当前位置:文档之家› 托福总分是多少




360教育集团金牌留学顾问老师介绍,2004年之前的托福是用的PBT,也就是paper basic text,是托福考试机构ETS对考试的形式做的巨大改变,现在在国内考托福是用计算机考试的,以前是paper text,题型也发生了很大的变化,托福考试总分也随之改变如果你对自己的英语水平没有把握特别在听力和口语方面(IBT的难点)你可以去美国考PBT,全世界只有美国本土还保留着PBT。


2020托福听力满分攻略 托福听力满分有没有可能?只要认真备考提升听力能力,托福听力拿满分是非常有可能的。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力满分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力满分攻略 三遍听写法听写练习 是指听写。将一篇听力录音中的原文全部听录下来,它是提高听力有效的方法。对于准备新托福考试的考生而言,比较好的听写材料是老托福的lecture。基础比较薄弱的学生,可以先花一个月的时间将新概念第二和第三册的美英版听写完,然后再来听写老托福的lecture。 创造全英语听力环境 是指“下意识的听力练习”。它是指为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力材料,可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影等,这样做的好处是随时都可以听到英语,在潜移默化中不知不觉地加深对英语的敏感度。其实这点和泛听有点类似。 精听练习必不可少 是指精听。我们这里所说的“精听”步骤如下:一边听一边看原文,划出自己不认识或似曾相识但反应不过来的词;录音结束,开始查生词,写在原文的旁边,只要写出这个单词在这篇文章中的意思即可;将这篇材料当阅读文章快速精读一遍,彻底看懂;再一边看原文,一边放录音,嘴上要跟读,反复几遍,一直听到可以不看原文彻底听懂为止。精听材料有很多,推荐SSS(Scientific American’s Sixty-second Science),它非常短,但信息量很大,更重要的是,它是新托福听力出题的重要来源。 多做延伸听力练习 是指高质量的泛听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。我认为泛听的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理频道),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候一定要有英文字幕。每天看,养成习惯,会有很大收获。虽然有些考生认为泛听没有效果,关键开始因人而异,找到适合考生自己的听力训练方法,自然事半功倍。


托福写作满分范例Revised on November 25, 2020

GOOD 29 When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation Though novel ideas can help better assignments, I prefer to work on the presentation as soon as I am assigned it. First, the presentation cannot be done just by creativity, but by proper arrangement. A job plan, manageable, precise and rational, is not only the bed rock of completing but also the guarantee of time-saving. For instance, preparing the material for the topic, researching some knowledge in the textbooks and discussing the task with the other students in group are the things that you can do even when you do not have any inspiration. So redistributing your plan can avoid wasting your time waiting. Second, good idea is always late for your deadline, a regret that can be eliminated by right-away action. The more time you waste on planning and considering your presentation, the less time you will have to revise and complete your assignment. Take my brother Jim for an example. He is a freshman in university and quite into the first presentation in the opening of semester. Spending the last 4 days engaging in assembling the ideas, he, with barely nothing innovative, has no time typing a practicing so that he needs to stay up late the last night to catch up in time. As a result, he can not hand in the presentation when the de adline comes and he is “booed” by audiences. Last but not the least, instant preparation is the embryo of creative ideas, which can not be born without practical exercises. What’s more, only by preparing the work bit by bit can you have high motivation to finish the task because you do not need to be hurry. If you had been in a rush, you would have reduced your impetus to a standard of “just finishing”. All in all, all the evidence confirms undoubted conclusion that when people are assigned an important presentation for work or school, we should choose to work on it right away in order to work on it a little bit every day.


常常有考友询问,为什么托福阅读明明有42个题,总分却只有30分,分数如何计算的呢?其实,每每看到这种问题,小编的内心是疼痛的。 大家准备一个考试,却不看考试指导手册,考得不太理想,简直太正常了。就算天生神勇,也应该有个作战纲领呀! 打开OG,第一部分就是托福阅读的介绍,编者首先给出了评分标准的表格。 紧接着给出了各类题型的题型解析,这些就是托福阅读的考察内容,众位考友一定要反复研究,在准备考试时,下意识的按照出题者的思路去解题。 那么托福阅读有些什么考察类型?应该怎么解题?

在iBT阅读中,甚至可以扩展到ETS所有考试的阅读题目中,无论是题干还是正确选项,大都能在原文中找出一句话来与之相对应。即题目是原文的意译。这种意译是通过同义词来完成的。即题干中多用近义词来对原文中的句子进行替换,来达到提出问题或者提出正确答案的意思。准确把握意译,是多数题目中准确在原文中定位信息、或者在迷惑选项中选出正确的那个,都有着重要的作用。 1、词汇题 解题方法:若认识,直接解题,没得说;若不认识,就只能推断了。 但是备考阶段最重要的一点。背单词!首先,考托福没有一定的词汇量等于直接酱油了,所以词汇量是一切的基础。 2、指代题 考点:句子直接词之间的关系 解题方法: (1)代词 a. 从句的主语指代主句的主宾语(使用属性判断,不用含义) b. 关系代词指代先行词(插入结构不影响指代关系) c. 重复概念指代: Tom and his cat(就近原则) d. some 和 others (2)名词 a. 优先选择题干的上下意词 m is a kind of M, M是m的上意词 b. 若上下意词不唯一则当作代词指代处理 注意: a.被指代对象往往在代词之前出现 b. 从句开头往后找答案 c. 代词和被指代对象的数性和性质必须一致 d. 指代的传递现象 3、句子简化题 解题方法: (1)确定题干句子中的逻辑成分 逻辑成分主要包括:关联词,动词,状语 而托福最爱考的逻辑主要是:因果,比较、最高级,否定 (2)确定与逻辑相关的语义 要依据最简化原则,抓句子中的逻辑要素。 因果的逻辑要素是:原因结果 比较的逻辑要素是:比较三要素 最高级 否定的逻辑要素是:作用对象 (3)选择与题干逻辑语义一致的选项 先主后次,从逻辑到语义(千万要保证逻辑正确)


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly


托福114分:听力阅读双满分 Ada高考英语102(满分120),在读大二学生,本科学校非常一般。四级570左右,英语水平不算很好,最多中等偏上,而且经过了一年多的大学生活,退步了不少。高二的时候准备过两个多月的雅思,但是基本已经忘光了。但就是这样,Ada却在短短的55天内使自己的英语水平实现了完美的蜕变,取得了让人惊羡的成绩:114分(听力30分+阅读30分+写作28分+口语26分)。 攻克单词 Ada在托福上课的时候,已经背完了单词。她背单词的习惯是每天定两个list。在美加本科托福时,她每天晚上都会上针对听力和单词开设的综合课,老师都会“督促”他们听写、默写,背诵单词,效率比较高。而且,老师课上会讲很多背诵单词的技巧和方法,这帮助她更好地记住单词。 词汇这个东西如果不复习,忘的比记的快,所以一定要复习。于是Ada养成了这样的习惯,每晚睡觉前过一遍,不求记住,但求看过,第二天早晨认认真真地背,背到看到单词一秒反应出中文为止,中午再巩固一遍,晚上默单词前复习一遍,默完再复习一遍,第二天一早背新单词前再看一遍,每周末对这一周背的所有单词总复习一次。她还给出了一些技巧,屡试不爽,在准备这些应用词汇的时候,要学会同义词和近义词联想,尤其是一些形容词和动词,这样积累起来就非常快了。 紧凑学习 Ada在美加本科TOEFL(冲100分)时的学习作息表,非常紧凑,但Ada却十分感谢这一次的紧凑的学习之旅,也很感谢这样浓浓的学习氛围。 备考书目 Ada根据个人经验推荐了几本很实用的参考书,并且详细介绍了每一本的使用价值,他们分别是:OG,小马过河托福专项进阶高级系列听说读写全四本,TPO。 OG:这本书绝对是必不可少的,是官方给出的关于评分标准,考试方向,考察目的等的最权威的指导,一定要吃透。而且Ada还建议大家可以好好利用后面的两套模考卷。 专项进阶:在听力方面,Ada给的建议是着重于后面的听力原文,用它来练习笔记。而且它的原文难度有的甚至比TPO还要难,如果把这后面的文章里的单词都搞定,托福听力的单词基本没什么问题了。口语方面,是按照Task来出的,每个Task共十个单元,每单元一道题,第一和第二个TaskAda主要是用机经来练习的,但是后面四个Task,除了上课练习



托福满分作文惯用的4种结尾 摘要:一篇让托福写作考官满意的作文,不光要有一个漂亮的开头,一个精彩的结尾对于这篇文章而言同样重要。有不少的考生认为,只要有好的开头就好,考官不会认真看结尾部分。其实你错了,写作也一样需要善始善终。有一个精彩的结尾也能让你的托福写作增色不少。如果你想要明天考试托福写作满分,不妨尝试一下以下4种结尾招式。 满分作文惯用的4种结尾: 写作招式一:回答问题 E.g.1 When a country develops its technology; the traditional skills and ways of life die out.It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good,I think it is by no means ‘ pointless’,in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology.We should not ignore technology,because it can be our friend and support our way of life. 这个结尾段落明确地提出了自己的观点,不是所有的科技都是好的,但是科技也不是完全没有用处的。 写作招式二:不要添加新的信息


托福考试每部分的分数是怎么安排的 托福考试的总分是120分,更改革之前的差距很大,另外托福考试中一共是四科内容分别是听说读写,每一科所占分数是130分,托福考试分数是四科单项分数的综合,下面太傻留学小编就为大家具体介绍,内容如下。 新托福考试(网考)满分为120分,4部分各占30分。 ·新托福考试(网考)的一大特点就在于它科学的评分体系,其中的主观题型的判分采取的是整体评分的原则,全方位客观评判口语和写作答题的总体质量,而不是去注意小错误和单一弱点。即:就文章的总体印象给分及奖励分,而不是按语言要素的错误数目扣分。 ·评判的重点在于考生是否利用已掌握的的语言有效地传达思想和把控思想的展开进程,而非言辞或文字的展开。对特定语法点的扎实掌握和对该词汇量的展示不是评判的重心。 ·新托福(网考)的新的总体要求和评分的变化就是考生的奋斗目标。因此,考生在进行口语、写作训练时必须一切以交际目标的实现为出发点和终极目标,学会照顾全篇,在篇章水平上(而非仅在遣词造句和段落上)表现自己真实的语言技能。 托福分数报告 考生参加完新托福考试后,会收到分数报告,标明其整体英语水平和各单项语言技能的成绩,显示考生是否已具备在英语语言环境中参加学术学习并在学习中取得成功所需的技能。随着分数报告,新托福会提供一个诊断报告,说明考生哪些技能已达到标准,哪些还需提高,从而使考生本人和教师了解到考生的英语语言学习要求。 托福分数报告结构:四项技能的分数、总分、机考托福对照分数 报告中四项技能的分数可以让大学不同院系或专业的教师考查申请者是否符合本院系或本专业对英语技能的要求。通过机考托福对照分数,大学可以将考生的新托福分数与现行机考托福分数进行对比,在对新托福分数了解的情况下,设定录取分数线。分数报告将帮助大学在信息充足的情况下做出决定,录取最合格的学生。 分数说明:分数范围将分数划分为不同的级别,分数说明将对每一级别进行说明。分数说明将帮助英语学习项目的教师识别学生的学习需求,将学生分到适当的级别和班级。


托福阅读冲刺满分必备技巧介绍 托福阅读高分是很多同学梦寐以求的考试结果,而阅读部分考生也的确有相对更高的可能性拿到好成绩,今天给大家带来了托福阅读冲刺满分必备技巧介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福阅读冲刺满分必备技巧介绍 托福阅读挑战30满分技巧:分段做题省去扫读时间 在四六级考试中,阅读时间也很少,虽然单词相对简单,但是篇幅较长,逐字阅读肯定是没有时间的,所以做题技巧中扫读是很重要的环节,目的是找到与题目相关的段落或者语句才能找到做题依据。而在托福阅读考试中,是每阅读完一段就做只涉及该段的题目,信息集中,重要的是节省了大量的时间,缓解了托福阅读*通篇的眩晕感。而这部分题目就是四六级中常说的细节题。 托福阅读挑战30满分技巧:分段阅读打好基础 在分段阅读的同时,可以记下关键词或者中心句,在*结束时就可以有根据回想起整篇*的脉络结构,逻辑关系,对最后一题的选择有很大帮助。同时题目中也明确给了做题方法,即没有提到的信息或者不重要的观点就可以排除了。

托福阅读挑战30满分技巧:生词不必怕 托福阅读考试中对单词量的要求还是很大的,即使单词量很大了,也难免会遇上生僻词的情况,而托福考试中选用的*说明性特别强,往往是自定义—自解释的模式,遇到生词,即使不知道什么意思,也可以根据上下文语境弄清它们之间的关系,运用逻辑推理的方法作出正确的答案。其次,还可以分析选项,进行对比,往往会发现选项中通常会出现两个意思相反的选项,此时再仔细重读原文就可以排除错误选项了。 托福阅读挑战30满分技巧:近义词选择有技巧 几乎每段中都会有生词意思辨析题,有些词考生一看就认识,这样的题目就很容易了,但是也不能粗心大意,如果时间富裕或者把握不大,可以把选项带入*中检查一遍。对于那些不认识的词汇,也是有许多技巧的。首先是分析词性,采用排除法排除词性不一致的选项。其次是用代入法。选项中给出的词意一般就是考生认识的,将选项带入,分析一下是否能够保证原文合情合理,通顺。 托福阅读练习之冰箱的发展 By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered the American language, but ice was still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice trade grew


托福听力考试满分经验谈(宝贝,如果有时间看一下这篇文章) 2011-08-08 做事都要遵循一个循序渐进的原则,听力的提高也不例外。如果一个英语基础一般的大学生直接用VOA来练听力,那多半是坚持不下来的——过高的强度会导致大脑的“罢工”,非常容易走神。我开始练习听力时是用老托福的听力材料,就那种1分多钟1篇的。这套音频的语速、内容都不算太难理解,而且有对应的文章可以看,听的时候发现自己哪里跟不上了可以马上停下来看文章。 我真正开始投入大量时间准备托福大概有3个月。由于还在上课,每天准备托福的时间也就是4小时左右。但平时去教室的路上、坐公交、吃饭时也经常是戴着耳机听VOA、《科学美国人》等配套音频。这种零碎时间加起来平均每天也应该有一个小时,闲暇时间也经常是关了字幕看英文电影。 一般情况下,尤其是对于像我这种工科生,大学里在准备GT之前是很少会花大量心血准备英语的。记得有同学开玩笑说过,如果是高三暑假去考托福就好了。的确,没有GT的话,大学生的英语水平通常是逐年降低的。想让逐渐降低的英语水平反弹,肯定是需要一番决心的。 托福听力考试满分经验谈2、边听边说可以避免听力走神,而且效果显著。 等到老托福听力材料已经能听懂80%,就可以提高难度了。作为面向外国人的英语能力测试,老托福的语速、连读情况和真正美国人说话自然还是有差别。而在老托福的听力材料之后,我就直接强迫自己听VOA standard。这个跨度很大,主要是因为我没能找到难度居于两者之间的听力材料。VOA的语速已经比新托福考试要快了,但其价值也正是如此。所谓“求其上上得其上”,如果把VOA都能听懂,还怕托福听力吗?但果不其然,初听VOA时我大脑出现了严重的“罢工”现象,常常没听几分钟就走神了。为了让自己集中注意力,我开始“听说”。下面要重点说一下“听说”。 此“听说”非彼“听说”。我在尝试了几次后最终没有采用,一是因为很耗时间,二是因为过程很枯燥。如果有比较有决心的同学不妨一试。而我采用的方法是“听说”——耳朵听到的英语嘴巴跟着说,哪怕没听懂也尽量模仿那种发音。因为有了大脑的这个反馈过程,这样做能让自己专注于所听的材料,走神现象有了很大的改善。而与“听写” 想比,这种方法花的时间较少,而且由于可以很快地听新内容而不是纠结于某个句子而一再重听,相比之下也没有那么枯燥。 不过我必须承认一点:直到考完托福,我听VOA也是很吃力的。我当时是下载十篇几分钟一段的VOA standard,放到MP3里面反复听。第一遍往往只是听个大概,夸张一点说,就是抱着“寻宝”的态度去听——听着听着发现,“哟,这一句我能听懂唉!” 然而反复听,第二遍,第三遍,第十遍……今天听完明天继续,直到某天发现,这几篇报道的大意自己都明白了,就可以换一批新的了。注意,此时的“听明白”是个幻觉:我们只是能听明白这几篇文章,并不是说已经有听VOA standard的听力水平了。换十篇新的VOA,第一遍依然听得很崩溃。然后再是第二遍,第三遍……然后再换。


托福满分范文——151024 ●问题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ●题干:A university should focus more on its facilities(, such as libraries, computers or laboratory,下文都有提 到)rather than on hiring famous teachers. ●要求:Use specific reasons and examples to support your point of view with your personal experience and knowledge. ●题型:对比 ●开头:背景+题目改写+我的观点 (1)Nowadays, to adapt to适应the increasing enrollment rate录取率, universities choose to hire more professors to lecture(v.)students. (2)Whether this measure is more effective compared with upgrading campus facilities has drawn a wide attention. (3)As far as I am concerned, focusing more on university's facilities is more important, though hiring famous professors is necessary. usually have more comprehensive and deeper understandings within professional areas students with introductory backgrounds and if viewed from a different angle, it also means students have too much to digest消化abysmal jargons and feel reluctant=unwilling facilities could better improve students' academic performance. ●升级设备理由一:解释+举例1(工程)+举例2(电影)+对比 make rigid knowledge死板的知识 could use softwares, such as Final Cut, iMovies, or so, to direct students how to combine several static pictures into one demonstrations of experiments or softwares, luring be leading experts in academics, but that does not necessarily ensure that their opinions could be fully delivered to students, which plays little roles for promoting students' s learning and for enhancing their studying passion. students are eligible to play weightlifting, squash, climb and even basketball, dragging them out of study loads. By going to libraries, students could not only find reference books for their class, but, more importantly, they could browse books outside their major according to individual's interests, such as Jane Austen and Sherlock Holmes. By going to the food court during classes, students are offered by various gourmet food, especially, Spaghetti, Sushi and fried rice, providing students with a healthy and exciting lifestyle. ●结论段:总结+重申 upgrading university facilities deserves more focus than hiring famous professors.


TOEFL写作高分满分范文点评 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福考试满分范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:危险运动的吸引力托福写作难点话题一览 The attractions of dangerous activities Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 写作思路展开结构分析 没有提供选择给考生,因此完全需要大家自己提炼立场或者展开观点。的建议是给出2-3个理由,然后逐个理由用例子来证明。比如大家可以说参与危险运动可以赚取更多的金钱,能够体会到刺激带来的快乐,或是因为无知跟风而参与其中等等。总之这道题目只要能够做到给出的理由和例子逻辑自洽就可以了。 本话题高分范文赏析

People engage themselves in dangerous activities for various reasons, which probably includes money, pleasure, and perhaps ironically, nescience. Perhaps the most direct drive might come from money, which is needed for everyone, any time and everywhere. Those stunt men or women in Hollywood movies, photographers who shoot sharks or crocodiles, or those who participate in stock car racing, are always sophisticated enough calculate whether the outcome overweigh the risk. If they are willing to take the risk, they must have evaluated well. They know exactly the rule: the more risks they take, the more they might get. There also is another kind of people in this world. Money is of almost no importance to them They perform dangerous activities just for their own pleasure. Perhaps the most appropriate example involves sports. Actually every kind of sports is dangerous, and even can be deadly. Danger always exists, but people tend to simply ignore it. Take parachuting for example, who can refuse the fascination of flying in the sky like a bird? On the other hand, it seems that danger itself makes the activity so fascinating as too hard to refuse. To conquer is the very nature of human being from the very beginning. Pheidippides said seconds before dropping dead two thousand years ago, "Rejoice,] we conquer!" And it seems perfectly logical for some people that celebration follows conquer.


TOEFL满分多少 9月托福考试临近,托福考试多少分算满分呢? 今天给大家带来了TOEFL满分多少,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 TOEFL满分多少?能够满分吗? 纠正错误理解 托福考试考察你的流利度远远大于你的精准度。拿口语部分来讲,高分考生必须有非常好的流利度,这包括:少停顿和犹豫、从*或材料中合理推断出要表达的中心和重要含义、合理有效的观点对比能力、有效的抓阅读和讲座重点信息的能力。我的方法:对于口语,在考试之前的一个月每天对着镜子练习自己的独立任务话题的熟练度,尽量减少“um,uh,you know”等填充语。 关于阅读 可以在考前除了多看一些托福阅读之外的材料,比如各种英语报刊。我不建议学生在时间不多的情况下做很多的报纸阅读、杂志和收音机听力练习,我建议学生多利用学术性材料做精读和精听。 下面说一下答题的方法:

第一步快速扫描全文,寻找到*中心,目的或用途还有行文结构。首先必须要先理解第一段落;其次要理解每段的目的作用和分论点,理解这个段落的要旨和为什么作者要讲这个要旨;然后要看最后一段的第一行和最后一行,理解作者是如何结文的;最后,在阅读每一段的时候问自己,作者是如何展开细节的:陈述事实,罗列不同观点,还是自问自答。 关于听力 在托福听力里,学生必须得熟悉大学生活中的学术类的讲座话题。我的建议是按照如下方法进行练习。 (1)总听听力全文 (2)拆分句子,重点精听或听写听不懂的信息 关于口语 我只想说,口语部分得到满分真的很难,但是,得到25分以上的高分未必有多么困难。 首先,口语的独立题目一定得背诵例子。我在考试前背诵的是自己写的独立题的答案,这当中包括很多大家经常用的例子,比如电脑、旅游、志愿者等等。我想强调,第一题和第二题关键考察的一定是流利性和话题的展开与逻辑。对于内容,重视的程度显得不是很大。要让考官听到你的气场,说白了就是得“拽”。气场从何而来?卡壳的语言是产生不了气场的。所以必须要靠自


托福写作高分满分范文点评 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家了托福考试满分范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作难点话题一览 Is it true that media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. 写作思路展开结构分析 这个观点是比较片面的,当中忽略了一个大众的需求问题,所以选择不能同意这个观点。有些媒体 ( 大众传媒 mass media ) 表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因 ( the real cause ) 却是大众( the public; the broad masses of the people ) 本身——大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众 ( cater

to the needs of customers; 过去几年里 , 电视一直迎合大众的口味。In the past several years, television has been playing to the gallery. ) ,因为媒体也是商业机构 ( mercial organization ) ,也要盈利 ( profit-driving ) 。不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的 television program, newspaper column 都在关注名人。 本话题高分范文赏析 It is true that television programs concerning personal lives of celebrities always receive the highest audience rating. It is also true that newspapers and magazines are constantly reporting stories, which are usually beyond confirmation, about famous people, and that autobiographies written by public figures are always on the top 10 best-sellers' list. It seems that we live in a world where a few individuals are drawing nearly all attentions. Nevertheless, it is not exactly precise to criticize the mass media, including television, newspapers, magazines and so forth, for paying too much focus on the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. In fact, it is the public, to a large extent, rather than mass

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