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后羿射日 英文学案The Story of the Ten Suns

The Story of the Ten Suns



1.Learn about the ancient story of ten suns with help of basic reading skills.

2.To be able to retell the story using your own language.

3.To strengthen understanding of Chinese Traditional Culture.【教学重、难点】

Important Points

Learn about the ancient story of ten suns with help of basic reading skills.

Difficult Points

To be able to retell the story using your own language. 【教学年级】

Grade 1, Junior High School









后羿射日的故事英文讲解版 The Story of Houyi Shooting the Sun The story of Houyi shooting the sun is one of the most famous Chinese myths. It tells the tale of a legendary archer named Houyi and his heroic feat of shooting down nine suns. The tale begins in ancient times, when the earth was constantly scorching under the glare of ten suns. The heat was so unbearable that almost all of the crops withered, and countless living creatures perished. The situation became so severe that the emperor of the time, known as the Jade Emperor, summoned the divine archer Houyi to ease the crisis. Houyi accepted the task and understood that he must save the people by bringing down the extra suns. Armed with his bow and arrow, he ascended to the top of a high mountain and took aim at the ten suns. However, he quickly realized that firing his arrows at them simultaneously would cause chaos to the entire universe. So, after deep thoughts, he decided to shoot only one sun each day, so that the other nine suns could gradually disappear until only one was left in the sky.


后羿射日的故事英文版简短 The story of Hou Yi shooting the sun, also known as "The Legend of the Ten Suns", is a well-known Chinese myth that has been told for centuries. It tells the story of a skilled archer named Hou Yi, who saves the people from the unbearable heat of ten suns. According to the story, ten suns rose in the sky at the same time, causing extreme heat and severe droughts all across the land. The people were struggling to survive in the scorching heat and praying for a solution to the problem. Hou Yi was an excellent archer, and he was known for his outstanding shooting skills. He decided to use his skills to save the people and restore the balance of nature. He took his bow and arrow and set out to shoot down the suns one by one. Hou Yi climbed to the top of a mountain and waited for the suns to appear in the sky. When the first sun rose, he shot it down with his arrow. He continued shooting down each sun until only one was left in the sky. The last sun was the strongest of all, and Hou Yi was afraid that his arrow would not be enough to shoot it down. Therefore, he decided to use his powerful martial arts skills to assist him in his task.


后裔射日的英语故事加翻译 后裔射日的英语故事加翻译 Long long ago,there were ten suns.Each day,one of them set out on his jouney across the sky,but one day all ten suns set out together.As a result,the world was being destroyed by heat until Yi was sent to save the world. Yi closed his eyes for some seconds because of the burning sunlight.Then he placed an arrow against the bow-string anddrew it to the full.Then he let go his arrow.A golden crow,one of the ten suns,was killed and fell down. Still the earth was burning .Nine suns remained.The watchers were still blind with the pain of the heat.Yi loaded,drew and let go.When the ninth fell from the sky,Yi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Thus,the sky became clear and blue again.Since then,the only sun rises in the morning on his journey across the sky every day. 很久很久以前,天上有十个太阳.每一天,他们十个中的一个升起开始穿过天空的旅程,但有一天十个太阳都一起开始跨越天空的征程.结果,整个世界(万物和大地)正在逐渐被高温炎热所毁灭直到后羿被派遣拯救这个世界. 由于强烈的阳光照射,后羿闭上了他的眼睛几秒钟.然后他把箭放在弓弦上并用尽全力把弓拉满.随着他把箭的射出.一直金色的乌鸦(三足乌),十个太阳之一,被杀死并坠落. 整个大地仍在炙热的燃烧着.还剩下9个太阳.看守者们仍会伴随强烈的灼热疼痛而失明.后羿再次搭箭,拉弓射出.当地九个太阳从天空中坠落,后羿告诉人们万物生命需要一个太阳给予他们温暖和光明.这样,天空再次变得晴朗而蔚蓝.从那以后,唯一的一个太阳,在早上升起开始他每一天周而复始的天空之旅。 嫦娥奔月 The Mid-Autumn festival is the harvest family. In China s


后羿射日的故事英语版 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun According to Chinese mythology, there was a man named Hou Yi who was a skilled archer and gifted with immense physical strength. He lived with his beautiful wife, Chang’e, in a kingdom where there were ten suns in the sky, and they would take turns to rise each day. However, the ten suns would sometimes rise all at once, causing extreme heat and droughts that threatened the lives of humans and animals. The king of the kingdom asked for Hou Yi's help to control the suns and restore balance to the world. Hou Yi, determined to help his people, climbed to the top of a high mountain and drew his bow. He aimed at nine of the ten suns and fired, causing them to disappear one by one. The people of the land cheered as the temperature dropped, the sky turned blue and the crops began to grow again. However, the tenth sun was fearful for its life and decided to hide away. Hou Yi pursued it to a deserted land and prepared to shoot it down, but the sun transformed into a three-legged bird, known as a phoenix. Hou Yi realized that he could not kill such a rare and magnificent creature and allowed it to live. As a reward for saving the people from the extreme heat, the grateful king presented Hou Yi with a potion that granted


后羿射日英语故事简短 In ancient times, serious droughts occurred on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass and seedlings. Originally, Emperor Jun and Xi gave birth to 10 children who were the sun. They lived overseas in the East. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea water. Ten suns sleep beneath the branches and take turns running out in the sky to shine on the earth. But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi bowed and arrowed, shooting at the nine suns. See the sky burst fireballs, fell a three-legged crow. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky. 后羿射日的故事中文: 远古的时候,大地出现了严重的旱灾。炎热烤焦了森林,烘干了大地,晒干了禾苗草木。原来,帝俊与羲和生了10个孩子都是太阳,他们住在东方海外,海水中有棵大树叫扶桑。10个太阳睡在枝条的底下,轮流跑出来在天空执勤,照耀大地。 但有时,他们一齐出来给人类带来了灾难。为了拯救人类,后羿张弓搭箭,向那9个太阳射去。只见天空出现爆裂的火球,坠下一个个三脚的乌鸦。最后,天上只留下一个太阳。


后羿射日的故事简短用英语 The story of Hou Yi shooting the sun, also known as Hou Yi shooting the ten suns, is a well-known Chinese legend that dates back thousands of years. The tale is centered around Hou Yi, a skilled archer, who saves the day by shooting down nine of the ten suns that had mysteriously appeared in the sky, scorching the earth and causing chaos. According to the myth, Jiang Shen, the god of the sun, had ten sons who were essentially the ten suns. Every day, one of the sons would take to the sky to light up the world while the other nine would rest in a secret location. One day, all ten sons decided to take to the sky together, resulting in an intense heat wave that caused droughts and famine everywhere. The people of China prayed to the heavens to find a solution to their plight. The gods responded by choosing Hou Yi as their champion to save the people. Hou Yi was an expert archer, and with a single arrow, he managed to shoot down nine of the ten suns, causing the world to cool down and life to thrive once again. The remaining sun was enough to provide light and warmth for the entire world. Hou Yi became a hero and was celebrated by the people of China, who saw his accomplishment as a sign of his skill, bravery, and wisdom. However, soon after his triumph, the greedy and


后羿射日的故事英文版(简版) Title:后羿射日的故事英文版 (简版) 正文: The story of Hou Yi shooting down nine suns has been told for thousands of years in China. It is a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation, and is a symbol of Chinese perseverance and bravery. In ancient times, the gods of heaven and earth were not happy with humans. They believed that humans were too powerful and were causing too much trouble on earth. So, they decided to send down their own gods, the Yin and Yang Masters, to take control of the world. One of these Yin and Yang Masters was named Hou Yi. He was a skilled warrior and a powerful wizard. He was so powerful that he could even defeat the gods of heaven and earth. Hou Yi was determined to protect humans from the Yin and Yang Masters and their plans to take control of the world. So, he gathered an army of brave soldiers and fought against the Yin and Yang Masters. But the Yin and Yang Masters were too powerful for Hou Yi. They defeated him several times, and he was forced to retreat. But Hou Yi was not about to give up without a fight.


后羿射日的英文故事简短 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun Hou Yi was a skilled and brave archer in ancient China. He lived with his beautiful wife Chang'e on earth, but they were not satisfied with their ordinary lives. One day, ten suns appeared in the sky, causing the earth to scorch, crops to wither, and rivers to dry up. Hou Yi saw that the world needed his help, so he decided to take action. Hou Yi prayed to the heavens and received a magic bow and one arrow. He then climbed to the top of a high peak, aimed his arrow at the suns, and shot them one by one. The suns were destroyed, and the people below rejoiced in gratitude. However, Hou Yi's actions angered the Queen Mother of the West, who ruled over the suns. She banished him and his wife from earth to the moon, where they lived for eternity. Chang'e became a goddess, and Hou Yi spent his days longing to be reunited with his beloved. As a result, every year on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. It is said that on this day, the moon is the brightest and roundest, and Chang'e returns to earth to visit her husband. People gather to enjoy mooncakes, admire the moon, and remember the tale of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun. In conclusion, the story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun is a classic Chinese legend that teaches us about bravery, sacrifice, and the consequences of our actions. It reminds us of the importance of being responsible and doing what we can


后羿射日的故事的英文版The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun According to legend, there was a time in ancient China when the Earth was suffering from scorching heat. The reason for this was that there were ten suns in the sky, each taking turns to blaze down upon the world. Crops were drying up, rivers were running dry, and people were dying of thirst. It was a crisis that threatened to destroy the land. However, a great archer by the name of Hou Yi stepped forward to solve the problem. He was a master of the bow and arrow, and he knew that it was up to him to save the people. Without hesitation, he gathered his bow, his arrows, and his courage, and set off to confront the suns. When Hou Yi arrived at the base of the mountain where the suns were resting, he called out to them. "Oh great suns!" he shouted. "Your heat is destroying our world. Please, I beg you, return to the sky and leave the Earth in peace." But the suns ignored him, continuing to scorch the land with their intense flames. Seeing that words were not enough, Hou Yi drew his bow and took aim at the first sun. With a skilled hand, he released the arrow and struck the target precisely. The sun fell from the sky, extinguished and lifeless.


后羿射日英文故事简短 以下是一个简短的后羿射日的英文故事版本: Hou Yi Shoots the Suns Long, long ago, there were ten suns in the sky. They appeared together every day, scorching the earth with their heat. Crops withered, rivers dried up, and people suffered. Hou Yi, a skilled archer, saw the misery of his people. He decided to take action. He lifted his bow, aimed at the suns, and shot. One by one, he hit each sun, until only one remained. The remaining sun was afraid and hid behind the clouds. The world plunged into darkness. Hou Yi called out to the sun, promising that he would not shoot again if it promised to rise and set regularly. The sun agreed, and from that day on, it rose in the morning and set in the evening, providing just the right amount of warmth and light for the earth. Hou Yi had saved his people from the tyranny of the ten suns. Thus, Hou Yi became a legend, remembered as a hero who brought order and balance to the world. 中文翻译


讲一讲后羿射日的故事英语版 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun In ancient China, people believed that there were ten suns in the sky and they would take turns to rise and set each day. Hou Yi was one of the bravest and most skilled archers in his village. One day, he saw that all ten suns rose in the sky at the same time and the heat was so intense that it caused drought and famine. The people pleaded with Hou Yi to do something about it. Hou Yi then decided to use his archery skills to shoot down nine of the suns, leaving only one. He carefully aimed his arrow and shot down the first sun. He continued to shoot down the other suns, one by one, until only one remained. The people celebrated and praised Hou Yi for saving them from the unbearable heat. But Hou Yi's actions eventually brought him trouble. The Goddess of Heaven, who was the mother of the ten suns, was furious with him for killing her children. She sent a vengeful army of demons to attack him. Hou Yi fought bravely but was no match for the demons. He was forced to flee and hide in the mountains. In the mountains, Hou Yi decided to use his archery skills once again to help his people. He hunted wild animals and shared


后羿射日的故事英文80词简短 The story of Hou Yi shooting down the sun, also known as Hou Yi and the Ten Suns, is a famous Chinese legend that has been passed down for generations. According to the story, there were ten suns that appeared in the sky, scorching the earth and destroying crops. The people were suffering, and they cried out for help. Hou Yi, a skilled archer, took on the challenge and set out to save the world. Hou Yi climbed to the top of a high mountain and drew his bow. With one swift arrow, he shot down one of the suns. Again and again, he drew his bow and shot down the remaining nine suns, until there was only one left. Hou Yi spared the last sun, feeling that one sun was enough to provide warmth and light for the world. He became a hero to the people, and his name became known throughout the land. The legend of Hou Yi is still celebrated today in China during the Mid-Autumn Festival, where people gather to share mooncakes and pay tribute to the great archer who saved their world. The story of Hou Yi and the Ten Suns reminds us of the power of determination and perseverance. It teaches us that even in the face of great challenges, we can overcome them with


后羿射日的故事英文讲解版简短 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun Once upon a time in ancient China, there were ten suns that appeared in the sky at the same time. These suns caused droughts, famine, and disasters, which made life difficult for the people below. The emperor of the time tried to find a solution to this problem, but he failed in his attempts. One day, a hero named Hou Yi appeared and agreed to help. Hou Yi was an excellent archer and had a plan to deal with the ten suns. He climbed to the top of a mountain and shot down nine of the suns with his bow and arrows, leaving only one in the sky. The people below were grateful for Hou Yi's heroic act and honored him as a god. However, this upset the gods in heaven, especially the Jade Emperor, who punished Hou Yi by taking away his immortality. Hou Yi then returned to the earth where he lived as an ordinary man. Later, Hou Yi married a beautiful woman named Chang'e, who became his wife. One day, while Hou Yi was out hunting, an uninvited guest arrived at their home. This guest was an old man who claimed to have the elixir of immortality, which he offered to Hou Yi. He told


后羿射日的故事用英语表达 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun in English The legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun is one of the most well-known stories in Chinese martial arts history. This tale is often passed down for generations and has been the subject of countless Chinese plays, movies, and novels. This story is a part of Chinese folklore that teaches us the value of respect and the importance of making the right choices. In the beginning, there were ten suns that rose and set in the sky. These suns were so intense that they caused the earth to scorch and burn, making life unbearable for all living creatures. With all the plants drying up and the rivers drying out, the people of China could no longer tolerate the heat and humidity. The people pleaded for help, and a brave archer named Hou Yi answered their call. Hou Yi was an expert archer known for his incredible accuracy and strength. He agreed to take on the challenge. On the day of the hunt, Hou Yi stood on the highest mountain in China, ready to take aim. Using his bow and arrows, he shot nine of the ten suns, leaving just one to bring light and warmth to the earth.


后羿射日的故事简短英文The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun Long, long ago, there were ten suns in the sky. Every day, they would take turns rising in the east and setting in the west, bringing warmth and light to the earth. However, one day, all ten suns appeared in the sky together, scorching the earth and causing droughts and famine. The people of the earth were desperate for a solution, and finally turned to Hou Yi, a skilled archer known for his strength and accuracy. Hou Yi took on the challenge, and climbed to the top of a high mountain, where he took aim with his bow and arrow. With incredible skill, Hou Yi shot down nine of the ten suns, leaving only one to continue its daily journey. The earth was saved, and the people rejoiced. Hou Yi became a hero, and his name was remembered for generations to come. However, Hou Yi's fame would come at a cost. Many began to envy and resent the archer, and soon he found himself the target of plots and schemes. One day, while Hou Yi was out hunting, his wife, Chang'e, came across a powerful elixir. The elixir had the power to grant immortality, but only to one person.


关于后羿射日的故事英语版 The Story of Hou Yi Shooting the Sun The story of Hou Yi shooting the sun is a legendary tale from ancient Chinese mythology. It’s a story about bravery, sacrifice, and the power of love. According to the tale, long, long ago, there were ten suns in the sky, each of which would take turns to travel across the sky each day. One day, something went wrong, and all of the suns appeared in the sky at once, causing the earth to heat up and dry out. People were suffering from drought and starvation, and the world was in chaos. They were desperate for a savior to rescue them from the heat and save their planet. At that time, a great archer named Hou Yi came forward. He was a skilled marksman and had a strong sense of justice. Hou Yi decided to save the world by shooting down the extra suns and restore the balance of nature. After careful planning, Hou Yi set out on his mission to shoot down the suns. It was not easy, as each of the suns was incredibly powerful and could burn everything in its path.

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