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paragraph structure

paragraph structure
paragraph structure

Paragraph Structure


?Removal of potassium perchlorate was achieved by centrifugation of the supernatant liquid at 1400 X g for 10 min.

?D1-like receptors exert a permissive or enabling regulation of D2-like receptors.

?The patients were instructed to eat regular meals, that they should drink plenty of water, and they should take adequate exercise. ?The mechanical response of heart muscles depends on both the absolute osmolal increase and on the species studied.

?Total microsphere losses were greater at 34, 64, and 124 min when compared to 4 min.

?Losses of apolipoprotein A-I during other isolation methods were smaller in comparison to ultracentrifugation.

?Title: “Blood-Brain Barrier CSF pH Regulation” (CSF=cerebrospinal fluid)

?Factors influencing primary liver cancer resection survival rate

Grammar Mistakes

?The esophagus, stomach, and duodenum of each rabbit was examined.

?The tissue was minced and the samples incubated. ?Blood flow was allowed to return to baseline before proceeding with the next occlusion.

Paragraph Structure

?Even if a paper has perfect word choice and perfect sentence structure, it can be difficult to understand if the

paragraphs are not clearly constructed.

?Each paragraph must be constructed to tell a story. ?Readers should be able to recognize the

message and follow the story of each

paragraph whether or not they

understand the science.

Three Aspects

?For a paragraph to tell a clear story,

–The ideas in the paragraph must be organized.

–The continuity, that is, the relationship between ideas, must be clear.

–Important ideas must be emphasized.

–Paragraph development



Paragraph Development


?Topic sentence first, then supporting sentence. ?Create a expectation, and then fulfill the expectation.

Patterns of the organization ?Least to most importance

?Most to least importance

?Announced order

?Chronological order





?Continuity is the smooth flow of ideas from sentence to sentence (and from paragraph to paragraph).

?The essence of continuity is a clear relationship between every sentence and the sentence before it.

Continuity: five skills

1. Repeat the key terms exactly and early

2. use transitions

3. keep a consistent order

4. keep a consistent point of view

5. signal subtopics within a paragraph

Repeat the key terms

?Key terms are terms that name important ideas in a paper. ?Key terms can be technical terms, such as “G-protein” or “mitogenesis,” or nontechnical terms such as “increase” or “function.”

?Repeating key terms from sentence to sentence (and from paragraph to paragraph) is the strongest technique for

providing continuity.

?Digitalis increases the contractility of the mammalian heart. This change in inotropic state is a result of changes in calcium flux through the muscle cell membrane. ?Digitalis increases the contractility of the mammalian heart. Changes in the in calcium flux through the muscle

cell membrane cause this increased contractility. ?Digitalis increases the contractility of the mammalian heart. This increased contractility is a result of changes in calcium flux through the muscle cell membrane.

Q : Compare the three sentences and decide which is the best. PS: Digitalis 洋地黄,用于治疗心力衰竭

inotropic 肌肉收缩力的

calcium flux 钙通量

Repeat Key Terms Exactly

?The best advice for clear continuity is to repeat key terms exactly. If a key term is not repeated exactly and instead

another term is used, a mental manipulation is needed to

see the relationship between the two terms. Readers

familiar with the field can usually see the relationship; those less familiar may not.

Repeat the Key Terms Early ?Continuity is clearest if the key term is repeated early in the sentence. If the key term is delayed until the end of the

sentence, the continuity is broken and the reader is kept in suspense temporarily.

?The more delayed the repetition of the key term, the less obvious the continuity. The reason is that more and more

new key terms are added before the relationship between the two sentences is clear.

Repeat Key Terms Exactly

?to Avoid “Noise”

??? You are taught not to repeat the same word twice in a sentence, a paragraph, or some other limit. ??

(1) In humans, apo-B100, mainly synthesized in the liver, and apo-B48,

mainly synthesized in the intestine, are the products of a single apo-B gene (ref). (2) The production of apo-48 in the human intestine is the result of an RNA-editing process that changes a glutamine codon of the mRNA for

apo-B100 into a translational stop codon. (3) This apo-B mRNA-editing process does not occur in human livers, so apo-B48 is not synthesized in human livers. (4) However, the mRNA-editing process, and thus apo-B48 formation, occurs in mouse and rat livers.

Link the Key Terms ?specific term & category term

?(A) The v-erbB gene is related to the neu oncogene. Both oncogenes have…

?(B) The v-erbB gene, an oncogene of the avian

erythroblastosis virus, is related to the neu oncogene. Both oncogenes have…

Link the Key Terms

?How to link:

?Place the definition either right after or right before the term to be defined.

?Set off the item in the “after” position by commas. ?Check that the definition repeats a key term from the previous sentence or prepares for a key term in the next


?The family of TGF-signaling molecules play inductive roles in various developmental contexts. One member of this

family, Drosophila Decapentaplegic (Dpp), serves as a

morphogen that patterns both the embryo and adult.

Use Transitions

?Use transitions to indicate relationship ?Transition word (Conjunctions: furthermore, however, nevertheless ……)

?Transition phrase

?Transition clause


?Direction:Below are three versions of two sentences from a Methods section. For each version, state (1) what the logical relationship of the second sentence to the first sentence is and (2) how you know what the relationship is.

?Version 1:The microspheres were prepared for injection as previously described. They were then suspended in 1 ml of dextran solution in a glass injection vial that was connected to the appropriate catheter and to a syringe containing 4 ml of saline.

?Version 2: The microspheres were prepared for injection as previously described. In brief, they were suspended in 1 ml of dextran solution in

a glass injection vial that was connected to the appropriate catheter

and to a syringe containing 4 ml of saline. ?Relationship:

?How You Know:

Transition phrase

?Two types:

?Prepositional phrase

?Infinitive phrase

Prepositional phrase

(1) Our aim was to assess the mechanisms involved in the beneficial effects of hydralazine on ventricular function in

patients who have chronic aortic insufficiency. (2) For this assessment, we did a radionuclide study of ventricular function in 15 patients at rest and during supine exercise.

Infinitive phrase

(1) The effects of intra-arterial pressure gradients on

steady-state circumflex pressure-flow relations derived during long diastoles were examined in five dogs. (2) To obtain each pressure-flow point, we first set mean circumflex pressure to the desired level and then arrested the heart by turning off the peace-maker.

Transition phrase

?Transition phrase connects the sentences in three ways: ?First, the preposition/ infinitive itself indicates a logical relationship.

?Second, the object of the preposition/infinitive completes the logic(for what? in what? To do what?)?Finally, the object of the preposition/infinitive repeats a key term, thus further connecting the two sentences.

Transition clause

?Transition clauses, like transition phrases, keep the story of

a paragraph going by stating the logical relationship

between two sentences.

?The only difference is in the form: a transition clause uses a subject and verb to indicate the logical relationship

between ideas, whereas a transition phrase uses a

preposition or an infinitive and an object. The subject in the transition clause, like the object in a transition phrase, is

usually a repeated key term.

(1) Our findings demonstrate that in patients with clinically moderate to severe congestive heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction, the arteriolar vasodilator hydralazine produces significant hemodynamic benefits independent of the presence or absence of mitral regurgitation. (2) The benefits we found

were significant increase in cardiac index, stroke volume index, and stroke work index, and significant decreases in systemic vascular resistance in all patients.

The Placement of Transitions ?Continuity is strongest and the story in a paragraph is clearest when transition words, phrases, and clauses are placed at the beginning of a sentence.

Keep a Consistent Order

?If you list two or more items in a topic sentence and then go on to describe or explain them in supporting sentences,

keep the same order:

?if the items in the topic sentence are A, B, C, the supporting sentences should explain first A, then B, and last C. ?Furthermore, the supporting sentences should include all the items mentioned in the topic sentence and should not

add any items not mentioned in the topic sentence.

Keep a Consistent Point of View ?Having the same subject in two or more sentences that deal with the same topic is called keeping a consistent point of view.

?Specifically, the point of view is consistent when the same term, or the same category of term, is the subject of

successive sentences that deal with the same topic. ?The point of view is inconsistent when the topic is the same but the subjects of the sentences are different. An

inconsistent point of view is disorienting to the reader, making similarities and differences difficult to see.

Keep a Consistent Point of View ?Point of view: the perspective of the narration or argumentation


?医学论著中,最常见的两类视角:?Independent variable (自变量) ?Dependent variable (因变量)

?Cause & effect

?Same term, same category of term

Exercise 1

(1) Propranolo had variable effects on the hypoxemia-induced changes in regional blood flow. (2) In the cerebrum, the increase in blood flow caused by hypoxemia was not significantly altered by propranolol. (3) However, in other organs, such as the gut and the kidneys, and in the peripheral circulation, propranolol caused a more severe decrease in blood flow than did hypoxemia alone.

Exercise 2

(1) Mortality in this series of patients was 90%. (2) Generally, survival in clinical series has been less than 20%. (3) The only exception to this is the experience of Boley (2), who reported a mortality of 46%.

Signal Subtopics Within a Paragraph



? A new topic is signaled visually by a new paragraph and verbally by a topic sentence.

? A new subtopic within a paragraph is signaled visually by a new sentence and verbally by putting the name of the

subtopic in a key term at the beginning of the sentence.


?Not all the information in a paragraph, or in a paper, is equally important. Thus, the reader needs to know what is important.

?To help the reader find the important information, emphasize the important information and de-emphasize

less important information.

Six Techniques

1. Condensing or omitting less important info.

2. Subordinate less important info.

3. Placing important info. in a power position

4. Labeling important info.

5. Repeating important info.

6. Stating rather than implying important info.

Subordinate Less Important Info.

?He went out to play football after he had finished his homework.

Placing Important Info. in a Power Position ?Where is the most powerful position in a paragraph? The second most powerful position, and the least powerful one?

Labeling Important Info.

?The most important finding of this study is ……?One of the most striking findings of our investigations was ……

?There were no important changes in ……

Stating Rather Than Implying Important Info. ?Important information should be stated, not left for the reader to figure out.

?The most important information in a paragraph is usually the message, so the message should always be stated, not merely implied.


2012-2013学年闵行区初三语文一模卷 一、文言文(42分) (一)默写(18分) 1.了却君王天下事,。(辛弃疾《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》) 2.向来枉费推移力,。(朱熹《观书有感》) 3. ,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) 4.草枯鹰眼疾,。(王维《观猎》) 5. ,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。(孟子《生于忧患,死于安乐》) 6. ,佳木秀而繁阴……(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》) (二)阅读下面词,7-8题(4分) 诉衷情 当年万里觅封侯,匹马戍梁州。关河梦断何处,尘暗旧貂裘。 胡未灭,鬓先秋,泪空流。此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧洲。 7.上阕写了当年和现今两个场景,各表现了词人的、的心情。(2分) 8.下列理解不正确的一项是()(2分) A.“当年万里”是作者对往日军旅生活的回忆。 B.“泪空流”写出了对自己功名未成的不满与失望。 C.“心在天山”和“身老沧洲”构成强烈对比。 D.这首词悲壮处见沉郁,愤懑却不悲沉,感人至深。 (三)阅读下列文章,回答9-11题(8分) 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则岳阳楼之大观也,前人之述备矣。然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎? 若夫霪雨霏霏,连月不开;阴风怒号,浊浪排空;日星隐曜,山岳潜形;商旅不行,樯倾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼。登斯楼也,则有去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥,满目萧然,感极而悲者矣。 至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷;沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,岸芷汀兰,郁郁青青。而或长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沉璧。渔歌互答,此乐何极!登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱偕忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲。居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”乎。噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? 9.上文节选自课文《》,作者是(人名)。(2分) 10.用现代汉语翻译下列句子,注意加点字的含义。(3分) 予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之.为

三年级语文 阅读理解

三年级语文阅读理解 班级:姓名: 阅读一 金色花 假如我变成了一朵金色花,为了好玩,长在树的高枝上,笑嘻嘻地在空中摇摆,又在新叶上跳舞,妈妈,你会认识我吗? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。 我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过金色花的林阴,走到做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花香,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过午饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的阴影落在你的头发与膝上时,我便要将我小小的影子投在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。 但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小小影子吗? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然地再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?” “我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。 1.根据意思从短文中找出相应的词语。 (1)偷偷地笑。() (2)形容微笑的样子。() 2.根据文章内容,把下面这段话补充完整。 “我”变成金色花后,长在_________;“我”悄悄地开放花瓣,看着妈妈_______,让沐浴后的妈妈闻到香气,我将影子投在_______;妈妈拿灯去_______时,“我”突然跳到妈妈面前,恢复了原样。 3.“我”是一个怎样的孩子?() A.“我”是一个天真活泼,可爱机灵,爱妈妈的孩子。 B.“我”是一个非常不懂事,心里只想着自己的孩子。 C.“我”是一个有超能力的孩子,可以变成各种事物。 4.如果我会变,我要变成________花,因为______________________ __________________________________________________________。


初中英语作文写作议论文写作技巧和范文 常用的过渡词和连接词包括:first, second, third, finally, in addition, furthermore, besides, what was worse, more importantly, in contrast, because, since, now that, therefore,consequently,in that case, as a result/consequence, in conclusion, to sum up等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years, it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad. But I don’t think it is a good idea. First of all, children are too young to look after themselves. Second, the language barrier is a serious problem. Many children are not proficient in the foreign language before going abroad. As a result, they have difficulty in understanding what the native speakers are talking about. Third, they may get into trouble when dealing with various situations for lack of knowledge of the customs in the strange land. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, which might cause a heavy burden to the family. In conclusion, there are more disadvantages in sending children to study abr oad. So, we’d better not do it.

四年级下册语文试题--课内阅读专项练习 人教部编版(含答案)

课内阅读专项练习 一、阅读课内片段完成练习。 天窗(节选) 夏天阵雨来了时,孩子们顶喜欢在雨里跑跳,仰着脸看闪电,然而大人们偏就不许“到屋里来啊!”随着木板窗的关闭,孩子们也就被关在地洞似的屋里了。这时候,小小的天窗是你唯一的慰藉。 从那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨脚在那里卜落卜落跳,你会看见带子似的闪电一瞥;你想象到这雨,这风,这雷,这电,怎样猛厉地扫荡了这世界,你想象它们的威力比你在露天真实感到的要大十倍百倍。小小的天窗会使你的想象锐利起来。 1.用“”画出孩子们看到了什么,用“”画出孩子们想象到了什么。 2.比较下面两个句子,哪句写得好?为什么? ①从那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨脚在那里卜落卜落跳,你会看见带子似的闪 电一瞥。 ②透过那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨点在那里跳,你会看见闪电从空中划过。 3.这风雨雷电会怎样猛厉地扫荡世界呢?描述一下你想象中的情景。 4.“这时候,小小的天窗是你唯一的慰藉。”你是怎么理解这句话的? 在你无奈、不快乐的时候,什么是你的慰藉?请你写一写。 二、阅读课内片段,完成练习。 猫(节选)

猫的性格实在有些古怪。 说它老实吧,它的确有时候很乖。它会找个暖和的地方,成天睡大觉,无忧无虑,什么事也不过问。可是,它决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。说它贪玩吧,的确是啊,要不怎么会一天一夜不回家呢?可是,它听到老鼠的一点儿响动,又是多么尽职。它屏息凝视,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可! 它要是高兴,能比谁都温柔可亲:用身子蹭你的腿,把脖伸出来让你给它抓痒,或是在你写作的时候,跳上桌来,在稿纸上踩印几朵小梅花。它还会丰富多腔地叫唤,长短不同,粗细各异,变化多端。在不叫的时候,它还会咕噜咕噜地给自己解闷。这可都凭它的高兴。它若是不高兴啊,无论谁说多少好话,它也一声不出,连半朵小梅花也不肯印在稿纸上。 1.根据选文内容填一填,画一画 (1)《猫》的作者是。本册我们还学过他的《》。(2)请用“”画出选段的中心句。选文分别是从猫在时、时以及时和时的表现来体现它的古怪的。(3)“小梅花”指的是。作者这样写的好处是 2.读下面的句子,你体会到了什么?写下来。 它屏息凝视,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可! 3.作者为什么能把猫写得栩栩如生?至少从两个角度写一写。 三、阅读课内片段,完成练习。 宝葫芦的秘密(节选) 不管张三也好,李四也好,一得到了这个宝葫芦,可就幸福极了,要什么有什么。张三想:“我要吃水蜜桃。”立刻就有一盘水蜜桃。李四希望有一条大花狗,

Paragraph writing 段落写作

Teaching Plan for English Writing Short Composition Writing Week 6 Mar 29, 2012 I. Teaching Aims: 1. Help the students learn how to write a topic sentence. 2. Help the students learn how to organize a paragraph. 3. Help the students learn how to keep all the sentences in a paragraph coherent. II. Teaching Procedure: First Period: 1.Homework feedback. (15 min) Show two compositions about “A Lesson I’ve Learned” written by the students themselves and make a comment on them. 2. What is a good paragraph? ( 10 min) smaller units in a passage composed of a group of sentences with the first sentence indented all of the sentences based on a core idea, that is, supporting and developing a single idea topic sentence: state the core idea supporting sentences: developing the idea 3. Topic Sentence: 1) What is a topic sentence? Read the examples on Pg. 3, and then complete the rest according the topic given.(10 min) Topic sentence= a topic + a controlling idea showing one specific aspect of the topic more general than the other sentences in the paragraph more important than the other sentences in the paragraph 2) Complete the exercise on Pg. 4. (5 min) 3) The features of a good topic sentence: (10 min) It’s a complete sentence. It contains a topic and a controlling idea. It is neither too general nor too specific. It tells the reader what to expect to read in the paragraph. Second Period: 4. Organizational Structure of a Paragraph 1) Answer the questions following the sample paragraph writing, and then summarize the organizational structure of a paragraph. (10 min) 2) The organizational structure of a paragraph: (10 min) Three positions for the topic sentence: at the beginning; at the end; in the middle If there is no topic sentence at the end of a paragraph, there should be a concluding sentence there, which either restate the controlling idea or draw an inference. A paragraph is not complete if it is not properly ended. 5. Unity


北大荒的秋天 桥下小学胡月圆 《北大荒的秋天》是一篇三年级的写景文章。文章通过对北大荒一碧如洗的天空,五彩的流去,清澈见底的小河以及热闹非凡的原野的描写,向读者展示了一幅动静相结、沉甸甸的北大荒秋景图。读完全文,心才有一种饱腹之感,那是货真价实的秋啊!这秋,是实实在在的景呀!15分钟阅读的过程中,我对北大荒的秋景图分别有三个层次逐变重构构过程,现剖析如下: 一、初读《北大荒的秋天》,心生赏疑 “北大荒”顾名思义,大荒之地应该是满目疮痍,枯草一片吧!这种地方的秋色有何值得写的呢?大荒之秋,先看题目,就给了我一种匪夷所思之感,就带着这样的观感走近文章,发现“田园深处有情人”,你看—— 二、复读,动静相结展画面 再读文章,我梳理出文章的框架结构,同时也在心中展开了“大荒之秋”的画面: 北大荒的秋天 流云五彩斑斓空中抖动的美 小河清澈见底地上静躺的爱美哉,北大荒 原野热闹非凡田野丰收的美 勾勒出如上的画面,我心中的“大荒之秋”还是那个沉寂的荒芜的枯叶一片的印象吗?我想,大凡细读到此的读者,都有了自己的画面与构图:不说西边天上那转瞬即逝的、灵动多变的流动之美,也不说大地小河那静谧安详之美,单说原野吧!光原野一带的非凡景象就够我们心襟荡漾好几回了。走进原野,我感觉那儿正奏响丰收的交响乐,“成片的大豆摇动豆荚”哗啦啦地笑着,你猜得出那声响里有什么,分明是沉甸甸的豆粒在纵情欢唱哪;再看,“挺拔的高梁扬起黑红黑红的脸笼”,在乐呵呵地演唱,看得见高梁的神情吗?“扬着”那是什么?是骄傲的“扬起”,看我的果实多饱满:那是得意的自豪的扬起,它在接受阳光的召唤,也在展示自己那沉甸甸的愉悦感。一一端详着原野上这些使者,听他们的声音“哗啦啦”“乐呵呵”;看它们的动作表情“摇动、扬起”,再看看它们的阵势“成片成片,黑红黑红、挺拔”,我不由地想起赵本山表演的小品《红高粱模特队》,不由地感受到这样一句话的深刻意味:“当一个句子在表述时,其背后的许多光芒也在被表述,文本解读,应读出句子的后光来!”同时也不禁瞧见句子背后有这样一双眼睛,一种神情:一些壮实的老农在田间乐呵呵地唱着歌,“哗啦啦”地放声笑,沉甸甸的果实让田野上劳作的人们变得身心轻盈,此时如果老农能歌,相信他们能扬出心中的快乐;如若善舞,他们也会舞出大豆、高梁以及他们自己内心那丰收后的愉快、热闹、多姿的身影。难怪,榛树叶子红了,能将人心给燃烧起来。看到这样的场景,就是叶子不红,人们的心也会自发地红火,自动地燃烧。此时,你若问,北大荒的秋天美吗?哪能不美呢?不仅美在景,更是美在情,美在心哪!“一切景语皆情语!”大概就是这个意思吧! 三、再读,万紫千红就是秋 《北大荒的秋天》画面展示至此,有声有形,有动有静,但仍觉深挖不够。在动静之间、在音乐舒缓与激昂之间,总觉得少了些什么?再读文猛然间发现画面有绽放的色彩过渡与对比,真是万紫千红,好个秋啊! 如果说“流云”的五彩斑斓是展示色彩的惟幕的话,那么这些词语无疑就是画面背景的色条。“银灰、桔黄、血红、绛紫”这些语词于三年级的孩子而言,构语是相当有趣的,借助物体的色彩去想象它的颜色,再幻化成五彩的画面,相信于学生的积累也大有裨益。 如果说“五彩”的色闹腾了一些,那么紧接着的便是小河幽静、雅致的蓝了。为什么说小河像一条蓝调子呢?声音而言是静的,色彩而言是冷的,因为它的透明,因为它的安逸,


英语议论文写作范文 英语议论文写作范文 1.利弊议论文 Model 1: It is a new thing that_____. Many people welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this. Those who take sides against this new trend believe that _____ because_____. One common argument, however, for ____ is that_____. Of the two views discussed above, I am in favor of the _____. My reason is that____. Model 2: As is known to all, there has been a wave of ____. There are many advantages / disadvantages of this modern way. First of all, _____. In the second place, _____. Lastly, _____. In a word, ____. Model 3: When asked about ____, different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that _____. In their mind, ____. Besides, ______. However, others hold that ____. They maintain that ____. 1 Weighting up these two arguments, I am for the first one. For one thing, ____. For another, _____. Therefore, as stated above, ____. Model 4: ____ is becoming more popular in ____, especially among ____. Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of ____. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, ____. Second, ____.However, in terms of _____. 2.个人观点议论文


散文阅读专题 徐州中考模拟预测语文密卷 (五)阅读下文,完成18-21题。(17分) 把自己变成一朵花,香给这个世界看 林清玄 ①有时会在晚上去逛花市. ②夜里九点以后,花贩会将店里的花整理一遍,把一些盛开着的,不会再有顾客挑选的花放在方形的天竹篮推到屋外,准备丢弃了。 ③多年以前,我没有多余的钱买花,就在晚上去挑选竹篮中的残花,那虽然是已被丢弃的,看起来都还很美,尤其是它们正好开在高峰,显得格外辉煌。在竹篮里随意翻翻就会找到一大把,带回家插在花瓶里,自己看了也非常欢喜。 ④从竹篮里拾来的花,至少可以插一两天,甚至有开到四五天的。每当我把花一一插进瓶里, 会兴起这样的遐想:花的生命原本短暂,它若有知,知道临谢前几天还被热爱着,应该感叹不枉一生,能毫无遗憾地凋谢 ⑤花的盛放是那么美丽,但凋落时也有一种难言之美。在清冷的寒夜,我坐在案前,看到花瓣纷纷落下,无声地辞枝,以一种优雅的姿势飘散,安静地俯在桌边。那颤抖离枝的花瓣时而给我是一瓣耳朵的错觉,仿佛在倾听着远处土地的呼唤,闻着它熟悉的田园声息。那还留在枝上的花则是眼睛一样、努力张开,深情地看着人间,那深情的最后一瞥真是令人惆怅。 ⑥每一朵花都是安静地来到这个世界, 又沉默离开.若是我们倾听,在安静中仿佛有深 思,而在沉默里也有美丽的雄辩 ..。 ⑦许久没有晚上去花市了,最近去过一-次,竟捡回几十朵花,那捡来的花与买回的花感觉不同,由于不花钱反而觉得每一朵都是无价的。尤其是将谢未谢,更显得楚楚可怜,比起含苞时的精神抖擞也自有一番风姿。 ⑧说花是无价的,可能只有卖花的人反对。花虽是有形之物,却往往是无形的象征,莲之清净、梅之坚贞、兰之高贵、菊之微骨、牡丹之富贵、百合之闲逸,乃至玫瑰里的爱情、康乃馨中的母爱都是高洁而不能以金钱衡量的。 ⑨花所以无价,是花有无求的品格。如果我们送人一颗钻石,里面的情感就不易纯粹,因为没有人会白送人钻石的;如果是送一朵玫瑰,它就很难掺进一丝杂质,由于它的纯粹,钻石在它面前就显得又俗又胖了。 ⑩花的威力真是不小,但花的因缘更令人怀想。民间有一种说法,说世上有三种行业是前世修来的,就是卖花、卖香、卖伞。因为卖花是纯善的行业,买花的人不是供养佛菩萨,就是与人结善缘,即使自己放置案前也能调养身心。卖香、卖伞也都是纯善的行业,如果不是前世的因缘,哪里有福分经营这么好的行业呢?


?A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. ?A paragraph is a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit. ?八股文也称“时文”、“时艺”、“制艺”、“制义”、“八比文”、“四书文”。 ?八股文是明朝考试制度所规定的一种特殊文体。 ?分为破题、承题、起讲、入手、起股、中股、后股、束股等组成部分。 ?破题是用两句话将题目的意义破开,承题是承接破题的意义而说明之。起讲为议论的开始,首二字用“意谓”、“若曰”、“以为”、“且夫”、“尝思”等开端。“入手” 为起讲后入手之处。起股、中股、后股、束股才是正式议论,以中股为全篇重心。 在这四股中,每股又都有两股排比对偶的文字,合共八股,故名八股文。题目主要摘自四书、五经,所论内容主要据宋朱熹《四书章句集注》,不得自由发挥、越雷池一步。一篇八股文的字数,清顺治时定为550字,康熙时增为650字,后又改为700字。八股文注意章法与格调,本来是说理的古体散文,而能与骈体辞赋合流,构成一种新的文体,在文学史上自有其地位。 [题目]学习“与时俱进” 1.[破题]“与时俱进”四字中,“时”和“进”二字是关键词。“时”者时代也、历史也。“进”者进步也、改革也。 2.[承题]21世纪属于什么时代?属于全球化时代。我们将怎样取得进步?按照全球化时代的发展规律行事,就是进步。“与时”,不墨守历史成规。“俱进”,改革开放,进人先进国家行列、实行先进的经济和政治制度。 3.[起讲]世界各国都在进步,我国岂能例外?经济从工业化进步到信息化。政治从 专制制度进步到民主制度。文化从知识禁锢进步到知识解放。这是全球化时代的脉搏。 4. [入手]全球化时代的主要特点是信息化。信息技术迅猛发展。电视、电脑、


第二单元主题阅读 (运用多种方法理解难懂的词语) 文段一北国的落叶,渲(xuàn)染出一派多么悲壮的气氛!落叶染作黄金色,或者竟是朱红绀(ɡàn)赭(zhě)。最初坠落的,也许只是那么一片两片,像一只两只断魂的金蝴蝶。但接着,便有沙沙哗哗的金红的阵雨了。接着,便在树下铺出一片金红的地毡(zhān)。而在这地毡之上,铁铸似的,竖着光秃秃的疏落的树干和枝丫,直刺着高远的蓝天和淡云。这便是北国“无边落木萧萧下”的壮观. 文段二那时候,在南京,刚刚开始记得一些零碎的事,画面里常常出现一片美丽的郊野,我悄悄地从大人身边走开,独自坐在草地上。梧桐叶子开始簌(sù)簌地落着,簌簌地落着,把许多神秘的美感一起落进我的心里来了。我忽然迷乱起来,小小的心灵简直不能承受这种兴奋。我就那样迷乱地捡起一片落叶。叶子是黄褐色的,弯曲的,像一只载着梦的小船,而且在船舷上又长着两粒美丽的梧桐子。每起一阵风我就在落叶的雨中穿梭,拾起一地的梧桐子。必有一两颗我所未拾起的梧桐子在那草地上发了芽吧?二十年了,我似乎又能听到遥远的西风,以及风里簌簌的落叶声。我仍能看见那些载着梦的船,航行在草地里,航行在一粒种子的希望里。 文段三从第一片树叶落地开始,北大荒的秋天也就来了。天空一碧如洗,只有在傍晚,西边的天上才会有几缕流云。这些流云在落日的映照下,转眼间变成一道银灰、一道橘黄、一道血红、一道绛紫,就像是美丽的仙女

在空中抖动着五彩斑斓(lán)的锦缎。小河清澈见底,如同一条透明的蓝绸子,静静地躺在大地的怀抱里。一群小鱼顶着水游过来,明镜一样的水面顿时漾起了一道道波纹。原野热闹非凡。成片的大豆摇动着豆荚,发出哗啦啦的笑声;挺拔的高粱扬起黑红黑红的脸庞,像是在乐呵呵地演唱。山坡上,大路边,村子口,榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人们的心也给燃烧起来了。 1.【提取信息】阅读文段,完成下面的表格。 文段季节地点(地域)景物 一秋天北国 二 三 2.【整体感知】比较阅读这三个文段,完成填空。 (1)三个文段从不同的方面描写了_______的景色。 (2)文段一抓住落叶的______、形态和______来突出__________________。 (3)文段二把落叶比作“________________”,仿佛看见自己“航行在草地里”,航行在“_______________________”。 (4)文段三通过描写流云的___________、小河的__________、原野的__________来表达人们丰收在望的喜悦。 3.【品析词语】在正确的选项上画“√”。 (1)联系上下文可知,文段一中“疏落”的意思是。 (A.疏忽大意 B.稀疏零落)



有趣的英语作文 【篇一:高中英语作文一件有趣的事】 高中英语作文一件有趣的事 一件有趣的事 singing is an interesting thing. theres people who are great singers that dont have good sounding voices and people who have great voices but arent technically good singers . now, there are a few singers that have good voices and are good technical singers--and these are the people that there is general agreement on. you make a list of these people as great singers and you generally dont get much argument. marvin gaye, elvis, paul mccartney, david ruffin of the temptations, kate bush, sinatra. thats a few of them. anyone that tries to tell you that marvin gaye couldnt sing doesnt know anything about singing. 【篇二:15年20篇英语作文中英文对照】 15年12月英语四级作文预测20篇 预测作文1 directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic online games. you should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below: 1)现在有一些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡 2)但有人认为网络游戏并不是一无是处 3)你对此的看法是??


最新苏教版三年级下册语文短文阅读专项提升练习及答案 一、类文阅读 活字印刷术 活字印刷术是一种古代印刷方法,是中国古代劳动人民经过长期实践和研究才发明的。先制成单字的阳文反文字模,然后按照稿件把单字挑选出来,排列在字盘内,涂墨印刷,印完后再将字模拆出,留待下次排印时再次使用。 活字印刷术的发明是印刷史上一次伟大的技术革命。北宋庆历年间(1041—1048),中国的毕昇发明的泥活字,标志着活字印刷术的诞生。他是世界上第一个活字印刷术发明人,比德国人约翰内斯·古腾堡的活字印刷术早约400年。元代王祯成功创制木活字,又发明了转轮排字。明代中期,铜活字在江苏南京、无锡、苏州等地得到较多的应用。 1.(找中心句)短文第1自然段是围绕“_________________”这句话来写的。第2自然段是围绕“_________________”这句话来写的。 2.(提取信息)根据短文内容,将活字印刷术的流程图补充完整。 制成______→按稿______→排列______→涂墨______→印完______→留待 ______ 3.(理解词语)结合上下文,用自己的话说说加点词语的意思。 (1)中国的毕昇发明的泥活字,标志着活字印刷术的诞生 ..。 “诞生”的意思是________________。 (2)元代王祯成功创制 ..木活字,又发明了转轮排字。 “创制”的意思是_______________________。 4.(品读句子)读下面的句子,体会作者是如何把意思表达得更准确、更有说服力的。 他是世界上第一个活字印刷术发明人,比德国人约翰内斯·古腾堡的活字印刷术早约400年。 后半句用______和______的方法对前半句进行______说明,说明毕昇是当之无愧的_______________。


原野热闹非凡。成片的大豆摇动着豆荚,发出了哗啦啦的笑声,挺拔的高粱扬起黑红黑红的脸庞,像是在乐呵呵地演唱.山坡上,大路边,村子口,榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人们的心也给燃烧起来了。1.选择正确的读音,在下面画上横线。豆荚(jiājiá) 高粱(liáng liang)脸庞(liǎn niǎn) 燃烧(rán 1án)2.在括号里填上合适的词。()的笑声()的高粱()的原野()的叶子3.写出下列句子的修辞手法。(1)成片的大豆摇动着豆荚,发出了哗啦啦的笑声。()(2)榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火。()(3)这些流云在落日的映照下,转眼间变成了一道银灰,一道腊黄,一道血红,一道绛紫。()4.找出中心句,并抄写在下列横线上。(提示:中心句就是能概括一段话或一篇文章内容的句子;概括一段话的中心句叫做段的中心;概括一篇文章的中心句叫做全文的中心句。)_________________________________________________________________5.“把人们的心也给燃烧起来了”这句话你是怎么理解的?6、文中从、、、这几个方面写出了原野的热闹非凡。从这段中的“”和“”这两个词语可以看出,作者把大豆和高粱当作人来写。 7、模仿这段的写法,围绕“下课了,学校里真热闹”具体写一段话。下课了,学校里真热闹!________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________参考答案3.拟人比喻比喻排比


浙江高考英语作文范文 【篇一:2012年浙江高考英语作文题目及范文】 2012年浙江高考英语作文题目及范文 你校正在进行“英语读书周”活动,该活动要求学生摘录名言佳句(quote)并相互交流。以下是某同学摘录的句子:”your future depends on many things but mostly on you”:请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文: 1.针对摘录句中的观点谈谈你的看法; 2.举例说明理由 注意:短文的开头已给出(不计词数) in the english reading week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, which goes like this: your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 参考范文: one possible student version in the english reading week, one of m classmates recommended a quote to us which goes like this : your future depends on many things but mostly on you. i cant agree more with this view. its true that our future is determined by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, and hard work play a more important role. in other words, we are the master of our own future. take abraham lincoln, for example. he was born in a poor family, and only received a limited education in his childhood. yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of america. even to this day, lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. therefore, i firmly believe that our future is in our own hands. 【篇二:历年07-14年浙江高考英语作文题目及范文】 2014年


2019-2020学年度部编语文九(上)第4-5-6单元测试卷 时间:150分钟满分:150分(其中卷面书写占5分) 一、积累运用(35分) 1.阅读下面文字,按要求作答。(6分) 2018年11月,“伟大的变革——庆祝改革开放40周年大型展览”在国家博物馆开幕。这一展览让世界看到了中国改革开放以来发生的【甲】(A.天翻地覆 B.时过境迁)的变化。40年众志成chéng【①】(A.城 B.诚),40年砥砺奋进,40年春风化雨,中国人民用双手书写了国家和民族发展的【乙】(A.壮阔 B.壮丽)史诗。展览共安排了6个展区,着.【②】(A. zh áo B. zhuó)力强化前后对比、突出横向对照,突出展示了改革开放40年来人民群众生产生活发生的伟大变迁,集中展现了中华民族从的伟大成就。 (1)请为文中①处选择正确的汉字,为②处的加点字选择正确的读音,只填序号。 (2)请为文中甲处、乙处选择符合语境的词语,只填序号。 (3)填入文中横线处的短语最恰当的一项是() A.富起来、强起来到站起来 B.强起来、站起来到富起来 C.站起来、富起来到强起来 2.阅读下面语段,回答问题。(4分) 人生中有成功就有失败。笑对失败,你会收获别样的人生。失败是人生的熔炉,它可以把人烤死,也可以把人变得坚强自信。面对失败时的心态尤为重要。若是你不战自败,那你就彻底陷入失败的沼泽中了。此时,你输给的不是别人,而是自己。雨打梨花,飘零落地,但落花不会因为你的多愁善感而重上枝头;__________________失败是一道靓丽的风景线,是经受夭折的玫瑰。遭受台风的花园尽管使人无奈,但它却有无限的幽香。 (1)语段中画波浪线的句子有语病,请将修改后的句子写在下面。 (2)请仿照画横线句子的句式,再写一句话。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 3.给下列句子排序,最合理的一项是( )(3分) ①但无疑我们都能体悟得到荡漾于整部作品中的悲悯情怀。 ②这种看似平常实则并不简单的生活,我们的时代未必经历过。 ③《草房子》是一个美好的所在,它让读者想起浪漫、温馨、遥远。 ④在人际关系日趋疏远的当今世界中,这种情怀显得弥足珍贵,格外感人。 ⑤当翻开这本小说时,我们确实会被这样一种气息所笼罩。 ⑥作者以优美的文笔,描绘了已经离我们远去的小学生活。 A.⑥②①④⑤③B.③⑤⑥②①④C.③④⑤⑥②① D.③⑥②①④⑤ 4.阅读下面的文字,完成18-20题。(10分) 【材料一】图书作为最传统、最广泛、最普遍的文化载体和沟通桥梁,可以让各国读者更完整、更真实地了解和认识中国。2004年,作为中国出版“走出去”的一项重要政策,国家启动“中国图书对外推广计划”。 2004-2017年中国图书版权贸易情况一览表 【材料二】(1)第70届法兰克福国际书展数据显示,优秀类型小说更容易越过文化差异的藩篱,刘慈欣科幻小说的未来体验,金庸武侠小说的快意恩仇等,是全球读者都热爱的阅读体验。 (2)英译版金庸小说在英国上架不到一个月的时间里加印七次,成了现象级畅销书。金庸小说兼具“独特性”和“普遍性”———独特在于关乎中国文化传统中的困惑和关怀,普遍在于对人性的观察和刻画。这使得语言和文化的差异无法阻止金庸小说的传播。(摘编自《金庸小说带动中国文学“走出去”》) (3)刘慈欣先后荣获“雨果奖”、“克拉克奖”等殊荣,高水平的作品翻译功不可没。《三体》的英文版翻译者刘宇昆也是一位获奖科幻小说作家。读者评价“本书的英文读起来不可思议的好,流畅得如同我想象中的中文原著一样”。(摘编自《刘慈欣获克拉克奖,这个奖可能比任何奖都


小学三年级语文《北大荒的秋天》课后练习 题 【篇一】小学三年级语文《北大荒的秋天》课后练习题原野热闹非凡。成片的大豆摇动着豆荚,发出了哗啦啦的笑声;挺拔的高粱扬起黑红黑红的脸庞,像是在乐呵呵地演唱。山坡上,大路边,村子口,榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人民的心也给燃烧起来了。 1、这段话的’中心句是_______________________________。通过对原野上的_________、_________和__________的描写,表现了原野____________的特点。 2、__________、___________两个词可以看出这里作者把大豆和高粱当作人来写(拟人手法),还把_____________比作“一团团火”(比喻手法)。 3、“榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人们的心也给燃烧起来了。”说说你对这句话的理解:______________________________________。 4、这段文字是围绕中心句而展开描写的。请你仿照这种写法,运用比喻、拟人等写一段文字。 a、学校的课余生活可真热闹呀!___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ b、一到节假日,大街上可真热闹呀!_______________________________

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________【篇二】小学三年级语文《北大荒的秋天》课后练习题 一、多音字 转zhuǎn()血xuè() zhuàn()xiě() 二、组词 转()锦()绵()境()纹() 传()棉()镜()蚊() 然()烧()饶()铃() 燃()绕()浇()岭() 三、根据要求写词语 乐呵呵(ABB): 哗啦啦(拟声词):转眼间(表示时间短): 银灰血红(表示颜色的词):【篇三】小学三年级语文《北大荒的秋天》课后练习题 一、给下列词语注音。 苍鹰() 盘旋() 草甸() 扰乱() 二、比一比,再组词。 旅()绸()汹()粱()


高考英语议论文模板 三大要素:论点,论据,论证 基本结构:提出问题(引论);分析问题(本论);解决问题(结论) 常用论证方法:比较法例证法推理法归纳法驳论法 提纲式作文 (1)不同观点列举型(选择型) 写作方法:有一些人认为?另一些人认为?我的看法? There is a widespread concern over the issue that作文题目. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that 观点一. In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place,原因一. Besides, in the second place,原因二. So it goes without saying that观点一. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二. In their point of view, on the one hand,原因一. On the other hand,原因二. Therefore, there is no doubt that观点二. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二. It is not only because _______________, but also because_______________. 题(一):每年高考之前总会出现“高考移民” ,他们设法到录取分数线较低的省份参加考试。你班同学就此展开讨论,提出以下两种相反意见: 赞同反对 1 想上好大学,应予理解; 4 到其他地方会增加当地升学压力; 2 录取分数不一,对高分地区学生不公平; 5 对当地学生不利,也是一种不公; 3 学生也是公民,应该有此权利和机会。 6 主要有利于权势者,对普通百姓不公。 请就此给“学生英语报Student Times”写一篇报道,说明上述讨论情况。 说明: 1.词数 100 左右 2.标题和开头段已给出. Students on the Move for Their Exams ─Fair or Unfair? Every year some students from high ─score areas move to other provinces to take the Entrance Examination of the Colleges. Recently we had a discussion about this. 题(二):目前 ,温州的街头出现了越来越多的猫与狗 ,对此“中学生英语报”组织了一场讨论: 城市内是否可以饲养宠物。请你根据下表所提供的信息,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己 的观点和建议。 支持饲养宠物反对饲养宠物 1安慰孤寡老人1造成环境污染 2与动物和谐相处,增添生活情趣2吵闹声,甚至伤人注意 1.词数 100 左右 2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;你的观点 ,, 3.开头语已为你写好。 Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.( 2)利弊型的议论文 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 写作方法: 1.说明事物现状2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)作文题目. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in题目议题. Generally speaking, it is

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