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Only by overcoming fear of failure can we achieve success in life. Here are some tips on how to remove fear and focus on success.

Understand that at times you make mistakes. ____36____ Before any of us learned how to walk, we crawled. We got up, fell down and got up again. We continued the process until we could walk expertly.

____37____ Instead, view it as a stepping stone. Make certain that you learn from failure and then apply what you’ve learned to future situations. Refuse to consider f ailure a character weakness. Doing so will only prevent you from achieving future success.

Remember that failure has produced many successes. ____38____ Albert Einstein’s teacher told him to quit school and commented, “Einstein, you will never amount to anything!” Beethoven’s music teacher said he was hopeless to become a composer(作曲家). Henry Ford’s first two car companies failed.

Appreciate the benefits of failure. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you try, the be tter you make.” It’s hardly possible for someone to achieve success for the first time he tries. ____39____

Believe in yourself. Rather than give up when things don’t work out, take it as an opportunity to build perseverance(坚持不懈). Remind yourself how many failures became successful because they wouldn’t give up. ____40____

A.Don’t take failure personally.

B.Work hard and try to avoid failure.

C.Realize that you are human and humans make mistakes.

D.Believe that you’ve got what it takes to work through the difficu lt times.

E.Making the same mistake again can lead to the failure in your future work.

F.Consider how many people in history had failed before they became successful.

G.In other words, your chances of getting things right on the first try are slim(渺小的) to


36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______


Reading books can be a great way to pick up new vocabulary, see grammar in action and develop your understanding of a language. ____36____

For beginners, I would recommend(推荐) starting with something short and simple. Avoid

the classic for now — they often use very old English words and can involve complex(复杂的) themes. Children’s books are a great place to start. ____37____ Dr Seuss writes his books in rhyme(押韵) and they are very funny. Starting with something like this means you are more likely to finish the book and want to read more.

____38____ The book isn’t too long and if you’ve seen the film it may be easier to follow. If you like reading about historical events, Anne Holm’s I am David is a good read.

If you are not quite ready to read a full book, why not try Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes? ____39____ Or, try a very short book —like one from Roger Hargreaves’s Mr Men and Little Miss series. Although they are intended for young children, they are a good way to pick up some more basic vocabulary.

My final piece of advice would be to read something that interests you. Look at the short summary of the book on the back cover and see if it looks like something that you would enjoy. ____40____ T his was, you’re more likely to enjoy reading, rather than see it as a headache.

A.Dr Seuss’s books are guaranteed(保证) to make you laugh.

B.The key to success is choosing the right book for you.

C.Reading can bring you a lot of fun as well as knowledge.

D.For more advanced learners, you could try The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

E.Think about the type that you enjoy in your own language and find one of that type in


F.How much you can understand a book depends on your vocabulary.

G.This book contains lots of short stories, based on fairy tales, all written in rhyme.

36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______


Tips to Get Your Kids Reading

March 2nd is Read Across America Day. ____36____ Here are 4 tips to get your family excited about reading.

Start a family book club.

Choose a book suitable for your whole family, and set guidelines(指导方针) about how many chapters a week you’ll read. Then, choose a date to have a favorite family meal, and share what you liked and disliked about the book. ____37____

Pick a family-centered book and read a few chapters aloud each evening.

Make popcorn or hot coca and get comfortable. ____38____ This is another good opportunity to join your kids and make reading magical and exciting —particularly if you have kids who aren’t too fond of reading.


Surprise your kids one day and dress up yourself like one of their favorite book characters. Serve a meal based on something relevant(有关的) to this character and make the conversation

about all things literary(文学的) Be sure to bring your kids to the local library that day, too, so that they can borrow a new book or two.

Read in a new place.

____40____ Go to the park and read in the sun. Head to your local bookstore and let the kids get comfortable in the children’s section. And maybe go to a coffee shop and let them get a hot cocoa and a donut(甜甜圈) while they are reading. By going to new places to read, kids will get into the habit of having a good book with them whenever they leave the house.

A.Books really come alive when read aloud.

B.Dress up like a favorite book character.

C.But we can make this special day last longer than just one day.

D.Make your kids develop good reading habits.

E.Head out of the house to do some reading often.

F.Many people prefer to read books quietly in the library.

G.This created a good way for parents to connect with their kids through reading.

36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______


If tests can make students nervous, anxious and even scared(害怕的), shouldn’t schools just get rid of them? ____36____ Teachers and schools give students tests for very important reasons.

____37____Giving a test is a way for a teacher to see which students are learning the skills and knowledge they should be learning and which ones are having troubles. Depending on how kids do on the test, the teacher will know if he or she must go back over some things, or if it’s okay to keep moving forward.

To see how well your school is teaching you.All parents want their kids to finally graduate with the ability to earn a living. ____38____ And one way to do this is to have them take tests.

To Assign(指定) grades. ____39____ Besides your homework, tests are one of the best ways for you to show the teacher that you’ve really learned what’s being taught, and for the teacher to figure out what grade you should get. Grades are also a way to show your parents how you’re doing in school.

To keep you motivated(有积极性的). Admit it: you work harder if you know someone is checking up on your work. For example, if your mom tells you to clean your room but you know she will never go in and check, then you might not do it, right? ____40____ Because you know that you’ll eventually(最后) have to take a test on the material and you might be more likely to give it that extra effort and make sure you know ever ything you’re supposed to know.

A.To see if you’re learning.

B.To see if you are totally prepared.

C.Students must work hard to get good grades.

D.Well, believe it or not, tests don’t just exist(生存) to trouble you.

E.Grades are important in most schools, and tests play a big big role.

F.So schools have to prove they’re trying their bes t to educate students.

G.Well, tests help make sure that you don’t leave your homework behind.

36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______


No other word carries as much power and importance in our daily lives as the word “no”. Indeed, one ma y claim that many quarrels and fights start when someone says no. “No” is a great word. If said at the right time and place, it becomes the embodiment(化身) of choosing to follow an independent path to the one that other people carved for you. ____36____ The way you say “no” may be more important than the word itself. In this article, I will tell 3 ways in which you can say no in an educated and firm manner.

The Direct No

____37____ It’s pretty direct and you don’t need to offer any apologies or make further promises to go with it.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, thank you.”

The Empathetic(同情的) No

There is pure art in this technique. ____38____ Then you make a firm(坚定的) but very brief refusal at the end.

“I know you want me to have lunch with you and the children, Jill, but I can’t do it today.”

“It must have been really hard for you to organize that party, but I can’t come.”

The Reasoned No

This one is all about being brief and honest. You simply refuse the request. ____39____ “I can’t go out with you because I have to wake up really early tomorrow.”

“Thank you, but I am not really a big fan of Jurassic World.”

____40____ The old saying goes “One no a day keeps the doctor away”. Learn how to say no, politely but firmly.

A.The first way is to simply say no.

B.Yet we have every reason to say no.

C.However, it is not a word to use in wrong ways.

D.Then you offer a reason why you are refusing it.

E.It involves appreciation of the other person’s feelings.

F.This technique allows people to say no to a specific(特殊的) request.

G.Experts(专家) recommend(推荐) that you say no at least nine times a day.

36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______


























小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/a08890497.html,/?tid=16-73374-0 1.观念转变和方法转变(closereading细读) 高考考察细读、辨别能力。 2.阅读的重要性 3.高考文章类型的分析(来源、内容、体裁) ①来源:一二年级课本、西方报刊杂志 ②从内容角度把44篇文章分类:社会科学为主,自然科学为辅,新的趋势是人文科学的文章。 文章的分类:(共44篇) (1)社会科学(SocialScience)有30篇 包括:政治学、经济学、社会学、传播学、教育学、心理学、历史学、人类学、文化学等 分析:政治学,从89-03没有出过题,因为西方和东方的意识形态存在差异性,避开敏感话题,没有出过; 经济学,每年至少一篇;教育学,隔年出一次;传播学,隔年出一次。 总结:泛读的重点——经济学、教育学、传播学、心理学。 (2)自然科学(NaturalScience)有10篇 10篇中,纯而有纯的自然科学很少,只有约4篇。命题集中在科学史方面。 出题的原则:一般性原则,公正性原则。

总结:泛读自然科学的文章,少读纯自然科学的文章,多读简介科学史的文章。奇速英语暑假网络互动直播课程,九天让你的英语成绩华丽转身,来不及的不是时间,而是行动,心动就马上行动,当你还在犹豫的时候,先报名的童鞋已经甩你很远了。 (3)人文科学,包括:文学、历史、哲学(还剩4篇) 分析:88--99年,11年中从未出过题。 文学评论—未来主义诗歌; 散文—雄心壮志; 散文—我这个人的一段心路历程; 讲幽默,题目有迷惑性。 总结:人文科学出题有抬头趋势。 ③从体裁角度把44篇文章分类:议论文、说明文、记叙文、应用文。 多读:议论文、说明文。(从来没有出现过记叙文,应用文只出过1篇) ④从语言上,以美国英语为主。 突显美国英语与美国文化,应该多了解一些美国的基本概况。最好有一幅美国地图。 4.新大纲中对于阅读理解的总体要求 ①阅读速度:(02年开始为4篇x5题)每篇文章略有增加,但增加不大。要求文章读得更细了,用closereading(细读)的方式击破高考阅读。比较适合的阅读速度为:45-50/分 ②八点阅读要求: (1)能够抓住文章中的主旨大意 (2)理解文章中的具体信息, (3)理解概念性的含义(concept), (4)进行有关的判断、推理和引申的能力(解体思路应尽量适应命题专家)


高考英语复习七选五专练6篇 Passage 1(2017课标全国Ⅱ) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you’re trying to get work done. 1 , there are several ways to handle things. Let’s take a look at them now. 2 . Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time. When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you’ll find them then. 3 . It can help to eliminate(消除)future interruptions. When you need to talk to someone, don’t do it in your own office. 4 , it’s much easier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are. If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. 5 . If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get the hint(暗示)that when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed. A.If you’re busy, don’t feel bad about saying no B.When you want to avoid interruptions at work


七选五练习题 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白出的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) —Lovely day, isn’t it? —Mm, yes, 61 And it’s supposed to get warmer. —Yes, that’s true. You know, though, I’m always a little worried to see winter go. — 62 —Well, I love skating. In fact, I used to teach skating for a living. —Oh? That sounds interesting. 63 —I work at Bank of America. How about you? — 64 —Here? —No, I’m from Chicago. I’m just visiting here for the wedding. —Oh, I see. —By the way, 65 I’m Helen Keller. —Nice to meet you. My name is John Smith. A. But what do you do now? B. It’s very cold. C. It’s really warm. D. I guess I should introduce myself. E. I’m on the radio station. F. What’ your name? G. Really? 2 A: Hi! I am Kate. Are you Mike? B: 1 I am Paul. A: 2. B: P-A-U-L. A: 3. B: I am fine, thanks. A: 4. B: It’s 458-7521. A: Is this your notebook? B: 5. My name is on it. A. How do you spell it?


七选五做题技巧 通读全文,了解文章大意。通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词。根据文章整体结构、具体内容,结合关键词,将选项填入文中。将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。研究多余选项,确定排除理由,最终确定答案。 1. 如果问题设在段首 (1)通常是段落的主题句 认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句 (2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等。 着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段。 (3)段落间的过渡句。 这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 2. 如果问题设在段尾 (1).空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。 (2.)通常是结论,概括性语句 注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词。Therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 (3.)与前文是转折或对比关系 此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立,对比关系。 (4.)与前文是并列或排比关系 在这种情况下,通常是该段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,因此,根据段落一致性原则,在原文和选项中找到相关的特征词,通常选项中会出现表示并列或递进关系的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他线索。 (5.)所选答案是引出下一段的内容 如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段开头是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来 (6.)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题 通常文章第一段要提出文章的主题,如果在段尾提出主题,会用一些信号词如转折词引出来,正确答案应有这样的特征词。 一、基本技巧 一)做题步骤 1.阅读各个空的前后句,标记关键词 在阅读文章的开始部分、明确文章的基本话题以后,要阅读五个空各自的前后句,并将前后句中的解题线索,即关键词标记下来。关键词包括句中的核心名词或名词词组(如带有形容词的名词词组)、专有名词、时间数字、代词、连词等。 2.阅读各个选项,尤其是选项的首句,标记关键词 3.比较上述两类关键词,确定答案 4.将确定的答案代入原文,看读起来是否通顺。 二)判断方法 在标记了原文与选项的关键词以后,可以按照下列原则判断原文的空与选项是否匹配: 1.词汇衔接 正确选项中的关键词一般重复前一句的关键词,也与下一句的关键词相呼应。


【专题训练】阅读七选五专题训练七 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) For most parents and other caregivers, summer is by far the best season to connect kids with nature. The weather’s nice, and the youngsters are out of time. Here are a few tips to help you along the way: Nature is all around us. 37 For small kids, there’s likely plenty in the backyard, courtyard, or schoolyard. National parks are great, but kids foster a deep connection with nature close to home! 38 Don’t worry too much about what to do once you arrive at your nature-rich destination. What kids really need is free time to engage all their senses and use their imaginations. You can learn too. What counts is simply to get out there, show that you value the outdoors, and be ready to have fun. 39 In fact, it is not necessary for you to know anything at all about science or nature. And remember, questions are more powerful than answers anyway! Sit back and watch your kids learn. Don’t be too much of a helicopter parent, always saying “no”. Instead, try to spare more time to stay with your kids when necessary.


“3. a Because it is so difficult, father. rm sure that I shall n ever lear n it. My memory is so bad. ” "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date 题型加练五 阅读理解七选五 (一 ) (2016 -山东枣庄中考)1. Sometimes you can find a job easily, by walking into a local store and looking at its notice board. Local stores often have areas for people to put small sig ns tell ing the services that they n eed or they can provide. 2. Another popular tool for finding a job is the Internet. For example, people around the world can use the Craigslist Website to buy things, meet people or find a job. 3. Another useful way to find a job is through a university. 4. Many college stude nts like this way better. At times, some experts ( 专业人士 ) can also help people find a job. Susan Miller has her own bus in ess called Califor nia Job Services in Los An geles. She says her bus in ess helps people find a job by first help ing them un dersta nd their strong poin ts, aims and in terests. 5. So with her help, many people have succeeded in finding a good job. A. It is said that the website can receive two milli on new jobs each month. B. Look ing after childre n or clea ning houses can get well paid. C. Such services in clude look ing after childre n or clea ning houses. D. For example, stude nts at the Uni versity of Texas can go to the job cen ter to get help. E. Then she provides them with methods to help them find the right job. F . People can find jobs in many ways. G. People can find jobs with difficulty. (2015 ?山东枣庄中考) “ Have you fini shed your lesso n, George ?” said Mr. Pren tice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy mak ing a large paper kite. "No, father ,” replied George, hanging down his head. “1. 2.


中考英语阅读七选五试题解题技巧 《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。” 七选五其实跟传统题型完形填空有相似之处,完形填空空出的是词,而七选五空出的是句子,但是他们的考察方式都是一样的,只要考生选择的答案能够使行文连贯,符合英文的语法以及习惯表达就行,因此,这两类题型在做题方法上有共通之处。另外,从该题型给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。另外两个多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除,例如主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。根据这些,我们总结一些关于七选五的做题方法供大家参考。 1,先看选项。跟完形填空不一样,七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外,通过阅读选项,有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。 2,再看空前空后。由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。

3,注意代词或定冠词。在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代词,因为我们知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,然后通过代词在句子中所做的成分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。 4,注意一些特殊疑问词。如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍,因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的,比如对why的回答,后面要有because等表原因的词,对when的回答,后面要有表时间的状语,对where的回答,后面要有表地点的名词,对how的回答,后面要有方式状语等。 5,注意一些连词。如一些表示转折的连词,but,however,yet,though,never the less等,另外还有一些表示并列关系的连词如and,also,as well as,neither nor,either or,not only...but also,on one hand....on the other hand等。因为这些连词可以表现句子与句子之间的关系,通过不同的连词我们可以推知句子与句子之间不同的关系。


【专题训练】阅读七选五专题训练六 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, “You’re nervous and that’s okay. Everyone is afraid of high school.”36 I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends. On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. 37 Was thi s how the whole year was going to be? I didn’t think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock someone out with it! The schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right. 38 With the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad. It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging. Since then, I’ve been elected vice president of my class, which wasn’t much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions. It is normal to be scared about a new school. Take a deep breath and relax. 39 Make sure you participate in some out-of-class activities because you’ll find it easier to make friends. Try to do your best, even if it isn’t straight A’s.


2017年高考英语总动员“七选五”阅读 8.历年探究

(Ⅰ) 【2016·新课标全国卷I】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Secret codes (密码) keep messages private. Bank, companies, and government agencies use secret code in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer. People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36 Code breaking never lags (落后) behind code making. The science of decoding and reading coded messages is called cryptography. There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters a re “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.” 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example, let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, th e message “Meet me” would read “1 3 5 20 13 5”. A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 39 For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me”.The message “bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me”. 40 However, it


七选五练习 1、Lana went to see a new movie in the morning. But she didn't enjoy it. She's talking to Jenny about what happened. Jenny: You look unhappy. 1 Lana: I watched a movie in the morning. Jenny: 2 Lana: No. The movie was great. It was the audience (观众)..Some people were late for the movie, some took phone calls during the movie, some made noise while eating snacks and some talked loudly. 3 Jenny: That's too bad! People should obey certain rules while watching a movie. Lana: Yes. The first thing is to keep the theater quiet. We should sit down before the movie begins. 4 We should eat snacks quietly. And we should talk as little as possible. Jenny: 5 And we should take away our rubbish when we leave. Lana: I hope everyone should do these things so that we can enjoy the movie better. Jenny: Me too. A. I was annoyed all the time. B. Who did you go to the movie with? C. Yes, you are right D. How wonderful the movie was! E. What's wrong with you? F. We should turn off our mobile phones. G. So the movie was boring, wasn't it? 2、Three Apples changed the world. The first one seduced(诱惑)Eve. The second one awakened Newton. 71 Here are some famous words from Steve Jobs to share. On character I’m the only person I know that’s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year. 72 On good design That’s been one of my mottos-focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex;You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there,you can move mountains. On his outlook 73 Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful,that’s what matters to me. On your working life Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. 74 If you haven’t found it yet,keep looking. Don’t settle. On the importance of death No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. 75 No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be,because Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you,but some-day not too long from now,you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. A. It’s very character-building. B. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. C. This is not a one-man show. D. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. E. And yet death is the destination we all share. F. It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. G. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.


高考英语七选五阅读解 题步骤及技巧 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

高考英语七选五阅读解题步骤及技巧 高考英语阅读七选五题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握,并具备运用语法知识分析理解长难句的能力。可以说,此题型是对语言能力和阅读理解能力的综合测试。 一、解题步骤 1、通读全文,对文章进行快速浏览,寻找主题句,抓住文章结构及文章的写作内容。 在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义,如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考虑文章的写作方式是否为“结尾总结”式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意,首段与末段的提示作用。 2、详读段落,在短时间内,找出每段写作内容的关键词。明确各段的主题句或主旨大意。 文章正文部分通常分为若干小段落。各段落会根据整体文章写作主题展开,对文章主体进行的不同方面的描述。找出各个小段落中的关键词,明确其描述内容,为整体试题的解决做好铺垫。阅读各个空的前后句,标记关键词

在阅读文章的开始部分、明确文章的基本话题以后,要阅读五个空各自的前后句,并将前后句中的解题线索,即关键词标记下来。关键词包括句中的核心名词或名词词组(如带有形容词的名词词组)、专有名词、时间数字、代词、连词等。 重点阅读各个问题附近的句子,圈定线索词,然后从选项中寻找相关的特征词,以确定答案。做题时可以采用代入排除法。如果一题做不出或拿不准,可先放过,继续往下读,先做容易的能做出的题,直到读完整篇文章。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应基本清楚了。 3、定位选项,明确各备选选项的含义,抓住其关键词语,根据文章整体结构与具体内容,将选项填入文中,填写时尤为注意各选项中出现的句子衔接手段及句中的衔接标志词。 在定位选项时,要特别注意空格上下段的写作内容,以及空格上段尾句和下段首句的结构和意义。将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境。能否承接前后的写作线索。使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺。 一篇文章作为一个整体,是有其写作的线索与思路的,在选项定位中,要尤其注意文章的写作线索,文章的写作思路的连贯使文章的每个段落、每个句子甚至每个短语均融为一体。如果带入选项后,发现文章写作线索中断或是前后矛盾,应更换其它选项。 4、通读复检,将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。 在完成选项定位后,应通读全文,检查文章内容是否完整,语义是否连贯合理、各段落内容是否紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是


高考英语阅读理解专题训练---七选五 Passage 1 Tips for Improving the Communication in Your Relationship There is a lot more to effective communication in a relationship than just talking about the weather. ____71_____Doiing so will help you to create a more intimate and productive relationship. In this article, we have some tips that will help you enhance the communication between you and your partner so you can start having a better relationship. 1.Listen Carefully Before Responding Sometimes in the heat of an argument, we will react to something that is said before we really understand what is being said. _______ This is more important than responding automatically. 2.Keep It Cool When Disagreeing When a discussion starts turning into an argument, it can go in an ugly direction. Avoid this by sticking to the point and not bringing up old arguments. ________ Then you can resume the conversation later with clearer heads and a fresh perspective. 3.______ It can be difficult if you weren’t raised in a family that did much communicating, but there are things you can do to help yourself be more open and honest with your partner. _______ You should take responsibility on someone else! There is no denying that this can be a tough first step, especially if the relationship has already fallen into less supportive communication habits. But if you don’t fix it now, it will only get worse. It takes a real effort from both parties to build the trust that can help save a relationship. A.Share Your Feelings Openly B.Learn To Have Fun Together C.Spending time together will help increase intimacy D.Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a break and cool off. E.Take the time to really listen to what your partner is saying F.It is important to start sentences with “I feel…” instead of “ You make me feel…” G.Real communication involves honesty, having fun and learning to avoid arguments. Passage 2 How to Overcome Worry When we worry about an event that may not occur, we waste precious energy and time. There is a philosophy that if we worry about something it is actually more likely to happen; we attract the negative event through our negative thoughts. Worry never helps, it just leaves us without peace of mind. ________ Here are a few steps that will help. 1.Concentrate on the Present Worry means we are advancing into the future and speculating that the worst might happen. Worrying about the future is not helpful. ______ Many religious texts tell us, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” 2.Imagine How Good Things Can Occur If we concentrate on the negative, it is likely to create negative emotions and negative thoughts. If we worry, this in itself is a problem for us; it becomes a vicious cycle(恶性循环). If you find yourself often in a state of fear or worry, make conscious effort to visualize the best overcome. Imagine yourself doing the best you can in the circumstances and then being detached(分开) from


2020高考全国卷I阅读理解七选五试题及答案解析 请看高考试题: 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance We all want it … to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. 36 ___ Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction. ●37 Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world. ●Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures. 38 You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) response? "That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best." ●Recognize all of your strengths. Write them down in a journal. Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. 39 ●Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don’t feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself. 40 Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are? A. Feeling upset again? B. Where do you start? C. Nothing is too small to celebrate. D. Remember, you are only human. E Set an intention for self-acceptance. F. Stop comparing yourself with others.

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