当前位置:文档之家› 剧本三顾茅庐





In this presentation, we will outline for you the traditional story of Three Visits to the Cottage. This is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Romance of the Three Kindoms.

ZhuGeliang, a famous military advisor, politician and symbol of wisdom in Chinese history is one of the main characters in the story. Another important character is Liu Bei, who visits ZhuGeliang three times to invite him to become his military strategist. Zhu Geliang is so moved by Liubei' sincere request that he agrees to help the three brothers——Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei establish the Shu Kindom.

Now, we would like to present to you our revised version of this traditional tale!

Scene One 第一幕

This is Zhu Geliang’s cottage. The three brothers will be coming.

屋子中,诸葛亮和猪不亮上场...(Tables in the room)

Zhu Geliang:Eh? This room is so dirty. Bu Liang, Go and clean the room. Buliang:ok,ok,I will clean the room,I 'll clean it right now!

诸不亮扫地···(sweeping the floor)

三兄弟上场,关羽(头巾),刘备(墨镜),张飞(不停打嗝)(three brothers getting on stage)


Liu Bei: A Cuban cigar is what I look forward to after dinner, it's really satisfying. The best cigar in the world.(伸手,张飞点烟,刘深吸一口,长舒一口气)


Liu Bei: Eh? It won’t light?


Zhang Fei: Right, but this is the only one we have left.

Liu Bei: Are you kidding me?

Zhang Fei: Actually I lost them when I went to the toilet, and I tried very hard to get this one out.


Guan Yu: Skip the crap! Let's get down to business! Remember what we're doing here? We must persuade Zhu Geliang to come with us!


Zhang Fei: You’re right, we desperately need Zhu Geliang, because Cao of Wei Kingdom poses a huge danger to us all.

三人来到门前,石头剪子布(3 brothers at the door)

Zhang Fei: Who will knock on the door?

Liu Bei:Let's do it according to our custom?

Guan Yu:OK.

Zhang Fei:No problem.

刘备三人进行石头剪子布,刘备输了,其余两人把刘备推到前面。(Rock/Scissors/paper, Liu Bei loses)



Zhu Geliang:Bu Liang, go and see who’s at the door? /open the door.

Bu Liang:OK! Alright!


仆人:?????(发音a ni ha sai yao~~~,中文意思:你好)

Liu Bei:Can you speak any English?

Guan Yu:(紧接着刘备)Can you speak any Chinese?

Zhang Fei:(紧接着)Can you speak any Japanese?

Liu Bei:(紧接着)Spanish?

Guan Yu:(紧接着)Congolese?

Zhang Fei:(紧接着)Egyptian?

Bu Liang:(紧接着)Shut up! Who are you people?

Liu Bei:(摆个pose)I am Liubei.

Guan Yu:(也摆个pose)I am Guanyu.

Zhang Fei:(同样摆个pose,把仆人碰倒了Bu Liang falls down)I am Sorry.

刘备三人赶紧把仆人扶起来。(3 brothers help Bu Liang up)


Bu Liang: What have you brought us?

3 brothers: (Embarrassed) Nothing.

Bu Liang: The boss is not home.



Liu Bei: Oh, money! ????

张飞关羽耸肩都没带钱,下台(Shrug, get off stage)

Scene Two 第二幕

After the three brothers’first visit, they returned to Zhu Geliang's cottage.

三兄弟上台,张飞关羽手提礼品(3 brothers on stage with gifts)


Guan Yu: I think we’ll manage to convince him this time.

张飞:啥啊,如果你不是拉着我,老子一嗓子吼死他(做咆哮状,老虎声音)Zhang Fei: What? If you hadn't stopped me last time, I would have killed him with my roar!(Roaring)You know how deadly my roar is.



Liu Bei: Stop,stop this nonsense! Let's focus on the task at hand. Attention!


Liu Bei: You two! Be clever this time!(Guan and Zhang nodding)


(英文歌,诸葛亮正喝酒,猪不亮哼着英语歌)(In the cottage, Zhu is drinking wine, his servant is singing English songs )

诸葛亮:MY GOD!!上天你为什么这么惩罚我

Zhu Geliang: My God!! Why do you punish me?!


Bu Liang: Don’t be so upset, boss. Many people don't pass the TOEFL

诸葛亮:我的烂英语啊,为什么我们要学这门糟糕的语言?(starts to cry)

Zhu Geliang: My poor English! You're killing me. Why do we have to study this awful language?

(换背景音乐,猪不亮跟着哭,门铃响,猪不亮去开门)(Doorbell, Bu Liang goes to the door)


Bu Liang: Who’s that?


Zhang Fei: I've come to read your electricity meter.



Liu Bei: Here we are again, please tell your boss that we need to see him. (gives the gifts to Bu Liang)

(猪不亮四下环顾,把礼品接过来了)(Bu Liang catches the gifts)

(屋子里传来悲伤的气息,张飞和关羽抹眼泪)(sad background music)


Zhang Fei: I feel so very depressed.


Guan Yu: Is Mr Zhu Geliang home? We want to have a talk with him, please.


Bu Liang:(你见,或者不见我

It doesn’t matter whether you see me or not


I am standing right there


With no emotion


It doesn’t matter whether you miss me or not


The feeling is right there


And it isn’t going anywhere


It doesn’t matter)

(猪不亮转身关门,站不稳)(Bu Liang shuts the door)

Liu Bei:What?!!


Guan Yu: I’m afraid someone important died here.

Let’s go. Maybe we should come back another time.


Zhang Fei: Oh, Maybe Zhu Geliang is dead..

(关羽,刘备打张飞,下台。。)(Liu and Guan beat Zhang)


In Zhu Geliang’s cottage , Zhu Geliang and Bu Liang are playing poker. Zhu Geliang wins again.




Bu Liang: You are the man !


Zhu Geliang: Of course! It’s a piece of cake. I think I need to do something challenging. And I think I should go to Liu Bei’s kingdom to find a job after Spring Festival.


Bu Liang: What? You said you want to go to Liu Bei’s kingdom?


Zhu Geliang: Hum...At least that’s a place where I don't need to speak English.猪不亮:前几天他来过了,让我赶跑了

Bu Liang: But...uh, he came, twice, and I drove him away twice.门铃响。。(doorbell)


Bu Liang: Speak of the devil and here they are again.



Zhu Geliang: (very excited) Boss! I missed you so much, please help me! Let me work for you.


Liu Bei: Calm yourself. Since you trust me so much, let’s just go and do it!(出发。。)


Zhu Geliang: Wait, wait... Boss, uh, how much will... I get... from you then?


Zhang Fei: You hurt my feelings when you talk of money!



Bu Liang: Oh, Please take me.

闭幕。。。。The end


年会剧本 一、说明: 共分三幕,记取刘备三顾茅庐的故事。 第一幕:刘备说明来意,诸葛亮对待遇不满,将其吓走; 第二幕:诸葛、张飞一言不和,暴力相向,刘备将张飞拉走; 第三幕:刘备抓住诸葛亮求婚房心切的弱点,许以承诺,将诸葛骗走。 剧本共4000字左右,按正常语速,演出时间在20-25分钟。 二、演员 ○1上场演员:3人 刘备——性格特征:精明 诸葛亮——性格特征:活跃 张飞——性格特征:憨直 ○2隐藏演员:1人 诸葛亮女友,无需出场,幕后献声即可,要求声音有震撼力。 三、道具 竹席一卷; 矮桌一张; 酒壶一个; 酒杯两个; 旗子一面; 扇子一把; 刘、诸、张戏服各一套。 四、正文 第一幕 背景:室内,一桌,一椅,一席。 开场画外音:东汉末年,群雄并起,一代豪杰刘备兵败退到荆州,为求咸鱼翻身,特来拜访荆州城外的大贤诸葛亮,想招为己用。 灯光渐亮,诸葛亮帽歪衣斜,盘坐席上,席上放一桌,桌上置酒一壶,杯数个。 诸葛亮倒酒:出卖我的爱,逼着我离开…… 酒尽,诸葛亮揭开壶盖,把壶罩到眼睛上往里看了看,扭头朝里喊:娘子,为夫歌性正浓,奈何残酒已尽,速为为夫热上一壶,以助酒性! 女声(咆哮):滚!天天就知道喝酒,再找不到工作,今天睡地板! 诸葛亮全身一缩,把酒壶放回去,拿起扇子快速扇动,低声恶狠狠的:狠心把我来伤害,爱这么意外…… 刘备、张飞上,刘备空手,张飞抱着竿卷着的旗子。 张:大哥,你听这歌唱的,又不着调又不靠谱,一听就知道这人是个棒槌,咱要不还是回去吧。 本资料由三茅人力资源网https://www.doczj.com/doc/b710354470.html,提供

刘:你动动脑子好不好,过来一趟花这老些路费,你当出来旅游啊,好歹也要跟人见下面再说!投入产出比都不会算,没有一点商业头脑,怪不得我们做了这么久,还是一穷二白!还不过去敲门! 张飞缩着脖子,走上前按门铃:叮咚!有人在吗? 诸:谁啊? 张:我们是搞招聘的刘备跟张飞,听说你本事不错,特地来邀请你入伙,跟我们一起上山落草…… 刘备赶忙过来踢他一脚:搞什么,这是三国演义,你以为水浒传呢? 诸葛亮慌张的站起来整理衣服:招人的来了,马上就有工作了! 诸葛亮跑到门边,清了下嗓子,伸手开门:(高傲的)谁呀,大清早敲我家门? 刘备弯腰拱手:我乃荆州城刘备,听说诸葛先生有大才,因此昨天特地用三茅招聘管理软件搜到了先生的住址,今日前来拜访。 张飞在旁抠指甲。刘备保持弯腰拱手的姿势连咳两声,见他没有反应,又踢他一脚。张飞赶忙展开手里的旗子,上面墨迹斑斑,中间“劉備”两个繁体大字,其中“備”字写错了,打了个叉,用箭头拉向一边,指向一个拼音“bei”。张飞打开旗子,扯着嗓子背书:左将军豫州牧皇叔刘备前来拜访! (如有掌声,则刘加一句:(得意的)我一直强调要低调,可你们非要给我掌声和尖叫!)诸葛亮对着旗子上下下下的看了一遍:哎呀,原来是乱世英雄刘皇叔啊! 刘:(得意的)岂敢岂敢,我只是房间一向比较乱,所以别人都称呼我“乱室英雄”。 诸:哦……唉,我刚听这位胖兄弟说什么上山来着…… 刘:(抢话)别管他,他前几天发烧,把脑袋烧空了,这几天退烧了,不过说胡话的习惯一时还改不过来。 诸:没事,脑袋空了不要紧,关键是不要进水。 张:(怒)哎,你说什么呢? 刘:(安抚张飞)他说你脑子里剩余空间大。(向诸)诸葛先生,我们刘氏集团连锁公司刚成立不久,正需要你这样的人才,不知道你有没有兴趣加盟呢? 诸:这样啊,可是我听说你是卖草鞋的,我不擅长做销售啊。 刘:那是以前,在下现在已经改行了。 诸:改哪一行? 刘:争夺天下! 诸:哟,大买卖,这咱得谈一谈,这边请。(向里屋)娘子,有稀客光临,速速温酒上茶! 女声:(咆哮)自己弄! 三人吓得同时抱头弯腰。 刘:声势如此惊人,果然虎夫无犬妻啊! 诸:哪里哪里,她只是我女朋友,还没领证呐。 说话间,两人都在桌前盘腿坐下。张飞站在一旁,一手举着旗子,一手继续专注的抠指甲。 刘:那不知道诸葛先生挑好日子没有,我也好备一份大礼。 诸:(挥着扇子)没有没有,她天天催,我倒是一点都不急,你也知道,女人嘛,就不能事事顺着她…… 女声:(咆哮)姓诸的,再跟你强调一次,不买房,休想老娘嫁给你! 三人抱头弯腰。 诸:说正事说正事。不知道公司这边给的待遇……嘿嘿,嘿嘿……


情景一: 关羽:Boss! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible! 刘备:Y u, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we come down to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. 张飞:Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now. 关羽:Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse. 刘备:Alas! How did I forget this? Let‘s go! Go~~ go go, Hurry up and follow me, let’s go to the mountain for money! 一起上山········ 情景二: 等待高山流水结束···· 诸葛亮:Good afternoon! I am the legend man(传说哥),ZhuGeliang . But I feel so morose recently. Because my wife forced me to pass the CET-6. But I've never heard about that. It’s ridiculous. My major is military advice, (军事谋略)not English. Oh,my god. Why should I learn English? 黄月英:Darling! Do you know? We are in the red (赤字)for your CET-6. I' even borrowed money from the gate keeper.What can I do when they come for debts? 诸葛亮:Are you pointing to that gatekeeper Liubei? 黄月英:Oh! Yes! Come on quickly! Boy! 书童:What is the matter? Madam? 黄月英:Listen carefully! My husband is too busy doing his homework to welcome any people, so you will tell the people who calls on him that boss has went to study in England. 书童:Yes! Madam! 情景三: 旁白结束后···· 张飞:This is zhu’s house.Let me strike the door! Open! Open!!! 书童:Are these men asking for the debt? 刘备:This is Liubei! We are calling on ZhuGeliang and his wife. 书童:Zhu said he is not in. 刘备:En???? 书童:Oh! No!...I mean …I mean my boss is studying English in England for the exam o f CET-6,and he may not be come back this month. 张飞:Well!He own our money. We wait for him here. 关羽:Nobody knows that when he will come back, thus, let’s go home! 一个月之后····· 情景四: 两个月后,冬天来了···· 张飞:Please tell me in time when you would see him next time, let me bind him up for you. It really should not trouble you to go there time and time again. 刘备:These days, the borrower is the god(借钱的是上帝)! Let’s go there again and show our the warmest heart to move them.(感化他们) 书童:My boss is at home today, but he is reading books about CET-6. Please wait for a moment!



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

Three visits to the cottage三顾茅庐 Aside: After their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei-had to be janitors(美['d??n?t?] n. 看门人;守卫)in Caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. Meanwhile the legendary and mysterious character ZhuGeliang who had been forced to attend CET-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents. SCENE 1: Liubei's home Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei Guanyu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible! Liubei: Yu, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we come to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper(看门人), anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. No diplomas and no job offers, what are you dreaming about? Zhangfei: Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now. Guanyu: Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse Liubei: Alas! How did I forget this? Let's go! Go~~ go~! Hurry up! Follow me and go to the mountain for dunning!(收拾家伙挽袖子) Aside: And then the three brothers climb the mountain to find ZhuGeliang. SCENE 2: ZhuGeliang’s house Actors: ZhuGeliang Zhu’s Wife ZhuGeliang: Good morning! I am the genius ZhuGeliang. But I feel so sad recently. Because my wife forced me to pass the CET-6. What’s CET-6? Do you know? I’ve never heart about that. And she asked me to read so heavy books and do so many texts.(拿起手 里的试卷给大家亮亮)It’s ridiculous. My major is military advice, not English. Why should I read this? Wife: Darling! ZhuGeliang:My wife is coming,she is so long-winded(啰嗦的)that I can never bear her.(装作认真状)


《三国演义——三顾茅庐》剧本 时间:三国时代 地点:卧龙岗 人物:诸葛亮(演)张飞(演)刘备(演) 关羽(演)童子(演) 道具:茶杯、杯子和地图等。 小组:棒棒兔 旁白: 【建安七年早春的一天,从新野通往南阳卧龙冈的路上,远远走米一对人马。前面三人都骑着马,一身戎身,一看就知道是三位将军。中间是刘备,左边是张飞,右边则是关羽。这是刘备第三次来到这儿访问诸葛亮。之前已经去了两次,都没有碰到诸葛亮。这次能否见到三人心里也没底。 关羽(关羽凑近刘备)兄长,您亲自来了两次,这礼节也太重了。我想那诸葛亮只是名有虚假,不见得会有什么真学实才。 张飞(一边也帮腔)是呀,一个作田的农夫,那有什么能耐?我看哥哥还是别去了。 刘备(一听这话生气了,责骂张飞)你难道没听过周文王是怎么见姜子牙的吗?你怎么能怎么无礼?你干脆别去了我和关羽去。 张飞(赶紧赔不是,手势)既然两位哥哥都去,小弟怎落后呢? 刘备(严肃)你既然要去就不能失礼。 (张飞只好答应。)

【远远地看见了茅庐,刘备早早下了马,与关羽、张飞牵马朝茅庐疾步而去,三人至庄前,刘备轻轻敲柴门,有一小童开门。 刘备(手势)有劳转报,刘备前来拜见先生。 小童今天先生虽然在家,但在草堂午睡未醒。 刘备(悄声对关羽、张飞)你二人在门外等候,先生未醒,不便惊动!小童:外边寒冷,将军何不进堂内等候? 刘备:等先生醒来再进。 【小童轻轻进屋了,刘备一动不动立在门外。时间不知过了多久,张飞显得烦躁不安,见刘备站着,张飞大怒。 张飞(很生气)这先生怎么这么傲慢,我们第一次来说出去了,第二次来又不在,现在第三次来,我哥哥站在屋外等候,他竟然高卧不起,等我去屋后放一把火,看他起还是不起?(动作) 关羽(马上死死拉住张飞)不可,不可,张飞叹了声“唉”恼得抱头蹲下。【草堂内,孔明长嘘一声,只见刘备紧张得忙站直酸累的身子,谁知孔明只是翻个身子,又朝里睡着了。(门外两人已烦累难忍) (关羽耷拉着脑袋靠着门柱呆呆看着天,张飞索性一屁股坐在地上打瞌睡,刘备一动不动。) 【又过了一个时辰。 孔明(半睡半醒)大梦谁先觉,平生我自知,草堂春睡足,窗外日迟迟。孔明有俗客来否? 小童(手势)刘皇叔已在堂外候立多时了。 孔明何不早报,让我换件衣服相见。


Three visits to the cottage Aside: Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐) is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Three Kindoms. ZhuGeliang is one of the main characters in the original. Also, he is an outstanding militarist, politician and the symbol of the wisdom in Chinese history. Another main actors——Liubei, who visited ZhuGeliang's thatched cottage three times and wanted to invite him to be his military adviser. Finally, ZhuGeliang was moved by Liubei' sincerity, helped the three brothers——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei to establish the Shu Kindom. He devoted his whole life to the cause and died in harness. Our script is revised from this story . In this play, we add many modern and funny elements. For example, there are some spoken lines and actions which were copied from some classical movies like Infernal Affairs(中文名无 间道), My Own S Word sman(中文名武林外传),The Flirting Scholar(中文名唐 伯虎点秋香) were combined in our play. Also, we added some interesting pictures and audio to our slide. Maybe there are some mistakes in our dialogue. But this play is the result of painstaking efforts of our group. So we present our script to you and wish you will like it. Three visits to the cottage Aside: After their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei-had to be janitors in Caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. Meanwhile the legendary and mysterious character ZhuGeliang who had been forced to attend CET-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents. SCENE 1: Liubei's home Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei Guanyu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible! Liubei: Yu, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we come down to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. No diplomas and no job offers, what are you dreaming about? Zhangfei: Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now. Guanyu: Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse Liubei: Alas! How did I forget this? Let's go! Go~~ go~! Hurry up! Follow me and go to the mountain for dunning! Aside: And then the three brothers climb the mountain to find ZhuGeliang. SCENE 2: ZhuGeliang’s house Actors: ZhuGeliang Zhu’s Wife ZhuGeliang: Good morning! I am the genius ZhuGeliang.


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 小品剧本《水煮三国之三顾茅庐》范文 人物:诸葛亮、阿黄(诸葛亮老婆)、刘关张第一幕三顾茅庐前传 道具:桌子一个,椅子二个,两个碗,报纸一份 (亮走上台,拿着手机) 亮:喂喂……是元直兄吗?(徐庶为场外音) 徐:你是…… 亮:我是孔明呀 徐:哦,原来是孔明老弟啊! 亮:请问你现在说话方便吗? 不知上回托您向刘总引荐的事办得咋样了。 徐:老弟托我办的事,为兄自然会放在心上。我已向刘总提起此事。我说卧龙、凤雏,两人得一,大业可成亮:这…… 徐:贤弟不必多虑,庞统远在京城,刘备想请不易,我料定他三日之内必去你家登门拜访。 亮:哦……如此这般,那就有劳兄台了。 徐:不必客气,我们马上要准备开会,那就这样了! 亮:好的……再会…… (黄在亮讲电话的途中,端上两碗面,放在桌上) 黄:相公,过来吃面了。 亮:娘子!我来了……,娘子的面条做得可真香呀(大口吃,黄笑),能娶到娘子你,我孔明幸福呀。 1 / 14

黄:吃面还这多话,小心耶着……(亮喝了一大口汤,把碗放下) 黄:对了!你刚才和谁在打电话呀! 亮:哦……是我的结拜兄弟徐庶徐元直,我托他给我找工作。他说东汉集团新野分公司刘备刘玄德高级经理,将要到我家拜访。我打算把房子装修一下(看看房顶),免得刘总来了看咱家寒碜。黄:你怎比猪还笨啊?(黄拍案而起) 亮:(害怕)娘子,我又说错什么了吗…… 黄:这是最新的三国日报,你自已看看吧。亮:董氏集团总经理吕布与总裁老婆艳门照曝光。黄:你看咋呀!色性不改。左下角那个。 亮:东汉集团新野办事处人才流失严重,经营业绩持续下滑。黄:知道什么意思不…… 亮:娘子该不会是叫我不要去吧? 黄:错!他那公司现在人手紧,他来拜访是求你为他谋事,而不是你求他。好歹我夫君也是南阳经济管理学院有头有脸的人物。怎可自降身份区于人下。这事你得听我的,我保刘总对你刮目相看。亮:娘子有何高见? 黄:保密,把碗洗了先。亮:哦(亮端着自已的碗下台) 黄:喂!你只顾你自已的呀,把我的碗也洗了。(端碗下台) 第二幕一顾茅庐旁白:就这样2天过去了 (刘关张三人齐上,诸葛亮和老婆在家里喝茶) 张:大哥,那位卧龙先生真有那么神吗? 刘:我也不知,但元直和水镜先生这两位高人极力引荐,我倒想还是见见真人有何神通。 关:哼!吹吧!此人如此轻狂,竟把自己与管仲、乐毅两位杰出的经理


三顾茅庐剧本 第一幕 旁白:这便是刘备刘玄德,他英姿飒爽,风流倜傥,双耳垂肩,双手过膝。 刘备:双耳垂肩还双手过膝,你以为是大猩猩呢??啊,走。(顺手把一只草鞋扔出去)其实我挺随和的。他逼我(无辜的表情)。众所周知,我是刘备,现在在后湖那儿卖草鞋,刘备草鞋,有邦,有底有面,一切皆有可能。曾经有一个机会摆在我面前我没有好好珍惜,知道失去了徐庶,我才后悔莫及,如果今天学校给我一天假,哪怕坐上漂移的立珊专线,为了铁道的诸葛亮,我豁出去了。咱兄弟三人这就去铁道,找孔明去。(回头看)咦,二弟三弟呢,二弟三弟,你们躲哪儿去了?我看到你们了,出来啊。 (关羽张飞上,音乐结婚进行曲响起) 刘备:我的乖乖啊,二弟,你这脸啊,我一直觉得,如果掉煤坑里,我都认不出来了。今天我觉得我能认出来了。 张飞:真的?大哥,别看我漆黑的外表,背后必定是一颗滚烫的心啊。 刘备:比煤还黑啊。我的天啊。 张飞:不是啊,大哥,今天我们干啥事来了? 刘备:今天吧,主要去找那个诸葛亮,这次去,是要请他下山,铁道学子都知道诸葛亮这小子智商很高,只要有了他,我就能当英雄了,所以啊,大家注意点形象,别再那儿给我丢人啊。三第,先把鼻涕擦了。 张飞:咽下去了,大哥。(后仰装作咽东西) 刘备:走吧,走吧。 第二幕 刘备:小羽啊,敲门。 关羽:咚咚咚,有人不? 张飞:二哥,让我来,有人吗?卖几个鸡蛋啊,楼管检查卫生啊。咋还没用了呢? 女童:来了。这个怎么卖啊? 张飞:哎呀,妈呀,美女?大哥,我先顶个刺。美女,住几栋啊,吃饭时在七食堂还是二食堂啊,自习是在新校区还是三教啊?我看上你了呀。 女童:你看上我什么了,我改还不行吗?你变态。 张飞:女友几时有,把酒问青天,不知隔壁姑娘,可有男朋友。 刘备:别在这给我丢脸了,一边去,咱们得注意点形象,是不是,我说小妞啊……..哎,小姐(双手作揖),你贵姓啊? 女童:(唱)别问我是谁,请与我相恋。 刘备:(面对观众窃喜)这不是勾引吗?这意思明明叫勾引啊。 女童:你流氓。 刘备:我流氓?你没看着两位呢,人送外号流氓TWO(关张二人做兔子状) 女童气得牙痒痒:追女孩,枉相思,也难眠,不应有恨,你还是其佛心吧。 关羽:说啥呢,谁家孩子这么没礼貌啊。 女童:你管啊,这是你家啊。


三顾茅庐 旁白:话说这天下大势,是分久必合,合久必分,刘关张自桃园结义以来,开了个超市,名字叫**,一时间风头无二,引无数群众竞掏腰包。但东吴孙权开了个家乐福,魏国曹操开了个大润发,呈三足鼎立之势。这个故事说的就是刘关张三人去请诸葛亮出山的故事。 [刘关张三人出场] 张飞:大哥,这都正月了,年前发的年终奖都花完了,剩下的啥时候发啊? 关羽:三弟你有所不知,最近我们大举扩张经营范围,什么装修啊、人员工资啊,今年赚的钱都花的七七八八了,实在是有点HOLD不住了啊。 张:那还不好办,多引进些供应商收点费用呗。 刘:三弟休要胡说。(唱(爱情买卖调)):收费不是你想收,想收就能收,还要安慰供应商,把他留下来。(三人合唱):收费不是你想收,想收就能收,去年收了今年又收跑光怎么办! [三人摊手叹气状] 关:那大哥有何高见啊? 刘:我前几天看集团报,有篇报导是写一个叫诸葛亮的人。你们知道不,诸葛亮这小子智商很高,大概80左右,江湖人称计谋帝,只要有了他,我们一定能一统天下! 张:那咱们快去请他呗。 刘:“GO!GO!GO!” 关、张:“奥来奥来奥来” [刘关张三人下] 旁白:三人踏上了前往隆中卧龙冈的路上。俗话说:车到山前必有路,有路必有拦路虎,这不,山路上出现了三个可疑的身影。 [供应商三人上] 供A:“我家本在庐州府,天天送货到**。” 供B:“只因去年成本高,年终一算赚一毛。” 供C:“为了养活家老小,改行扮作拦路虎。” [刘关张三人上] 供A:“站住!此山是我开,此树……” 供B、供C[鄙视手势]:“切~~” 供B:“打劫都打的这么没有创意,一看你就是OUT曼,这段去年品牌部就演过了,我们要与时俱进。” 供C[跳出]“我们刚刚做出了一个非常艰难的决定,你们懂的!” 供B:“IC、IP、IQ卡,统统告诉我密码!” 关:“大哥,好象有人打劫!” 张[摩拳擦掌状]:“哪个不知死活的,我来!” 刘:“贤弟且慢动手,以德服人。” 刘:“报告打劫的,没有IQ卡。” 供B:“怎么没有!” 刘:“我有IQ,你没有。” 供B:“把你的给我,我不就有了吗。”


三顾茅庐英文版五人组表演 刘:Hi,man,how is everything going? 仆:Who are you? 关:Baga,this is our big brother ,Mr,Liu,who is handsome and strong. 张:Fucking man,who are you? 刘:Be polite! Does Mr,Zhu live here? 诸葛:Shit, it's Mr Zhuge,not mr.zhu 刘:I'm sorry ,does Mr.Zhuge live here? 仆:Yes ,i'm his servant ,why do you come here? 刘:I want ....... 张:Fuck off,guy, I saw him,let's go,brother! 刘:Yaoxi. (见到诸葛亮,握住诸葛的手),how long no see,i look for you very hard. 诸葛:Who are you? 关:Baga.this is our big brother ,mr,liu,who is handsome and strong. 诸葛:Saoga,why do you look for ma? 刘:Oh,well.I want you to be my assistant to help me unite the whole nation. 诸葛:Help you? Are you serious?(搓手指,表示要钱) 刘:(把钱呈上) 诸葛:Is this all?

刘:Not enough? 诸葛:No money no talking! See you! 刘:Greedy guy!(关张对着诸葛竖中指) 刘关张转身离开,然后回来(一天过去。。。。) 刘:Hi ,Mr Zhuge,(朝着诸葛挥手) 仆:Stop and be quiet, mr zhuge is resting.... 关张:Fuck off(关张进去推醒诸葛) 张:Ai,guy, are you dead? 诸葛:What are you doing? I'm resting. Rude guys! 刘:Hi, do you remember me? Yesterday, we had a cheerful talk,and today I take more money to satisfy you. 诸葛:Money ? No.today I want a beauty...do you got it? 刘:What? Beauty ? Fuck you . Lustful guy.(转身离开) 刘关张转身离开,然后回来(一天过去。。。。) 刘:Hi ,guy man,what 's up? 仆:I'm fine ,thank you,and you? 张:Fuck off, let' go ,brother.... 刘:Mr zhuge ,today I take a beauty and much money to meet you needs (刘备指向老师). What's you opinion abou being my assistant? 诸葛:Good , 卡哇伊!Ok,I'm yours.....


年会小品剧本新三顾茅庐 一、说明: 共分三幕,记取刘备三顾茅庐的故事。 第一幕:刘备说明来意,诸葛亮对待遇不满,将其吓走; 第二幕:诸葛、张飞一言不和,暴力相向,刘备将张飞拉走; 第三幕:刘备抓住诸葛亮求婚房心切的弱点,许以承诺,将诸葛骗走。 剧本共4000字左右,按正常语速,演出时间在20-25分钟。 二、演员 ○1上场演员:3人 刘备——性格特征:精明 诸葛亮——性格特征:活跃 张飞——性格特征:憨直 ○2隐藏演员:1人 诸葛亮女友,无需出场,幕后献声即可,要求声音有震撼力。 三、道具 竹席一卷; 矮桌一张; 酒壶一个; 酒杯两个; 旗子一面; 扇子一把; 刘、诸、张戏服各一套。 四、正文 第一幕 背景:室内,一桌,一椅,一席。 开场画外音:东汉末年,群雄并起,一代豪杰刘备兵败退到荆州,为求咸鱼翻身,特来拜访荆州城外的大贤诸葛亮,想招为己用。

灯光渐亮,诸葛亮帽歪衣斜,盘坐席上,席上放一桌,桌上置酒一壶,杯数个。 诸葛亮倒酒:出卖我的爱,逼着我离开…… 酒尽,诸葛亮揭开壶盖,把壶罩到眼睛上往里看了看,扭头朝里喊:娘子,为夫歌性正浓,奈何残酒已尽,速为为夫热上一壶,以助酒性! 女声(咆哮):滚!天天就知道喝酒,再找不到工作,今天睡地板! 诸葛亮全身一缩,把酒壶放回去,拿起扇子快速扇动,低声恶狠狠的:狠心把我来伤害,爱这么意外…… 刘备、张飞上,刘备空手,张飞抱着竿卷着的旗子。 张:大哥,你听这歌唱的,又不着调又不靠谱,一听就知道这人是个棒槌,咱要不还是回去吧。 刘:你动动脑子好不好,过来一趟花这老些路费,你当出来旅游啊,好歹也要跟人见下面再说!投入产出比都不会算,没有一点商业头脑,怪不得我们做了这么久,还是一穷二白!还不过去敲门! 张飞缩着脖子,走上前按门铃:叮咚!有人在吗? 诸:谁啊? 张:我们是搞招聘的刘备跟张飞,听说你本事不错,特地来邀请你入伙,跟我们一起上山落草…… 刘备赶忙过来踢他一脚:搞什么,这是三国演义,你以为水浒传呢? 诸葛亮慌张的站起来整理衣服:招人的来了,马上就有工作了! 诸葛亮跑到门边,清了下嗓子,伸手开门:(高傲的)谁呀,大清早敲我家门? 刘备弯腰拱手:我乃荆州城刘备,听说诸葛先生有大才,因此昨天特地用三茅招聘管理软件搜到了先生的住址,今日前来拜访。 (如有掌声,则刘加一句:(得意的)我一直强调要低调,可你们非要给我掌声和尖叫!) 诸葛亮对着旗子上下下下的看了一遍:哎呀,原来是乱世英雄刘皇叔啊! 刘:(得意的)岂敢岂敢,我只是房间一向比较乱,所以别人都称呼我“乱室英雄”。


三顾茅庐剧本 旁白:Introduction In this presentation, we will outline for you the traditional story of Three Visits to the Cottage. This is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Romance of the Three Kindoms. ZhuGeliang, a famous military advisor, politician and symbol of wisdom in Chinese history is one of the main characters in the story. Another important character is Liu Bei, who visits ZhuGeliang three times to invite him to become his military strategist. Zhu Geliang is so moved by Liubei' sincere request that he agrees to help the three brothers——Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei establish the Shu Kindom. Now, we would like to present to you our revised version of this traditional tale! Scene One 第一幕 This is Zhu Geliang’s cottage. The three brothers will be coming. 屋子中,诸葛亮和猪不亮上场...(Tables in the room) Zhu Geliang:Eh? This room is so dirty. Bu Liang, Go and clean the room. Buliang:ok,ok,I will clean the room,I 'll clean it right now! 诸不亮扫地···(sweeping the floor) 三兄弟上场,关羽(头巾),刘备(墨镜),张飞(不停打嗝)(three brothers getting on stage) 刘:饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙 Liu Bei: A Cuban cigar is what I look forward to after dinner, it's really satisfying. The best cigar in the world.(伸手,张飞点烟,刘深吸一口,长舒一口气) 刘:嗯?没点着 Liu Bei: Eh? It won’t light? 张飞:凑合着吧,老师不让抽烟 Zhang Fei: Right, but this is the only one we have left. Liu Bei: Are you kidding me? Zhang Fei: Actually I lost them when I went to the toilet, and I tried very hard to get this one out. 关羽:此番前来,定要邀请的卧龙先生 Guan Yu: Skip the crap! Let's get down to business! Remember what we're doing here? We must persuade Zhu Geliang to come with us! 张飞:必须的,老曹太欺负人了 Zhang Fei: You’re right, we desperately need Zhu Geliang, because Cao of Wei Kingdom poses a huge danger to us all. 三人来到门前,石头剪子布(3 brothers at the door) Zhang Fei: Who will knock on the door? Liu Bei:Let's do it according to our custom? Guan Yu:OK. Zhang Fei:No problem. 刘备三人进行石头剪子布,刘备输了,其余两人把刘备推到前面。(Rock/Scissors/paper, Liu Bei loses) 刘备作出一幅英勇就义的姿态,(上海滩响起)(Music) 刘备作按门铃状,(门铃声响起)。(Doorbell) Zhu Geliang:Bu Liang, go and see who’s at the door? /open the door. Bu Liang:OK! Alright! 仆人板着个脸到了门口,做了一个甩头的动作,并呼啦呼啦头发,然后深呼吸,放平稳,保持微笑。然后打开门,举了个躬。 仆人:?????(发音a ni ha sai yao~~~,中文意思:你好) Liu Bei:Can you speak any English? Guan Yu:(紧接着刘备)Can you speak any Chinese? Zhang Fei:(紧接着)Can you speak any Japanese? Liu Bei:(紧接着)Spanish? Guan Yu:(紧接着)Congolese?


三国演义------三顾 茅庐剧本

《三国演义——三顾茅庐》剧本 时间:三国时代 地点:卧龙岗 人物:诸葛亮(演)张飞(演)刘备(演) 关羽(演)童子(演) 道具:茶杯、杯子和地图等。 小组:棒棒兔 旁白: 【建安七年早春的一天,从新野通往南阳卧龙冈的路上,远远走米一对人马。前面三人都骑着马,一身戎身,一看就知道是三位将军。中间是刘备,左边是张飞,右边则是关羽。这是刘备第三次来到这儿访问诸葛亮。之前已经去了两次,都没有碰到诸葛亮。这次能否见到三人心里也没底。 关羽(关羽凑近刘备)兄长,您亲自来了两次,这礼节也太重了。我想那诸葛亮只是名有虚假,不见得会有什么真学实才。 张飞(一边也帮腔)是呀,一个作田的农夫,那有什么能耐?我看哥哥还是别去了。 刘备(一听这话生气了,责骂张飞)你难道没听过周文王是怎么见姜子牙的吗?你怎么能怎么无礼?你干脆别去了我和关羽去。 张飞(赶紧赔不是,手势)既然两位哥哥都去,小弟怎落后呢? 刘备(严肃)你既然要去就不能失礼。 (张飞只好答应。)

【远远地看见了茅庐,刘备早早下了马,与关羽、张飞牵马朝茅庐疾步而去,三人至庄前,刘备轻轻敲柴门,有一小童开门。 刘备(手势)有劳转报,刘备前来拜见先生。 小童今天先生虽然在家,但在草堂午睡未醒。 刘备(悄声对关羽、张飞)你二人在门外等候,先生未醒,不便惊动! 小童:外边寒冷,将军何不进堂内等候? 刘备:等先生醒来再进。 【小童轻轻进屋了,刘备一动不动立在门外。时间不知过了多久,张飞显得烦躁不安,见刘备站着,张飞大怒。 张飞(很生气)这先生怎么这么傲慢,我们第一次来说出去了,第二次来又不在,现在第三次来,我哥哥站在屋外等候,他竟然高卧不起,等我去屋后放一把火,看他起还是不起?(动作) 关羽(马上死死拉住张飞)不可,不可,张飞叹了声“唉”恼得抱头蹲下。 【草堂内,孔明长嘘一声,只见刘备紧张得忙站直酸累的身子,谁知孔明只是翻个身子,又朝里睡着了。(门外两人已烦累难忍) (关羽耷拉着脑袋靠着门柱呆呆看着天,张飞索性一屁股坐在地上打瞌睡,刘备一动不动。) 【又过了一个时辰。 孔明(半睡半醒)大梦谁先觉,平生我自知,草堂春睡足,窗外日迟迟。 孔明有俗客来否? 小童(手势)刘皇叔已在堂外候立多时了。 孔明何不早报,让我换件衣服相见。

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