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人教版三年级上册语文第三单元知识点一、认字 融(róng)(融化)(融入)(融雪) 伐(fá)(伐木)(砍伐)(伐树) 锯(jù)(锯树)(锯木头) 切(qiē)(切开)(切块)(切分) 燃(rán)(燃放)(燃烧)(燃灯) 缩(suō)(缩小)(畏缩)(退缩) 吞(tūn)(吞下)(吞并)(囫囵吞枣) 悲(bēi)(悲惨)(悲哀)(悲伤) 咽(yàn)(吞咽)(咽气)(咽下) 宣(xuān)(宣布)(宣告)(宣传) 处(chǔ)(惩处)(处罚) 诱(yòu)(诱惑)(诱人)(引诱) 强(qiáng)(强大)(强健)(自强) 介(jiè)(介绍)(简介)(介入) 宗(zōng)(祖宗)(宗旨)(宗法) 召(zhào)(召开)(召唤)(号召) 孝(xiào)(孝顺)(孝敬)(孝心)

二、会写的字 冷(冷静)(寒冷)(冷漠) 离(离别)(离开)(距离) 等(等待)(等候)(等级) 剩(剩下)(剩余)(剩饭) 斧(斧头)(斧子)(鬼斧神工) 砍(砍树)(砍伐)(砍断) 谷(谷子)(谷物)(稻谷) 柴(柴草)(柴火)(火柴) 煤(煤炭)(煤气)(烧煤) 油(油灯)(汽油)(火上浇油) 刚(刚才)(刚刚)(刚强) 流(流动)(流汗)(流水) 泪(泪水)(眼泪)(泪珠) 算(打算)(暗算)(计算) 接(接近)(接受)(接见) 旅(旅行)(旅途)(旅客) 三、多音字 答:(dā)答理几:(jī)几乎稍:(shào)稍息(dá)回答(jǐ)几个(shāo)稍微切:(qiē)切开骨:(gū)骨碌应:(yìng)答应

(qiè)一切(gǔ)骨头(yīng)应当 四、辨字组词 谷(谷物)煤(煤矿)油(柴油)睁(睁开) 各(各自)媒(媒体)抽(抽水)挣(挣钱) 旅(旅游)咱(咱们)管(管理)拼(拼写) 族(民族)自(自己)官(官员)饼(月饼) 五、近义词 寒冷——冰冷朋友——好友融化——融解 必须——务必难受——难过舒服——舒坦 努力——尽力调皮——淘气费力——吃力 照样——照旧依旧——依然也许——大概 大吃一惊——大惊失色争先恐后——力争上游 七上八下——六神无主四面八方——五湖四海 六、反义词 旧——新强——弱足——亏 处罚——奖励朋友——敌人融化——凝固 非常——平常悲哀——欢乐集合——解散 消失——浮现犹豫——果断可惜——幸好


顶点王牌英语必修3讲义I Unit 1 Festivals around the world 1. mean 的用法 1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”, 其主语通常是指事物的词 2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事” 3). mean sb. to do sth. “打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构 4). mean 后接名词、副词或从句, “表示;打算;存心”等意思;后接that 从句,意为“表示……” 5). be meant for “打算给予;打算作……用” In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 2. take place 发生;举行(不能用于被动语态中!) ①The performance didn’t take place after all. 演出终于没有进行 ②Was there anybody passing by when the accident took place? 事故发生时,有人路过那里吗? 与place相关短语: in the first place (用于列举理由)首先,第一点 in the last place 最后 in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想 in place 放在原来的位置,就位 in place of 代替,用……而不用…… take one’s place 找替某人接替某人的位置 3. of all kinds 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 the same kind of 相同种类的 different kinds of 不同种类的 this/that kind of 这(那)种 a kind of 某种 That kind of question is very difficult to answer.= Questions of that kind are difficult to answer. We sell all kinds of shoes.= We sell shoes of all kinds. ③You can see different kinds of animals in the zoo. = You can see animals of different kinds in the zoo. 你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物用动词的适当形式填空 ①Books of this kind ____ (sell) well in the bookstore. ②This kind of books ____ (sell) well in the bookstore.


高中英语必修三第三单元知识点总结第三单元 )bet makeabet打赌 place/putabeton在……下赌注 one’sbestbet最好的办法 作动词,表示“打赌,赌博”,后直接加宾语。 Ibet(that)表示“我敢肯定”,相当于Iamsure。 youbet表示“肯定,没问题”,相当于certainly。 2)scene scene表示“(戏剧,电影中的)一幕/一场,出事地点,现场,情景;风景,布景”。 behindthescenes在幕后;秘密地。 onthescene在现场。 setthescene(forsth)作事前的现场描述,为……做准备。 comeonthescene到现场。 3)stage 表示“舞台,戏剧,阶段”,可以表示“路程,一段路,(事故发生的)现场”。 be/goonthestage当演员,登台演出 setthestageforsth为某事做准备。

4)tale 是可数名词,表示“传说,故事”。 tellitsowntale不言自喻,显而易见。 5)permit 作动词,后接名词或者代词,表示“允许,答应”;也可以表示“使可能”。 后接不定式的复合结构。 后接动名词,不能直接跟不定式。 分词短语作状语。 后不能跟从句。 permitofsth认可,容忍。 作名词,表示“许可证,执照,许可”。 6)account 作名词,表示“叙述,报道,理由,账目,户头”。 by/fromallaccounts根据大家所说的。 giveanaccountof叙述,报道,说明。 作名词,表示“认为”时,后接复合宾语。 accountfor表示“做出解释,导致,是……的原因”,还可以表示“占,捕获”。 常见的词组: outofaccount不考虑onallaccounts/oneveryaccount 无论如何onnoaccount决不

新人教版高一必修三 unit1 知识点讲解及练习

Unit 1 知识点 1.take place / happen / occur / come about / break out ①take place表示“发生、举行、举办”,多指按计划或设想发生。 ②happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。 sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上,sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事③occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen。 sth occur to sb某人(突然)想到某事 ④come about表示“发生、产生”,指事情已发生,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句。 ⑤break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病、火灾或者争吵等 1). Great changes have ________(发生) in our hometown during the past ten years. 2). It _____________________ (我突然想起) I saw him on my way home yesterday. 3). I _________ (碰巧) to see your sister crying on my way to school yesterday. I was in such a hurry that I had no time to ask what had happened ________ (介词) her? 4). When the Second World War ________(爆发), Tom was only a newborn infant. 5). I’ll never understand how it _____(发生) that you were late three times a week. 6). A big earthquake _________ (发生) in the south of China last year. 2. celebrate / congratulate ①celebrate“庆祝”,后面跟某个节日或物。celebrate sth 庆祝某事 in celebration of 为庆祝...... ②congratulate“祝贺”,congratulate sb. on (doing)sth.“祝贺某人某事”。 1). We all ________ Jessica on her winning the first prize in the writing competition. 2). At Christmas the people in the western countries will _______the birth of Jesus. 3). Let’s hold a party to ___________ your birthday and at the same time ________ you ___________ your passing the examination. 4). They hold a party_________________ their victory . 3. award / reward ①award n.“奖品”、“奖金”,win/get/receive an award for sth.因......获奖vt.“授与”、“颁发”、“判给”award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb. ②reward n.“赏金”、“酬金”或一些非金钱的报酬as a reward vt. 表示“报答”、“酬谢”之意reward sb. for(doing)sth. / reward sb. with sth. 【练习】根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。 1). They ________ John the first prize in the contest. 2). Is that how you ________ me for my help? 3). The film won an ________ ________ its photography.


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新牛津高中英语模块二第三单元知识点整理及单元 练习(含答案) 新牛津高中英语模块二第三单元知识点整理及单元练习M2Unit Three 一、词汇大集合 I. 单词 course 诅咒,咒语,诅咒,咒骂mummy 木乃伊explorer 探险家brave 勇敢的adventurous 喜欢冒险的,冒险的 artist 艺术家 bright 聪明的,伶俐的 curious 好奇的,求知欲强的 sail 航行,风帆 set sail 启航 Egyptian 埃及的,埃及人的,埃及人 gold 黄金 preserve 保存,保护,保持 discovery 发现 valley 山谷,峡谷 riches(复数)财富 as well as 也,以及 empty 倒空,空的 right away 立刻,马上 strangely 奇怪地,莫名其妙地 present 在场的,出席的 fever 发烧,发热 secretary 秘书 shortly 不久,很快within 在...之内,不超过 coincidence 巧合,碰巧 scientific 科学的 virus 病毒 fresh 新鲜的 disturb 打扰,扰乱 result 结果,导致 illness 疾病 examine 检查,考察,仔细观察 certain 确定的,肯定的 fully 完全地,彻底地,充分地 finally 最后,终于 pay off 成功,带来好结果 ancient 古代的,远古的 compare 比较 express 表达,表示 childhood 童年,孩童时代 aeroplane 飞机 organize 组织 base 基地,底部,基础,以...作基础contact 联系,接触 maker 制作者,制造商 a great deal of 许多,大量的 survivor 幸存者 captain 船长 warning 警告,提醒 1 / 24


牛津高中英语教学设计 文档内容:教学设计—教案 板块:Welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想: 本课通过了解世界文化遗产,拓展学生的人文知识,培养学生人文素养。通过一系列课堂活动,激发学生用英语了解,描述,表达世界文化遗产,同时为下一课作好铺垫。 Teaching aims: 1.Students will be asked to talk about some magnificent structures, including the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Pltala Palace. 2.Students are required to get involved in the discussion, practise their spoken English and participated in all the designed activities. 3.Students are expected to be able to describe one of the ancient civilizations and develop their sense of culture protection. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Introduction 1.The teacher starts the lesson with the song Rivers of Babylon and introduce the topic. 2.Arouse students interests by introducing the seven wonders of the world and introduce the topic by asking questions “Why are they called the seven wonders of the world?” and“What other ancient civilizations do you know about?” 【设计说明】通过学生感兴趣的音乐话题引入主题。 Step 2 Look and understand Ask students to look at the pictures and ask them what they know about the pictures. 【设计说明】通过问答了解学生对四幅图片的了解程度。 Step 3 Read and understand Introduce the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Potala Palace. Ask students to go through the descriptions for detailed information, and then fill in the form. 【设计说明】通过介绍背景知识,填空确保学生掌握所需知识,并以此作为示范,为下面学生要做的Presentation作铺垫。 Step 4 Discussion Ask students to talk about ancient civilizations they are interested in . 【设计说明】鼓励学生用刚接触的有关古代文化建筑的语汇来谈论自己感兴趣的话题。Step 5 Presentation Ask students to introduce one of the ancient civilizations. 【设计说明】让学生模仿老师前面的图片表述,介绍一个古代文化建筑,以操练巩固所学知识。 Step 6 Homework Ask students to write a composition introducing one of the ancient civilizations 牛津高中英语教学设计


2020学年人教版高中英语必修三 知识点归纳 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 1. mean 的用法 1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”, 其主语通常是指事物的词。 2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。 3). mean sb. to do sth. “打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构。 4). mean 后接名词、副词或从句, “表示;打算;存心”等意思;后接that 从句,意为“表示……”。 5). be meant for “打算给予;打算作……用”。 In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 2. take place 发生;举行(不能用于被动语态中!) ①The performance didn’t take place after all. 演出终于没有进行。 ②Was there anybody passing by when the accident took place? 事故发生时,有人路过那里吗? 与place相关短语: in the first place (用于列举理由)首先,第一点in the last place 最后 in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想in place 放在原来的位置,就位 in place of 代替,用……而不用……take one’s place 找替某人接替某人的位置 3. of all kinds 各种各样的 相关归纳:all kinds of 各种各样的the same kind of 相同种类的 different kinds of 不同种类的this/that kind of 这(那)种 a kind of 某种 ①That kind of question is very difficult to answer.= Questions of that kind are difficult to answer. ②We sell all kinds of shoes.= We sell shoes of all kinds. ③You can see different kinds of animals in the zoo. = You can see animals of different kinds in the zoo. 你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物。 用动词的适当形式填空 ①Books of this kind ____ (sell) well in the bookstore. ②This kind of books ____ (sell) well in the bookstore. 4. starve v.挨饿; 饿死 He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。 5. plenty n.富裕 days/years/...of plenty 富裕的日子/年月 如:You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried about? plenty pron.大量; 充足 plenty of可修饰可数名词和不可数名词, 用于陈述句。 如: You needn’t hurry. There is plenty of time left. 你不必慌忙, 剩下的时间很充足。 Taking plenty of exercise every day keeps you healthy. 每天多运动会使你身体健康。 6. 1) satisfy vt.满足,使…满意; satisfy sb. satisfied a.感到满意的; be satisfied with satisfying a.令人愉快的satisfaction n.满意; to one’s satisfaction satisfactorily ad.满意地satisfactory a. 令人满意的 She bought a satisfactory computer—it’s cheap and of high quality. 辨析satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying


Unit3知识点总结大全 1.work out(1)锻炼;消耗完(精力)(2)演算出、制定出 You can keep fit by working out regularly. 你可以通过有规律的锻炼来保持健康。 It was so difficult a problem that no one could work it out. 这个题目如此难,没有人能算出。They spent a whole night working out the plan. 他们花费一整夜制定出了计划。 2.stay vi. 保持;处于 stay还可以后接形容词、过去分词等作表语,说明主语所处的状态。如: The supermaket stays open until 10 p.m every day.这家超市每天营业到夜间10点。 Some girls want to stay slim by taking weight-loss pills. 有些女孩想服用减肥药来保持苗条。 3.figure n. 体形;数字v. The girl has a good figure, which makes others envy her...这女孩身材好, 这使得别人嫉妒她。figure on指望;figure out “计算出;领会”。 We figured on your coming early.我们指望你早点来。 They’ve figured out the best way to solve the problem.他们已有了最佳解决办法。 4.weight n. 重量;体重 What’s the weight of each bag.每袋重多少? put on weight增肥;lose weight减肥。 v. weigh, “称……的重量”或“(某人/物)重达……”。 The biggest elephant in the world weighs nearly 5 tons. 世界上最大的象重近五吨。 5.ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的,通常在句中作表语 feel ashamed of 对……感到羞愧;be ashamed to do sth对做某事感到羞耻。 shame n. 羞耻(不可数);让人羞耻(可惜)的人或事(可数); shameful可耻的; shameless不知羞的。 Shame on you! 真丢脸! He is a shame to his school. 他给学校带来了耻辱。 You should feel ashamed of your shameful thoughts. 你应当对你自己可耻的想法感到羞愧。 6.priceless adj. 无价的,极其珍贵,而不能以价格来衡量 Health is priceless. 健康无价。 value 价值;valueless 毫无价值的。 It is valueless, for it is made of common stones. 它不值钱,因为它由普通大头做成的。 7.recover v. 恢复;重新获得 Word came that he is recovering well 有消息说他康复得很好。 recover from illness从疾病中康复过来; recover one’s health恢复健康; recover one’s breath喘过气来。 8.failure n. [U]失败;[C] 失败的人或事


小学三年级下册数学第一单元~第三单元知识点 【第二单元:除数是一位数的除法】 1、只要是平均分就用(除法)计算。 2、★注意:①71÷8,把71看成72,用口诀估算。 ②378÷5,把378看成400更接近准确数。 ③应用题中如果有大约等字,一般是要求估算的。 3、被除数末尾有几个0,商的末尾不一定就有几个0。(如:30÷5=6) 4、笔算除法: (1)余数一定要比除数小。 (2)除法验算:→用乘法 ①没有余数:商×除数=被除数;(别忘了写验算两个字。) ②有余数:商×除数+余数=被除数→验算时别忘了加余数。 (3)0除以(任何不是0的)数都得0。 →0不能做除数,如:0÷()=0括号里只有(0)不能填。 三位数除以一位数,商可能是三位数,也可能是两位数。 【第三单元:统计】 1、认识横向条形统计图。 ①做题时把数字标在条边上再做。 ②注意起始格与其他格表示的单位的不同,用折线表示起始格。 2、平均数:①求平均数的方法:移多补少法 平均数=总数量÷总份数。

总数量=平均数×总份数 总份数=总数量÷平均数 ②(平均数)能比较好地反映一组数据的总体情况。平均数是描述数据集中程度的一个统计量。 例如:坐公共汽车时,身高在110厘米以下的儿童可以免票,这里的110厘米就是根据某一年龄儿童的平均身高得到的。 题目: 1、一组同学,5人浇水、4人挖土、三人运树苗,一共植了36棵,平均每人植几棵?列式:36÷(5+4+3) 2、一组同学收集矿泉水瓶,小明收集了14个,小亮收集了12个,小兰收集了11个,小红收集了15个,平均每人收集了多少个? 列式(14+12+11+15)÷4 注意:平均数量不是指每个学生实际收集到的矿泉水瓶的数量,而是指“假设”四个学生收集到的瓶子同样多,每人收集到多少个。 注意:书44页第2题,问的是一周的平均气温,很多孩子只注意到了。


Reading language points 1.There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting.天下无不散之筵席。 2.Festivals__are meant to__ (被普遍认为是)celebrate important times of year. are intended to You__were meant to ( 应该)attend your sister’s wedding . Why didn’t yo u come ? Your are meant to take off your shoes when you enter the laboratory . 进入实验室时必须脱掉你的鞋子。 why didn’t you tell Anna the truth ? --- I _meant to have (told her) ____ . ( 我本来打算)But I was lacking in the courage . In some crowded city like New York ,missing a bus means waiting for almost an hour . 我说过要帮你,我说话算数。 I said I would help you and I meant it . ---You should have thanked her before you left. ---I meant __B___, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere. A.to do B. to C. doing D. doing so 3.We held a party__to celebrate________ (庆祝)the history-making victory. to observe in celebration of /for the celebration of celebrate+宾语(Christmas / one’s birthday / a victory I congratulated you on having passed the exam. 我祝贺你通过的考试. Congratulations to you on having passed the exam. 4.1919年,中国爆发了五四运动. In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. take place发生,举行; 侧重于安排或计划而发生的事 联想: in place of 代替 take one’s place/take the place of 接替某人的位置 in the first place 用于列举理由)首先,第一点 in the last place 最后 in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想 I happened to be out when you called me yesterday. The Second World War_broke out_______ (爆发)in 1939. I____C_______along the street looking for a place to park when the accident________. went;was occurring B. went; occurred C.was going; occurred D. was going; had occurred occur表示偶尔发生时为正式用法. It occurs to sb. that…某人突然想起 Do you know how the problem came about ? 发生,产生 5.have a good/bad harvest Farmers had the grain harvested . It was a good harvest. 6.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. =all kinds of festivals and celebrations We sell all kinds of shoes=we sell shoes of all kinds. This kind of singers is popular with the youth. Singers of this kind are popular with the youth.


stare是盯着的意思stare at sb 为固定搭配盯着某人的意思glance是一瞥,随便的一看的意思glare是瞪眼怒目注视的意思gaze是凝视的意思 8.Spot n. 班点, 雀斑,污点, 地点, 场所, 现场vt. 认出, 发现 a spot on one's fame 名誉上的污点 a scenic spot 风景胜地 a historic spot 古迹vice spots 堕落场所 the meeting on the spot 现场会议 a spot of (一点儿)= a little = a bit of后接“不可数名词” 如:Let's have a spot of lunch.让我们吃点午饭吧。 9.account for 1).总计,占据 Two things account for its occurrence. 发生这件事原因有两个。 2)做出.解释;.说明 How do you account for it? 这你怎么解释呢? Can you account for all these absences? 你能说明你缺席的原因吗。 3.)导致,引起 Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是因为坏天气 10.to be honest也可以是honestly (speaking),...... To be honest, I don't like him very much. In the long run, it pays to be honest. 路遥知马力人久见人心 be honest with 对...说老实话, 同...规规矩矩来往 11.Silly adj. 愚蠢的, 无聊的 12.tiny [ 'taini ] a. 极小的,微小的形容词比较级:tinier 最高级:tiniest 名词:tininess The tiny seed planted it ten years before had flowered. We are living in a big world in which a person is as tiny as a seed. There is no need for you to spend so much time on such a tiny matter. 13.Issue n. 结果, 结局;发行(物); 一次发行量; (报刊)期号;问题; 争端; 论点 v.发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等) 14.Fake n. 假货,欺骗,赝品,冒牌货;仿造品; 骗子 a. 假的v. 假造,伪造;冒充,假装; 假装...的样子[ 过去式faked 过去分词faked 现在分词faking ] 1. 伪造;捏造;冒充He faked my signature to get money from my bank. 2. 假装;假装...的样子She faked illness so as not to go to school. n.[C] 1. 冒牌货;仿造品The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection. 2. 冒充者;骗子 a. 1. 假的;冒充的[B] This is a fake picture. 这是幅假画。 15.rag 1 旧布如:a piece of rag 2 破旧衣服in rags,表示衣衫褴褛 3 质量低劣的报纸 lose his rag 是失去理智的意思 16.Indeed adv. (1) 的确是;实在是I was indeed very glad to hear the news. (2) (表示惊奇、反语等)真的,的确 ‘Who is this woman?’ ‘Who is she, indeed!’(I wonder at your asking.) (3) (用于very + 形容词或副词后,加强语气) Thank you very much indeed.


Unit 3 Back to the past Reading Lost civilizations Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The lecture I choose to illustrate is unit 3, the reading part: Lost civilizations. During my teaching, I will focu s on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. As for the article 'Lost civilizations', it is about a cultural tour to sites of lost civilizations. The reading text is made up of five travel diaries written by a student about her travel experience in Pompeii and Loulan. Students are expected to gain some information about ancient civilizations, and to practice and strengthen their reading comprehension. The Reading strategy in this unit teaches students how to read diary entries. Students are expected not only to master this strategy, but also to apply it to their future study. Part 1 Teaching aims: 1.Make sure that student understand the text. 2.Help the students develop the ability of reading diary entries. 3.Enable the students to talk about the topic of civilization in English. Part 2 Difficult points 1.Let students learn how to improve their reading ability and ask them to retell the general idea of the text. 2.How to grasp the usage of important words and phrases. Part 3 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in I will begin the lesson by showing pictures of some civilizations, such as the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the city of Pompeii and the Potala Palace. Then I will ask some students to answer the following questions. (1)Who can give a definition on ‘civilization’? ——It’s about a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world, including architecture, art, literature, thought, religion and so on. (2)Good. Now who can give a definition on ‘lost civilization’? ——It means ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer exist now. (3)Can you list some other civilizations that you know?


三年级上册第三单元知识点一、易读错的字 融(róng)化剩(shèng)下睁(zhēng)大 摇晃(huàng)缩(suō)小根茎(jīng) 拆(chāi)开咱(zán)们嚼(jiáo)着 稍(shào)息几(jī)乎答(dā)应 拼(pīn)命嘀(dí)咕禁(jìn)令蹭(cèng)来蹭去二、易写错的字 剩:第十笔是点,不要写成捺。 睁:右边的“争”第四笔横要写得长一些。 诉:右边的部分有“丶”,不要丢掉。 旅:右下角是“”,不要写错。 怜:右边是“令”,不是“今”。 算:部首是“”,中间是“目”。 三、重点词语 寒冷离开等待剩下斧子砍倒山谷 火柴原野告诉睁眼接着一定煤油灯 发生树根村子灯火旅行咱们可怜 刚才救命拼命扫地管理胃口来得及 流泪打算要好草堆作声答应做梦 马上当然消化知觉光亮眼泪大吃一惊 四、多音字

切?????(qiē)(切开)(qiè)(一切) 倒?????(d ǎo)(倒下)( dào)(倒立) 难?????(nán)(为难)( nàn)(苦难) 调?????(diào)(调动)( tiáo)(调剂) 答? ????(dá)(回答)( dā)(答应) 应?????(yìng)(答应)( yīng)(应该) 卷?????(ju ǎn)(卷起)( juàn)(试卷) 几?????(j ǐ)(几个)( jī)(几乎) 稍?????(shāo)(稍微)( shào)(稍息) 处?????(ch ǔ)(处罚)( chù)(到处) 五、形近字 ?????等(等着)寺(古寺) ?????剩(剩下)乘(乘车) ?????砍(砍树)吹(吹风) ?????由(由于)油(石油) ?????睁(睁眼)争(争气) ?????并(并且)拼(拼命) ?????泪(泪水)汨(汨罗江) ?????喊(叫喊)减(减法) ?????刚(刚才)钢(钢铁) 六、近义词 美丽—漂亮 满意—满足 舒展—伸展 周围—四周 悲哀—悲伤 分散—分开 七、反义词 寒冷—温暖 难受—舒服 高大—矮小 舒展—收缩 悲哀—欢乐 分散—集中 八、词语搭配 【形容词搭配】 (很远很远)的地方 (寒冷)的冬天 (细细)的根 (高大)的树 (开心)的样子 (小小)的阳台

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