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△Global team of scientists find ecosystem below earth that is twice the size of world's oceans Reading Comprehension

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.B.

C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Scientists identify vast underground ecosystem

The Earth is far more alive than 1 thought,according to"deep life"studies that reveal a rich ecosystem beneath our feet that is almost twice the size of that found in all the world's oceans.

Despite extreme heat,no light,minuscule nutrition and intense pressure,scientists estimate this subterranean biosphere is teeming with between 15bn and 23bn tonnes of micro-organisms, hundreds of times the combined weight of every human on the planet.

Researchers at the Deep Carbon Observatory say the 2 of underworld species bears comparison to the Amazon or the Galapagos Islands,but unlike those places the environment is still largely original because people have yet to 3 most of the subsurface.

The team combines 1,200 scientists from 52 countries in 4 ranging from geology and microbiology to chemistry and physics.A year before the conclusion of their 10-year study,they will 5 an amalgamation(融合)of findings to date before the American Geophysical Union's

annual meeting opens this week.

Samples were taken from boreholes more than 5km deep and undersea drilling sites to construct 6 of the ecosystem and estimate how much living carbon it might contain.

One organism found 2.5km below the surface has been buried for millions of years and may not 7 at all on energy from the sun.Instead,the methanogen(甲烷微生物) has found a way to create methane in this low 8 environment,which it may not use to reproduce or divide,but to replace or repair broken parts.The strangest thing is that some organisms can exist for millennia.They are metabolically active but in stasis,with less energy than we thought possible of 9 life.

Rick Colwell,a microbial ecologist at Oregon State University,said the timescales of subterranean life were completely different.Some microorganisms have been alive for thousands of years,barely moving except for 10 in the tectonic plates,earthquakes or eruptions.

Underworld biospheres vary depending on geology and geography.Their combined size

is estimated to be more than 2bn cubic kilometers,but this could be 11 further in the future.

The researchers said their discoveries were made possible by two technical advances:drills that can penetrate far deeper below the Earth's crust,and improvements in microscopes that allow life to be 12 at decreasingly minute levels.

The scientists have been trying to find a lower limit beyond which life cannot exist,but the deeper they dig the more life they find.There is a temperature maximum-currently l22C-but the researchers believe this record will be broken if they keep exploring and developing more 13 instruments.

Mysteries remain,including whether life colonizes up from the depths or down from chemical processes,and what this might the surface,how the microbes 14 revealing about how life and the Earth co-evolved.

The scientists say some findings enter the realm of philosophy and exobiology-the study of extraterrestrial life.Robert,a mineralogist at the Carnegie Institution for Science,said:"We must ask ourselves:if life on Earth can be this different from what experience has led us to expect,then what strangeness might 15 as we probe for life on other worlds?"

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b53406228.html,paratively B.dramatically C.elegantly D.previously

2.A.variety B.diversity C.variability D.transformation

3.A.distinguish B.faint C.probe D.drain

4.A.disciplines B.subjects C.regions D.branches

5.A.deliberate B.expose C.present D.promote

6.A.patterns B.models C.imitations D.assumptions

7.A.rely B.focus C.concentrate D.touch

8.A.nutrition B.element C.fuel D.energy

9.A.earning B.supporting C.breeding D.generating

10 A.conditions B.stabilities C.shifts D.transmissions

11 A.extended B.expanded C.calculated D.tempted

12 A.scratched B.mortgaged C.monitored D.detected

13 A.sophisticated B.feasible C.precise D.rough

14 A.stick to B.strive for C.interact with D.see to

15 A.await B.alter C.erase D.knit




ADJ If you describe something as minuscule,you mean that it is very small.极小的

例:The film was shot in 17 days,a minuscule amount of time.


teem /ti:m/(teeming,teemed,teems)

V-I If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals,you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot.挤满

例:For most of the year,the area is teeming with tourists.


bears comparison to比得上...:可与...相媲美



1.副词辨析,第一句话句意:地球远比我们以前所想的更有活力,故选previously。A.相对地 B.显著地C 优雅地意思都不合适。


在不同品种,常用固定搭配“a variety of”;后者强调事物的多样性,常用固定搭配“the diversity of”此处句意:地下物种的多样性,故选Diversity.

3.动词辨析,A.区分B.晕厥C.探索D.促进;前面“is still largely original”可判断,人类尚未’probe’,have yet to=have not。

4.固定用法,in disciplines 在各个领域、学科方面;由后文“ranging from geology and...to chemistry and physics”克制,

5.动词辨析,A.仔细考虑B.暴露C.呈现,出席D. 提升;将会在美国地球物理联合会年会之前提出迄今为止的综合调查结果。

6.名词辨析,A.模式B.模型 C.模仿D.设想;探索场地建立模型,故选models.

7.固定搭配,A.依靠 B.C.集中精力于 D.涉及,碰到;可能不依赖于来自太阳的能源,故选rely.

8.名词辨析,由上文“not rely at all on energy form sun”可知选energy.


10.名词辨析,A.条件 B.稳定 C.转换,替换 D.传播,发射;除了地壳板块运动以外几乎不移动,根据’barely moving’可知后面对应的应选C.shifts

11.动词辨析,A.延伸 B.扩大 C.积累 D.诱惑;未来他们结合的规模会扩大,故选expanded.

12.动词辨析,A.抓 B.抵押 C.监测 D.发觉,察觉;……让生命可以以递减的微小水平被发觉。

13.形容词辨析,A精密的 B.可行的 C.精确的 D.艰难的;仪器是精密的,故选sophisticated。

14.固定搭配,A.坚持 B.争取 C.与……相互作用 D.照顾;这些微生物是如何相互作用的揭示了生命和地球是如何共同进化的。

15.动词辨析,A.等待 B.改变 C.清除 D.编织;当我们在探索其他世界的生命时,等待着什么样的奇异呢?故选await.

(全国卷)2019届高三英语二轮复习 专项练习“完形 语法填空 短改”组合练三

组合练三 (限时35分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空 (2018·呼和浩特调研)I love the feeling of exchanging goods with my parents. When we visit them, we often end up 1 home more things than we brought with us. After packing up at the end of our most 2 visit, and after the last 3 and sounding of the car horn (喇叭), I took a quick look at the back 4 of our car. At the top of the pile, folded 5 and smartly, were a 50-year-old baby blanket, several doilies (装饰垫) 6 from generations of women in my family, and two small 7 . These creative quilts, looking 8 but quite lovingly worn, remind me of my great-grandmothers who were always 9 hard. I think of the pieces of cloth 10 over the floors of their living rooms. I think of their 11 hands and the regular pattern of 12 from their sewing machines. I think of their laughter, their smiles and the wisdom found in the corners of their eyes. I wish I could go back in time and watch them 13 these quilts, and I cherish the quilts my great-grandmothers 14 . I love knowing that the women who 15 the way for my own path through life have left behind touchable expressions of themselves. 16 I touch the worn cloth of each creation, I will always remember the women whose hands

完形填空限时练三 (15题版附答案)

完形填空限时练三(15题版附答案) Every year, as soon as Halloween is over, our son Matthew waits for the lights. As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, as the temperatures 1 and the leaves fall, he waits for the 2 . The neighbors across the street always put up a light display for the holidays and Matthew loves to wait for them to be turned on, which usually 3 right after Thanksgiving. 4 , he begins his monitoring a month before their arrival. And then, each day between Thanksgiving and 5 the lights are turned off, he waits, 6 , from midafternoon on. And when each evening's moment comes, you don't have to be with 7 . You know it no matter where you are in the house. The rhythmic 8 . The dancing around the house. Pure 9 on his face! And it happens every single night. Despite all his 10 ,in the world's view —his severe mental disabilities, his two-year-old 11 in a twenty-three-year-old body, his inability to speak —Matthew knows 12 very profound, that light will shine in the darkness, and no matter how long the 13 is, without 14 ,eventually , those lights will shine again. There will come a season when those lights will shine again. Whatever 15 I find within and around me, I look to my son, and remember that a light can break the darkness. 1.A.rise B.change C.drop D. stay


强化训练10 完形填空(二) (45分钟,100分) A Visitors to the dry, hot Sonoran Desert of the southern Arizona and northern Mexico are amazed at the many-armed giants. They are the saguaro cacti (树形仙人掌), a giant which gives the landscape its __1__ appearance. In the dry desert the saguaro cacti can live for more than 200 years, grow to a __2__ of 60 feet, and have as many as 50 arms. More __3__ , the saguaro cacti still persist despite the unbearable desert climate. Those that have grown to old age have __4__ droughts, freezes, flash floods, and bush fires as well as the __5__ caused by groups of rats that eat their seedlings(秧苗). Like all other desert __6__ , these leafless giants can store water for use during the desert's long dry seasons by __7__ water through their long roots. Naturally, the great saguaro cacti are a(n) __8__ part of the desert life. Actually the giants may be __9__ to many animals, including woodpeckers, owls, doves, bats and insects. In addition, after a saguaro __10__ the age of 50 or so, cold-resistant flowers __11__ at the top of the plants once a year. These flowers __12__ birds, bats and bees, which come for the honey and for the tasty flowers with their black seeds. __13__ the splendid saguaros are plentiful in the Southwest, they are unfortunately __14__ . These giant cacti have great value in landscape gardening, and the thieves can earn thousands of dollars by uprooting and __15__ them to nurseries (苗圃). To protect these southwestern __16__ , agents for the Arizona Department of Agriculture go around and __17__ the desert. It's a most important job though a hard one. But without the saguaro cacti, many desert animals would suffer a lack of __18__ and loss of nesting sites. The Southwest, too, would __19__ something of unique importance, since these desert giants have become a __20__ of the dry region. 1. A. general B. basic C. unique D. lovely 2. A. length B. height C. size D. width 3. A. pleasingly B. inspiringly C. interestingly D. amazingly 4. A. lived through B. broken through C. cut through D. got through 5. A. crisis B. damage C. destruction D. load 6. A. plants B. lives C. animals D. creatures 7. A. pouring B. squeezing C. pumping D. absorbing 8. A. independent B. vital C. original D. mysterious 9. A. spot B. field C. home D. camp 10. A. turns B. takes C. meets D. gains


英国主流报纸 尽管遭受了《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻,但英国报业依然是负有盛名。在英国,人们在公交车上、地铁里、火车上、在银行或邮局排队甚至在午餐休息时,读报现象都随处可见。那么,英国主要报纸有哪些呢? 在英国,报纸主要分为两大类:严肃类报纸和通俗小报。两类报纸内容大相径庭。严肃类报纸内容广泛,政治、经济和国际事务都有涉及,文章较长,用语正式规范。 通俗小报文章量多,但内容绝不严肃,多介绍类似于明星恋情等花边新闻。文章篇幅短小,语言简练。通俗小报上通常选用大幅照片。 一、全国性严肃类报纸 The Times 《泰晤士报》(Times),1785年诞生。该报的政治倾向较保守,多支持英国政府的观点。 《每日电讯》(The Daily Telegraph)1855年诞生,政治立场亲近英国保守党。 《卫报》(The Guardian)1821年创刊,政治倾向较激进。2009年,《卫报》和中国社区翻译网站译言网合作正式推出《卫报》中文版。 《金融时报》(The Financial Times)1888年创刊,主要报道商业和财经新

闻,并详列每日的股票和金融商品价格。出版发行FT中文网,其中大部分由英国《金融时报》当日所刊登的文章翻译而来,其余为FT中文网记者们的原创。 《观察家报》(The Observer)1791年创刊,是世界第一份在礼拜日发行的报纸。1942年,该报公开宣言了无党派倾向的编辑方针,1993年起,观察家报成为卫报媒体集团旗下的一份报纸。 《独立报》(The Independent)1986年创刊,政治立场为中立派。 《星期日泰晤士报》(The Sunday Times) 《星期日电讯报》(Sunday Dispatch) 二、全国性通俗报纸 The Sun 《太阳报》(The Sun) 《每日快报》(The Daily Express) 《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail) 《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror) 《星期日快报》(The Sunday Express)


高考英语完形填空 高频词汇 419 个汇总 1.occasion 场合 2.situation 情况,处境 3.take over 接管 4.exchange 交换 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b53406228.html,mand 命令 6.confirm 证实 7.cultivate 培养 8.prosperously 繁荣的 9.suspect 怀疑 10.relatively 相对的,比较的 11.acknowledge 承认,鸣谢 12.ambition 抱负,野心 13.quality 质量,品质 14.protection 保护 15.equally 平等地 16.promise 承诺 17.clearly 清楚地 18.grateful 感激的 19.remove 移开 20.force 强迫 21.apologize 道歉 22.terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 23.stubborn 固执的 24.actively 积极地,主动地 25.spiritual 精神的,心灵的 26.magical 魔力的 27.willingly 愿意地 28.strengthen 加强 29.image 形象 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b53406228.html,plexity 复杂 31.cautious 小心的 32.manage 管理,成功做成 33.prejudice 偏见 34.economic 经济的,合算的 35.academic 学术的 36.control 控制37.adopt 收养,采取 38.consume 消费,消耗 39.unique 独一无二的 40.beneficial 有益的 41.varied 多变的,各种各样的 42.demanding 要求高的 43.appropriate 合理的 44.entertainment 娱乐 45.deliberately 故意地 46.purchase 购买 47.tough 艰难的 48.bright 明亮的 49.remain 留下,保持 50.terrify 使害怕 51.disappointing 令人失望的 52.formal 正式的 53.desire 愿望 54.share 分享,共有 55.fulfill 履行(诺言),执行(命令) 56.admit 承认 57.evident 明显的 58.consequently 因此,所以 59.accustomed 习惯的 60.accumulate 积累 61.participate 参加 62.absence 缺席 63.presence 出席 64.bravery 勇敢 65.horror 恐惧 66.spotless 无暇的 67.fundamental 基础的 68.employment 就业,雇用 69.involve 包含,使参与 70.actually 事实上 71.harmony 和谐 72.basically 基本的 73.inspire 激发,鼓舞 74.imitate 模仿 75.awful 糟糕的 76.generous 慷慨的,大方的 77.wealthy 富有的 78.function 功能 79.stressful 有压力的 80.persistent 坚持不懈的 81.reluctant 勉强的,不愿意的 82.diligent 勤奋的 83.attentive 注意的,周到的 84.unbearable 不能忍受的 85.accommodation 住所 86.attractive 有吸引力的 87.constant 连续的 88.brilliant 杰出的,才华横溢的 89.clumsy 笨拙的 90.declare 宣布,声明 91.obtain 获得 92.interactive 相互的,互动的 93.incident 事件 94.adventure 冒险 95.in particular 尤其 96.in reality 事实上 97.emphasize 强调 98.overlook 忽视 99.deny 否认 100.ensure 确保 101.financial 金融 102.budget 预算 103.on the whole 整体上 104.potential 潜在的,潜能 105.on the contrary 相反 106.loyalty 忠实 107.assume 假设 108.establish 建设 109.flexible 灵活的 110.sensitive 敏感的 111.essential 必不可少的 112.unfair 不公平的 113.expectation 期待 114.impression 印象


英语完形填空解题技巧 英语完形填空解题技巧。完形填空是测验常见的题型之一,即选择最恰当的单词或词组完成文章,该词条将讲述什么是完形填空,完形填空有什么类型,如何解决完形填空此类题目。它既考查对语法,词汇,习语,句型,搭配等基础知识的综合运用能力,又考查对短文的阅读理解能力,甚至有时还考察对时事政治等的关注。 英语完形填空解题技巧 一:“议论文”类完形填空解题技巧 除了记叙文常考的是议论文,议论文的完形填空包括夹叙夹议和真正的议论两种形式。夹叙夹议的文章一般是先提出一个事件,然后就此引出一个深刻的社会主题。真正议论形式的文章是通过一个或几个人对某一现象的论述来赞扬、批评或提出某种见解。 议论文的完形填空题不依记叙文那么有情景性,因此考生对文章的整体掌握有—定的困难,稍有不慎考生就会偏离作者所论述的主题。 1、对夹叙夹议形式的完形填空要把叙和议结合起来:应 始终努力去把握文章的主旨,不能只顾选择答案,而不注意事件和论点的关系。 2、真正议论形式的完形填空一般是直接提出论点,通过 论据,然后提出作者的看法,或提出一个话题供大家讨论。一般来说,作者的态度十分明确,考生就容易了解作者对事情的看法。如果作者不是直接提出自己的见解,而是通过一个或几个人对某一现象的论述来间接赞扬、批评或提出某种见解,就

要求考生能认识并正确把握作者借助于他人之口阐述的自己的观点。 二:“记叙文”类完形填空解题技巧 记叙文主要包括幽默故事、名人传记、事件叙述等。文中以叙述为主,通jiq过人物之间的对话来反映人们对事件的看法及其起因。叙述上多半用平述的形式,很少加入作者的评论。因此如果对文章上下文情景把握不住,就会失分。为了减少失分率,考生可以参考以下几点: 1、首先读懂文章的首句,把握全篇,弄清文章要讲什么。 完形填空一般没有标题,读懂第一句很关键。第一句一般不留空,是个完整的句子,整篇文窜的信息从此句开始。因此读好第一句不仅能够把握文章要讲什么内容,而且也可能把握作者的写作态度。因此,考生最好在读完第一句话后,不要急于看下一句,而是应先根据首句内容,对下文所要出现的故事进行一下推测,这有利于靠近作者的思路,避免走弯路。 2、先通读全文,掌握大意,理清各种角色。 记叙文一般有两个或两个以上的角色,作者对这些角色的态度各不一样,即使同样—件事发生在不同人身上作者也可能采用不同的写作描述。 3、理顺事件的发生、发展、结局 记叙文的多项选择式完形填空题多半以事情发展的顺序进行叙述。正确把握文章的发展顺序对于把握文章的主旨有着重要的意义,因此在选择答案时可以先理情人物的关系及各自所做的事情。 三:“说明文”类完形填空解题技巧 说明文的完形填空一般比较短,用比较简单的语言,来介绍事物、解释事理。一般包括;特点、类别、性质、成因、关

2020高中英语二轮复习专题三:完形填空第一讲 词汇篇

完形填空和语法填空二者共属高考浙江卷中的语言运用部分,二者虽题型不同,但宗旨都是考查考生在理解整体语篇的基础上具体运用语法知识和词语的能力。 年份 体裁题材 考点分布 动词 (短语) 名 词 (短 语) 形 容 词 (短 语) 副 词 介 词 (短 语) 连 词 代 词 2019.6 记叙文唤起对食物浪费的关 注 8 5 4 3 0 0 0 2018.11 记叙文解救学生的手指11 6 2 0 1 0 0 2018.6 夹叙夹议文充分利用时间9 5 4 2 0 0 0 2017.11 记叙文Harvold救人的英勇故 事 12 6 2 0 0 0 0 2017.6 记叙文保护书籍的故事9 4 5 2 0 0 0 [考纲解读] 1.完形填空旨在考查考生的综合理解能力和语言运用能力: (1)要求考生能够领悟一篇有空缺的语篇大意,结合全文,推出“未知”内容,具有主观性测试和客观性测试的双重特点。 (2)既可以在语篇中考查考生的英语基础知识,即语法、词汇知识;又可以考查考生运用所学语言知识的能力;还可以考查考生的英语文化背景知识;同时,考查考生把握上下文行

文逻辑和整个篇章结构的能力。 2.完形填空的每个选项的取舍要受层次语境的影响。完形填空的考点层次从低到高可分为:词汇层次、句子层次、语篇层次。 [命题趋势] 完形填空是测试考生综合语言运用能力的填空补缺式障碍性阅读。它以语篇信息为基础,以中心脉络信息为主线,多层面反复式信息为暗示,纵横向立体式信息相照应,给考生提供足够的解题信息。预计今后的高考中会有以下命题趋势: 1.综合考查考生的英语基础知识和语言运用能力,包括词汇运用能力、阅读理解能力、分析判断能力、逻辑推理能力和跨文化交际能力。 2.文章材料多以叙述为主,叙议结合。故事性记叙文仍会占主导地位,但夹叙夹议文会增多。 3.语篇层次设空增多,从而体现“突出语篇”的命题思路,测试考生对上下文衔接关系、行文逻辑等的综合理解,进而考查考生的思维能力。 第一讲词汇篇 高考完形填空主要是对考纲词汇的考查,重点考查考生在具体语境中准确理解和运用考纲词汇的能力。近几年高考完形填空对词汇在整体语篇中的灵活运用的考查尤为突出,主要涉及名词、动词(短语)、形容词和副词等实词的词义理解、一词多义的积累、熟词生义的推断以及近义词用法的辨析。没有掌握好考纲中基础词汇的词义是造成失分的主要原因之一,而不能弄清意义相近词汇的细微区别则成为拿高分的障碍。 考生要想得高分,准确掌握考纲词汇是基础,强化对多义词的掌握和对重难点词的积累是关键。 超重点1词义理解——考纲生僻词汇强化记忆 [强化1]动词


外刊英国卫报改编完形填空3 素材源:英国卫报(原文有删改) Guardian graphic △Global team of scientists find ecosystem below earth that is twice the size of world's oceans Reading Comprehension Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Scientists identify vast underground ecosystem The Earth is far more alive than 1 thought,according to"deep life"studies that reveal a rich ecosystem beneath our feet that is almost twice the size of that found in all the world's oceans. Despite extreme heat,no light,minuscule nutrition and intense pressure,scientists estimate this subterranean biosphere is teeming with between 15bn and 23bn tonnes of micro-organisms, hundreds of times the combined weight of every human on the planet.


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 初中英语完形填空100篇(三) 21 A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to __1__. So he stood up and rang the bell. __2__ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus __3__ stop. And the conductor came and shouted __4__ him. The conductor was __5__ angry and spoke __6__ fast that Henry didn’t understand __7__. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “ I think he __8__ a foreigner.” When Henry got __9__, he told his wife about it. “ __10__ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked. “ Twice,” said Henry. “Well, that’s the signal (信号) __11__ the driver __12__ on.”His wife explained, “only the conductor __13__ to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor __14__ so angry!” Henry nodded(点头). “ __15__,” he said. 1. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on 2. A.To B. At C. In D. with 3. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wasn’t 4. A. in B. on C. of D. at 5. A. so B. as C. at D. because 6. A. so that B. that C. so D. why 7. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song 8. A. was B. isn’t C. is D. am 9. A. to home B. at home C. in home D. home 10. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How 11. A. to B. at C. on D. for 12. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes 13. A. allowed B. is allowed C. was allowed D. allow 14. A. got B. gets C. is getting D. gotten 15. A. I seen B. I saw C. I see D. I did 22


中考英语专题复习十四:完形填空的考点讲解和训练 【考点扫描】 “完形填空”题是一种旨在考查学生语法和词汇知识综合运用能力的典型题型。它结合了单项选择题和短文填空的优点,既考查词语搭配、近义词辨异、动词时态、句型结构、复合句的关联和习惯用法等,又考查了逻辑推理和事理推断能力。 “完形填空”题要求填入的词主要有: 1. 语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词、连接代词、连接副词、关系代词、关系副词等。 2. 具有语法变化的普通词,如动词的时态、语态、语气,名词的数,代词的格,形容词和 副词的级等。 3. 固定搭配短语或词组中的特定词。 4. 同义词、近义词等易混淆词。 5. 根据上、下文意思及结构必须填入的确定词。 可见,完形填空是一种综合性较强的题型。它的突出特点是起点高、容量大。同学们只有具备了扎实的语言基本功、较好的阅读能力及归纳判断能力,才能适应这一题型。 完形填空题的考查目的: 1. 考查同学们阅读理解能力。 2. 考查同学们语法知识。 3. 考查同学们综合运用英语知识的水平和实践能力。 【名师解难】 一、完形填空题的命题特点 完形填空题是通过阅读考查学生语言知识及语言知识综合运用能力的一种测试形式。命题人在一段难度适度的文章中留出10个空白,要求考生从所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使补足的短文意思通顺、结构完整。 完形填空是介于单项填空和阅读理解之间的一种题型。可以说它是根据一篇文章所提供的情景进行的选择填空,也可以说它是在缺少个别单词情况下的阅读理解。完形填空既有对语法规则、习惯用法和词语搭配的考查,又有对文章内容的通篇理解。完形填空主要考查以下三个方面的内容: 1、词汇: 此类题目考查的内容是:近义词的区别,词语的固定搭配和习惯用法。近几年陕西省中考题中的完型填空题考查的词汇类别涉及到名词、代词、动词、介词、连词、形容词、副词和短语动词。 2、语法: 此类题目考查的是:各种语法规则在文章中的运用。其中包括名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,动词的时态和语态,介词、数词、代词和连词的用法,主谓一致,各种从句的用法等。 3、结构: 此类题目考查的是:文章中间句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间,上文与下文之间的逻辑关系。 从设空的类型看可分为三个层次: 1、句子层次 2、句组层次 3、全篇层次


完形填空 (2019年安徽省“江南十校”综合素质检测) Off goes your alarm clock! Your eyes snap open! What is the first thing on your __1__?Do you calculate how long you can hit snooze (回笼觉)? Are you already going over the day's to -do list? __2__ checking your phone? You are definitely not __3__ if any or all of these morning habits sound familiar. __4__,60 percent of people check their phones immediately when they __5__, according to a 2015 survey. You stop using your smartphone in bed seriously—these mind-numbing routines are among what you will __6__ most in life. So why not take a __7__ approach? At the graduation ceremony in Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs made a speech, advising his __8__ to start each morning with one specific sentence. “Doing so”,he said, “will __9__ the way we deal with our day-to-day lives.” Jobs got the idea after reading a quote about __10__ when he was 17. From then on, he started each morning by looking in the __11__ and asking, “If today were the last day of my __12__,would I want to do what I'm about to do today?” Now,__13__ it for yourself. Asking yourself this powerful question every day requires you to deeply __14__ what you do on a daily basis—and if you find satisfaction in it. It can also help you __15__ your tasks to the fundamental ones. __16__ wasting time with mindless activities like surfing the internet, you'll start filling your days with more satisfying things, such as spending time with family and friends. __17__, you'll stop worrying about what other people think of you; your energy and focus should be __18__, like improving yourself, reaching your goals and making an impact on the world.__19__ you have made a habit of asking this one simple question every morning, congratulations! You are __20__ finding the secret to living a meaningful life. ( )1.A.side B.mind C.phone D.level ( )2.A.Seriously B.Happily C.Mindlessly D.Hopelessly ( )3.A.aware B.afraid C.alone D.alive ( )4.A.In fact B.In brief C.In particular D.In addition ( )5.A.stay up B.make up C.pull up D.wake up ( )6.A.forget B.value


高考英语完形填空解题技巧 1.利用首句信息 从历年的试题可以看出,完形填空所采用的短文一般不给标题,且首句往往不设空,通常是个完整的句子。这个句子往往是全文的关键句,它是了解全文的窗口,常常包含对解题有用的信息,因此考生要注重细读首句,并据此来判断文章的体裁,题材,推测全文的主旨和大意,推断故事发生的人物、地点、时间、气氛等多方面的特征,争取开局顺利。 2.利用前后暗示 完形填空题除了注重考查考生对语境的理解外,还经常在完形填空的短文中设置前后互相暗示的考题。这里需要注意的是:若是前面暗示后面,做题相对来说比较容易。但从对历届考题的研究情况来看,这种暗示多为后面暗示前面,也就是说前面的某些填空从当时的情况来看,或是线索不清,或是语境不明,无法填出,但只要我们继续往后看,就会发现此空在后面的某个地方有暗示。所以,考生在做题时一定要充分利用这一特点,以提高做题的准确率。 3.利用逻辑推理 做完形填空题的过程从本质上说是一个阅读推理的过程。为了能够准确、快速地理解文章内容,考生必须把握作者的思路,使自己的思维模式与作者的思维模式相吻合,同时考生还必须不断地从各个角度进行合乎逻辑的推理,并不断地验证推理的正确性,以达到理解全文、解决问题的目的。正确分析推理是恰当解题的必要条件,而恰当解题又是对题目进行正确分析推理的必然结果。 4. 利用语境因素 文章是一个具有内在联系的整体,而上下文则是营造语境的基础,也是逻辑推理的依据.通读全文,理顺大意,根据上下文找出信息词是做好完形填空题的关键.近年来,高考试题中的完形填空题在命题设计上的趋势是朝着深层化及语境化的方面挖掘,逐渐摈弃单纯的语言分析考查,而越来越侧重逻辑推理判断.因此,只有借助上下文乃至全文语境的启示或限定才能够准确做出判断. 5. 利用语法分析 尽管近几年的高考完形填空题主要考察考生对语境的理解,很少考查纯语法知识的运用,但是借助语法分析来帮助理解句子,推测语境,判断搭配等,却是必不可少的.因此考生做题时应充分利用平时所学的语法及词汇,名词的可数与不可数,动词的及物与不及物以及句子结构等知识. 6. 利用文化背景和生活常识 高考完形填空往往以自身的内容提供相对完整的语篇信息,但其间交织渗透着各类相关的文化背景知识和常识,如文化,风俗,生活常识以及科学知识等.考生在做题时可充分利用社会文化知识和生活常识,并注意中西方文化方面存在的差异将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,顺理成章的选出正确的答案. 7.利用语篇标志 语篇指比句子长的语言单位,语篇标志指语篇之间有内在联系的词语.常见的语篇标志语有: 1) 结构层次:“secondly、 thirdly、 finally”等; 2) 时间关系:“before、 after、 later”等; 3) 因果关系:“because、 for、 since 、as so 、therefore、 thus”等; 4) 话题关系:“by the way”等; 5) 转折关系:“but 、however、 nevertheless、 on the contrary”等’ 6) 递进关系:“in addition、 besides 、then 、what’s more、 further”等 7) 并列关系:“and 、and also、 or 、neither…nor……、either……or……、not only……but also……、as well、similarly、in the same way、that is to say”等 8) 让步关系:“although、though、even though、even if、no matter+疑问词”等 9) 条件关系:“if、only if、if only”等. 8.利用习惯用法和词语辨析知识 习惯用法是英语中固定的结构,是不能随意改的.平时学习中应注意积累及掌握好习惯用法.同时,应多注意词语辨析及词语搭配,要培养在特定语境中灵活运用词语的能力.


完形填空专项训练 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读细节,准确认定语境,才能做好这类题目。 3.从逻辑推理、常识等角度考虑,挖掘文章的寓意及隐含意义。尤其是NMET完形填空短文大都包含一定的哲理和寓意,具备深层探询的可能性,这就要求我们既要明确表层意义,还要理解其深层含义。而结合我们已有的生活常识和社会常识去做题,则会有意想不到的效果,因为每个人的能力不是单一的。 4.从英汉两种语言的差异角度去考虑,避免错误。因为我们在英语学习过程中往往伴随“心译”过程,而出题者则会从母语的角度设置干扰项,在做题时一定要意识到这一点,不要受母语影响,借助平时学习中培养起来的语感,灵活处理。 总之,在逐项填空时应根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,把上下文的意思、

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