当前位置:文档之家› 高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 7《The convenience store is over there》语法

高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 7《The convenience store is over there》语法

高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 7《The convenience store is over there》语法
高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 7《The convenience store is over there》语法


1.This is the place A. where the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were held.


Unit 5 Ho nesty 」 Readi ng Whose Fault Para.1--Para. 4 I Words 1.诚实n ./诚实的adj. 2.错误n. 3?停留v 4.校长n. 5.猜想,认定v. 6?校长n. 7.便条n. 8.许诺,答应v. 9.谎言n. 10.威胁v. 11.恳求v. 12.沉默的adj. 13.极大地adv. 14.困惑,不安v 15.突然地adv. 16.扔掉v. 17.放飞v. 18)树枝n. II Phrases 1. 逃离 / 2. 去游泳 3. 让某人做某事 4. 等候 5. 和....步行回家 6. 给某人某物 7. 定做某事 8. 说谎 9. 保持沉默 10. 从 ..... 取出 11.扔掉 12.随风飞走 III Lan guage points 1. Bill _______________________________________________ one hot day and

2 . The headmast er a note Bill ' s father and Bill ' s brother Joe _________________ it home. 校长给比尔的父亲写了一张便条,并且让比尔的弟弟乔把它带回家。 探write to sb.给某人写信 E.g. I ______________________________ last week . 探上周我给我的哥哥写了一封信。 ^※ ^※ write down ____________ ^※ 3. Bill _______________ Joe near the school gate. 探比尔在学校门口附近等着乔。 探探___________________ v. 等候 ^※ E.g. My mother ____________________________________ at home. 我妈妈正在家等我。-1 % 4.探suppose v.猜想,以为,认定 滋 a) John ___________ that she was a teacher.约翰猜想她是一个老师。b) I _________ that I can see you soon . 我认定我能很快见到你。 % 5 . I ____________ the headmaster . 我答应了校长。 % ( promising adj. _____________ He is a _______________ doctor.) % promise sb. to do....答应某人做某事 % E.g. I ___________ Mother ____________________________ . %我答应了妈妈努力学习。 % % make a promise v. 许诺,答应 % E.g. He ____________ ______ ________ that he ___________ pay back within a week .他答应一周之内还钱。 % 6 . He ___________________________________ me tomorrow. %他明天一定会问我。 % % be sure to do ______________________ % E.g. He __________________________________ you up. %他一定会给你打电话。 % 7 .If you ________ it to Father ,I _________________________________ a way from home aga in. %如果你把它交给父亲,我将不得不再一次离家出走。 % % if引导条件状语从句,主将从现。 % E.g. I _______________ you if he _________ here tomorrow. %如果他明天来这,我就给你打电话。 % % have to do.... 不得不做某事(客观上必须)/ must必须(主观上)E.g. If you can not pick me up ,I __________________________________ at the airport . %如果你不能接我,我将不得不呆在机场。 % 8. I ' ll never ____________ o r ____________________ %我将不再打架和说谎。 %% tell lies = tell a lie v. 说谎


2017复旦大学英语语言文学(050201) 基础英语708 1.English-Chinese translation (50 points) A passage about Balzac’s work. (I think it’s about 400 words.) 2.Chinese-English translation (50 points) 老舍《养花》 我爱花,所以也爱养花。我可还没成为养花专家,因为没有工夫去作研究与试验。我只把养花当作生活中的一种乐趣,花开得大小好坏都不计较,只要开花,我就高兴。在我的小院中,到夏天,满是花草,小猫儿们只好上房去玩耍,地上没有它们的运动场。 花虽多,但无奇花异草。珍贵的花草不易养活,看着一棵好花生病欲死是件难过的事。 我不愿时时落泪。北京的气候,对养花来说,不算很好。冬天冷,春天多风,夏天不是干旱就是大雨倾盆;秋天最好,可是忽然会闹霜冻。在这种气候里,想把南方的好花养活,我还没有那么大的本事。因此,我只养些好种易活、自己会奋斗的花草。 不过,尽管花草自己会奋斗,我若置之不理,任其自生自灭,它们多数还是会死了的。 我得天天照管它们,象好朋友似的关切它们。一来二去,我摸着一些门道:有的喜阴,就别放在太阳地里,有的喜干,就别多浇水。这是个乐趣,摸住门道,花草养活了,而且三年五载老活着、开花,多么有意思呀!不是乱吹,这就是知识呀!多得些知识,一定不是坏事。 3.Writing (50 points) Nowadays there exists less and less idealists in China. Chinese people, especially the young generation, are now becoming the slaves of houses and children. People are losing their dreams and consider them as impossible to realize. But Gao Xiaosong once said, “Life is about poetry and faraway places.” What do you think of this idea? Write a text for about 500 words, and please think of a title for it.



基础模块(上)Unit6 测试题 I.语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项(15个15分)。 1. A. summer B. sunny C. farmer D. lovely 2. A. Green B. windy C. swim D. winrer 3. A. Flower B. snow C. cold D. go 4. A. cloudy B. flowre C. about D. following 5. A. rainy B. spring C. skate D. say 6. A. sports B. cloud C. because D. short 7. A. hotel B. hope C. cold D. world 8. A. seaside B. quite C. field D. repiy 9. A. weather B. March C. child D. reach 10. A. season B. skate C. stay D. change 11.A. sea B. swim C. heavy D. harvest 12.A. sunny B. summer C. honey D. start 13.A. plant B. sun C. harvest D. farmet 14.A. seafood B. ski C. rainy D. sweet 15.A. melon B. autumn C. snow D. vacation II.单项选择:(30个30分)从A、B、C、D中选择最佳答案 16.Spring is ____ March ____ May in my hometown. A.back;to B.from;to C.to;for D.to;for 17.There are ______ seasons in a year. A.one B.two C.three D.four 18.In the fileds,everything__________ to grow. A.begin B.begins C.beginning D.began 19.Trees turn green and flowers start to _____. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b28844033.html,e out https://www.doczj.com/doc/b28844033.html,e up https://www.doczj.com/doc/b28844033.html,e back https://www.doczj.com/doc/b28844033.html,e in 20.Summer comes after spring.It’s __________ season in a year. A.the hottest B. the hotter C. hottest D. hotter 21.Trees are ____ our world. A.bad for B.bad to C.good for D.good for 22.The weather in winter ____ and the days A.gets cooler;get shorter B.gets cooler;gets shorter C.get cooler; gets shorter D.get cooler; get shorter 23.Farmers are very ____ with their good harvrst in autumn. A.pleasure B.happy C.crazy D.fond 24. I often go to the seaside on vocation with my friends _______ summer。 高一年级unit6测试卷第页,共4页 2


英语语言文学专业深度分析 一、学科概况 英语语言文学是外国语言文学下属的一个二级学科。英语是联合国工作语言之一,是世界上最通用的语言,也是我国学习人数最多的外语语种。英语语言文学是我国设置最早的外语专业之一。 英语语言学的发展趋势体现了语言学的发展趋势,具体表现为以下特点:由纯描写性研究转向以解释为目的的研究,由侧重英语本身特点的孤立研究转为侧重语言普遍性的比较研究,由侧重语言形式的研究转为形式和语义并重的研究,由对语言结构的研究扩展到对语言的习得、功能和应用的研究,由对英语的语音、词汇、语法、历史、方言等传统领域的研究发展到对英语的各个方面及相关领域的全面研究。目前英语语言学的主要分支学科包括音位学、形态学、句法学、文体学、历史语言学;语言学的其他主要分支学科,如语义学、语用学、话语分析、篇章语言学应用语言学、社会语言学、心理语言学等,也主要基于对英语的研究。 二、培养目标 应具有坚实的英语语言文学的基础理论和系统的专业知识,了解本学科的当前状况和发展趋势;具有严谨、求实的学风和独立从事科学研究工作的能力,学位论文应有新的见解;熟练掌握所学语言,第二外国语应具有一定的口、笔语能力及阅读与本专业有关书刊的能力;能熟练运用计算机和互联网络进行科研工作。 三、研究方向 研究范围包括语言学,文学,社会文化,翻译理论和实践等。 各个招生单位具体研究方向略有不同,以北京语言大学为例 01英国文学 02美国文学 03西方文论 04西方文化研究 05中西文学比较研究 四、考试科目 各个招生单位考试科目略有不同,以北京语言大学为例 ①101思想政治理论 ②242二外日语或243二外法语或244二外德语 ③722基础英语 ④824英美文学 五、课程设置 基础理论课: a.普通语言学:语言的本质、结构、功能、语言研究的对象、目的、方法,主要学派及其理论; b.西方文艺理论:从柏拉图到20世纪的西方文论; c.世界文学:东西方文学发展史及流派;


学校_____________ 专业班级 学号 姓名 装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线 UNIT 7 练习题1 一.词汇。根据汉语写出英语单词。 1. 打太极 2. 打羽毛球 3. 去游泳 4. 慢跑 5. 打排球 6. 打篮球 7. 体育馆 8. 可能 9. 危险的 10.参加 11. 起床 12. 你最好 13. 放弃 14. 迟到 15. 改掉习惯 16.对……有益 17. 流行的 18.电脑游戏 19.最喜爱的 二.语言运用。根据下列图片所提供的信息,选择最佳答案。 1. When you drive here, you can only ________. A. go straight B. turn right C. turn left 2. This product comes with warranty for ________. A. lifetime B. 10 years C. periods 3. We can’t pay the tickets ________. A. by credit cards B. by PayPal online C. by cash 4. I have ________ lessons on Wednesday. A. yoga and dance B. yoga and design C. dance and drink

2 5. ________ has the most active social network users by Mar, 2013. A. Qzone B. Facebook C. Line 6. This football game will begin between ________. A. Germany and Saudi Arabia B. Germany and Ukraine C. Saudi Arabia and Ukraine 7. Which food can’t I buy in this supermarket? ________ A. apple B. medicine C. bread Part B 根据下图提供的信息,从23~25题所给的三个选项(A 、B 、C )中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. It is convenient to do list on a ________ as the picture above shows. A. paper B. mobile phone C. bulletin 2. Mr. Thomas paid cable bill on ________. A. August 3 B. August 4 C. August 11 3. There are ________ titles to do in all on August 3. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 三.阅读理解。 (A ) In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals,



Unit 1 nice to meet you! Period 1 【教学目标】 语言知识目标: A) 词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B)句型: Hello!/Hi! Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening. I’m….. Nice to meet you!/ Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? 教学重点和难点 1.重点: A) 认知新词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B) 认知last name 和first name 在中西方的差异。

2.难点: 语言功能:Enable students greet peple in English. 情感目标: A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式。 学习策略: A)认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学习方法和手段。 B)交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 C)资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如学习用品,字典,录音机和网络等获取更多的信息。 D)调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自己的学习方法。 【教学步骤】 Period 1 Step 1 Warming up 1. Introduction: 1min

中职英语基础模块Unit 3练习题

Unit 3 一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.J_____ in the English corner is a good way to learn English. 2.Her English is perfect.She wants to a_____ the English speech contest. 3.The salesgirls are giving the foreign customers very good s_____ in English. 4.We will g_____ from our school next year. 5.Many students think English is too d_____ to learn. 6.Some of us lose c_____ or even give up. 7.Don’t be a_____ of making mistakes. 8.If you have difficulty speaking English,you should listen as much as p_____. 9.Nobody taught them.They just keep on learning by t_____. 10.You have to do more writing p_____ to improve your writing skills. 二.单项选择。 ( )1.—Davide has made up his mind to continue with his studies. --_____and_____. A.So he has;so have I B.So has he;so have I C.So he has;so I have D.So has he;so I have ( )2.—Mr.Smith,I don’t think I can get along with my classmates as a new student. --_____,Tom.Everything will be fine. A.Forget it B.Take it easy C.Go ahead D.Don’t mention it. ( )3.The croods,_____ 3D science fiction movie,made_____ really huge success in the history of movie. A.a;a B.a;/ C.the;a D./;the ( )4._____ we go shopping ?I want to buy some clothes. A.Shall B.Can C.Must D.Need ( )5.We’re going to the movies this evening.I wonder_____ you can go with us. A.if B.when C.that D.where ( )6.—Could you tell me_____ ?I’m going to pick you up at the airport. --At 15:45 this Friday. A.where you met me B.who you are coming with C.when you came here D.what time you are arriving ( )7.—Jim,could I use your computer ? --Yes,of course you_____. A.could B.can C.must D.should ( )8.—I often use micro-blog to communicate with others. --You are so smart ! Can you please tell me_____ ? A.how to do B.how to use it C.how can I use it D.when can I use it ( )9.You should give up_____ at once. A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoking D.smoked ( )10._____ words and idioms you know,_____English becomes. A.More;easier B.The more;the easiest C.The more;the easier D.More;easier ( )11.—Are these books_____ ? --No,they are not his.They belong to_____. A.Tom;her B.Tom’s ;her C.Tom;hers D.Tom’s hers

高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 3《what courses do you offer》教学设计(精品).docx

Unit 3 What courses do you offer? 一、教材分析 这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。 教学重点、难点 熟悉与培训内容相关的话题词汇、句型,并能熟练运用这些词句进行对话。 能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan. 能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。 二、教学目标 1. 词汇目标 (1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。 (2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。 (2) 学生能运用“I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。


英语语言文学专业基础 本科目包括英语语言学基础、英美文学基础知识、英语国家概况、英汉互译四部分内容,总分150分,其中英语语言学基础15分,英美文学基础知识70分,英语国家概况15分,英汉互译50分。 I、英语语言学基础(15分) 一、考试要求和内容 该部分主要考查普通语言学的基本概念和基本理论。 二、考试题型 填空题、选择题、判断题、名词解释题。 三、参考书 《新编简明英语语言学教程》,戴炜栋、何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社,2002。 II、英美文学基础知识(70分) 一、考试要求 本部分考试旨在考查考生对有关英美文学的基本概念、主要流派、基础知识的理解和掌握情况,以及运用所学的基础理论知识分析、评论简单的文学文本。 二、考试内容 1、英国文学部分 1)古英语诗歌的形成、发展及主要文本。 2)英国中世纪文学的形成和发展、主要诗人及其作品。 3)英国文艺复兴时期的文学:“文艺复兴”产生的历史背景、定义及其主要特征、对英国文学的影响、主要作家及其作品。 4)新古典主义时期(十八世纪)英国文学:启蒙运动形成的原因、启蒙运动的定义、特征及其对英国文学的影响、这一时期主要的作家及其作品。 5)浪漫主义时期(十九世纪早期)英国文学:英国浪漫主义文学形成的历史背景、浪漫主义诗歌的主要作家及其作品、浪漫主义小说的主要作家及其作家品、浪漫主义散文的主要作家及其作品。 6)维多利亚时期(十九世纪中后期)英国文学:英国现实主义文学形成发展的历史背景、这一时期主要的作家及其作品。 7)现代时期(二十世纪)英国文学:英国现代主义文学形成的历史背景、现代主义文学的主要流派、这一时期主要作家及其作品。 2、美国文学部分 1)早期的美国文学:清教主义文学形成与发展、早期美国文学的主要作家及其作品。 2)浪漫主义时期的美国文学:早期浪漫主义文学的主要作家及作品、超验主义时期的主要作家几作品、后期浪漫主义文学的主要作家及作品。 3)现实主义时期的美国文学:美国现实主义文学的形成与发展及主要流派、美国现实主义文学与自然主义文学的异同、这一时期主要的作家及作品。 4)现代时期的美国文学:美国现代主义文学的形成与发展及主要流派、战后美国文学的形成与发展、现代时期美国文学的主要作家及作品。 三、考试题型 填空题、单项选择题、匹配题、名词解释题、文本分析题。 四、参考书 《英国文学简史》(新增订本),刘炳善,河南人民出版社,2007; 《美国文学简史》(第2版),常耀信,南开大学出版社,2003 III、英语国家概况(15分) 一、考试要求 本部分考试旨在考查考生对英美国家的地理、历史、政治、文化、社会习俗、宗教群体、价值观念以及该国人民的思想态度和生活方式的掌握情况。 二、考试题型 填空题、判断题、名词解释题。 三、参考书 《英美概况》(上、下册),张奎武主编,吉林科学技术出版社,2003 IV、英汉互译(50分)


第七单元练习 1英译汉 1.call a travel agency__________ 2. book the hotel__________ 3 . make a shopping list______________ 4. get to know the city__________ 5. book flights ___________________ 6.climb a mountain_________ 7. lie on the beach_____________ 8 stay in a tent___________________ 9. visit museum_____________ 10 stay in ahotel________________ 11. take photos__________________ 12. go window shopping__________ 13 enjoy a show________________ 14. comfortable shoes_______________ 15. talk about ______________ 16. bathing suit________________ 17 .enjoy the singing of birds and the beautiful views____________________ 18. millions of______________ 19. all over the word_____________ 20 .breath thefresh air_______________ 21. have a great time_____________ 22.the top of_____________ 23. Plane ticket_______________ 2.汉译英 1.一起旅游怎么样? 2. 我们去哪里? 3.参观大城市怎么样? 4.让我们去乡村。 5.那是个好主意! 6.我们需要带什么呢? 7.我们呆在哪儿呢? 8.让我们呆在帐篷。 9 。有下星期二飞往悉尼的航班吗? 10.有往返票吗? 11.打扰一下。这个座位有人吗? 12.你能帮我照看一下我的包吗? 13.我从哪里兑换货币呢? - 14.抱歉。但是你不可以在这里拍照。 15 我们为你准备了一个两日游计划。


Unit Test (Unit 7) 一、 听力 (10 points) 1. 听关于假期旅行计划的谈话,将三名同学与其目的地连线。(3 points) Cathy Sam Linda 2. David 和Zhang Qing 正准备外出旅行,听对话选出他们要携带的物品。 (2 points) A B C D 二、阅读理解(15 points )

1. 阅读加拿大旅行社推出的“Eastern Canada & the Maritimes七日游”旅行计划,判断正误, Eastern Canada & the Maritimes 7 Days Tour [Day 1] Toronto - Ottawa - Montreal Toronto in the morning Basilica. Then we bridge at Hartland. We will arrive at afternoon. At night, enjoy the world famous scrumptious lobster dinner. Brunswick in the afternoon to visit the world famous Reversing Falls. Transfer to

(1) The 7-day tour will begin from Toronto. ( ) (2) The tour includes sightseeing in Montreal, the second largest city in Canada. ( ) (3) Tourists will leave for Prince Edward Island in the Third day of the tour. ( ) (4) Tourists can try the famous local seafood snacks in Quebec City. ( ) (5) Tourists will return to Toronto in the morning of the last day. ( ) 2. 再读旅游计划,将景点与游客的活动相匹配。(5 points) Fredericton visit City Hall New Brunswick visit the world famous Reversing Falls Saint John Visit the world’s longest covered bridge Thousand Islands see the great tide at the Bay of Fundy Hopewell Flowerpot Rock board for a pleasant cruise 三、语言应用(10 points) 1. 选择适当的连词完成时间状语从句。(5 points)

《英语1(基础模块)》unit 7单元评价测试(职高、中职)专用

Unit Test (Unit 7) 一、听力(共10分) 1.听电话录音,判断出这个电话是谁打给谁的。(共2分) 2.听Tom打来的电话,选出Tom告诉Mike要做的事情及时间。(共2分) 3.听Allen和Jessica的电话录音, 勾出他们在电话中谈到的体育项目。(共6分) ( )A. ( )B. ( )C. ( )D.( )E. ( )F. 二、阅读(共12分) 1.阅读王洋发给李晓年的邮件,将王洋,唐华和他们在运动会上参加的体育项目连线。 (共2分)

em Wang Yang Tang Hua jumping high running 2. 再读王洋的邮件,判断下列句子的正误。 (共4分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. They are having a sports meeting. ( ) 2. Some students are handing out booklets to every school. ( ) 3. Some are putting up posters on the wall. ( ) 4. We don’t like the sports meeting. 3. 看图,将图片与后面的句子搭配,把序号写在相应的图片前括号内。(共6分,每小题1分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) a. They are watching TV. b. He is putting up a poster. c. They are playing football. d. They are playing volleyball. e. She is handing out booklets. f. He is driving a car. 三、语言应用(共20分) 1.看图,正确使用现在进行时态补全对话。(共6分,每小题1分) (1)

基础模块3 Unit7 单元测试卷(B)

基础模块3 Unit7 单元测试卷(B) 第一部分综合水平训练(共3节,满分70分) Ⅰ.选择题(本节共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 从每题所给的四个选项中,选出能够填入题中空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly ________ size and shape. A. on B. from C. by D. in ( ) 2. Many people are still in ________ habit of writing silly things in ________ public. A. the, the B. the, / C. a, the D. /, the ( ) 3. We have _____rain this spring. The trees and grass don’t grow well. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 4. ----- Something _____terrible. What goes bad in the kitchen? ----- The meat. A. looks B. tastes C smells D. feels ( ) 5. Few students can understand the sentence until it _______twice or three times. A. explains B. is explained C. will be explained D. has explained ( ) 6. Young trees should______ every day. A. water B. watered C. be watering D. be watered ( ) 7. The children _______ the windows, so the classroom looks much brighter. A .clean B. will clean C. are cleaning D. have cleaned ( ) 8. ----- How can I ______well with my spoken English, Mrs. Green? ----- Practice makes perfect. A. work on B. hold on C. get on D. keep on ( ) 9. -----Excuse me, I’m a reporter from CCTV. Can you tell me _______? ----Yes, It happened at five o’clock in the afternoon. . A. how the accident happened B. where did the accident happen C. Why the accident happened D. When the accident happened ( ) 10.You have got no ____to try it again because you have failed three times. A. check B. chance C. score D. match ( ) 11. If you are ________next time, you will get higher marks A. careful B. careless C. more careful D. less careful ( ) 12. I didn’t go to the party not _______ the weather but _______ I didn’t feel well. A. because of; because B. because; because of C. because; because D. because of; because of ( ) 13. _______ would you like to live in? A. Where B. Which C. When D. Which city ( ) 14. The old man lived _______ but he didn’t feel _______. A. lonely; alone B. alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely ( ) 15. ---- Do you want _______? ---- No, thanks! A. nothing else B. else something C. else anything D. anything else ( ) 16. Instead of _______ a letter, Tom made a telephone call to her mother. A. wrote B. writing C. write D. to write


基础模块下册 un it7练习题 I 词 组翻译 1时尚,时代新潮 3尽快地 5在许多情况下 7死于(外部原因,内部原因 ) 9强迫某人干某事 11放弃 13 (咼)血压 15缩短某人的生命 17允许某人干某事 19远离… U 单项选择 1 People can __ smoke in the office. A. no t ,a ny more B. no t ,some more 2 It won ' t be very long A. before B. after 3 Smok ing makes them A. to feel, to relax 4 ____ A. which B. what C. whatever 5 Smok ing has many bad effects __eople A. at B. for 6 A smoker usually lives __ 11. Smokers should give up A.smok ing B. smoke C. to smoke D.smoked A. a B. an C.the 7 High blood presure can __ A. leads to B. lead to D. / heart disease . C. led to D. leadi ng to 8 Many people in the world die A.of B. from C. out 9 Many people die __ A.of B. from 10 They were forced to_ A.work B. workii ____ s mok ing. D. off hun ger in the old days. C. out D. off twelve hours a day. C. worked D. be worked 2事实上 4对…有(好,坏)的影响(效果) 6成千上万,数十万的 8被迫干某事 10被动吸烟者(吸烟) 12过…的生活 14导致,产生 16只要 18有决心去干某事 C. not, no more D. be , any morel smok ing not allowed any where in public areas C. whe n D. as ___ happy and helps them ___ . B. feel ,relax C. to feel, relax D. feels, relax makes things worse is that he thinks it right. D. who s health C. in D. on shorter life tha n a non-at once.

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