当前位置:文档之家› 译林牛津版小学六年级下册英语阅读理解练习题及答案






Bill Gates is the most important man in the software and computer business. He was born on October 28th. 1955. He grew up in Seattle in the United States. His father. William, was a lawyer. His mother, Mary, was .a teacher. Bill Gates became interested in software and began writing programs at the age of 13. In 1973, Bill Gates went to Harvard University. In the same year, he developed a programming language called BASIC for the first personal computer. In 1975, he began his company Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen Microsoft developed a lot of new programs. These programs made computer easier to use. His company has now become the leader in the software industry all over the world. Bill Gates has also become famous all over the world.

(1)Bill Gates is the most important man in the software and computer business.

(2)Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955.

(3)Bill Gates's mother was a lawyer.

(4)In 1973, Bill Gates went to Harvard University.

(5)The programs made the computer easier to use.

(6)Bill Gates has also become famous all over the world.









(1)句意:比尔盖茨是软件和计算机行业最重要的人。根据Bill Gates is the most important man in the software and computer business. 可知比尔盖茨是软件和计算机行业最重要的人,故答案为正确。

(2)句意:比尔·盖茨1955年10月28日出生。根据He was born on October 28th. 1955. 可知比尔·盖茨1955年10月28日出生,故答案为正确。

(3)句意:比尔·盖茨的母亲是一名律师。根据His mother, Mary, was .a teacher. 可知比尔·盖茨的母亲玛丽是一名教师,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:1973年,比尔·盖茨去了哈佛大学。根据In 1973, Bill Gates went to Harvard University. 可知1973年,比尔·盖茨去了哈佛大学,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:程序使计算机更容易使用。根据 These programs made computer easier to use. 可知程序使计算机更容易使用,故答案为正确。

(6)句意:比尔·盖茨也在世界各地声名鹊起。根据Bill Gates has also become famous all

over the world. 可知比尔·盖茨也在世界各地声名鹊起,故答案为正确。



Some animals collect their winter food in the autumn. In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks.

Many birds cannot find food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn. They fly back the next spring. For example, swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn, because they can find food in the warm south.

Some animals sleep for a long time in the winter. They eat a lot of food in the autumn. In the winter, they do not eat anything. They are hungry when they wake up in the spring. They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals.

Winter is cold in many countries, but these smart animals can spend it safely.


(1)What do squirrels collect for winter in autumn?

(2)Why swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn?

(3)When does the snake look for food when they wake up?

(4)Which animal collect their winter food in the autumn?

【答案】(1)Squirrels collect seeds and nuts.

(2)Because they can find food in the warm south.

(3)In March or April.

(4)The squirrels and beavers



(1)句意:松鼠在秋天冬天收集什么?根据For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks. 可知松鼠收集种子和坚果,故答案为Squirrels collect seeds and nuts.

(2)句意:为什么天鹅和大雁会在秋天飞走?根据Many birds cannot find food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn. 可知因为他们能在温暖的南方找到食物,故答案为 Because they can find food in the warm south.

(3)句意:当蛇醒来时,它们什么时候寻找食物?根据 They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals. 可知三月或四月,故答案为 In March or April.(4)句意:哪种动物在秋天采集冬季食物?根据In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks. ,可知松鼠和海狸,故答案为 The squirrels and beavers



Thanksgiving is a family holiday in autumn in Canada and the USA. In Canada, Thanksgiving is in October. In the USA, it is in November. On Thanksgiving, people have a big dinner with their family. They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food. They also tell Thanksgiving stories and give thanks to their friends and families.

In China, we also have a family holiday in autumn. It is Mid-Autumn Festival. People get together with their families to have a big dinner, too. They eat mooncakes, talk happily and enjoy looking at the beautiful round moon. Mooncakes are round like the full moon. Some people cannot go back home, but they can look at the moon and think about their families.

(1)When is Thanksgiving?

(2)What people usually eat at Thanksgiving?

(3)What does the mooncake look like?

(4)What is the common point between Thanksgiving and Mid-Autumn Festival?

【答案】(1)In October or November.

(2)They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food.

(3)Mooncakes are round like the full moon.

(4)People get together have a big dinner with their families.



(1)句意:感恩节是什么时候?根据 In Canada, Thanksgiving is in October. In the USA, it is in November. 可知加拿大或美国,感恩节是在十月或十一月,故答案为In October or November.

(2)句意:感恩节人们通常吃什么?根据They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food. 可知通常他们吃烤火鸡和其他美味的食物,故答案为 They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food.

(3)句意:月饼是什么样的?根据Mooncakes are round like the full moon. 可知月饼圆得像满月,故答案为 Mooncakes are round like the full moon.

(4)句意:感恩节和中秋节的共同点是什么?根据On Thanksgiving, people have a big dinner with their family. People get together with their families to have a big dinner, too. 可知人们聚在一起,与家人共进晚餐,故答案为People get together have a big dinner with their families.



One day, a monkey was looking for food. He came to a fence. There were a lot of big peaches inside the fence. He tried to get inside. But he failed. At last, he found a hole in the fence. But the

hole was too small for him to go through.

"What should I do?" the monkey thought. He wandered around the fence.

Day after day, the monkey became thinner and thinner. At last, he could get through the fence. He ate a lot of peaches. He became fatter and fatter.

He wanted to go outside, but the hole was too small for him. He couldn't eat anymore! He waited and waited. Eventually, he became thin enough to go out.

(1)The monkey wanted to find some ________.

A. drink

B. foot

C. food

(2)There were a lot of ______ inside the fence.

A. apples

B. peaches

C. oranges

(3)The monkey went through the fence from ______.

A. small hole

B. a road

C. a river

(4)Did the monkey eat the peaches?

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn't.

C. We don't know.

(5)How did he go out the fence?

A. He jumped out.

B. By bike.

C. He became thin enough.








(1)根据短文叙述One day, a monkey was looking for food.“一天,一只猴子正在寻找食物。”可知想要找的食物。C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(2)根据短文叙述There were a lot of big peaches inside the fence.(在围栏内有许多大桃子。)可知是桃子。B选项正确。故答案为:B。

(3)根据短文叙述At last, he found a hole in the fence.(最后,他发现了围栏上有个洞。)可知从洞里进入的。A选项正确。故答案为:A。

(4)根据短文叙述He ate a lot of peaches.(他吃了很多桃子。)可知用肯定回答。A 选项正确。故答案为:A。

(5)根据短文叙述Eventually, he became thin enough to go out.(最终,他变得足够瘦能够出来。)可知是变瘦。C选项正确。故答案为:C。



Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy. We must care about everything in life. There is something we should know.

First, say "hello" to people you meet, not only to teachers, but also to your friends and your

classmates, and even your neighbors. Second, help others as much as you can. Then everybody will like you. Third, don't laugh at others. That will be impolite and hurt them. Fourth, never ask others about their personal information. If others have something that they cannot say, they will be very embarrassed.

Good manners make things easier. They can help people to get on well with each other. When you are nice to people, they will be nice to you.

(1)Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy.

(2)It is very important to have good manners.

(3)We just take care of ourselves, and everything will be fine.

(4)We shouldn't ask others about their personal information.

(5)Good manners can help people to get on well with each other.








(1)句意:每个人都想有礼貌,但这并不容易。根据Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy. 可知每个人都想有礼貌,但这并不容易,故答案为正确。(2)句意:礼貌是非常重要的。根据 Good manners make things easier. 可知礼貌是非常重要的,故答案为正确。

(3)句意:我们只是照顾好自己,一切都会好起来的。根据Second, help others as much as you can. Then everybody will like you. 可知尽你所能帮助别人。那么每个人都会喜欢你的,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:我们不应该询问他人的个人信息。根据Fourth, never ask others about their personal information. 可知我们不应该询问他人的个人信息,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:良好的礼仪可以使人和睦相处。根据Good manners make things easier. They can help people to get on well with each other. 可知良好的礼仪可以使人和睦相处,故答案为正确。



Two goats live on the left side of a river. One day they want to eat the grass on the right side. There is a bridge over the river. But on the bridge there is a lion. What should they do? They think of a plan.

The first goat meets the lion. The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!" The first goat says, "Don't eat me, please. The second goat is bigger and younger than me." So the lion lets the first goat go. Then the second goat comes. The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!" The second goat says,

"Don't eat me, please. The third goat is bigger and younger than me." So the lion lets the second goat go.

The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.

(1)There are three goats and a lion in the story.

(2)The goats want to eat the grass on the right side.

(3)The lion wants to eat the goats.

(4)The third goat is younger and bigger than the first and second goats.

(5)The goats are cleverer than the lion.








(1)句意:故事中住着3头山羊。根据短文叙述Two goats live on the left side of a river.(两头山羊住在河的左岸。)可知是两头山羊。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(2)句意:山羊想吃右岸的草。根据短文叙述One day they want to eat the grass on the right side.(一天,它们想吃右岸的草。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:狮子想吃山羊。根据短文叙述The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!"(狮子喊道“我要吃了你。”)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:第三只山羊比第一只和第二只都年轻和大。根据短文叙述The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.(狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知没有第三只山羊。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(5)句意:山羊比狮子聪明。根据短文叙述The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.(狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知山羊比狮子聪明。题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。



Golden monkeys live only protected by the Chinese government. Their fur is golden and a bit grey. Their tails are as long as their bodies. Male golden monkeys are big and strong while the female ones are much smaller. Golden monkeys live in forests which are 2, 000-3, 000 meters above the sea level. They like living in family groups. They eat fruits, nuts, tree leaves and so on. But now their number is getting smaller and smaller. Our government has built some nature reserves to protect them. We hope more and more people will understand the importance of protecting wild animals. We also hope that people will stop hunting golden monkeys.

(1)Golden monkeys live only in _________.

A. Japan

B. China

C. the USA

(2)Their fur is golden and a bit _______.

A. yellow

B. green

C. grey

(3)Their tails are _______ their bodies.

A. as long as

B. longer than

C. shorter than

(4)They eat _______ and so on.

A. flowers, leaves

B. meat, fish

C. fruits, nuts, tree leaves

(5)We hope _______ will understand the importance of protecting wild animals.

A. more and more people

B. a few people

C. less and less people








(1)根据 Golden monkeys live only protected by the Chinese government. 可知金丝猴只生活在中国,故答案为B.

(2)根据 Their fur is golden and a bit grey. 可知他们的皮毛是金色的,有点灰白,故答案为C.

(3)根据 Their tails are as long as their bodies. 可知它们的尾巴和身体一样长,故答案为A.(4)根据 They eat fruits, nuts, tree leaves and so on. 可知它们吃水果、坚果、树叶等,故答案为C.

(5)根据 We hope more and more people will understand the importance of protecting wild animals. 可知我们希望越来越多的人了解保护野生动物的重要性,故答案为A.



Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. But the zoo is far away from their homes. So they have to wait for the bus.

A gust of wind(阵风) blows and the little white rabbit feels very cold.

And he says to Mother Kangaroo, "Mother Kangaroo, I'm very cold. May I go into your pocket?" "Sure." Mother Kangaroo agrees.

After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesn't come out. So Mother Kangaroo buys two tickets(票).

Getting off the bus, the rabbit comes out from the pocket. Mother Kangaroo says to him, "Here is your ticket." The rabbit says surprisedly, "What? You bought a ticket for me? I am so small that

the conductor can't see me." Mother Kangaroo says, "Oh, no. We must be honest at any time." The rabbit feels very ashamed(羞愧的).

(1)The Mother Kangaroo and the rabbit are going to the zoo .

A. on foot

B. by cat

C. by bus

(2)The rabbit goes into the Mother Kangaroo's .

A. clothes

B. pocket

C. coat

(3)The rabbit doesn't when they get on the bus.

A. come out

B. come in

C. come up

(4)The conductor see the rabbit.

A. can

B. can't

C. don't

(5)The rabbit is at last.

A. beautiful

B. honest

C. ashamed








(1)根据 Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. 可知袋鼠妈妈和一只小白兔去动物园,故答案为C.

(2)根据And he says to Mother Kangaroo, "Mother Kangaroo, I'm very cold. May I go into your pocket?" "Sure." Mother Kangaroo agrees. 可知兔子进了袋鼠妈妈的口袋,故答案为B.(3)根据 After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesn't come out. 可知兔子上公共汽车时没有出来,故答案为A.

(4)根据 I am so small that the conductor can't see me.可知售票员看不见兔子,故答案为B.(5)根据 The rabbit feels very ashamed. 可知兔子感到很羞愧,故答案为C.



Bruce Smith and his family's hobby is camping (野营). They often spend (度过) their Saturdays and Sundays like this. The children, Daniel and Lucy, like going fishing with their father. Sometimes they go swimming in the sea or go boating on the river. Mrs Smith likes drawing beautiful places. She often draws well with her brushes.

Then Mr Smith buys a big car. It is like a house. It has beds for four people, a living room, a place for cooking and a bathroom. Mrs Smith and the children are very happy.

(1)There are _____ people in Bruce Smith's family.

A. three

B. four

C. five

(2)The Smiths often go camping on _____.

A. weekends

B. Saturdays

C. Sundays

(3)Daniel and Lucy like _____.

A. going fishing

B. going swimming

C. going boating

(4)Mrs Smith is good at drawing _____.

A. people

B. places

C. flowers

(5)The Smiths buy a car. It is like a _____ car. It is like a _____.

A. small, boat

B. big, bed

C. big, house









(2)根据Bruce Smith and his family's hobby is camping . They often spend their Saturdays and Sundays like this. 可知史密斯家人经常在周末去露营。故答案为A.

(3)根据The children, Daniel and Lucy, like going fishing with their father. 可知丹尼尔和露西喜欢去钓鱼。故答案为A.

(4)根据Mrs Smith likes drawing beautiful places. 可知史密斯太太喜欢画美丽的地方。故答案为B.

(5)根据Mr Smith buys a big car. It is like a house. 可知史密斯先生买了一辆大汽车。就像一座房子。故答案为C.



Mrs. Jenkins is now in a big shop. She is going to buy a coat. She is standing at the counter(角落). She is waiting for(等候)the woman in the shop. A fat woman is standing near her. She is looking at Mrs. Jenkins. "Excuse me?" "Yes?" says Mrs. Jenkins. The fat woman says, "Can you help me? I want a coat." Mrs. Jenkins says, "I'm sorry. I can't help you." "Of course(当然) you can help me. That's your work." Mrs. Jenkins answers, "It's not my work. I want a coat, too. I am a buyer(顾客). I'm not the one in the shop."

(1)Mrs. Jenkins goes to_______.

A. look at the shop window

B. see her friend in the shop

C. do some shopping(买东西)

(2)Who is standing at the counter?

A. Mrs. Jenkins.

B. A fat woman.

C. The woman in the shop.

(3)The fat woman _______.

A. knows Mrs. Jenkins

B. doesn't know Mrs. Jenkins

C. wants to talk(谈话) to Mrs. Jenkins

(4)The fat woman thinks(认为) _______.

A. Mrs. Jenkins is a worker(工人)in the shop

B. Mrs. Jenkins is a nice woman

C. Mrs. Jenkins is unhappy(不高兴) to help her

(5)who is the boss (老板) in the shop?

A. Mrs. Jenkins.

B. A fat woman.

C. Sorry, we don't know.








(1)根据 Mrs. Jenkins is now in a big shop. She is going to buy a coat. 可知詹金斯太太去买东西。故答案为C.

(2)根据 Mrs. Jenkins is now in a big shop. She is going to buy a coat. She is standing at the counter. 可知詹金斯太太站在柜台前,故答案为A.


(4)根据 The fat woman says, "Can you help me? I want a coat." 可知胖女人认为詹金斯太太是这家商店的工人,故答案为A.

(5)通读短文,可知詹金斯太太和胖女人都不是商店的老板,没有提到老板,与选项C 对不起,我们不知道。相匹配,故答案为C.


小升初六年级译林版小学英语专题复习 阅读理解(含答案)

一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断句子正误。 Mr. Zhou's office is not far from his home, but he drives to work every day. He likes his car very much, so he often washes his car and he uses a lot of water to wash it. He tells Mrs. Zhou, "I must keep my car very clean." Mrs. Zhou says to Mr. Zhou," You shouldn't wash your car too often. You shouldn't waste too much water." Mrs. Zhou goes shopping every day. She goes to the market on foot. She likes walking. She thinks it's good for her health. (1)Mr. Zhou uses a lot of water to wash his car. (2)Mrs. Zhou walks to the market. (3)Mr. Zhou works near his home. He goes to work on foot every day. (4)Mrs. Zhou tells Mr. Zhou not to waste water. (5)Mrs. Zhou often drives the car. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)1 (5)0 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了周先生的办公室离他家不远,但他每天开车上班,他经常用很多水洗车,周太太告诉他不应该浪费太多水,周太太喜欢散步,她认为这对她的健康有好处。 (1)句意:周先生用很多水洗车。根据He likes his car very much, so he often washes his car and he uses a lot of water to wash it. 可知周先生用很多水洗车。故答案为正确。 (2)句意:周太太步行去市场。根据 She goes to the market on foot. 可知周太太步行去市场。故答案为正确。 (3)句意:周先生在家附近工作。他每天步行去上班。根据Mr. Zhou's office is not far from his home, but he drives to work every day. 可知周先生的办公室离他家不远,但他每天开车上班。故答案为错误。 (4)句意:周太太叫周先生不要浪费水。根据Mrs. Zhou says to Mr. Zhou," You shouldn't wash your car too often. You shouldn't waste too much water." 可知周太太叫周先生不要浪费水。故答案为正确。 (5)句意:周太太经常开车。根据She likes walking. 可知周太太喜欢散步。故答案为错误。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 In England, people don't usually talk very much. People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. But they


Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Story time故事时间翻译 ①There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. 森林里有一只狮子。他非常大并且强壮。 ②One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. "Please don't eat me. I can help you some day, "said the mouse quietly. "You're so small and weak! How can you help me? "laughed the lion loudly. Then, he let the mouse go. 一天,一只老鼠走过,把狮子吵醒了。狮子很生气,想要吃了这只老鼠。“请不要吃我。有一天我能帮助你。”老鼠小声地说。“你这么弱小!你怎么能帮助我?”狮子大声地笑。然后,他放开了老鼠。 ③The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. "How can I get out? "asked the lion sadly. 第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了狮子。狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬那张网,但那不管用。“我怎么能出去呢?”狮子难过地问。 ④Just then, the mouse saw the lion. "I can help you, " he said. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.The lion got out. "Thank you!" said the lion happily. 就在那时,老鼠看见了狮子。“我能帮助你。”他说。很快,老鼠用他的牙齿在网上弄了一个大洞。狮子出来了。“谢谢你!”狮子开心地说。 ⑤ From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends. 从那时起,狮子和老鼠成了朋友。 Unit 1 Cartoon time英语课文翻译 ①Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. 萨姆和博比正在开心地打乒乓球。 You're really good at table tennis, Sam. 你真的擅长(打)乒乓球,萨姆。 Thanks. 谢谢。 ②Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. Then, they cannot find the ball. 比利和威利大声地为他们欢呼。萨姆太兴奋了,他用力地击球。然后,他们找不到球了。Hooray! 好哇!


小学英语六年级上册单元自测题(一) 班级姓名成绩 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. through B. sorry C. story ( ) 2. A. forest B. foolish C. mountain ( ) 3. A. hard B. park C. laugh ( ) 4. A. told B. tell C. well ( ) 5. A. little B. quick C. like 二、根据所听内容,选择相应的答句。(5分) ( )1. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they does. C. Yes, they are. ( ) 2. A. My father. B. My mother?s C. It?s my father. ( ) 3. A. No, he isn?t. B. Yes, he was. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. A. I am at school. B. I was happy. C. I was at home. ( ) 5. A. Thank you . B. Good idea. C. That?s right. 三、听录音,完成下列句子。(10分) 1. The little boy is very . 2. Long long ago, there were some birds in the forest. 3. Nancy is thinking . 4. The girl looked at the king and . 5. It?s Mike?s to say the next sentence. 笔试部分(80分) 一、英汉互译。(10分) 1.试穿 2.给我们看你的书 3.一个愚蠢的国王 4.做衣服 5.步行穿过 6.look after 7.think hard 8.turn into 9.in the forest 10.point at 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. There _________ ( be) an egg in the fridge three days ago


译林牛津版小学六年级上册英语阅读理解含答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解并选择正确的答案。 Long long ago, there was a bad king. All of his people hated him. One hot day, he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good swimmer, but while he was in the river, he suddenly fell ill and was dying. At that time two farmers were working in the field nearby. They came over, jumped into the river, and he was saved. They didn't know who was until they pull him out of the water. The king was happy. He said to the two farmer, "Today you have saved my life. Ask for anything, and I'll give it to you. I'm the richest in the world." "Don't tell anybody that we have saved you," the two farmers said together. (1)All of people ____ the king. A. loved B. visited C. hated (2)One day, the king decided to ______. A. take a walk B. have a swim C. Walk by the river. (3)______ jumped into the river. A. The king B. Nobody C. Two farmers (4)The farmers were _____ to save the king. A. happy B. worried C. sad (5)The king was very _____. A. kind B. friendly C. bad 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:描述国王游泳被救的事情。 (1)根据All of his people hated him.可知所有人都憎恨他,故选C。 (2)根据he decided to have a swim in it.可知他决定去游泳。故选B。 (3)根据 They came over, jumped into the river, and he was saved. 可知这两个农民跳进了河里救了国王,故选C。 (4)根据"Don't tell anybody that we have saved you," the two farmers said together.可知这两个农民看到被救的人是国王不开心,故选C。 (5)根据 Long long ago, there was a bad king.可知那个国王很坏,故选C。 【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确选择。 2.阅读理解Fast food is any food that is quick,convenient and usually inexpensive .Vending(出售)machines are probably the most common places to find fast food.It's so popular because for under$5.00 you can usually get a meal.Fast food is not


T: It’s different from English football or American footb all. There are 18 players in an Australian football team. They use an oval ball, not a round ball. It’s a very exciting game. Players can kick the ball or carry or h it the ball with the hand. Is this a beautiful building Ss: Yes. T: It’s an opera house. It’s in Sydney, the biggest ci ty of Australia. Ss: Sydney. T: The Sydney Opera House is the most famous place in S ydney. It’s a cultural centre for concerts, dramas and operas. 3. Team work S1: The kangaroo is a large animal. It’s brown. It has a small head and a big body. Its front legs are short . Its back legs are long and strong. It can jump far a nd high. It has a long tail. S2: The koala is small. It’s grey. It has large ears. It has no tail. It lives in trees and eats leaves. 4. Introduction the Sydney Opera House 5. Free talk How did you find out about Australia Did you go to the library Did you search on the Internet Do you have a friend or a relative in Australia 6. Read the text Who Where Where is Liu Tao What is Liu Tao doing What does the article talk about Do you think Australia is an interesting country Step 3 Practice 1. reading 2. retell the text T: How will Mike find out about Australia S1: He’ll ask his e-friend in Australia. T: What about Wang Bing S2: He’ll ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia. T: What about Liu Tao S3: He’ll read about Australia on the Internet. T: How about Yang Ling S4: She’ll go to the library and look for books and ma gazines about Australia. 3. Team work


6A知识点大纲 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单词 quietly 安静地sadly 难过地,伤心地 happily 开心地,高兴得 some day 某一天 loudly 大声地quickly 迅速地,快地 wake ... up 吵醒,叫醒 soon 不久,很快 large 大的weak 弱的,软弱的 strong 强大的,强壮的 cheer 欢呼 deep 深的sharp 锋利的,尖的 let ... go 释放,放开 just then 就在那时 mouse 老鼠walk by 走过,路过 from then on 从那时起 bite 咬 net 网pour ... into 把……倒入 hit 打,击 the next day 第二天 重点词组 1. in the forest 在森林里 2. walk by 走过;路过 3. wake up 醒,醒来 4. wake sb. up 把某人叫醒 5. be angry with sb. 对某人生气 6. the next day 第二天 7. be angry at sth. 对某事生气8. want to do sth. 想要做某事 9. want sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事10. some day 某一天 11. say quietly 小声地说12. sit quietly 静静地坐着 13. laugh loudly 大声地笑14. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 15. catch the lion with a large net 用一口大网捉住狮子 16. bite the net with sharp teeth 用锋利的牙齿咬网 17. ask sadly 难过地问,伤心地问18. just then 就在那时 19. say happily 开心地说20. from then on 从那时起 21. become friends 成为朋友22. say excitedly 兴奋地说,激动地说23. make a study plan 制定学习计划24. It doesn’t matter. 没关系。 25. the boy over there 那边的那个男孩26. play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓球 27. cheer for sb. loudly 大声地为某人欢呼28. be excited at / about… 对……很兴奋/激动 29. in the ground 在地下30. reach the apple 够得着那个苹果 31. reach the park 到达公园32. have an idea 有一个主意 33. bring some water quickly很快拿来水34. pour…into….把……倒入…… 35. Well done. 干得很好。做的不错。36. so many balls 如此多的球 37. so much bread 如此多的面包38. take … to… 把…….带到……. 39. become happy 变得很开心40. get out 出来,出去 重点句型 1. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse.这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。 2. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth.那只狮子用它的厉牙咬那个网。 3. From then on, the lion and the mouse become friends. 从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。 4. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. 第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了那只狮子。


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解读下两这封信,回答问题 Dear Mum, How are you? Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday we played ping-pong. On Thursday we climbed a mountain. We took many pictures. Tomorrow I'll be back home! Miss you and dad. Love. John (1)What did John do on Monday? (2)Where did John go on Tuesday? (3)What did John do on Tuesday? (4)Did John play badminton on Wednesday? (5)Did John climb a mountain on Thursday? 【答案】(1)He ate good food. (2)He went to a park. (3)He sang and danced. (4)No, he didn't. (5)Yes, he did. 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】这是写给父母,介绍自己一周生活情况的信。 (1)根据短文叙述 On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. (周一我们去了饭店。我们吃了美食。)可知周一吃美食。故答案为: He ate good food. (2)根据短文叙述 On Tuesday we went to a park. (周二我们去了公园。)可知是去了公园。故答案为: He went to a park. (3)根据短文叙述We sang and danced. (我们唱歌和跳舞。)可知是唱歌跳舞。故答案为: He sang and danced. (4)根据短文叙述 On Wednesday we played ping-pong. (在星期三我们打乒乓球。)可知不是打羽毛球,用否定回答。故答案为: No, he didn't. (5)根据短文叙述 On Thursday we climbed a mountain. (周四我们爬山了。)可知用肯定回答。故答案为: Yes, he did. 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先仔细阅读短文,然后根据题目问题的相关叙述,来回答问题。


苏教版译林版英语六年级下册知识点汇总 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 一、四会单词 https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa13426302.html,rge大的 2. strong强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地 4. Weak虚弱的 5. loudly大声地 6. happily开心地;高兴地 二、三会单词 老鼠mouse 复数mice 走过,路过walk by 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒wake …up 某一天same day 释放不能,放开let… go 第二天the next day 网net 咬bite 锋利的,尖的sharp 难过地,伤心地sadly 就在那时just then 不久,很快soon 从那时起from then on 欢呼cheer 打,击hit 深的deep 够得着reach 迅速地,快地quickly 把……倒入pour …into 三、短语积累 狮子和老虎the lion and the mouse mouse: 复数mice 辨析mouth嘴巴month月份 又大又强壮large and strong 又小又弱small and weak 走过… walk by 走过森林walk by the forest 把狮子叫醒wake the lion up (代词宾格放中间) wake me up 我能在某一天帮助你I can help you some day 将来不确定的某一天Some day: 安静地说say quietly quiet→quietly 大声地笑道laugh loudly loud→loudly 让狮子走let the mouse go let sb do 第二天the next day 用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net catch过去式:caught 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网bite the net with his sharp teeth (tooth) bite过去式: bit 出来get out 伤心地问道ask sadly sad→sadly 就在那个时候just then 在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net 开心地说say happily happy→happily 从那时起from then on 成为好朋友become good friends become +形容词变得如何… 糖果店sweet shop 一个棒棒糖a lollipop 他会说什么? what will he say?


知识点归纳 班级: 姓名: 句子时态归纳 一、一般现在时(句子中通常有always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every…, on Mondays/…) 1、句型结构:主语+V、(s) 如果主语就是三单,谓语动词加s或者es、 例如:Helen likes listening to music、My sister has a toy cat、 如果主语不就是三单,谓语动词用原形。 例如:I like listening to music、I have a toy cat、 2、动词+s/es形式 (1)一般动词后加s 如reads (2)以s、x 、ch、sh 结尾,加es 如watches (3)以辅音字母+o 结尾,一般加es 如goes (4)辅音+y 结尾,变y为i ,再加es如worries、 二、一般现在进行时(句子中通常有now,listen, look, 具体时间等) 1、句型结构:主语+ be +V、ing 例如:I am singing in the classroom、Liu Tao is reading in the bedroom、 2、动词ing形式 (1)一般情况直接加ing, play —playing (2)以不发音的“e”结尾,去“e”加ing,skate —skating (3)双写词尾字母加ing,sit—sitting, swim—swimming, run—running, put—putting, get—getting, begin—beginning, shop—shopping, stop—stopping 三、一般过去时(句子中通常有just now,…ago,yesterday,last…, before等) 1、句型结构:主语+ V、ed 谓语动词加ed(不规则动词:go-went,come-came等) 例如:I listened to music last night、Liu Tao went to the zoo yesterday、 2、动词ed形式 (1)一般情况直接+ed e、g、play – played (2)闭音节单词双写末尾单词+ed e、g、stop – stopped, shop – shopped (3)原形与过去式同型 e、g、read-read,hit-hit, put-put,let-let,cut-cut,lose—lost (4)以辅音+y结尾去y变i+ed e、g、copy-copied,cry-cried,study-studied,become-became (5)不规则动词的过去式 is-was am-was are-were do-did can-could begin-began bring-brought buy-bought catch-caught teach-taught choose-chose come-came get-got draw-drew keep-kept drive-drove eat-ate find-found fly-flew forget-forgot hear-heard give-gave go-went grow-grew have-had drink-drank try--tried know-knew learn-learnt/learned make-made send-sent meet-met hold--held wear--wore ride-rode ring-rang run-ran say-said see-saw shall-should

牛津译林版六年级上册全册知识点整理 八个单元

6A Unit1 The king’s new clothes知识点梳理 重点单词 long long ago很久以前magic有魔力的,神奇的clever聪明的foolish 愚蠢的through 穿过laugh 大笑wear 穿,戴tell 告诉each 每个say 说sentence 句子quick 迅速的,快的next 下一个little 小的,年幼的turn 机会think 想,思考hard 努力地,费劲地child 孩子(复数children)turn into 变成 重点短语 1.the king’s new clothes 皇帝的新装 2.long long ago 很久以前 3.like new clothes喜欢新衣服 4.one day 一天 5.man----men 男人(复数) 6.visit the king 拜访国王 7.make new clothes for you 为你做新衣服 8.make…for…为某人做…… 9.show the king his new clothes=show his new clothes to the king展示给国王看他的新衣服 10.try on…试穿…… 11.try on these magic clothes 试穿这些神奇的衣服 12.magic clothes 神奇的衣服 13.clever people 聪明的人 14.foolish people 愚蠢的人 15.clever聪明的(反义词)foolish愚蠢的 16.walk through the city (步行穿过)走过城市 17.in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 18.a lot of people 许多人 19.in the street 在大街上 20.look at the king and shout 看着国王大叫 21.What beautiful clothes!=How beautiful the clothes are!多么漂亮的衣服啊! 22.a little boy 一个小男孩


译林三年级英语之阅读专项训练 class_______ name__________ 阅读解题技巧 1.培养正确的阅读习惯:有许多孩子在长期的学习中往往形成了各种阅读习惯,如一个词一个词地读,且常伴有一些习惯动作:用手指、摆头等,这就是速读的障碍,并且可能影响到孩子一生的阅读。有些不良的习惯会影响到他们正常的阅读,我们应注意纠正他们以下的不良方式:(1)用手指或笔指词阅读;(2)逐词阅读;(3)复读;(4)声读;(5)心译。这些做法的结果往往是降低阅读速度,不利于把注意力集中在作者要表达的思想或传递的信息上。应当指出,孩子在平常的阅读中都会出现个别的、有意识的复视或回视,但过分的回视则会影响阅读的速度乃至对文章有效的理解。 2.避免翻译:在开始的时候,逐句翻译成中文来心译理解是难以避免的一个现象。但如果总要依赖翻译,养成习惯了,势必影响到阅读速度。当然用英文直接思维,这不是一下子就可以完全做到的,但可以循序渐进,例如我们学了apple这个单词,我们在文章中见到它时,并不是按照英语——中文——实物去理解,而是可以直接由英语到实物。 针对性练习:Passage 1 Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife, Mrs Brown. From Monday(周一) to Friday(周五)he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife. A. a city B. a small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_________ days(天)a week in his office. A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays. A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers. A. likes B. doesn’t like C. often helps 注意:Mr,Miss与Mrs三者之间的区别。


3A Unit 1 1.三会单词: Miss 小姐class同学们Hi 你好Hello 你好 I 我Mike麦克Bobby波比Sam山姆 2.四会单词字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd ( 四会) 3.句型: 1.---Hi I'm Mike. 你好,我是麦克。I'm==I am ---Hi,I'm Sam. 你好,我是山姆。 2.---Hello. 你好! ---Hello,Mike. 你好!迈克。 3.---Good morning Bobby . 早上好,波比。 ---Good morning Sam. 早上好,山姆。 4.---Good afternoon class . 下午好同学们。 ---Good afternoonMiss Li. 下午好李老师。 5.How many stars can you get ? 你能得到几颗星? 6. 3A Unit 2 1.三会单词: I 我you 你are 是am 是Goodbye 再见yes 是;对Yang Ling杨玲John约翰no 不;不是;没有not 不;没有 2.四会字母:Ee Ff Gg 3.句型: 1.---Hi, Mike. 你好,迈克。 ---Hi. Are you Su Hai? 你好,你是苏海? ---Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是的,我是。/ 不,我不是。 2.Are you John ? 你是约翰吗? No .I'm Sam. 不,我是山姆。/Yes , you're right.是的。you're=you are 3,Goodbye YangLing ! 再见杨玲 Goodbye! 再见 3A Unit 3 1.三会单词: my 我的friend(s)朋友(们) she 她he 他Tina 缇娜too 也this 这;这个is 是sisiter 姐姐;妹妹 2.四会单词字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk ( 四会) 3.句型: 1. ---Goodbye. 再见。 ---Goodbye. 再见。 2. She’s Yang Ling. 她是杨玲。she’s = she is She’s my friend. 她是我的朋友。 3. He’s Mike. 他是迈克。he’s = he is He’s my friend too. 他也是我的朋友。 4.This is Tina. 这是缇娜. She's my sister.他是我的妹妹。 3A Unit 4 1.三会单词: family 家;家庭father 父亲;爸爸mother 母亲;妈妈brother 哥哥;弟弟me 我grandpa 祖父;外祖父Grandma祖母,外祖母Tim 提姆 2.四会单词字母:Ll Mm Nn ( 四会) 3.句型: 1.This is Helen. 这是海伦。 This is my family/mother. 这是我的家庭/妈妈... 2,She’s my mother . /He’s my father. 她/他是我的妈妈/爸爸。


译林版六年级英语下册(U1-4) Unit1~4 班级姓名得分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分) ()1.A. holiday B. healthy C. help ()2.A. mangoes B. tomatoes C. potatoes ()3.A. meal B. milk C . much ()4.A. bread B. drinks C. juice ()5.A. radio B. read C. really ()6.A. ride B. road C. read ()7.A. safe B. safely C. safety ()8.A. deep B. sweet C. sleep ()9. A. traffic lights B. zebra crossing C. pavement ()10. A. lesson B. letter C. litter 二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(10分) ( ) 1. A. Play on the road. B. Look left and right. C. Run on the road. ( ) 2. A. No, I can’t. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. A. Yes, let’s go. B. Good ideas. C. Take a metro. ( ) 4. A. I have a panda. B. I have some porridge. C. I have some stickers. ( ) 5. A. On the right side . B. On the right or left. C. On the left side. 三、听录音,完成短文。(听两遍)(10分) How can you ______ the road ______? You ______look for the ______ crossing. Then , you must look at the _____ ______ and _____ for the green man. You must not run ______ on the road and you _____ can’t play on the road , ______ there many cars and bikes. 笔试部分(70分) 一、英汉词组互译。(10分) 1. 等待绿灯________________ 2. 遵守规则________________ 3. 保持安全________________ 4. 如此小和弱 ________________ 5. 喜欢喝水________________ 6. take a small bottle________________ 7. a healthy diet __________ 8. traffic lights__________ 9.一些好习惯 10.吃一点儿食物__________ 二、选择题。(15分) ()1. Why is the bus ______ again? A. stoping B. stop C. stopping


Unit 1 mouse 老鼠 large 大的 strong 强大的,强壮的walk by 走过,路过wake …up 吵醒,叫醒some day 某一天 quietly 小声地,安静地loudly 大声地 the next day 第二天 net 网 bite 咬 sharp 锋利的,尖的 ask 问 just then 就在那时 soon 不久,很快 get out 出来,出去happily 开心地,高兴地from then on 从那时起weak 弱的,软弱的cheer 欢呼 hit 打,击 ground 地面,地上deep 深 reach 够得着 pour …into 把……倒入Unit 2 child 孩子,小孩 habit 习惯 never 从不 late 迟到,晚到 put … in order 把……整理得井井有条finish 完成 tidy 干净的,整齐的bad 不好的,坏的sleepy 困的,困倦的last night 昨夜 fast 快六下新单词 go into 走进,走入Unit 3 healthy 健康的 diet 饮食 a little 一点 a few 几个 at a time 一次 cola 可乐 too much 太多 need 需要 Unit 4 road 马路,公路safety 安全 cross 穿过,穿行safely 安全地 must 必须 zebra crossing 斑马线safe 安全的pavement 人行道 look out for 当心,提防follow 遵守 rule 规则 stay 保持 light 灯 Unit 5 Children’s Day 儿童节clown 小丑 balloon 气球 appear 出现 begin 开始 put on 上演,表演 Unit 6 country 国家 learn 学习 about 关于 next week 下周 find out 发现magazine 杂志kangaroo 袋鼠

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