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For many young people, one risk of holding on to traditional ideas is the loss of ability to innovate and to think out of the box.


There are several fatal flaws in China’s educational system that must be identified and rectified. Apparently, this line of reasoning is deeply flawed because innocent children are not really a blank sheet of paper to be written on. Instead, each of them has their own characteristics to be recognized and properly developed.

Headache/burden/stumbling block/pain in the neck

It is not hard to find that many of the stumbling blocks we are currently running into are the result of our lack of visionary thinking.


Being able to think strategically gives these local companies a particular competitive edge over their rivals.




W eighing up the pros and cons of relocating one’s home is always a difficult process of decision making as there are just too many issue involved.





On the one hand, TV , videos and computer games can be very detrimental to young children’s physical and mental development because they often prevent them from engaging in outdoor activities or effective studies.

On the other hand, it must be admitted that those electronic media share a positive side in giving children more opportunities to get to know the real world.


Despite the educational function of television, allowing children to spend all day in front of the screen is certainly not a good idea.

Pet owners are permitted to take their beloved animals into the subway or to any crowded public places.

The use of computers and other high-tech office equipment has made it possible for many people to work from home.



In recent years, it has been widely acknowledged that the widespread use of chemical fertilizers and machinery in food production can pose a serious threat to human health.

Though leisure becomes a growing industry nowadays, it is generally recognized that modern entertainment has lost its creativity due to the influence of too much technology.


This new computer system enables library users to locate any resources, including books, newspapers, periodicals, cassettes, CDs and DVDs, within one minute and without the assistance of librarians.

Minority groups need to be empowered by a fairer judicial system and a less prejudiced society. In China, respect for senior citizens is shown in the fact that they are entitled to many public services free of charge.

Give the green light/give the go-ahead/give somebody license to do something

In an attempt to alleviate chronic unemployment, the government has given the green light to semi-legal trade activities at many flea markets across the world.


Too much academic pressure deprives young students of the opportunity to take part in any extracurricular activates and prevent them from enjoying their school years.

On the other hand, the claim that students should be prohibited from judging their teachers is not without its own reasons.


However, discouraging students from participating in the evaluation of their teachers denies them a unique opportunity to become active learners who develop a passion for knowledge and truth.


One way to improve the quality of teaching is to restrict class sizes to 20 students.

The role of teachers in the classroom is not confined to disseminating knowledge –they are also responsible for correcting students’ undesirable behaviors and promoting their interest in learning. The country’s economic progress is hindered by a series of high-profile political scandals and natural disasters.

Keep….in neck/hold….at bay/put….on a leash/within the bounds of …..

In some parts of the world, the spread of English as a global language is being kept in neck on the ground that it has destructive effect on native languages and local cultures.

In many situations, Western countries use the dominance of English as a powerful weapon and put the developing world on a leash by subjecting them to cultural monopoly.

Using a new technological device such as the BlackBerry to improve workplace productivity is a good thing, but texting and answering emails during meetings are never within the bounds of acceptable behavior for an employee.



Study after study has shown that violence on TV is a potent influence on some young people. Coping with the ongoing financial crisis, the government makes it a priority to cushion the worst social and economic impacts of long-term unemployment.

For many high school graduates, traveling for a period of time before entering the university can produce a number of beneficial effects on their character, worldview and frame of knowledge. The meltdown of global financial system has affected almost every sector of the economy, with very serious impacts on banking, insurance and car manufacturing.

Domino effect/knock-on effect/ripple effect/chain reaction/side effect/the greenhouse effect What happened on September 11, 2001 has produced a ripple effect throughout the whole world and triggered a serious of debates on public security, international terrorism and the new world order.

It is important to offer work skills and useful tips to college students who may have difficulty in finding employment, but this can produce the side effect of allowing them to neglect the pursuit of academic knowledge.


The extinction of some endangered species in the area has had profound effects on the sustainability of the local ecosystem.

The emergence of many traditionally designed buildings in recent years has generated a long-term effect on the country’s cultural and national identity.


On the other hand, the demolition of historical buildings in the name of modernization and social progress is bound to produce a devastating effect on the conservation of our cultural heritage. While imposing severe penalties on criminals may have a disastrous effect on their potential for reform, providing education and job training is more likely to transform them into useful citizens.

Hold sway over…

Hit …with full force

Take/bear the brunt of …

Whether their parents or teachers hold more sway over young children’s way of thinking and formation of character is a matter of much debate in modern education.

Small and medium-sized business in the area have taken the brunt of this economic recession as they are less likely to gain support from the government than large companies.


Mass migration into big cities is putting a great strain on the already stretched social and medical resources.

Peer pressure/work-related pressure/stress-related pressure/the stresses and strains of modern life/high-pressure sales technique/intense pressure from one’s studies


When nearly everyone in the class studies extremely hard and allows themselves little time for relaxation and recreation, that is a dangerous peer pressure to succeed academically that may lead to some psychological problems among young children.


As more and more youngsters are addicted to marijuana, cocaine and even heroine, the fight against drug abuse has become a pressing social issue.

The widespread epidemic, which affects young children of both genders, is regarded as a perplexing phenomenon by many doctors and public health worker.


In some developing countries, whether the government or the individuals should pay for healthcare and education is a puzzle that is still unsolved.

Four anxieties of urban dwellers nowadays are traffic congestions, poor housing, intense pollution, too much concrete and too little greening.

There is a lot public concern over the dangerous toxins recently found in a wide range of foodstuffs on the market.

Rather than accepting a new culture and a foreign lifestyle, many immigrants keep their own identity and way of living as much as possible to avoid many uncertainties.

Be afflicted with…/be tormented by..... 被折磨

Be beset with…/be beleaguered with… 被…围攻,为…苦恼

Be consumed by…./be overwhelmed with…被某种感情战胜或压倒

Be obsessed with…/be preoccupied with….痴迷于…专注于某事物

While watching those sensational video clips of crime, many TV viewers are disgusted by the detailed description of killings, tortures and other cruelties and are completely overwhelmed by horror, anger and a frightening feeling of helplessness.

Weigh on/down somebody

Trials and tribulations

A load off your mind

A millstone around one’s neck

For some couples, the trials and tribulations of marriage they have gone through allow them to become more mature individuals who respect, understand and care about each other.

Hit hard by the economic recession and having a greatly reduced income, many low-income families feel that paying for their children’s education is like a millstone around their neck.


From my point of view, every parent has a legal obligation to ensure that his or her child receives a proper education.

Be responsible for…/be accountable for sb/to sth

Accept full responsibility for..

Sense of responsibility


Burden of responsibility

In charge of…..

Professional ethics in the medical circles dictate that every doctor has the burden of responsibility of keeping the records of their patients confidential.

In attempt to improve road safety, offenders who must accept full responsibility for their reckless driving are usually given the heaviest penalties.



Chore/drudgery/daily grind



Helping with household chores is a beneficial experience for children from needy families as it can develop their work skills and better prepare them for their future careers.

For chose white-collar workers, retirement means ending the daily grind of working in an office and starting a more meaningful, creative and fulfilling life.

Human rights/animal rights/

Civil right (the right to vote/the right to be treated fairly by law)

These ethnic minorities claim that the way they have been treated is a gross violation of their civil rights.


Career women pose a real threat to men who see the highly paid and more powerful jobs are their birthright.

Liberty/be entitled to

Police officers are entitled to provide protection for the community they serve.

A large/significant/growing number of

A considerable/substantial/enormous amount of

A multitude of /a host of /scores of /myriads of ..

Software companies across the globe are experiencing a host of challenges, such as increased competition, rapidly changing industry trends, more demanding customers and accelerated technological innovations.

A wide/full range of ….

A great/endless variety of …

A vast/impressive array of …

A broad/full spectrum of …

A surprising richness of…

The great/sheer richness of….


A whole wealth of……

A plethora of…..

A plethora of studies have shown that the significance of the preschool years for a child’s future development.

a/the lack of …

a/the loss of ….

A/the shortage of ….

A /the dearth of ….

The absence of ….

The poverty of ….

A disappointing poverty of ….

a/the paucity of ….

Nowadays, many public libraries are suffering from a dearth of high-tech media, such as computer software, videos and DVDs, and are quickly losing their appeal for young visitors. There is a disappointing poverty of original ideas for today’s television shows.


Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem

Play an important =essential/central/positive/prominent/vital/pivotal role/play a big part/take a leading role

Serve a useful function of

Perform the function of …

Fulfill a valuable function…

Serve the purpose of…

Fulfill an educational purpose…

Serve as/act as /function as

At work/at play

There are a number of interesting factors at play in the current recession.

In order to…/in an effort to…../in an attempt to…./in an endeavor to….


Lead to/give rise to /contribute to /be a contributing factor/ result in/result from/bring about




In many western nations, high levels of economic insecurity are now breeding racial hatred and intolerance.

In an increasingly secular society such as ours, religion has lost much of its influence in shaping 小音雅思资料集

the way people think.

Build/establish/set up/lay the foundations for…

Arouse/provoke 激起

Arise/emerge 出现,涌现

End up doing /wind up doing

Turn out well/badly/fine

Turn out to be…./it turns out that…./as it turns out,….


Deal with/cope with/grapple with


Meet/ face the challenge of doing…

Resolve+ problem/issue/dispute/crisis/difference/conflict/dilemma

Settle+ issue/conflict/difference/argument

Put an end to

Way/method /measure

Means 手段

Course of action 行动方案

Move 举动 措施

Policy 政策

Procedure 步骤程序

Strategy 策略 (sustainable strategy)

Technique 技巧

Practice/modus operandi 一贯的做法

Scheme 有组织的规划



Right the wrong

Straighten out/ iron out






Mitigate the effect/soften the blow/cushion the impact

Cut down on…


Add to /heighten/strengthen/intensify/magnify 加强

The high-profile case of the collapse of a residential building has heightened public awareness of the chronic problems of graft and bribery in the construction industry.

Aggravate/exacerbate 使…..变糟糕

Deteriorate/degrade/worsen 自身越来越糟

Degenerate into/descend into 沦为….

Take…..into account/take…into consideration

Consider…to be/deem….to be

Conceive…..as…./perceive…..as…..+n/doing sth

Sense of humor

Sense of loss

Sense of relief

Sense of justice

Sense of achievement

Sense of isolation

Sense of guilt

Sense of adventure

Sense of discipline

Sense of identity

Sense of insecurity

Sense of responsibility

Sense of direction

Sense of morality

Sense of community

Sense of alienation

Sense of despair

sense of well-being

Sense of freedom

Sense of inferiority

Sense of hopelessness

Sense of loyalty

The phenomenon that most criminals tend to slide back into crime once they are out prison may have an underlying psychological factor: the unrelenting sense of isolation, disconnection and alienation that haunts at every moment of their lives.




Encourage/enrich+ life,diet,culture,experience/enlighten/empower

Launch a campaign


Crusade Initiative Driving force Impetus Momentum Damage Abuse Harm Hurt Cripple Paralyze Dismantle Disintegrate Impair Incapacitate Pollute Contaminate Spoil Mar Stain Tarnish Weaken Undermine Wreak havoc on Rack and ruin 小音雅思资料集


雅思写作十大原则核心词汇 1. 金钱原则(MONEY) 2. 时间原则(TIME) 3. 健康原则(HEALTH) 4. 情感原则(EMOTION) 5. 智力与教育原则(INTELLECT AND EDUCA TION) 6. 心理原则(PSYCHOLOGY) 7. 权利原则(RIGHTS) 8. 环保原则(ENVIRONMENT) 9. 文化与传统原则(CULTURE AND TRADITION) 10. 道德与犯罪原则(MORALITY AND CRIME) 1 金钱原则(MONEY) a tight budget 资金紧张 alleviate vt.减轻,使(痛苦等)易于忍受 bankrupt n .破产者;adj.破产了的 be short of 缺乏 beggar n .乞丐 burden n..担子,压力,负担;v .担负 burn money 浪费钱 charity hospital 慈善医院 consumption n .消费(量) costly adj.昂贵的,贵重的 dear adj.昂贵的 destitute adj.穷困的,缺乏的 economic burden 经济负担 economic difficulty 经济困难 eligible children 适龄儿童 eliminate vt.排除,消除 expend vt.花费,消耗,支出 expenditure n .花费,支出,消耗 expensive adj.花费的,昂贵的 finance vt.资助,供给……经费,负担经费;n .财政,金融financial aid 经济资助 financial strain 资金紧张,以济压力 foreign currency 外汇 go broken 破产 government revenue 政府税收 health care 医疗保健 homeless adj.无家的,无家可归的 hunger n .饥饿 illiteracy n .文盲


雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须 收下 雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须收下,一起来学习一下 吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须收下 1 如何更好表达“我喜欢”? 跟朋友聊天时要这么说 I like/enjoy/love/prefer/adore ? I am a big fan of ? I have a crush on... I am quite/really into ? Sth. /Doing sth. is really my favorite thing to do(强调置首)跟陌生人要淑女一点 I am fond of ? I am in favor of ? I fancy

I am keen on ? 高雅场合要保持高贵 I like A better than B I have a preference for ? I prefer A to B 2 如何更好表达“我想,我认为”? 淡定式 In terms of ?, I think that ? When it comes to?, I just consider that Speaking of ?, I feel/find that ?Regarding to ?, my point is that ? It occurs to me that ? “要死要活”式 Personally, it seems to me that ? From my perspective, I strongly believe that It is my belief that ? 写作时要保持高大上


阅读核心单词汇总 本部分单词和常规阅读单词手册有很大不同,具体表现在: 1. 收集最核心,最常用的雅思阅读词汇,以动词,形容词和名词为核心。因为一个较长的词往往是由动词加名词后缀变成的,或者形容词变成的副词。根据笔者对考试文章的了解,收集了历届考试中高频出现的基本词汇。本部分不涉及高难词汇。熟练掌握这些词汇是获得6-7分的基石。 2.大多考生在面对单词常常困惑,因为一个单词有诸多解释。我们这里直接采用了文章中所对应的意思,因此为考试省去了很多麻烦,也充分体现了专业性。 3.单词除了核心解释外,紧接着是记忆方法。读者可以通过电影法对单词形成形象理解,也就是单词和意识的直接映射,相当于母语学习。 4.由于是从考试文章中选取的基本词汇,所以越到后面难度越高。笔者在编写时候发现到后面必须掌握的词汇越来越少,因为前面已经提到。这种排序对学习者大有裨益,因为每掌握十页单词,你的词汇就有一个不小的飞跃! 注:N代表名词V代表动词A代表形容Adv代表副词 单词以文章出现顺序排序,这样比字母排序更有利记忆。 Measure v 测量me-meter字根表示测量。Sure确信的‘通过测量才能相信数值’

Conception n 观念,构想cept拿 Depend on 依靠,由…决定 Evidence n 证据e:out vid看ence名词‘证据让人们看出真相’Advent n 到来‘来冒险(adventure) Empire n 帝国皇帝(emperor)的帝国 Introduce v 引入intro内部duc引领 Calendar n 日历cal(culate)+end ‘通过日历计算最后的日子’。Communal a共有的‘大家(community)共有’。 Rotate v 以轴为中心旋转ro(ll)圈,tt想成陀螺。 Regulate v 管理re反复,gu(an)l(i)(管理) Successive a 连续的连续成功(success) Period n 时期 Axis n 轴The Axis二战中的轴心国 Lunar a月亮的读音像‘路呢’,月光暗,看不清路’。 Solar a太阳的读音像‘馊了’,太阳光强,温度高,把食物搞馊了’。Obit v 围绕n 轨道 Define v 下定义de向下,fin边界‘向下划定边界’ Accompany v陪同ac去company 陪伴 Revolution n 旋转re多次volv 缠卷 Artificial a人工的art 手fic制造 Impact n 影响im相当于in pact约定 Equator n 赤道equ 相等or 名词‘日夜相等长的地方’Conspicuous a 明显的spicu 看‘完全能看出来的’


雅思小作文常用词汇与短语 1. 表示“主语” 01) 图表本身: table、 line(bar/pie) chart(graph/diagram) 02) 数据形式: figures、statistics、information 、data 03) It 形式主语、 There be 句型 2. 表示“上升”和“下降” 01) rise (to) 02) increase (to) 03) go up (to) 04) an upward trend (in) 05) fall (to) 06) decline (to) 07) drop (to) 08) a downward trend (in) 09) with a rise/drop(etc.) of … 10) surge from …to …猛增 11) be on the rise 12) be in decline 13) down??(幅度)from...(高)to...(低) 14) up—(幅度)from...(低)to...(高) 15) rise/increase/drop(etc.) further from...to.../to... 16) a rise/drop(etc.) of + 百分数 /数字 = a 百分数 /数字 rise/drop(etc.) 17) rise/drop(etc.) + 数字/百分数/倍数 = rise/drop(etc.) + a record of + 数字/百分数 3. 表示“平稳” 01) remain stable (at) 02) stay constant (at) 03) maintain the same level (at) 04) remain around that figure 05) reach a plateau到达(上升后的)平稳期 06) no change (in)


2008年雅思学术类议论文写作话题总结(上) 从全年看,2008 年大作文主要考题仍然以教育为主话题, 虽然其它话题 如居住环境、旅游、高科技、代沟、传媒影响等没有什么大的变化, 但具体的题型和出题的侧重点更加变化多端,有些考题,如果要在考场上短时间内要联系到以前准备的话题,的确不是易事。 一,提问方式稳重有变 首先从提问方式上看,今年的变化不大,以复杂双边讨论为主。单边议论也有,但不是很多。值得注意的是,今年 3 月 1 日的考题中出现了一道考生不是非常熟悉的提问形式,给定几门功课,让考生从中选取课改后值得保留的科目。这种多选题形式的考题形式出现的不多,所以可能会给考生造成一定的压力。 08.03.01 Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which two subjects are the most important for young people and which one is the least important? subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economics Physics History Music Geography Philosophy Foreign languages 此外,08 年 2 月16 日也出现了一道比较新颖的题目,该题的背景介绍为一句名人名言,也是不多见的形式。不过该题并没有给考生的审题带来太大的障碍,因为后面的提问句的表述还是非常简洁清晰的。 08.02.16 “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.” - US movie actor & director John Wayne Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present? 二,教育类话题仍为核心考点


雅思写作中表达观点很重要,应对各种各样的写作话题,我们就需要掌握不同的表达观点的词汇,而且替换词也非常重要哦。今天就给大家分享超级实用的100个雅思写作观点词和替换表达! 1. 持某观点:claim contend deem reckon assert share the belief that 2.支持某观点: advocate maintain vote for side with be in favor of 3.反对某观点: contradict criticize be against cast doubts on 4.合理的:justified sensible feasible convincing persuasive rational practicable logical wise sagacious viable preferable

appropriate bear much analysis 5.好处:advantage benefit merit positive side upside boon pros 6.弊端:disadvantage defect demerit negative side downside flaw drawback cons 7.肯定:undoubtedly indeed undeniably there is no denying that 8.不确定:be likely to potentially presumably 9.重要的:essential significant vital crucial


雅思阅读高频词汇 1 state n. 情形, 状态, 国家, 政府, 州vt.声明, 陈述, 规定For the century before Johnson ’s Dictionary was published in 1775 there had been concern about the state of the English language. statement n.声明, 陈述, 综述 2 special adj.特别的, 特殊的, 专门的 especially adv.尤其,特别specialization n.特殊化, 专门化 specialise v.专业化,专门研究 specialised adj. 专门的, 专科的 In the 19th century, new, specialised, professional societies were instituted to promote and publish in the new disciplines. specialist n. 专家 speciality n.特性, 特质, 专业 specify vt.指定, 详细说明specific adj.详 细而精确的, 明确的 An early scientific journal fostered a new kind of writing based on short descriptions of specific experiments. specifically adv.特定的, 明确的 species n.种类 Extinct species are being replaced by new species. 3 differ vi.不同 In both cases the critical day length differs from species to species. difference n.差异, 差别 different adj.不同的 Different groups of researchersattacked different problems, from speech recognition to chess playing, in different ways. differentiate v.区 别, 区分 4 appropriate adj.适当的 inappropriate adj.不适当的 5 staff n. 全体职员 6 contradict vt.同...矛盾 contradiction n.反驳, 矛盾 contrary adj.相反的, 逆的 contrastvt.使与...对比n.对比, 对照 7 claim n.(根据权利提出)要求, 主张vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张


雅思写作中常用英文连接单词的替换词 一、And 并列关系 (and)in addition // and // similarly // likewise moreover // too // not only ... but // even // besides this/that 二、Sequence 顺序(then) 出现的时候表示列举 first // initially // second etc. // to begin with // then // next // earlier/later // following this/that // afterwards 三、Consequence 结果(so) 前面是后面的结果// 也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了 as a result // thus // so // therefore // consequently // it follows that // thereby // eventually // in that case // admittedly 四、Contrast 转折(but ) 表对前面论述的转折// 一般后面才是作者观点 however // on the other hand // despite// in spite of // though // although // but // on the contrary // otherwise // yet // instead of // rather // whereas // nonetheless // in contrast 五、Certainty 确定(of course) 强烈的确定// 后面是作者的坚定论点 obviously // certainly // plainly // of course // undoubtedly 六、Condition 条件/ 因为(if ) 后面跟随着某种情况发生的前提或者是条件。 if // unless // whether // provided that // Given that // for // so that // whether // depending on 七、Time 时间(when ) before // since // as // until // meanwhile// at the moment // when // whenever // as soon as // just as 八、Summary 总结(in a word) 作者的最后总结 in conclusion // in summary // lastly // finally // to sum up // to conclude // to recapitulate 重述// in short // in a word 九、Example 举例(for example) for example // for instance// just as // in particular // such as // namely 也就是 十、Reason 原因( because) since // as // so // because (of) // due to // owing to // the reason why // in other words // leads to // cause 雅思写作部分高频词汇、短语替换 ★高频形容词: 1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off


雅思作文说明文范文 【篇一:雅思大作文的题目类型以及写作策应的不同】大作文的题目类型以及写作策应的不同 总体分为两种:说明文和议论文 说明文: it is / there is/ there are(it is true that many people eat junk food everyday.) 议论文:i think that there are too many junk foods in our society. i think = i believe = i hold the opinion that = my view is 说明文一般描述的是关于社会现象或者问题,包括了或者是一个趋势的优点或者是缺点,这类文章通常都是以描述为主,基于事实描述,比较客观,不代有任何的特殊性。就是一般我们这个社会都能够接受的论点。 议论文一般针对的是题目中的一个话题 (some people think),以及部分人对这个话题的想法(some people think, while others believe, 有些人认为。。。当另外一些人认为),然后不是同意或者是发表你自己的看法(i think this is correct/true; i disagree with this)。这类题目通常会在题目中引述一个观点,然后要求你针对那个观点,进行写作。议论文比较基于主观事实描述,一般来说,文章的主体是以为什么而展开,,作者需要通过解释,论证从而达到一个比较合理的能够具有说服力的一个层次。作者要展开自己的想法,并要通过论证,让读者认为你所写的是正确的,合理的。 议论文通常只有两种问法: to what extent do you agree or disagree?? (你从多大程度上同意这个观点) 》》》题目中一部分人只会提出对于某个问题所产生的一个看法。作者所要进行论证就是你是否同意这么一个看法 无论是采取同意的,还是不同意的写作手法,再论述的过程中必须从不同角度去验证你为什么同意或者不同意的理由。(正面论证,反面论证,假设论证,比较论证,例子论证,数据论证) 正面论证: computers are good for children. 比较论证:dragon palace has only one prawn for their prawn dumpling; while liufu has two prawns.


雅思写作常用同义词替换100个 1. people=individuals 人们(Those who) 2. many people=a majority of people = most of people大多数人 3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词) 4. a great number of=a large amount/quantity of=considerable amount of= a large variety of很多(可数名词) 5. plentiful=abundant 丰富的,大量的 6. expensive=pricy 贵的 7. thing=item=goods 东西,物品 8. humans=human beings=human race=mankind 人类 9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to=aid to 有助于(动词) 10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词)

11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding)=do good to/be good for 有好处的(形容词) 12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词) 13. education=schooling 教育 14. think=believe=hold=maintain=consider=take for=agree认为 15. oppose=object to=be against=disagree 反对 16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持 17. as for me=as far as I am concerned=in the eyes of 对我来说 18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=in my point o f view=personally 我的观点是 19. as …develop(s)=with the development of...=with the progress of…=as…ad vances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词) 20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副



雅思阅读核心词汇 剑 6 Text1 Reading passage 1:

1. Fair adj. 合理的 >

10. Underpin v.以..为稳固基础: support pin 大头针 11. Nutritional adj.营养的nutrition 营养、营养物

nutritious 有营养的 12. Collaborate = cooperate v.合作 collaboration n.合作 13. Instrument = tool = appliance n.仪器、乐器 14. Come down to 可归结为 15. Slice v.划开、切开 16. Stroke n.划动、划水 (也做strike的过去式) Strike = hit = knock = rebel 攻击、罢工 17.spine n.脊柱 Spin = rotate = twist = swivel=revolve v.旋转 18.Biomechanical = bio+mechanical =生物+力学的/机械学的=生物力学 19.Profile n.轮廓、外形(文中指模型) 20.Velocity n.速度 gravity n.重心 21.Immune system 免疫系统


雅思小作文必备词汇 图表chart = graph = diagram 直线line 曲线curve 柱bar /column 饼pie 表table = figures = statistics the thin(细线) / thick(粗线) / broken(虚线) / dotted(点线) line 表明,表示,阐明show , give information about,reveal,indicate,demonstrate 直线图类词汇 (上升类动词)Increase------------ decrease (下降类动词) go up-------------- go down rise up-------------- fall down climb-----------------slide ascend --------------decline keep an upward tendency ----keep a downward tendency 波动动词类:fluctuate fluctuate upward / downward(波动向上/向下) 保持平稳类动词: keep / remain / maintain / stay unchanged / constant / stable(形容词,不变的) 修饰动词的副词: slightly 轻微地,slowly 缓慢地,gradually 逐渐地,steadily 稳定地,rapidly 迅速地,significantly 明显地,sharply 明显地,dramatically急剧地, 修饰名词的形容词: slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic 大约,大概,左右类词汇:almost / approximately / around / roughly / more or less / nearly 时间from … to …/during the period/ between … and … / starting from ….


雅思议论文中的“三明治”结构 作者:黄志贤 | 来源:朗阁海外考试研究中心 | 时间:2009-10-05 | 335 次 | 字体 [ 大中小 ] [收藏] [划词已启用] 写雅思大作文就如同在建筑一座大楼一般。首先是进行大楼结构设计,然后再进行实际的建筑工程,最后经过装修而成为耐用而漂亮的大楼。良好的结构对于大楼的实用以及美观有着非常重要的作用。同样道理,良好的作文结构也将提高文章的质量和成绩。从一定意义上来说,优秀的作文结构可以使内容条理清晰易懂,还可以弥补语言表达上的不足。 议论文的整体结构 雅思专家认为,一篇好的议论文一般由三个部分构成,分别是导语段(Introduction),主体段落(Body)与总结段(Conclusion)。这个结构很像三明治,其中导语段与总结段就像最上层和最下层的面包,而主体段落为论证段,相对较为重要,就像三明治中间的肉和菜。其结构如下图所示: 通常情况下按照实际的需要,中间的主体部分(Body)又可以分成二到四个段落,其结构图分别如下: (注:*段落视需要而增加) 由于导语段中最重要部分是中心句(Thesis statement),它是全文的立足点,决定文章的发展方向,覆盖全文;段落主题句(Topic sentence)是每一段的重点,覆盖各自所在的段落。因此,我们可以通过思考后得出议论文的中心句(Thesis statement)以及各主体段落主题句(Topic sentence)。此外,为求达到全文的统一性(Unity)和连贯性(Coherence), 考生们应当合理地安排中心句和各段的主题句的关系,使得中心句覆盖全文,使得各段的主题句很好地支持着中心句。如果中心句没有覆盖主题句,说明正文偏题了。如果中心句超过主题句,刚说明内容有遗漏,或者说内容不够全面。中心句各段的主题句的关系情况可由下面三张图表示:


雅思G类词汇(附简写)Admin administrative 行政的 Jr junior 初级 ad/adv advertising 广告 K 1000元 agcy agency 经销商 knowl knowledge 知识 appt appointment 约会、预约 loc location 位置、场所 asst assistant 助理 Lv/lvl level 级/层 attn attention 给, 与…联系 mach machine 机器 bkgd background 背景 manuf/mf manufacturing 制造 bldg building 建筑物、大楼 mech mechanic 机械的 bus business 商业、生意 mgr manager 经理 clk clerk (办公室)职员 m-f monday-friday 从周一到周五 co company 公司

mo month 月 coll college 大专(学历) nec necessary 必要的 comm commission 佣金 oppty opportunity 机会 corp cororation (有限)公司 ot overtime 超时 data pro data processing 数据处理perm permanent 永久性的 dept department 部 pls please 请 dir director 董事 pos position 职位 div division 分工、部门 pref preference (有经验者)优先eqpt equipment 装备 prev previous 有先前(经验) etc and so on 等等 P/T part time 非全日制 eves evenings 晚上 refs references 推荐信 exc excellent 很好的


雅思写作task1常用词汇及词组 一.文章开头 图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph 描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent 内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion 二.表示数据 一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10% 最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point) ;bottomed out; reached the bottom 变化:recover略有回升;increase; jump; rise/rose; climb ;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate浮动,摇摆不定 remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change 变化程度:sudden/suddenly突然的,意外的 rapid/rapidly迅速的,飞快的,险峻的 dramatic/dramatically戏剧性的,生动的 significant/significantly有意义的,重大的,重要的 sharp/sharply锐利的,明显的,急剧的 steep/steeply急剧升降的 steady/steadily稳固的,坚定不移的 gradual/gradually渐进的,逐渐的 slow/slowly缓慢的,不活跃的 slight/slightly轻微的、略微地 stable/stably稳定的 表示范围:from…to…between…and…for…to…多长时间直到


雅思议论文题目汇总(按题材分类) 一、教育 1.学校教育 教学内容 1)Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2)Schools should emphasize more on academic issues, which is more important for the future job, rather than sports and music. What is your opinion? 3)Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to students’ future career; others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What’s your opinion of the main function of university? 4)In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects, while in others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to particular careers. Which education system according to your opinion is more appropriate for today’s world? 5)Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 6)Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 7)Some people think a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 8)Some people think secondary students should study international news as a school subject, but some people argue that it is wasting children’s school time. What’s your opinion? 9)Some consider that history is little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss their views and give your own opinion. 教学形式 10)Some people think that school should put students in different classes according to their academic ability, while some others believe that students of different abilities should be educated together. Please discuss both views and then present your own opinion. 11)Some teachers argue that students learn more effectively when they study in groups while others believe it is better for them to study alone. What is your opinion?


雅思写作高频词汇短语替换 ★高频形容词: 1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3.优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4.积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent = pervasive ★高频动词: 6.激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7.认为: think = assert = hold = claim = argue 8.完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9.保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten ★高频名词:12.影响:influence= impact 13.幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being 14.教育:education = schooling = familyparenting = upbringing 15.青少年:youngpeople = youngsters = youths = adolescents 16. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue 17. 责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability 18. 能力: ability = capacity = power = skill 19. 职业: job = career = employment = profession 20. 娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment 21. 孩子: children = offspring = descendant = kid ★高频短语: 充满了:befilledwith = beawashwith = beinundatewith = besaturatedwith 努力:strugglefor = aspireafter = strivefor = sparenoeffortsfor 从事: embarkon = takeup = setabout = goinfor 在当代:incontemporarysociety = inpresent-daysociety= inthisdayandage 大量的: ahostof = amultitudeof = avastnumberof = avastamountof

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