获得的,所以语言和种族没有必然联系。 八、语言的客观存在形式:口语、书面语。语言的客观存在形式首先表现为有声的口头语言即口语, 而当出现了文字以后,又表现为有形的书面语言即书面语。 口语和书面语都有两个方面:一方面是表示一定意义的声音或图形,这是一种物理现象;另一方面则是由声音或图形(字)表示的意义,那是一种心理现象,或者说是思维活动的结果和感情流露。 第二节语言的性质 一、语言和言语 瑞士语言学家索绪尔是杰出的代表和集其大成的学者。 他的《普通语言学教程》(1916)开创了20世纪现代语言学的新局面。 1.什么是语言、言语? (1)言语:指说话这种行为和说出来的具体的话。 特色:a.具有个人因素(嗓音、用词等)。


《语言学概论》复习要点 重点名词概念:语言学、普通语言学、专语语言学、共时语言学、历时语言学 一、语言学、语言学的对象和任务 二、语言学在科学体系中的地位 三、语言学的基本类别 根据研究的对象的不同,语言学分为共时语言学和历时语言学、专语语言学和普通语言学。 四、语言学流派 各个语言学流派的观点、代表人物有所了解即可,注意布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派以及美国结构语言学派(也称美国描写语言学)都属于结构主义学派,是这一学派的三个分支。关于语言学流派的具体内容阐述,不作考试要求。 第一章言语的社会功能 本章须明确两个大的要点:语言的社会功能,即交际工具和思维工具;语言是一种社会现象。 主要名词概念:语言、社会、社会现象 第一节语言是人类最重要的交际工具 一、语言是人类社会的交际工具 1.语言的交际功能:语言是人类区别于其它动物的一个重要标志。语言是联系社会成员的桥梁和纽带,是社会成员互相之间交际和交流思想的工具,也是协调社会成员行动一致的工具。 2.语言是一种社会现象:语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有着十分紧密的联系,没有人类社会,就没有语言,人类社会以外的社会无所谓语言。所谓社会现象是指那些与人类共同体的产生、存在和发展等活动密切联系的现象。不同的民族有不同的语言,不同的地域有不同的语言,同时社会的变化也给语言以极大的影响,而离开了人类社会,就无所谓语言可言了。总之,语言就是一种社会现象,同社会的关系非常密切,其产生、发展等都要受到社会的影响。 语言不是自然现象,一方面,语言同社会有着十分紧密的联系,社会的发展变化直接影响着语言的发展变化,也就是说,语言的发展变化是受制于社会的;另一方面,从语言的音义联系看语言不是自然现象,而是社会约定俗成的,没有必然的本质的联系,如果语言是自然现象,世界上的语言应该一样的,没有区别的,而实际上世界上的语言多种多样,而且许多语言中还有方言,这说明语言决不是自然现象。 3.语言是一种特殊的社会现象:语言不但是社会现象,而且是一种特殊的社会现象。语言作为社会现象的特殊性主要表现在,社会现象可分为经济基础和上层建筑两大类,任何一种社会现象,要么属于经济基础,要么属于上层建筑,而语言既不属于经济基础,也不属于上层建筑,这两者的变化都不会从本质上影响语言。所以,从本质上看,语言是人类共同的交际工具,不分阶级、阶层,一视同仁地为全社会的成员服务,没有阶级性,具有全民性特点。4.语言没有阶级性:可从这样几个方面思考,首先是看语言工具的服务对象,是为特定的阶级服务还是为大众服务。其次是结合语言自身的结构考察,观察语言在哪一方面体现了阶级性特征没有。再次是看语言产生的社会环境,语言产生于没有阶级的社会,社会上连阶级都没有,语言作为社会的产物更谈不上有阶级性了。 二、语言是人类最重要的交际工具 人类传递信息,进行交际和交流思想,除了使用语言外,还可以使用文字、旗语、红绿灯、电报代码、数学符号以及身势、表情等,在一定场合使用,可以弥补语言的一些不足,但是这些交际工具使用范围有限,有的仅用于特定的范围,最重要的是,这些交际工具,都离不开语言,都是在语言的基础上产生的,是辅助语言进行交际的,没有语言,这些手段的存在没有任何意义。 一般掌握:语言和说话的关系 第二节语言是思维的工具 一、语言和思维的关系 语言不但是人类的交际工具,同时也是人类思维的工具,是认识成果的贮存所。思维过程离不开语言,需要借助语言来进行比较、分析、综合等一系列活动,需要借助语言来形成思想,利用语言把它储存在头脑中,再借助语言把思想表达出来,传达给听话人,同时使听话人产生思想。而且人类思维的成果-概念,还可以通过词语固定下来。总之,思维活动的过程不可能离开语言而单独进行,思维离不开语言,必须借助语言材料才能进行。语言也离不开思维,二者是互相依存,共同发展的。 二、思维能力是全人类共同的,语言是各民族不同 思维能力没有民族性,全人类都有,但不同民族的思维方式是不同的,有差别的,这从不同民族的语言的差异方面可以看出来。不同的语言之间很少有意义、功能、色彩等都完全对应等同的词语。第二章语言是符号系统 本章要注意语言是符号、语言符号的任意性特点、语言的层级体系三大要点。 主要名词概念:符号、语言符号、任意性、线条性、二层性、组合关系、聚合关系 第一节语言符号的性质和特点 一、什么是符号 1.符号的含义:符号就是由一定的形式构成的表示一定意义的记号或标记,包括形式和意义两个方面,其作用是指称现实现象。2.符号的构成:符号是由形式和意义两个部分构成的结合体。形式就是符号外在的形状、结构,它是以某种物质的方式存在的,或者是声音,或者是线条,或者是色彩,等等。意义就是符号所代表的具体内容,任何一个符号,都有一定的意义,形式和意义在一定的符号系统中是密不可分的统一体,不能割裂二者之间的关系。形式和意义互相依存,谁也离不开谁。 二、语言符号及其特点 1.语言符号:从本质上看,语言也是一种符号,也有形式和意义两个方面,具有符号的一切特点。 语言符号又不同于一般符号。可从以下几个方面认识理解,首先,语言符号是声音和意义的结合体,是说的和听的;其次,一般符号的构成比较简单,而语言符号却是非常复杂的,可分不同的层级;再次,一般符号由于构造简单,因而只能表达有限的内容,而且这种内容是简单而固定的,语言符号则可以表达丰富多彩的意义;最后,语言符号具有以少驭多的生成机制,具有生成新的结构


一、填空题:(每空1 分,本大题共10 分) 1. ()语言学是在19世纪逐步发展和完善的,它是语言学 走上独立发展道路的标志。 2. 人的大脑分左右两半球,大脑的左半球控制( 掌管不需要语言的感性直观思维。 3. 进入20世纪以后,语言研究的主流由历史比较语言学转为 ()。 4. 俄语属于印欧语系的( 5. 一个音位包含的不同音素或者具体表现出来的音素叫做 ()。 6. 语言中最单纯、最常用、最原始和最能产的词是( 7. 现代大多数国家的拼音文字的字母,大多直接来源于()字 母。 8. 言外之意之所以能够被理解是因为()起了补充说明的 作用。 9. 方言在社会完全分化的情况下,有可能发展成(? )?; 在社会高度统一的情况下,会逐渐被共同语消磨直到同化。 10. 南京方言的“兰”、“南”不分,从音位变体的角度来说,[n ]和[l]是 属于()变体。 二、单项选择题: 码填在题干上的括号内。(每小题1 分,本大题共15 分)

1. 在二十世纪,对哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学等学科产生重大影响 的语言学流派是() A.历史比较语言学 B.心理语言学 C.结构主义语言学 D.社会语言学 2. “人有人言,兽有兽语”中的“言”属于() A.语言 B.言语 C.言语行为 D.言语作品 3. “我爱家乡”中“爱”和“家乡”() A.是聚合关系。 B.是组合关系。 C.既是聚合关系又是组合关系。 D. 4. 一种语言中数量最少的是 A.音素 B.音位 C.语素 D.音节 5. 英语的man—→men采用的语法手段是 A. 屈折变化 B.变换重音的位置 C. 变化中缀 D.异根 6. 在汉语普通话中没有意义区别功能的声学特征是() A.音高 B.音强 C.音长 D.音质 7. [ε]的发音特征是 A.舌面前高不圆唇 B.舌面后高不圆唇 C.舌面前半高不圆唇 D.舌面前半低不圆唇 8. 构成“语言、身体”这两个词的语素的类型() A.都是成词语素 B.都是不成词语素 C.“语”和“言”是成词语素,“身”和“体”是不成词语素 D.“语”和“言”是不成词语素,“身”和“体” 9. 广义地说,汉语动词词尾“着”、“了”、“过”属于语法范畴中的 ()


名词解释 1、词汇 是一种语言中所有的词和成语等固定用语的总汇 2、音位的自由变体 有些音位在同一语言环境中,可以自由替换,而又不能区别词义,不受前面其他音位的影响,没有任何条件的限制 3,语言 语言是社会现象,是社会交际工具。同时是心里现象,是人类思维的工具 4,自源文字 是在某种语言的基础上自发产生并逐步完善的文字 5,同化和异化 同化现象是指,一个音位受相邻音位的影响儿而又在某个区别特征或音位整体上的趋同现象;异化现象,是指两个本来相同或相近的音位,如果连着发音有困难,则其中一个发生变化,变得跟邻近的音不同或不相近 6,黏着语 没有词的内部屈折,每一个语法范畴义都有一个粘附语素来表示,而一个粘附语素也只表示一种语法范畴义的语言类型 7,语音 即语言的声音,是语言符号系统的载体,人的发音器官发出,负载着一定的语言定义。语言依靠语音实现他的社会功能 8音质音位 以因素为材料,从音质的角度分析音位 9形态 同一个词与不同的词组合就有不同的变化。这些不同的变化形成一个聚合,叫做词形变化,或者叫做形态 10仿意词 是分别将外语中的构词材料按外语中的次序译成本民族语,使构词成分的选择和构词结构的选择与外语一一对应 12区别特征 具有区别音位的语音特征叫区别特征,也叫区别性特征 13符号 社会全体成员共同约定,用来表示某种意义的记号、标记、它包括形式和内容两个方面。它的作用是指称社会现实现象 14,小学 中国传统文学又称小学,包括分析字形的文字学,研究字音的音韵学,解释字义的训诂学,它们是围绕解释和解读先秦典籍展开研究的,因此又被称为经学的附庸 15,言内意外 用语言表达思想时留下的一些意义空白或将真实意义隐含在另一种说法中,或用一种意义采用不同说法以获取不同的效果 16文字 有两个意思,一个是指一个一个的字,一是指语言的视觉符号体系 17国际音标 是国际语音协会于1888年制定并开始使用的,不带民族特色。它的制定原则是:


广州大学 2012年研究生入学考试试题(全日制专业学位硕士) 招生领域:教育硕士 科目名称:语言学基础 科目代码:928 Ⅰ.Define the following terms (4 points each, 20%) 1. functional linguistics 2. minimal pair 3. consonant 4. syntax 5. synonymy Ⅱ. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (1 point each, 10%) 1. In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons. 2. Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and English. 3. The part of a sentence which comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called predicate. 4. The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph. 5. Human language is arbitrary. 6. All normal children have equal ability to acquire their first language. 7. In most cases, the illocutionary force of “freeze!” is a warning. 8. Linguistics is the course of language. 9. In English, pitch and length constitute intensity which seems to determine stress. 10. Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning. 1


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.

语言学概论00541史上最全(吐血整理) 汇总 简单题+名词解释 小抄笔记

27.书面语:书面语是用文字记录的语言形式,它是文字产生或在口语的基础上产生的,书面语是经过加工、提炼和发展了的口语的书面形式。 26.口语:就是有声的口头语言,任何一种语言都有口头存在形式。它是书面产生的基础。 28.语言相关论:语言相关论是萨丕尔和沃尔夫提出的关于语言与思维关系的观点,主张语言决定思维,不同的语言就有不同的思维方式。 29.大脑语言功能临界期:大脑语言功能临界期是指大脑的单侧化,大脑左半球的分区以及语言的遗传机制,都只提供人具有语言能力的潜在可能性,这些潜能必须在一定期限内被一定的语言环境激活才可能起作用。26.语言符号的所指 :语言符号的所指是符号的形式所指的意义内容。 29.机器翻译:通过计算机把一种语言自动翻译成另一种或多种自然语言的信息处理技术。 26.语音:语音是人的发音器官发出的、用于人与人之间交际并表达一定意义的声音。 27.词:词是最小的、有意义的、能够独立运用的语言单位。 28.语用:语用指语言运用,即人们在一定的交际环境中对语言的实际运用。 29.文字:文字是记录语言的书写符号系统。 27.单纯词:单纯词是由一个构词语素构成的词。 29.屈折:屈折是通过词的内部发生语音的交替变换来改变词的语法意义的手段。 28.意译词:是用本族语言的构词材料和规则构成新词,把外语中某个词的意义翻译过来。 27.仿译词:是用本族语言的语素逐个对译外语原词的语素造成的词,它不仅把原词的词义翻译过来,而且保持了原词的内部构成方式。 29.主谓词组:两个成分之间具有被说明和说明关系的词组是主谓词组。 27.复辅音:一个音节内处于同一个肌肉紧张的渐强阶段或渐弱阶段上的两个或两个以上辅音的组合。 27.双语现象:某一言语社团使用两种或多种语言的社会现象,具体而言是社团内的全体成员或部分成员双语并用的现象。 28.亲属语言:从同一种语言中分化出来的各个语言叫亲属语言,亲属语言之间具有历史同源关系。 26.调位:利用音节内的音高差别来起辩义作用的语音单位叫做调位,调位是一种非音质音位,依附在音位的组合序列上。 29.词组:实词与实词之间具有直接联系的相对独立的词群。 28.语素:语素是语言中音义结合的最小单位。 28.词尾:附着在词干后的,能改变词的语法形式,但不能构成新词的语素。 29.语素:音义结合的最小语言单位。 26.词类:词类是词在语法上的分类。它指可以替换出现在语法结构某些共同组合位置上的词的类,即具有聚合关系的词的类。 27.词法:(1)词法主要描写词的形态特征和词形变化规则。例如,俄语的名词在形式上有单数和复数的区别,有阳性、阴性、中性等性的区别,有主格、宾格、属格等格的区别,这些都是典型的词法现象。(2)由于印欧语言中构词单位、构词方式和词类都与词的形态变化相关,因此构词和词类问题也成为词法的一部分。27.语法意义:语法意义是语法形式所体现的意义,是语言中通过一类形式或功能所获得的意义。二者相辅相成,不可分离。如“动词+名词”有动宾关系的意义,汉语所有的同类组合都是如此,这种意义就是一种语法意义。 27.语法形式:语法形式就是能体现表达某种语法意义的形式。表示某一类语法意义或者有共同作用的形式,如词类形式、组合形式、虚词形式,就是语法形式。语法形式不是个别的语音形式和词语形式,但能产生某一类意义或者有共同作用的语音表现形式或者词形变化形式也是语法形式。 27.语法手段:根据语法形式的共同特点所归并的语法形式的基本类别叫做语法手段。语法手段可分为词法手段和句法手段两大类。通过词形的变化来表现语法意义的形式是词法手段;通过结构的变化来表现语法意义的形式是句法手段;例如英语名词后加s表示复数,英语动词后面加ed表示过去时,就是词法手段中的词形变化。 28.自源文字:自源文字指独立发展起来的文字。如古埃及文字、苏美尔文字、汉字,这些文字的形体、体系都是由最早使用该文字的人们独创的。 29.语音合成(1)语音合成是语音信息处理研究中的主要工作。 (2)语音合成就是让计算机模拟人的发音器官的动作并发生类似的声音。如汉语的语音合成目前已初步实现自动生成声韵调结合的音节。 26.句子:句子是词或词组按一定规则组合成的、能表达相对完整的意义、前后有较大停顿并带有一定的语气和句调的语言单位。 27.异化:语流中两个相同或相近的音,其中一个因受另一个影响而变得不相同或不相近。


语言学概论(本科)期末复习要点 导言部分 一、语言学、语言学的对象和任务 1.语言学是以语言作为研究对象的科学,它以人类的语言为研究对象。语言学的基本任务是研究语言的规律,具体地说,语言学研究语言的性质、作用、结构,语言的发展变化,使人们懂得有关语言的理性知识,从而提高学习语言和运用语言的水平。 2.中国、印度、希腊-罗马是语言学的三大发源地。 3.我国的小学:小学是我国古代语文学的统称,由训诂学、文字学、音韵学三部分组成。训诂学解释字义,文字学分析字形,音韵学研究字音。 二、语言学在科学体系中的地位 1.语言的研究和其它科学的关系十分密切,不仅与社会科学有联系,而且与自然科学也有十分密切的联系。语言学是一门古老的科学,又是一门年轻的科学。 2.语言交际的过程:语言交际过程可分“编码-发送-传递-接收-解码”五个阶段。 三、语言学的基本类别 根据研究的对象的不同,语言学可以分为以下几类:共时语言学和历时语言学、专语语言学和普通语言学、。各类语言学下面还可以进一步细分,如专语语言学下面可分汉语语言学(例如现代汉语、古代汉语、近代汉语、汉语史等)、英语语言学、俄语语言学等等,普通语言学下面可分语音学、词汇学、语义学、语法学、修辞学等等。 四、语言学流派 比较重要的语言学流派主要有:历史比较语言学、结构语言学、布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派、美国描写语言学派、转换-生成学派、系统-功能学派、社会语言学。各个语言学流派的观点、代表人物有所了解即可,注意布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派以及美国结构语言学派(也称美国描写语言学)都属于结构主义学派,是这一学派的三个分支。关于语言学流派的具体内容阐述,请浏览《语言学网络课件》中的“望远镜”板块。 第一章语言的社会功能 本章需要明确的要点是:第一,语言的两大社会功能;第二,语言是一种社会现象。第一节语言是人类最重要的交际工具1.语言的交际功能:语言是联系社会成员的桥梁和纽带。 2.语言是一种社会现象:弄清楚语言是一种社会现象的内涵,语言不是自然现象,而是社会现象,是一定社会的产物,同社会的关系非常密切。 3.语言是一种特殊的社会现象:没有阶级性,具有全民性特点。语言是人类最重要的交际工具 第二节语言是思维的工具 1.语言和思维的关系 思维活动的过程不可能离开语言而单独进行,思维离不开语言,语言也离不开思维,二者是互相依存,共同发展的。 2.思维能力是全人类共同的,语言是各民族不同 本节其它一些问题可一般了解:一、儿童学习语言的过程,二、思维不能离开语言的实验根据,三、关于聋哑人的思维,聋哑人失去语言能力对他的思维能力的发展产生了严重的消极影响,四、人类思维在机器中的再现。 第二章语言是符号系统 本章有三大要点:语言是符号、语言的任意性特点、语言的层次性第一节语言符号的性质和特点一、什么是符号 1.符号的含义:符号是人们用来指代某种事物的标记。符号是由一定的形式构成的表示一定意义的记号或标记,它包括形式和意义两个方面,指称现实现象。如: 2.符号的构成:符号是由形式和意义两个部分构成的结合体。 二、语言符号及其特点 1.语言符号:从本质上看,语言也是一种符号,也有形式和意义两个方面。注意语言符号同一般符号的区别。 2.语言符号的特点:语言符号具有任意性和线条性的特点 第二节语言符号的系统性一、语言的层级体系 弄清楚语言层级,各个层级的构成及其特点,以及语言二层性的核心。 二、组合关系和聚合关系 1.组合关系:组合关系就是两个同一性质的结构单位(比如音位和音位、词与词等)按照线性的顺序组合起来的关系,也


2019广州大学考研619汉语综合考试与827阅读与写 作复习全析(含真题) 《2019广州大学考研619汉语综合考试复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)》由鸿知广大考研网依托多年丰富的教学与辅导经验,组织官方教学研发团队与广州大学优秀研究生共同合作编写而成。全书内容紧凑权威细致,编排结构科学合理,为参加2019广州大学考研的考生量身定做的必备专业课资料。 《2019广州大学考研619汉语综合考试复习全析(含历年真题)》全书编排根据广州大学考研参考书目: 1.《语言学纲要》,叶蜚声、徐通锵,北京大学。 2、《现代汉语》(增订版),黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高等教育出版社。 3、《古代汉语》,王力主编,中华书局。 结合提供的往年广大考研真题内容,帮助报考广州大学考研的同学通过广大教材章节框架分解、配套的课后/经典习题讲解及相关985、211名校考研真题与解答,帮助考生梳理指定教材的各章节内容,深入理解核心重难点知识,把握考试要求与考题命题特征。 通过研读演练本书,达到把握教材重点知识点、适应多样化的专业课考研命题方式、提高备考针对性、提升复习效率与答题技巧的目的。同时,透过测试演练,以便查缺补漏,为初试高分奠定坚实基础。 适用院系: 人文学院:语言学及应用语言学、汉语言文字学 资料选购适用科目:

619汉语综合考试(自命题) 本书包括以下几个部分内容: Part 1 - 考试重难点与笔记: 通过总结和梳理《现代汉语》(黄伯荣增订五版)、《古代汉语》(王力校订重排本)、《语言学纲要》(叶蜚声、徐通锵北大修订版)各章节复习和考试的重难点,建构教材宏观思维及核心知识框架,浓缩精华内容,令考生对各章节内容考察情况一目了然,从而明确复习方向,提高复习效率。该部分通过归纳各章节要点及复习注意事项,令考生提前预知章节内容,并指导考生把握各章节复习的侧重点。 Part 2 - 教材配套课后/经典习题与解答 针对教材《现代汉语》(黄伯荣增订五版)经典课后习题配备详细解读,以供考生加深对教材基本知识点的理解掌握,做到对广大考研核心考点及参考书目内在重难点内容的深度领会与运用。 Part 3 - 名校考研真题详解汇编: 根据教材内容和考试重难点,精选本专业课考试科目相关的名校考研真题,通过研读参考配套详细答案检测自身水平,加深知识点的理解深度,并更好地掌握考试基本规律,全面了解考试题型及难度。 Part 4 - 广州大学历年考研真题: 汇编广大考研专业课考试科目的2014-2017年考研真题试卷,方便考生检查自


I.第一单元 A定义 1Design features of language. The features that define our human languages can be called design features, including arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement. 2. Functions of language Informative, Interpersonal(maintain social relations), Performative, Emotive, Phatic communion寒暄语,Recreational,Metalinguistic元语言功能 3.Main branches of linguistics Phonetics: the description, classification and transcription of speech sounds语音学 Phonology: the study of speech sounds of a language as a system音系学 Morphology: the internal structures of words形态学 Syntax: the internal structures of sentences.句法学 Semantics: the study of meaning as encoded in language.语义学 Pragmatics: the study of language use, meaning in context.语用学 B 填空 1 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 2 Langue vs parole (Saussure) C 翻译terms D topic Qs 1 Important distinction in linguistics Descriptive (native speakers) vs prescriptive (rules for correct uses of language)studies Synchronic (used at a particular point) vs diachronic studies (changes over time) Langue vs parole (Saussure)--Langue (language) is the language system: social, essential, stable; Parole (speech) is the actual use of the language system: individual, accidental, unstable Competence vs performance--Competence is the underlying knowledge about one’s language; Performance is the actual use of that knowledge in language use situations. Syntagmatic (组合关系)vs paradiamatic relations(聚合关系) Modern linguistics 第二课 QUESTIIONS 1Phonetics (divisions; speech organs;) The three branches of phonetics Articulatory phonetics: the study of sound production


第一章语言的社会功能 语言的功能与语言学的功用要区分开来。 向外看:交际工具 向内看:思维工具 第一节语言是人类最重要的交际工具 一、语言和说话(言语) 句子的数目可以无限。 句子的长度可以无限。(我知道你不知道我知道你不知道……) 无限的句子中包含着有限的词和为数不多的规则,学话就是掌握这套材料和规则。 说话的单位是句子,语言的单位是从音位到句子的各级单位。 二、语言是人类社会的交际工具 社会:生活在一个共同的地域中、说同一种语言、有共同的风俗习惯和文化传统的人类共同体。 没有社会,语言就失去了存在的价值和基础。没有语言,人与人之间的联系就会中断,社会就会解体。 三、语言是人类最重要的交际工具 文字是记录语言的工具,是辅助性的。 旗语,一些代码或标志是在语言文字基础上的交际工具,具有特定的服务领域,如红绿灯之于交通。 表情、身体姿势以及身体距离等也能传达一定的信息,这种信息的不以语言为基础,在交际中也有重要作用,可以补充语言的不足。 当人在谈话时,如果他把双臂抱在胸前,就说明他想要在自己和对方之间设立“障碍”,是一种抗拒的表示。动物式的领地观念仍然存在于人类头脑中,在公共场合人们都会尽量保持“安全距离”。在两个人说话时,如果一个人一只脚前伸,另一个人两脚平放,说明前者处于支配地位,因为他侵入了后者的“地盘”。在饭馆里,人们喜欢背靠墙壁,而面对开阔的位子,是因为他们喜欢“背后被保护”,同时视野开阔,“利于逃跑”。 手语分两种,如果是作为第一语言来使用,比如聋哑人,属于语言;如果只是暂时的方便使用,仍有自己的第一语言,属于辅助语。 第二节语言是思维的工具 萨丕尔——沃尔夫假说认为语言决定思维,但现在一般认为语言与思维是互相独立的,语言是思维的工具,而且是最主要的工具。要注意区分工具和行为本身。作为工具,语言对思维有非常重要的作用。 一、思维离不开语言 一般认为,东亚国家(中日韩)的小孩数学水平要高于欧洲国家,许多人从家庭教育、教学方法等方面找原因。有实验显示这与这些语言的不同的组织数字方式有关:


精品文档 Linguistics: I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets 1. ( ) The study of language as a whole is often called __________ linguistics. A. particular B. general C. ordinary D. generative 2. ( ) __________ can be simply defined as the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. A. Phones B. Sounds C. Phonemes D. Speech sounds 3. ( ) The two clauses in a __________ sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence. A. simple B. complete C. complex D. coordinate 4. ( ) The goal of __________ is to explore the nature of language variation and language use among a variety of speech communities and indifferent social situations. A. psycholinguistics B. sociolinguistics C. historical linguistics D. general linguistics 5. ( ) A __________ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintaining the highest position. A. back B. central C. front D. middle 6. ( ) The open, back and long vowel is __________. A.[ɑ:] B.[?:] C.[?:] D.[u:] 7. ( ) Language change is universal, continuous and, to a considerable extent __________. A. regular but not systematic B. irregular and systematic C. regular and systematic D. irregular but systematic 8. ( ) A scientific study of language is based on the __________ investigation of language data. A. symbolic B. systemic C. systematic D. system 9. ( ) __________ are sometimes called “semivowels”. A. vowels B. fricative C. glides D. nasals 10. ( ) __________ is a typical tone language. A. English B. Chinese C. French D. American English 11. ( ) A sentence is considered __________ when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers. A. right B. wrong C. grammatical D. ungrammatical 12. ( ) The number of the lexical items in the minor lexical categories is __________ and no new members are allowed for. A. large B. small C. limitless D. fixed 13. ( ) Human beings are the only species that learns and acquires language__________ explicit instruction. A. with B. without C. within D. through 14. ( ) According to F. de Saussure, __________ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all

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