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What changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years’ time.
expect (sb.) to do sth. 希望(某人)做某事
I expect to be back within a week.
I didn’t expect him to stay so long.
hope to do something 希望做某事
Joan’s hoping to study law at Harvard.
overcome one‘s shortcomings 克服缺点
overcome enemy 压倒, 制服
be overcome with/by sth ...不堪 (通常指感情,常用被动语态)
We were overcome with joy. 我们喜出望外。
She was overcome by fear. 她吓得要命
First impressions.第一印象
impressions: n. [C] 印象;感想
I had a very good impression of him. 我对他的印象很好.
What is your first impression of Mao ming ?
First impressions are half the battle. [谚]最初的印象最深刻; 先入为主。

1) v. 使(某人)印象深刻
What does this latest novel impress you ?
He impressed me unfavorably. 我对他印象不好
be impressed by/at/with sth 对…留下深刻印象,惊叹
The teachers were most impressed by your performance in the exam.
The foreign delegate was greatly impressed by the development of our industry .
2) v.使(某人)铭记
impress sth on sb /impress sb with sth
She impressed us with her sense of humour.
给人深刻印象的, 感人的
an impressive scene 感人的场面
an impressive ceremony 给人深刻印象的典礼
I got the ________ that they'd just had an argument.我感到他们刚刚争论过。
Ordinary man can not produce really _________ works.
What _________ me most was her characteristic laugh.给我印象最深的是她那独特的笑声。

2. I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.

Do you dare to take up the challenge of doing the jogging for one hour every day? 慢跑
Do you intend to take up his offer of a job?接受
playing cards takes up too much time.
This table takes up too much room.占用(时间或空间)
When did you take up teaching English ?
When does the new manager take up his job?开始从事
take up arms
He took up his pen and began to write. 拿/举/抬/收起
I am going to take up the story where I finished yesterday 。
Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off. 继续(中断的活),接下去
in 吸收,留宿
it easy别着急
notice of注意
it for granted想当然的认

hold of
steps to do sth
sb as..,
 advantage of…
 a deep breath
pride in
one’s chance
trouble to do sth
take over
pity on sb
turns to do sth

I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD3008.
remind sb. of/about sth. 使某人想起某事
reminded her of college days. 使她回想起了大学里的日子
The film reminded him of his school life. 这部影片使他回想起学生时的生活。
1)remind sb. to do sth 提醒某人做某事
Please remind him to meet at the school gate on the outing day.
He ~ed me that I haven’t had my breakfast. 他提醒我我还没吃早餐。

constant adj.经常的,不变的,忠贞的
drive at a constant speed
She was in constant pain.
I am Jay’s constant fan and supporter. 我是周杰伦忠实的粉丝和支持者。
(1)constantly adv. 经常地,反复地
The old man’s hands shook老人的手不停的颤抖.
Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。
Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. 加热调味汁并不停地搅动。

Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.
我很担心这次旅行, 所以头几天心里总是不踏实。
worried about the journey 为过去分词作状语,在此处作原因状语。
worried adj. 焦虑的烦恼的担忧的;
worrisome adj. 使人烦恼的,焦虑的

As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. 结果我得了时间滞后症。
as a result (of): because of something that has happened 作为……的结果,由于
It snowed, as a result, she was late. 天下雪, 因此她迟到了。
result from 起因于……
result in 导致某事,造成某事(=lead to)
suffer from: 患有(疾病等);为……所苦,因……而吃苦头。
She suffers from headache. 她患头痛病。
suffer from the war / the flood遭受战争,洪水之苦/患头病
suffer (from) cold and hunger 遭受寒冷和饥饿
suffering n. 痛苦,苦恼;劳苦,困难
They suffers from poverty.因….受困扰
This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.

1) keep doing sth. 继续做某事
It kept raining for a week.. 接连下了一星期雨。
keep away from 不接近;避开
keep back 留在后面,不上前;隐瞒
keep off 不接近

keep out (of) 使在外
keep up 跟上;赶上;保持
keep up with 跟上;不落人之后

2) flashback 倒叙
The events in his happy family life were shown in flashback.
The lightning flashed in the sky.
Her eyes flashed with anger.
A good idea flashed into her mind.
I ‘ll be back in a flash.
7. previous (adj)
1) 在前的,早先的
a previous engagement
a previous experience
2) 过急的,太快的
Isn’t he rather previous in supposing that I will be beaten by him?
You are previous in making the decision.

transport n.运送/输;交通工具 v.运送/输
transport from … to … 从…输送到…
The transport of vegetables from the farm to the market takes only half an hour.
The yellow bus transports passengers from the airport to the city.

Opening n 开放,开始,口子, 通路,空缺,机会
adj 开着的; 开始的
open (adj) 开着的,公开的
Openly (adv) 公开地;公然地

We slid through the opening into the field.我们通过那个口子溜到了那块地里。
an open secret 公开的秘密
She's not asleep; her eyes are open.
speak openly 公开说

The ________ address is very inspiring 开幕词很鼓舞人。

He stood there with his moth________ 他张大嘴站在那里。
The people talked _______ about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.
He put a gate across the ________ in the fence. 他在围墙的开口处安了一个门。

(1) adj. 周围的,附近的
He lives in the surrounding area of our school.
(2) pl. 环境(自然环境)
environment 可指自然环境,也可指精神环境。
The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.

tolerate 容忍;忍受
tolerate the noise/ your behavior
We simply cannot tolerate cheating in exams.我们就是不能容许考试作弊行为。
I cannot tolerate her rudeness.我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。

left 留下,剩下 相当于一个形容词,放在被修饰的名词或 anything, nothing, nobody之后,经常用在there be结构中。
I haven’t got any money left.
There are two eggs left, if you’re hungry.
There’s nothing left in the fridge.
left / remaining
He bought a book with the __________money .
I have no money ___________.

Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。
hit: to have a bad effect on…对……有不良的影响
How will the new law hit the unemployed? 新颁布的法令将使失业者遭受什么样的打击?


beat, hit与strike
beat指连续地打;hit侧重指“击中”,有时也指“打一下”;strike常指“猛地一击”。“敲锣”要用strike;“打鼓”要用beat;“敲门”要用knock;“钟敲几点”要用strike;比喻意思的“打击”要用give (deal) a blow to sb.

lack n 缺乏,不足,没有 (a) lack of
She showed a lack of humour.
for lack of因缺乏…
The plan failed for lack of money
have no lack of 不缺乏…
I have no lack of money. 我不缺钱
2) lack 动词
He is good at his job but sometimes he seems to lack confidence.
Many people lack the courage to do it.
lacking adj. 缺少的;不足的
be lacking in ... 在……不足
Robin is not usually lacking in confidence. 罗宾平时并不缺乏自信心。
He lacks courage. = He is lacking in courage
(2)v. 缺乏
lack for nothing.什么都不缺
They are so rich that they lack for nothing.他们非常富裕,不缺什么。

He has an ache in his back.
My body was all aches and pains.
cure an ache 治好疼痛 feel aches 感到疼
suffer from an ache 遭受疼痛
His back aches/ is aching.
My body ached all over.
I have an ache in my stomach.= I have a stomachache.

I felt better in no time. 我立刻感到舒服多了。
in on time: very quickly 立刻;马上
They will be back in no time. 他们马上就会回来。
all the time 一直, 始终
at a time 依次, 逐一, 每次
take one’s time不要急,慢慢来

at all times 无论何时,一直
at one time 从前;一度
at times 有时
behind the times 过时的,落伍的
for the time being 暂且, 眼下
from time to time 不时,偶尔,间或
On time 按时
once upon a time 从前
at the same time 同时
These hovering carriages … by bending and pressing down on the …. can move swiftly.
by doing 常表方式,方法或手段.
San Mao made a living by selling newspapers. 三毛靠卖报纸谋生.

bend-bent -bent使弯曲,屈身
She bent down and picked up rubbish. 她弯下腰捡起垃圾。
Touch your toes without bending your knees.
bend one’s mind to 专心致志于……
She bent her mind to the job.
These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.
press vt. ①压,按,推
press the button
pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。
He pressed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。
The shoe is pressing my toe.
Time presses, make up your mind.
pressing issues紧迫问题
press sb to do sth敦促某人做某事,劝说某人作某事
She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.

The power of the press is very great. 新闻界的力量非常强大。
press conference记者招待会
the University Press 大学出版社

swiftly ad

swift adj.
He walked swiftly towards home down the dark street. 他沿着黑暗的街道迅速地走回家去.

I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market….
lost sight of
It was so dark he lost sight of him at once.
I’ve lost sight of Smith.
2)忘记, 忽略
No matter how rich and famous he became, he never lost sight of the fact that he had been born in
the slums.
catch sight of 望见,看到
in sight 在视线内
out of sight 看不见了
at the sight of 一看见…..
They ran away at the sight of the police.
Fall in love at first sight. 乍一看,一看到 就
Out of sight, out of mind.

景象,奇观 pl. 风景,名胜
The seaside sunset was a beautiful sight.
I enjoyed seeing the sights of the West Lake.
in all directions 朝四面八方
The enemies fled in all directions. 敌人向四面八方逃去.

He was swept up into the centre of them…
sweep up
The strong wind swept up the leaves off the street.席卷,横扫
He was left to sweep up the bits of paper and broken glass.打扫;清洁

I found later that their leaves provided the house with much-needed oxygen.
provide sb with sth
provide sth for sb
supply sb with sth
supply sth to (for) sb
Offer sth to sb / offer sb sth
The sun provides us with light and heat.
The company supplies paper to the printers.

N 开关,电闸,电键
You pressed the wrong switch. 你按错了开关。
There's been a switch in our plans. 我们的计划改变了。
He switched the light on. 他打开电灯。
They switched the talk to a more interesting subject. 他们把谈话转到比较有趣的题目上去了。
He studied chemistry and then switched to biology. 他原来学化学,后来改学生物。

Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

Frightened (Because she was frightened), she asked me to go with her.
exhaust vt.用尽;耗尽;疲惫;使筋疲力尽
They have exhausted the supply of oxygen.
What an exhausting day!

slide v. 偷偷地移动;潜行;(使)滑动
The ship slid (down) into the water. 船滑入水中.
He had slid into bad habits. 他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯。
悄悄地走[Q][(into/out of)]
She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。

More haste, less speed.
They’ve speeded up production of the new car.
at the speed of light/ sound
at a speed of 120miles an hour
13. Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimisti

c view of the future. 全班同学讨论一下, 断定作者对未来持有乐观还是悲观的态度。

optimistic/ pessimistic (常与about连用)乐观的/悲观的
We should be optimistic about the future. 我们应该对未来乐观。
There’s no reason to be pessimistic about the future. 没有理由对未来悲观。

Parrots imitate human speech.
1. 模仿
Jane imitates the cuckoo. 简模仿布谷鸟的叫声。
2. 以...做为范例,仿效
I wish you would imitate your brother a little more. 我希望你多学学你的兄弟。
3. 仿制;伪造
It was some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。

You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant it’s sent.
I'll be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。
I took an instant dislike to him. 我一见他就不喜欢。
I don't like to drink instant coffee. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。

I recognized her the instant(that) I saw her.
instantly adv.
Tell me instantly/ directly/ immediately he arrives.

A giant machine, always greedy for more, swallows all the waste available.
greedy adj 贪婪的
He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes. 他用贪婪的眼光看着商店的橱窗。
The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party. 那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会上所有的糖果都吃光了。

n. send a representative to the negotiation
adj. typical
a representative sample
represent v.
The rose represents England.

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