当前位置:文档之家› 爱疯英语词汇检测周测试三






1. He was brought up to be _________(勇敢的) in the face of difficulties and challenges.

2. With medical _________(突破), people are living a healthier and longer life.

3. _________(呼吸)some fresh air refreshed me after a whole day?s work in the office.

4. After a heated debate, our teacher drew a _________(简短的) conclusion.

5. With a reasonable _________(预算), I can save more than 20% of my money every month.

6. Schools should take measures to lighten students …heavy _________(负担) of study.

7. On hearing the funny story, everybody _________(爆发) into laughter.

8. We are supposed to remain _________(镇定的) in an emergency.

9. I hold the view that listening test should not be _________(取消).

10. All the _________(候选人) are competing with each other for the position.

11. A heavy snowstorm broke out in the region, _________(造成) severe economic losses.

12. He is a _________(谨慎的) person who seldom makes mistakes.

13. In China, setting off fireworks to _________(庆祝)the spring festival has a long history.

14. The closing _________(仪式) ended with a speech given by the mayor.

15. So brave is he that he always faces obstacles and _________(挑战)fearlessly.

16.Whether an entrance fee should be _________(收费) for parks caused a heated discussion.

17. It is known to us all that some students _________(作弊) in examinations at school.

18. Waste water and agricultural _________(化学制品) lead to the pollution of the river.

19. Studying abroad is the best _________(选择) she has made so far.

20. The old photo reminds me of my _________(童年) spent in the countryside.

21. On seeing the superstar, all the fans _________(欢呼) excitedly at the top of their voice.

22. Family plays a significant role in shaping children?s _________(性格).

23. It?s wrong of us students to pursue famous _________(品牌/牌子)of clothes.

24. He _________(埋) himself in work all day long, ignoring his family completely.

25. The citizens are launching a _________(运动) to fight against air pollution.


1. The river serves as a natural boundary separating the two countries. (意思: _________)

2. He braked the car all of a sudden to avoid running into a passer-by. (意思: _________)

7. I almost buried _________ in books everyday, _________ (go) over every required subject and doing a lot of exercises.

8. They _________ (emphasis) that they have been kept busy _________ their study and have no time to spare for the outdoor activities.

9. We _________ (tell) t hat our rooms hadn?t been reserved for that week, _________ for the week after.

10. At last, he had no choice but _________ (admit)his mistake in public.

11. _________ (base) on my personal experience, we are able to achieve success _________ means of working hard.

12. _________ I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in Australia, I just can?t help

_________ (think) of both of you.

13. People with terrible and messed-up handwriting will be easily considered as _________ (care) and irresponsible guys.

14. _________ is advisable to set about some money in case _________ an emergency.

15. How do you wish to pay your bill, sir, _________cash or by credit card?

16. He is not particular about his clothes, but wear them _________ (casual).

17. I realize that I must make __________effort to catch up ___________ my classmates.

18. Recently _________ survey has been done to find out the cause _________ obesity among high school students.

19. Whatever he does, he always adopts a _________(caution) attitude.

20. Many people are setting off fireworks in _________(celebrate) of the Chinese New Year.

21. I have confidence __________ you, believing you can do a good job in the coming exam.

22. In some cases, what comes easy for you is perhaps _________ (challenge) for others.

23. I have become _________ (cheer) now and above all I have regained self-confidence.

24. No matter what _________ (choose) I make, my parents always support me.

25. Mr. Green is responsible for the department. That is, he is __________ charge of it.


1. I?m convinced the grand lantern festival celebration______________ (一定) impress you.

2. Students should ______________(摆脱/放弃)the bad habits of smoking and drinking.

3. The global financial crisis ______________(爆发)in 2008, causing serious economic downturn and unemployment.

4. Happily, scientists ______________(已经取得了重大突破)in the treatment of the disease.

5. When I caught up with them, I was ______________(气喘吁吁).

6. ______________(简而言之), the disadvantages of staying up outweigh its advantages.

7. The way ______________(我们被抚养大) has a strong impact on our character.

8. On hearing the news that her husband lost his life, she ______________(突然哭起来).

9. To complete the task in advance, she __________________(一直忙) the work these days.

10. These days my father is ______________(出差) in different countries.

11. Our society ______________(需要) various talents in different fields.

12. When you are nervous in an examination, it is a good choice to ______________(深呼

吸)and ______________(镇定下来), and then carry on with the paper.

13. The students ______________(竖起) several signs to remind the passers-by to

______________(照料) the flowers and trees.

14. Recently we ______________(进行了)a survey with the theme “To whom will you turn when in trouble?” The results are ______________(如下).

15. we should always stick to our dreams and______________(决不)shall we give them up.

16. She is always ______________(谨慎的) whatever she does.

17. You should never ______________(冒险)when driving car.

18. If you ______________(改变你的主意), do inform me of it ahead of time.

19. At present my uncle ______________(主管/负责)this project.

20. All the passengers must ______________(登记/报到)at the airport an hour before the plane takes off.

21. ______________(振作起来)! Victory is just round the corner.

22. Interestingly, about 20% of the students who find it difficult to ______________(做出选

择)prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents.

23. Many people were caught in the burning building and ______________(被熏死)by the thick smoke.

24. Being tired of her work, she decided togo travelling abroad ______________(改变一下/换换环境).

25. I would rather fail (in) the examination than attempt to get high marks ______________(通过作弊的手段).


“抓基础,重细节”,提质一轮复习 浏阳五中:龙丹 尊敬的各位同仁: 大家上午好!我是来自浏阳五中的龙丹。首先,我谨代表学校对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎。今天,浏阳市一百多名英语教师集聚一堂,即便是窗外寒风凛冽,我们内心依旧温暖。感谢大家来我校对我校英语教学工作进行指导;感谢教研员唐佑红老师为我们搭建一个互相交流学习的平台;也感谢我们五中每一位老师对我的信任与支持。 我们高三英语组在陈碧贞老师的带领下,始终坚持集体备课的原则,致力于为学生打造最高效的课堂。今天,借此机会,我将代表我们备课组向大家汇报一轮复习的具体做法。 第一:抓基础 词汇复习:采用轮番轰炸式持久战战略。 我们一轮复习的指导思想是:“抓基础,重细节”,提质一轮复习。众所周知,五中是一所农村高中,学生的英语基础较薄弱。因此,我们在复习的过程中特别重视夯实基础。常言道:词汇是完形之根、阅读之本、写作之魂、英语之基!其重要地位便不言而喻!说到词汇,这应该是很多英语后进生刻骨铭心的痛啊。我们总能遇到这样场景:学生闪着一双无辜的大眼睛说:“老师,我记不住啊!老师,我真地记了,但是我又忘了!”抑或是,一些积极上进的学生拿着英语书虔诚地跑到办公室,像看着上帝一样望着你:“老师,学英语有啥秘诀吗?”此时此刻,我的内心很复杂。

所谓师者,传道授业解惑也。我们应当想学生之所想,急学生之所急。面对学生地诉求,我们英语组积极寻找对策。我们认为,单一的背诵和默写并不能让我们的学生将高考考纲词汇一举拿下,词汇的积累应该是多维度的,反复的,有语境的。因此,除了记忆并默写一轮复习书上面的3500个考纲词汇,我们还通过做《爱疯英语考纲词汇通关80天》上面的习题,来对词汇和短语的用法进行巩固,最后,通过阅读和语篇的训练,让学生在具体的语境下感知和巩固词汇;另一方面,在单元话题复习时,我们会让学生在用思维导图的形式,将话题相关的词汇进行归纳总结,注重词根词缀等构词法的渗透,这既加深学生的词汇印象,又锻炼了学生思维品质和学习能力。 此外,为了刺激学生的积极性,我们除了开展单词比赛,我们还借鉴了朋友圈记单词打卡的形式,在班上开展每日单词打卡活动,公示在教室里,来营造一种你追我赶的记单词氛围。 1.写作训练:让作文变成最熟悉的陌生人。 关于写作,我们的目标是让高考作文成为最熟悉的陌生人,这也就是说,虽然高考作文不可能一模一样,但是,从历年高考作文来看,不论是文章的体裁类型还是文章的话题方向,都是有规律或者可以总结出套路的。因此,通过我们的一轮复习,学生如果具备一定的词汇与句法表达能力,加上有逻辑的框架布局,应该拿下及格分不会太难。在这方面,依据培养学生语言能力,文化意识,思维品质的原则,我们选择了29个作文的话题,来对学生的写作能力进行培养。只有学生掌握各类话题写作的基本框


第一单元: h___ w (多少) th____(定冠词) o____ ____(老的) b____ ___d (鸟) 第二单元: cl____ _____k (钟)to____ ____ ____(今天)t____ (到)ca____ ____ (卡片) hap_____ ______(快乐的)birth____ _____ _____ (生日)quest____ ____ _____(问题) 第三单元: tou___ ____ (触摸)____ ____ (我的) ____ ____ (向) l___ ____k (看)yo____ ____(你们的) m____ ____th (嘴巴)e___ _____ (眼睛) e____ ____ (耳朵)ha_____ _____(头发) 第四单元: p___ ____ (放) f____ ____t (脚) a____ ____(臂)rig___ ___(右边的)_______ d (和) le___ ____(左边)) 第五单元: le__ ___ (左边) rig___ ____ (右边)_____ _____ (好的) 第六单元: col___ ___r(颜色)b___ ___e(蓝色的)wh___ ___e (白色的)b___ ____ck(黑色的)gre___ ___ (绿色的)yell___ ____(黄色的)r___ ____(红色的)bro____ ____(棕色的)___ ____ange(橙色的) 第七单元: st___ _____( 星星) dre___ ____(连衣裙) whe____ ____(在哪里) m____ ____n(月亮)moonca___ _____(月饼) 第八单元: ____ ____(在....里面)____ _____(在.....上面)____ ____der (在.....下面)so____ _____(一些) wat_____ _____(水)l____ ____e(线)bott___ ____(瓶子) 第九单元: s___ ____(看见)c____ _____(会)c____ ke (蛋糕)f____ _____(飞)m_____ _____ (男人) ____ _____d(阅读)can___ ___t (不会) 第十单元: sw___ ___(游泳)s____ ____g (唱歌)c___ ____k (烹饪)sp___ _____k(说)____nglish (英语)man___ (许多的 第十一单元: ha__ ___(有)br___ ___n (棕色的)wo___ ____n (女人)wa___ ____(走)k___ ____(钥匙) 第十二单元: h___ ____ (有)sh___ ____t(短的)l___ ___g (长的)b____ ____(大的)s____ ____ll(小的)


爱疯英语基础词汇16-25 Day16 1.line 2.link 3.list 4.literature 5.load 6.loud 7.loss 8.machine 9.mad 10.magazine 11.mailbox 12.main 13.major 14.majority 15.manager 16.manner 17.mark 18.market 19.marriage 20.mask 21.mass 22.match 23.material 24.matter 25.means 26.measure 27.media 28.medical 29.member Day.17 30.memory 31.mental 32.mention 33.message 34.metal 35.method 36.mine 37.mineral 38.mineral 39.minority 40.mirror 41.mistake 42.mistaken 43.mix 44.mixture 45.model 46.moment 47.motor 48.mountainous 49.movement 50.movie 51.murder 52.musical 53.musician 54.narrow 55.nation 56.natural 57.nature 58.nearly 59.neat 60.necessary 61.neck Day 18 62.neighbourhood 63.nervous https://www.doczj.com/doc/b917711449.html,work 65.news 66.none 67.normal 68.normal 69.note 70.notice 71.nowadays 72.nuclear 73.nurse 74.object 75.obtain 76.obvious 77.occupy 78.occur 79.offer 80.officer 81.official 82.oilfield 83.opening 84.operate 85.operation Day 19 86.opinion 87.opposite 88.orange 89.order 90.ordinary https://www.doczj.com/doc/b917711449.html,an https://www.doczj.com/doc/b917711449.html,anize 93.origin 94.otherwise 95.outside 96.owe 97.own 98.owner 99.package 100.page 101.pain 102.paint 103.pale 104.paragraph 105.part 106.particular 107.party 108.partner 109.passage 110.passive 111.path 112.patient 113.pattern 114.peace 115.penny 116.pension 117.per 118.percentage 119.perfect 120.perform 121.performer Day 20 122.perhaps 123.period 124.permanent 125.permission 126.personal 127.persuade 128.photograph 129.phrase 130.physical 131.plant 132.plastic 133.plate 134.pleased 135.pleasure 136.plenty 137.pocket 138.point 139.police 140.policy


三年级英语单词练习题 【三套】 (*) 一.看中文,写单词。(2.5×10) 1.学校___________ 3.脸___________ 5.铅笔盒___________ 7.腿___________ 9.脚__________ 2.身体___________ 4..鼻子___________ 6.书___________ 8.蜡笔___________ 10.嘴___________ 二.根据英语译汉语(2.5×10) 1. arm_________ 3. white______ 5. eraser______ 7. thank you______ 9. gift______ 2. hand______

4. brown_______ 6. Good morning__________ 8. eye________ 10. ice______ 三.重新排列下列字母组成完整的单词,并写出中文意思。(2.5×10) 1. n a h d __________ 2. r o g e n a __________ 3. l r e u r __________ 4. a c b l k __________ 5. a r c o y n __________ 6. o y r u__________ 7. y o d b __________ 8. d e h a __________ 9. d e r__________ 10. 10. e e n g r__________ 四、找出相应的意思,并填写正确的序号。(2.5x10) ()1、how are you()2、sit down()3、turn around()4、show me blue()5、show me yellow()6、Hello ()7、stand up()8、mum()9.Guess ( ) ( ) 10.Thanks A、谢谢 B、妈妈 C、转身 D、坐下 E、你好 F、起立 G、给我蓝色的 H、猜一猜L给我*的J你好吗


第二单元: cl_________k(钟)to____ ____ ____(今天)t____(到)ca________(卡片)hap_____ ______(快乐的)birth____ _____ _____(生日) quest_____________(问题)第三单元: tou___ ____(触摸)________ (我的)________(向)l___ ____k(看)yo____ ____(你们的)m____ ____th(嘴巴)e___ _____ (眼睛)e____ ____(耳朵) ha_____ _____(头发)第四单元: p___ ____ (放)f____ ____t (脚)a________(臂)rig___ ___(右边的) _______ d (和)le___ ____(左边))第五单元: le__ ___ (左边)rig___ ____(右边)_____ _____(好的) 第六单元: col___ ___r(颜色)b___ ___e(蓝色的)wh___ ___e(白色的)b___ ____ck (黑色的)gre______(绿色的)yell___ ____(黄色的)r___ ____(红色的)bro____ ____(棕色的)___ ____ange(橙色的)第七单元: st___ _____(星星)dre___ ____(连衣裙)whe____ ____(在哪里)m____ ____n (月亮)moonca___ _____(月饼)第八单元: ____ ____(在....里面)____ _____(在.....上面)____ ____der(在.....下面)so____ _____(一些)wat_____ _____(水)l____ ____e(线)bott___ ____(瓶子) 第九单元: s___ ____(看见)c____ _____(会)c____ ke(蛋糕)f____ _____(飞)m_____ _____(男人)____ _____d(阅读)can___ ___t(不会) 第十单元: sw______(游泳)s____ ____g(唱歌)c___ ____k (烹饪)sp___ _____k (说)____nglish(英语)man___ (许多的第十一单元:


英语学习陪伴心得 敬爱的老师,亲爱的家长朋友: 大家,下午好! 7年级上学期的学习生活在马不停蹄的奔跑中到达了终点,相信很多家长和我一样,经历了从分到*老师班感到窃喜和期待,到看到排名变化后的惊心动魄、如履薄冰,再到脚踏实地地面对现实,用累并充实着的心态帮助孩子实现一点一点进步的心路历程。 *同学是个还没有养成良好学习习惯的孩子,是老师比较担心的,专注力欠缺,心理素质不够稳定的爱疯闹的小男生中的一员。为了纠正他的毛病,老师没少费心,我也常常感到头疼。最后,还是从不断端正学习态度,改良学习方法,进而提高学习效率上下功夫。 下面,我就以陪伴英语学习为例,跟大家交流一点心得体会,希望老师和家长朋友多批评指正。 (一)音形结合,提前记初中单词 考试中盲填是个难度较大的题型,需要熟练记住初中三年所有单词和短语。为了提高孩子做题的准确度和信心,我们挤时间提前背7、8年级的单词。每周定量三个模块,定期往前回顾。充分利用点读笔熟悉读音,多种感官充分调动记单词,最后用单词空白表落实到笔头,考单词书写。不会的和写错单词在空白表做上标记,反复考。关于单词空白表的制作也是从别的家长群借鉴来的。为了方便家长检查,每张单词考试表还对应了一份标准答案表。测试单词的时候用其他纸张写,不会的和错的在空白表上做好标记。这样标准答案表和空白考试表可以永久使用,单词表就越背越薄。孩子自己明确表示,提前背初中单词不但有利于做盲填,阅读理解也顺利多了。 (二)黄金时间,点滴积累 为了提升外语的听力和语感,周末辗转课外班的途中利用车上的时间定量收看趣味美剧《好运查理》,同一集反复看,磨耳朵的同时也提升学习英语的兴趣。另外,需要背诵的英语课文,常常在睡前和上学途中再温习一遍,充分利用头脑比较清楚的黄金时间,争取事半功倍的成果。 (三)错题整理,修补漏洞 在学校语法本的基础上,再准备个错题语法本。凡是练习中出现的错题都定期进行整理,明确语法点,适当重考。因为孩子有时候忙于完成作业,时间不够用,所以他的错题常常是我帮着整理的。保持和孩子一起学习进步的心态,就能克服困难,完成这些琐碎的事情。 以上就是我在陪伴孩子学习英语时的做法,目前看来,还是有一定效果的。感谢老师的信任,家长朋友的聆听。今后的学习和生活,我们更需要不断交流总结经验,让我们的孩子因为身在这个追求卓越集体成为更好的自己! 2019.1.15


词汇通关80天(分层版)第二周测试卷答案 一、单词拼写 1.disturb 2. dusty 3. earn 4. concept 5. concert 6. continued 7. condition 8. counts 9. contributions 10. double 11. describe 12. crazy 13. complete 14. comfortable 15. December 16. customers 17. decade 18. Entrance 19. expensive 20. deserve 二、完成句子 1. Explain to me the reason 2. Without doubt/Undoubtedly 3. set a good example for 4 . I am convinced that 5. is equal to / is capable of 6. draw a conclusion 7. are around the corner / are coming / are approaching 8. out of control 9. under construction 10. It is clear / apparent / obvious that 11. do good to health 12. It is cruel 13. concerned about 14. discussing them with his classmates 15. compared to 16. cover a total area 17. crowded with 18. in common with 19. competed with 20. had a heated discussion 三、单句语法填空 1. commitment 2. of 3. to taste 4. about 5. for 6. burnt 7. to admit 8.an 9. for 10. finishing 11. closely 12. determined 13. incorrect 14. countless 15. encourages 16. on 17. unconditional 18.convenient 19. education 20. difference 四、单句改错 1. for→of 2.choice→choices; what→which 3.在choose后加from 4.把class前的the去掉 5.在clear前加it 6.把college前的the去掉 7.to→with/and; success→successful 8. 把across后的with去掉 9. at→on 10. confidence→confident 11.在consider后加it 12. write→writing 13. for→with 14. are→is 15.在steal前加to 16. in→on 17.在deal后加with 18.deep→deeply 19.are→be 20.going→go


三年级英语第一单元测试卷 、请将正确的图与英文单词连线(10分) cray on pen pen cil ruler eraser _ 、根据单词选择正确的汉语意思(10分) ( )1. hi A.你好 B.再见 C.永远( )2. cray on A.铅笔 B.蜡笔 C.钢笔( )3. goodbye A.尺子 B.再见 C.名字( )4.sharpener A.转笔刀 B.文具盒 C.橡皮( )5. Me too! A.我是! B.我有一个! C.我也是! 三、 单项选择(10分) ( )1.——Hello! — A. Hello! B.Hi! C.Ha! ( )2.----Goodbye, Miss White! ---- _______ . A.Bye, Mr Black! B. OK! ( )3.----What ' your name? ——. A.My n ame is Sarah. B. Goodbye, Sarah! ( )4. I have a book. ---------- ------ ! A. Hello! B.Me too! ( )5.—Let splay! —__________ ! A.Bye B. Goodbye C.OK ( )6. I have a ____ (铅笔). She has a ___ (钢笔). A.pe ncil; pen cil B.pe n; pen cil C.pe ncil; pen ( )7.——Happy Teachers ' Day! —— _____ . A.Me too B.Tha nk you ( )8.Show me your ______ (转笔刀). A.sharpe n B.shpe n C.sharpe ner ( )9.—Bye, Sarah. —____ . A.See you! B. I rn Sarah. ( )10.—__ ? —I m Bai Ling. A.Ok B.What's your name 四、找出好朋友,然后连起来(10分) eraser 尺子转笔刀hello ruler 文具盒书包goodbye


高三直升班爱疯高考词汇第三周测试卷 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. He was brought up to be _________(勇敢的) in the face of difficulties and challenges. 2. With medical _________(突破), people are living a healthier and longer life. 3. _________(呼吸)some fresh air refreshed me after a whole day?s work in the office. 4. After a heated debate, our teacher drew a _________(简短的) conclusion. 5. With a reasonable _________(预算), I can save more than 20% of my money every month. 6. Schools should take measures to lighten students …heavy _________(负担) of study. 7. On hearing the funny story, everybody _________(爆发) into laughter. 8. We are supposed to remain _________(镇定的) in an emergency. 9. I hold the view that listening test should not be _________(取消). 10. All the _________(候选人) are competing with each other for the position. 11. A heavy snowstorm broke out in the region, _________(造成) severe economic losses. 12. He is a _________(谨慎的) person who seldom makes mistakes. 13. In China, setting off fireworks to _________(庆祝)the spring festival has a long history. 14. The closing _________(仪式) ended with a speech given by the mayor. 15. So brave is he that he always faces obstacles and _________(挑战)fearlessly. 16.Whether an entrance fee should be _________(收费) for parks caused a heated discussion. 17. It is known to us all that some students _________(作弊) in examinations at school. 18. Waste water and agricultural _________(化学制品) lead to the pollution of the river. 19. Studying abroad is the best _________(选择) she has made so far. 20. The old photo reminds me of my _________(童年) spent in the countryside. 21. On seeing the superstar, all the fans _________(欢呼) excitedly at the top of their voice. 22. Family plays a significant role in shaping children?s _________(性格). 23. It?s wrong of us students to pursue famous _________(品牌/牌子)of clothes. 24. He _________(埋) himself in work all day long, ignoring his family completely. 25. The citizens are launching a _________(运动) to fight against air pollution. 二、词义猜测请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。 1. The river serves as a natural boundary separating the two countries. (意思: _________) 2. He braked the car all of a sudden to avoid running into a passer-by. (意思: _________)


三年级英语单词测试(下册) 班级________ 姓名_________ 1.男孩__________ 2.女孩__________ 3.教师__________ 4.学生__________ 5.这;这个__________ 6.我的__________ 7.朋友_________ 8.我是______=____ _____ 9.好的,愉快的________ 10.早上好______ ___________ 11.下午好______ __________ 12.遇见;碰见________ 13.再见___________ 14.也;太_________ 15哪里_________ 16.从;从……起_________ 17.我们_______ 18.父亲;爸爸__________ 19.爸爸(口语)_______ 20.母亲;妈妈________ 21.妈妈(口语)________ 22.男人________ 23.女人_________ 24.(外)祖母___________ 25.(外)祖父_________ 26.(口语)(外)祖母____________ 27.(口语)(外)祖父______________ 28.姐妹__________ 29.兄弟___________ 30.太好了____________ 31.让我们_______=_____ ______ 32.真的;确实___________ 33.和;并且_______ 34.多么;怎么样________ 35.十一__________ 36.十二__________ 37.十三__________ 38.十四___________ 39.十五__________ 40.十六____________ 41.十七___________ 42.十八___________ 43.十九____________ 44.二十____________ 45.多少______ ________ 46.能够;可以_________ 47.看;瞧______ ___ 48.是谁______=_____49.那;那个________ 50.她________ 51.他__________ 52.鱼___________ 53.放(风筝)___________ 54.画画__________ 55.跳___________ 56.打开___________ 57.桃__________ 58.梨____________ 59.橙子____________


三年级下册英语单词测试 姓名:年级:分数: boy girl teacher student this my friend I’m=I am nice good morning good afternoon meet goodbye too father dad mother mom man woman grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa sister brother great really and how eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty how many can look at peach pear orange watermelon apple banana strawberry grape like some thanks bus bike taxi jeep desk chair walkman lamp your zoo small big long short tall giraffe deer ant apple egg ice-cream goose fish jeep jump kangagroo key lion lock nest night rain rainbow snake tiger taxi fox yo-yo zebra violion window wind umbrella CAN PRC UK USA AM PM

四年级上册英语单词测试 window light picture door floor classroom computer teacher’desk wall fan bag pencil pen book ruler pencil-case teacher student boy girl friend home room school classroom window desk Chinese book English book math book schoolbag door story-book notebook twenty-one thirty thirty-one chair forty forty-one fifty long hair short hair bed thin strong quiet friend music science sports rice beef bread milk egg water chicken computer game painting study bathroom bedroom fish sister brother father mother driver doctor living room kitchen phone bed sofa shelf fridge table rice noodle vegetable soup knife chopstick farmer spoon plate fork family parents uncle aunt baby baseball player nurse


金陵中学河西分校小学部2012-2013 学年度(下) 三年级单词过关测验 Class_____________ Name_____________ Mark___________ 一、看中文,写单词 1. 先生 2. 3. 开;打开 4. 个;些;那个;那些 5.6.不起7. 关上;合上8. 窗,窗 9. 黑板10. 11. 橡皮12. 13. 在??里14.15. 嘘16. 喊;叫 17;跑;跑步18. 吃19. ;20. 里;在里21. 睡22. 喝23. 牛奶24. 你的;你的25. 英26. 笔27. 包28. 笔 29. 蜡笔30. 尺31. 在哪里32. 33. 在??下面34. 桌;桌35. 在??后面36. 漂亮的;美的37. 在??上面38. 椅子39.40. 猜,猜 41. 一42. 二43. 三44. 哦,啊

45. 哇,呀46. 可的47. 九48. 八 49. 四50. 五51. 六52. 七 53. 十54. 的;正确的55. 出局56. 想要;想 57. 58. ??点59. 早餐;早60. ;上 61. 晚餐;晚62. 床63. 好;行64. 午餐;午 65. 十一66. 十二67. 包;包68. 些 69. 70. 猪71. 那些72. 他;她;它 73. 奶牛74. 苹果75. 梨76. 77. 子78. 橙子79. 画;照片80. 81. 我82. 双胞胎之一83. 女孩84. 姑母;姨母;伯母;舅母85. 男人;人86. 女;女人87. 男孩88. 儿;宝宝 89. 名字90. 堂兄 ( 弟 ) ;堂姐 ( 妹) ; 表兄 ( 弟 ) ;表姐 ( 妹) ; 二、看中文、写出词组或句子 91. 在上92. 起立


三年级英语单词练习题一 颜色类: 红色的 蓝色的 黄色的 绿色的 黑色的 白色的 数字类: 十一 十二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 一 二 动物类: 熊猫 狗 猫 鸟 变色龙 教室设施: 门 窗户 黑板 书桌 椅子 学习用品: 铅笔 钢笔 书 书包 职业: 教师

司机 农民 家庭成员: 母亲 父亲 姐妹 兄弟 祖父,外祖父 祖母,外祖母 人体器官: 身体body 头 手 胳膊 腿 脚 鼻子 眼睛 嘴巴 耳朵 人称代词: 主格: 我 你,你们 他 她 它 宾格: 我 你,你们 形容词性物主代词:我的 你的 他的 她的 特殊疑问词:

多少岁 三年级英语单词练习题二 动词:看 看见 指向 坐 站 说 知道 救命(帮助) 请 谢谢 名词:名字 早晨,上午 下午 生日 礼物 蛋糕 学校 英语 球 怪物 风筝 包 帽子 形容词:健康的 快乐的 ……岁的(旧的) 新的 介词:在……里 在……上 be动词:

对应词: Ms女士---Mr 先生boy男孩--- girl女孩this这个---that那个 yes是的--- no不是up向上-down向下new新的---old旧的 其他: a/ an一个,一 the 这个,那个too 也 here这里 and那么,和 to 向 now现在 again再一次 or或者 缩写词: I’m = you’re = They’re= What’s = It’s = here’s = Where’s = She’s = He’s =that’s = Don’t = isn’t = 名词复数形式: dog(复数)--- cat 复数)--- boy(复数)--- girl(复数)-- cap(复数)--- pen(复数)-- pencil(复数)--- book(复数)--- eye(复数)-- ear(复数)-- foot(复数)--- desk (复数)--- chair (复数)-- bag (复数)--- 三年级英语单词练习题三 Module1 am (I’m=Iam) Hello(hi) goodbye (bye-bye) are How are you? good


小学英语单词筛查测试 任课老师:关晓华学生:彭国壕年级:小六用时:成绩:一、根据下列中文写出相应的英语单词 1.尺子 2.铅笔 3.包 4.学校 5.书 6.脸 7.嘴巴 8.鼻子 9.耳朵 10.眼睛 11.腿 12.脚 13.胳膊 14.不 15.蜡笔 16.橡皮 17.你们的 18.我的 19.她的 20.他的 21.黑色22.棕色 23.橙色 24.黄色 25.绿色 26.白色 27.蓝色 28.妈妈 29.鸭子 30.猪 31.猫 32.熊 33.大象 34.猴子 35.鸟 36.老虎 37.大熊猫 38.动物园 39.好笑的 40.面包 41.果汁 42.鸡蛋 43.牛奶 44.水 45.蛋糕 46.鱼 47.米饭 48.一 49.二 50.三 51.四 52.五 53.六 54.七 55.八 56.九 57.十 58.兄弟 59.盘子 60.再见 61.早上好! 62.下午好! 63.晚上好

64.生日快乐 65.男孩 66.女孩 67.老师 68.学生 69.这个 70.那个 71.那里 72.愉快的,好的 73.也,太 74.欢迎 75.回来 76.新的 77.哪里 78.从,从。。。起 79.美国 80.看见 81.又,再 82.班级 83.今天 84.小心,留神 85.对不起 86.蚂蚁 87.苹果88.先生 89.进来 90.爸爸 91.爸爸(口语) 92.男人 93.女人 94.祖母 95.祖父 96.姐妹 97.兄弟 98.让我们 99.太好了 100.确实 101.和 102.多么 103.家庭 104.加油! 105.鹅 106.手表,观看 107.大的 108.冰激凌 109.冰 110.十一 111.十二 113.十三 114.十四 115.十五 116.十六 117.十七 118.十八 119.十九 120.二十 121.多少 122.能够,可以 123.瞧,看 124.飞 125.画画 126.图画 127.美丽的 128.吉普车 129.跳 130.袋鼠 131.钥匙 132.猜测 133.打开 134.正确的 135.狮子 136.锁


三年级英语单词练习题【三套】 【篇一】 一.看中文,写单词。 (2.5×10) 1.学校___________ 3.脸___________ 5.铅笔盒___________ 7.腿___________ 9.脚__________ 2.身体___________ 4..鼻子___________ 6.书___________ 8.蜡笔___________ 10.嘴___________ 二.根据英语译汉语(2.5×10) 1. arm_________ 3. white______ 5. eraser______ 7. thank you______ 9. gift______ 2. hand______ 4. brown_______ 6. Good morning__________ 8. eye________ 10. ice______ 三.重新排列下列字母组成完整的单词,并写出中文意思。(2.5×10) 1. n a h d __________ 2. r o g e n a __________ 3. l r e u r __________ 4. a c b l k __________ 5. a r c o y n __________ 6. o y r u__________ 7. y o d b __________ 8. d e h a __________ 9. d e r__________ 10. 10. e e n g r__________ 四、找出相应的意思,并填写正确的序号。(2.5x10) ()1、how are you ()2、sit down()3、turn around ()4、show me blue ()5、show me yellow ()6、Hello ()7、stand up ()8、mum ()9.Guess ( )


一、把下面字母用手写体按英语字母顺序写在四线格上。(10分) HhBbKkAa MmPpIi QqTtGg 二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()1.小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()2.足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()3.牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()4.老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()5.自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 三、单项选择题。(共 20 分) ( )1.———— -----Thank you! A.How are you . B. Here you are. C.Go. ( ) 2.__________ —It’s the ABC song. A. What’s your favouriteletter ? B. What’s yourfavourite song? C. Hi , the ABC song! ( ) 3. I _____ like football . A. not B. don’t C. doesn’t ( ) 4. _______ your dad like milk? A. Do B. Does C.What ( ) 5.It is _____ elephant . A. a B. an C. \ ( ) 6. What are they ? They____ monkeys. A.am B. is C. Are ( ) 7. _______ Li lei play table tennis ? Yes ,he does. A. Do B. Does C. does ( ) 8. Does he ______ to school on Mondays? ——Yes , he does. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 9.The cat _____ fish . A. likes B. like C. is ( ) 10.What ______ they? They____ pandas. A. is is B .are are C. is are 四、连线。(共 10 分) 1.Does Amy play football? A. Yes, she is. 2.Do you like skipping ? B. Here you are. 3.What are they ? C. Yes, she does. 4.Pass me the rice, please ?. D. No. I don’t. 5.IsLingling at home? E. They are lions. 五、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的一个。将其序号填在提前括号中。(共10 分) ( ) 1. A. rice B. bike C. fish ( ) 2. A. tiger B. monkey C. blue ( ) 3. A. orange B. football C.table tennis ( ) 4. A. tall B. lion C. thin ( ) 5. A. meat B.noodles C. basketball 六、选词填空。(共 10 分) A: goes B: like C: swimming D: is E: are 1.This girl____ thin. 2.Does the cat_____ meat? 3.I like______. 4.How ___ you? 5.My mum ______ shopping on Saturday.

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