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综合教程(第一册)汉译英参考答案 Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题做好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common)People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在三年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相 帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon)At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨日抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天 的友好访问。(head) Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在 屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all


综合英语教程2课后翻译答案汇总 Book Two Unit 1 Someone Waiting 1. I don’t like to see people off at the railway station. 2. The company is giving a farewell party for you on Monday evening. A car will come to your hotel to pick you up at half past seven. 3. She was so excited that she couldn’t help giving me a warm embrace. 4. I never quite succeed in overcoming the sense of being out of place. 5. She glanced round the room to see who was there. 6. His big shoes look like small boats. 7. You should fold the eggs into flour instead of doing it in the opposite way. Unit 2 Football 1. He thinks that the marriage between them is no more than a business deal. 2. He used up all the money he had. 3. The young man saved your daughter from drowning. 4. She had absolutely nowhere to go, so she read some old books at


汉译英教程 第十三章词类的转换 汉英两种语言,用词方式各不相同,同一意思在不同的语言中有可能使用不同类别的词表达。如汉语中可用形容词作谓语,而英语必须用动词;汉语单句中可有几个动词。而英语单句中谓语动词通常只有一个,其它汉语用动词的地方,英语中只有变换方式。因此,汉英翻译时不可能总是保持原文词类的原貌,而须根据英语的甩词习惯选择词类。现将常见词类转换现 象介绍如下: 第一节汉语动词的转换 一、转换成英语名词 1.汉语中做主语、宾语的动词英译时可译作名词,这时的名词一般都表动作意义或是动词 转化来的名词。如: a)我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。 We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy b)采用这种新装置可以大大地降低废品率。 The adoption of this new device will greatly reduce the percentage ot defective products. c)一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。 All peace loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons 2.汉语的一些动宾短语,英译时可采用"名词+of”引导的短语的结构。如: a)他一生的真正使命是想办法为推翻资本社会而作出贡献。 His real mission in life was to contribute,in one way or another,to the overthrown of capitalist society. b)看到这张照片,我想起了我的童年。 The sight of the photo brought me back to my childhood. 3 根据英语句式的要求转译为名词 a)在城市和乡村,托儿所和幼儿园都在大量扩展。 There has been a tremendous expansion of nurseries and kindergartens in both town and villages. b)骄傲自满最终毁了他。 Arrogance and complacence turned out to be his ruin. c)一切旨在保证国际机构特别是联合国机构进行工作的便利条件必须恢复。 There must be restoration of all the necessary facilities for the functioning of international organs,particularly the United Nations


Beauty 论美 —苏珊·桑塔格 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons t hen were assumed to be what we now have to call whole person. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside”, they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates (苏格拉底) found it quite paradoxical (自相矛盾的)that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive ---- and so ugly. One of Socrates’ main pedagogical (教导的)acts was to be ugly ---- and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. 在古希腊人看来,美是一种德性:一种优秀品质。那个时代的人大概就是我 们如今不得不称之为完人的人,尽管称之为完人仍让我们觉得有些辞不达意,还 带着些许嫉妒。要是古希腊人确实想到过要把一个人的“内在”与“外在”区分 开来,那么他们还是认为内在美应该与外在美相匹配。那些聚集在苏格拉底周围 的雅典富家子弟就发现,实在自相矛盾的是,他们心目中这位英雄如此聪颖、如 此勇敢、如此正直可敬的、如此富有魅力—又是如此丑陋。自身的长相丑陋也是 苏格拉底的现身说法之一:他要教导这些相貌出众却不谙世事的弟子们,生活确 实充满了矛盾。 他们也许充耳不闻苏格拉底的教训。我们则不然。几千年之后,我们更是小 心翼翼地看待美的魅力。我们不仅轻易地把“内在”和“外在”割裂开来,而且 发现一个人既相貌美丽,又德才兼备时,我们会觉得难以置信。 主要是由于基督教的影响,美才被剥夺了它在关于人的优秀品质的古典理想 中的中心位置。基督教把优秀的概念限制于道德上的美德,这样便把美束之高阁—视之为一种异化的、无常的、浅薄的魅力。于是美之声誉不断下降。将近两个 世纪中,人们已经约定俗成把美归之于两性中的一个性别:无论多么美丽,这个 性别总是第二性。把美和妇女相联系,结果使得美在道德上更容易受到批判和攻 击。 我们英语中常说,一个美丽的女子。但是却说一个英俊的男人。“英俊”是“美丽”的阳性等义词,也意味着拒绝“美丽”这个恭维字眼,因为这个字眼已 经由于专用于女子而带上了贬义色彩。在法语和意大利语中,可以说一个男人“美丽”,这表明天主教国家仍然保留着异教徒对美的崇拜的绪余,而不同于演化为 新教的基督教影响下的那些国家。不过要说存在区别的话,那也只是程度问题。 在每个现代国家里,不论是基督教国家还是基督教衰落后的国家,妇女都是美的 性别—这对妇女以及美这个概念都为害不浅。 人们认为,被称为美丽是点明女性性格上和关注问题方面本质的东西。(这


外国语学院教学大纲 交替传译 (Consecutive Interpretation) 口译是一种极富挑战性的职业,肩负有沟通不同文化,为不同语言搭建理解桥梁的使命。随着中国加入世贸组织以及中国与世界越来越频繁的交往,进行英汉双语互译的口译工作将会变得越来越重要,合格的口译工作者也将成为越来越稀缺的高级人才。 交替传译是口译中的一种,是进一步掌握同声传译技巧的基础课程,同时也是综合应用所学各种英语知识和技能的高级课程。学习者应该已经具有一定的英语基础,并且通过学习掌握更加深厚扎实的双语知识和灵活的应变能力。因此交替传译课专门为已经经过将近三年英语专业学习的高年级学生开设,通过讲授基本的口译理论,交替传译的特点,相关的文化背景知识,交传的基本技巧,使得学生掌握基本的口译学科的理论,了解交传的特殊之处,掌握基本的口译笔记,注意力分配,公众演讲技巧,记忆方法,英汉语言对比和翻译处理技巧等,最后能够胜任各种正式场合1-3分钟间隔的交替传译。 一、教学目的与要求 1.熟悉基本的口译理论知识,交替传译的特点以及英汉、汉英交传中常用的翻译技巧; 2.了解相关中国和英语国家的文化背景知识; 3.培养对中英文的听力理解及信息处理的能力; 4.掌握基本的口译笔记方法; 5.胜任各种正式场合1-3分钟间隔的交替传译。 二、教学重点与难点 教学重点:口译的基本形式;认识口译和笔译的异同;了解交替传译的特点;做交替传译的基本笔记技巧。 教学难点:词汇量的扩充;英语听力的即时理解;中英双语在短时间内的转换;注意力的分配;掌握和找到适合自己记笔记的方法。 三、教学方法与手段 教学内容以课本理论为根本指导,在教授了基本的理论知识以后,辅助以大量最新的新闻、专题、时事、演说、重要讲话等题材的实战交传练习。学生的实际交传练习为主要的教学形式。在每次练习中,鼓励学生应用所学理论,找到适合自己的方法,互相找到问题所在。也就是以模拟真实的交传场景,分析改进交传技巧的学习讨论会的形式为主,辅以教师指导,并发动学生的学习积极性,共同学习相关的文化背景知识和某个领域的专业术语。 四、教学内容与目标 教学内容教学目标学时分配(68学时) 1.口译学科简介 2.交替传译的特点、标准和过程了解 1 3.交传的听力理解(交叉进行)掌握 3 4.交传的记忆方法掌握 1 5.公众演讲技巧掌握 1 6.笔记基本技巧训练掌握8 7.英汉语言对比掌握 6 8.上下文的作用(交传时的预测)掌握 2 9.各个不同专题的中英交传模拟训练掌握42 10.各种不同文体的交传处理技巧 了解 4


1. 她是个好学生,但她很害羞,又缺乏自信。She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence. 2. 他承认自己设定的目标不够现实,因此考试成绩也不够理想。He confessed that he had not set realistic targets / goals, so he did not do as well in the exams as he had expected. 3. 如何组织时间,如何结交新朋友是大学新生面临的挑战。(challenge; faced with)How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with. 4.直到大学毕业我才认识到,学习并不是大学生活的全部,大学生活本可以更加丰富多彩。It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful. 5.大学是人生中最美好的时光。好好享受大学生活,因为这样的时光不会再来。College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again. 1. 令很多家长感到困惑的是,为什么孩子们对洋快餐那么感兴趣。What puzzles many parents is why their kids are so crazy about foreign fast food. 2. 到中国之前,你应该对中国的饮食文化有所了解。Y ou should have learnt something about Chinese food culture before you came to China .3. 尽管食品安全问题引起了广泛关注,食品安全仍然面临严峻的问题。Despite all the attention that has been paid to food safety, it still faces serious problems. 4. 除了欣赏美景外,品尝当地的小吃也是一大美事。Apart from appreciating the beautiful scenery, tasting some local food is also a great pleasure. 5. 肯德基、麦当劳等洋快餐的出现对中国的传统饮食产生了不小的影响。The appearance of foreign fast food such as KFC and McDonald’s has had quite an influence on traditional Chinese food. 1 人们往往凭第一印象去判断一个人,虽然有时第一印象并不可靠。People tend to judge a person by first impressions, though sometimes the first impression is not really reliable. 2 他非常感谢那些在他困难时期给过他帮助和支持的人。 He is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble. 3 总的来说,中国人比较含蓄,一般不怎么愿意和陌生人交谈。Generally speaking, Chinese people are more reserved; they are less inclined to talk to strangers. 4 正是他乐于助人的品德使他赢得了人们的尊重. It is his virtue of being ready to help others that earns him people’s respect. 5 他们之间建立了良好的关系,这给双方都带来了很多好处。They established a good relationship, from which both of them benefited a lot. 1 虽然父母有教育子女的义务,但很多父母不知道如何扮演好这一角色。Despite the fact that parents have the responsibility to educate their children, many of them have no idea how to play the role well. 2 他主张父母应该成为孩子的朋友,并在言行上保持一致。He advocates that parents should be friends to their kids, and be consistent in what they say and do. 3 父母往往能认识到知识教育的重要性,却忽视了对孩子的情感教育。Parents are generally conscious of the importance of academic education while neglecting emotional education. 4 父母在子女教育方面所起的积极作用是显而易见的。The positive influence that parents may have on their children’s education is obvious and self-evident. 5 对孩子取得的任何进步都要给予肯定,不管是多么小的进步。Be positive about any progress your child is ma king, no matter how small it is. 1 到达山顶后,游客们被眼前的美景惊呆了。Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the tourists were overwhelmed by the beauty of what they saw. 2 他强烈推荐游览华山, 因为与以前爬过的山相比,华山更具有挑战性。He highly recommended visiting Huashan Mountain, because in comparison with the mountains we climbed before, Huashan Mountain is more challenging. 3 国庆期间我们去了黄山,发现黄山的美无法用文字形容。During the National Day holidays we went to Huangshan Mountain, the beauty of which we found is beyond words. 4 对我而言,旅游是有效的放松方式。我去过很多地方,确实觉得旅游带来的益处非常大。For me, travelling is an effective way to relax. I have travelled to many places and really feel that the benefits have been huge. 5 这次故乡之行让我想起了我小时候在那里度过的快乐时光。The trip back to my home town reminded me of the happy days I spent there when I was a child. 1 我们消耗的能量越多,造成的污染也可能越多。The more energy we consume, the more pollution we are likely to produce. 2 事实证明宣传活动是成功的,它把人们的注意力吸引到环境保护上来。The publicity campaign turned out to be quite successful in drawing people’s attention to environmental protection. 3 事实是,不可再生资源正日益枯竭;如何满足未来的能源需求是科学家高度关心的问题。The fact is that we are running out of non-renewable resources. How to meet our energy needs in the future is a major concern for scientists. 4 按照目前的能源消耗速度,能源短缺是不可避免的。At the present pace we consume energy, an energy shortage is inevitable. 5 离开家前,要记得关掉电视和电脑等电器。Always remember to switch off electrical equipment like TVs and computers before you leave the house.

综合英语教程3 翻译 答案 中英

Unit1 1. She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates. 2. I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday. 3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him. 4. He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad. 5. As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried. 6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets. 7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle. 8. I hope the food is to your liking. 9. I told the boys off for making so much noise. Unit2 1. He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately. 2. They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction. 3. He walked unsteadily / stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch. 4. After three month’s illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again. 5. Owing to the staff shortage, the task could not be fulfilled on schedule. 6. During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties. 7. When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her. 8. He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from slipping. Unit3 1. Mother immediately sent Tom for the doctor. 2. She failed to bake the cake as she had run out of sugar. 3. I know how desperately busy you are now. 4. The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongue. 5. Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of the reach of children. 6. The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat. 7. He returned to his own country / motherland in the end. Unit4 1. Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring along a map with me. 2. The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son. 3. She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time. 4. He and football were meant for each other from the start. 5. My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month. 6. If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire? 7. Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to ridicule. Unit5 1. Did James have supper with you on the night in question? 2. The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match. 3. To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language. 4. The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners. 5. Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them


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新概念英语(第一册) Lesson 1 原谅 v. 我(宾格) pron. 是的 adv. be动词现在时第三人称单数这 pron. 你的,你们的possessive adjective 手提包(女用) n. 原谅,请再说一遍 int. 感谢你(们) 它 pron. 非常地 Lesson 2 钢笔 n. 铅笔 n. 书 n. 手表 n. 上衣,外衣 n. 连衣裙 n. 裙子 n. 衬衣 n. 小汽车 n. 房子 n. Lesson 3 伞 n. 请 int. 这里 adv. 我的possessive adjective 票 n. 号码 n. 五 num. 对不起的 adj. 先生 n. 衣帽存放处 n. Lesson 4 一套衣服n. 学校n. 老师n. 儿子n. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2

女儿n. Lesson 5 先生 好 adj. 早晨 n. 小姐 新的 adj. 学生 n. 法国的;法国人adj.& n. 德国的;德国人 adj.& n. 美好的adj. 遇见v. 日本的;日本人adj.& n. 韩国的;韩国人adj.& n. 中国的;中国人adj.& n. 也 adv. Lesson 6 牌号 n. 瑞典的 adj. 英国的 adj. 美国的 adj. 意大利的adj. 沃尔沃n. 标致 n. 梅赛德斯 n. 丰田 n. 大宇 n. 迷你 n. 福特 n. 菲亚特 n. Lesson 7 我porn. be动词现在时第一人称单数v. be动词现在时复数 v. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢3

综合英语教程6 翻译

1. They can move a nation to fall on its knees and sincerely worship an Emperor who, without the clothes and the title, would drop to the rank of the cobbler and be swallowed up and lost sight of in the massed multitude of the inconsequentials... 衣着与头衔能让一个民族心甘情愿地跪拜在一个君主面前。而这个君主,如果没有衣着和头衔的支撑,会沦为鞋匠之流,消失在芸芸众生之中。 2. Is the human race a joke? Was it devised and patched together in a dull time when there was nothing important to do? 人类是玩笑的结果吗?是上帝感到无聊又无大事可做时草草拼在一起的玩物吗? 3. Mine are able to expand a human cipher into a globe-shadowing portent. 我的衣着能把我从一个无名小卒变成了一个全球耀眼的巨人。 4. And probably at no other point is the sense of shabbiness so keenly felt as it is if we fall short of the standard set by social usage in this matter of dress. 可能最感到寒酸的时刻是我们没按照社会的规范穿着自己。 5. It is true of dress in even a higher degree than of most other items of other consumption, that people will undergo a very considerable degree of privation in the comforts or the necessaries of life in order to afford what is considered a decent amount of wasteful consumption. 人们为了能付得起一定量的、通常被认为是浪费性的消费,会在生活的其他方面尽量节俭。这在穿衣方面表现得尤其明显。 6. The commercial value of the goods used for clothing in any modern community is made up to a much larger extent of the fashionableness, the reputability of the goods than of the mechanical service, which they render in clothing the person of the wearer. 在任何一个现代社会,用作穿着的商品的商业价值在很大程度上不取决于它的商业服务功能,而是该商品本身和在包装穿戴者时所产生的时髦效益及声誉。 7. This would require a loss of wholeness and self, a dishonest constraint. 这会使人们失去自我,是一种虚伪的限制。 1. Today, thanks to the democratization of technology, all sorts of countries have the opportunity to assemble the technologies, raw materials and funding to be producers, or subcontractors, of highly complex finished products or services, and this becomes another subtle factor knitting the world more tightly together. 今天,由于技术的普及,每个国家都有机会聚集各种技术、原材料和资金,成为制造商或转包商,生产或者销售高度复杂的终端产品或者服务,这成为另一种把世界更紧密地联系在一起的无形的因素。 2. The creation of this corporate bond market introduced some pluralism into the world of finance and took away the monopoly of the banks. 企业债券市场的出现,将多元化引入金融界,打破了银行的垄断。 3. Investment banks started approaching banks and home mortgage companies, buying up their whole portfolio of mortgage… 投资银行开始去找银行和房屋按揭公司,将它们的按揭债务全部买下 4. You could take your choice, and people did. 人们可以有多种选择,而且也确实这样做了。 5. By shrinking a world to a size smal l, globalization brings home to everyone just how ahead or behind they are. 全球化把世界缩小,全球化让每个人都可以看清楚,自己的日子是过得比人好还是比人差


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