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完形填空三(含答案 )

完形填空三(含答案 )
完形填空三(含答案 )

Cloze 1

I grew up with my grandparents on a farm.When they were 1,they often took me on trips.Once we went somewhere to travel by car.My grandmother smoked throughout the trip,and I hated the 2..

I loved my grandmother and wished her to live happily 3.cigarettes.I remembered a magazine said every puff(吸)of a cigarette takes two minutes off one’s life.I decided to do the 4.for my grandmother.I estimated(估算)the number of cigarettes she smoked per day,the number of puffs per cigarette and so on.Then I said to my grandmother,“At two minutes per puff,you’ve taken nine years off your life!”

I still remember what happened next.I 5.to be praised for my cleverness and math skills.But that was not what happened.6.,my grandmother began to cry.I sat in the back seat and did not know what to do.7.

my grandmother was crying,my grandfather,who had been driving in silence,pulled the car over.He got out of the car,opened my door and asked me to get out.Was I in 8.?My grandfather was a highly intelligent,quiet man.He had never said a harsh(严厉的)word to me,and maybe this was to be the first time?Or maybe he would ask me to 9.in the car and say sorry to my grandmother?My grandfather looked at me,and after a bit of silence,he said,“Jeff,one day you’ll understand that it’s 10.to be kind than clever.”

1.A.busy B.free C.alive D.crazy

2.A.seat B.trip C.passenger D.smell

3.A.over B.with C.against D.from

4.A.math B.psychology C.geography D.history

5.A.hated B.promised C.allowed D.expected

6.A.Instead B.Still C.Luckily D.Nearly

7.A.Although B.While C.But D.So

8.A.accident B.business C.trouble D.danger

9.A.get off B.get up C.get down D.get back

10.A.easier B.harder C.cooler D.fresher

Cloze 2

My friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordered two cups of coffee.While we were waiting,two young men came in and began to order,“1.cups of coffee,please.Two of them for us and three there on the wall.” The waiter served them with respect(尊敬).They paid for their order,took the two and left. As soon as they left,the waiter 2.put three pieces of paper on the wall.We saw this with great 3..

Some more people came.Two girls asked for one coffee each,paid and went away.Then came three lawyers who paid for seven coffees—three for 4.and four suspended(待用).I really 5.what the suspended coffees were.Suddenly a man came into the coffee house.The way this man was dressed didn’t 6.the style of this coffee shop.He kindly ordered a coffee on the wall.The waiter served coffee to this man,showing him the same 7. as the other customers.The man had his coffee and left 8.paying.The waiter took off a piece of paper from the wall and threw it in the dustbin.

At that moment,I knew the meaning of the sus pended coffees.It’s simple—people pay the coffee in advance for someone who can’t 9.it.The tradition with the suspended coffees 10.in Italy, but it has spread all over the world.A suspended coffee is not only a cup of coffee,but also the warmth and love to someone in need.

1.A.two B.three C.five D.seven

2.A.quickly B.rudely C.wisely D.properly

3.A.fear B.sadness C.anger D.interest

4.A.myself B.himself C.ourselves D.themselves

5.A.checked B.wondered C.waited D.asked

6.A.change B.match C.show D.wear

7.A.respect B.courage C.custom D.result

8.A.in B.for C.with D.without

9.A.sell B.want C.buy D.afford

10.A.started B.built C.caused D.accepted

Cloze 3

“If you agree with me,please Dianzan.”Do you know Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet?When you think someone’s ideas are right,when you think someone’s articles are 1.,or when you are moved by what someone writes,you can click(点击)the praise sign.Anyhow,clicking the praise sign 2.that you agree with someone or praise someone.

Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language.People https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c3043247.html,e it when they surf the Internet.There is a function(功能)of Dianzan in the QQ space.The QQ space has had the function 4.2010.It didn’t become very popular until Sina blog 5.the function of Dianzan.In recent years,it has become more and more popular.When the 2015 New Year came,Chinese leader Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to praise and 6.his thanks to the great Chinese people.

Websites can know how many people support some ideas7.counting how many people click the praise sign.Experts can know 8.teenagers are caring about through what they click the sign for.That can help them solve teenagers’ 9..

Clicking the praise sign is really a(n)10.thing.Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet?

1.A.wonderful B.terrible C.hard D.awful

2.A.offers B.takes C.means D.avoids

3.A.never B.luckily C.slowly https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c3043247.html,ually

4.A.after B.since C.in D.before

5.A.broke B.checked C.refused D.started

6.A.accept B.express C.create D.receive

7.A.by B.on C.at D.under

8.A.that B.where C.what D.when

9.A.plans B.happiness C.problems D.fairness

10.A.difficult B.surprising C.embarrassing D.easy

Cloze 4

I have never taken cooking classes.I learned cooking 1.my mother because she was really 2.in teaching me.Do you know why?When my mother got married,she didn’t know anything about cooking.My grandmother never allowed her 3.in the kitchen.

My mother did not start to cook 4.she was twenty-five.At the beginning,it was very hard for her.So she had to take cooking classes to prepare our meals.After5.that experience,she decided to teach me to do some cooking 6.she didn’t want me to have the same experience.

I remember when I was seven 7.old,I often stayed in the kitchen and watched her cook.I always helped her.Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew 8.them,and sometimes we prepared them from recipes.Nowadays,I am really thankful for that experience.Because I don’t need any help to cook a meal.I can cook for 9.or f or a group of people.It doesn’t matter.

I will teach my children and I don’t want them to have the same experience 10.my mother.If one day I am not with them,I want to be sure that they can also eat well.

1.A.by B.to C.from D.after

2.A.interesting B.interested C.interest D.interests

3.A.staying B.stayed C.to stay D.stay

4.A.if B.after C.since D.until

5.A.having B.have C.to have D.had

6.A.so B.because C.although D.but

7.A.years B.year’s C.year D.years’

8.A.where to make B.what to make C.when to make D.how to make

9.A.myself B.me C.mine D.I

10.A.so B.as C.such D.like

Cloze 5

One Monday morning,I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly I felt ill.I couldn’t stand still,and the world began to sway(摇摆)and then went black.All I heard was “Oh,my God!She’s falling.” The next thing I 1. was that the doctor was asking me my name.This happened 2.I was too tired.I was so busy cleaning my new house that I didn’t eat https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c3043247.html,st weekend.

The doctor told me that a gentleman waiting for the 4.saw me fall down.He got to my side 5.,and told others to call 911.He stayed with me 6.the ambulance arrived. Then he went with me to the hospital, which made him 7.his train.The doctor told me the gentleman didn’t want to leav e his name.

I don’t know who this gentleman is.8.if he reads this article and remembers a young lady fainting(晕倒)at the train station,I’d like 9.to know that I want to say “Thank you.” Whenever I meet with such a thing,I will do the same as he 10.to me.And I’ll pass on the kindness to others.

1.A.met B.forgot C.said D.remembered

2.A.so B.because C.though D.however

3.A.little B.much C.few D.many

4.A.train B.plane C.bus D.car

5.A.at first B.just now C.at least D.at once

6.A.while B.since C.until D.as soon as

7.A.catch B.miss C.drop D.meet

8.A.Or B.Although C.For D.But

9.A.me B.him C.her D.you

10.A.does B.do C.did D.will do






完形填空限时练三 (15题版附答案)

完形填空限时练三(15题版附答案) Every year, as soon as Halloween is over, our son Matthew waits for the lights. As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, as the temperatures 1 and the leaves fall, he waits for the 2 . The neighbors across the street always put up a light display for the holidays and Matthew loves to wait for them to be turned on, which usually 3 right after Thanksgiving. 4 , he begins his monitoring a month before their arrival. And then, each day between Thanksgiving and 5 the lights are turned off, he waits, 6 , from midafternoon on. And when each evening's moment comes, you don't have to be with 7 . You know it no matter where you are in the house. The rhythmic 8 . The dancing around the house. Pure 9 on his face! And it happens every single night. Despite all his 10 ,in the world's view —his severe mental disabilities, his two-year-old 11 in a twenty-three-year-old body, his inability to speak —Matthew knows 12 very profound, that light will shine in the darkness, and no matter how long the 13 is, without 14 ,eventually , those lights will shine again. There will come a season when those lights will shine again. Whatever 15 I find within and around me, I look to my son, and remember that a light can break the darkness. 1.A.rise B.change C.drop D. stay


强化训练10 完形填空(二) (45分钟,100分) A Visitors to the dry, hot Sonoran Desert of the southern Arizona and northern Mexico are amazed at the many-armed giants. They are the saguaro cacti (树形仙人掌), a giant which gives the landscape its __1__ appearance. In the dry desert the saguaro cacti can live for more than 200 years, grow to a __2__ of 60 feet, and have as many as 50 arms. More __3__ , the saguaro cacti still persist despite the unbearable desert climate. Those that have grown to old age have __4__ droughts, freezes, flash floods, and bush fires as well as the __5__ caused by groups of rats that eat their seedlings(秧苗). Like all other desert __6__ , these leafless giants can store water for use during the desert's long dry seasons by __7__ water through their long roots. Naturally, the great saguaro cacti are a(n) __8__ part of the desert life. Actually the giants may be __9__ to many animals, including woodpeckers, owls, doves, bats and insects. In addition, after a saguaro __10__ the age of 50 or so, cold-resistant flowers __11__ at the top of the plants once a year. These flowers __12__ birds, bats and bees, which come for the honey and for the tasty flowers with their black seeds. __13__ the splendid saguaros are plentiful in the Southwest, they are unfortunately __14__ . These giant cacti have great value in landscape gardening, and the thieves can earn thousands of dollars by uprooting and __15__ them to nurseries (苗圃). To protect these southwestern __16__ , agents for the Arizona Department of Agriculture go around and __17__ the desert. It's a most important job though a hard one. But without the saguaro cacti, many desert animals would suffer a lack of __18__ and loss of nesting sites. The Southwest, too, would __19__ something of unique importance, since these desert giants have become a __20__ of the dry region. 1. A. general B. basic C. unique D. lovely 2. A. length B. height C. size D. width 3. A. pleasingly B. inspiringly C. interestingly D. amazingly 4. A. lived through B. broken through C. cut through D. got through 5. A. crisis B. damage C. destruction D. load 6. A. plants B. lives C. animals D. creatures 7. A. pouring B. squeezing C. pumping D. absorbing 8. A. independent B. vital C. original D. mysterious 9. A. spot B. field C. home D. camp 10. A. turns B. takes C. meets D. gains


第3讲完形填空 (一) 2016年广东省初中毕业学业考试 I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on.These are considered to be symbols of __46__ on the material (物质的) level.When I was young, I was also __47__ reaching for material success.So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money. But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers.I became very unhappy __48__ I could make a lot of money.I no longer felt proud of my job and even __49__ myself for doing things like that.So I __50__ my sales job and took another job,this time helping people __51__ —the poor and the weak.The sense of belonging(归属感) was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again.I made less money, but I was __52__ with myself. For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy.I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about __53__.And I feel the most successful when I __54__ my kindness everywhere I go. So be __55__ to yourself: Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart.And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success. ( )46.A.luck B.success C.safety D.hope ( )47.A.sadly B.hardly C.crazily D.honestly ( )48.A.if B.since C.until D.although ( )49.A.looked down upon B.looked up to C.looked through D.looked into ( )50.A.made up B.gave up C.set up D.turned up ( )51.A.in danger B.in order C.in need D.in surprise ( )52.A.strict B.careful C.angry D.satisfied ( )53.A.trust B.love C.money D.health ( )54.A.throw B.spread C.sell D.lend ( )55.A.true B.brave C.friendly D.terrible (二) 2015年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs (蜘蛛网) on the walls and mice running around.People __46__ coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day.He thought it was poverty (贫困) that __47__ his unhappy life. One day, the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for __48__ about changing his life.The old man gave him a beautiful vase (花瓶) and said, “This is a magic vase that will bring you __49__.” The poor man looked at the vase __50__.Why would he need a vase in his poor house? However, he didn't want to __51__ such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home and put it on the table. “It's not right for something so beautiful to be __52__,” the poor man looked at the vase and thought.Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it, making it even more beautiful. __53__ he was still not satisfied.“It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web.” At this, he started to do some cleaning in the h ouse and paint the walls. His house turned into a __54__ place immediately.The poor man __55__.He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy.From then on, he worked hard and


20 Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming __1__ the hill towards the frontier, __2__ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike __3__ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and __4__ him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very __5__ to see __6__ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man’s pocket s __7__ he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always __8__ to find gold or other valuable things __9__ in the straw, he never found __10__. He was sure the man was __11__ something, but he was not __12__ to think out what it could be. Then one evening, after he had looked __13__ the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets __14__ usual, he __15__ to him, “Listen, I know you are smuggling things __16__ this frontier. Won’t you tell me what it is? I’m an old man, and today’s my last day on the __17__. Tomorrow I’m going to __18__. I promise I shall not tell __19__ if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling.” The worker did not say anything for __20__. Then he smiled, turned to Pe ter and said quietly, “Bikes.” 1. A. towards B. down C. to D. up 2. A. filling B. pulling C. pushing D. carrying 3. A. arrived B. appeared C. came D. reached 4. A. ask B. order C. make D. call 5. A. carefully B. quickly C. silently D. horribly 6. A. that B. where C. how D. whether 7. A. before B. after C. first D. so 8. A. lucky B. hoping C. thinking D. wondering 9. A. had been B. hidden C. hiding D. have been 10. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 11. A. taking B. smuggling C. stealing D. pushing 12. A. possible B. strong C. able D. clever 13. A. through B. thoroughly C. upon D. up 14. A. like B. more C. then D. as 15. A. told B. cried C. ordered D. said 16. A. cross B. past C. across D. into

2020高中英语二轮复习专题三:完形填空第一讲 词汇篇

完形填空和语法填空二者共属高考浙江卷中的语言运用部分,二者虽题型不同,但宗旨都是考查考生在理解整体语篇的基础上具体运用语法知识和词语的能力。 年份 体裁题材 考点分布 动词 (短语) 名 词 (短 语) 形 容 词 (短 语) 副 词 介 词 (短 语) 连 词 代 词 2019.6 记叙文唤起对食物浪费的关 注 8 5 4 3 0 0 0 2018.11 记叙文解救学生的手指11 6 2 0 1 0 0 2018.6 夹叙夹议文充分利用时间9 5 4 2 0 0 0 2017.11 记叙文Harvold救人的英勇故 事 12 6 2 0 0 0 0 2017.6 记叙文保护书籍的故事9 4 5 2 0 0 0 [考纲解读] 1.完形填空旨在考查考生的综合理解能力和语言运用能力: (1)要求考生能够领悟一篇有空缺的语篇大意,结合全文,推出“未知”内容,具有主观性测试和客观性测试的双重特点。 (2)既可以在语篇中考查考生的英语基础知识,即语法、词汇知识;又可以考查考生运用所学语言知识的能力;还可以考查考生的英语文化背景知识;同时,考查考生把握上下文行

文逻辑和整个篇章结构的能力。 2.完形填空的每个选项的取舍要受层次语境的影响。完形填空的考点层次从低到高可分为:词汇层次、句子层次、语篇层次。 [命题趋势] 完形填空是测试考生综合语言运用能力的填空补缺式障碍性阅读。它以语篇信息为基础,以中心脉络信息为主线,多层面反复式信息为暗示,纵横向立体式信息相照应,给考生提供足够的解题信息。预计今后的高考中会有以下命题趋势: 1.综合考查考生的英语基础知识和语言运用能力,包括词汇运用能力、阅读理解能力、分析判断能力、逻辑推理能力和跨文化交际能力。 2.文章材料多以叙述为主,叙议结合。故事性记叙文仍会占主导地位,但夹叙夹议文会增多。 3.语篇层次设空增多,从而体现“突出语篇”的命题思路,测试考生对上下文衔接关系、行文逻辑等的综合理解,进而考查考生的思维能力。 第一讲词汇篇 高考完形填空主要是对考纲词汇的考查,重点考查考生在具体语境中准确理解和运用考纲词汇的能力。近几年高考完形填空对词汇在整体语篇中的灵活运用的考查尤为突出,主要涉及名词、动词(短语)、形容词和副词等实词的词义理解、一词多义的积累、熟词生义的推断以及近义词用法的辨析。没有掌握好考纲中基础词汇的词义是造成失分的主要原因之一,而不能弄清意义相近词汇的细微区别则成为拿高分的障碍。 考生要想得高分,准确掌握考纲词汇是基础,强化对多义词的掌握和对重难点词的积累是关键。 超重点1词义理解——考纲生僻词汇强化记忆 [强化1]动词


新目标八年级下英语完形填空专项练习二 完型填空6 Once a man wanted to go 1 one side of a river to 2 in a boat. He 3 take 4 him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables. But he could take only one of them 5 , because the boat was very 6 . “If I 7 the wolf and the sheep together, the wolf may eat the sheep,” he said to 8 .“If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together, the sheep may eat the vegetables.” He thought and thought. At last, he had an idea. And he9 able to get to the other side of the river with the sheep, the wolf, and the vegetables. Do you know 10 ? 1. A. on B. in C. from D. with 2. A. another B. the other C. others D. other 3. A. had to B. has to C. have to D. must 4. A. after B. with C. about D. up 5. A. once a time B. at time C. in time D. at a time 6. A. large B. big C. small D. beautiful 7. A. will leave B. left C. leave D. have left 8. A. oneself B. myself C. itself D. himself 9. A. was B. is C. be D. can 10. A. how did he it B. what did he it C. how did he do it D. how he did it 完型填空7 完形填空。根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。 A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods. Elephants, tigers and many 3animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 4began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 5pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 6to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants


高中完形填空专项训练 1 When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the 1 side is as much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to 2 in good health,or advice about how to 3 and conduct yourself in society.If I cut the front articles,the opposite one is likely to suffer 4 ,leaving one half of it or keeping the text 5 the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,6 the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the 7 result.Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your 8 .You can only take up one of them;the other has to wait or be 9 up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not 10 you to do what is left behind.Thus you are 11 in a difficult position and feel sad.How come nice 12 and clever ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life 13 greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other. In fact that is what 14 is like;we are often 15 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable 16 a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is drawn to the thing only 17 we get into another.The 18 may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind.I 19 remember a philosopher’s remarks:“When one door shuts,another opens in life.”So a casual 20 may not be a bad one.1.A.same B.opposite C.either D.front 2.A.get B.bring C.1ead D.keep 3.A.do B.help C.1ead D.dress 4.A.damage B.destroy C.hurt D.injury 5.A.on B.for C.without D.off 6.A.or B.but C.so D.for 7.A.satisfying B.regrettable C.surprising D.impossible 8.A.courage B.patience C.strength D.attention 9.A.given B.picked C.held D.made 10.A.persuade B.agree C.allow D.tell 11.A.filled B.struck C.caught D.attracted 12.A.chances B.conditions C.wishes D.ways 13.A.progresses B.goes C.changes D.improves 14.A.study B.1ife C.society D.nature 15.A.supplied B.connected C.fixed D.faced 16.A.to B.1ike C.as D.by 17.A.as B.until C.before D.after 18.A.following B.former C.above D.next 19.A.still B.also C.almost D.once 20.A.treatment B.action C.choice D.remark


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 初中英语完形填空100篇(三) 21 A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to __1__. So he stood up and rang the bell. __2__ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus __3__ stop. And the conductor came and shouted __4__ him. The conductor was __5__ angry and spoke __6__ fast that Henry didn’t understand __7__. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “ I think he __8__ a foreigner.” When Henry got __9__, he told his wife about it. “ __10__ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked. “ Twice,” said Henry. “Well, that’s the signal (信号) __11__ the driver __12__ on.”His wife explained, “only the conductor __13__ to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor __14__ so angry!” Henry nodded(点头). “ __15__,” he said. 1. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on 2. A.To B. At C. In D. with 3. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wasn’t 4. A. in B. on C. of D. at 5. A. so B. as C. at D. because 6. A. so that B. that C. so D. why 7. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song 8. A. was B. isn’t C. is D. am 9. A. to home B. at home C. in home D. home 10. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How 11. A. to B. at C. on D. for 12. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes 13. A. allowed B. is allowed C. was allowed D. allow 14. A. got B. gets C. is getting D. gotten 15. A. I seen B. I saw C. I see D. I did 22


完形填空 (2019年安徽省“江南十校”综合素质检测) Off goes your alarm clock! Your eyes snap open! What is the first thing on your __1__?Do you calculate how long you can hit snooze (回笼觉)? Are you already going over the day's to -do list? __2__ checking your phone? You are definitely not __3__ if any or all of these morning habits sound familiar. __4__,60 percent of people check their phones immediately when they __5__, according to a 2015 survey. You stop using your smartphone in bed seriously—these mind-numbing routines are among what you will __6__ most in life. So why not take a __7__ approach? At the graduation ceremony in Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs made a speech, advising his __8__ to start each morning with one specific sentence. “Doing so”,he said, “will __9__ the way we deal with our day-to-day lives.” Jobs got the idea after reading a quote about __10__ when he was 17. From then on, he started each morning by looking in the __11__ and asking, “If today were the last day of my __12__,would I want to do what I'm about to do today?” Now,__13__ it for yourself. Asking yourself this powerful question every day requires you to deeply __14__ what you do on a daily basis—and if you find satisfaction in it. It can also help you __15__ your tasks to the fundamental ones. __16__ wasting time with mindless activities like surfing the internet, you'll start filling your days with more satisfying things, such as spending time with family and friends. __17__, you'll stop worrying about what other people think of you; your energy and focus should be __18__, like improving yourself, reaching your goals and making an impact on the world.__19__ you have made a habit of asking this one simple question every morning, congratulations! You are __20__ finding the secret to living a meaningful life. ( )1.A.side B.mind C.phone D.level ( )2.A.Seriously B.Happily C.Mindlessly D.Hopelessly ( )3.A.aware B.afraid C.alone D.alive ( )4.A.In fact B.In brief C.In particular D.In addition ( )5.A.stay up B.make up C.pull up D.wake up ( )6.A.forget B.value


【小学英语】完形填空试题(含答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空完形填空 Bob is an American boy. He's 1 years old. Now he is in China 2 his grandma. Hi studies in a middle school. There are twelve boys and twenty girls in his 3 Bob has a good friend. His 4 is Jack. Jack can speak Chinese very 5 However, Bob can't. So Jack often helps Bob. Both Bob and Jack like 6 . They often borrow books from their school library. They like China. 1. A. forty B. eighty C. thirteen D. twenty-five 2. A. and B. both C. together D. with 3. A. class B. school C. home D. China 4. A. home B. name C. teacher D. class 5. A. good B. bad C. well D. nice 6. A. football B. talking C. reading D. eating 【答案】(1)C;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这篇短文介绍了Bob,Bob的教室,以及Bob和好朋友Jack的一些事情。 (1)句意:他......岁了。根据上句“Bob是一位美国男孩。”和后面的“他在一所中学学习。”可知他是一名中学生,C选项“13岁”正确。故答案为:C。 (2)句意:现在他......他的奶奶在中国。根据句子结构这里不是并列,and和or都是并列 连词,淘汰,together“在一起”是副词,用在这里不合适。只有介词with“和......一起”,用 在这里正确。故答案为:D。 (3)句意:在他们......里有12位男生和20位女生。根据句意用class“班”正确。故答案为:A。 (4)句意:他的......是Jack。home“家”,name“名字”,teacher“老师”,class“班”。根据上 句“Bob有位好朋友。”可知这是介绍这位朋友,用name合适。故答案为:B。 (5)句意:Jack汉语讲得非常......。根据下句“可知Bob不行。”可知这里是讲得好。这里 修饰动词用well。故答案为:C。 (6)句意:Bob和Jack都喜欢......。根据下一句“他们经常从学校图书馆借书。”可知喜欢 阅读。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。首先通读短文,了解大致意思,然后根据上下文 意思提示和所学语法知识选择合适的选项。 2.完形填空完形填空 Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the programme(广播节目). Most(大多数) of the girls 1 boys like the programme. They 2 like Jim Green. Some of them often make phonecalls to him and thank him 3 his work. There are,lots of letters(信件)to him every day too. JimGreen 4 at 6: 00 every morning. He has bread and aglass of milk 5

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