当前位置:文档之家› 确定初中散文阅读教学内容中存在的问题及对策



At present,different versions of the language teaching material in the junior middle school.The proportion of the prose occupies the important status.And Chinese classes for primary and secondary schools,most of the classes are used in reading teaching.So teachers attach great importance to determine the prose reading content.But the number of selected article is not proportional to the quality of teaching.Now,there are many kinds of problems in the prose teaching,but the most common is:there is a lot of randomness in reading teaching content.Many teachers don't know what the prose classes should be taught,"teach what","don't teach what"largely rely on teachers'subjective experience or copying others' teaching contents,has not its theoretical basis.Prose reading teaching content scattered,not focus on if the teaching content is suitable for the prose of the stylistic characteristics,so prose classes ofen become to novel and drama.Due to the prose take a large share in the examination,the prose teaching will pay more attention to problem solving skills.Prose reading content for students is not to improve the ability of reading and seldom considering learning situation.This kind of problem has close relation to that the prose reading content has not basis.

On the basis of compulsory education Chinese course standard points out that the reading teaching goals and requirements of the students should have the ability of reading.This article on the basis of prose features and learning situation to determine the junior high school reading content.This will help the students have the ability of reading and achieve the reading goals,it is also easy to arouse the students'interest in learning the prose.To reval the unique features of prose in the reading teaching. This thesis mainly consists of four parts:

The first part mainly elaborates the reason that why you choose the topic,then summary the research status and research significance.In the second part of this paper, explaining the important concept such as secondary prose,reading teaching.The third part through the questionnaire survey and the teaching case analysis and induction, summarized the current junior middle school prose reading problems existing in the teaching content.The most important is the fourth part,aiming at the problems in the third part puts forward effective strategies:from two dimensions to determine the prose reading content.

Key words:prose;reading content;learning situation;prose features



摘要....................................................................................................................................I Abstract....................................................................................................................................II 前言 (1)

(一)选题研究缘起 (1)

(二)选题研究现状 (2)

1.从课程标准和教科书提示出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (2)

2.从言语教学角度确定散文阅读教学内容 (3)

3.依据散文表现出来的趣味确定散文阅读教学内容 (3)

4.从情感、作者、表达方式和言语方式结合出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (3)

5.从散文类型出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (3)

6.从微观分析的角度确定散文阅读教学内容 (3)

7.从散文文本特点出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (4)

(三)选题研究意义 (5)

(四)选题研究方法 (5)

1.问卷调查法 (5)

2.文献研究法 (5)

3.案例分析法 (5)

一、选题关键词详述 (6)

(一)初中散文 (6)

(二)阅读教学 (7)

(三)教学内容 (7)

二、初中散文阅读教学内容确定中存在的问题 (9)

(一)散文阅读教学内容缺乏散文味 (9)

(二)散文阅读教学内容应试化 (11)

(三)散文阅读教学内容缺乏梯度性 (12)

三、确定初中散文阅读教学内容的策略 (14)

(一)从散文文体特征出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (14)

1.深刻体会散文作品的“彰显自我” (15)

2.深入理解散文作品的“自有笔调” (18)

3.切实把握散文作品的叙事特征 (21)

(二)从学情出发确定散文阅读教学内容 (23)

1.密切关注学生的知识视野和生活视野 (23)

2.切实达成学生的学习期待 (24)

3.充分了解学生学习兴趣 (25)

结语 (27)

参考文献 (28)

附录 (30)

致谢 (32)

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