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Unit3 说课稿资料讲解

Unit3 说课稿资料讲解
Unit3 说课稿资料讲解

What do you use Internet for?

There are so many advantages on the Internet, but is it extremely safe and honest on the Internet?

Reading: a debate

The effects of the internet on our lives

Fast reading

There are two parts in the passage.

Please scan the first paragraphs

of each part and then answer the following questions.

First reading tasks

1. The text presents the _______ two students gave at a _______ about the _________________________ of Internet use.

2. Who are the two debaters?

Zhu Fei, in favour of the Internet;

Li Lei, against the Internet.

Reading strategy: reading an argument

1. When you read an argument, you must remember that ________________________.

2. How does an argument develop?

—The first thing : _________________________ ___________

—After that: _______________

—In the rest of the argument: _______________

—At the end of the argument: ______________.

Application of reading strategy

I. Analyze the structure of the 1st part

A specific view: ___________

Para ___: Present the two main points

Para ___: Supporting facts for Point 1

Para ___ : Supporting facts for Point 2

Para ___: Draw a conclusion

II. Listening and filling in the blanks.

View: The Internet has ________ effects on our life

Point1: Its ____ for people to look for information

Supporting facts: A survey shows ___ of users use it to search for answers to questions.

___ of the respondents use it to advance knowledge about ________.

Point2: Our _____to relate to others through the Internet.

Supporting facts: Internet friendships are based on common_________.

People who are disabled can ____________ with the outside world.

Conclusion: the Internet remains a positive ____ that makes our lives better

Application of reading strategy

I. Analyze the structure of the 2nd part

A specific view: _________

Para 1: Present the two ___________

Para 2: ________________for Point 1

Para 3-4: Supporting facts for Point 2

Para 5: Draw a ___________

II. Answer the following questions

1. What was the worst problem of eBay in 2003?

False shopping information (The sellers cheated the consumers through the internet)

2. What was the purpose of opening the clinic?

To help people who are addicted to computer games

3. After reading this part, what conclusion can we draw?

We should learn either to limit our use of the internet or to handle the problems the internet has caused


Zhu Fei and Li Lei had a _____about the pros and _____of internet use. Zhu Fei first analyzed the value for people who are looking for information. He also mentioned that people can use it to build . Internet friendships can be built based on common________. With the help of the Internet, the disabled can correspond and ___________with the outside world.

But Li lei lists the ______ effects. He thinks the main ________of the Internet are too much ___________ information. He thinks that the huge ______ of false information becomes more of a problem. Another disadvantage of the Internet he refers to is that it is ___________ the way people spend their time.


Pair work

Topic Online study ,necessary or unnecessary?

Key words


1. Supplement (补充)

2. Extension(扩展)

3. Broaden one’s view

4. Consolidate(巩固)

5. V arious sources of information

6. Chances of being educated by other professors online

7. …


1. Repetition (重复)

2. False information

3 A waste of time

4. Harmful to eyes

5. A waste of money

6. Mastering what a teacher taught costs lots of time.

7. …


1.Read the text again

2.Do the related exercises on pages 36-37

人教PEP版六年级上册英语 Unit 1 Part A Let's talk 说课稿

Unit1《How can I get there》 Part A Let’s talk(1) 说课稿 各位领导,老师,大家好! 今天我说课的内容是Unit1 《How can I get there》针对这部分内容我将从说教材、说教学目标、说教学重点难点、说教法学法、说教学过程六个方面展开我的说课稿. 一.说教材 今天我说课的内容是PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 《How do yo u go there 》Part A Let’s talk部分。 二.教学目标 根据教材的内容和<<英语课程标准>>要求,我确定了以下教学目标: 1、能够听、说、读、写本课单词:foot, bike,bus, train, plane, ship,subway。 2、能够听、说、认读短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train,by plane,by ship, by subway。 3、能用句子“How do you go to…?I go to …by.”来询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。 4.能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因,如:I go to school by bus. Because it's fast. 三.教学重点: 1、学习单词:foot , bike, bus, train, plane, ship, subway

2、在情景中使用对话中的句子,掌握句型学会询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。 四.教学难点: 1.用句子“How do you go to…?I go to …by ….”来询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。 2.描述出行方式的英语表达法是由“by + 交通工具名称”构成,只有“走路”一词要用介词on。 五、说教法与学法 在本课教学中我充分发挥多媒体在英语课堂的作用,利用交通工具的图片创设各种情境激发学生学习热情。用开火车的形式学习、巩固本课的单词,这样能激发学生积极参与课堂教学活动,培养学生大胆表达的良好习惯,从而提高英语综合运用能力。 六、说教学过程 (一)Warm up (二)Presentation 1. Show a picture of bike. A sk:“what is this”? “It is 自行车”教师引出单词bike并教读此单词。 2.课件出示各种交通工具图片以同样的方式教读下列单词:bus,train, plane, ship, subway. 3.教师领读及拼读所学的单词 4.学生齐读后开火车读所学的新单词


高中英语阅读课 此说课稿独家特色简介: 一,高中英语阅读课,该说课稿在赛课中获得了一等奖,同时该阅读课获得了一等奖,经过实战演练,课堂气氛非常活跃,阅读表格等教学方法得到评委一致称赞 二,该说课稿内容超级翔实,脉络十分清晰,课程设计非常有趣有创意。 三,拥有配套的高质量的教案,课件,阅读原文,让你把优秀阅读课信手拈来! 教案题目:高中英语阅读课公开课教案一等奖 课件题目:高中英语阅读课公开课课件一等奖 阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高

中英语阅读课公开课原文 Interpretation Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure. Part 1 Teaching Material The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Part 2 Teaching Aims According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题) (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan’s life career and form their own opinion about success. 2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写) (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss’ abilit ies of studying by themselves and through cooperating. 3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points The important points are what qualities are required to be successful? Such as creativity, persistence and talent. The difficult points are Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan’s answers. Part 4 Teaching Methods As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims,


研读教材让课堂更精彩 ---人教版六年级英语教材分析 杜家小学张文娟 尊敬的各位老师: 大家好,很高兴能和大家一起探讨六年级英语教材。在新课改的今天,教师只有多角度钻研、挖掘教材,才能充分了解教材并准确把握教材,让课本真正为我所用,从而实现课堂的高效率。今天,我要解析的是新人教版小学六年级上下册的内容,我主要从以下几个方面来解析:课标、编写特点、编写思路、教学内容、教学策略。 一、说课标: 1、总目标:以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面共同构成了英语课程总目标贯穿整套教材,形成本套教材完整的课程体系基础。 2、分级目标:六年级属于英语课程目标的二级目标。 3、本套教材的内容目标: 1)语言技能:利用TPR教学法,让学生在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。 2)语言知识:本套教材以问路、交通方式、计划、爱好、职业、生病、身高、体重、周末活动、旅游、过去和现在的比较等活动进行展开,使学生通过任务型教学完成相应的教学活动。 3)情感态度:培养学生的学习兴趣和自信心,通过学习,培养学生的爱国主义精神,了解中西方文化。

4)学习策略:能够积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,注意倾听,积极思考。通过与他人合作的方式,运用所学英语进行表达和交流,共同完成学习任务,提高自主学习和合作学习能力。 5)文化意识:通过学习,了解中西方文化差异,尝试用简单的英语表达。 二、编写特点 1、强调语言运用 2、注重能力培养 3、突出兴趣激发 4、重视双向交流 5融合学科内容 6、重视灵活扩展 7、实现整体设计 三、编写思路: 教材在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则,把知识和技能目标融会在完成任务的过程之中,从而体现了把话题--功能—结构--任务结合起来的总思路。 四、教材内容: 教材的变化: 微调教材的整体框架 调整单元的内部结构 强化阅读 强化写的训练 更加贴近生活 教材的整体框架的变化 1、单元数略有调整,各单元的顺序和话题有所调整


优秀小学英语说课稿范例《Holiday》 说教材: 1. 教材内容 本节教材重点围绕节日展开,围绕人们经常如何度过节日展开话题。本课时要求学生能掌握四个节日National Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring Festival 及句型What do people usually do at ….? I….并能自由交流如何度过假日。在本课中did引导的一般疑问句及回答也是新知之一。因为在前面第三单元己出现了be 动词的过去式,所以学生在学习的时候这方面比较容易掌握。 2.教材的地位 本节课所选的教学内容是牛津小学英语6A Unit 6。本单元教学围绕节日展开。在询问节日这部分,学生已有了前面第三单元的知识铺垫,比较易于深入与扩展。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、由难到易的编排意思,又符合学生的知识水平和认知水平。关于人们如何度过节日这一话题,特别是西方的节日,。则需要学生课后及时收集资料。在实际教学中,本课采用旧话题先教新句型,再用句型引新知的方式展开,这样既便于学生接受掌握,也体现了教学内容之间的连贯性。 说目标: 1. 教学目标 新课程强调知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个角度的有机结合,本着这样的认识,我制定如下教学目标。 [认知目标] 学生能听、说、读短语及单词:visit relatives and friends , go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks , make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food , National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring Festival , favourite ; 能运用When’s …? What do people usually do at …? Did you….last …? Yes , I did./ No, I didn’t.等进行口语交际。 [能力目标]能用英语交流在假日中的活动,部分同学能用英语流利介绍节日的有关情况。[情感目标] 通过活动、游戏使学生产生学习英语的兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流。并让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。 2. 教学重难点 教学的重点是让学生掌握词组,能运用词组进行交流,初步锻炼学生运用词组描述节日的能力;难点是让学生认识时态的变化,及意识到词组的不同运用能造就语言的丰富性。 说教法: 1.教法设计 根据英语这门课本身的特点及六年级学生的兴趣,我通过设计具体形象的情景,以旧带新,不断滚动知识点,以此来分散教学难点,让学生直观地感知与理解。同时创设数个任务活动,从单词到短语到句子到对话到片断,使学生在师生、生生之间的多向交流中进行有意义的练习与实践,充分发挥他们的学习主体性,培养他们学习致用的能力。 2. 学法指导 引导学生通过比较、观察、猜测的方法逐渐感悟新语言项目的功能,让学生在多层次的练习中体会到学习英语时“运用”的必要性,鼓励学生积极思维,大胆尝试。 3.教学手段 根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特征,为了更好地激发学生学习兴趣,从而能积极主动参与学习。教学中运用多媒体课件、图片等教学辅助手段,置抽象的句型于一个个生动的情景、游戏之中,不仅使学习过程自然轻松,更能较好地启智开思。 说过程:


人教(PEP)版六年级英语上册全册说课稿 Unit 1 How can I get there? 一、教学内容 1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词: Science, museum, post office, bookstore,cinema, hospital, crossing, turn, left,straight, right. 2、本单元要求会听,说认读的句型: Where is the...? It’s near/next to/behind...? How can we get there? Turn left/right.... Then .... 3、能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。 二、教学要求 1、知识与能力目标 1)能够听、说、认读句型:Where is the...? It’s near/next to/behind... How can we get there? Turn left/right.... Then .... 2)能够在情景中运用句型Where is the...? It’s near/next to/behind...询问回答位置。并表述行走路线。X k B 1 . c o m 3)能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调 4)能够听、说、认读单词:Science, museum, post office, bookstore,cinema, hospital, crossing, turn, left,straight, right. 6)运用上述描述表达路线。 2、情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标 1)学习礼貌言行,知道遵守交通规则。。 三、教学重点和难点 重点:1、听懂、会说本单元的对话,并能对路线进行描述。 2、听、说、认读本单元单词。 3、能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。 难点:难点单词的正确发音 四、教学时间 本单元共6课时,每周3课时,2周完成。 第一课时 一、教学内容:A Let’s try Let’s talk C Let’s wrap it up 二、教学目标: 1. 帮助学生理解对话,并学会运用句型“Where is the ...? ”问路。 2. 帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。达到简单的交际。 三、教学重难点: 重点:1. 句型:Where is the ...? It’s near/next to/behind .... 2. 运用句型问路,表述方位。 难点:运用句型问路,表述方位。 四、教学过程: 五、教学过程: 1. Warm---up (热身及预习展示) 师生自由问答:


Introduce a place From Module2 Unit4 Communication Workshop 各位评委,大家好! 今天我说课的内容是写作课“Introduce a place”。本节内容来自于第二模块第四单元的Communication Workshop。 对于这节课的设计,我力求突出重点,条理清晰。学生活动的安排也注重互动、交流,最大限度的调动学生参与课堂的积极性和主动性。 下面我就说说本课的教学过程, 具体分为7个步骤,分别为, 1、Discuss the topic(引入并讨论话题)(3—5分钟) 2、Sample presentation(范文展示)(10分钟) 3、Drafting(写出初稿)(15分钟) 4、Self-response and making revisions(自查自改)(3分钟) 5、Getting response and revising again(互查互改)(3分钟)(亮点和创新点) 6、Giving feedback(给出回馈)(3分钟) 7,Homework (1分钟) 下面我详细说说每一个步骤, 1、Discuss the topic(引入并讨论话题)(3—5分钟) 首先,我从刚学过的奥克兰导入话题,问学生,我们已经学过了奥克兰这一课,那么我们回忆一下,介绍一个地方,需要考虑什么因素哪?学生们进行头脑风暴,得出相关的要素。比如人口, 历史, 地理位置等。然后我问学生,我们的首都北京已经成为国际化的大都市,越来越多的外国友人来北京旅游,你能否用英语把北京介绍给他们吗?我以此来激发学生运用发散性思维思考北京的相关要素,在学生思考完毕后,我在大屏幕上展示若干北京的图片,作为补充。然后让学生分成两人一组, 彼此向对方描述这些图片。同时,我走到学生中间聆听他们的描述。

六年级上册英语说课稿-Unit 3 My weekend plan A let's talk (人教PEP版)

Unit 3 My weekend plan A let’s talk说课稿 一、说教材 1、教学内容 本课时的教学内容是六年级上册unit 3 My weekend plan的第二课时,主要让学生熟练运用一般将来时态,明确be going to是表示即将发生的动作,并在真实情境中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。本单元学习的主题是周末计划,本课时属于对话教学,该内容贴近学生生活,同时又有上一节词汇课作为铺垫,学生对句型结构的意义有初步感知,所以易于深入和拓展。 2、教学目标 1)能够在情景中运用What are /is … going to do ? I’m …, He/She is going to … 谈论周末活动计划; 2)能够理解语境语言Sounds great! I have to ….Have a goodtime! 的大意; 3)了解be going to 表示将来计划的用法; 4)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 3、教学重难点 在情景中恰当运用句型What are /is … going to do ? I’m …, He/She is going to … 谈论周末活动计划和国庆节活动计划! 二、说学情 在三年多的英语学习过程中,学生已经学习了很多有关周末活动的词组,如:wash clothes, clean my room, draw pictures , visit grandparents, go hiking ,play the piano, play ping-pong, play football, read a book等,并且在第一课时也接触了新句型What are you going to do ?I’m going to—.对该句型的语用功能已有了初步了解。 三、说教法学法 《新课程》要求教师从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。依此为基础我设置了listening,guessing,choosing, repeating,acting,pair work, making a survey等活动。 1、任务型教学法:学生通过listen and answer, listen and repeat, retell according to tips, pair


单元整体说课 我们围绕单元整体备课,活动有序推进这一主题,对4AM3U1In our school的单元教学设计做出了诸多思考,在这里将和大家分享。首先,请大家跟我走进第一板块--单元整体备课。基于教材、学生以及课标,本单元的语用任务为:能从名称、规模、场所、方位、功能等方面对学校进行简单介绍,表达对学校的热爱。基于这样的语用任务,我们将本单元的分课时话题设计为:Animal school is fun;Alice’s school; A visit to Rainbow Primary school以及Welcome to our school,通过话题进行目标的达成。由于本单元read a story部分为Animal School,为体现课时与话题之间的关联与递进,我们巧妙的将Animal School设定为第一课时,让学生在故事学习中感知、体会Animal School与Our school的不同之处,从而引出本单元的核心单词与句型,这一巧妙设计使单元教学的整体性得以实现。 在对教材内容进行研读、解析后,我们对其进行了调整和整合。如第一课时中,教师将教材中Read a story与Look and learn的部分进行了整合,在故事学习的开始,让学生感知、体会Animal School与our school 的不同,从而引入本单元核心词汇与句型;在第三课时A visit to Rainbow Primary School 中,我们增设了来自Mr Black的一封邮件的语境,并且在对话的开始与结束部分增加了问候语和结束语,从而增强了语境的真实性,丰富了学生的语用输出,使对话教学更具现实意义。同时,为达成单元语用任务,我们联系学生生活实际,将第四课时的教学内容设定为学生运用本单元的词汇和句型介绍自己


0214PEP小学英语六年级上册第五单元说课稿 各位评委上午好! 我是三河中学的……。今天,我说课的内容是PEP小学英语六年级上册第五单元What does she do ? Part A Let’s Learn部分。本单元是围绕“职业”这一话题展开,教学重点是让学生掌握一些职业的英语表达并就“职业”话题展开相关讨论。为了向一节更优秀的英语课靠近,我设计了这样一节课,在这里希望各位评委老师能够提出宝贵的意见和建议。 singer, writer, TV reportor , actor, actress, artist ,以及询问他人职业的句型What does your father do? He is a teacher. 本课的内容是对以前所学有关职业名称词汇的一个扩充和所学句型的拓展。使学生的词汇量在原来的基础上有一个提高,同时使他们掌握多种询问职业的问答方式。 :1、知识目标:能够听、说、读、写六个新授单词singer, writer, TV reportor , actor, actress, artist,并能够听、说、认读句型What does your father do? He is a teacher. What are you going to be? I’m going to be …2、能力目标:能够运用句型what does your father do? He is a teacher. 来询问他人的工作情况,并给出相应回答。并能够使用What are you going to be? I’m going to be …来询问别人和表达自己的理想。3、情感目标:在课堂中培养学


A Brief Instruction to the topic of“What should I do?” Shangyuan Middle School Li Yi Cai Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is LiYiCai. I come from Shangyuan Middle School in Nanjing.Today I?m going to talk about the topic” What should I do?”I will divide the instruction into seven parts:they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures. Part 1 Teaching material analysis This period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I?d like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.We have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit 2.We have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two units.Today we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie?s and Simon?s problems.So this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit 2.This period is the first lesson of Reading.The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.So this period is very important in this unit. Part 2 Teaching aims 1.Aims of the knowledge: (1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases. (2)To learn something about Millie?s and Simon?s problems.


六年级英语说课稿 各位老师、评委大家好!今天很荣幸能站在这里,借此平台,我和大家一起分享小学六年级英语教学的说课。 一、教材分析 我说课的内容是人教版六年级上册Unit 1 where is the cinema?第一课时。本课主要让学生掌握和运用表达公共地点的单词(science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital)以及如何描述公共设施大体位置的句子(Where is the…?It’s near/next to/behind…) 根据小学英语课程标准的要求,本节课的内容以及学生的年龄特征和认知特征,我将本课教学目标设计如下: (一) 语言知识目标 1、能听说读A部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk中的单词science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital和句子Where is the…? It’s near/next to/behind…,并且能在活动中灵活运用。 2、能理解Let’s talk的内容。 (二) 语言技能目标 1、能够简单描述城市内公共设施的大致位置 2、能够掌握A部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk中的短语和句子。 (三) 情感态度目标 通过本课的学习,培养学生团结友爱,乐于助人的良好品质和培养学生保护公共设施和环境的好习惯 (四)、重点

本课的重点是让学生掌握单词:science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital 掌握句型:Where is the…? It’s near/next to/behind… (五)、难点 本课的难点是单词science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital的发音和如何在实际情景下使用这些句子Where is the…? It’s near/next to/behind… 我主要通过感知新教材---设置---灵活运用着三个主要步骤来突破教材重难点,具体表现在课堂程序中。 二、学情分析 六年级的学生有了一定的学习英语的基础,但知识还是比较薄弱,他们对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,但是注意力集中的时间不是很长,所以在教学过程中教师应注意教学重点的讲授时间以及设计一些有趣的能吸引学生注意力的活动,加强他们对知识的掌握。 三、教法分析 在教学中我主要运用演示教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、游戏教学法和合作学习法。运用演示教学法帮助学生更好地理解和记忆;多媒体辅助教学法使枯燥的单词形象化;游戏教学法发挥学生的积极性和主动性,激发学生的兴趣;合作学习法增进学生的感情,提高学习效率。 四、学法分析 1、模仿教学法---让学生跟着视频模仿。这主要是利用了小学生模仿能力强的特点。 2、小组活动学习法---把全班分成小组,学生互相交流、切磋、共同完成学习


高三第二学期英语复习公开课的说课 稿 高三第二学期英语复习公开课的说课稿 由于词篇语法填空和改错题是英语高考当中必考的题型,因此这节课有着重复习和讲解此类题目的解题方法和技巧。语法填空是“对词法与句法知识”项目的考查。分析历年高考卷可知,其中的词法部分侧重考查动词时态及语态、非谓语动词、情态动词、冠词、代词、并列连词、形容词与副词、介词等;句法部分侧重考查定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句、虚拟语气、强调句型、倒装句、省略句等。在基本覆盖主要语法知识要点的前提下,多数试题突出了对动词、形容词、副词等实词以及从句的考查。把动词及句法作为语法填空题的测试重点是高考英语命题的一贯原则,这一点今后还将坚持下去,因此我们在复习的过程中要重视和加强对动词和从句的复习。这种试题本着“突出语境、重在运用、符合表达、体现能力”的原则,强调语法知识在具体语境中的运用,因此掌握一定的文化背景知识并揣摩说话人的意图成了解决语法填空题的关键。考虑到上个学期我已经花了大量时间在词篇语

法填空题上,所以这节课就没有专门设计这一类型的题,而是在词篇语法填空题上添加了改错题,因为我认为这两道题在考点上有些类似,比如时态,语态,固定搭配,介词,代词,形容词和副词等. 那么怎么去做改错题呢?首先让学生了解和掌握短文改错的错项设置,以便目的明确。1.动词形。主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。2.名词数。指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如:…so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (subjects) 3.区分形和副。区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。4.非谓动词细辨别。这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。5.习惯用法要记住。主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考的常考点,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。6.句子成分多分析。不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语景要选择不同的词语。这些都有待我们对句子结构和句子成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。7.逻辑错误须关注。与句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误。如称


Unit3 Traveljournal中reading的教学设计思路 JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG .No.7 Middle School of wuwei wang zhongwen 一、教材的分析与处理 1、课型:阅读理解 2、教材分析: 1.地位: 本文是该单元“旅行日志”的重点文章,属精读材料。本单元的中心话题是“旅游”,可以说这是一个世界性的时尚话题,随着经济发展、社会进步、人们生活水平的提高,旅游作为现代人的一种生活方式,越来越被更多的人们所接受与喜爱。本单元讲述了一段沿湄公河而下的自行车旅行,主人公“王坤”以旅行日记的形式详细的记录了这一过程。学生通过追随这一段旅程,探讨与“旅游”相关的各种话题,如:如何为旅游做准备,怎么选择适当的旅游方式,怎样确定旅游路线,计划或日程等等。通过本单元的学习,不仅可以实使学生学到与旅游有关的语音知识和语言技能,还会使学生对旅游产生浓厚的兴趣,通过旅游了解世 2.内容:“阅读”(Reading)部分的题目使”沿湄公河而下的旅程“。文章讲到主人公王坤和姐姐王薇想骑山地车旅行,于是选定了沿着云南西部的澜沧江,也就是湄公河作为旅游路线。他们选择海拔5000多米,空气非常稀薄的高山作为旅行的起点。着注定是一次非常刺激的旅行经历。通过查

阅资料,他们知道了河流的特点和流向,沿途所要经过的地形等等,增长了地理方面的知识,开阔了视野。通过阅读,教师要让学生学到一些有关地理的单词和短语,训练他们的阅读技巧,还要让他们做好懂得如何做好旅行前的准备工作,例如选择自己感兴趣的旅行地点,确定旅游路线,通过查地图等了解沿途的相关信息。这课时主要侧重于阅读能力的培养,教给学生多种灵活多变的阅读方法。引导学生开展任务型阅读,以任务为依托,激发学生参与主体,从篇章中准确、高效地获取知识与信息。 体裁:旅行日记 3、学生分析:学生已经学了warming-up与部分单词,并且预习了这篇课文,上课会比较轻松,理解也比较容易。 4、教学目的要求: ①语言知识:理解与旅游有关的知识并掌握文中的词汇短语。 ②语言技能:培养阅读策略(跳读、查读、略读与归纳能力);了解旅游常识;学会如何写旅行日志。 ③情感态度:感受主人公认真谨慎的态度,养成做事充分准备坚持到底的好习惯。 ④学习策略:培养查找旅游信息的能力,出行之前讨论、制定计划、查阅资料等能力。 ⑤文化意识:增强对祖国大好河山的热爱,以及在旅游中接受异国文化的能力。 5、教学重点:让学生理解本课旅游日记的内容。 6、教学难点:培养学生的阅读能力,尤其是理解归纳的能力。

人教版六年级英语上册UNIT 1HOW CAN I GET THERE说课稿

Unit 1:How can I get there? Part A(Lesson 1)说课稿 ——彭送宝 各位评委,大家好。 今天我说课的内容是人教版英语六年级上册第一单元How can I get there? Part A的第一课时。我今天的说课分为五个部分:教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程分析,板书设计。 一,教材分析 本课的topic是描述地点与位置, 要求学生掌握一些地点名词,学会用方位介词描述它们的位置。 三维目标 (一)知识目标 1.掌握下列单词 (1)有关地点的名词:bookstore, post office, hospital, cinema, science museum (2)有关位置的介词:in front of, behind, next to/near, across from, between…and… 2.掌握下列句型 A:What’s this/that? B:It’s a school. A: Where is the zoo? B: It’s next to the bookstore. (二)能力目标 使学生熟练谈论地点与位置。 (三)情感目标 通过灵活运用英语来提高学生的学习兴趣。 (四)教学重点难点 重点:地点名词。 难点:方位介词。 二,教法分析 本节课的对象是六年级的学生,天真、活泼,对新事物有很高的激情。所以结合他们的这一特点,我采取了以下方法: 1. 直观教学法。通过用图片,视频和不同颜色字体展示教学新内容,加深学生对地点名词和方位介词的认知,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2. 课堂互动法。通过师生交流,生生交流,实现师生互动。鼓励学生大胆发言,营造平等交流气氛,让学生成为课堂学习的主体。 3. 情景教学法。充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,为学生进行交际和表达创设更多生动活泼的语言环境,把学生吸引到活动中去,并激发他们主动参与学习的欲望三,学法分析 创设情景,布置录像欣赏和互动游戏,激发学生的学习热情,培养他们的表达能力,发挥他们自己的主观能动性,把被动的学习变为主动学习。四,教学过程分析Step1 自由谈话,导入新课。 让学生看一张熊猫的图片,通过自由谈话引入到地点名词zoo。既调动了学生的好奇心,又能引出本节课的知识目标。

最新英语《What time is it(说课稿)》教师招聘精品获奖完美优秀实用观摩课赛教课公开课示范优质课说课稿

前言:要想成为一名优秀的教师,不仅要对教材有所了解,还要对学生的情况有清晰明了的掌握,站在学生的角度思考问题,这样才能了解学生真正的学习需求,做到因材施教、有的放矢。在教学过程中,学生是学习的主体,教师是学习的组织者,引导者,教学的一切活动都必须以强调学生的主动性,积极性为出发点。 《What time is it》说课稿 (最新精品获奖说课稿) Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. I'm number ___. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of the following aspects. Analysis of the teaching material Firstly, let’s come to the analysis of tea ching material. The part of this lesson mainly talks about the time. Through Zhang Peng and John’s talk, presents the meaning and the form of the words, which are used to describe John’s activities at different times. After the students learned this part they can get more words to answer to the questions about the times. Analysis of the students Secondly, students are the subject of our class. They have learned the second language for one and a half year. They can know some basic words, phrases and some simple sentences patterns. But they are shy to say English in their daily life, and the words and the sentences are not enough for them to describe their activities at different times. As a teacher, I will provide them more chance to learn English quickly and practice more. Analysis of the teaching aims After the analysis of the material and the students, and according to the analysis of the new curriculum standard, I set the teaching aims as follows:


《初中英语说课稿》简介: Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) ST 《初中英语优秀说课稿》正文开始>> Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) STATUS AND FUNCTION 1. This is an important lesson. To attain ―four skills‖ request of listening , speaking, reading and w riting. Start with listing part and tell the Ss to remember the new words. Ask the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. 2. This is the first period of Unit7.It‘s the part of t he Lead-in.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. 3. Such a topic is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. (二)ANAL YSIS OF THE STUDENTS The Ss have learned English for more than one year and a half so far. They can speak simple English very well. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now. (三)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS 1.Knowledge objects (1) To make the Ss know how to use Object Clauses. (2) To study the new words and phrases: try one‘s best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie. (3) To learn some phrases to about preparing for the food festival. make biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set a table, write a song 2. Ability objects (1) To develop the Ss‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the Ss‘ ability of working in pairs and groups. (3) To develop the Ss‘ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. 3. Moral objects (1)To make Ss know something about the western food culture and the traditional food of western countries. (2)Let Ss know they should help people in need. (四)TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS 1.Key points: (1).To help Ss grasp the new words and phrases. (2).To help Ss master the Objective Clauses. (3) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. 2. Difficult points: How to use the Objective Clauses to express thoughts. (五) TEACHING AIDS Tape recorder, Pictures, Software: Power point Part Two: The Teaching Methods 1. Communicative teaching method 2. Audio-visual teaching method 3. Task-based‖ teaching method 4. Explorable teaching method As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning Engli sh in the Middle School is to cultivate students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I‘ll mainly use ―Communicative‖ teaching method, ―Audio-visual‖ teaching method and ―Task-b ased‖ teaching method. That is to say, I‘ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of Section A. I‘ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange four kind s of activities: talking, watching CAI, listening to the tape, reading. Teaching special features:

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