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《计算机系统组装与设置》教学大纲 (1)

《模拟与数字电路实验》教学大纲 (14)

《计算机组织与结构试验》教学大纲 (29)

《网络综合实验》教学大纲 (39)

《毕业设计(论文)》教学大纲 (62)





3.课程英文名称:Assembly and design of the computer system

4. 课程性质:必修课

5. 考核方式:实践操作(含平时成绩)+实验报告

6. 开课专业:软件工程专业

7. 开课学期:第一学年第1学期

8. 先修课程:

9. 后继课程:《计算机组织与结构》

10. 学时安排:




教材:《计算机组装与维护》(第二版). 李大奎、严茹、杨南海等编

著. 大连理工大学出版社

参考资料:《微型计算机硬件技术》.李大奎著. 高等教育出版社

《计算机组装与维护》(第一版). 李大奎著. 大连理工大学出















1. 计算机硬件组成实验,通过计算机的演示组装,认识计算机的硬件组成部份及各部份的功能及性能指标;了解安装过程与拆组电脑的注意事项;

2. 识别及选购实验,识别计算机的各个部件及主要部件的厂家及型号;了解扩展槽的种类,显卡、声卡、网卡的接口种类。

3. 计算机基础训练实验,掌握CPU的接口类型、安装方法及内存插槽的类型与内存条的安装方法;掌握主板的安装方法和安装注意事项;了解电源的分类和ATX电源的特点;掌握硬盘、数据线连接方向的辨别、电源线的安装标记的辨认等。

4. 故障排除实验,掌握常见故障现象、判断原因及处理方法。

5. 笔记本拆装演示与CMOS的设置实验,了解笔记本的拆、装过程,并掌握更换内存、键盘、硬盘、光驱的方法;掌握台式机与笔记本部件的外形与功能差别;掌握台式机、笔记本的CMOS与常用BIOS的设置。熟练掌握CMOS的设置内容,了解BIOS常用参数的设置。

6. 虚拟计算机选购实验,了解组装兼容计算机和笔记本基本选购方法。



7. 制作U盘启动盘及硬盘分区实验,掌握U盘启动盘的制作与使用方法;掌握硬盘分区与格式化、MBR与GPT两种结构的区别等基本知识,掌握利用Disk Genius、Disk part等工具对硬盘进行日常的管理与维护的方法,了解分区、无损分区等操作。

8. 操作系统、双系统安装及卸载实验;安装当前较为流行的Windows操作系统,了解单系统安装、系统升级的基础知识及具体操作方法;掌握安装双系统或多系统及双系统卸载的操作方法;以及通过操作系统用户对PC机软、硬件资源的掌控等。

9. 了解虚拟机的功能作用;利用虚拟机仿裸机环境,模拟工作或学习场景需求规划硬盘分区方案、安装符合工作或学习场景的操作系统、(如实现LINUX-UBUNTU操作系统的安装、调试)掌握驱动程序的作用、分类、获取途径、安装流程及安装方式;掌握


10. 常用管理与维护类工具软件的使用实验;掌握从网上搜索、下载并安装免费的应用软件的方法;了解计算机病毒及防护措施;掌握启动项、系统服务等针对计算机系统性能进行优化的方法;掌握操作系统的备份和还原方法;了解注册表的相关知识与基本操作,掌握注册表的备份与恢复等操作方法。了解数据恢复的原理及使用。了解用户密码安全与密码重置,掌握文件及硬盘加密的方法;选择安全适用的方法、全面布置优化系统安全等。

11. 演示并描述手机刷机实验;了解不同类型手机的刷机方法与操作并总结实验体会。





【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18春《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,Does the report give all the ______ facts of the case? A、significant B、silly C、silent D、single 正确答案:A 第2题,Hardly ever _____ get a good job these days without a good education. A、people might B、people can C、do people D、have people 正确答案:C 第3题,How about drinking some coffee?() A、Oh,I know B、No,no.It's nothing C、I'd prefer to drink some tea 正确答案:C

第4题,Tom()swim this afternoon. A、is going to B、go C、went D、go to 正确答案:A 第5题,Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm. A、people have B、since people have C、have people D、people who have 正确答案:C 第6题,She has() a domestic helper to do the housework. A、hired B、rent C、employed 正确答案:A 第7题,Sarah () a really nice flat in Brighton. A、rented


大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分) 1.The father repeatedly __________ with the police officer to set his daughter free, holding firm to his belief that she was innocent. A.argued B.protested C.angered D.pleaded 答案:D 2.Charles regretted ________ the TV set last year. The price has now gone down. A.buying B.to buy C.of D.from 答案:A 3.Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities ________ from 113,000 to almost 200,000. A.has increased B.ave increased C.are increased D.was increased 答案:A 4.We might have failed if you ()us a helping hand. A.have not given B.would not give C.had not given D.did not give 答案:C 5.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he ()all about that. A.know B.knows C.known D.knew 答案:D


第一次: 1. With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased ________ he was a man of action. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 2. He's been sought after by many young girls. I am really surprised you have an unfavorable ______ of him. A. thought B. impression C. concept D. notion 3. In 1958 Marian Anderson ________ her country as a United Nations delegate. A. served B. was served C. to serve D. serving 4. This is the microscope ______ which we have had so much trouble. A. at B. from C. of D. with 5. You shouldn't __________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight. A. cut B. do C. kill D. kick 6. We all know that there are ________ ways of getting to know a person. A. varying B. variety C. various D. various of 7. I advise that they ________ to the government for a home improvement fund, but I'm not sure whether they can obtain it. A. applicant B. apply C. employ D. qualify 8. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ___________ in her diet. A. change B. turn C. run D. go 9. How much has the company ________ this year? A. brought in B. brought down C. brought out D. brought about 10. You will probably _____ your team's chance to win because you seem to have such a big _____ them. A. affect; impact in


2009年3月份《大学英语 3》课程考试模拟题二考试形式:闭卷试卷类型:(B) Part I Vocabulary & Structure(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) Section A (1-5 BCCBB 6-10 ACBCC 11-15 ACBBB) Directions: Choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence. 1. Living on an isolated farm, they do not see anybody for weeks on end. B A.in the end B.continuously C.off and on D.endlessly 2. I was at a complete loss as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride. C A.at a price much lower than the original coat B.quite useless C.rather uncertain D.quite unprepared 3. With a school record like yours I’m puzzled why you didn’t try for a university scholarship? C A.I’m shocked B.I’m amazed C.I feel confused D.I feel pity 4. He had been compelled to give up much of his time to housework. B A.ordered B.forced C.persuaded D.frightened 5. You’ll catch on to the job after you’ve been here awhile. B A.get the job B.become able to do the job C.like the job D.finish the job 6. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with some who only says “Yes” or “No”. A A.to continue B.to start C.to hold up D.to stir up 7. These courses, if properly conducted, will stimulate the minds of the students. C A.refresh B.renew C.excite D.encourage 8. Let’s pool our resources and get the job done quickly. B A.use up B.put together C.conserve D.store up 9. The landlady could not accommodate us because all her rooms were booked. C A.adapt us B.put up with us C.put us up D.help us 10. The economic crisis has seriously affected French exports. C A.stimulated B.simulated C.reduced D.increased 11. What he is after is neither money nor fame, but the satisfaction of seeing his students grow up into useful builders of socialism. A A.in pursuit of B.looking after C.trying to do D.advocating 12. The train will depart from Platform 2 at 3:45 on Tuesday morning. C A.arrive B.stop C.leave D.derail 13. The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated. B A.to be facilitated B.to become quicker and quicker C.to slow down D.to be stopped 14. Of the many plans submitted, the committee selected the plan that seemed most feasible. B A.possible B.practicable C.probable D.permissible 15. A judge must be detached when weighing evidence. B A.interested B.disinterested C.separated D.discouraged Section B ( 1-5 DCBCB 6-10 BCACD) Directions: Identify the one that needs correction. 1.The announcement of a possible enemy air raid on the radio sent the whole town into underground shelters, D A B C but it turned out being a false alarm.


大 连 理 工 大 学 课 程 名 称: 矩阵与数值分析 试 卷: 统一 考试类型 闭卷 授课院 (系): 数 学 系 考试日期:2010年1月12日 试卷共 8页 一、 填空与判断题(?或√),每空 2 分,共50分 (1) 已知2009.12a =,2010.01b =分别是按四舍五入原则得到的1x 和2x 近似值,那么,1x a -≤ ; 2x b b -≤ ;12x x ab -≤ 。 (2)[]0,1上权函 数()x x ρ=的正交多项式族中()1x φ= ; ()()1 5 350 x x x φ+=? 。 (3) 已知存在实数R 使曲线2y x =和()2 228y x R +-=相切。求切点横坐标近似值的Newton 迭代公式为 。 (4) 设1221?? ?-??A =,则它的奇异值为 。 (5)若取1101??=????A ,则1 d t e t =?A 。 (6) 若1

(8) 已知0.2510.25??= ?? ?A ,则0k k ∞ ==∑A 。 (9) 设,n ≠∈C s 0则 () 2 T =ss s,s 。 (10) 求解微分方程(0)2u t u u '=-??=?,的Euler 法公式为 ; 绝对稳定区间为 ;改进的Euler 公式为 。 (11) 用A (-2,-3.1)、B (-1,0.9)、C (0,1.0) 、D (1,3.1)、E (2,4.9)拟合一 直线s (x )=a +bx 的法方程组为: 。 (12) 已知多项式()3234321p x x x x =+++,那么求此多项式值的秦九韶算法公为:_ ______。 (13) 给定如下数据表 则均差[1,0,1f -= ,由数据构造出最简插值多项式 ()p x = 。 (14)设???? ? ? ?? +=231311a A ,当a 满足条件 时, A 必有唯一的T LL 分解(其中L 是对角元为正的下三角矩阵)。 (15) 求01)(=--=x e x f x 根的Newton 迭代法至少局部平方收敛 ( ) (16) 若A 为可逆矩阵,则求解A T Ax=b 的Gauss-Seidel 迭代法收敛 ( ) (17) 分段二点三次Hermite 插值多项式∈C 2函数类 ( ) (18) 如果A 为Hermite 矩阵,则A 的奇异值是A 的特征值 ( )


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语3》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A、covered B、covering C、cover D、to cover 正确答案:B 第2题,The poor police had never ____ of winning. A、stand a chance B、get a chance C、have a chance D、stood a chance 正确答案:D 第3题,We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job. A、applications B、applicants C、applicators D、appliances 正确答案:A 第4题,I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A、example B、record C、goal D、presence 正确答案:D 第5题,It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A、suggestion B、goal C、priority D、tip 正确答案:C 第6题,He is a slow learner. You've got to be ______ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue.


网络高等教育 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:我国中小企业内部控制研究 学习中心:江苏徐州沛县学院奥鹏学习中心[17] 层次:专科起点本科 专业:会计学 年级: 2013年春季 学号: 131376322745 学生:刘雪 指导教师:钟建勋 完成日期: 2015年 01月24日

内容摘要 目录 1.1 基本要求 (2) 1.2 封面格式 (2)

1.3 内容摘要 (3) 1.4 目录 (3) 1.5 论文正文 (3) 1.6 定义章节标题格式 (3) 1.7 参考文献 (4) 1.7.1 标题:“参考文献” (4) 1.7.2 参考文献说明 (4) 1.7.3 参考文献示例 (4) 1.8 其它 (5) 1.8.1 量和单位的使用 (5) 1.8.1 图表及公式的使用 (5) 2 毕业论文的写作规格 (6) 2.1 毕业论文(设计)装订要求 (6) 2.2 毕业论文(设计)内容简述 (7) 参考文献 (7) 附录 (8)

引言 我国的中小企业发迹于二十世纪八十年代的短缺经济,发展于九十年代国有经济的调整时期,近几年来获得了较快的发展。大多数中小企业具有规模较小、业务单一、经营灵活、效率较高等特点。然而,或许正是这些优势导致了它们的诸多劣势:组织结构简单、规章制度缺失、人才缺乏、管理水平不高等,这些特征决定了中小企业内部控制的特征。 ①在经营权和所有权未分离的状况下,中小型企业内部控制结构的建立还有待时日。尽管部分中小企业形式上建立了董事会、监事会,但真正的法人治理结构并未到位,谈不上授权和监管,更谈不上内部控制。②中小企业由于难以获取充分的资源以实现恰当的职责分离,导致一个员工可能同时兼任几个岗位,而这些岗位可能存在不相容性。③管理层控制业务的能力会导致其不恰当地越过控制过程的可能性增大。 内部控制制度是社会生产力发展到一定时期的产物。是当今现代化企业管理十分重要的手段。企业内部控制作为企业生产经营活动的自我调节、自我约束的内在的机制,在企业管理中发挥着举足轻重的作用。企业内部控制机制的建立、健全以及日后实施情况的好坏,足企业能否走上现代化企业的关键。因此,应该在企业内部建立并健全内控制度,并且严格强化实施。下面就是本人对企业内部控制有关问题的思考。


学部(院): 专 班业:级: 学生姓名: 学号: 带队教师: 实习单位: 实习日期: 大连理工大学 填写说明 1.本实习报告填写的内容要求学生手写,不得打印。 2.封面标题填写生产实习或认识实习等实习类型。 3.实习内容和时间安排是对实习整体安排的记录。 4.实习日记是在实习过程中记录现场所观察到的内容和学习到的知识,必须反映当天的工 作内容。需要填写当天的实习日期、项目、实习内容摘要、工艺流程图、心得体会,重点突出,条理清楚。 5.实习报告是对整个实习内容的回顾和总结,也是考核对实习内容掌握的程度,作为评定 实习成绩的依据之一。包括下列内容:实习时间、地点,实习单位概况,实习目的、内容,工艺流程,生产中存在的问题的分析与合理化建议等,实习体会。 1

表1实习内容和时间安排序号实习内容训练目的实习场所时间安排备注1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 实习日记 地点:日期: 3 实习日记 地点:日期: 4 实习日记 地点:日期: 5 实习日记

6 实习日记 地点:日期:7 实习日记 地点:日期:8 实习日记 地点:日期:9 实习日记 地点:日期:10 实习日记 地点:日期:11 实习日记

12 实习日记 地点:日期:13 实习日记 地点:日期:14 实习日记 地点:日期:15 实习日记 地点:日期:16 实习日记 地点:日期:17 实习日记

18 实习日记 地点:日期:19 实习日记 地点:日期:20 实习日记 地点:日期:21 实习日记 地点:日期:22 实习日记 地点:日期:23 实习日记

24 实习日记 地点:日期:25 实习日记 地点:日期:26 实习日记 地点:日期:27 实习日记 地点:日期:28 实习报告 29 30


大连理工大学2017年研究生矩阵与数值分析考试 考试日期:2017年6月5日 一、填空题(50分,每空2分) 1.a=0.3000经过四舍五入具有4位有效数字,则 x a a -≤,ln ln x a -≤ 2.已知X=(1,5,12)T ,Y=(1,0,a)T ,则由X 映射到Y 的Householder 矩阵为:,计算||H||2=,cond 2(H)= 3.根据3次样条函数的性质(后面-前面=a (x-x0)3),一个求其中的参数b== 4.2 '3u u t =,写出隐式Euler 格式: 梯形法格式: 5.已知A=XX T ,其中X 为n 维列向量,则||A||2=,||A||F =,矩阵序列的极限:2lim k k A A →∞?? ? ? ?? = 6.A=LU ,其解为x ,写出一步迭代后的改善格式: 7. 531A -?? ? = ? ?-?? ,请问通过幂法与反幂法计算出的特征值分别是, 8.1111A ?? ?= ? ??? ,sin A =,823A A A +-=,At e =,d d At e t =,2 1At e dt ?= 9. ()()()()2 1 2 012f x dx A f A f A f =++?是Newton-cotes 公式,则1 A =,具有代数精度= 10. f(x)=7x 7+6x 6+…+x ,f[20,21,22….,28]= 11. ??= ???,1 k k A ∞=∑= 12.f(0)=1,f(1)=-1,f(2)=1,f(3)=19,请问对该节点进行插值后最高次的系数= 还有2空没有回忆出来,但是比上面题目还简单,因此不用担心。 二、121232352A -?? ?=-- ? ?--??,121b ?? ? = ? ?-?? (1)计算LU 分解 (2)利用LU 求逆矩阵 (3)写出G-S 格式(12分)


大工18秋《大学英语3》在线测试1答案 (单选题) 1: The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A: covered B: covering C: cover D: to cover 正确答案: B (单选题) 2: The poor police had never ____ of winning. A: stand a chance B: get a chance C: have a chance D: stood a chance 正确答案: D (单选题) 3: We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job. A: applications B: applicants C: applicators D: appliances 正确答案: A (单选题) 4: I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A: example B: record C: goal D: presence 正确答案: D (单选题) 5: It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A: suggestion B: goal C: priority D: tip


大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试1 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。) 1. You don't have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you _________ on business first. A. would go B. will go C. went D. have gone 正确答案 :C 2. Who would you rather ______ with you, George or me? A. going B. to go C. have gone D. went 正确答案 :D 3. You would be _____ a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A. omitting B. attaching C. affording D. running 正确答案 :D 4. When the railway is completed, we _________ get to town much easily. A. must B. would

C. are able to D. will be able to 正确答案 :D 5. It’s cold outside, you'd better _________ your coat. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. in 正确答案 :C 6. Jane’s dress is similar in design __________ her sister’s. A. like B. with C. to D. as 正确答案 :C 7. She __________ the man as her attacker and reported him immediately to the police nearby. A. knew B. realized C. identified D. regarded 正确答案 :C


2011级工科硕士研究生 《矩阵与数值分析》课程数值实验题目 一、 对于数列1111 1,,, ,,392781 ,有如下两种生成方式 1、首项为01a =,递推公式为11 ,1,2,3 n n a a n -== ; 2、前两项为011 1,3 a a ==,递推公式为1210,2,3,3n n n a a a n --=-= ; 给出利用上述两种递推公式生成的序列的第50项。 二、 利用迭代格式 1 0,1,2,k x k += = 及Aitken 加速后的新迭代格式求方程324100x x +-=在[1, 1.5]内的根 三、解线性方程组 1.分别Jacobi 迭代法和Gauss-Seidel 迭代法求解线性方程组 12346212425027,208511 3270x x x x -?????? ? ? ? - ? ? ? = ? ? ? -- ? ? ? ???? ?? 迭代法计算停止的条件为:6)() 1(3 110max -+≤≤<-k j k j j x x . 2. 用Gauss 列主元消去法、QR 方法求解如下方程组: 1234221 2141312. 4201123 230x x x x ?????? ? ? ?- ? ? ? = ? ? ? -- ? ? ????? ?? 四、已知一组数据点,编写一程序求解三 次样条插值函数满足

并针对下面一组具体实验数据 求解,其中边界条件为. 五、编写程序构造区间上的以等分结点为插值结点的Newton插值公式,假设结点数为(包括两个端点),给定相应的函数值,插 值区间和等分的份数,该程序能快速计算出相应的插值公式。以 ,为例计算其对应的插值公式,分别取 不同的值并画出原函数的图像以及插值函数的图像,观察当增大 时的逼近效果. 实验须知: (1)所有的数值实验的题目要求用C语言或Matlab编程; (2)实验报告内容应包括问题、程序、计算结果及分析等; (3)12月26日前在本课程网站上提交实验报告; (4)本次实验成绩将占总成绩的10%。 (5)报告上要注明:所在教学班号、任课老师的姓名;报告人所在院系、学号。电子版提交到课程网站ftp://中各自老师目录下的homework文件夹内,文件名用学号命名。 《矩阵与数值分析》课程教学组 2011年11月30日


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18春《大学英语4》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,You are late. If you ()a few minutes earlier, you ()him. A、come; would meet B、had come; would have met C、come; will meet D、had come; would meet 正确答案:B 第2题,Common interests have formed a _______ between us, which may bring about cooperation with each other in more fields. A、trade B、bond C、unit D、fantasy 正确答案:B 第3题,Seeing their teacher ()into the classroom, they stopped __()at once. A、walk; telling B、entering; to speak C、enter; to tell D、walking; talking 正确答案:D

第4题,You _______ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice. A、may not make B、might not make C、shouldn't have made D、might not have made 正确答案:D 第5题,I would never have _____ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate. A、sought for B、accounted for C、turned up D、resorted to 正确答案:D 第6题,Mark's latest work ________ the learning theories of the 1980s as well as his own experience in teaching English to foreigners. A、looked out B、left out C、took place D、drew on 正确答案:D


大工15秋《大学英语1(远程英语1)》在线测试1 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分。) 1. When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk before breakfast. A. will rise B. shall rise C. should rise D. would rise ————选择:D 2. ______ he ______ himself there? No, I don't think so. A. Do; enjoy B. Does; enjoies C. Does; enjoys D. Does; enjoy ————选择:D 3. Mr. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ______? ______, he does. A. does he; No B. does he; Yes C. doesn't he; No D. doesn't he; Yes ————选择:B 4. He usually ______ TV on Sunday evening. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching ————选择:B 5. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work. A. don't; had B. didn't; have C. didn't; had D. don't; have ————选择:C 6. Nobody ______ how to run this machine. A. know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing ————选择:C 7. We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow


大工20秋《大学英语3》在线测试3 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分) 1.The young man has a wife and two children to (). A.grow B.rose C.keep D.case 【正确答案】:C 2.He hoped that he would revisit China () next year though he was busy. A.sometimes B.some time C.sometime D.some times 【正确答案】:C 3.What time did the foreign friends ()? A.get to B.reached C.arrive D.arrive in 【正确答案】:C 4.What () to your neighbour last night? A.has happened B.has been happened C.was happened D.happened 【正确答案】:D 5.“Have you finished the drawing?”“Not yet, I need () two hours.” A.another B.more C.again D.other 【正确答案】:A 6.They found it the best way to () into the dangerous area. A.prevent people to get B.keep people getting C.stop people getting D.refuse people getting

大工13 春 大学英语 在线测时 答案

大工13春《大学英语4》在线测试1 一、单选题(共20道试题,共80分。)得分:80 1. Landslides have cut off many villages in the _______ mountain areas. A. far B. remote C. farther D. further 正确答案: B 2. Window screens are ________ in keeping out mosquitoes and thus very popular in summers. A. affected B. infected C. effective D. infective 正确答案: C 3. How often do you _________ your brother? A. hear about B. hear of C. hear to D. hear from 正确答案: D 4. It is important that we __________ wild animals. A. will protect B. should protect C. shall protect D. are protecting 正确答案: B 5. We ________ the work on time without your help. A. hadn't had finished B. didn't have finished C. couldn't have finished D. can't have finished 正确答案: C 6. I _________ round in my seat to speak to her, as a result of which I was scolded by the teacher. A. waved B. twisted C. overlooked D. stayed

大工 专升本 大学英语

大连理工大学入学测试机考 专升本大学英语模拟题 1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon(2)(B.loose ) A.lose B.loose C.loss D.lost 标准答案:B 2、—How about taking a walk? —Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk (2)(C.much too ) A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so much 标准答案:C 3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.(2)(C.other ) A.one B.a C.other D.another 标准答案:C 4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.(2)(D.down ) A.for B.at C.up D.down 标准答案:D 5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.(2)(D.that ) A.why B.because C.for D.that 标准答案:D 6、This is the university ______.(2)(at which do we study ) A.at which do we study B.we are studying C.we are studying at D.where we study at 标准答案:A 7、It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held.(2)(B.that ) A.where B.that C.which D.in which 标准答案:B 8、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______.(2)(B.as true ) A.like true B.as true C.like real D.as real 标准答案:B 9、Mrs. Brown as well as her children ______ to go Paris on holiday next week.(2)(A.is ) A.is B.are C.will D.will be 标准答案:A 10、He is training hard, hoping to ______ a new world record.(2)(C.set up ) A.set off B.set aside C.set up D.set out 标准答案:C


矩阵与数值分析上机作业 学校:大连理工大学 学院: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 授课老师:

注:编程语言Matlab 程序: Norm.m函数 function s=Norm(x,m) %求向量x的范数 %m取1,2,inf分别表示1,2,无穷范数 n=length(x); s=0; switch m case 1 %1-范数 for i=1:n s=s+abs(x(i)); end case 2 %2-范数 for i=1:n s=s+x(i)^2; end s=sqrt(s); case inf %无穷-范数 s=max(abs(x)); end 计算向量x,y的范数 Test1.m clear all; clc; n1=10;n2=100;n3=1000; x1=1./[1:n1]';x2=1./[1:n2]';x3=1./[1:n3]'; y1=[1:n1]';y2=[1:n2]';y3=[1:n3]'; disp('n=10时'); disp('x的1-范数:');disp(Norm(x1,1)); disp('x的2-范数:');disp(Norm(x1,2)); disp('x的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(x1,inf)); disp('y的1-范数:');disp(Norm(y1,1)); disp('y的2-范数:');disp(Norm(y1,2)); disp('y的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(y1,inf)); disp('n=100时'); disp('x的1-范数:');disp(Norm(x2,1));

disp('x的2-范数:');disp(Norm(x2,2)); disp('x的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(x2,inf)); disp('y的1-范数:');disp(Norm(y2,1)); disp('y的2-范数:');disp(Norm(y2,2)); disp('y的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(y2,inf)); disp('n=1000时'); disp('x的1-范数:');disp(Norm(x3,1)); disp('x的2-范数:');disp(Norm(x3,2)); disp('x的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(x3,inf)); disp('y的1-范数:');disp(Norm(y3,1)); disp('y的2-范数:');disp(Norm(y3,2)); disp('y的无穷-范数:');disp(Norm(y3,inf)); 运行结果: n=10时 x的1-范数:2.9290;x的2-范数:1.2449; x的无穷-范数:1 y的1-范数:55; y的2-范数:19.6214; y的无穷-范数:10 n=100时 x的1-范数:5.1874;x的2-范数: 1.2787; x的无穷-范数:1 y的1-范数:5050; y的2-范数:581.6786; y的无穷-范数:100 n=1000时 x的1-范数:7.4855; x的2-范数:1.2822; x的无穷-范数:1 y的1-范数: 500500; y的2-范数:1.8271e+004;y的无穷-范数:1000 程序 Test2.m clear all; clc; n=100;%区间 h=2*10^(-15)/n;%步长 x=-10^(-15):h:10^(-15); %第一种原函数

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