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关于香港的英语作文 高中水平 小学 初中用很显示风采哦
关于香港的英语作文 高中水平 小学 初中用很显示风采哦

Hong Kong Disneyland is a resort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, which is Disney's fifth seat Disneyland. Hong Kong MTR Disneyland Resort Line has dedicated railway between Sunny Bay Station and Disneyland Station, the second around the world and from Disney's railway line. Hong Kong Disneyland theme song "Let the Magic fly" by the Hong Kong Disneyland spokesperson Jacky Cheung singer. The park's official communication language is English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).

Hong Kong Disneyland has some unique attractions, the two Disney themed hotels, as well as exciting shopping, dining and entertainment facilities. Featured attractions include the

Dream scenic Main Street USA, Adventureland, Fantasyland and Tomorrowland, in the park can also be find a Disney cartoon character Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and so on.

Hong Kong Disneyland area of 126 hectares, is the world's smallest Disneyland. However, the next theme park there are multi-phase expansion project, the first phase of the expansion project currently under construction.

Paradise generally cover four subject areas (California, USA 8, Florida and Tokyo, all 7, Paris 5), similar to other Disney theme park, including: Main Street USA, Adventureland, Fantasyland and Tomorrowland.

Hong Kong Disneyland is the world's fifth model in the construction of Disneyland, Disney's 10th theme park world, and the first under California Disney (including the Sleeping Beauty Castle) theme park modeled. Of tourists visiting Hong Kong Disneyland will be temporarily away from the real world, into the colorful fairy tale kingdom, feel the future of the mysterious land of fantasy and thrills of the adventure in the world.

In addition to well-known Disney classic stories and recreational facilities, the Hong Kong Disneyland is also the cultural characteristics of Hong Kong, the idea of some of Hong Kong set for recreational facilities, entertainment shows and parades.








Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns. When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster gradually. When it’s time up it stopped slowly.

Welcome aboard the Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad taking you on a round the park circuit of Hong Kong Disneyland. Our next stop is Fantasyland Station. We ask that you stay seated until the Train has come to a complete stop. Thankyou!

Disneyland opened in September 2005 and is the first Theme Park inside the Resort. The park features four lands that consist of Main Street U.S.A., Adventureland, Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.

As you may have picked up being a Disney fan, there is no Frontierland which was just one of the things that amounted to the biggest criticism brawl in Disney history. Not really but many things went wrong for the first year of operation.

The first item on the criticism agenda was the lack of attractions. The park ran just over 20 attractions when it opened compared to Disneyland in California which now has over 60 attractions open. That was quickly changed as they then added a Tomorrowland extension which included interactive and water play areas.

Disneyland has since planned plenty of future attractions including "it's a small world" which has been reported under construction already. Other attractions planned are Peter Pan's Flight and Big Thunder Mountain. More news on these another time.

There were also alot of problems with the Mainland Chinese. One third of the entrants to Disneyland on opening day were Mainlanders. Some of them had

very poor etiquette which included offences such as urinating in flower beds, cutting through queue lines and spitting in public.

But back on track. The good news for foreigners is that most of the shows and performances are either shown in English, Cantonese or Putonghua. This is what really sets this park out from the rest. It's so new and international but after all, Hong Kong is the gateway to the world!

Other than the minor troubles, Hong Kong Disneyland has turned into the latest and greatest Disney Park that offers so many new experiences and dreams for everyone. From the newly paved Main Street U.S.A. to the drastically changed Jungle River Cruise and Adventureland area, Hong Kong Disneyland is the place to be!


我的父亲高中满分作文 “总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你,直到长大以后才懂得你不容易……”每当我听起筷子兄弟的《父亲》这首歌的时候,总是想起我的爸爸。 爸爸个子不高,但是他在我心目中总是很伟大。我家住在农村,以种地为生。爸爸单独一个人撑起我们的家,想一想我的眼泪就想脱眶而出。爸爸头上那一根根雪白色的头发,代表着这些年他为这个家付出了多心血,操过多少的心。还有他那略有些驼背的身躯,从这里就可以看出来他为这个家也为了我,付出了比一般的父亲还要多的力气。爸爸为了能让我好好上学,在学校吃饱喝好,不让我担忧家里,我每次去上学出门前爸爸总是轻松而快乐的样子送我出门,而且左吩咐右吩咐“带上厚衣服,钱别掉了,也别乱花…”我总是不经意的:“哦哦,知道了”!其实我知道,爸爸是装出来的,他内心其实很累了。 爸爸把我当成一个宝贝,有点什么活尽量不让我干,不过他实在忙不过来的时候,也让我去帮忙,忙完一天,爸爸买好吃的让我吃。在我记忆中,我从刚刚懂事到现在,我是衣来伸手饭来张口,我要什么他就给我买什么。有时候我需要新衣服了,即便爸爸妈妈再没有空,爸爸也会催着妈妈抓紧给我去买。但是爸爸身上总是穿着一件陈旧的衣服,把他用来买衣服的钱都给我买了衣服。爸爸对我这么好还不是让我好好学习,考上大学给他争光。我现在也没辜负爸爸对我的期望,我虽然现在读高中中学,但是我在班里成绩排在前五名,班主任对我说照这样学下去一定能考上好大学。我回家告诉爸爸,爸爸心里也很

快乐。我心中也铭记着爸爸对我说过的最多的一句话“只要你好好学习,考上好大学,爸爸下再大的力,吃再多的苦我也愿意”。我带着这句话一直走到现在,它寄托着对我的希望,我不能弃它于不顾。 爸爸,我多想对你说:“这些年你这么累,等我工作挣钱了,你就可以歇着了”。我有一个这么好的爸爸,我觉得这是我的荣幸。 网络搜集整理,仅供参考


词汇表 说明:1.本表共收2500个单词 2.本词汇表不列词组和短语。 3.本词汇表不列语法术语。 4.部分可根据构词推导出的副词、名词等不单列。 5.国家名称及相关信息单独列出。 6.数词(含基数词、序数词)、星期、月份等单词单 独列出。 A a (an) ability able aboard absent absorb academic accent accept accident account accurate accuse ache achieve achievement acid acre across act action active activity actor actress n actual AD ad (缩) = advertisement add address administration admire admit adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward(s) again against age ago agree agreement ahead aid AIDS aim air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alcohol alike alive all allergic allow almost alone

along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always am a.m./am,A.M./AM amaze amazing ambassador (ambassadress) America ambulance among amount amusement analysis ancestor ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle announce annoy another answer ant Antarctic anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apartment apologize apology appear appearance apple application apply appointment appreciate approach approximately apron architect area argue argument arise (arose, arisen) arithmetic arm armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artist as ash ashamed Asia Asian aside ask


高中关于我的父亲作文 再有两天就是父亲节了,人们总喜欢用“父爱如山”来形容父亲对儿女无私的关爱, 我总觉得即使用海纳百川也是无法形容父爱的博大情深。提到父亲,总会令我想到伟岸的山、荒原的树、无际的海、挚天的伞。即使父亲的脊梁不再挺拔,他依然是家庭最有力的 支撑。我 的父亲今年75岁了,很幸运“子欲养而亲还在”。自从他总说腰酸背疼后,眼睛患 有严重的青光眼常疼时我才真正意识到父亲真的老了,一个半米的沙袋都能 将他征服,老看不清楚是谁打的电话,更看不清楚短信,所以我给父亲打电话时,先 叫声爸,我是老二。每次在电话里听到父亲的声音,我都忍不住掉泪,感觉父亲的声音好 孤单和凄凉。母亲去世已经8年了,自从辛苦勤劳了一辈子的母亲离逝,,我们这个家就 支离破碎了。父亲跟随大弟和三弟回了河南老家,把我和二弟丢在了这里。我好渴望家的 温暖,渴望父爱,渴望父亲的怀抱。自我记事起,父亲就很少说话,也很少在家。平田整地,农业学大寨,父亲一直在外面工作。 那时最大的快乐就是盼着父亲回家,给我们带糖果吃。由于和很少父亲在一起生活, 所以和父亲之间有了距离,直到现在大弟不肯叫声爸不是不叫,是叫不出来。 那个艰难困苦的时代,我记得很清楚,我和父亲一起到山上刮榆树皮压和捞面吃。依 稀记得,父亲不在家,母亲到山上拾扛树籽喂猪,我们姊妹几个吃大锅饭 吃坏了肚子,一个个呕吐不止。那时能看场电影就是最大幸福。有天晚上看完了电影,天下起了大雨。我们家住在一条沟的对面,父亲背着小弟踩着泥泞的小路下坡,不小心滑 到了,我立刻哭了起来。父亲和母亲训斥我哭什么。这是我内心藏了40几年的一个个秘密:我当时是因为心疼父亲而哭的,我希望摔倒的是我,而不是父亲。 没人能读懂我哭的缘由。我承认我是一个不孝顺的女儿。每年都许愿去看望父亲的, 可每年都没能回去。虽然经常的打电话,节日寄些钱回去,所有的这些都不如亲自给父亲 做一顿饭,倒一杯水实在。 父亲的身体状况已大不如以前了,每每想到这点,心里觉得很愧疚,深深地自责。内 心好多次都萌生了 想把父亲节到我身边的想法,种种原因以至于现在父亲还生活在老家。父亲,就是一 座伟岸的大山,拥有厚实的胸怀和深沉的力量;父爱蕴藏着的,是太阳的光泽,是莽莽苍 苍山林的气息。父爱如伞,为我们遮风挡雨;父爱如雨,为我们濯洗心灵;父爱如路,伴我 们走向人生旅途……父爱比天高,比海深,无法用语言来表达。他用自己的行为感染并教 育着我,让我学会了用爱感动生活,用爱感知世界。这种伟大而无私的爱,子女穷其一生


Book 5 Unit2 单元写作训练之地点介绍 一、范文赏析。 李华的美国朋友Peter打算今年暑假来西藏旅游,李华写了一篇介绍西藏的电子邮件给Peter。请赏析一下这篇文章。 Dear Peter, I am so glad to know that you will come to Tibet for a visit. Now let me introduce something about Tibet for you. Tibet, known as the “Roof of the world", belongs to the People’s Republic of China. It is located in the southwest of China. It has a population of about 2.8 million, covering an area of more than 1.2 million square kilometers. The capital city is Lhasa, which is honored as “the highest city” in the world. It has a long history of more than 700 years as well as a number of world-famous places of interest, such as the Potala Palace. Since the liberation of Tibet on May. 23rd, 1951, it has made great progress in politics, economy and culture. I’m sure you will have a wonderful journey in such a great land. Looking forward to your coming to China. Yours Li Hua 练习:赏析范文,并找出下列中文所对应的短语或句子: ①作为…而出名_____known as_______________ ②属于________belongs to____________________ ③位于,坐落在_____ is located in______________ ④有…的人口_______ have a population of __________ ⑤占地面积超过…. __covering an area of more than 1.2 million square kilometers ____ ⑥有…年的悠久历史______ have a long history of ___________ ⑦名胜古迹_________ places of interest ______________ ⑧自从1951年西藏解放以来,它在政治、经济和文化方面取得了巨大进步。 Since the liberation of Tibet in 1951, it has made great progress in politics, economy and culture.___ 二、补充短语。 (1)be made up of/consist of由……组成 (2)serve as...当……用 (3)the third largest city第三大城市 (4)with green hills and beautiful rivers 青山绿水 (5)with a warm/ mild…climate 由于温暖/温和…的气候 (6)be rich /abundant in盛产 三、句子练习。 (1)那座大楼位于拐角处。 The building is located at the corner .


高中学考英语作文基本模板 一、审题要点: 1.先定体裁,后定篇章的主体人称和主体时态,以及段落层次; 2.内容全面,卷面划线,防止漏点; 3、四大句式要套牢; 句式1:状态—主语+连系动词+表语 句式2:动作—主语+及物动词+宾语 主语+不及物动词+状语 句式3:命令、建议和要求:祈使句—Do’t+do/be+…. 句式4:某地存在有。。。-- There be+主语+地点状语 二、不同类型的作文题材写作模式 (一)书信:第一、二人称;现在时态为主。 分三段(写信的目的;书信的主体;要求和问候) 写信地址 写信时间 Dear xxx, How are you? I’m XXX. I’m very glad to receive/get your letter.(I’m sorry to hear that….)Therefore, I’m going to tell you something about … (自我介绍)….I was born…I graduated from X University. I’m very interested in… and I do well in ….I once won the first prize/took the first place in an English contest…. 或(给建议)As for…, first of all you should…Besides, you may…..Also, it’s a good way to do… (句尾)By the way ,you are welcome to call me u p or write to me. My telephone number is 88….. and I live at xxx Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Please remember me to your family.I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 或By the way, you’re welcome to pay a visit to Wenzhou and I’ll show you around …I’m sure you shall have a good time here. 或By the way, I don’t know how to deal with the problem(s). So I’m writing to ask you for your advice/help. Please write back to me as soon as possible. With my best wishes, Yours, XXX (二)日记:第一人称;过去时态为主; 分三段(活动或事件背景;活动或事件的过程;总结或体验)December28th,2003 Fine It is Sunday and sunny today.(事件)My friend Bob and I were walking along the street when we suddenly saw …. 或My classmates and I went to s.p…and… 或Early this morning, my classmates and I gathered at the school gate and then set off for…First, we cleaned …Then,we …After that we chatted with…At last we had to say good-bye to…and went away. 或XXX welcomed us warmly at the gate and showed us around the …Soon it was getting dark, so we had to say good-bye to XXX and went away home. (总结)In a word, we have benefited a lot from the visit. (总的来说,我们今天受益匪浅) 或In this way we did a good deed and learned a lot.(通过这样的方式我们做了好事,也学到很多) (三)议论文 第一段:议论的背景 第二段:不同观点的陈述或利弊谈 第三段:个人观点的陈述或总结 Recen tly we have had a discussion/debate/survey about….However, we couldn’t agree with each other on this point.(最近我们针对…进行了讨论/辩论/调查。然而,我们的意见有所不同) Our views are divided into two. (我们的意见分为两种)Some of think that…(有些人认为…) But/However,/ On the contrary, (然而)others believe that it is necessary for us to do sth for the following reasons. (其他人认为有必要…因为以下原因)First,….Second, …..Third,… (个人观点)I do(not) think so, because… 或In my opinion,/Personally speaking,/As far as I’m concerned,we/they should … (总结)In all,/In conclusion,… (总的来说) 议论文常用词汇和句型: It’s necessary/important/useful/helpful/harmful/bad /convienent for sb. to do…(对于某人来说做……是必要的/重要的/有用的/有帮助的/有害的/不好的/方便的) Doing…does harm/damage/ bad /good to;(做……对于……是有害的/好的) Doing…is harmful for/bad/good for sth; (做……对于……是有害的/好的) Sb. be kind/(im)polite/rude/ friendly /cruel to sb;(某人对……好/(不)礼貌/粗鲁/友好/残酷) it’s a waste of money/ time to do sth.; (做某事是浪费金钱/时间) sb. spend ….time/money in doing sth/on sth.(某人花费时间/金钱做某事) protect the environment/the earth/the world/wild life/;(保护环境、地球、世界、野生动物) keep the balance of nature;(保持自然界的平衡) fight against all linds of pollution(与一切污染做斗争) 名言:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成.Time and tide wait for no man.。时间不等人


我的父亲作文 从懂事起就想写一写自己的父亲,我做父亲后,女儿一天天长大,我也更成熟了,这种想法也就更强烈了,今天,参加了学校举行的感恩歌曲合唱比赛,听了九(3)班合唱的《父亲》,终于和着泪水,完成了这个多年的心愿。 ——题记 可能是因为父亲在不到3岁的时候就没有了父亲的缘故吧,在我的记忆中,父亲对我们姊妹的宠爱似乎更超过了母亲,父亲对我们的爱近乎于溺爱。在三十多年里,我还没见过父亲发火的样子,我记得的只是他对我们几个孩子的慈祥的笑容,和人前的卑微的笑容,如果说还有第三种表情,那就是为我们的学费所困时的愁容。 小时候,父母都在生产队集体劳动,我至今还记得父亲常用一个长长的、黑色的毛巾将他的宝贝儿子缠在背上赴着牛耕田,为此,他经常挨生产队长的批,可他始终没有改正这个错误,直到我能和小伙伴一起玩耍了。 母亲说,小时的我体弱多病,她常和父亲在三更半夜里把我背到卫生所,这常让那个乡村医生很不耐烦,为此,懦弱的父亲竟没少和他吵架! 后来我们上学了,学费一年比一年的贵,93年我上大学的时候,父亲已经五十一岁了,那时妹妹也上高中了,可父亲靠着四处借钱和打5块钱一天的零工,硬是让我和妹妹在学校没有受一点委屈,只是,他那儿时受过伤的背弯得几乎就要够着地了! 今年三月的一天,我到信用社取钱,看到一个衣着破旧的父亲在办理贷款手续,抖抖索索的在贷款申请里歪歪扭扭的写着:“因为日子读书,要贷4000块钱的款,下年里卖猪子后还……”,信用社的工作人员看了看后,从柜台里扔出他的申请说:“你连儿子的儿都没有写对啊!”,这位父亲呐呐的说:“我没有读过几天书……”,我的心一

阵抽搐,不由得想到了我那没上过一天学的父亲,在我求学期间,他在信用社是怎样办的贷款手续,在邮局又是怎样填写的汇款单?他该受到过别人多少白眼啊! 每次回到家里,他和母亲总是忙前忙后,想方设法做出最好的给我们吃,生怕委屈了儿子、媳妇和他的宝贝孙女儿。过年和我女儿的每一个生日,他总要从贴身的口袋里掏出一张摸得平平崭崭的50或100的钱塞在女儿的手里,听到女儿甜甜的说谢谢爷爷的时候,他那满是皱纹的脸就会露出满足的笑容,也就裂开了他那没牙的嘴。而在逢年过节,我和妻子要给他们一些钱的时候,他总会以我们还困难或他们不缺钱为由拒绝。我知道,他和母亲一直因为我和妻子结婚时没能给妻子置办一分钱的彩礼而自责,可那时,他们正在替我偿还我读书时欠下的债啊!他们也该知道妻一直是不在乎的啊! 上次回家时,父亲更老了,没了生活压力的他,佝偻的腰却弯的更低了!父亲已经快七十了,留给他的日子不会太多了,而我,却不能膝前尽孝!耳边再次响起了我的学生们充满深情的歌声,我不由得又泪流满面了!唯愿儿子这颗感恩的心,能让他和母亲健康、长寿! 湖北宜昌长阳县长阳二中高三:白邓李 我的父亲作文(2) 我的父亲是一本厚重殷实的书,其中蕴含着深邃的人生哲理,让我受益良多。他对我的爱比海深,比山高,千言万语道不出他为我付出的一切。 父亲出生在一个贫苦的农民家庭,有三个姐姐,一个哥哥。由于家境问题,父亲早早就辍学了。经人介绍,父亲和母亲结婚了。 两年之后,我出生了。怀孕的母亲从没吃过好东西,因而我一出生就贫血。为之父母在我身上花了不少心血。我深知他们的辛苦,因此我格外的懂事。


关于介绍美丽的香港的英语作文 本文是关于香港的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 篇一:介绍香港Have you even been to Hong kong ? This summer holiday, I had travelled to Hong Kong with many other students. We went to Hong Kong by plane. Hong Kong is very small, but there are many people living there. In Hong Kong, all of the buildings are very tall. There are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. In Hong Kong, things are very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs. We went to lots of places, such as the Avenue of Stars and Ocean Park. I like Ocean Park best. The park is very big. Sitting in the cable car, you can see two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. Some students were afraid of sitting in the cable car! We stayed in the Shu Ren College. There are many big trees around it. We had meals in the restaurants, but I didn’t like the food. Hong Kong is very beautiful. I like Hong Kong and I hope to go there again some day. 篇二:介绍香港


写作 假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习; 2.词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文; 3.课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力; 4.每天坚持写日记。 注意:1.词数120—150词左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数; 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua

Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all, you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can/regularly after class. As is known to all=As we all know (众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance/ essential. You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud. What’s more, try to communicate with your classmates in English out of class. In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly. Last but not least, you should develop the habit of keeping a diary, which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt.


浅谈如何提高高中英语写作水平 摘要:在高中英语学习中,写作不仅是重点,而且也是难点。在高考英语中,写作是许多学生感到困难和失分较多的部分。为有效提高学生英语写作水平和成绩,本文围绕“重词汇积累、抓基本句型,坚持报刊阅读……”等五个方面,介绍了提高高中英语写作水平和成绩的一些方法与策略。 关键词:积累词汇;训练句型;摘要写作;规范写作;提高档次 写作在英语学习中是培养和提高学生语言运用能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力。写作是高考英语试题的重要组成部分,在高考中占有相当大的比重,共占25分。考试大纲要求高中阶段的学生必须要在具备了一定的词汇量,一定的审题能力、想象能力、表达能力和扎实的语法基础以及英语语感的基础之上进行英语写作。因此,英语写作既是对学生英语学习提出的一项较高要求,又是英语教学中的一项重要任务,提高学生英语写作水平势在必行。而作为教师只有在平时教学中有意识系统地训练学生的英语写作能力,学生才有可能在激烈的高

考竞争中取得骄人的成绩。 下面我就谈一谈本人在平时的教学工作中是如何开展学生写作训练的。 一、以积累词汇为基础,强化短语的写作 高中生在日常英语写作中面临的最大问题是词汇量不足,这与他们平时不重视词汇积累有关。即便是去积累了,也是今天记得明天忘,没有达到巩固的效果。那要如何做,才能让学生记住这些单词并且能够运用自如呢?《新课标人教版英语教材》中收入了大量的词汇、地道的生活语言以及丰富多样的文本体裁,这些都为“写”提供了基本素材。教师可根据每单元的话题,精心挑选3-4个单词或词组,让学生做翻译或造句练习。如必修三第二单元《Healthy eating》的话题是“健康饮食”,在教学该单元时,我首先将该单元的重点短语呈现给学生:balanced diet(均衡饮食)、go on a diet (节食)、lose weight(减肥)、cut down(削减)、put on weight(增加体重)、consult sb. about sth.(向某人咨询某事),并对这些词组的搭配作详细地讲解。紧接着,要求学生用这些词组将下列句子翻译成英语:①医生建议他节食减肥;②她向她的医师求诊;③如果想减肥的话就得少吃高脂食物。最后给予修改、讲评,并公布答案:①The doctor advise d him to go on a diet to lose weight.②She consulted her doctor about her disease.③Cut down on


我的父亲母亲_写亲人的作文700字高中 我的父亲母亲_写亲人的作文700字高中篇一 在人生的长河中,有无数个关爱我、帮助我、教导我、引领我的人.她们有我的亲人、老师、同学,对我的引领各有不同.我觉得父爱如山、母爱如水、哥哥对我的溺爱,这是家人对我的爱.老师就如蜡烛一般一直浪费着青春和汗水在教导我们,同学用一点一滴的小事教会我们与人相处的道理,我一直记在心中,但对我的人生影响最大的却是我那敬爱的父亲于母亲.是他含辛茹苦的抚养我长大,在我困难的时候是我避风的港湾,在我哭泣的时候是我依靠的肩膀,在我回家时是我最温暖的巢穴,在我沉迷是他伸出厚大的手掌把我我拥护在怀中,我想对父亲说一声父亲您辛苦了.我不会忘记你对我的教导,我会谨记你的人生格言. 在我沉迷的时候你用你那厚大的手掌拉出了我,在初三的时候我沉迷于网络游戏无法自拔,天天在网吧玩不知回家,电脑游戏成为了我忠实的朋友,我不知何却何从,我在家与网吧之间徘徊,是你们在这时候出现在我的身旁,把我从恶魔的魔掌中拯救出来,我对你们的爱已无法用语言表达,在此我只想对父亲母亲说一句.你们辛苦了. 在我无助的时候你们总是及时出现在我的身旁,又一次,我在小学时,我不知为啥感冒了,你们在千里迢迢的临汾无法工作却在思念着我,等我第二天醒来,你们却出现在我的身边,我的心里十分激动,因为你们对我的爱不是在天涯海角而是早我身边,我却不知道,在此我想对你们说一句父亲母亲我爱你们,谢谢你们在我无助的时候不顾工作依然会来陪我,我爱你们. 在我成长的道路上,我不会忘记你的津津教诲,不管在工作、生活、还是爱情等,我都不会忘记你们对我的爱与教导,我想对天下孩子说天下最爱你的人是你的父母,们有人能够替代,请你们爱你的父母,不然后悔莫及. 写给最重要的人_写亲人的作文800字高中篇二 读一句北堂种萱草,花开不见还.竟戳到了心底,一时间泪流满面. 挥不去你高高瘦瘦的身影,梦醒时想起你数不清的白发.母亲啊,您眼角的皱纹究竟包容了多少岁月,那些日子,又有多少我的任性与胡闹?我的母亲,您纵横沟壑的手,又牵引着我走过多少次没有灯的路?我知晓错过了太多,幸好,还是走了回来.花开了,真好. 吻是凉的,如你的日子,你承受的风.那一刻,凉意透过唇传入心底,成了我刻在心底的软弱.你总嫌我矫情,那就矫情吧,我不知再有什么方式,来表达对您的心疼,和对昨事的歉疚.您看着那个骄傲的我撞的头破血流,和那个胡思乱想的我日渐枯萎,却又打不得,说不得,那般无可奈何的包容我所有任性,一定很难过吧.那个骄傲的我不屑于您所谓的经验,那个胡思乱想的我总是曲解您的.亲爱的母亲,我把她们都杀死在了昨天.现在,花开,人归. 手是痛的,如岁月刻出的棱角.刺痛一直蔓延到心底也不愿松开,我怕再走丢,找不到回来的路,没有一个您可以让我的心放下,真的怕极了.我的母亲,捻不出那厚厚的茧子里有多少苦涩,又有多少汗渍是为我而生.痛到深处,亦是爱.那个总是爱幻想的姑娘,一直以来生活就像小

英语作文 介绍地点旅游(参考模板)

二、介绍地点(旅游等) 名词:Canada, France, Japan, the United States. Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, language, Japanese, world, French, office, post office, library, restaurant, bank, street, pay phone, avenue, center, bridge, neighborhood, garden, district, tour, place, way, taxi, airport, map, shop, hospital, station, direction, New York City, guide, center, corner, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian’an Men Square, Hutong, culture, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus stop, train station, minute, kilometer, mile, river, town, theater, cinema, radio station, screen, jeans, service, clothing store, train, subway, on vacation, the capital of, history, colorful history, space museum, amusement park, zoo, water park, tour guide, tourist, island, 动词:visit, arrive, take, visit, think of, take a taxi, turn left, take photos, worry, get to, be close to, think about, do a survey, travel, take the train, live in, fall in love with, be in style, be welcomed by, take a ride, consider, translate, provide, sail, continue, take it easy, provide sb. with sth, offer sb. sth, be willing to…, dream of…, hold on to… 形容词:international, west, fantastic, awful, delicious, expensive, crowded, cheap, quick, early, trendy, comfortable, easy, worse, worst, loud, lovely, cheap, dull, huge, famous, wonderful, foreign, natural, strange, beautiful, relaxing, fun, dangerous, interesting, boring, exciting, tiring, peaceful, lively, crowded, expensive, hot There is a supermarket. It’s on Center Street. It’s across from the bank. It’s next to the post office. It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket. Have a good trip. Have a good time. Showtime cinema is the cheapest. Gold theatre has the most comfortable seats. The most popular clothes store is Jason’s . It has the best quality clothing. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is really great. We did a survey of our readers and this what we learned. I love places where the people are friendly. I hope to see/visit…one day/some day.

高中学业水平测试第一部分英语作文练习:话题13 健康

话题13健康(Health) Ⅰ.话题相关词汇 1.健康的healthy 2.残疾的disabled 3.哑的dumb 4.身心健康physical and mental health/body and mind health 5.看医生go to see a doctor 6.得重感冒catch/have a bad cold 7.发高烧have a high fever 8.不治之症deadly disease/sickness/illness 9.感染become/be exposed to 10.头疼have a headache 11.流行性感冒have a flu 12.患癌症have a cancer 13.吸烟smoke cigarette/smoking 14.酗酒drink alcohol 15.吸毒take drugs 16.不准吸烟No smoking 17.服药take medicine/pills/tablets 18.肚子疼have a stomache 19.给某人动手术operate on sb. 20.照顾病人look after the patient 21.康复get well/recover 22.恢复过来be back one's feet

23.咳嗽have a cough 24.不舒服fall ill/be ill 25.恶心feel sick 26.严重的serious/severe 27.轻微的slight 28.养成良好的生活方式form a good habit of lifestyle 29.远离free of/from或get away from 30.强身健体build up our body 31.抵制疾病fight against disease 32.保持健康keep healthy 33.保持乐观keep optimistic 34.瞎的;视而不见的blind 35.癌cancer 36.聋的;听不进的deaf 37.医治treat 38.诊所;门诊部clinic 39.治疗;医好cure 40.牙科医生dentist Ⅱ.实用句型 1.外科医生给病人做了手术。 The surgeon has performed the operation on the patient. 2.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。 The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest. 3.我已试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。 I have tried every treatment the doctor suggested. 4.她患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。

话题作文 高中作文我的父亲(5篇)

话题作文高中作文我的父亲(5篇) 第一篇:我的父亲 有一种爱,深沉而又默默无闻; 有一句话,简单却又意味深长; 有一个人,严厉而又不是慈爱,始终呵护你一生,这个人便是——父亲。 严父慈母,这仿佛就是人们眼中对于父母的认识。许多人认为父亲除了严厉还是严厉,似乎就从来没有关爱过他们,殊不知,这样的想法大错特错!严厉也是一种爱,只不过深沉,不易察觉罢了。况且,父亲也在呵护,关心着你我。 现在回忆起生活的点点滴滴,父亲又何尝不是在无形之中给予我巨大关爱,陪伴我逐渐长大呢? 朝朝暮暮,春去秋来,我的每一点进步,都是父亲心血的结晶。父亲用他那有力的臂膀为我撑起了一片自由的天空,遮挡了无数的风雨,父亲用他那坚实的步伐踏开我前进路上的荆棘。而我的每一次跌倒都会毫不留情的在父亲脸上增添一道深深的皱纹。我看到

我从一个幼稚无知的孩童成长到一个成熟的中学生,可是我也看得到父亲昔日那自信的容颜在消逝,父亲头上的银发在逐渐增多! 我细细品味了我与父亲的往事,愈发感到父亲的神圣与伟大。 父爱如山。 记得那次我们去北京旅行,在山上游玩时,不小心碰上了胳膊,血不住地流,痛得我直咬嘴唇,父亲连忙背我下山。等到下山来已经是夜幕降临了。由于是跟随旅行团来的,只能步行去医院。当时是初春乍暖还寒,再加上是傍晚天气已是十分寒冷了。我那弱小的身躯在寒风中冻得瑟瑟发抖。父亲见了,连忙将大衣脱下来给我披上。 "爸——不用了"。我说。 "不,披上。"父亲用命令的口吻说。他并没有说过多的话,然而这三个字却胜似任何话语。顿时,我被一股浓浓的父爱包围着,它驱走了所有的严寒,我内心感到无比温暖。可是父亲却在寒风中,在路灯的照射下颤抖着。 借着余光我看到了父亲头上那一道深深的皱纹。那是怎样的皱纹啊:它们仿佛一道道深深的沟壑布在父亲的额头上,它们满载着父亲的重担与艰辛,经历和见证了一次又一次

介绍地点 英语作文

二介绍地点(旅游) (一)例文审题 假如你是李雷,请阅读你美国网友Tom的E-mail。请你通过邮件回信。 Dear li Lei, I am glad to tell you that I will take a trip to china this winter vacation. Could you please tell me where I can go? What are the places of interest there, what activities I can do and the food I can enjoy? 人称:你---第二人称;北京---第三人称 时态:一般现在时为主 内容:地点名胜,活动,饮食 (三)单句翻译/造句成文 1、北京是中国首都,有悠久历史 2、那有许多可看可做的。 3、它有许多美妙的景点,包括颐和园,故宫,天坛。 4、你可以爬长城,欣赏自然风光(日出日落) 5、在天安门广场,你可以拍照,放风筝。 6、别忘了买纪念品在鸟巢。 7、在北京乘地铁旅游很方便。 8、北京烤鸭/小吃很好吃。 9、你不能错过它。 10、希望你假期愉快。 11、北京,中国首都,以悠久历史文化着名。 12、你既可欣赏自然风光,又可品味人文景观 13、北京烤鸭非常很好吃,你一定不要错过它。 14、乘地铁在北京旅游比乘汽车要方便,便宜得多 here. __________, it has some fantastic sights, __________ the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven. __________, you can climb the Great Wall to enjoy the natural scenery. _____ you take ___________ take photos ___________ fly kites in TianAnMen Square. Don’t forget to buy some souvenirs _________ visiting the Bird Nest._________, travelling around Beijing by subway is very convenient. ____________, Beijing duck (snacks) is delicious. You should never miss it. ___________, I hope you can have a good trip.

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