当前位置:文档之家› TOEIC备考109句型精简版



* 他什么时候要走?我不知道他什么时候要走。


* A: Did you tell me who she was? B: Yes, I did.

A: 你有没有告诉过我她是谁?B: 有啊,我告诉过你了。

* A: Who did you tell me she was? B: She is my sister.

* 去散散步好不好?

How about (taking) a walk? = What about (taking) a walk?

= What do you say to (taking) a walk? = What do you think of (taking) a walk?

* 一动你就没命。

* 穿上外衣,否则你会着凉的。

Put on a coat, or you’ll take cold.

=If you don’t put on a c oat, you’ll catch cold.

* 多么美的夜色啊!* 这些男孩好丑啊!

How beautiful a night (it is)! How ugly the boys are! = What a beautiful night (this is)! = What ugly boys (they are)!

* 要是我现在有翅膀,我要飞到美国。

* 要是那时这鞋子我合穿的话,我就买了。

* 即使明天太阳从西边升上来,我也不会做这样的事。



* 我要是一只鸟该多好。

I wish I were a bird.


If only you had told me the truth.


Would that I could go with you tomorrow.

* I hope you can help me. 我希望你能帮我。←可能实现

I wish you could help me. 要是你能帮我就好了。←不可能实现

* 祝你成功。

* 我们不会失败的,要是失败,后果将如何呢?

Were we to fail, what would happen? (= If we were to fail, ...)


Had I not known her name, I would have been embarrassed. (If I had not known ...) 万一下雨,我们就不去了。

* 要不是有太阳,我们根本就无法生存。

But for the sun, we couldn’t live at all.

= Without the sun, we couldn’t live at all.

= If it were not for the sun, we couldn’t live at all.

* 该是我们上床睡觉的时候了。 事实上还没睡

It is (high) time we went to bed.

* 你看起来好像死了。

* 她父亲坚持她要跟那人结婚。

Her father insisted that she (should) marry that man.

*此类V.如:suggest, order, demand, command, insist, propose, ...

*其实只要有「命令」、「建议」、「要求」、「坚持」意味的字,不论是名词、动词、形容词,其所接子句中的动词都该用原形、或”should + 原形V”。

* 交友要越小心越好。We cannot be too careful in choosing friends.

= You can never be over careful in choosing friends.

* 人不都诚实。比较:* 人都不诚实。

All men are not honest. No man is honest.

* 没有人不爱自己的孩子。

There is no one but loves his own child.

= There is no one that does not love his own child.

* 他试着不再想她。* 没办法帮他忙,我就离开了。

* 非公莫入。*禁止停车。

* 简直不知道会发生什么事。

There is no telling what may happen.

= There is no way of telling what may happen.

* 不但怪你,也怪你的朋友。Not only you but also your friend is to blame.

* 我感兴趣的不是化学,而是物理。

What I am interested in is not chemistry, but physics.


* 他未能实时到达。*我一定会守信。

He failed to arrive in time. I never fail to keep my word.

* 那男孩一点也不用功。The boy is not diligent at all.

He has much money, but I have many books.

= He has not a little money, but I have not a few books.

= He has no little money, but I have no few books.

= He has quite a little money, but I have quite a few books.

* 不用说都知道诚实是最上策。

It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.

* 我将永远忘不了那一段美好的求学时代。

I shall never forget the beautiful school days.

= Never shall I forget the beautiful school days.


He is hardly late. I will forgive him by no means.

* 我们只有靠着努力工作才能成功。

We can succeed only by working hard.

= Only by working hard can we succeed.

* 乞丐在大门口等。* 她坐在柜台后面。

The beggar waited at the gate. She sat behind the counter.

* 你年轻,我也是。*A:听说你做得很好。B:的确是。You are young, and so am I. A: I hear you did a good job. B: So we did. = You are young, and I am, too.= A: I hear you did a good job. B: Yes, we did. * 否定「也不」倒装要用neither。

如:You are not young, and I am not, either

* 他买的衣服和他太太的一样多。

He has bought as many clothes as has his wife.

= He has bought as many clothes as his wife (has).


Our director of studies is more capable than is our principal.

= Our director of studies is more capable than our principal is.

* 我的英文进步很大所以父母很高兴。

My progress in English was such that it pleased my parents.

= My progress in English was such as to please my parents.

= Such was my progress in English that it pleased my parents.

= Such was my progress in English as to please my parents.

= My progress in English was so great that it pleased my parents.

= My progress in English was so great as to it please my parents.

= So great was my progress in English that it pleased my parents.

* 整天待在家对健康不好。

It is bad for health to keep indoors all day.

is bad for health that one keeps indoors all day.

* 我认为整天待在家对健康不好。

I think it bad for health to keep indoors all day.

= I think it bad for health that one keeps indoors all day.

= I think (that)

= I think (that)

* 据说他从前很有钱。

People say that she was rich.

= It is said that she was rich.

* 我有一个做老师的叔叔。* 我有一个我从未见过的叔叔。

I have an uncle, and he is a teacher. I have an uncle, and I have never seen him. = I have an uncle who is a teacher. = I have an uncle (whom) I have never seen.

* 我有一个全家都在美国的叔叔。

I have an uncle, and his family are all in America

* 凡是有钱的人都不会缺乏朋友。

Those who have money do not want for friends.

=Such as have money do not want for friends.

=He who has money does not want for friends.

=Whoever has money

* 他是外国人,这是我从他的口音知道的。

He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent.

= He was a foreigner, which I knew from his accent.

= As I knew from his accent, he was a foreigner,

(= He was a foreigner, and I knew it from his accent.)

* 我们班没有人不希望进大学。

In our class there is no one that does not hope to go to college.

= In our class there is no one but hopes to go to college.


Let children read those books which will make them better and wise.

= Let children read such books as will make them better and wise.


* 今天不像昨天一样热。

It is not as hot today as it was yesterday. ←否定句中,第一个as可用so代= It is not so hot today as it was yesterday.

* 生命是一切东西中最宝贵的

Life is more precious than any other thing.(= Life is the most precious of all .)

= Nothing is so precious as life.

* 他等得越久就越生气。

The longer he waited, the angrier he became.



As you sow, so you shall reap.

= As you sow, so shall you reap.

* 阅读之于心灵,犹如食物之于身体。

Reading is to the mind as food is to the body.

= Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.

(= As food is to the body so is reading to the mind.)

* 她跟你一样不用功。 * 你跟你母亲一样漂亮。

She is no more diligent than you. You are no less beautiful than your mother. = She is not diligent, nor are you. = You are as beautiful as your mother. * 我宁愿站也不愿坐。

I would rather stand than sit.

= I would sooner stand than sit

= I had sooner stand than sit.

= I had rather stand than sit

= I prefer standing to sitting.

* 人生的成功与其说是在于天才,不如说是在于勤奋。

* 这条河是那条河的两倍长。

This river is twice as long as that.

= This river is twice longer than that.

* 我不会蠢到去做那样的事。

* 虽然他穷,但是很快乐。

Although(Though) he is poor, (yet) he is very happy.

= Although poor, he is very happy. ←有although就不要有but

* 尽管她有钱,但是并不快乐。

Although she is wealthy, she is unhappy.

* 她虽是女流之辈,却很有信心。

Although she is a woman, she has much confidence.

= Woman as she is, she has much confidence. ←冠词要去掉


Although it seems impossible, it is true.

= Impossible though it seems, it is true.


Although he may try, he can not succeed.

* 无论什么时候去看他,都会发现他埋首书桌。

Whenever[=No matter when] we call on him, we will find him at his desk. 不管做什么,都要把它做好。

Whatever[=No matter what] you may do, do it well.


* 无论晴雨,我都会在那里。

Whether it may rain or shine, I will be there.


* 虽然家很简陋,但还是没有地方比家好。

Although it is ever so humble, there is no place like home.

= Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.


Whatever you may say, I don’t believe it.

* 直到十一点,我才睡着。

I didn’t fall asleep until (it was) eleven.

= Not until (it was) eleven did I fall asleep.

* 一听到这消息,他就高兴得发了狂。

As soon as he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.

= The moment he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.

= The instant he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.

= Once he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.

= Directly he heard the news, he was beside himself with joy.

= On hearing the news, he was beside himself with joy.

* 阵雨一过,天空就出现美丽的彩虹了。

As soon as the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

=The shower had hardly passed before a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. =The shower had no sooner passed than a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

* 我毕业已经有三年了。

It is[has been] three years since I graduated from school.

* 我们努力用功目的是为了要有所成就。

We study hard so that we may succeed.

= We study hard that we may succeed.

= We study hard so as to succeed.

= We study hard to succeed.

* 不要常去那儿,以免招来闲话。

Don’t go there often lest you (should) get yourself talked about.

= Don’t go there often for fear that you (should) get yourself talked about. = Don’t go there often for fear of getting yourself talked about.

He is so honest a man that he is trusted by all.

= He is so honest a man as to be trusted by all.

= He is so honest that he is trusted by all.

= He is so honest as to be trusted by all.

= He is such an honest man that he is trusted by all.

* 一方面因为饿,在方面因为累,他因而倒在路上。

* 他过去经常熬夜。

He used to sit up late.

= He would sit up late.

* 他已习惯于过这种生活。

He is used to living such a life.

= He is used to such a life.

= He is accustomed to living such a life. = He is accustomed to such a life.

* 碎石常用来筑路。

Gravel is much used to make roads.

* 我们的学校需要改善。

Our school needs improving.

= Our school needs to be improved.

* 这本书值得买。

This book is worth buying.

= This book is worthy of being bought.

= This book is worthy to be bought.

= It is worth while to buy this book.

= It pays to read this book.

* 我好不容易才找到你的家。

* 我们去游泳吧。

Let’s go swimming. (= Let’s go for a swim.) * 我自己做饭。

= It is no good talking. = It is useless to talk.

* 她突然哭了起来。* 她突然笑了起来。

She burst out crying. She burst out laughing.

* 早睡早起有益健康。

To keep early hours is good for health.

* 他太年轻无法承担这工作。

He is too young to do the task.

= He is too young for the task. (= He is so young that he can not do the task.) * 他很聪明所以会知道那件事。

* 他似乎现在很有钱。

He seems to be rich. (= It seems that he is rich.)

* 他似乎过去很有钱。

* 他连英语都会讲,更不要说中文了。

He can speak English, to say nothing of Mandarin.

= He can speak English, not to mention Mandarin.

= He can speak English, not to speak of Mandarin.

* 他只是笑。

He does nothing but eat. (= He does not do anything but eat.)

*假如前面的动词不是do,nothing but要看成等于only,由该动词决定后面形式。

* 我不得不做。

I can’t help doing it.

= I can’t help but do it. = I can’t but do it.

* 人之将死,其言也善。

When a man is going to die, his words are good.

= When a man is about to breathe his last, his words are nice.

* 你只要尽力而为就行了。

All you have to do is (to) do your best.

= What you have to do is (to) do your best.

* 我不会照顾正在哭的婴儿。 I can’t take care of a crying baby. ← 主动正在哭的

我父亲是一位退休的将军。 My father is a retired general. ← 已经退休的 这是一项令人振奋的消息。 This is a piece of exciting news. ← 令人振奋的 激动的暴民纵火烧大楼。 The excited mob set fire to the building. ← 感到激动的

* 那本属于他的书不见了。 * 藏在书里的邮票不见了。

The book which belongs to him is lost. The stamp which is hidden in the book is gone. * 他跑着来。 他们锻羽而归。

He came running .

They returned defeated.


* 我看见他走进了医院。 * 他走进医院的时候被我看到。

I saw him enter the hospital. I saw him entering the hospital.

* 我看见他被送进了医院。 我把我的作文拿去给老师改。

I saw him sent to hospital. I had my composition corrected by our teacher. * 我叫他去做。 I have him do it. = I make him do it.

* 他发现狗被杀了。 He found his dog killed .

* 看到电动玩具时,他高兴得叫了起来。

When he saw the video machine, he exclaimed with joy.

= (When) Seeing the video machine, he exclaimed with joy. ←意思清楚时,连接词可省。

* 虽然旅馆客满,我们还是设法弄到一个房间。

Though the hotel was crowded, we managed to find a room.

* 她吓呆了,都不知道该怎么办。

She stood amazed, and (she) did not know what to do.

* 老师站在黑板前,双臂交叉。

The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, and his arms were folded. = The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, his arms folded.

= The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, with his arms folded.

* 难怪你这么说。

You may well say so. = You might well say so.

(= You have good reasons to say so. = No wonder you say so.)

* 你最好不要鬼混了。

You may as well not fool around. = You might as well not fool around.

(= You had better not fool around.)

* 凡事知之不尽不如不知。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

* 你借钱给他等于丢到海里。

* 衣服穿上跟我走。Put on your clothes and come with me.

* 她总是穿着绿色衣服。She always wears green.

= She always dresses herself in green.

= She is always dressed in green.

= She is always in green.

* 我花了三天写了这封信。

I spent three days (in) writing this letter.

= I took three days to write this letter.

= It took me three days to write this letter.

* 我花了一百元买了这本书。

I spent one hundred dollars on this book.

= It cost me one hundred dollars to buy this book.

* 我们非常快乐。We are very happy.


托业考试技巧(总3页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

1.T O E I C(托业)听力与阅读考试 托业听力与阅读考试的内容取材于日常现实商务场景,直接体现应试者的 总共有四大题,100 小题。考生会听到各种各类英语的直述句、问句、短对话以及短独白,然后根据所听到的内容回答问题。听力的考试时间大约为 45 分钟。 第一大题:照片描述 10 题(四选一) 第二大题:应答问题 30 题(三选一) 第三大题:简短对话 30 道题(四选一) 第四大题:简短文章 30 题(四选一) 阅读考试 总共有三大题,100 小题。考生须阅读多种题材的文章,然后回答相关问题。考试时间为 75 分钟,考生可在时限内依自己能力调配阅读及答题速度。 第五大题:完成句子 40 题(四选一) 第六大题:短文填空 12 题(四选一) 第七大题:阅读理解 48 题(四选一) 2. TOEIC(托业)口语与写作考试 托业口语与写作考试直接衡量应试者的英语口语及写作能力,考试中出现的内容均为日常工作、生活场景中常用的表达方式与常见词汇。托业口语与写 第一大题:朗读 2 题 第二大题:图片描述 1 题 第三大题:回答问题 3 题 第四大题:使用提供的信息回答问题 3 题 第五大题:提供解决方案 1 题 第六大题:表达一个观点 1 题 写作考试 第一大题:根据图片造句 5 题 第二大题:回答问题 2 题 第三大题:议论文写作 1 题


LISTENING TEST部分 PART1 看图选择题 可以讲是最简单也最轻松的题目,图片的配备以及时间的充裕可以保证考试时候思维清晰。没有太难的表述,但是需要习惯一点就是严格按照听到的,绝对不可以想当然。有些图上的东西和听到的虽然一致,但是你却可能想成另一种情况。 PART2 选择最合适的答案 这部分题难度也不是很高,但是不能丝毫懈怠,思考的空隙就可能导致后面的题目跟不上,可以说想太多不好用。所以在做题的过程中最好能够记录部分关键内容,从而加快决定选项的速度,但考试不允许记录。 PART3 听一组对话做三个选择题 这部分的题型并不陌生,但是也可以说是托业听力考试的精华所在。作为对话,结合环境理解非常重要。对于每一段的时间必须掌握好,现看题目,然后注意听,迅速作答,做完一道题以后,趁叙述未结束,就要马上阅读下一题。这个过程必须讲求速度,同时要注意题目的转移,如果在阅读新题的时候错过了描述的开始则会十分麻烦。题目很多,想要完全保持注意力集中比较累,需要坚持。 PART4 听一段陈述做三个选择题 这部分情况与Part3类似,题型比较熟悉。作为陈述,要注意的是意思的准确性。但是做到这里,很可能会有疲惫感,丝毫的倦怠都会影响到做题的效率,和Part3一样,坚持就是胜利。 整个听力部分口音和语速的不同,会造成一定影响,但这个是听力考试的本质所在;EXAMPLE不是每部分都有,可能会造成误解,但是注意听就不会出错;整个听力部分时间很长,内容很多,需较长时间精力高度集中,对于考生是个考验;有地方写写划划绝对会有帮助,但是考试中不允许。 READING TEST部分 PART5 单项选择题 这部分涉及对语法以及词汇的考查,是我们从小到大做的最多的题目类型,做起来比较熟悉,但是题量大的情况下要注意速度。难度应该说并不比


英文简历万能句子 在竞争激烈的现代社会里,写好个人简历(curriculum vitae)是求职的一个重要手段。一般说来,简历是有关个人情况的简述,要求包括与所申请职业有关的所有细节。写英文简历没有一定的格式,你可以根据自己的实际情况来设计各部分的标题,下面是一些英文简历万能句子,欢迎大家参考阅读! 英文简历万能句子 1、A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play. 负责管理的职位,该职位将提供挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的进取精神及创造能力。 2、An executive assistant position utilizing interests,training and experience in office administration. 行政助理的职位,能运用办公室管理方面的兴趣,训练与经验。 3、A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing. 管理培训计划方面的职位。最终目标在参与市场管理层。 4、An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager

of marketing department. 销售方面的初级职位。最终目标:销售部门的经理。 5、A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field. 财务或投资领域需运用分析技巧的职务。 6、To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager. 从当会计见习开始,最后成为经理。 7、An entry-level position in an accounting environment,which ultimately leads to financial management. 会计部门的初级职务,最后能够管理财务。 8、A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of computer systems. 资料处理经理的职务,能保证我运用电脑系统的知识。 9、An entry-level position responsible for computer programming. 负责计算机程序设计的初级职务。 10、Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets. 高级管理人员的行政助理,将用上速记和打字技能。


2020 年托业考试词汇( TOEIC )难点总结 1 acrophobia 恐高症 Acro- 高;phobia- 恐惧 2 affiliate 支部 ; 分会 ; 子公司 3 aperitif 饭前酒 Aperient 泻药 4 appetizer 开胃菜 5 ASAP =as soon as possible 越快越好 6 baggage claim 行李提领处 7 banner 标语 ; 旗帜建筑物禁止 (ban) 贴标语 8 bill of lading 提货单 9 billiards 台球,撞球 Billion 和 Milliard 都是“十亿”的意思 10 boarding pass登机牌 11 bond 债券 12 brainstorm脑力激荡,集思广益 13 brochure 小册子Broke+“袖”,把袖子剪破就能够放小册子 14 buckle up 系安全带 15 buffet 自助餐 16 burglar 窃贼 ; 夜间入屋行窃的小偷Burgle- “不够”,盗贼永远都不会满足 17 buyout/buy out 买进全部产权或股权; 收购全部 18 checkout 结帐退房的时间check out 办理退房; 结帐离开

19 chef主厨;大厨注意读音有点像“学府”,现在连厨师都要 学历 20 choreography 舞蹈设计 ; 编舞 Chore 家务,芙蓉姐姐表演过个干家务活舞蹈 21 circular广告;传单;通告传单到处发太浪费,应该循环利用(circulate) 22 commitment 承诺 ; 许诺 23 concierge 管理员 ; 门房“看戏碍着”,去看戏忘了带票,被看门的拦着 24 consignee收件人;受托人 25 contagious接触传染的 26 contractor立契约人;承包商 27 convertible敞篷车,可改变的 28 conveyance运输;交通工具Convey搬运,传达 29 cost-effective 符合成本效益的 30 courier 递送急件的信差; 邮物专递公司Carrier 邮递员 31 crash landing 迫降 32 crave渴望“魁梧”,渴望长得很魁梧 33 cross-reference 前后参照;( 使) 前后参照 34 cruise 乘船游览 35 cuisine 烹调 36 curriculum vitae 履历Vita 个人简历,vitae 的单数形式


2020年托业考试(TOEIC)阅读高频词汇(一) adjust—— To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond修改=alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fit 修改 adjoining—— Neighboring; contiguous接临的=neighboring adaptation—— Something, such as a device or mechanism,that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation改装=modification acute—— Extremely sharp or severe; intense强烈的 =intense Keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating聪明的=sharp accustomed—— Being in the habit of习惯的=used to accumulate—— To gather or pile up; amass收集,堆集;积累=collect accompany—— To be or go with as a companion陪伴=travel with accompaniment—— Something, such as a situation, that accompanies something else; a concomitant伴随状况伴随发生的事物=attendant An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant伴随物伴随的事物或情况;伴随物 accommodate—— To provide for; supply with提供住处;供应 =lodge To provide with temporary quarters, especially for sleeping提供住处 acclaimed—— To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly; applauded喝彩地,赞赏地=praised


TOEIC托业词汇汇总(完整版) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicte 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.puncturalit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜Office matter(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.collegue 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包 13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机


https://www.doczj.com/doc/a117394415.html,/ 托业考试阅读水平提高技巧 一、首先要扩大阅读的范围 提高英语阅读的速度,靠的不是一日之功,通常需要相当长一段时间的学习及训练托业考试阅读水平提高技巧文章托业考试阅读水平提高,加强英文基础训练、掌握必要的测试技巧和鄙弃一些坏习惯,都会有助于考生们阅读文章是加快速度。 考试的阅读部分,测试考生的阅读速度和理解的精确度,考生们既不能为了在1小时的时间内答完考题而单一求快,也不能为了答题的准确性高而不得不放弃回答一些问题。 二、要提高阅读的速度 考试阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活,但对我们国内绝大多数考生而言会很陌生。这就要求考生们争取每天阅读一定量的原版英文报刊、书籍,如time、reader‘s digest等,尤其注意其中的各种各样的广告。并非要读懂每一个字,或完全理解,只要能理解其中大至含义既可。 另一部分类阅读中主要是关于历史中的重要人物、事件和发明和科学现象、学科最新动向、地理现象以及社会发展、经济状况等托业考试阅读水平提高技巧托业考试阅读水平提高技巧。其中大部分文章选自国外人文类、经济类和科学类的知名报纸、杂志或各政府、组织的研究报告。如:new scientist、financial times、the economist、popular science、national geographic、scientific american 等。这些刊物在国内虽然不易看到,但考生们可以通过internet在网上进行阅读,以熟悉它们的文风、常用的词汇和句子结构。


TOEIC — ClassifiedVocabularP gross 总 的 grossdomesticproduct(GDP) writeoff 注销, 取消 cashequivalents 现金等价物 TOEICVocabularP1 — 国内生产总值 asset 资产 AboutAcco unting sales 销售 liabilitP 负债 accountant n.会计(员),会计师 grossmarg in 毛禾U,总禾U 润 stockholder ' sequitP 股东资 CPA:CertifiedPublicAccou nta gen erala ndadm ini strativeeG 产 nt pense 一般管理费 currre ntasset/fiGedasset 流 动 audit n.审计,稽核, 查帐vt.稽核, operat ingin come 营业禾 U 润 资产/固定资产 旁听vi.查账auditor n.审计员, earning 收益 revenue 收入 contingencP n.偶然,可能性,意 核数师 eGpense 费用 外事故,可能发生的附带事件 finan cialstateme nts 财务 报表 pre-taG 税前 retain edear nings 剩余资金 in comestateme nt(P/L) 损益表 taGprovison 税金 offbalanee 不平衡,账外 profita ndloss bottomli ne 最终损益 undervalue 低估 balancesheet(B/S)资产平衡表 inventorP 库存 turnover 周转 cashflowstatement(C/S) 现 金 credit 信用 accrualbasis 发生制 流量表 acco un tsreceivable 应收账款 cashbasis 现金制 closethebook 结算表 accountspaPable 应付账款 consolidated 加固的;整理过的; cut-offdate 结算日 depreciation n.贬值,减价,跌落, 统一的 transaction 交易 折旧 taG-effect 征税效应 profit/loss 利益/损失 amortization n.摊销,摊还,分期 win dowdress ing n.橱窗装饰 net 净 偿付/偿还 TOEICVocabularP2 — AboutCompa nP public-heldcorporati on 上市 公司 smalltomediumcompa nies 中 小企业 momsa ndpops 家族企业 start-upcompa nP 初创企业 an gel 个人投资者 incubator n.培养的器具,孵卵器, 早产儿保育器 corporation 企业 enterprise 企 业 firm 公司 subsidiarP 子公司 affiliatecompa nP 关联企业 headquarters 总咅 E whollP-ow ned 全资的 branch 分部 arm 分店,子公司 pare ntcompa nP 父公司 holdi ngcompa nP 控股公司 con glomerate 联合体


学习托业英语,现在就101题至152在做题过程中的一些需要注意的问题以及自己在学习部分时的经验与大家一起分享: 我个人把该部分的题目总共分为8个板块,也就是8个类型的题目,只要在每道题做题的时刻能想到这是哪个板块的,我想,你离正确答案已经只有一步之遥: 1.固定搭配题:在这一类题目中,大家尽可能的多记忆一些最近几年考的 真题里的固定搭配,比如:be expected to do,in addition to +doing,be distributed/attributedto(p26-105),overcome difficulty,in conclusion,be responsible/eligible(p26-102) for,be likely to do,inform sb of sth,so/such….that,be aware of sth/doing sth,另外有一些后面连接doing 的名词: recommand,consider,mind,enjoy,giveup,avoid,putoff,finish,admite,advoc ate,stop,suggest,include,discontinue;另外一些常识比如介词后面必须 跟doingp26-101等。 2.指示代词类:这类词汇,你只需要明白,比如:her是形容词性指示代 词,它只用于修饰名词,如her book ,her studing hard;而hers是名词 性指示代词,它自身就可以看做一个名词,做名词的成分,如this book is hers;还有做宾语的代词:us,them等(p27-108);最后还有一个反身 代词,也就是。。。。自己,这种词多用于by oneself,还有do sth oneself. 3.缺成分:分为缺少名词,形容词,副词,动词:对于名词,很简单,只 需注意一下单复数,对于形容词,就要多留意一下,有些选项,只有 一个形容词就很好选,但是四个都是形容词时,就需要判断意思,还 有就是由分词(-ing、-ed)引申来的形容词,需要判断其主动被动 (p30-137);对于副词,也是同理(p29-128);最后是动词,因为他就是 句子的谓语,在这里多考一些单复数即可:and,but,or 必须保证前后 一致。 4.条件句:第一种是由介词+名词或者名词短语构成的条件句;第二种是由 分词(-ing,-ed)+sth,sb……,该结构考的很多,需要多留意分词与sb之 间的主动被动关系即可做题;第三种是直接由if ,provided,given等词 后面连接一个完整的句子(p27-113);第四种就是由with/without+名词 短语或者动名词短语。 5.让步的句子:even if/though……still 6.时态标识:完成时一般会有:since1963……,over3 months.等标志性词汇。 7.虚拟语态:在一些词如:request,suggest,necessary,essential等词后面引 导,后面为(should)+动词原形p27-107 8.根据意思作答,这种题目很少。


英文简历实用句型分享 英文简历实用句型分享 英文简历实用句型分享 英文简历的制作并不难。只要平常的时候多积累,下面是小编整理的关于英文简历实用句型,欢迎阅读收藏。 Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工

作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。 三周突破口语瓶颈 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的`人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的


TOEIC托业词汇汇总(完整版) 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicte 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.puncturalit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜 Office matter(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.collegue 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包

13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机 18.tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 19.typist 打字员 20.xerox 影印 二、Personner & Management 人事及管理 1.allocate 拨出;分配;配置 2.applicant 申请人 3.authorize 授权;委托 4.bonus 红利;额外津贴;奖金 5.capability 能力;才干;潜力;性能 6.collaboration 合作;通敌 7.consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议 8.curriculum vitae 履历 9.eligible 合格的,合适的 10.emplyer 雇主 11.executive 行政或管理人员 12.income 收入或所得 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a117394415.html,y off (暂时)解雇 14.occupation 职业 15.part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16.permanent 不变的,永久的 17.promote 升迁;促销 18.recruit 吸收;征募 19.resume 履历表 20.salary 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理 2 1.amateur 业余技术家;外行人;非专家 2.appoint 任命;指定 3.benefit 有益于;受益 4.candidate 候选人 5.certificate 凭证;证书 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a117394415.html,petent 有能力的,胜任的 7.coordinate 协调;调整 8.deadline 截至期限


Contents TOEIC Vocabulary-Ads for Job (1) TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement&Information (2) TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Letters (2) TOEIC Vocabulary-Contract (3) TOEIC Vocabulary-Invitation (4) TOEIC Vocabulary-Newspaper Article (4) TOEIC Vocabulary-Sports Match (5) TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistical Figures (6) TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistics Graph (7) TOEIC Vocabulary-Travel (8) TOEIC Vocabulary-TV&Radio (9) TOEIC Vocabulary-Weather Report (10)

TOEIC Vocabulary 1 -Ads for Job occupation 职位 vacancy 空位 business office 办公室 pay 待遇 leave 休假 head office 总公司 branch office 分公司 sales department 业务部 accounting department 会计部 promotion 升迁 demotion 降级 sign up 签雇用合约 dismissal 解雇 president 董事长 general manager 总经理 supervisor 总管 a letter of recommendation 推荐信 bonus 分红 commute 通勤 Applications must arrive no later than 申请函必须在……之前到达 Applications should be postmarked no latter than 申请函上邮戳在……之前有效 inflation-linked pay increase 通货膨胀连动型调薪 is considered 是可考虑得 is preferred 认为……比较好 is required 是必须的 is negotiable 是可商谈的 labor management 劳工管理 labor market 劳工市场 Master of Business Administration 工商管理学硕士 names of reference 保证人 opening 空缺 part-time position 兼职工作 prior experience 过去的经历 renewable for only once 仅可延长一次的合同 salary is competitive 高薪transit 中转 transportation 运输 the position is un-renewable 此职位无法延长(合同) short-listed applicants 初审合格者 inter-office memo 公司部便条 billboard告示牌 TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement & Information special offer 特卖 fare change 价格变动 arrival of a guest 贵宾来访 across-the-broad 全盘的 admission fee 入场费 air fare 航空费用 assembly 议会 attraction 吸引人之物 claim 主 collapse 瓦解 condition 条件、状况 current fare 现行价格 deficit-ridden 受举债之苦的 evidence 证据 explicitly 明确指出地 fare hike 价格波动 warrant 权限 fare reduction 降价 harbinger 预兆 implicitly 暗含的 inconclusively 味觉状态的 water rates 水费 provisional 暂时的=tentatively requirement 必要条件 reveal 损失,透露 room charge 住房费 scapegoat 替罪 TOEIC Vocabulary-Business


获得TOEIC高分的八个锦囊妙计 妙计一:提高整体的英语能力 有两种方法可助你提高toeic考试的成绩: ●了解toeic考试的题型和其它应试者采用的好的应试策略。 ●具有良好的英语能力(这需要一个长期的累积)。 本书中提供的这种循序渐进的读书,能帮你实现第一种提高成绩的方法。提高英语能力最好的方法其实就是尽可能随时随地地用它。可能的话,去上英语培训班。课堂以外的时间,尽量寻找机会说英语,特别是与英语为母语的人士交谈。阅读英文报纸和杂志,听电台里的英语新闻和英语脱口秀节目,参加英语讲座,看英文原版电影等。 妙计二:了解自身的优势和弱点,在自己欠缺的地方下功夫 你可能已经很清楚自己的英语在哪方面还需要提升,或者你也可能想通过本书中的「试题预览」来判断一下自己英语方面的弱点。那么在开始学习之前做一做这些试题预览吧。你是否觉得有一道或者几道题特别难?如果有,那么就把更多的时间和精力投入到对本书中与之相应的部分的学习中去吧。 妙计三:抓紧时间准备考试 参加一个诸如toeic这样重要的考试,就如同面对你生命中的一次挑战。你得进行大量的训练准备考试,而且必须是系统的训练。 在开始复习考试之前,准备一份时间表,计划好每个小时的学习内容。如果你每天或者每周有 3 、4 天都如此细致地制订复习计划,你的学习效率会比仅有个笼统的计划高得多。按照你制订的这个计划学习一周后,再根据需要把它适当地修改一下,然后就尽量遵照这个计划进行复习,要一直坚持到考试前的几天。到了这个时候,再复习时你的考试成绩也不会有多少影响了,此时你该做的最好就是去放松。 可能的话,专门为toeic安排一段时间,在这段时间里不做其它的功课,也不要被其它事情占用,只是专心复习备考toeic。 采用「 30 — 5 — 5 」法学习: ●首先,学习 30 分钟。 ●休息 5 分钟。离开课桌,做点别的事情。



TOEIC WORDS 一、办公室事宜Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定英[??p??ntm?nt] 美[??p??ntm?nt] n. 约会;任命;职务;职位约会;任命;预约;约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席英[??tend?ns] 美[??t?nd?ns] 3.cabinet 橱柜英[?k?b?n?t] 美[?k?b?n?t] n. 内阁;柜橱;(有特殊用途的)小房间;展览艺术品的小陈列室adj. 内阁的;秘密的;通常陈列于柜橱内的,可保存的;细木工制作的网络柜子;内阁;橱柜;柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历英[?k?l?nd?(r)] 美[?k?l?nd?] 5.clerk 办事员,书记英[klɑ:k] 美[kl?rk] 6.directory 人名住址薄[英] [di?rekt?ri][美] [d??r?kt?ri, da?-] 7.duplicate 复制;副本[ ?dju:plikit] [?djupl?k?t] 8.filing 归档英[?fa?l??] 美[?fa?l??] 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒tray –托盘 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪[?m?n?t?(r)] 美[?mɑn?t?(r)] n. 显示屏,屏幕;[计]显示器;监 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等)[pɑ:?t??n] participate 英[pɑ:?t?s?pe?t] 美[pɑr?t?s?pe?t] vi. 参加某事;分享某事vt. 得到或接受某部分东西网络分享;分担;参加;参与式 13.postage 邮费英[?p??st?d?] 美[?po?st?d? 14. punctuality 准时;守时英[?p??kt??'?l?t?] 美[?p??kt????l?t?] 15.schedule 时间表;计划表英[??edju:l] 美[?sked?ul] 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班英[??ft] 美[??ft] 17.staff 全体职员英[stɑ:f] 美[st?f] 18.strike 罢工英[stra?k] 美[stra?k]


T O E I C托业词汇汇总完 整版 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

TOEIC托业词汇汇总(完整版) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1)约会,约定 出席人数;出席 橱柜 日历;月历;行事历 办事员,书记 人名住址薄 复制;副本 归档 待处理文件盒 检测;监视;追踪 已处理文件盒 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 邮费 准时;守时 时间表;计划表 换班;轮班;值班 全体职员 罢工 工作,任务 force 工作人员;劳动人口

办公室事宜 Office matter(2) 分配;工作,分派 公报;告示;定期报告书 计算器 copy 用复写纸复制的副本 同事,同僚 文件,证件 分机(电话);延期 对讲机 便条;便笺;备忘录 接线生 加班的时间 作品夹,公事包 matter 印刷品 接待员 秘书 速记,速记法 订书机 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 打字员 影印 二、Personner & Management 人事及管理

拨出;分配;配置 申请人 授权;委托 红利;额外津贴;奖金 能力;才干;潜力;性能 合作;通敌 咨询;商量;商议;会议 vitae 履历 合格的,合适的 雇主 行政或管理人员 收入或所得 off (暂时)解雇 职业 兼任的;兼职的 不变的,永久的 升迁;促销 吸收;征募 履历表 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理 2 业余技术家;外行人;非专家

任命;指定 有益于;受益 候选人 凭证;证书 有能力的,胜任的 协调;调整 截至期限 受雇者 评价;估价 专门技术或知识 会面;面谈 生手;新手;初学者 超时 养老金;退休金 全体人员;人事部门 推荐;推荐书;劝告 辞职 退休 代理人;代用品 三.Business Development 业务拓展(1)产生;增加 获得;习得


托业考试复习学习计划 本文适用于低分飘过六级的同志们如果你没过六级,下面的学习方法你更要看,要花更多的时间!如果你高分过六级,那就直接去考吧!和BEC相比,托业难度不高,主要是要保持对英语的感觉,做题的速度。下面来看看上其他考生推荐大家一些复习书目吧。 托业考试复习学习计划 一、Part1,2,3,4 英语听力,一直是考生的痛,所以听力不好的同学需要再这方面花较多的时间。推荐人大的《新托业听力详解及实战试题》和机械出版社的《新托业全真题库part1,2,3,4》总体感觉2个难度差不多,可能后者有2套相对简单,但和真实考试相比这2本肯定要难。我自己一开始都错30个左右的,所以大家一开始错多了不要灰心,慢慢练,练到一定量自然会有所提高,练到做后我大概依然要错15个左右。真实考试绝对要比这2套简单,这2套错了15个以内的话,真实考试不出意外的话10个以内,甚至更少绝对没有问题。 我看了很多经验贴,发现很多都推荐《新托业全真题库part1,2,3,4》里最后的19天背诵,本人也听了,但感觉效果并没有想象中大,但可以肯定的是对第一,二部分是有提高的,尤其是第一部分,所以有时间的话大家还是可以听一下的。

二、Part5,6 本人用的是人大的《新托业语法和词汇解及实战试题》,这本书开始和最后以及每章练习结束都有总结,很好的概括了相当多的基础语法和些许托业考试中的常用词汇,对于语法不是很好的同学有很好的帮助。这本书分成基础和高分篇,个人推荐基础篇做就行了,因为高分篇个人感觉就是提高了句子中词汇的难度,和注重实际运用的托业考试难度不符。词汇方面4,6级单词再加上我括号里提供的附件,绝对足够。 三、Part7 推荐《新托业全真题库part7》一共才7天的量,难度和真实考试相近。对于我们这种应试教育而言,阅读本来就应该是强项,适当的训练就足够了,没必要做太多。但还是要稍微训练下,来提高速度,其实我觉得大部分过了6级的同学本身已经就具备这种速度了,只是要做一些来习惯下而已。 我做了标准卷和托业模考上的3套题。必做标准卷,一共才2套,和真实难度相近。至于模考上,那3套总体感觉也和真实考试难度相差不多,大家可以买一套试试,对于熟悉环境还是有帮助的。 不推荐: superb2的听力口音和真实考试的朗读者相差甚远,所


还在为英文简历找不到合适的字、词、句而头疼吗?? 赶紧看看这些万能评语吧!! 1. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 2.Initiative,independent and good communication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 3.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 4.Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 5.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 6.Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 7.Mature,dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 8.Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。 9.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 10.A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。


托业(TOEIC)流利口语基本词–名词词汇 第二部分、常用名词词汇 General Nouns (1-100) 1.account I have an account with the bank. 我在银行开有户头。 He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他对西班牙语文的知识。 Don’t stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,不要离开。 2.act Don’t take him seri ously --- it’s just an act. 不要把他看得太认真――― 他只是假装那样而已。 In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。 3.addition They’ve just had an addition to the family. 他们家里刚又增加一口。 4.adjustment They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 为了达到目标,他们调整了人员。

5. advertisement Advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于销路。 6. agreement I’m quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所说的话。 7. air My plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。 Radio Beijing is on the air 24 hours a day. 北京电台全天24小时广播。 8. amount There is still quite an amount of prejudice against him. 人们对他尚有很大的偏见。 He has any amount of money. 他的钱不可数计。 9. amusement He looked at me in amusement. 他很感兴趣地望着我。 There are plenty of amusements here – cinemas, theatres, concerts, football matches, and so on. 这里有许多娱乐-电影院、戏院、音乐会、足球比赛等。 10. animal animal desires 肉欲

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