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Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in

the Color Terms


Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in


the Color Terms


During the intercultural communication, there are many differences in the use of color words as well as in the understanding of the same color due to the different cultural and historical background. A comparison between them can help us to have a better understanding of these words and improve our intercultural communication ability.

Key words : color words ; cultural connotations ; cultural differences

Culture is a complex social phenomenon, permeated all aspects of social life. It is the complex achievement of social life and spiritual life. Culture is a term that covers a wide range of content. From the anthropological point of view, culture can be divided into two categories, in a narrow sense and in broad sense. The culture in a narrow sense, including literature, history, philosophy, politics,

social science and natural science achievements, reflects the human spiritual civilization and corporeal civilization .The so-called generalized culture, confirms human life in a series of different characteristics, such as the social customs, social habits, customs and other aspects of life. Language is one of the most important part plays a great role of culture. On one hand, language is the carrier of culture -- no language, no culture. On the other hand, language is influenced by culture at the same time; it likes a mirror, reflecting the representation of culture. Language it not only contains the nation's historical and cultural background, but also contains the nation's views on life and their way of life and their mode of thinking.

Language is the reflection and summarizes of social life. We all live in a colorful world; however, color is also an indispensable embellishment of human life. Because of the presence of color, we can obtain the colorful life.

From the scientific definition, color is fired by an object; it is the reflection or light waves caused by a certain visual phenomena, the basic characteristics of human vision. From the definition of color, color is a kind of objective existence; it is the same essential to every nation. But the cognition of color to each nation, especially the definition, reality origin, cultural images and associative meaning each nation gives, are not the same.

Experts point out that there are 11 common color categories in human language: white, black, red, green, and yellow, blue, pink. Even though, human beings has various kinds of language, the basic color words that indicated the color does not exceed the above 11 categories.

Color words are a kind of sense words; it not only describes the color, but also plays a major role in the expression of ideological content and strengthens the language emotions. The color words may have different meanings for different languages in different cultures. In daily life, people often use color to express their feelings and enrich their speeches.

However, due to the cultural differences, the use of color words of each nation always exist many difference in language, while the same color also have different symbolic meanings. I will introduce Chinese and English cultural differences reflected in the color terms from these main causes.

1. Differences of Cultural

In Chinese culture, yellow is the supreme symbol, while in western culture, the noble color is blue (or purple). This cultural phenomenon

is not accidental. From the geographical sense, the colors of the different cultural connotations and different natural environment are closely related; yellow and blue represent two different cultural characteristics and cultural psychology, color also has the behavior sense of cultural implication. In Chinese culture, the symbols of color are based on the traditional feudal rule, the feudal superstition and primitive, the backward science and outdate education. So the colors have strong political symbolism and mystical tendencies. The symbols of colors in western culture is more benefit from the western nations, open and scientific

education, so the symbolic significance is with less mysterious meaning, it is more rational that causes its semantics more easier to understand.

2. Difference of Value Orientation

In ancient times, Chinese people like yellow, they believed yellow is the symbol color of dignity, and it can only be used in royal family. What’s more, it is also the same color as gold. In China, people are keen on the special significance of yellow, then derived "zodiac" and other lucky words. Yellow also represents the power and majesty, because in the ancient “Wu Xing”, “Wu Se”, the central color is yellow. But after a long time of development, yellow has not so strong meaning in dignity, but still retain some auspicious meaning, such as it now

related with "sex" that caused by the fusion of Chinese and western cultural exchange. It is said that the New York newspaper is printed in yellow ink. This newspaper is full of tasteless comic and some low-level news, so people will say this kind of unhealthy publication of "黄色书刊"(nasty publication), and is aimed to exaggerate, render the report of pornographic, vendettas and crime news, people also named that kind of news for "黄色新闻"(vulgar news). Such as yellow press黄色报刊, yellow journalism黄色办报作风,yellow back廉价轰

动一时的小说. In addition, yellow also represents timid and cowardly in Chinese. For example:(1)yellow dog卑鄙的人,(2)yellow streak胆

怯,(3)yellow-livered胆小的。These phenomena all have great relation of people's orientate in value.

3. Differences of the Thinking Mode.

The misunderstanding of the people in the world hindered the communication is not only caused by the language, but also caused by the differences of thinking mode. In some way, it is determined by people knowledge and organized thinking method. Due to the impact and deposition in history and geography and cultural, Chinese and western thinking mode are different and unique. This different way of thinking mode makes the two ethnic different understanding and application in color words.

4. Differences in Religion

In western culture, Judas, who betrayed Jesus Jewish wears yellow clothes, so with this situation that the symbolic significance yellow is not so good. In English, there's a "black Friday" word and the symbolic significance with “black” as Christian has the close relation in English. In English, “black” is usually associated with unhappy feeling, it means misfortune, disaster, disgust, anger, depression, gloomy and significance. Friday in religion is the Friday before Easter, Jesus in the suffering. According to the national culture background and traditional customs, people from English-speaking countries with black Friday refers to the great plagues, dangerous days of unknown, this is peculiar to the English culture. In Chinese, yellow represents the Buddhism; the clothes of mocks always wear yellow clothes. And the royal family also regards yellow as their family color.

Besides the above reasons, the differences between Chinese and western in color words also influences by geography, living habit and other reasons. These reasons all mix and influence together with a long time each other result the different meaning in each language culture.

Because of the color words are difference in Chinese and western culture so that it makes us can not translate some color words in literal. According to the specific scene, we should translate English into Chinese base on the actual reality, for the unfamiliar with the cultural background is easy to cause some embarrass and this phenomenon may go against with communication in culture and daily life.


With the development of our society, the international exchanges also become more and more frequently, especially the business communication. The regions, cultural background, the values, the mode of thinking, communication mode, language and custom are not identical that may direct influence the success of international business negotiation. The color word as an important component of the language will certainly bring important influence


从颜色词看中英文化差异 一.英汉颜色词的文化差异表现 (一).历史传统的差异 在英国人心目中白色是上帝、天使、幸福、纯洁的象征。“西方人举行婚礼时,新娘要穿白色的婚纱,这源自于英国国家的宗教故事magi和draids在基督复活时穿着白色的衣服。因此白色在西方国家被广泛地用在婚礼上。”[3]而白色在中国则是丧色。自古以来亲人死后家属要穿白色孝服,办“白事”,胸襟上别着白色的小花,以此来表达对死去亲人的哀悼和敬意。 红色在中华民族的传统心里中是一种喜庆色,它象征着吉祥、如意,使人联想到幸福与健康。过新年时贴上红对联、举行婚礼时新娘都要穿上红色喜服,墙上、门上、窗上都贴上红喜字,客人送的礼金或长辈给的红包,都要用红纸包着。结婚后生了孩子,有些地方还要向亲朋好友送红鸡蛋,以示喜庆。但在以英语为母语的英美民族眼中,红色则意味着流血、恐怖和危险,甚至会使人联想到淫荡、低级趣味。如:现代西方城市有很多red light district/红灯区,英语的scarlet 有“鲜红的、淫荡的、罪名昭彰”之意。 由此可见,因历史传统的不同,英汉两民族对待颜色的态度也大相径庭,中方尚红轻白,而英方则重白轻红。 (二).民族心理上的差异 “民族心理就像一条幽暗的地下长流,涌动在一个民族意识的岩层里,流贯在该民族的血脉中。”[4]中西方人们的心理因素及看待问题的方式,又往往存在着这样或那样的差异。英汉民族中,不同的颜色词可能用于描述同一种物质的客观表象。英语说“black tea”,汉语说“红茶”。为什么同样的一种茶被描述成了不同的颜色?英国人着眼于茶叶的颜色,称其为“黑”,而中国人却着眼于茶水的颜色,称其为“红”,这是由于两民族之间观察事物的角度不同,看似矛盾的东西,其实并不矛盾。我们都知道英语中black and white的意思是白纸黑字,深入分析这个词组的意义深远。白色代表着轻的颜色,而黑色是代表重的颜色。中国人喜欢将轻的放在前面,重的放在后面,成正三角模式。很稳当,踏实。而英国人则喜欢重的放在前面,轻的放在后面,成倒三角模式,站不稳脚跟。再如“yellow”黄色一词,黄色在中国封建社会里是法定的尊色,象征着皇权、辉煌和崇高。宋王懋《野客丛书.禁用

中西方文化差异详细 中西方颜色差异

The different culture of color between west and east Red For example, in the festivals and the weddings, people often put on red antithetical couplet (对联),red lantern (灯笼),red word “fortune”(贴福字)and red word “happy” (贴喜字).ν In China, red is a color which represent lucky and joyous νEast West In America, red is a color which represent blood and fire For example, the red battle(血战), red vengeance(血腥暴动), red ruin(火灾), red ink (赤字)and red flag(使人生气的事). Red China America Blue East In China, blue is a color which represent further and eternal. For example, Chinese think the sky is blue and we regard blue as a color which can show our respect to the sky. And the blue blood(名门望族). West In America, blue is a color which represent pornographic things. For example, the blue movie and the blue novels. Blue China America Yellow East In China, yellow is a color which represent power and money. For example, the empires often wear yellow clothes with golden line and big dragon. West In America, yellow is a color which represent envy and cowardly. For example, yellow belly(胆小鬼), yellow journalism (恣意煽情的传媒). Yellow China America White For example, the bride often wear white clothes to show her pure. And the word “a


中日颜色词语及其文化象征意义 李庆祥 颜色只不过是人的一种主观感觉,这种感觉 有的称之为色彩感觉,如日本人的原始色彩感觉 是赤为明、黑为暗、白为显、青为晕,这与我国古代 用颜色代表“五行”“五方”如出一辙。人给每一种 色彩感觉都确定了名称,而记载这些颜色名称的 词就是颜色词。颜色的名称多源于能够提炼染料 的自然物质,如与植物有关的红色类颜色词,汉语 中有:枣红、石榴红、桃红、玫瑰红、山碴红等;日语 中有:极色、杠梅色、桃色、蔷薇色、珊瑚色、撅子 色、毒色、茜色等。与矿产物质有关的黄色类颜色 词,汉语中有:金黄、土黄、蜡黄等;日语中有:雄 黄、黄土色、象牙色、生壁色等。与动物有关的颜 色词,汉语中有:鹅黄、鸡冠红、猩红、鱼肚白、鹦鹉绿、乌黑等;日语中有:鸭色、娃色、梅鼠、猩猩耕、 海老茶、狐色、胳鸵色、雀色、莺色、氛羽色等。也 有的是人通过想象、联想而以自然物确定的。这 一类的颜色词,汉语中有:天蓝、水绿、苔青、月白、 雪白、火红、水红等;日语中有:廿夕了工口一(阳 光色)、苔色、苗色、水色、空色等。因为中日两国 丝染纺织业历史悠久兴旺发达,大部分颜色词与 丝染纺织业有密切关系。《说文解字》系部有关丝 帛的颜色词就有很多,如“红、绿、紫、绛、维、缉、绢(白色)、缥(白青色)、堤(丹黄色)、细(黑色)、素” 等;日语中除了与汉语相同的“红、绿、紫、绛、啡、给、缥”等外,还有“棘色、洗朱、瓶视、一斤染”等。在古代,绢是中国特有的丝织物,唐·颜师古注: “绢,生白增,似嫌而疏者也。”所以用它来代表白 色,反映出中国丝织文化的背景。而日语把酿酒 用的拥霉的颜色叫做“翅魔”,这是一种略带灰的 黄绿色,是日本的禁色之一,反映出日本酿造文化 的背景。类似上述许多颜色词,它不仅表示出不 同的色彩,而且还从某个侧面反映出不同民族的 文化和生活的特征。 3.颜色词的文化象征意义 中日颜色词都蕴涵着深厚的民族文化心态和 感情色彩,所以颜色词多数具有丰富的象征意义。 一般认为,颜色词的象征意义是通过客观事物的 色彩联想而生发出来的,即人们常说的看到某种 颜色就会产生某种联想。所以,不同的颜色词具 有不同的象征意义,同一个颜色词在不同的民族 语言中其象征意义也不尽相同,某些颜色词即使


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 2 中国与日本茶文化的比较 3 网络英语的构词方式 4 翻译中的文化差异 5 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制 6 探析《老人与海》的主题 7 Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter Viewed from the Humanistic Perspective 8 赫尔曼?梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的生态主义解析 9 An Analysis of The Bible’s Influence o n British and American Literature 10 计算机辅助教学在英语教学中的作用 11 An Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights 12 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知 13 个体取向与集体取向对中美商务交流的影响 14 汉英姓氏文化差异 15 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题 16 运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 17 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 18 19 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法 20 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有) 21 An Analysis of Translation of Road and Traffic Public Signs 22 象征主义视角下《致海伦》中的意象美 23 A Brief Analysis of Willy Loman’s Tragedy in Death of a Salesman 24 中式英语成因之分析 25 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms 26 管窥世纪年代以前的朴素社会语言学思想 27 论汉语新词语的英译 28 丁尼生《鹰》与休斯《鹰之栖息》的对比分析 29 A Study on English and Chinese Euphemisms from the Perspective of Cultural Difference 30 寻找真正的自我 31 浅析库尔特?冯尼古特《猫的摇篮》中的黑色幽默 32 广告英语的语言特征 33 On Translation of Symbolism in Pop Songs with a Case Study of Hotel California 34 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现 35 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究 36 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象 37 工业化进程下人的主体性的追问——梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》 38 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 39 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协 40 A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs 41 An Analysis of the Transformation of Scarlett’s Personality in Gone with the Wind


学期论文 Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in the Color Terms 从颜色词看中西方文化的差异Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in

the Color Terms Abstract: During the intercultural communication, there are many differences in the use of color words as well as in the understanding of the same color due to the different cultural and historical background. A comparison between them can help us to have a better understanding of these words and improve our intercultural communication ability. Key words : color words ; cultural connotations ; cultural differences Culture is a complex social phenomenon, permeated all aspects of social life. It is the complex achievement of social life and spiritual life. Culture is a term that covers a wide range of content. From the anthropological point of view, culture can be divided into two categories, in a narrow sense and in broad sense. The culture in a narrow sense, including literature, history, philosophy, politics, social science and natural science achievements, reflects the human spiritual civilization and corporeal civilization .The so-called generalized culture, confirms human life in a series of different characteristics, such as the social customs, social habits, customs and other aspects of life. Language is one of the most important part plays a great role of culture. On one hand, language is the carrier of culture -- no language, no culture. On the other hand, language is influenced by culture at the same time; it likes a mirror, reflecting the representation of culture. Language it not only contains the nation's historical and cultural background, but also contains the nation's views on life and their way of life and their mode of thinking. Language is the reflection and summarizes of social life. We all live in a colorful world; however, color is also an indispensable embellishment of human life. Because of the presence of color, we can obtain the colorful life.


中西方文化颜色词的不同 一、中英文颜色词由于风俗习惯,环境、思维方式、宗教信仰的不同而造成的不同 红色是人们最早使用的颜色,在汉语中,它是火和血的颜色,是吉利、喜庆和兴旺发达的象征。英雄和新娘都要披红戴花,新娘更需里里外外,上上下下都是红色,连头上都盖上红盖头,传统婚礼上门窗上都张贴大红喜字。在传统春节中,都张贴红对联,挂红灯笼,长辈给孩子压岁钱,称为红包。受上司宠爱的称为红人,撮合美满婚姻的人称为红娘,红运指好运,红颜指青春美丽的女子。西方文化中红色含有比较多的贬义,象征着残暴流血,red hands 指血腥的手,杀人的手;red alert 指空袭警报;还象征放荡,淫秽,比如a red light district(红灯区)。 白色在中国文化中指无生命,象征着死亡,凶兆。家中有人去世,亲朋好友要披麻戴孝,办白事,设白色灵堂,打白幡。 而在西方,白色象征着高雅纯洁,在婚礼上新娘穿上洁白的婚纱,代表爱情的纯洁。Snow white(白雪公主)是纯洁善良的化身,还表示合法,无恶意,比如white lie指的是善意的谎言。 黑色在中国传统文化中象征着严肃、正义,比如张飞,李逵都是黑色脸谱。在西方,黑色象征着黑暗、邪恶和痛苦,比如black words指不吉利的话。2001年9月11日,美国世贸大楼被恐怖分子袭击,被称为black 9.11, 还可以指犯罪,比如black money指黑钱,

blackdeed指及其邪恶的行为。BlackFriday指黑色星期五。 绿色象征和平、青春、生机和希望。但在中西方文化中都有贬义:如汉语中,妻子辜负丈夫是丈夫蒙羞我们称为戴绿帽子;在英语中绿色有幼稚、嫉妒的意思,如the greeneyes 指的是红眼,Green hand 指新手。 黄色在中国传统文化中象征着帝王。而在西方文化中,黄色有很强的贬义,比如yellowbook指黄书,Yellowdog指卑鄙的人。 二、中英文颜色词的不同对于跨文化交际带来的影响 鉴于上文中提到的颜色词在中英文当中的这些不同,在英语翻译中我们要格外的注意。在跨文化交际中使用颜色词的时候,我们也要格外注意,否则我们就会犯愚蠢的错误,被其他人耻笑。比如,当我们想表达一个蓝眼睛的男孩,我们不能说 a blue-eyed boys, 因为blue-eyed 指的是被很多人爱的红人。如果我们想说一只黑羊,我们不能用a black sheep,因为a black sheep 指的是害群之马。再比如,green house 不是指绿色的房子,而是指温室。Green back 指美元。Black指不高兴。White night 不是白色的夜晚,而是指不眠之夜,white war 指经济上的战争而不是其他方面的。 三、避免在跨文化交际中产生失误的措施 1. 尽可能多的学习中英文在文化和宗教上的不同,我们能够通过很多途径扩展我们的眼界,增长我们的见识。比如,向亲朋好友请教、多读书、多看杂志、上网,与他人交流过程中,在我们日常生活中多注意观察。


关于汉英基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究 摘要语言是文化的载体,词汇是语言中最为活跃的元素,而颜色词更与我们人类密切相关,体现不同地区和民族的文化特征。本文就汉英两种语言中基本颜色词汇的不同文化内涵进行了对比分析,其目的在于能够更好更为准确地使用颜色词的同时,进一步到达交际的目的。 关键词基本颜色文化特征对比交际 一、颜色词语的意义 语言是文化的载体,同时又是文化的重要组成部分。而词语又是语言中最为活跃的因素,是语言中最能反映文化特征的部分。它们的产生、变化和发展都包含着丰富、复杂的文化信息,如地理环境、历史传统、政治经济、风俗民情、宗教信仰、审美取向、价值观念及思维方式等等,其中色彩词语最能体现出浓厚的民族色彩和鲜明的文化特征,使不同民族的语言呈现出不同的特色。带有明显的文化烙印。这就要求译者在翻译不同文化和语言中带有颜色的词汇时,要充分理解该颜色在不同地区和领域中的显著特征和具体内涵,切不可“望文生义”。 颜色与人类的生活息息相关,我们无时无刻不在与颜色打交道。大干世界的颜色种类无穷无尽,有各自的独特物理属性,在语言中也有鲜明生动的体现。对颜色的认知,是人类最基本的认知范畴之一。世界各民族语言表达颜色的词语数量不一,分类各异。但英语和汉语对基本颜色词的分类差别不大。汉语中有赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,英语中有 red(~),white(白),black(黑),green(绿),yellow(黄),blue(蓝),purple(紫),gray(灰),brown(棕)。这些基本颜色之间有相同的方面,也有不同的区别。不同之处主要受到地理环境、民情风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰等因素的影响,使不同的颜色在视觉和心理上对不同地区和民族的人产生不一样的联想和象征意义。下面对英汉两种语言中的几种主要颜色词进行一下对比研究。 二、颜色词语的翻译 1.红色 (red)


颜色词“红”的汉英对比及翻译 (郑州大学河南郑州 450001) 摘要:作为文化中的重要组成部分,颜色词在英汉两语言中被广泛使用,其物理属性对各民族一样,但受不同历史背景、文化传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、思维方式、民族心理的影响,两民族对颜色词产生的联想、象征、申义大不相同。本文从颜色词“红”着手,探其文化根源,分析它在英汉语言中体现的文化内涵并提出相应的翻译策略。 关键词:颜色词;红色;文化内涵;翻译 中图分类号:h313 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-026x(2012)09-0000-01 abstract: as an important part of culture,color words are widely used in english and chinese.their physical properties arouse same response to all nations,but their associative,symbolic meaning and connotation rendered by english and chinese are quite different due to different historical backgrounds,cultural traditions,customs,religious faith,ways of thinking and national ideology.the paper aims at exploring the cultural sources and connotations reflected by “red” in english and chinese,and proposing relevant translation skills accordingly.

论 中国颜色词的文化内涵

论中国颜色词的文化内涵 摘要:人类生活与颜色息息相关,在人类语言中有着大量的表示色彩的颜色词。语言作为文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式。因而这些颜色词除表示基本色彩意义外,还被赋予了丰富的感情色彩和文化内涵。然而“社会总是在不断发展变化的,社会的发展变化,归根结底是社会文化的发展变化,语言既然是文化的表现形式,文化的发展变化就必然会在语言中有所表现。”①颜色词作为语言词汇中重要的一个组成部分,在保持其基本文化内涵的同时,必然也会随着社会的变化发生一些变化。颜色词也以它们解释角度的不同包容了多重甚至相矛盾的文化内涵。本文主要从不同时空和不同视角来探讨红、白、黑、黄、绿五种常见中国颜色词的丰富的文化内涵。 关键词:中国;颜色词;文化内涵;发展;矛盾 一、中国颜色词的文化内涵 (一)红色 提到中国,提到颜色,很多人想到的词就是“红色”:红色的中国结、红色的对联、红色的汉服、红色的国旗、红色的灯笼、红色的结婚场面……红色是中国人最喜欢的颜色,民间有俗语说“紫多发恶,红主新”,②因此在新婚婚礼上和辞旧迎新的春节人们都喜欢用红色来装饰。“开门红”“红双喜”“生意红火”“走红”,这些词都表达了中国人认为红色是能带来运气的颜色。 红色在中文中最早也被称为“赤”色,代表着吉祥、喜气、热烈、奔放、激情、斗志。中国人以红为贵,古书上的记载,几乎每一位皇帝都会被附会出一段这种神秘的故事,罩上一层九五之尊的光环。红色从而演化为高贵、尊严的意义。古代宫殿室内色彩以红色为主色调,帝王宫殿叫丹墀、朱阙、丹楹等,象征喜庆和富贵。古代高贵人家叫朱门,杜诗曰:“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。”还有朱户、朱邸、朱轮皆是尊贵者、有权有势者专有词。红色服饰自古也显得尊贵,“《诗经·七月》:‘我朱孔阳,为公子裳。’《礼记·月令·孟春三月》:‘天子居名堂太庙……衣朱衣,服赤玉。’中古时代以朱赤为高官之服色也与此一脉相承。”③ 这种自古以来的意识观念一直影响着人们生活的方方面面:在传统的中国婚礼上,新娘要穿大红衣服,盖红头巾,门窗上要贴大红喜字,桌上点上红蜡烛,这样不但给婚礼带来喜庆的气氛,更让人联想到婚后的日子会越过越红火。春节点红蜡烛、贴红对联、新衣以红色为主。逢年过节,送的是红包……出现


颜色趣谈 第一篇:红色 1.汉语-英语 红茶black tea 红白事weddings and funerals 红榜honor roll 红薯sweet potato 开门红make a good beginning 红心loyal heart 红得发紫extremely popular 红宝石ruby 走红运to have a good luck 红利bonus 大红人a favorite with sb. in power 红外线infrared rays 红绿灯traffic light 看破红尘see through the vanity of the world 2.英语-汉语 red alert (台风,空袭)紧急警报the red carpet 隆重的欢迎red battle 一场血战red ruin 火灾red herring 天关紧要的题外话red-eye 廉价的威士忌酒 red ball 特快列车red box 英国大臣用的文件匣 3 .与红色有关的社会内涵 (1)国际上一个专门负责监督各国履行“救死扶伤”和协助受灾国家和地区的组织叫国际红十字会”(International Red Cross或IRC);各国及各地区的“红十字会”也叫“Red Cross”,如中国红十字会(Chinese Red Cross),香港红十字会(Hong Kong Red Cross)。 (2)某些资本主义国家,一些充满色情的地方.在英语里把这种风化区一概称为red-light district(红灯区),非常形象地向人们发出危险的信号。这是因为红灯是危险,停止前进的信号。 (3)red tape字面的意思“红带子”,若是这样来译,那就错了。这个词组源于三个世纪以前,官方使用红带子捆文件.它的词意逐渐演变成为“繁文缛节,官样文章”,烦杂费事的手续,官僚的形式主义等。 颜色趣谈 白色(white) 1 .汉语一英语 白班day shift 白鹭egret 白喉diphtheria 白金platinum 白内障cataract白痴idiot 白开水plain boiled water 白铁galvanized iron 白血病leukemia 白眼supercilious look 白粉病powdery mildew

中英颜色词文化内涵对比研究 开题报告 模板 范文 史上最完整最规范最好

题目(英文)A Contrastive Study of Color Words’Cultural Connotation in Chinese and English 院系外国语2016级12班__________________专业_师范英语________________________ 学生姓名黄多多 学号1234567899 指导教师某某 指导教师职称教授


本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告表 题目中英颜色词文化内涵对比研究 一、设计选题的依据 (一)选题研究的目的: 人类生活的世界五彩斑斓,色彩缤纷。各种各样的颜色构成了我们这个精彩纷呈,五光十色的地球,给人类的生活添加了趣味,让人类能够享受到视觉的饕餮大餐。颜色是物体的自然属性,人们用它来描绘不同事物给人们的视觉的第一感受。颜色不仅可以用来描绘人们所看到的物体,也可以用来表达人们的内心感受。颜色不仅仅承载着一个国家从古至今的物质文化发展轨迹,更加沉淀着不同地域的人们所独有的政治观念,文化观念,审美观念等文化精髓。 进入21世纪以来,人们大步迈向了经济全球化,信息网络化,交流无国界化的时代。随着世界各国对外贸易政策日趋开放,现代交通工具飞速发展这些“硬实力”大幅提升,随着现代新型信息交流媒介电脑,通讯媒介手机等在全球人民的普及这些“软实力”迅猛发展,各国人民在现实生活和网络生活中的接触和交流日趋频繁。不同地域的人们交流,即是不同文化从碰撞到融和的过程。在这种形势之下,对中西颜色词的文化内涵进行对比研究便是很必要并且迫切的一件事情。 首先,透过对中西方颜色词语的文化内涵的对比研究,我们能更加了解我们这个有着5000年悠久历史的四大文明古国之一的祖国的文化起源,发展。我们能更加感受到我们中华民族在世界民族之林的独特性,民族自豪感便会从内心深处油然而生,让我们对自己的祖国更加地挚爱。 其次,拨开颜色词语的表象来看颜色词语的文化内涵,有助于更加精确地理解不同语言的文化作品通过颜色词语所传达的意境。在文学作品中,颜色词语广泛运用于环境描写,来渲染和烘托作品主题。只有对颜色词语的文化内涵做到准确的拿捏,才能对文学作品有透彻的理解。 最后,关注颜色词语在中西文化中的差异,能让人们在跨文化交际中做到“知己知彼,绝不冒犯”。在当今的”地球村”,不同国家的人们在生活,工作等各方面有了更多的交集。只有避免文化的冲突,才能让跨文化交际取得实质性的成功。


从颜色词看中西方文化差异 41432054 李静 人类世界色彩斑斓,光怪陆离,“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫”如一条五光十色的彩带为人类编织出光彩夺目的生态环境。颜色作为一种感官认知,人类对其的认知有明显的共通之处,基本颜色词的含义在各个语言中应是相同的,但因东西方地理环境、历史传统、宗教信仰、价值观念、文化风俗、思维定势以及审美情趣等方面的不同,人们总是按照自己的思维定势和价值尺度去描绘事物的颜色,赋予词汇以本民族的文化内涵,带有显著的文化烙印。 不同国家对不同颜色赋予了不同的含义,因此对不同颜色的喜爱程度也不一样。中国、朝鲜、印度、巴基斯坦、缅甸等国均喜爱红色、绿色、黄色等较鲜艳之色,而日本则尤爱素雅之色,并将绿色视为不详之色。这些国家共同禁忌的颜色是黑色、灰色。沙特阿拉伯、也门、伊朗、科威特和伊拉克等一些国家则喜欢绿色和深蓝色,忌讳的是大红色、紫色和黄色。欧洲大多数国家都喜欢红色、蓝色,而禁忌黑色。 正因如此,人们对各种颜色词的判断就会产生偏误。 Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a brown study. I hope he soon be in the pink again. (误译)布朗先生是个很白的人。那天他脸上却有点绿色。近来他一直感到蓝蓝的。每当看到他时,他总是在棕色的学习中,我希望他早日处于粉红色之中。 (正译)布朗先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。那天他脸上颇有病色。近来他一直感到闷闷不乐。每当我看到他时,他总是处在极度深思之中,我希望他早日恢复健康。 由此可以看出,简单的颜色词在不同的文化背景下竟然有如此大的差别。 本文以在文化 中差异较大的红白两色为例,分析中西方文化差异。


英汉颜色词汇的文化差异 摘要:在英汉两种文化中,同一种颜色的表达方式不同,其所蕴含的比喻和联想意义也不尽相同,这是我们在学习英汉文化差异很重要的一部分。本文试从几个常见的颜色词汇来探析中西颜色词汇中的文化差异,力图能更好地促进英汉民族文化的交流。 关键词:颜色词汇文化差异 1 引言 众所周知,在不同的民族文化中,同样的食物会被赋予不同的意义。颜色是一种客观存在的事物,它的本质对各个民族都是一样的,但颜色所蕴含的丰富的联想意义因受到民俗、地理环境、宗教等的制约,其所引发的比喻和联想意义不尽相同。“颜色词虽然数量很有限,但却反映了不同民族,不同时代人们的文化心理,审美情趣和时代风尚,记录了贵与贱,尊与卑,上与下的历史等级制度,代表了正邪,好坏,是非,善恶,阴阳,冷热,刚柔,婚丧,祸福,方位和季节之类的观念。”(熊文华,1997:357)本文试从几个常见颜色词探讨英汉颜色词汇的文化差异。 2 Red与红色 在中国文化中,由于人们可以从红色联想到太阳和火红的颜色,而太阳和火可以给人们带来光明和温暧及幸福。所以人们喜欢用红色象征“幸福,喜庆,吉祥,欢乐和热烈等”,并由此引申出兴旺,发达,顺利,成功,运气好,福利,成就等等含义,如:红利,红运,分红,红榜,红包,开门红,红日高照等。由红色的顺利,成功等象征意义又可引申为受社会好评,受群众爱戴,欢迎,受上级领导的重视或重用等含义,如:大红人,很红,红极一时,红得发紫等。由红色的成功,顺利,受欢迎,受重用等含义,又引申出羡慕,嫉妒等含义,如:眼红,红眼病等。由于红色可以联想到战为和鲜血的颜色,而革命斗争往往是流血斗争,所以近代常用红色象征革命斗争,如:红旗,红军,红心,红色政权,红色根据地,红领巾,红五星等。 在英美文化中,大多数西方人不喜欢红色,认为红色令人生厌。英语民族概念里的“red”是同流血,牺牲,殉难相关的,red会令人联想到可怕的,危险的东西,如:Red Army and Red Brigades均为恐怖组织,See the red light感觉危险迫近,Red alert紧急警报。Red被西方认为是发怒时的脸色,所以red表示“狂怒;激动”,如:red rag被喻为“令人愤怒的事”,See red气得发疯,大发雷霆,Wave a red flag 做惹别人生气的事。红色具有激发人们情欲的特点,即所谓的“刺激性色彩,色情色彩”,故红色又表示“性欲,暴力”,如:red-blooded adj. 性欲旺盛的,red-handed当场(被捕),正在犯案的,现行犯的。红色在西方还表示“腐败”,如:red tape官僚作风。 3 Blue与蓝色


汉英颜色词 红 所表现的中西文化差异 祝艳艳 (郧阳师范高等专科学校基础部,湖北十堰442000) [摘要]色彩是人类认识世界的重要领域,有着丰富的文化内涵。汉英语言包含着大量的颜色词,但是由于地理环境、民族风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰等文化背景的差异,汉英两个民族对各种颜色词在视觉和心理 上所产生的联想象征意义、寓意也不尽相同。以 红色 为例,分析其在汉英语言中涵义的异同并探寻其文化根源,以便更好地了解中西方民族文化的差异,促进中西文化交流。 [关键词]颜色词;文化内涵;文化差异 [doi]10.3969/j.issn.1008-6072.2010.05.038 [中图分类号]H313[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008!6072(2010)05!0140!03 绚丽多彩的大自然为人类提供了繁衍生息的场所和文明发展的基础,色彩与人类的生活息息相关,从某种意义上说,没有五光十色的色彩,就没有多姿多彩的生活。色彩不仅具有明显的美感功能,同时还具有丰富的表情功能和信息功能,常有象征意义,是人类认识世界的重要领域。由于人类文化共性的作用,以及文化相互渗透、趋同的影响,不同民族常常会赋予某一种颜色以相同的象征意义。汉英语言包含着大量的颜色词,尽管汉英民族对自然本色的认识和感受是大体一致的,但由于地理环境、民情风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰、民族心理等文化背景以及语言表达方式等方面的差异,各种颜色对于两个民族在心理上所引发的联想意义、象征意义、蕴含寓意却不尽相同,使颜色词产生了褒贬不同的情感附加意义,由此构成各具民族特色的色彩文化内涵。[1]可以说,汉英颜色词涵义的异同在一定程度上反映了中西文化的差异。为此,本文将通过对颜色词 红 涵义的异同解析,揭示其内涵意义中所体现的中西方民族文化的差异。 一、汉英语言中颜色词的分类 科学研究表明,世界上可辨色彩达七百多万种。在词汇极为丰富的汉、英语言中,表达颜色的词语数量多寡不一,但分类大体相同。汉语和英语的颜色词基本上都分为三大类:即基本颜色词或称单色颜色词(basic co lor w o rds)、实物颜色词(co lor w ords w ith co lors of object s)和色差颜色词(color w ords in shades)。汉英民族对基本颜色词的分类也基本相同,都采用七分法,即赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。中国传统有阴阳五行说即金木水火土,与其相对应的五种颜色为 青赤黄白黑 。美国语言人类学家柏林和美国文化人类学家凯在对世界上一百多种语言中的颜色词进行调查分析后认为:任何一种语言的基本颜色词都涵盖在11个基本颜色词中,这11种基本颜色词是black、w hit e、red、yellow、green、blue、bro w n、purple、pink、orang e和g rey。[2]由此可见,在汉英语言中, 红(red) 都属于基本颜色词。 二、汉英语言中 红 的表达的相同之处 在汉语中,红色也称为赤色、朱色。据统计,汉语表示红色的词语有40多个,如:金红、绛红、橘红、水红、桃红、猩红、血红、大红、火红、墨红、嫣红、樱红、枣红、朱红、紫红、酱红、殷红、杜鹃红、玫瑰红等等,而英语中表示红色的词语却多达100来个,表示粉红的词也有30多个,仅以C开头表示红色的词就有17个之多:cardinal深红的、鲜红的,carmine胭脂红,carm ine lake胭脂红染料,carnation淡红色,carnelian玛瑙红,Chinese red朱红色、橘红色,chrom e red铬红,chr ome scar let铬红,cinnabar朱色,claret紫红色, cochineal胭脂虫红,Co ng o rubine刚果红,cop per r ed铜红,co quelicot虞美人红,creso l red甲酚红,crimson绯红,crim son m adder茜草红。 (一)汉英语言中 红(red) 的积极涵义 汉英语言中 红(red) 大多表示积极的意义。在中华民族的传统心理中,红色是喜色,它象征着喜庆和欢乐、成功与顺利。我国数千年的传统习俗是过年时家家门上都要挂大红灯笼,贴红对联、红福字;即使是像?白毛女#中的杨白劳,尽管家境贫穷、债台高筑,过年时仍要给女儿扯上二尺红头 2010年10月郧阳师范高等专科学校学报Oct.2010第30卷第5期Jo ur nal o f Y uny ang T eacher s Colleg e V ol.30No.5 * **[收稿日期]2010-08-20 [作者简介]祝艳艳(1982-),女,湖北安陆人,郧阳师范高等专科学校基础部助教,主要从事语言与文化研究。 YYSZXB140


中西颜色词的文化差异及翻译 Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words and Their Translation Abstract:The relationship between language and culture are closely linked. Language is the base of culture and is the constituent of culture. Language as a mirror reflects the culture of a nation, and like a window shows all the contents of the culture. On the other hand, the culture is not only the basis of the language’s existence, but also the lifespring of language’s metabolism. So understanding of a culture requires the understanding of the corresponding language and vice versa. In fact, language is an abstract concept. So by what way can we observe the connotation of different culture through language? This thesis analyzes this from a set of special words----color terms. Because of different customs, environments, religious beliefs, ethnic psychology, politics and economics, the understanding and the feelings of color words are different. The same color often has different meanings in various cultures and it reflects the cultural differences. Through comparing the difference of culture between Chinese and English, we can understand different translation methods so that we can improve our English ability. Furthermore, it can promote the communication between China and western countries. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first part mainly tells about the significance, literature review and purposes of research on the cultural connotations of color terms between English and Chinese. The second part expounds the reasons of cultural differences between English and Chinese. The third part mainly talks about the ways of translating color words. At last a conclusion of the thesis is made naturally. Key Words: Color words; Cultural differences; Translation

常见的颜色在中西方文化中的差异 - 副本

常见的颜色在中西方文化中的差异 摘要:在人类的语言中,存在着大量有关颜色的词汇,如黑色、白色、红色、 黄色等。语言作为文化的载体,体现了不同文化的异同。但由于民俗、地域以及价值观等文化背景的不同,英汉两个民族对各种颜色在视觉上和心理上所产生的联想、象征的意义也不尽相同,这就使得中西方民族在颜色词的具体使用和理解上存在差异,造成了文化的误读。为了区分它们的异同,减少跨文化交际中出现的误解,本文将分析中西方主要颜色词语的象征意义。 关键词:颜色象征意义文化背景跨文化 Abstract:In the human language, there are a lot of words about color, such as black, white, red, yellow and so on. As the carrier of culture, language reflects the similarities and differences of different cultures. But due to the cultural background distinction on folkways, area and the value, the associative andsymbolic significance forming in visual and psychological differs from Chinese to English people, which makes the western ethnic difference in the color of the word and the specific use of the understanding, so cultural misreading is caused. In order to distinguish their similarities and differences, to reduce the misunderstanding of intercultural communication, this pa per will analyze the main colors words’ meanings between Chinese and Western. Key words:color,symbolic meaning,cultural background,interculture 0 前言 在人类语言中,颜色词所表现出的独特魅力已得到了语言学家的首肯。在汉英语言中,表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词很丰富。我国与绝大多数英语国家由于地理位置、自然现象、历史背景、审美心理等千差万别,因而对颜色的感受和表达也不尽相同。同样,颜色的象征意义在中西方文化之间自然又会产生很大的差异。 1导致英汉颜色词文化差异的原因 在中国传统文化中,颜色的意义是基于封建统治、封建迷信及封建社会原始、落后的科学、教育状况而形成的,所以许多颜色的意义具有相当强烈的政治化和神秘化倾向。当然,随着时代的发展,附着在颜色身上的封建迷信观念已逐渐消失,人们更多地将颜色的意义作为一种文化习惯来传承。英语中的颜色意义则更多地得益于西方民族的开放性及科学、教育的普及,少了神秘,多了些理性,这

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