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OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification


0.1 About the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides system architects working on object analysis and design with one consistent language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling.

This specification represents the convergence of best practices in the object-technology industry. UML is the proper successor to the object modeling languages of three previously leading object-oriented methods (Booch, OMT, and OOSE). The UML is the union of these modeling languages and more, since it includes additional expressiveness to handle modeling problems that these methods did not fully address.

One of the primary goals of UML is to advance the state of the industry by enabling object visual modeling tool interoperability. However, in order to enable meaningful exchange of model information between tools, agreement on semantics and notation is required. UML meets

the following requirements:

? Formal definition of a common object analysis and design (OA&D) metamodel to represent the semantics of OA&D models, which include static models, behavioral models, usage models, and architectural models.

?IDL specifications for mechanisms for model interchange between OA&D tools. This document includes a set of IDL interfaces that support dynamic construction and traversal of a user model.

? A human-readable notation for representing OA&D models. This document defines the

UML notation, an elegant graphic syntax for consistently expressing the UML’s rich semantics. Notation is an essential part of OA&D modeling and the UML.

0.2 About the Object Management Group (OMG)

The Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG) is an international organization supported by over 800 members, including information system vendors, software developers and users. Founded in 1989, the OMG promotes the theory and practice of object-oriented technology in software development. The organization's charter includes the establishment of industry guidelines and object management specifications to provide a common framework for application development. Primary goals are the reusability, portability, and interoperability of object-based software in distributed, heterogeneous environments. Conformance to these specifications will make it possible to develop a heterogeneous applications environment across all major hardware platforms and operating systems.

OMG's objectives are to foster the growth of object technology and influence its direction by establishing the Object Management Architecture (OMA). The OMA provides the conceptual infrastructure upon which all OMG specifications are based.

Contact the Object Management Group, Inc. at:

OMG Headquarters

492 Old Connecticut Path

Framingham, MA 01701


Tel: +1-508-820 4300

Fax: +1-508-820 4303



OMG’s adoption of the UML specification reduces the degree of confusion within the industry surrounding modeling languages. It settles unproductive arguments about method

notations and model interchange mechanisms and allows the industry to focus on higher leverage, more productive activities. Additionally, it enables semantic interchange between visual modeling tools.

0.3 About This Document

This document is intended primarily as a precise and self-consistent definition of the UML’s semantics and notation. The primary audience of this document consists of the Object Management Group, standards organizations, book authors, trainers, and tool builders. The authors assume familiarity with object-oriented analysis and design methods. The document is

not written as an introductory text on building object models for complex systems, although it

could be used in conjunction with other materials or instruction. The document will become more approachable to a broader audience as additional books, training courses, and tools that apply to UML become available.

The Unified Modeling Language specification defines compliance to the UML, covers the architectural alignment with other technologies, and is comprised of the following topics: UML Summary (Chapter 1) - provides an introduction to the UML, discussing motivation and history.

UML Semantics (Chapter 2) - defines the semantics of the Unified Modeling Language. The UML is layered architecturally and organized by packages. Within each package, the model elements are defined in the following terms:

UML Notation Guide (Chapter 3) - specifies the graphic syntax for expressing the semantics described by the UML metamodel. Consequently, the UML Notation Guide’s chapter should be read in conjunction with the UML Semantics chapter.

UML Standard Profiles (Chapter 4) - defines the UML Profile for Software Development Processes and the UML Profile for Business Modeling.

UML CORBAfacility Interface Definition (Chapter 5) - uses CORBA IDL to specify a repository that enables the creation, storage and manipulation of UML models.

UML XMI DTD Specification (Chapter 6) - uses XML DTD to define a physical mechanism for interchanging UML models that conform to the UML metamodel.

Object Constraint Language Specification (Chapter 7) - defines the Object Constraint Language (OCL) syntax, semantics, and grammar. All OCL features are described in terms of concepts defined in the UML Semantics.

In addition, there is appendix of Standard Elements that defines standard stereotypes, constraints and tagged values for UML, and a glossary of terms.

0.3.1 Dependencies Between Chapters

UML Semantics (Chapter 2) can stand on its own, relative to the others, with the exception of the OCL Specification. The semantics depends upon OCL for the specification of its wellformedness rules.

The UML Notation Guide, UML CORBAfacility Interface Definition and UML XMI

DTD Specification all depend on the UML Semantics. Specifying these as separate standards will permit their evolution in the most flexible way, even though they are not completely independent.

The specifications in the UML Standard Profiles depend on both the notation and semantics chapters.

1. Abstract syntax UML class diagrams are used to present the UML metamodel, its concepts (metaclasses), relationships, and constraints. Definitions of the concepts are included.

2. Well-formedness rules The rules and constraints on valid models are defined. The rules are expressed in English prose and in a precise Object Constraint Language (OCL). OCL is a specification language that uses logic for specifying invariant properties of systems comprising sets and relationships between sets.

3. Semantics The semantics of model usage are described in English prose.

0.4 Compliance to the UML

The UML and corresponding facility interface definition are comprehensive. However, these specifications are packaged so that subsets of the UML and facility can be implemented without breaking the integrity of the language. The UML Semantics is packaged as follows:


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基于COCA语料库和CCL语料库的翻译教学探索 南京大学 常熟理工学院 朱晓敏 提 要:从上世纪80年代起,作为一种研究语言现象和语言本质的新模式,语料库语言学取得了令人鼓舞的成就。语料库已经渗透到语言研究的各个领域。翻译研究领域里使用的语料库多为双语平行语料库和翻译语料库。单语语料库与翻译研究相结合,尤其是与翻译教学相结合,是一个鲜有人探索的未知领域。在课堂上使用可以免费获取的美国杨百翰大学的英语单语语料库(CO CA语料库)和北京大学汉语语言学研究中心的汉语单语语料库(CCL语料库)能改变传统翻译教学模式,为翻译教学的改革提供借鉴。 关键词:语料库,COCA,CCL,翻译教学 一、引言 作为一个新的研究领域,一种全新的探究语言现象和语言本质的方法,语料库语言学在上世纪80年代得到了蓬勃的发展。韩礼德(1993:24)曾指出: 语料库语言学将数据收集与理论论述有机地结合在一起,使我们对语言的理解发生了质的变化(转引自王克非,2004:4)。 根据收集语料的语言种类,语料库可分为单语语料库(monolingual corpus)和双语/多语语料库(bilingual/multilingual corpora)。前者仅采用一种语言的语料,通过大量收集本族语者的语言实例而建成;而后者是由两种或两种以上的语言文本构成的语料库,它可以有对应/平行的、类比的和翻译的三种形式。 单语语料库的研发历史要追溯到上世纪50年代末,由夸克等人在伦敦大学率先建立起现代意义上的语料库,即 英语用法调查(Survey of English Usage)。到目前为止,比较大型的英语单语语料库有BNC英国国家语料库,CBECobuild 英语库,Brow n布朗语料库,美国杨百翰大学M ark Davis教授主持的美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English,简称COCA语料库),汉语的有北京大学汉语语言学研究中心的CCL汉语语料库等。国际上双语/多语语料库在近十几年得到了长足的发展,比较早的双语语料库有20世纪90年代早期建立的英语-挪威语双语平行语料库和英语-意大利语双语平行语料库,以及后来建立的英语和德语,英语和法语等双语语料库。国内目前规模最大的汉英双语语料库是北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心近年建成的达3000万字词的通用汉英语料库。国际上多语语料库有T he ECI M ultilingual Corpus多语种语料库(The ECI M ultilingual Corpus,简称IECI/M CI),近1亿字,包含了欧洲主要的语言及土耳其语、日语,俄语、汉语和马来语。而国内目前多语语料库的研究开发还是空白。 二、传统翻译教学面临的挑战与改革的出路 我国传统的翻译教学模式,即 理论讲解!举例验证!结论巩固,曾经为我国培养了一批优秀的翻译人才,他们中的很多人仍然是现在翻译行业的主力军。他们拥有扎实的中、英文功底和孜孜不倦的翻译探索精神。进入21世纪以来,信息技术迅猛发展,知识更新速度加快,传统的翻译教学难以适应新的挑战。从学生对课堂教学的反馈和专业八级考试中翻译部分的得分来看,传统翻译教学存在以下三个方面的问题:首先,翻译教学观念比较陈旧,课堂教学以教师讲述为主,学生听记为辅。学生只记得了抽象的翻译技巧,其实际的翻译能力并没有得到发展。其次,讲授的内容受教材限制,例句少且多为人造语境,学生感觉枯燥,难以提高学生的翻译能力。最后,课堂信息输入量小。 粉笔+黑板+教材+课后翻译练习的单一的教学方法导致课堂容量小,节奏缓慢。要改变以上现状,就要 实现翻译课程结构的科学化,扩大课堂教学的信息输入量,让学生在教师提 本文是南京大学2009年博士研究生科研创新基金课题 基于网络的英汉/汉英平行语料对自动获取(项目编号2010CW02)的前期研究成果。感谢匿名评审人员的宝贵意见。文责自负。


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?PC personal computer 个人计算机 ?IBM International Business Machine 美国国际商用机器公司的公司简称,是最早推出的个人 计算机品牌。 ?Intel 美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称。 ?Pentium Intel公司生产的586 CPU芯片,中文译名为“奔腾”。 ?Address地址 ?Agents代理 ?Analog signals模拟信号 ?Applets程序 ?Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口 ?Attachment附件 ?Access time存取时间 ?access存取 ?accuracy准确性 ?ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件 ?Add-ons 插件 ?Active-matrix主动矩阵 ?Adapter cards适配卡 ?Advanced application高级应用 ?Analytical graph分析图表 ?Analyze分析 ?Animations动画 ?Application software 应用软件 ?Arithmetic operations算术运算 ?Audio-output device音频输出设备 ?Basic application基础程序 ?Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案 ?Binary system二进制系统 ?Bit比特 ?Browser浏览器 ?Bus line总线 ?Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元 ?Business-to-consumer企业对消费者 ?Bar code条形码 ?Bar code reader条形码读卡器 ?Bus总线 ?Bandwidth带宽 ?Bluetooth蓝牙 ?Broadband宽带 ?Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务 ?cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序 ?cookies信息记录程序


微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE,它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。 Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。集成的调试工作既作为一个源代码级调试器又可以作为一台机器级调试器。其他内置工具包括一个窗体设计的GUI应用程序,网页设计师,类设计师,数据库架构设计师。它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。 Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab16678919.html,(通过Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab16678919.html,),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。它也支持的 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScript和CSS.为特定用户提供服务的Visual Studio也是存在的:微软Visual Basic,Visual J#、Visual C#和Visual C++。 微软提供了“直通车”的Visual Studio 2010组件的Visual Basic和Visual C#和Visual C + +,和Visual Web Developer版本,不需任何费用。Visual Studio 2010、2008年和2005专业版,以及Visual Studio 2005的特定语言版本(Visual Basic、C++、C#、J#),通过微软的下载DreamSpark计划,对学生免费。 2架构 Visual Studio不支持任何编程语言,解决方案或工具本质。相反,它允许插入各种功能。特定的功能是作为一个VS压缩包的代码。安装时,这个功能可以从服务器得到。IDE提供三项服务:SVsSolution,它提供了能够列举的项目和解决方案; SVsUIShell,它提供了窗口和用户界面功能(包括标签,工具栏和工具窗口)和SVsShell,它处理VS压缩包的注册。此外,IDE还可以负责协调和服务之间实现通信。所有的编辑器,设计器,项目类型和其他工具都是VS压缩包存在。Visual Studio 使用COM访问VSPackage。在Visual Studio SDK中还包括了管理软件包框架(MPF),这是一套管理的允许在写的CLI兼容的语言的任何围绕COM的接口。然而,MPF并不提供所有的Visual Studio COM 功能。


适合朗诵的外国诗歌英语带翻译 诗歌以抒情方式高度凝练集中地反映社会生活,用丰富的想象,富有节奏感韵律美的语言和分行排列的形式来抒发思想情感。下面是为大家带来适合朗诵的外国诗歌英语带翻译,希望大家喜欢! 适合朗诵的外国诗歌:雨天 The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary; It rains and the wind is never weary; My though still cling to the moldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still,sad heart!And cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. 天冷、阴暗、沉闷;


外文文献翻译(译成中文2000字左右): As research laboratories become more automated,new problems are arising for laboratory managers.Rarely does a laboratory purchase all of its automation from a single equipment vendor. As a result,managers are forced to spend money training their users on numerous different software packages while purchasing support contracts for each. This suggests a problem of scalability. In the ideal world,managers could use the same software package to control systems of any size; from single instruments such as pipettors or readers to large robotic systems with up to hundreds of instruments. If such a software package existed, managers would only have to train users on one platform and would be able to source software support from a single vendor. If automation software is written to be scalable, it must also be flexible. Having a platform that can control systems of any size is far less valuable if the end user cannot control every device type they need to use. Similarly, if the software cannot connect to the customer’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) database,it is of limited usefulness. The ideal automation software platform must therefore have an open architecture to provide such connectivity. Two strong reasons to automate a laboratory are increased throughput and improved robustness. It does not make sense to purchase high-speed automation if the controlling software does not maximize throughput of the system. The ideal automation software, therefore, would make use of redundant devices in the system to increase throughput. For example, let us assume that a plate-reading step is the slowest task in a given method. It would make that if the system operator connected another identical reader into the system, the controller software should be able to use both readers, cutting the total throughput time of the reading step in half. While resource pooling provides a clear throughput advantage, it can also be used to make the system more robust. For example, if one of the two readers were to experience some sort of error, the controlling software should be smart enough to route all samples to the working reader without taking the entire system offline. Now that one embodiment of an ideal automation control platform has been described let us see how the use of C++ helps achieving this ideal possible. DISCUSSION C++: An Object-Oriented Language Developed in 1983 by BjarneStroustrup of Bell Labs,C++ helped propel the concept of object-oriented programming into the mainstream.The term ‘‘object-oriented programming language’’ is a familiar phrase that has been in use for decades. But what does it mean? And why is it relevant for automation software? Essentially, a language that is object-oriented provides three important programming mechanisms:


CHAPTER 1 1、A common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies is b. information technology 一个描述了传统的计算机和通信技术结合的常见的术语 B.信息技术 2、Procedures are typically documented in manuals written by b. computer specialists 程序一般是___在手册撰写记录的 B.计算机专家 3、Which of the following is an example of connectivity? a. Internet 下列哪一项是连接的一个例子吗? A.互联网 4、Windows XP, windows Vista, and Macintosh OS X are all examples of b. operating systems Windows XP,Windows Vista,和Macintosh OS X都是__的例子 B.操作系统 5、Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare. d. supercomputers 由于它们的尺寸和成本,这些电脑是比较少见的。 D.超级计算机 6、The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called the d. microprocessor 系统组成,控制和操纵数据来产生信息称为 D.微处理器 7、A system component that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) c. output device 一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为 C.输出设备 8、A CD is an example of a(n) c. optical disc CD是___的简称 C.光盘 9、If you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software. d. presentation 如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。 D.演示 10、Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. d. wireless


专业外文翻译 题目JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties 系(院)计算机系 专业计算机科学与技术 班级 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称讲师 二〇一三年五月十六日

JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties The JSP (Java Server Pages) technology is used by the Sun micro-system issued by the company to develop dynamic Web application technology. With its easy, cross-platform, in many dynamic Web application programming languages, in a short span of a few years, has formed a complete set of standards, and widely used in electronic commerce, etc. In China, the JSP now also got more extensive attention; get a good development, more and more dynamic website to JSP technology. The related technologies of JSP are briefly introduced. The JSP a simple technology can quickly and with the method of generating Web pages. Use the JSP technology Web page can be easily display dynamic content. The JSP technology are designed to make the construction based on Web applications easier and efficient, and these applications and various Web server, application server, the browser and development tools work together. The JSP technology isn't the only dynamic web technology, also not the first one, in the JSP technology existed before the emergence of several excellent dynamic web technologies, such as CGI, ASP, etc. With the introduction of these technologies under dynamic web technology, the development and the JSP. Technical JSP the development background and development history In web brief history, from a world wide web that most of the network information static on stock transactions evolution to acquisition of an operation and infrastructure. In a variety of applications, may be used for based on Web client, look no restrictions. Based on the browser client applications than traditional based on client/server applications has several advantages. These benefits include almost no limit client access and extremely simplified application deployment and management (to update an application, management personnel only need to change the program on a server, not thousands of installation in client applications). So, the software industry is rapidly to build on the client browser multilayer application. The rapid growth of exquisite based Web application requirements development of


1.2 总线互连 总线是连接两个或多个设备的通信通路。总线的关键特征是,它是一条共享传输介质。多个设备连接到总线上,任一个设备发出的信号可以为其他所有连接到总线上的设备所接收。如果两个设备同时传送,它们的信号将会重叠,引起混淆。因此,一次只能有一个设备成功地(利用总线)发送数据。 典型的情况是,总线由多条通信通路或线路组成,每条线(路)能够传送代表二进制1和0的信号。一段时间里,一条线能传送一串二进制数字。总线的几条线放在一起能同时并行传送二进制数字。例如, 一个8位的数据能在8条总线线上传送。 计算机系统包含有多种不同的总线,它们在计算机系统层次结构的各个层次提供部件之间的通路。连接主要计算机部件(处理机, 存储器, I/O)的总线称为系统总线。系统总线通常由50~100条分立的(导)线组成。每条线被赋予一个特定的含义或功能。虽然有许多不同的总线设计,但任何总线上的线都可以分成三个功能组:数据线、地址线和控制线。此外可能还有为连接的模块提供电源的电源线。 数据线提供系统模块间传送数据的路径,这些线组合在一起称为数据总线。典型的数据总线包含8、16或32根线,线的数量称为数据总线的宽度。因为每条线每次传送1位,所以线的数目决定了每次能同时传送多少位。数据总线的宽度是决定系统总体性能的关键因素。 地址线用于指定数据总线上数据的来源和去向。例如,如果处理机希望从存储器中读一个字的数据,它将所需要字的地址放在地址线上。显然,地址总线的宽度决定了系统最大可能的存储器容量。 控制线用来控制对数据线和地址线的访问和使用。由于数据线和地址线被所有部件共享,因此必须用一种方法来控制它们的使用。控制信号在系统模块之间传送命令和定时信息。定时信息指定了数据和地址信息的有效性,命令信号指定了要执行的操作。 大多数计算机系统使用多总线,这些总线通常设计成层次结构。图1.3显示了一个典型的高性能体系结构。一条局部总线把处理机连接到高速缓存控制器,而高速缓存控制器又连接到支持主存储器的系统总线上。高速缓存控制器集成到连接高速总线的桥中。这一总线支持连接到:高速LAN、视频和图形工作站控制器,以及包括SCSI 和FireWire的局部外设总线的接口控制器。低速设备仍然由分开的扩充总线支持,用一个接口来缓冲该扩充总线和高速总线之间的通信流量。 PCI 外部设备互连是流行的高带宽的、独立于处理机的总线,它能够作为中间层或外围设备总线。当前的标准允许在66MHz频率下使用多达64根数据线,其原始传输速率为528MB/s, 或4.224Gbps。PCI被设计成支持各种各样基于微处理机的配置,包括单处理机和多处理机的系统。因此,它提供了一组通用的功能。PCI使用同步时序以及集中式仲裁方案。 在多处理机系统中,一个或多个PCI配置可通过桥接器连接到处理机的系统总线上。系统总线只支持处理机/高速缓存单元、主存储器以及PCI桥接器。使用桥接器使得PCI独立于处理机速度,又提供快速接收和传送数据的能力。 2.1 光存储介质:高密度存储器 2.1.1 光盘 光盘技术最终可能使磁盘和磁带存储淘汰。用这种技术,磁存储器所用的读/写头被两束激光代替。一束激光通过在光盘上刻制微小的凹点,对记录表面进行写;而另一束激光用来从光敏感的记录表面读取数据。由于光束容易被偏转到光盘上所需要的位置,所以不需要存取臂。 对用户而言,光盘正成为最有吸引力的选择。它们(光盘)对环境变化不太敏感,并且它们以每兆字节比磁盘低得多的存储器价格提供更多的直接存取存储器。光盘技术仍在出现,并且还需要稳定;然而,目前有三种主要类型的光盘。它们是CD-ROM、WORM盘和磁光盘。 CD-ROM 1980年引入的,非常成功的CD,或紧密盘是设计来提高音乐的录音重放质量的光盘。为了制作一张CD,把音乐的模拟声音转换成等价的数字声音,并且存储在一张4.72英寸的光盘上。在每张光盘上可以用数字格式(用20亿数字位)记录74分钟的音乐。因为它的巨大存储容量,计算机工业的企业家们立刻认


有关英语短文朗诵及翻译英语朗诵短文13分钟 朗读是一种传统的语言学习方法,又为新的语言学习方法所包容。在外语学习领域,朗读仍然具有极大的应用价值。了有关英语短文及翻译,欢迎阅读! The job as an interpreter is not the easy work in people’s eyes, only these excellent students can stand out and work on it. The translation between languages needs to master at least two kinds of languages, it seems that mixed blood are suitable to be interpreters, while the fact is not true. 翻译员的工作在人们的眼里不是一份简单的工作,只有这些优 秀的学生才能脱颖而出从事这一行业。语言之间的翻译需要掌握至少两种语言,似乎,混血儿是合适的译员,而事实并非如此。 We are barely see mixed blood interpreters, because though they can speak two languages, most of them don’t learn the culture deeply, so it is hard for them to do the translation work formally. The advantage of mixed blood is that they can speak the languages well than others, but the translation work needs to be trained and master the culture background.


计算机专业外文文献及翻译 微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的软软软境~可以用软建来平台下的 Visual Studio Visual StudioWindows 软用程序和软软用程序~也可以用软建软服软、智能软软软用程序和网来网 插件。WindowsOffice Visual 是一自微软的个来集成软软软境;,~可以用软软由它来微StudioIDEinteqrated development environment软软窗~软手机窗~、框架、精软架框和微软的支持的控制台和软Windows https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab16678919.html,Silverlight 形用软界面的软用程序以及窗体软用程序~站网~软用程序和软服软网中的本地代软软同托管WindowsWeb 代软。 包含一由个智能感知和代软重构支持的代软软软器。集成的软软工作作软一源代软软软既个Visual Studio 软器又可以作软一台机器软软软器。其他置工具包括一软软内个窗体的软用程序~软软软软~软软软软~网数据软架GUI 构软软软。有乎各软面的件增强功能~包括增加软支持它几个插源代软控制系软;如和SubversionVisual ,添加新的工具集软软和可软化软软器~如并特定于域的软言或用于其他方面的软件软软生命周期SourceSafe 的工具;例如的客软端,软软软源管理器,。Team Foundation Server

支持不同的软程软言的服软方式的软言~允软代软软软器和软软器;在不同程 度上,支持它Visual Studio 几乎所有的软程软言~提供了一软言特定服软的存在。置的软言中包括个内中;通软C/C + +Visual C+,;通软,~,中;通软,,和,;作软+,https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab16678919.html,Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/ab16678919.html,CVisual CFVisual Studio ,~软支持其他软言~如和等~可通软安软的软言服软。软也支持装独它的2010M,Python,Ruby 和软特定用软提供服软的也是存在的,微 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScriptCSS.Visual Studio软~,、,和。Visual BasicVisual JVisual CVisual C++ 微软提供了“直通软”的软件的和,和~Visual Studio 2010Visual BasicVisual CVisual C + +和版本~不需任何软用。、年和软软版~以及Visual Web DeveloperVisual Studio 201020082005 的特定软言版本;、、,、,,~通软微软的下软Visual Studio 2005Visual BasicC++CJ 软~软生免软。划学DreamSpark 2架构 不支持任何软程软言~解方案或工具本软。相反~允软入各软功能。特定的功决它插Visual Studio 能是作软一个软软包的代软。安软~软功能可以服软器得到。装个从提供三软服软,~VSIDESVsSolution它决提供了能软列软的软目和解方案~提供了口和用软界面功能;包括软软~工具软和工它窗; SVsUIShell 具口,和窗~软理它软软包的注。此外~册软可以软软软软和服软之软软软通信。所有的软软器~SVsShellVSIDE


计算机专业英语翻译 1.1细看处理器与主存储器 我们已经了解到所有计算机有类似的能力且能执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能比其他的快。我们知道电脑系统有输入、输出、仓储、加工的元件,还知道处理器是计算机系统的“智能”部分,并且知道一个简单的计算机系统可以有几个处理器。我们已经讨论了在电脑系统中数据以被称作位的电子状态来表示。我们现在准备阐释计算机系统核心的内部活动——处理器。 电脑的内部操作很有趣,但真的没有什么奥秘的事。这种神秘性存在于那些道听途说和相信科幻作家的人心中。计算机是不会思考的电子设备,它必须插入电源,就像一台烤面包机或一盏灯。 毫不夸张地讲,市场上有几百种不同类型的计算机在销售。每种类型可能都很复杂,但每个处理器,有时被称为中央处理器或者说CPU,只有两个基本部分:控制单元,算术和逻辑单元。主存储器在处理器的内部发挥着重要作用。这三个——主存、控制单元,算术和逻辑单元——一起工作。让我们来看看他们之间的功能和联系。 与磁辅助存储设备,如磁带、磁盘相比,主存没有移动部件。没有机械的运动,数据可以以电子的速度被存取访问,接近光速。今天大多数电脑的主存使用 DRAM(动态随机访问存储器)技术。先进的DRAM芯片大约有1/8邮票那么大,大约可以储存256,000万位或多于25,600,000字符的数据。 主存储器,或者主存,提供给处理器的程序和数据暂时的存储。在可执行程序或数据 本材料版权归八舍109所有,任何人以任何形式使用请自觉支付版税~

可以被处理之前,所有的程序和数据必须被从输入设备(如VDT)或从辅助存储(如磁盘)转移到主存储器。主要的存储空间总是很少;因此,在一个程序被执行后,它占领的储藏空间会被重新分配给另一个等待执行的程序。 图1 - 1说明了所有的输入/输出(I / O)“读”或“用”主要的存储。图中(输入)探讨是在VDT上。消息被查询的形式,是通过一个渠道到主存储器(如同轴电缆)。消息被解释,处理机从辅助存储设备取出所需的程序和数据。程序和数据被“装好”,或移动,从辅助存储器到主存储器。这是一个无损阅读过程。也就是说,程序和数据被从主要存储器(暂时的)和辅助存储器(永久)中读取。数据根据程序指令被操作,报告被从主存储器写入到打印机。 一个程序指令或一块数据保存在的特定的主存单元被称为地址。地址允许程序指令和数据被存储,访问和加工。每一个地址的内容随着不同程序的执行和新的数据的处理是不断变化的。 主存储器的另一个名字是随机存取存储器,或RAM。一种特殊类型的主存储器,称为只读存储器(ROM),不能被程序员改写。ROM的内容被制造商作为“只读”所固化,设计在芯片的逻辑上,。当你打开微机系统,一个ROM中的程序自动启动计算机系统。然后ROM程序初步显示屏幕提示。 ROM的一种变种是可编程的只读存储器(PROM)。RPOM是让用户能装载“只读”的程序和数据的ROM。一旦一个程序被加载到PROM,它简直从不改变。然而,如果你本材料版权归八舍109所有,任何人以任何形式使用请自觉支付版税~ 需要能够修改内容的PROM,有EPROM,可擦写的PROM。在写操作之前,所有的储存单元必须被删除到同样的初始状态。 一个更具有吸引力的形式的主读存储器是电可擦可编程只读存储器(EEPROM)。在任何时候都可以写入,不需擦除原先内容,且只是更新寻址到的字节或多个字节。


计算机专业毕业论文文献翻译资料附录一 Compared to multi-threaded operating system, means is that it can run a program with the ability of different parts; each part of the implementation was as a thread. Therefore, in the preparation of applications, we have very good design in order to avoid the implementation of the different threads of mutual interference. Which will help us to design robust procedures, we can make at any time when necessary to add the thread. Thread can be described as a micro-process; it has a starting point for the implementation of the order of series and a destination. It is responsible for the maintenance of its own stack, the stack for exception handling, priority scheduling and a number of other threading systems re-implementation of the information needed. From this concept, it seems there is no thread with the process of distinction, in fact, thread and process is certainly different: the process of a complete independence to have their own memory space and data, but the same thread within a process is shared memory space and data. Corresponds to a process for some procedures, it is by the same procedure in which an independent threads running at the same time the composition. Thread is sometimes referred to as parallel program running on lightweight processes, threads are lightweight processes called because it is dependent on the operation

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