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Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT



,thedrunkendriversarehigh-rankinggovernmentofficialsorwealthybusinessmenwhocouldusetheirinfluence,privileg es,

AccordingtothelawintroducedsinceMay1thisyear,anybodyguiltyofdrunkdrivingwouldb eseverelyfined,subjectedtoa6-monthdetention,


[标签:标题] 篇一:酒驾的英语作文 Drunk Driving Most countries in the world have harsh laws aimed at penalizing drunk driving. But until recent years, drunk driving was rampant in China, due to weak legal provisions and enforcement. The past decade has witnessed tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles, most of which are private cars. The lack of legal traditions targeted at drunk driving and people’s lack of legal awareness have given rise alarming traffic casualties as a result of drunk driving. Drunk driving has created traffic accidents whose implications extend far beyond the traffic realm. In many cases, the drunken drivers are high-ranking government officials or wealthy businessmen who could use their influence, privileges, connections and bribes to get off unpunished. This has occasioned serious social problems because justice is not done and the value of the lives of ordinary people is not duly respected. Those problems in turn contribute to the already widening inequalities between the poor and the rich in the Chinese society, to such an extent that only the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws can answer to the rising public complaints. According to the law introduced since May 1 this year, anybody guilty of drunk driving would be severely fined, subjected to a 6-month detention, and deprived of his driving license. I am totally in favor of this law because it has dramatically reduced cases of drunk driving. Having committed drunk driving, wealthy businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and celebrated musicians


有关交通安全的作文500字——拒绝酒驾 小时候,看见叔叔、阿姨穿着一身天蓝色的衣服,站在马路中间,向南来北往的汽车挥手,我就会不解地问:“叔叔、阿姨为什么要穿着那身衣服向汽车招手呢,他们不怕被车子撞吗?”那时,妈妈就会亲切地告诉我:“那是交警,天蓝色的衣服是制服,向汽车招手是为了疏通车辆,不然,车就会堵得厉害!”上幼儿园了,看见警车开出去了,就知道警察叔叔要去抓小偷了;听见消防车的鸣声,就知道消防员叔叔要去救火了。渐渐地,我长大了,开始慢慢地接触有关法律的书了,学校里举行的消防演练让我了解了许多关于救火、逃生的知识和方法;交通讲座也让我知道了“红灯停、绿灯行”、不能酒后开车……我的姨夫爱喝酒,有好几次,他喝了酒还开车,我对他说别开时,可他却说:“没事,下次不喝了!”乘在车上,我的心都跳到了嗓子眼了,生怕撞车,直到到了家里,我才放下悬着的心。几天前,在电视里看到一则因为司机酒驾造成车祸而身亡的新闻,看完后,我


醉酒驾驶 Drunken Driving _英语作文

醉酒驾驶Drunken Driving It is commonly known thatdrunken driving is ataboo to drivers, for alcohol can penetrate into people's blood, affect theirbrain and lead to traffic accidents.However,many drivers todaydrive even when they are intoxicated, either for their personal habits or forbusiness reasons. 大家都知道,醉酒驾驶对司机来说是大忌,因为酒精可以渗入人的血液中,影响大脑从而导致交通事故。但是,当今很多司机醉酒驾驶,或是因为个人习惯,或是因为生意原因。 Drunken driving can be very disastrous.For one thing, it can bring aboutdisasters to the victims, who are either killed or severely injured in the accidents.For another, it is harmful tothe driver himself, and the driver should at least be partly responsible forit.Furthermore, drunken drivingjeopardizes the security and stability of the society. 醉酒驾驶是灾难性的。一方面,它会给受害者带来灾难,他们或是在事故中丧生,或是受重伤。另一方面,这对司机本身也是有害的,司机至少应该负一部分责任。另外,醉酒驾驶危机社会安全和稳定。There are many ways to reduce drunken driving.Firstly, there should be aprovision in the law to prevent people from driving


珍爱生命拒绝酒驾作文500字 本文是关于珍爱的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 导语:酒后驾车是一件多么令人憎恨的事,酒后驾车会让人瘫痪;酒后驾车就是一个恶魔,让我们珍爱生命拒绝酒驾吧,小编整理有关珍爱生命,拒绝酒驾的作文,欢迎阅读。第一篇:珍爱生命拒绝酒驾 学会开车后,叔叔一直都很约束自己。保证只要开车赴宴,他绝对滴酒不沾。 那天,叔叔去参加同学的聚会。点菜的时候,因自己是驾车而来,便拒绝饮酒。餐厅的服务员见状,热情地向他推荐一种“无醇啤酒”:“这种啤酒不含酒精,司机喝了没事儿!”叔叔禁不住面子尝了尝,味道还不错,便放心大胆地喝了几听。可饭后开车出去没多远,他就被查酒后开车的交警给逮住了。酒精测量仪一测,警察二话没说,就按酒后开车对他进行了处罚。 事后,叔叔对我们说他特别感谢那位交警:“当时他还真有点头重脚轻了,要不是及早被拦下,说不定会出什么事呢!”可让他想不通的是,“无醇啤酒”含酒精,这不是蒙人吗? 我们听后都说叔叔好糊涂。爷爷气愤地说:“饭馆就是为了多赚钱而促销啤酒。明知是开车来的司机还劝饮酒,这是对生命不负责任啊!”奶奶听后紧张地说:”幸好没出大事,花钱买个教训吧,否则总有一天会出事故的,到了那时,可真是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵,

只有一边哭一边后悔世界上没有后悔药了”。我听后也认真地对叔叔说:“每个孩子都希望有爸爸妈妈日夜的陪伴,过安定幸福的生活。酒后驾车就是危害大家的安全”。 叔叔点头表示接受大家的批评,以后喝酒后主动不开车,增强安全意识,预防酒后事故。让家人踏实放心。他还奉劝那些“好喝两口”的开车朋友们人:“无醇啤酒”也是酒,为了自己和他人的安全,喝完酒后不该开车。 第二篇:珍爱生命拒绝酒驾 酒后驾车是一件多么令人憎恨的事,酒后驾车会让人瘫痪;酒后驾车就是一个恶魔……就在前不久,我在街头上看见了一位刚从酒店里出来,人醉醺醺的叔叔,只见他摇摇慌慌地上了自己的小汽车,一溜烟开走了。 当时,我记住了这位叔叔开的车牌号码,我心想:这位叔叔可能要出车祸了。不久,我又看见一位喝的更厉害的叔叔开着车,在马路上行驶,他开的歪歪扭扭的,后面的车子一直不停地按着喇叭,很不奈烦的在后面等着他把空位让出来,这样才好过去。那时,我的心里又有了刚才的想法。第二天下午,我随手拿起一张报纸看起来,无意间,我看见一条新闻报道说“最近有许多酒后驾车违反交通规则的人,而对交警的告诫,他们却很不以为然。” 读完这句话后,我想,再这样下去,迟早会让更多的人受到伤害,并且也伤害了自己。当天晚上,正当我看1818黄金眼的时候,突然间,我看到了自己在白天看到的两辆汽车却在电视上同时播出。“这


2020酒驾学习心得作文范文5篇 2020酒驾学习心得作文范文1 科学研究发现,人呈微醉状开车,其发生事故的可能性为没有饮酒情况下开车的16倍。所以,饮酒驾车,特别是醉酒后驾车,对道路交通安全的危害是十分严重的。 记得有一次,我正走在放学回家的路上,忽然听见不远处传来一阵“嘶——”的紧急刹车声和撞击声。我闻声望去,原来是接送学生的面包车和一辆正在拐弯的小轿车撞上了,小轿车的车头撞到了面包车的尾部,面包车的油漆被撞掉了一块,还有一部分畸形了,而小轿车的车灯也撞了下来。我当时心猛地一震,想:面包车上那么多的学生多危险啊! 要是司机的反应慢了一点点,那一车含苞待放的小花朵,或许还没来得及绽放,就被这场车祸葬送了性命。想到这,吓得我出了一身的冷汗。这时双方车主争论了起来,我靠近了一点儿,闻道小轿车车主的身上有一股难闻的酒气,显然是喝了许多的酒。这时,交警也赶到了现场来处理这场交通事故。 那些醉酒驾驶的人们,不要再让自己的生命在生死线上徘徊了;那些不遵守交通规则的人们,请遵守交通规则吧!作为一名小学生,我要以身作则,一定要严格遵守交通规则。 交通安全,从我做起。这是刻不容缓的问题。让我们珍惜生命,注意交通安全吧。

2020酒驾学习心得作文范文2 酒后驾车是一件多么令人憎恨的事,酒后驾车会让人瘫痪;酒后驾车就是一个恶魔……就在前不久,我在街头上看见了一位刚从酒店里出来,人醉醺醺的叔叔,只见他摇摇慌慌地上了自己的小汽车,一溜烟开走了。 当时,我记住了这位叔叔开的车牌号码,我心想:这位叔叔可能要出车祸了。不久,我又看见一位喝的更厉害的叔叔开着车,在马路上行驶,他开的歪歪扭扭的,后面的车子一直不停地按着喇叭,很不奈烦的在后面等着他把空位让出来,这样才好过去。那时,我的心里又有了刚才的想法。第二天下午,我随手拿起一张报纸看起来,无意间,我看见一条新闻报道说“最近有许多酒后驾车违反交通规则的人,而对交警的告诫,他们却很不以为然。” 读完这句话后,我想,再这样下去,迟早会让更多的人受到伤害,并且也伤害了自己。当天晚上,正当我看1818黄金眼的时候,突然间,我看到了自己在白天看到的两辆汽车却在电视上同时播出。“这是怎么回事呢?”我好奇地睁大了眼睛。 原来这两辆车同时与另一辆大货车相撞在一边了。人还好没有事情,就是有一点失控。“哎,现在这两辆车的主人应该知道酒后驾车的危险了吧!”我自言自语道。在这里我要提醒各位叔叔或阿姨们,请你们以后不要在酒后驾车了,相信你们也都知道酒后驾车的危险了,所以你们要记住哦!


With the rapid development of economy,more and more family can afford a car,some of them even have two or more. There is no denying in saying that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for this things. Firstly, recent years have regerds the rapid development of people’s living standards. As a result, cars gai ned ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a waste of money, time . Last , this irresponsible driving will make the happens, and then, it will causes serious losses of faith in governments and the society. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public,


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Drunken Driving. You should write no less than 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.醉酒驾车增多的原因 2.醉酒驾车的危害 3.如何减少醉酒驾车 Drunken Driving Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for /behind this phenomenon. Firstly, recent decade s have witnessed the rapid development of people’s living standards. As a result, cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then,they may get drunk but continue to drive. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. Firs and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road a nightmare,and thus, it will causes serious losses of faith in governments and the society. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.


The People's Daily reported that a Chinese pop singer Gao Xiaosong, best known for his campus ballads, faces prison after he was caught drunken driving, which put drunken driving again in the spotlight. According to the research of the World Health Organization about drunken driving, there are about 50% to 60% traffic accidents relating to it. Drunken driving has been classified as the main reason for traffic accidents leading to death. In China, an increasing number of gruesome traffic accidents mainly caused by drunken driving have reached into tens of thousands. The detriment of drunken driving is so startling that drunken driving has been considered as the premier killer in traffic accidents. Encouragingly, at the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China in August of 2010, the draft of legislation enlarges that people who drunken


.精品. Drunk Driving Most countries in the world have harsh laws aimed at penalizing drunk driving. But until recent years, drunk driving was rampant in China, due to weak legal provisions and enforcement. The past decade has witnessed tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles, most of which are private cars. The lack of legal traditions targeted at drunk driving and people’s lack of legal awareness have given rise alarming traffic casualties as a result of drunk driving. Drunk driving has created traffic accidents whose implications extend far beyond the traffic realm. In many cases, the drunken drivers are high-ranking government officials or wealthy businessmen who could use their influence, privileges, connections and bribes to get off unpunished. This has occasioned serious social problems because justice is not done and the value of the lives of ordinary people is not duly respected. Those problems in turn contribute to the already widening inequalities between the poor and the rich in the Chinese society, to such an extent that only the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws can answer to the rising public complaints. According to the law introduced since May 1 this year, anybody guilty of drunk driving would be severely fined, subjected to a 6-month detention, and deprived of his driving license. I am totally in favor of this law because it has dramatically reduced cases of drunk driving. Having committed drunk driving, wealthy businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and celebrated musicians have been arrested, sued for criminal offenses, and sentenced. All these indicate that no one is above law, which ruthlessly enforced, would benefit all of us.


珍爱生命远离酒驾作文 酒驾是指驾驶员酒后驾驶机动车辆。严重会被判刑。20xx年世界卫生组织的事故调查显示,大约50%—60%的交通事故与酒后驾驶有关,酒后驾驶1已经被列为车祸致死的主要原因。今天小编就为大家提供了珍爱生命远离酒驾作文,希望能给您带来帮助。 近期全队学习了禁止酒驾的相关材料,通过学习,使我认识到醉驾入刑所带来的严重后果。 首先从违法成本来说,根据《刑法修正案》的最新修改,醉酒驾驶机动车,不管是否造成后果,都将按照“危险驾驶”定罪,处以1至6个月拘役,并处罚金。这就意味着醉酒驾驶将不再是违法,而是一种犯罪行为,最长可处6个月的拘役,醉驾被查者的身份也由普通违法者变成犯罪嫌疑人。同时,根据修正案草案,醉驾者将被吊销驾驶证,且5年内不得重新取得驾驶证;对醉酒后驾驶营运机动车的,将吊销驾驶证,10年内不得重新取得驾驶证。重新取得驾驶证后,不得驾驶营运机动车。 从共同的违法成本看,醉驾当事人不光失去自由,还将损失金钱,更留有犯罪记录。对于一名军人来说,根据队的有关规定,其性质和后果之严重不言而喻。 其次,为了维护解放军在广大人民群众中的威信,树立

军人在人民群众中的良好形象,队对驾驶员的严格要求,并作出相应的处分、处罚规定。自队的相关规定颁布实施以来,队的驾驶员认真组织学习和讨论,认真贯彻执行,得到明显转变,军人的良好形象在广大人民群众中重新树立。 从醉驾入刑的意义方面看,一是体现了对生命价值的尊重。成都孙伟铭醉酒无证驾驶造成4死1伤交通事故案、南京张明宝酒后驾车冲入人群连撞9人造成5死4伤,死亡者当中还包括1名孕妇交通事故案、郑州市城管科长傅口醉酒无证驾驶连撞11人造成3死8伤交通事故案等等。还有酒后驾驶发生交通事故后,为逃避处罚,往往采取逃逸,延误对事故受害者的抢救治疗,使事故受害者生命健康受到进一步伤害,并因此导致死亡、伤残等严重后果发生。醉驾入罪,其真正意义不在于实现法律处罚从轻到重的规律性,实现刑法理论的对接,而在于醉驾行为可能随时引发严重的交通事故,给车辆周围的人群造成极大的安全威胁,其背后所隐含的是对社会公众生命、财产安全尊重和保护。二是冲击传统酒文化的陋习,遏制酒驾交通事故的高发。中国的酒文化源远流长,国人自古就有“无酒不成席”、“酒逢知己千杯少,能喝多少是多少”、“管你会喝不会喝都要喝”的说法,在这种酒文化的熏陶下,公务接待、亲友聚会、职场交往都离不开酒,酒成为了活跃气氛、增加友谊的催化剂。很多驾车人在明知喝酒会造成驾车危险的情境下仍不顾一切的喝酒、醉


2020酒驾学习心得作文多篇 “杯中一滴酒,亲人两行泪”。道路两旁象这样的交通安全宣传标语随处可见,但因醉酒驾驶车辆酿成的惨祸却屡见不鲜。接下来是WTT为大家整理的2020酒驾学习心得作文范文,但愿对你有借鉴作用!2020酒驾学习心得作文范文1 科学研究发现,人呈微醉状开车,其发生事故的可能性为没有饮酒情况下开车的16倍。所以,饮酒驾车,特别是醉酒后驾车,对道路交通安全的危害是分严重的。 记得有一次,我正走在放学回家的路上,忽然听见不远处传来一阵“嘶——”的紧急刹车声和撞击声。我闻声望去,原来是接送学生的面包车和一辆正在拐弯的小轿车撞上了,小轿车的车头撞到了面包车的尾部,面包车的油漆被撞掉了一块,还有一部分畸形了,而小轿车的车灯也撞了下来。我当时心猛地一震,想:面包车上那么多的学生多危险啊! 要是司机的反应慢了一点点,那一车含苞待放的小花朵,或许还没来得及绽放,就被这场车祸葬送了性命。想到这,吓得我出了一身的冷汗。这时双方车主争论了起来,我靠近了一点儿,闻道小轿车车主的身上有一股难闻的酒气,显然是喝了许多的酒。这时,交警也赶到了现场来处理这场交通事故。

那些醉酒驾驶的人们,不要再让自己的生命在生死线上徘徊了;那些不遵守交通规则的人们,请遵守交通规则吧!作为一名小学生,我要以身作则,一定要严格遵守交通规则。 交通安全,从我做起。这是刻不容缓的问题。让我们珍惜生命,注意交通安全吧。 2020酒驾学习心得作文范文2 酒后驾车是一件多么令人憎恨的事,酒后驾车会让人瘫痪;酒后驾车就是一个恶魔……就在前不久,我在街头上看见了一位刚从酒店里出来,人醉醺醺的叔叔,只见他摇摇慌慌地上了自己的小汽车,一溜烟开走了。 当时,我记住了这位叔叔开的车牌号码,我心想:这位叔叔可能要出车祸了。不久,我又看见一位喝的更厉害的叔叔开着车,在马路上行驶,他开的歪歪扭扭的,后面的车子一直不停地按着喇叭,很不奈烦的在后面等着他把空位让出来,这样才好过去。那时,我的心里又有了刚才的想法。第二天下午,我随手拿起一张报纸看起来,无意间,我看见一条新闻报道说“最近有许多酒后驾车违反交通规则的人,而对交警的告诫,他们却很不以为然。” 读完这句话后,我想,再这样下去,迟早会让更多的人受到伤害,并且也伤害了自己。当天晚上,正当我看1818黄金眼的时候,突然间,我看到了自己在白天看到的两辆汽车却在电视上同时播出。“这是怎么回事呢?”我好奇地睁大了眼睛。 原来这两辆车同时与另一辆大货车相撞在一边了。人还好没有事情,就是有一点失控。“哎,现在这两辆车的主人应该知道


Drunk Driving Most countries in the world have harsh laws aimed at penalizing drunk driving. But until recent years, drunk driving was rampant in China, due to weak legal provisions and enforcement. The past decade has witnessed tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles, most of which are private cars. The lack of legal traditions targeted at drunk driving and people’s lack of legal awareness have given rise alarming traffic casualties as a result of drunk driving. Drunk driving has created traffic accidents whose implications extend far beyond the traffic realm. In many cases, the drunken drivers are high-ranking government officials or wealthy businessmen who could use their influence, privileges, connections and bribes to get off unpunished. This has occasioned serious social problems because justice is not done and the value of the lives of ordinary people is not duly respected. Those problems in turn contribute to the already widening inequalities between the poor and the rich in the Chinese society, to such an extent that only the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws can answer to the rising public complaints. According to the law introduced since May 1 this year, anybody guilty of drunk driving would be severely fined, subjected to a 6-month detention, and deprived of his driving license. I am totally in favor of this law because it has dramatically reduced cases of drunk driving. Having committed drunk driving, wealthy businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and celebrated musicians have been arrested, sued for criminal offenses, and sentenced. All these indicate that no one is above law, which ruthlessly enforced, would benefit all of us.


关于酒驾的英文作文 篇一:酒驾的英语 Drunk Driving Most countries in the world have harsh laws aimed at penalizing drunk driving. But until recent years, drunk driving was rampant in China, due to weak legal provisions and enforcement. The past decade has witnessed tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles, most of which are private cars. The lack of legal traditions targeted at drunk driving and people’s lack of legal awareness have given rise alarming traffic casualties as a result of drunk driving. Drunk driving has created traffic accidents whose implications extend far beyond the traffic realm. In many cases, the drunken drivers are high-ranking government officials or wealthy businessmen who could use their influence, privileges, connections and bribes to get off unpunished. This has occasioned serious social problems because justice is not done and the value of the lives of ordinary people is not duly respected. Those problems in turn contribute to the already widening inequalities between the poor and the rich in the Chinese society, to such an extent that only the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws can answer to the rising public complaints. According to the law introduced since May 1 this year, anybody guilty of drunk driving would be severely fined, subjected to a 6-month detention, and deprived of his driving license. I am totally in favor of this law because it has dramatically reduced cases of drunk driving. Having committed drunk driving, wealthy businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and celebrated musicians have been arrested, sued for criminal offenses, and sentenced. All these indicate that no one is above law, which ruthlessly enforced, would benefit


关于醉驾的作文总结: 1.obey the traffic regulations obey=abid e by/comply with 2.break/ violate/disregard/ignore the law 3.threaten social safety 4.disturb / maintain social ord er https://www.doczj.com/doc/a114696132.html,cate / punish drunk drivers 6.resist temptation of al cohol 7.drive up / l ower the crime rate 8.keep sb in jail/ put sb. in prison 9.pay heavy fines 10.s uspend or revoke one’s driver’s licence / driving licence 11.b usiness meals without drinking al cohol is highly recommend ed 12.R estaurants can also help reduce drunk driving, such as reminding drunk customers of not driving or rend ering free parking services to those who drink. 13.l aunch a … campaign to convey the fact that/ the message of…

The government shoul d launch a safe driving campaign to convey the fact that dangerous driving may cause damage to not only drunk drivers’ own family but also the other peopl e’s health and even lives.


关于酒驾的作文 篇一:酒驾 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Drunken Driving. You should write no less than 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.醉酒驾车增多的原因 2.醉酒驾车的危害 3.如何减少醉酒驾车 Drunken Driving Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for /behind this phenomenon. Firstly, recent decades have witnessed the rapid development of people’s living standards. As a result, cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road a nightmare, and thus, it will causes serious losses of faith in governments and the society. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken

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