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“Not Really”的口语用法

“Not Really”的口语用法
“Not Really”的口语用法

“Not Really”的口语用法


1. —Was he sorry for what he’d done ?(2010全国Ⅰ,35)


A. No wonder

B. Well done

C. Not really

D. Go ahead


解析:No wonder不足为奇;Well done做得好;Not really事实上没有;Go ahead做吧。句意:—他为他所做的事情道歉了吗?—事实上没有。故根据句意选C项。

2.— Do you enjoy your present job?(2010江西,21)

—______. I just do it for a living.

A. Of course

B. Not really

C. Not likely

D. Not a little


解析:of course当然;not really(委婉说法)不;not likely不可能;not a little非常。前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道,他仅仅是为了谋生。所以前一句答语应该是否定的,而且答语口气并不强烈,所以要用委婉的语气,故选B项。

3.—Have you played baseball before? We need one more player.(2010重庆,35)

—______. I like ball games, so I believe it will be fun to learn baseball.

A. Sometimes

B. Not really

C. Never mind

D. That’s cool


解析:Not really说明自己没打过棒球,与后面的“我认为学打棒球很有趣”相吻合。Sometimes有时;Never mind不介意;That’s cool太酷啦。

4.—Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?(2008辽宁,21)

— ______, it was too hot.

A. Not really

B. Yeah, why not

C. Oh, great

D. You’re right


解析:句意:—你上周在泰国玩得开心吗?—不是很开心,天气太热了。根据上下文的逻辑关系,应选Not really(不是,不完全是)。Yeah, why not是的,为什么不呢?;Oh, great 噢,太伟大了;You’re right你说对了,显然B、C、D三项与下文不符。

5.—Was Martin sorry for what he’d done?(2007安徽,24)

—. It was just like him!

A. Never mind

B. All right

C. Not really

D. Not surprisingly


解析:由答语It was just like him!可知本题作出了否定回答。Not really不是,不全是;Never mind不介意;All right好的,行;Not surprisingly不令人惊讶。

6.—“Could we put off the meeting ?”she asked.(2007江苏,32)

—“, ”he answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”

A. Not likely

B. Not exactly

C. Not nearly

D. Not really


解析:由句意可知D项正确,表示委婉说不,意为“真得不行”。Not likely不可能;Not exactly不完全是;Not nearly几乎不。

7.—Have you been wasting time on computer games again?(2007山东,23) —

.I’ve been study ing a lot and I need a break.

A. No way

B. Not really

C.I don’t agree

D.I couldn’t agree more


解析:由下一句“我一直在学习,而且需要休息”可知,此处应是“我真的不是在浪费时间玩电脑游戏”。故选B项,表示语气很强的否定,意为“真的没有”、“的确没有”。No way 没门;I don’t agree不同意;I couldn’t agree more完全同意。


从上面的几道高考真题分析来看,短语“Not really”已经成为近几年高考情景交际类试题的重要考点和热点之一。现将“Not really”的常见口语用法归结如下:


1)—Are you busy now? 你现在忙吗?

—Oh, not really. Why? 哦,不怎么忙,有什么事?

—Do you want to come along? 你想同我们一起去吗?

—Not really. 不很想去。

2)—He tried to explai n it to me but I just couldn’t understand. Do you?


—Not really. 不很懂。


3)—He’s leaving tomorrow. 他明天就要走了。

—Not really. 不会吧。

4)—They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了。

—Not really. 不会是真的吧!


5)—Did you watch the news on TV last night? 你昨天晚上看电视新闻了吗?

—Not really. 确实没有。

6)—You look very tired. Did you sleep at all last night?


—No, not really. I’m tired out now.



“Not really”常用来修饰形容词、副词、动词或全句。现从《句酷网》摘选一些含有not really 的英文句子以飨读者。

1. You shall not really be walking on the lawn.


2. He’s not really an outdoor type.


3. Sometimes an ordinary person is not really ordinary.


4. She’s not really crying. She’s only acting to get your sympathy.


5. I'm not really hungry—I’ll just have some crackers.


6. I am not really familiar with the local laws


7. I don’t know what I want. I’m not really a drinker.


8. I cannot believe the time have come to say goodbye. I am not really sure I want to leave.


9. He’ s not really angry —he’ s just acting ( the stern father ).


10. He is not really hurt; he is only kidding.


11. The movies flatter him—he’s not really that handsome.


12. There was not really much difference in their points of view.


13. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.

他讲了很长时间, 但他的意思没有人真正理解。

14. I was disappointed but not really surprised.


15. Most people who enjoy movies do not really care how they are made.


16. I do not really believe his ability to get off this stain .



1. —Do you understand what I mean?

—______. I’m a bit lost.

A. Not at all

B. Not yet

C. Not really

D. Nothing doing

2. —So you gave her your Walkman?

—______, I lent it to her.

A. Not exactly

B. Not half

C. No problem

D. No worry

3. — Could we put off the meeting?

— ______. This is the only day everyone is available.

A. Not likely

B. Not exactly

C. Not nearly

D. Not really

4. —Do you want to go to the movie, Jane?

—______. I feel like doing something different.

A. Don’t mention it

B. I don’t want it

C. I don’t think so

D. Not really

5. —So you missed the meeting.

—______. I got there five minutes before it finished.

A. Not at all

B. Not exactly

C. Not especially

D. Not really

6. — Are you a Beijinger?

— ________. I was born in Henan. I came to Beijing when I was ten and have lived

here ever since.

A. Exactly

B. No actually

C. Just so-so

D. Not really

7. —Do you think you could do without help?

—______. This is not the first time for me.

A. Take care

B. Hurry up

C. Don’t worry

D. Not exactly

8. 一Jay Chou held a successful concert yesterday evening!

一!It co uldn’t have been better.

A. Exactly

B. Really

C. Not really

D. Not at all

9. —Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.

—_______. I’ve bought a new one.

A. No sense

B. No hurry

C. No way

D. No use

10. —Have you finished your first paper?

—______. Just half of it. How about you?

A. Not yet

B. Not likely

C. Not a bit

D. Not at all

11. —I can’t repair these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.

—That’s OK, there’s .

A. no problem

B. no wonder

C. no doubt

D. no hurry

12. —Dad! Tom’s broken a glass!

—.Accidents will happen.

A. No way

B. Doesn’t matter

C. No trouble at all

D. Don’t mention it

13. —I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.

—, Tommy. You can do it!

A. No problem

B. No hurry

C. Come on

D. That’s OK

14. —Would she mind playing against her former teammates?

—She is willing to play against any tough players.

A. I think so.

B. I’m not surprised.

C. Of course.

D. Not likely!

15. —Shall I lock the lab before I go home?

—________. I’ll cheek it myself later.

A. Go ahead

B. Don’t bother

C. No hurry

D. No problem

Keys:1-5 CADDB 6-10DCABA 11-15 DBCDB

Come on的口语用法

Come on的口语用法 1. 表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为:来吧;行啦。如: Come on, Lucy, come on. Don‘t be so shy. 来吧,露茜,来吧,别不好意思。 Come on, Bill, you can tell me, I won‘t tell anybody. 来吧,比尔,告诉我吧,我不会告诉别人的。 2. 用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点。如: Come on, it‘s getting dark. 快点,天要黑了。 Come on, Mr Wang is waiting. 快点,王先生在等着呢。 3. 表示责备或不耐烦等,意为:得啦;行啦;够啦。如: Come on, don‘t sit there dreaming. 得啦,别坐在那儿空想了。 Oh,Jane, come on, for goodness‘ sake. 噢,简,看在老天爷的份上,算了吧。 4. 用于挑战或激怒对方,意为:来吧;好吧;试试吧。如: Come on! I‘m not afraid of you. 来吧,我不会怕你的。 Come on. I don‘t think you can jump over it. Come on. 来吧,我才不信你能跳过去,你跳呀! 5. 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油。如:

"Come on! Come on!" shouted the audience again and again. “加油!加油!”观点一再地喊。 "Come on, Wu!" shouted the Class I students. “小吴,加油!”一班的学生喊道。


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9f13798746.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


1. No problem! 在国内学到的是: -Could you help me with xxx? -No problem! 而在这边听到的往往是: -Thank you! -No problem. 有时甚至: -Oh sorry! -No problem! 2. Go by 在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。Instead of saying "My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.", 你可以这样说: -My name is xxx(你的原名), and I go by xxx(你的英文名). 一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达: -My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat. 3. Appreciate it! 每次从校车上下来时,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。除了常见的"Thank you very much!","Thanks a lot!"以外,我觉得最好听的就是“Appreciate it!" 4. Have a good one! 美国人很喜欢互相道好,无论认识不认识。每次和人再见的时候(可能是下班,结完账离开超市,下课等等),往往会对同事/收银员/老师/...说声"Have a good day/night"之类的。有时下午5,6点,天还没黑,我总会把”Have a good night!"说成"Have a good day!",后来发现,还有种更简易的表达,日夜均可使用,即"Have a good one!" 简单顺口,客套必备。 5. 宾语前置(知友@Scrummble指出应该是状语前置) 这是种B格很高的表达方式,在每张美元背面都有一句话 "In God We Trust" (如下图) 此外有次等红灯时,看见前面一辆车的车牌上的 Motto写的是"United We Stand",当时瞬间感受到这种句式的力量与B格,于是脑补出一句“ A Sandwich I Had" 。 ( @Scrummble 还说我的例子语法错误…我去角落捂脸了) 6. Without further ado 这句在YouTube视频里经常听到,那些YouTubers在视频开头往往先介绍这个视频是干什么的,再顺便扯几句近期生活,然后在切入正题之前,有时会用这么一句"Without further ado, let's get started."这句话的意思就类似于“废话少说,让我们开始吧。” 每次听到这句,我都会联想另一个四字常用词汇“原来如此”,真希望它在英文里


英语口语50句 1. According to…依照/根据……. According to the newspaper, it's a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,……. As matter of fact,I don't agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,……. As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,……. As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,……. As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,……. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ... 众所周知,…… As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要…. As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有……. But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon. 如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)... 你相信……吗 Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high school student 你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine... 你能想像……吗 Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties 你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain... 你能解释一下……吗 Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday 你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗 14.Can't we... 难道我们不能……吗 Can't we just live in today, without the worries of tomorrow or the regrets of the past 难道我们不能活在当下,不为将来担忧,不为过去叹息吗[绝对六星级] 15. Could you do me a favor and... 能否请你帮我一个忙… Could you do me a favor and give this present to Hilary for her birthday 能否请你帮我一个忙,把这份生日礼物交给希拉里


高考英语口语:do口语用法归纳 一、do sb a favour的用法 该结构表示“协助某人”,也可说成do a favour for sb,注意 其中有不定冠词。如:Would you do me a favour please? 请你帮我 个忙,好吗?t; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0">He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates. 他总是乐于协助同学。以下各 句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开”。注意,当 favour 后有定语修饰时,其前习惯上要用定冠词: Do me a favour and open the window. Do me a favour by opening the window. Do me a favour—open the window, please. Do me the favour to open the window. Do me the favour of opening the window. 二、do sb good的用法 该结构表示“对某人有益或有好处”,其中的 good 为不可数名词。如: Exercise will do you good. 运动对你会有好处。Eat more fruit—it will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。A week’s vacation will do you a lot of good. Go on with the treatment. It is doing you good. 你要继续实行这种疗法。它对你 是有效的。 三、do sb harm 的用法 该结构表示“对某人有害”,其中的 harm 为不可数名词。如:Smoking does harm to your health. 吸烟对你的身体有害。A few late nights never did anyone any harm. 熬几个晚上的夜对人绝无 害处。Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我 们有害还要看一看。Whether it will注:也可说成 do harm to sb。如:Such books do great harm to young people.=Such books do young people great harm. 那样的书对年青人危害很大。 四、do sb honour 的用法


美国人常用口语(经典) 在这篇文章里,我要向大家介绍一些美国人最常用的,而你又不见得听得懂的口语用法。大家如果有什么更好的建议或是补充,要写信告诉我啊! 1 Somebody/Something sucks!--- 某人,某事真差劲,糟透了! 在美国,你动不动就会听到人说:“You suck! She sucks! It sucks!”。suck 在英文里的本意是吸,吮,而在这里即表示某人,或是某事一点也不好,让你很失望。有很多情况下可以用到这个词: a. 昨天晚上你看了一场电影,如果朋友问你:“How was the movie? (电影怎么样?)”,你觉得那部片子真是拍得不怎么地,你可以说:“It sucked!”,而且可以特别使劲地,强调一下“sucked”,强烈表示你的不满。 b. 你有朋友今晚要向他心爱的女生表白,如果明天你问起他事情进行得如何,他告诉你他最终还是临阵打了退堂鼓,你可以笑他真是没出息,然后赶紧加一句:“You totally sucked!”(你可真没用) 反正,如果你不喜欢某人或是某事,或是表示很失望,说他/她/它“suck”就对了!但是要注意时态的用法啊! 2 Awesome! “Awesome”的本意是“令人敬畏的”,美国人经常用来当感叹词,大大地抒发内心的喜悦与赞美,表示“太棒了”!我想大家一定不会对“wonderful, great, fabulous, terrific”等词感到陌生。其实美国人说话就像中国人说话一样,每个人都有自己的口头语。有的人会用“beautiful”来形容满意,意思是“干得漂亮”,有的人甚至会用“cute(可爱)”来表示同样的意思。我想大家也可以开始建立自己的英语口头禅,这样感觉会很酷。 这里还要介绍一个新词“neat”。我想有一点英文常识的人都会直到“neat”是“整洁”的意思。但是如果你听到老美大叫“That's so Neat!”,别以为他在对周边环境的干净情节程度表示满意。美国人经常会说“That's neat!”,表示“很好的,美妙极了”,和上面介绍的词语是“异”词同“意”。 3 ass (屁股) 的用法 这次回国我看了焦点访谈对钢琴家朗朗专访,节目中,朗朗经常提到一个词“舔屁”,这让和我在一起看节目的爸爸妈妈笑开了花:这东北的男孩儿真是实诚!大家都明白他想说什么,他想说“拍马屁”,但是这个朗朗想必在美国生活了太久,将英语里“拍马屁”的说法“kiss ass”直译成“添屁”。“kiss”是“亲,吻”,而“ass”是“屁


老友记中经典高频口语 1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。 8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)


do的口语用法归纳 do sb sth结构用法归纳 一、do sb a favour的用法 该结构表示“帮助某人”,也可说成do a favour for sb,注意其中有不定冠词。如:Would you do me a favour please? 请你帮我个忙,好吗?t; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0">He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates. 他总是乐于帮助同学。以下各句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开”。注意,当favour 后有定语修饰时,其前习惯上要用定冠词:Do me a favour and open the window. Do me a favour by opening the window. Do me a favour—open the window, please. Do me the favour to open the window. Do me the favour of opening the window. 二、do sb good的用法 该结构表示“对某人有益或有好处”,其中的good 为不可数名词。如:Exercise will do you good. 运动对你会有好处。Eat more fruit—it will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。A week’s vacation will do you a lot of good. Go on with the treatment. It is doing you good. 你要继续进行这种疗法。它对你是有效的。 三、do sb harm 的用法 该结构表示“对某人有害”,其中的harm 为不可数名词。如:Smoking does harm to your health. 吸烟对你的身体有害。A few late nights never did anyone any harm. 熬几个晚上的夜对人绝无害处。Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。Whether it will注:也可说成do harm to sb。如:Such books do great harm to young people.=Such books do young people great harm. 那样的书对年青人危害很大。 四、do sb honour 的用法 该结构也可说成do honour to sb,它有以下两个方面的意思:1. 对某人表示敬意或纪念。如:They did honour to the dead. 他们向死者致敬。2. 给某人带来荣誉或使某人受到尊敬。如:His contributions to science do honour to our country. 他在科学上的贡献为祖国增了光。We attended his birthday party to do him honour. /We attended his birthday party to do honour to him. 我们参加了他的生日晚会以表示对他的敬意。注意:do sb the honour of doing [to do] sth 的意思是do sb the honour of doing [to do] sth “给某人面子做某事”“给某人做某事的荣幸”。如:Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?=Would you do me the honour to dance with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? 五、do sb a kindness的用法 该结构表示“好心地为某人做某事”“帮某人的忙”,其中的kindness 为可数名词。如:Will you do me a kindness? 你愿帮我个忙吗?He has done me many kindness. 他帮了我不少忙。


常用英语口语用法 常用英语口语:Without further ado 废话少数,言归正传 在国外视频中经常可以听到,往往开头先介绍这个视频讲什么的,再切入正题,这是就会说Without further ado, let s get started. 当然在其他地方也可以用。例:Without further ado, he took out his pen and lent it to me. 他二话没说,拿出笔来,把它借给了我。 常用英语口语:I figure.. 我猜/我觉得... 例:I figure that our business should be able to break even in about a year. 我猜我们的生意应该约一年就可以收支平衡。 常用英语口语:礼貌地形容外表 (1)形容人矮,short往往不够礼貌,一般会用petite(娇小) (2)形容人胖,fat也不礼貌,可以用plus size (3)形容肤色,千万不能用white和blace(千万不能用!!),这两个词是专指美国种族的。。一般是用pale和fair来形容白,用tan和dark形容黑。 常用英语口语:结束对话的用法 (1)I ll leave you be. 打扰了,告辞的意思,在《纸牌屋》中经常出现。 (2)As you were. 和以前一样,常用于上司对下属讲完工作之后用到。 常用英语口语:Off the hook

摆脱困境 例:Let me off the hook with a mild reprimand. 温和地责备后便放过了我。 常用英语口语:没听清的低地道说法 除了Excuse me? Pardon? 还有更地道的表示你没清楚的口语: (1)You lost me. 我听不懂,我不明白你的意思 (2)I didn t follow. 我不明白,我没听清。 常用英语口语:Have/get your back. 我挺你,我支持你。 例:If you ever need help, just ask. You know I have your back. 常用英语口语:It works. 有效果,起作用。 这个是非常实用的口语表达方式。work除了工作以外,还有有效的意思。例:I don t understand how the model works. 常用英语口语:Buy that 相信 Buy that除了有买它的表面意思,还有相信某个说法的意思。 例: I don t think she ll buy that. She wasn t born yesterday, you know. 我想她不会相信的。你知道,她不是那么容易上当。


英语口语学习的几点建议不少人认为发音好就代表口语好,口语好就代表英语好。实际上,如果只是工作需要,发音真的有那么重要吗?所谓的英语的口语,其实包含四方面的内容,其中重要性排行:流利度>表达准确度>发音>腔调。 流利度 方法建议就是自己和自己说英语,每天头脑里总会要想些问题,你试着把自己想的东西一句一句翻译成英语,你和别人说话的时候,说完那些话之后,你心里默默的想一想这些话我用英语应该怎么说,遇到不会的马上可以用手机查字典。不出三个月你心里想的每一句话或者日常的沟通,都可以熟练的用英语说出来。 还有一个办法,就是每天用英语写几百字。每天人的英文写作其实是代表他的英语口语的最高水平,不要说自己英语口语不好,归根到底,其实是写作不行。你能够说出来的东西,你一定能够立马知道怎么写,但是你写的东西你不一定立马能够说出来,但是为什么还要练习写作呢?因为大部分时候你说不出来是因为你写都不知道怎么写。写作实际上能够根本改善你遣词造句的能力,当你写作都很熟练了,你脱口而出自然不会是问题。 表达准确度 只要是两个人面对面沟通,只要你不结巴、保持流利,始终能够把话说清楚的,老外如果听不懂他会继续问你,直到听懂为止。所以刚练习英语口语的朋友,可以把这部分顾虑暂时先打消,等你流利了再来改也没问题的。所有表达的准确度问题,都不是口语问题,都是

你英语基础问题。 发音准确度 这方面的重要程度远远没有流利度那么高,但练习要花费相当的苦工。如果仅仅只是为了应付工作,建议不要花费太多时间在发音上面,因为中国人的发音哪怕再烂其实外国人还是能理解的。外企HR似乎更加看重流利程度一点。大部分在外企工作的中国人发音简直是弱爆,但是丝毫不影响工作沟通。所以英语基础不好的人,拼命去练发音,无异于舍本逐末。 如果你一定要知道发音怎么练习,可以简单说一两点。 中国人被拼音误导很深,认为和拼音长得差不多就是和拼音一样的发音,结果才导致了浓浓的中国风发音。不要把音标当拼音。你把所有的长元音全部拆开成两个元音来发音,比如like 的i(ai), 坚决不要发成中文的"爱“,要先发a 后发i, 中间过渡平滑,听起来像"拉一可”。经常有人说这个单词明明按照音标读了,但是怎么读都有一股浓浓的中国风,就是找不出原因,原因就在这里。 如果你对这些区别只是停留在了解的阶段,那是帮助不了你改善发音的,必须要重复练习(一个发音反复练习几百次就有效了)。



What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么)? Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。)? How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度)? Just because.(没有别的原因。)? It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。)? You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。)? No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。)? I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)? I am not available.(我正忙着)? Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)? Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。? Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。? I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。? You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵 家常事。? Don't bury your head in the sand.不 要逃避现实。? I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。? You are coming alone well.你做得挺 顺利。? She is well-build.她的身材真棒。? You look neat and fresh.你看起来很 清纯。? You have a beautiful personality.你 的气质很好 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。? You should be slow to judge others. 你不应该随意评论别人。? I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅?


【篇一】表示赞美常用的英语口语用法 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒! 只要是好事, 你都可以说cool! 例如: -I am going to college this year. -Cool! -I just bought a brand new car. -Cool! 此外,如果别人问你做了某件事了没, 你说做了, 别人就会说cool,例如: -Did you make one copy for me? -Yes. -Cool. -Did you go to watch the football game yesterday? -Yes. -Cool! 总之,cool 这个词是无所不在的, 听到什么好事,,就说cool准没错。 2. It is neat! 太酷了! 我们可以这样说,neat是cool的比较级,比cool还再cool一点的就是neat,例如别人说他学钢琴学了十年,像这种事你光用cool形容是不够的,不如就说neat! 人家说,"I've been to Europe several times." 听到这种几乎不可能发生在一般人身上的事, 你也可以说neat! 另外,neat 和cool也有“新奇”的意思,常和stuff这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物。例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, "Check out those neat stuff!" (看看这些很棒的东西。) 或"I've just bought some cool stuff." (我刚买了一些很棒的东西。) 3. It is righteous! 酷毙了! 这是cool的级了,如果一件事让你无法用neat形容,那就只好用这个词了,有人说他刚环游世界一周回来,你就可以跟他说,"It's righteous!" 4. It's good. 很好。 Good和cool很像,都是听到什么好事时就可以脱口而出,"It's good!" 例如:-I just got an A from that course. -It's good.


在线学基础英语口语、常用英语口语 这些都是比较基础的英语口语,都非常常用,感兴趣的可以在线学一下: 一、 Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kelly. 我是凯莉。 4. Are you Tom? 你是汤姆吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Lily / your wife / your husband? 莉莉好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night,Sunny. 晚安,珊妮。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?


1、You bet. 为什么当老美说,"You bet." 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为bet 是下赌注的意思,所以"You bet." 就是指,"You can bet money on that." (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之百正确。例如别人问你,"Is this is the way to High Tower Museum?" (这是往High Tower 博物馆的路吗?) 你就可以回答说,"You bet." (一点也没错) 有时候为了加强语气,连小屁屁(ass) 都可以拿来当赌注喔!用来表示这件事是百分之两百地正确。例如电视影集"Friends" 里面,Monica 有一次就说了一句让我至今都印象深刻的话,"You bet your ass I'm going to fire you." (你完完全全正确,我非把你开除不可。) 当然如果不是在跟人家吵架时我们最好还是不要拿小 屁屁来当赌注吧! 2. There you go. 就这样了。 "There you go." 是老美希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话,特别是在完成某项交易的时候。像是你去买一样东西,当你付完钱之后店员会说,"There you go." 或"That's it." 就表示交易已经完成,你可以滚了。另外像是电台的点歌节目DJ 在播放音乐之前都会说,"There you go." 表示你要的音乐我找到了,现在要开始播放你所点的歌曲了。

有时候你提醒别人讲话别讲太久也是用"There you go." 例如有一次班上同学交报告给教授,结果教授还跟他讲东讲西的,那老美也不客气,就说,"Well, I just came by to give you my report, so, there you go!" 这时教授就知道他不想再讲下去了,如果再讲下去自己就太不识相了。 "There you go." 也常常用来鼓励别人有好的表现,例如你的小宝宝开始会说话了,(先假设他听得懂英文好了) 你就可以说,"There you go." 来鼓励他,或是常在球场上听到教练对表现不错的球员大叫,"There you go." 3. Here you go. 干的好。 "Here you go." 和"There you go." 听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用,这二者倒底有什么区别呢?仔细来分,"Here you go." 指的是一件事情还在进行之中,而"There you go." 则是事情已经结束,例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说,"Here you go." 而不是"There you go." 反之,如果东西己经到了你手上,则他会说的是,"There you go." 此外,"Here you go." 和"There you go." 一样,也有鼓励别人的意思在里面,像我本身蛮喜欢跟老美打棒球的,每次有人大棒一挥,老美就会兴奋地大叫"Here you go." 问题是他们为什么不说,"There you go." 呢? 因为球在飞行当中算是一个过程,


1.give sb. the cold shoulder. 不搭理某人。 2.make a pass at sb. 追求某人。 3.from all walks of life. 来自各行各业 4.out of tune. 走调I sing out of tune。我唱歌走调。 5.go on an excursion. 短程旅行 6.two left feet 表示“笨手笨脚”,特别指不会跳舞的情况。 7.no ear for music 没有鉴赏力 8.drift apart 日渐疏远I know that you and I have drifted apart. 9.furiously 狂暴地, 猛烈地。 10.I can’t feel my legs. 我的脚好麻。 11.saddle me up本意是指使上马鞍,这里是指赶快干活,少胡思乱想。 12.brainstorm 灵机一动;集思广益;头脑风暴v. 集体讨论;集思广益以寻找 13.bee's knees 酷毙了,帅呆了 14.The board of director brainstorm all afternoon until they come up with a solution to their problem.董事会费尽心思讨论了一下午,最终找到了一个解决问题的好办法。 This is essentially a brainstorm.这其实是一个集体讨论。I just had a brainstorm! We can all go in my car! 我有个好主意!大家都搭我的车去! 15.the holy grail,圣杯 16.Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 17.Don’t teach to fish swim.不要班门弄斧。 18.People who invest the future are the true realists. 投资未来的人是忠于现实的人。 19.Caught me completely by surprise 完全让我大吃一惊 20.fifth year in a row 连续第五年 21.Mardi Gras parade 狂欢节游行 22.I’ll work my tail off to help you, no strings attached. 我会竭尽全力帮助你的。 23.hack,本意是“劈、砍”hack habit,纠正习惯e.g. You can hack your habit to protect the environment. 你可以通过改变你的习惯来保护环境。 24.small trips 一小段路e.g. Don’t drive everywhere, walk those small trips. 别去哪儿都开车,一小段路就走走吧。 25.There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite different from the atmosphere of a big city. 在乡间有一种和平宁静的气氛,和大城市的气氛截然不同。 26.Public Transport system,公共交通系统 27.sth. is meant for sb./be meant to do sth. 命中注定的 e.g. I was meant to meet you. 是上天让我遇见你。 28.electronic ticket 电子机票e.g. Choose an electronic ticket rather than a paper ticket. 用电子机票,而不是纸质的。 29.disposable camera 拍立得 30.At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。柏 拉图的爱情名言。touch原意是触摸,这里意译成“感召、沐浴”

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