当前位置:文档之家› (完整版)外研版选修七module3重点知识与练习




1. _______ n.小说家→novel n.小说

2.scene n.场景;场面→ _______ n.风景

3.serve v.端上(饭菜等)→ _______n.服务;效力

4.intend v.打算→intention n.意图;本来想法→ __________ adj.有意的;故意的5.illegally adv.违法地;非法地→ ______ adj.非法的→ legal adj.合法的

6. _________ v.分发,分配,分送→distribution n.分发;分配

7. _____ n.烟雾→ smoke n.烟v.吸烟;冒烟→ fog n.雾

8. __________ n.挨饿,饿死→starve v.饿死;使挨饿

9. ___________ v.积累→accumulation n.积累

10. ___________v.完成(任务等),取得(成功)→ accomplished adj.完成了的;竣工的→ accomplishment n.完成

11. ________ adj.铤而走险的;绝望的;极度渴望的→ __________ adv.拼命地,绝望地→ desperation n.拼命,不顾一切





5.以……声音(说) 6.张贴告示







be wild with

stare at

pick out

hold on to

in a…voice

put up a notice

no sooner…than/

hardly …when

throw one’s arms

round sb. break (one’s)heart be guilty of a crime

feel at home

of no concern

for this reason alone


1.Each boy was _______ one bowl of soup and no more,

____________________________ he was given another 60 grams of bread.


2. The bowls never _______________ ,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons, ___________ every bit of soup.


3.When they ___________ their bowls in this way,they _________________ the pot with eager eyes,as if they wanted to eat it.


4. ________ at least thirty seconds had passed, _______________________. 至少过了三十秒钟,这个男人才说出话来。

5. _____________ the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.



1serve v.端上(食物或饮料);接待(顾客);服务;服役;供职;适合做……用;起作用

(1)serve as/for 作为……用;担任;起……作用

serve one’s needs 满足某人的需要

(2)service n. 服务,服役;招待;公共设施;公用事业


(1) Breakfast ________ until 9 am.早点供应到九点。

(2) There was only one girl _________________ .只有一个女孩在接待顾客。

(3) The sofa had to _______ a bed.那个沙发不得不当床用。

2seize vt.抓住,捉住;夺取(+on/upon);没收,查封,扣押

seize a chance/an opportunity抓住机遇



(1) catch (to get hold of and stop an object such as a ball that is moving through the air;to suddenly take hold of someone or something with your hand) 普通用语,意为“设法抓住,捉住”。

(2) grasp(to take and hold sth. firmly)意为“牢牢地抓住”。

(3) seize(to take hold of sth. suddenly and violently) 意为“突然用力抓住使不逃脱”。


根据语境选用catch, grasp或seize的适当形式填空

(1) She ______ the letter from me and began to read.

(2) I ________ his arm firmly and led him away.

(3) —Pass me that pen,would you?

—Here you are. _______

3intend vt.想要,打算;计划

(1)intention n.意图 intentional adj. 故意的;有意的

(2)intend to do sth. 打算做某事

be intended for=be meant for专为……而设计;专供……使用

had intended to do=intended to have done本来打算做(但没能做)

intend no harm=mean no harm不是有意要伤害



(1) I ___________________ the early train,but I got up late.


(2) He intends ___________ .(=He does not plan to harm you.)



The book ________ for adults is not suitable for teenagers to read.

A.provided B.intended C.providing D.intending 【解析】 B本句中的结构“… for adults”作名词book的后置定语,因此用过去分词。句意为:为成人设计的图书不适合青少年阅读。intended for意思为“为……而设计的。

4reward n.报酬;酬金;奖赏(for) vt.报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励


award 和reward





The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.


We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.


(2)用作动词时,award的意思是“授予、颁发、判给”,常用搭配:award sb. sth./award sth. to sb.;reward则表示“报答、酬谢”之意,常用搭配:reward sb. (with sth.) for sth.。如:

He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design.


You should reward them according to their deserts.你应该对他们论功行赏。



(1) Is that how you ______ me for my help?

(2) She was ________ a medal for bravery.

(3) As a _______ for passing her exams,she got a new bike from her father.

5hang v.悬挂,悬垂(hang—hung—hung); (to be killed by hanging)吊死,绞死(hang—hanged—hanged)

?hang about/around/out 闲逛,闲荡

?hang on(=hold on) 等等;坚持下去

?hang on (to sth.) =hold on (to sth.) 紧紧抓住

?hang up (on sb.) 挂断某人的电话

?hang one’s head 因羞愧等垂下头


(1)A clock ______on the wall.墙上挂着一个钟。

(2)This is not my jacket. Mine __________ behind the door.


(3)I don’t like to see you ________________ with him.我不喜欢看着你和他出去闲逛。

(4) He ______________ I could finish.我没说完他就挂了电话。

6rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的;粗略的;(日子)难过的;犯罪率高的

(1)roughly adv.粗略地,大致地;粗暴地 roughly speaking 大概说来

(2)have a rough time 过得艰难


(1)I can only give you a ______ estimate of the cost.


(2)Sounds like you had ___________ .听起来你今天好像很不顺。

(3) __________________ , we need about $500.大概说来,我们需要大约500美元。


bring sth. to the attention of sb.使某人关注某事

hold/keep sb.’s attention 保持某人的注意力

attract/catch/draw sb.’s attention引起某人的注意

focus/concentrate/fix one’s attention on sth.把注意力放在某事上

pay attention to 关注

draw/call attention to sth. 使人们关注某事



不定式。短语fix one’s attention on 中,如果attention作主语或


All his attention was fixed on the painting on the wall.


(1)It is a tough job to __________ a small child’s attention.


(2)We must pay attention to ___________________________________.


(3) The article is intended to ____________________ the rising unemployment.


(4) With all his attention _______ the painting, he didn’t notice me come in.




(1)Not until…+助动词/be动词/


(2)No sooner had+主语+done…+than+句子(用一般过去时)[=Hardly had+主语+done…+when+句子(用一般过去时)] “刚刚……就……”


(1)Not until two days later ___________ I had done wrong to him.直到两天以后我才意识到冤枉了他。

(2) ________________________ than he regretted.他刚说完就后悔了。



1.We should not try to a_________ two tasks at once.

2.After a year she a______ her ideal weight.

3.She jumped to her feet, __________ (尖叫) in terror.

4.Don’t spoil you’re a______ by eating between meals.

5.Clothes and blankets have been __________ (分配)among the refugees(难民).Ⅱ.选词填空

hold on to, disagree with, make money, in astonishment, be desperate for 1.They heard him give a loud shout _______________ .

2.The man lost in the desert _______________ water after four days.

3.He __________ the table to support himself when he heard the news.

4.I do ____________ Phil on many things.

5.I am going to teach until my son can ___________ .


1.—Sorry,I have to now. It's time for class.

—OK,I'll call back later.

A.hang up B.break up C.give up D.hold up

【解析】 A本题考查动词短语辨析。由答语的“call back later”可以看出:本题创设的语境是打电话。所以只有hang up“挂断(电话)”符合语境。

2.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ________ my friend.

A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out

【解析】 D本题考查动词短语辨析。pick out辨认出;turn out结果是; bring out 出版,推出,使显出;call out出动,召集,大声叫喊。

3.Seeing the drowning boy,he took off his coat and ________ himself into the water.

A.jumped B.threw C.pushed D.struggled

【解析】 B throw意为“使身体或身体的某一部位突然做出某一动作”,在此句中表示“迅速跳入水中”。jump是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语。

4.Mum ________ to us,“Be quiet! Your little sister's sleeping. ”

A.whispered B.shouted C.explained D.replied

【解析】 A本题考查动词辨析。whisper悄悄地说,低语。

5.Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be ________ into giving away vital information.

A.caught B.captured C.seized D.trapped

【解析】 D句意为:回答他的问题前要三思,你也许会上当从而泄露重要信息。trap sb. into doing sth. 意为“使某人陷入圈套;使陷于困境”。catch意为“捉住,捕获,逮住”;capture 意为“俘虏;捕获”;seize意为“抓住”。catch和capture 辨析:catch 指需要积极追寻,或采取一定的方法来抓住。capture 指需要采取一定的计谋、技巧甚至武力,克服抵抗才能抓到或夺到。

6.It is widely accepted that babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ________.

A.rewards B.prizes C.awards D.results

【解析】 A本题考查名词辨析。句意为:人们普遍认为,婴儿之所以学会做事是因为某些行为会得到奖赏。

7.Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will ________ from the new training facilities.

A.derive B.acquire C.benefit D.reward

【解析】 C benefit from… 从……中受益。句意为:不仅专业人士,而且业余者也能从这套新的训练设施中受益。

8.The picture ________on the wall is painted by my nephew.

A.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hung

【解析】 B考查非谓语动词。该题中hang为不及物动词,此处意为“悬挂”,表示悬挂的状态。而D项更强调动作,所以不合适。句意为:挂在墙上的这幅画是我侄子画的。

9.________got on the train when it began to move.

A.No sooner had I B.I had no sooner

C.Hardly had I D.I hardly had

【解析】 C本题考查倒装句型。注意句型“hardly…when…”和“no sooner…than…(一……就……)”的用法。

10.The media can often help solve problems and ________ attention to situations ________ help is needed.

A.take; which B.draw; where C.pay; that D.draw;/

【解析】 B句意为:媒体能够经常帮助解决问题,并且把注意力吸引到需要帮助的地方。draw attention to是“吸引注意力到……”, help is needed是作名词situations的定语从句,因此用关系副词where引导。

Module 3


1.Mary never does any reading in the evening, ________.

A. so does John

B. John does too

C. John doesn't too

D. nor does John

2.—________that he managed to get the information?

—Oh, a friend of his helped him.

A. Where was it

B. What was it

C. How was it

D. Why was it

3.It was only when I reread his poems recently ________ I began to appreciate their beauty.

A. until

B. that

C. then

D. so

4.In the dark forests ________, some large enough to hold several English towns.

A. stand many lakes

B. lie many lakes

C. many lakes lie

D. many lakes stand

5. —I'd like to see the movie very much, but I have no money on me. —That's OK. This is my ________.

A. offer

B. treat

C. turn

D. service

6.The newly-published book, which refers _______ basic English grammar, is _______ only for beginners.

A.as; meant B.for; intended

C.to; planned D.to; intended

7. T h e b o y i s r u n n i n g i mp a t i e n t l y h e r e a n d t h e r e a s i f ______s o me t h i n g l o s t o n t h e s p o r t s ground.

A. to search

B. searching

C. searching for

D. to search for

8. For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ all shouting together.

A. voices had come

B. came voices

C. voices would come

D. did voices come

9.The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only

________,but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers' energy

B. was teachers' energy saved

C. teachers' energy was saved

D. was saved teachers' energy

10.During the period of recent terrorist activities, people ____ not to touch an unattended bag.

A. had always been warned

B. were always being warned

C. are always warning

D. always warned

11._____ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you

B. Only if; you will

C. Unless; will you

D. Unless; you will

12. For Chinese, 2008 is a special year, a year ________ the

29th Ol ymp i cs w ere h el d in Ch ina fo r t h e fi rst t ime an d ________ s aw s o man y n at u ral disasters.

A. that;the one that

B. when;one that

C. that;the one what

D. when;one when

13. None of the criminals would escape ________.

A. to be punished

B. being punished

C. punishing

D. to punish

14.She killed him in a(n) ________ attempt to free herself.


B. hopeless

C. disappointed

D. intensive

15. In a low voice, she ________ that someone was moving about upstairs.

A. shouted to me

B. signed to me

C. whispered me

D. whispered to me

16. S h e's t h e s o r t o f p e r s o n w h o______i n a c r o w d

b e

c a u s e s h e i s a l w a ys

well dressed.

A. makes out

B. turns out

C. picks out

D. stands out

17.A study reveals that more than half of Americans lost their TV remote between one and five times a week,________11 percent misplace it six to ten times.

A.when B.as C.while D.but

18.The girl is ________ for a new dress.

A.eager B.acute C.in need D.keen

19.He was drunk and had to be ________ home.

A.brought up B.raised C.supported D.made

20.My son is so tall that I can ________ from the crowd.

A.pick up B.work out C.pick out D.choose from

21.The T-shirt ________ on the chair is mine.

A.having hung B.hanging

C.hangs D.being hung

22.—I wonder what has happened to her in the car accident.

—She narrowly escaped________.

A.being hurt B.to be hurt C.hurt D.hurting

23.What do you ________ to do about the problem now that this solution has failed?

A.consider B.suppose C.tend D.intend

24.The project ________ by the end of 2011 will expand the city's telephone network to cover 20,000,000 users.

A.accomplished B.to be accomplished

C.being accomplished

D.having been accomplished

25.My father ________ in the navy for two years during the Second World War. A.worked B.served C.lived D.played

26.She started singing to the baby and was ________ with a smile. A.awarded B.rewarded C.prized D.valued

27. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom so lonely as n o w.

A. have I felt

B.I had felt

C.I have felt

D. had I felt

28. — Did Linda see the traffic accident?

—No, no sooner than it happened.

A. had she gone

B. she had gone

C. has she gone

D. she has gone

29. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always the same thing.

A. saying

B. said

C. to say

D. having said

30. They a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.

A. attempted

B. accumulated

C. abandoned

D. accomplished

2014年外研版英语选修七:module 4 (第1课时) 知识点含答案

单词: 1.sophisticated adj. 复杂的;高级的;老练的;老于世故的;精通的 sophisticated devices used in spacecraft 航天器中的尖端装置 ①The young man is quite sophisticated for his age. 这个年轻人的世故与年龄不相称。 ②He is fairly sophisticated about biology. 他对生物学颇为精通。 知识拓展 sophisticate v. 使迷惑;掺杂;使(人)世故;使(人)懂事n. 老于世故的人;精于……之道的人unsophisticated adj. 不懂世故的;单纯的;纯洁的 即学即用 完成句子 即使经验丰富,成熟老练的读者阅读梭罗的作品也有困难。 ________ ________ ________ ________ readers have trouble with Thoreau's works. 答案:Even experienced and sophisticated 2.movement n. [C]运动;[U,C]活动;动作 ①A movement to protect non-smoker's right to health is going on in the country. 一场保护不抽烟者健康权利的运动正在国内进行着。 ②I had a broken leg, so movement was quite impossible. 我的腿骨折了,所以完全无法行动。 知识拓展 (1)enter a movement 参加运动 May 4th Movement 五四运动 in the movement 与时俱进;跟着潮流前进 (2)move v.移动;搬家;感动 n.移动;步骤;迁居;动作 get a move on马上开始,准备出发 We'd better get a move on before it rains. 我们最好在下雨之前赶快做。 即学即用 完成句子 (1)我决定迁居纽约。 I decided to ________ ________ ________ ________. (2)船的摇晃使我们进入了梦乡。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ rocked us to sleep. 答案:(1)move to New York (2)The movement of the ship 3.especially adv. 特别;尤其 ①I like the country especially in spring. 我喜欢乡村,尤其是在春天。 ②The road of life is long, but only a few steps are crucial especially during some years when people are young. 人生的道路虽然漫长,但在紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候。 知识拓展 especial adj.特别的,特殊的 I want to tell you a thing of especial importance. 我想告诉你一件特别重要的事情。 辨析 specially, especially, particularly specially和especially都可表示“特别地”;但如果表示“专门地”;应用specially;表示“尤其地”应用especially。


初中复习资料 【初中英语词组总结】 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样9 as you can see 你是知道的10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕……22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开29 be bad for 对什么有害30 be born 出生于31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好36 be from = come from 来自 37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water 38 be glad+to+do/从句39 be going to + v(原)将来时40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于…… 41 be good for 对什么有好处42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处 44 be in good health 身体健康45 be in trouble 处于困难中46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣 47 be late for = come late to 迟到eg: Be late for class 上课迟到48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother 49 be mad at 生某人的气50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料) 51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料) 52 be not sure 表不确定53 be on a visit to 参观 54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎55 be quiet 安静56 be short for 表**的缩写eg: 陶is short for 陶俊杰 57 be sick in bed 生病在床58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you 59 be sorry to hear that 60 be sorry to trouble sb 61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格 64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么65 be sure 表确定66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心69 be sure to do sth一定会做某事We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕…… 71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事72 be the same as … 和什么一样73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早74 be worth doing 值得做什么75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某物be afraid that 丛句76 because+句子because of +短语 eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache 77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么 78 between…and… 两者之间79 borrow sth from sb 向……借…… lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给……什么东西 80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同81 bother 打扰bother sb to do sth eg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station 我十分道歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站 82 by the end of 到……为止83 call sb sth eg : We call him old wang 85 catch up with sb 赶上某人 86 chat with sb 和某人闲谈take sb to + 地点带某人去某地87 come in 进 88 come over to 过来89 come up with 提出eg: Can you come up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗? 90 communicate with sb 和某人交流91 consider + doing 考虑做什么eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州?92 dance to 随着……跳舞93 decide to do sth 决定做某事 94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查95 do better in 在……方面做得更好 96 do wrong 做错97 Don't forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事 98 Don't mind +doing /从句/名词不要介意…… 99 each +名(单)每一个…eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书100 end up +doing 101 enjoy +doing喜欢102 escape from 从……逃跑103 expect to do sth 期待做某事104 fall down 摔下来fall off 从哪摔下来105 fall in love with sb /sth 爱上什么106 far from 离某地远107 find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样108 find sb/sth +adj 发现什么怎么样eg : I find the book interesting 109 finish 完成+doing(名词)110 fit to sb = be fit for sb 适合某人 111 forget to do 没有做而忘了forget doing 做了而又忘了


2014新目标英语七年级下册知识点总结 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1.play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums敲鼓 9. make (foreign)friends 结交(外国)朋友 10. do kung fu 会(中国)功夫 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekends (在)周末 1. play +棋类/球类/牌类“下…棋”,“打….球”,“玩….” 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉…乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 与…相处的好

5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人去做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿… 8. join the ….club 加入…俱乐部 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 10. like ding sth.喜欢做某事 11. show sth to sb = show sb sth “把某物给某人看” Unit 2 What time do you go to school? get up 起床 get home到达家中 get to work到达工作岗位 make breakfast做早饭 make a shower schedule做一个洗澡的安排practice guitar 练吉它 leave home 离家 take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴澡 take the Number 17 bus to the Hotel 乘17路公共汽车去旅馆 go to class 上课 go to school 上学


外研版七年级上册知识点整理 Module 1 重点短语 1.be from... =come from... 来自...... 2....years old ......岁 3.what about... =how about... ......怎么样? 4.in Class Ten, Grade Seven 在七年级十班 5.the capital of... ...... 的首都/省会 6.first name =given name 名 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a17305105.html,st name=family name 姓 8.English name 英文名字 9.Chinese name 中文名字 重点句子 1.I’m Chinese ,and I’m from China.我是中国人, 我来自中国

(I’m Chinese, and I come from China.) 2. Where are they from? 他们来自什么哪里? (=Where do they come from?) They are from America. 他们来自美国. (=They come from America.) 3.How old is that man? 那位男子多少岁了? He is forty-four. 他44岁 4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven. 这些学生在七年级五班 5. Tom is in Class One with Lingling. 汤姆和玲玲在一班。 =Tom with Lingling is in Class One. =Tom and Lingling are in Class One. 6.What about you?=How about you?=And you? 你呢?/你怎么样? 7.Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7 ! 欢迎到七年级六班。 8. Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。

2014外研版英语选修七:module 2知识点(1)说课材料

学习资料 1.highlight (1)n. 最重要的部分;最精彩的部分 ①The weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.在威尼斯度过的那个周末无疑是我们这次旅行的最愉快的时光。 ②The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight.比赛的最精彩场面将在今晚的电视节目中播放。 ③The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace.我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿。 (2)v. 使……突出;使注意力集中于…… ①The exhibition highlights the result of the reform.该展览突出了改革的成果。 ②The test highlighted the students' strengths and weaknesses.这次测试能凸显学生优缺点。 完成句子 调查结果强调了老年人的需求。The survey ________ ________ ________ of the old. 2.chart (1)n. [C]图;图表;航图;海图 a weather chart 气象图 the course on a chart 海图的航路 (2)vt. 用图表表示;在图上表示;绘制……的图表 We charted their journey on our map.我们在地图上画出他们的旅行路线。 完成句子 该图表显示的是去年的销售额。________ ________ ________ last year's sales figures. 3.settle v. 解决;处理;决定;定居;平静下来 ①The two boys settled their quarrel in a friendly way.那两个孩子以友好的方式解决了纷争。 ②We have settled who will pay for the meal.我们已经定了由谁来付饭钱。 ③They settled in America in 1999.他们于1999年在美国定居。 知识拓展 (1)settled down 定居下来;平静下来 ①He settled down as a farmer with his family.他和家人安顿下来务农。 ②Wait until the excitement has settled down.等到兴奋的情绪镇静下来再说。 (2)settlement n. 解决;处理;住宅区 a lasting settlement of the troubles一劳永逸的解决纠纷的办法 achieve/reach a settlement 达成协议 in settlement(of sth.) 对(债务等的)清偿


七年级下英语知识点总结及练习(含答案呦) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. a bottle of 2. a little 3. a lot (of) 4. all day 5. be from 6. be over 7. come back 8. come from 9. do one’s homework 10. do the shopping 11. get down 12. get home 13. get to 14. get up 15. go shopping 16. have a drink of 17. have a look 18. have breakfast 19. have lunch 20. have supper 21. listen to 22. not…at all 23. put…away 24. take off 25. throw it like that 26. would like 27. in the middle of the day 28. in the morning / afternoon/ evening 29. on a farm 30. in a factory II. 重要句型 1. Let sb. do sth. 2. Could sb. do sth.? 3. would like sth. 4. would like to do sth. 5. What about something to eat? 6. How do you spell …? 7. May I borrow…? 【复习讲解】 1. That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right. That’s right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案 或判断。例如: "I think we must help the old man.""我想我们应该帮助这位老人。" "That's right."或 "You're right.""说得对"。 That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如:"Many thanks." "That's all right." "Sorry. It's broken." "That's all right." All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身 体很好” "Please tell me about it." "请把此事告诉我。" "All right.""好吧。" Is your mother all right?你妈身体好吗 2. make/do 这两个词都可以解释为“做”,但含义却不同,不能混用。make指做东西或制东 西,do指做一件具体的事。 Can you make a paper boat for me? 你能为我做个纸船吗? He’s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作业。 3. say/speak/talk/tell say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话。 如: “I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去。” Please say it in English .请用英语说。 speak : “说话”,着重开口发声,不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词(即 后面不能直接接宾语 ) 。如: Can you speak about him? 你能不能说说他的情况?


人教版七年级下册数学课本知识点归纳 第五章相交线与平行线 一、相交线两条直线相交,形成4个角。 1.邻补角:两个角有一条公共边,它们的另一条边互为反向延长线。具有这种关系的两个角,互为邻补角。如:∠1、∠2。 2.对顶角:两个角有一个公共顶点,并且一个角的两条 边,分别是另一个角的两条边的反向延长线,具有这种 关系的两个角,互为对顶角。如:∠1、∠3。 3.对顶角相等。 二、垂线 1.垂直:如果两条直线相交成直角,那么这两条直线互相垂直。2.垂线:垂直是相交的一种特殊情形,两条直线垂直,其中一条直线叫做另一条直线的垂线。 3.垂足:两条垂线的交点叫垂足。 4.垂线特点:过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直。 5.点到直线的距离:直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段的长度,叫点到直线的距离。连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短。 三、同位角、内错角、同旁内角两条直线被第三条直线所截形成8个角。

1.同位角:在两条直线的上方,又在直线EF的同侧,具有这种位置关系的两个角叫同位角。如:∠1和∠5。 2.内错角:在在两条直线之间,又在直线EF的两侧,具有这种位置关系的两个角叫内错角。如:∠3和∠5。 3.同旁内角:在在两条直线之间,又在直线EF的同侧, 具有这种位置关系的两个角叫同旁内角。如:∠3和∠6。 四、平行线 (一)平行线 1.平行:两条直线不相交。互相平行的两条直线,互为平行线。a∥b (在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫做平行线。) 2.平行公理:经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行。 3.平行公理推论:①平行于同一直线的两条直线互相平行。 ②在同一平面内,垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行。 (二)平行线的判定: 1.同位角相等,两直线平行。 2.内错角相等,两直线平行。 3.同旁内角互补,两直线平行。 (三)平行线的性质 1.两条平行线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等。 2.两条平行线被第三条直线所截,内错角相等。 3.两条平行线被第三条直线所截,同旁内角互补。 4.两条平行线被第三条直线所截,外错角相等。


外研版七年级上册英语全册知识点归纳 MODULE 1 一、同义句 1.My name's Daming. = I'm Daming. 2.I'm from England. = I come from England. 3.Are you a new student? ≈ Are you new? 4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you. 5.What's your name ? = May I have your name? 二、特殊疑问句 1. 询问姓名: —What's your name? —My name is .... = I’m… —What's his/her name? —His/her name is .... = He/She is… 2.询问年龄: —How old are you? = Can you tell me your age?= What's your age? —I'm twelve years old. 3.询问来自哪里: —Where are you from? —I'm from... —Where is he/she from? —He’s/She’s from... —Are you from China ? —Yes, I am/ we are. No, I’m not/ we aren’t. 4.询问在哪个班: —What class are you in? —I'm in Class One, Grade Seven. 三、单词 1.China —Chinese America —American England —English capital city 2.small — big first— last everyone all 四、语法 1.代词 人称代词主格I you he she it we you they 形容词性物主代词(…的)my your his her its our your their 2.be动词: am I am= I’m I am not= I’m not


外研版高中英语选修七重点短语 Module 1 1. defend sb./sth. from... 保护某人免遭……defend sb./sth. against…保护某人抵御…… 2. of value=valuable 有价值的,有用的value sth at+价钱, 给……估价为……value sth 重视 3. on(an/the) average 平均起来above / below the average 在一般水平以上/以下 4. deserve sth /to do 应得/理应…… deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被,应该 5. at one point 曾经,一度on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事之时 off the point 离题,偏题to the point 中肯,扼要 There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有用,没必要 6. There is no doubt that... 对……没有疑问There is no doubt about sth. 对某事没有疑问 There is much doubt whether... 有人怀疑…… I don't doubt that... 我不怀疑…… I doubt whether / if... 我怀疑…… without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问 7. rely on/upon...= depend on/upon... 依赖,依靠…… rely on sb. to do sth.= rely on sb. / one’s doing sth. 指望某人干某事 rely on sb. for sth. 指望某人某事rely on it that... 相信…… 8. for an instant 片刻,一瞬间in an instant 立即,马上 the instant... 一……就…… = the moment = the minute = as soon as 9. appoint sb.(to be)/(as)... 任命某人为…… appoint sb. to do sth. 委任某人做某事 appoint some time / some place for sth. 为某事确定某时间/ 地点 make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会keep / break an appointment 守约/失约 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a17305105.html,mit suicide 自杀commit a mistake 犯错commit sth. to sb. 把某物托付给某人 11. apologise to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉 12. take possession of 占有,占据,拥有 in possession of 拥有,占有in the possession of 被……占有/控制 come into possession of 占有…… come into one's possession 被某人占有 13. be based on/upon 根据,以……为基础 14. if so 如果这样的话if any 假如有的话 if not 如果不是这样if possible 如果可能的话 15. grow up 长大 16. rescue …from… 把…某种状况下解救出来 17. set (up) a record 创记录 18. name sb. after … 用……给某人命名 Module 2 1.settle down 坐下;定居;(使)安静下来 settle down to sth. 开始认真对待;定下心来做 settle sth. with sb. 与某人解决某事 2.elect sb.+ (as) n./ 职位推选某人为…… 3.be suitable for... 适合…… 4.attract/draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力


最新人教版七年级下册语文知识点归纳 第1课从百草园到三味书屋散文 一、重点字词 1.给下列加点字注音。 菜畦qí皂荚jiá树班蝥máo臃肿yōngzhǒng攒cuán成秕bǐ谷 系jì一条长绳拗ǎo过去锡箔bó 点拨:注意多音字“攒”“系”的读音。 2.根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 桑(shèn)葚收(liǎn)敛脑(suǐ)髓人声(dǐng)鼎沸(kuī)盔甲 3.用恰当词浯填空。 (1)不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚;也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里长吟,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子(云雀)忽然从草间直窜向云霄里去了。 点拨:所填词语均为形容词或动词。 (2)扫开一块雪,露出地面,用一枝短棒支起一面大的竹筛来,下面撒些秕谷,棒上系一条长绳,人远远地牵着,看鸟雀下来啄食,走到竹筛底下的时候,将绳子一拉,便罩住了。 点拨:所填词语均为动词。 二、重点句子背记知识清单

单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有无限趣味。油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。 三、文学(文体)常识背记知识清单 《从百草园到三味书屋》是鲁迅(作者)回忆童年生活的散文(体裁),选自《朝花夕拾》 P2注释①选自《朝花夕拾》 1.重点:第2段 (1)空间描写顺序:由低到高、再由高到低;具体描写的事物 (2)三种角度:视觉、听觉、味觉;具体描写的事物 (3)先静物到动物,再由动物到静物 2.动作描写:P5第7段雪地捕鸟(9个动词) 3.P6第9段过渡段(作用:承上启下) 第2课爸爸的花儿落了 一、重点字词 1.给下列加点字注音。鸡毛掸dǎn子咻xiū咻玉簪zān花骊lí歌花圃pǔ懒惰duò 2.用恰当词语填空。 冬天的清晨站在校门前,戴着露出五个手指头的那种手套,举了一块热乎乎的烤白薯在吃着;夏天的早晨站在校门前,手里举着从花池里摘下的玉簪花,送给亲爱的韩老师,是她教我跳舞的。 二、重点句子背记知识清单


Module 5 重点短语 school day 我的学校生活 Tuesday 在星期二 Chinese=have a Chinese lesson 上语文课 five to nine =at eight fifty-five 在八点五十五 half past seven =at seven thirty 在七点半 Wednesday afternoon 在星期三下午 good at...=do well in... 擅长于......, 在......做得好 with/to sb 和......谈话 weekdays=on the weekday 在工作日 to school 上学 home 回家 a healthy breakfast 吃健康早餐 swimming 去游泳 football 踢足球 with sb 和......玩耍 apple juice 制作苹果汁 the kitchen . 在厨房里 sports 进行体育锻炼 to do sth 想做...... weekends=on the weekend 在周末 up 起床 breakfast 吃早饭 next to.... 紧挨着.. work=start lessons 开始工作/学习 a break (for twenty minutes) 休息(20分钟) to the playground 到操场 TV 看电视 dinner with sb 和...... 吃晚饭 one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业 one’s maths homework做某人的数学家庭作业 to bed 上床睡觉 to sleep 入睡 one’s face洗脸 sb/sth +形容词使某人/物怎么样 make him happy 使他开心 make the room clean 使房间干净 a busy day 度过繁忙的一天 school 放学后(表时间的短语) school 放学(实义动词短语) 重点句子 1. What’s the time=What time is it几点了


新人教版七年级下册英语所有考点总结 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓 9. make friends 结交朋友10. do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫11. tell stories 讲故事12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 ◆用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下…棋/打…球 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉…乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿… 8. join the…club 加入…俱乐部 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 ◆典句必背 1. —Can you draw? 你会画画吗?

—Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。 2. —What club do you want to join? 你想加入哪个俱乐部? —I want to join the chess club. 我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。 3. You can join the English club. 你可以加入英语俱乐部。 4. Sounds good./That sounds good. 听上去很好。 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 我会说英语也会踢足球。 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 请给米勒夫人拨打电话555-3721。 ◆话题写作 主题:介绍自己特长/强项 Dear Sir, I want to join your organization (组织) to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I'm a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike Unit2 What time do you go to school? ◆短语归纳 1. what time 几点 2. go to school 去上学


最新外研版英语七年级上册知识点总结 Module1 Classmates 1. be from = come from 来自I am from China. = I come from China. 我来自中国。 Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪儿? 2. ---What’s your name? ---What’s his name? ---What’s her name? ---My name is Tom. / I’m Tom. ---His name is Daming. ---Her name is Lingling. 3. ---How old are you? ---How old is he / she? ---I’m 15 years old. ---He / she is 14 years old. 4. ---What class are you in? ---What class is he in? ---I am in Class 1, Grade 7. ---He is in Class 1, Grade 7. 5. Good to see you. = Nice to see you. = Glad to see you见. 到你很高兴。 6. What about = How about 怎么样(询问)What / How about your school life? 7. the capital of 的首都Beijing is the capital of China. 8. a very big city 一个非常大的城市Shanghai is a very big city. 9. first name = given name 名字last name = family name 姓 10. welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地Welcome to China. 11. I’m from China. I ’m Chinese. I can speak Chinese. I’m from England. I’m English. I can speak English. 12. I am from China, too. I can also speak English. I do’n t like the book , either. 13. Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗? 14. Chinese: 中国人,中国的I am Chinese. 中国人I am a Chinese girl. 中国的 English: 英国人,英国的I am English. 英国人I am an English girl. 英国的 15. 作文1 About myself. My name is Tom. / I’m Tom. I’m a student in No. 3 Middle School. I am 15 years old. I’m from China and I am Chinese. I can speak English , too. I am in Class 1, Grade 7. I like sports. / I like doing sports. My favourite sport is basketball. / Playing basketball is my favourite sport. 范文2 My friend This is my friend. His name is Tom. He is from America. Now he is in Beijing. He is 13 years old. He’s in No. 14 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade One. We’re in the same class. His father is a teacher. He teaches English. His mother is a teacher , too. His parents are in the same school. But his parents a’r te in our school. Module2 My family

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