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IELTS Speaking Test Grading Criteria


Examiners look at five different things in order to determine a candidate's score:

1. Pronunciation

2. Grammar

3. Vocabulary

4. Fluency and Coherence

Notice that Fluency and Coherence are grouped together although they are different things. Each of these four carries equal value. The examiner gives you a whole-number sub-score for each of these and then calculates the average of the four.

Both whole number and half band scores, such as 6.5 are given for the Speaking test.

No separate score is given for each of the three Parts of the test. When I was an examiner, I wrote the four sub-scores on a piece of paper at some time during Part 1 and these four scores were changed up or down as the test progressed.

If the average score is not a whole number or a 0.5 number, for example, 5.5, the examiner goes down to the next whole number or 0.5 number.


Overall, clear and understandable pronunciation is the main thing.

Secondly, the correct use of the following features will determine the pronunciation grade:

basic word pronunciation;

linked speech sounds;

correct and appropriate sentence stress (i.e., which word or words in a sentence are stressed more than others); and,

appropriate use of intonation (rising and falling) to emphasize meaning.

Slightly inaccurate (= unclear) pronunciation is usually understandable if the correct words and grammar are used but slightly inaccurate pronunciation combined with other errors can result in language that is not understandable at all.

American pronunciation is acceptable.


Basic grammar, especially the verb tenses. Know how to make the tenses and use them correctly.

Complex sentences: Don't just use simple sentences all the time. Instead, often use sentences composed of parts that are joined together with conjunctions and other linking words. (This is a "must" for a Band 6 or above in this sub-score.)

Complex structures: Show that you have some knowledge of higher level grammar. Vocabulary

Show a wide range of vocabulary.

Use words suitably – don't try to impress with 'impressive' words you are not sure of.

Make sure you correctly pronounce words – don't just learn the written form of new words.


Speed – push yourself to speak a little faster but only if your pronunciation is good. Continuity – avoid unnaturally long pauses especially in Part 2.

Smoothness – use linked pronunciation and use contractions.


Expand your answers with a suitable amount of relevant extra information (detail). Use connectives to link sentences especially when expressing more complex ideas. (This is a "must" for a Band 6 or above in this sub-score.)

Answer questions directly.

Add extra relevant details in suitable amounts after first answering the key point of the question.

Link your answers to the questions by using the same verb tense.

Try to ensure that your answers to questions are suitable for the real meaning of the questions.

Show knowledge of the 'short form' of answer for 'Yes/No' questions.


2. 2.Grammar

For grammar, examiners first notice if candidates can make sentences using

simple grammar correctly. The frequency of basic errors is what examiners first notice. The majority of these errors involve verbs, especially verb tenses. You should especially take care to answer questions using the same verb tense as the question. This is not just a question of correctly forming verb tenses but also a question of whether your choice of verb tense is suitable for what you are trying to say. Of course, in addition to verbs, there are also lots of other possible

grammatical errors.

Even a candidate who gets an 8 for grammar is allowed to make a very small number of errors but most of these are made when attempting to speak the

more complex grammatical structures and these errors are not so bad that the listener misunderstands the speaker's meaning. On the other hand, a Band 3 candidate makes frequent grammatical errors (in almost every sentence) at the most basic level.

The examiner also especially looks to see how often and how well the candidate can make complex sentences. (A complex sentence is a sentence that has two or more parts, each containing a verb, that are joined b y words such as …and?, …but?, …because?, …although?, …which?, …that?, …who? etc.)

Note that frequently using …and? will not help your score for complex sentences very much although it is better than always speaking simple, short sentences.



cannot get a 6 for grammar if you don't make it obvious that you can speak

using many complex sentences.

The following is an example of a complex sentence using t wo joining words (关连

词), which and because.

“I need to learn English, which is very important because it can help me get a

good job.”

Below is a diagram showing a complex sentence.

A Band 4 candidate rarely attempts a complex sentence.

A Band 5 candidate tries to make only a few complex sentences, usually just using …and? or …but? as conjunctions. When they try to use more difficult joining words or phrases, they often make mistakes.

A Band 6 can make complex sentences with a limited range of joinin g words and phrases but there are still several, but not so serious errors.

A Band 7 can make a wide range of complex sentences with only a few errors.

And a Band 8 makes a wide range of complex sentences with almost no errors.

Examiners also look at the candidate?s grammatical range, that is, whether the candidate can accurately use the more difficult grammar, or complex structures

such as 过去完成式 (the past perfect tense), 被动语态 (the passive voice), 情态

动词的完成时 (perfect modals), 非真实条件句 (conditional sentences or

…if...would? sentences), and 间接引语 (reported speech). As with basic verb

tenses, the issue here is not just the correct construction of the grammatical structure but the appropriate usage of it.

A Band 8 candidate can use these and similar grammatical structures with very few errors.

A Band 7 can use these but makes a few errors.

A Band 6 tries to use some of these but makes several errors but errors that do not usually impede communication. (The key point here is to try and to be correct most of the time but not necessarily correct every time. If you never attempt more complex grammatical structures because you are afraid of making any mistake, it will give you fewer points than if you at least showed the

examiner that you know about these structures. )

A Band 5 cannot use (or is afraid to attempt to use) many of these higher-level grammatical forms. If a Band 5 candidate does attempt a more complex grammatical structure, he or she makes errors most of the time and sometimes attempts to remake sentences, trying to get the grammar correct.

Most candidates in China get a 4 or 5 for grammar. It seems that the majority of students in China don't include much grammar study in their IELTS preparation. This is a serious mistake – it is very difficult to get a 6 for Speaking (and Writing) or an overall 6.5 or above in the whole IELTS test if you don't do much grammar study or at the very least, a review of your grammar. You need to not only know how to make the different verb tenses and the more complex grammar structures, you also need to understand the correct usage of the different grammatical structures. And you need to know it well enough to produce it quite quickly in natural speech.

For more information on improving your grammar, go to IMPROVING YOUR GRAMMAR.


3. Vocabulary

Most candidates in China get a 5 or a 6 for vocabulary.

Examiners look at several aspects of vocabulary:

the range and variety of vocabulary, (i.e., how well the candidate can use words from the simple, everyday level up to the 'expert' level when talking about different topics; how much the candidate can display an accurate and appropriate usage of idiomatic expressions; and how much the candidate speaks a variety of words which express the same idea, rather than repeating the same word several times.)

the suitability, or appropriacy of the words that are used, and the accuracy of meaning that is expressed by the words used. Some candidates try to impress the examiner by using so-called 'big' or 'impressive' words but they use this words inappropriately or incorrectly. You will lose points for this - you would do

better if you only spoke simpler words but ones that you know are suitable and correct. The reason is that communication is the number one goal – if you use words inappropriately or incorrectly then the examiner might have no real idea of your meaning. On the other hand, you will get points if you use 'impressive' vocabulary appropriately and show that you know the exact meaning of these words.

the candidate?s ability to talk about unfamiliar topics;

the candidate?s ability to use idiomatic expressions;

and the candidate?s ability to explain a meaning when he or she doesn?t know (or forgets) the exact word to use. This is called 'paraphrasing'.

For more information on improving your vocabulary, go to IMPROVING YOUR VOCABULARY.


4. Fluency and Coherence

Fluency and Coherence are two different things but are grouped together because neither fluency nor coherence alone is considered as important as pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary. Fluency and coherence are both concerned with 'the flow of language' – fluency concerns the physical flow of language while coherence concerns the logical 'flow of interconnected ideas'.

You need to satisfy the requirements for both fluency and coherence to get a particular score for this combined item. In other words, if the examiner thinks you are a Band 6 for Fluency but only a Band 5 for Coherence, you will only get a sub-grade of Band 5 for the combined 'Fluency and Coherence'.


For fluency, examiners notice three related things; continuity, speed and smoothness.


This refers to y our ability to just, …keep talking?, without too many unnatural pauses. (Natural pauses are the very short pauses that we make when we speak in order to: show the completion of an idea; think of the best word; consider an answer to a question; or to give dramatic effect.) Long pauses are unnatural and usually result from the speaker searching for vocabulary or making a complete sentence in his head before speaking. Pauses at inappropriate places in your speech are also unnatural.

Many candidates who have long, unnatural pauses in their speech often do this because they are checking their grammar before speaking. In other words, they are overly worried about making grammatical mistakes. Similarly, those candidates who translate from Chinese to English before speaking also speak with long pauses. In the test itself, you should concentrate more on letting your speech 'flow out' rather than worrying too much about grammar. Yes, keep grammar in mind, but in the test you should rely more on the habits of correct grammar that you had practiced in your preparation before the test. You will get a better score this way.

Some candidates break the continuity of their speech by correcting themselves too much. If a candidate corrects himself or herself too frequently, this could result in a loss of continuity. Therefore, you should not self-correct more than 2 or 3 times in the whole test and only do it if you think you made a major mistake that could cause confusion in the listener or if you think the mistake just 'sounds terrible'. Furthermore, you should do it quickly so that the continuity of your speech doesn?t seem too disrupted.

Similarly, avoid unnecessary repetition of what you have just said. (This is usually done by Band 3 and Band 4 speakers who do not have confidence in their English.)

One way to avoid unnaturally long pauses is to communicate to the examiner, by speaking, what you are thinking as you prepare to answer a question or, in Part 2, as you prepare to say the next thing. For example, instead of sitting there silently while you think of how to answer a question, you could say something such as: “That's an interesting question!” or “That's a difficult question!” or “I've never thought about that before.” or “Let me think about that.”

A very important point is this: many candidates lose points for fluency because they stop talking for unnaturally long periods of time in Part 2 – you are expected to speak continuously in Part 2. The main reason why some candidates do this is that they simply can?t think of enough things to say, or can?t think quickly enough of something to say.


If your speech is unnaturally slow, you will lose point for fluency. In the test, if you know that your pronunciation is fairly clear and accurate, you should push yourself to speak a little faster than you would in a normal, non-test conversation.

But if you know that your pronunciation is not so clear or accurate, DON'T push yourself to speak faster because that could cause the examiner to not understand your pronunciation at all! You will lose big points if the examiner cannot understand you at all.

Some teachers tell (all) students NOT to speak fast in the test. This is a mistake, I believe, because sometimes all the students then think that they should speak slowly. Only those students with poor pronunciation should speak slowly, but

only slowly enough to be understood clearly. The candidate who speaks a little slowly in order to be clear will lose a little on the fluency sub-scale but that is far better than losing big points in the pronunciation sub-score for being totally incomprehensible.


Smoothness is actually related to speed. If you don't use the two methods mentioned below to "smooth" your speech, it will be harder to speak at a natural speed. Two of the main ways to make your speech smoother are: a) to link your words and, b) to use contractions.

a) Linked Speech

In natural spoken English, most words are not spoken as single words but are linked with the preceding and following words. If you try to say each word individually, it will not sound …smooth? and it will almost certainly be too slow.

One of the main examples of linking is the pronunciation of words that begin with a vowel sound. For example, the sentence, “I?m an accountant” has two words that begin with a vowel, "an" and "accountant" and the sentence is spoken as:

What you see in this example is that a syllable in English doesn?t begin with a vowel sound (unless it?s at the beginning of a sentence or after a comma or another natural pause). Instead, the syllable begins with the previous consonant before that vowel. This is why we have the word, …an? – to create a consonant just before a vowel sound.

This sentence has five syllables, with the sentence stress on the syllable, …ccoun?. When you say this sentence, it almost sounds like one word:

b) Contracted Speech (缩写式)

In natural spoken English, we use the contracted forms of some verb constructions most of the time. Examples of contractions are: “I?m” = “I am”; “He?ll” = “He will”; and, “I?d” = “I would”. We use the full forms to show emphasis or when we want to speak especially clearly for some reason, such as when stating a name.

The contracted forms are a faster way to speak and they are spoken in a smoother way than two separate words. Therefore, using contractions improves your fluency.

In the IELTS Speaking test, you should try to use the contracted forms at least 50% of the time. But don?t worry if you use the full form sometimes (caused by your old habits of speech). Certainly, don't correct yourself if you use the full form. Using the full form is not considered to be 'wrong' – it is simply more natural and therefore more suitable to use the contractions most of the time.

Speaking contracted English is not well taught in English classes in China, probably because there is no speaking test in high school.

(On this website, I often use contracted English in order to give a conversational and less formal tone to my writing. Normally, contracted forms are not used in serious writing but it is suitable to use contracted forms in written English that

has a conversational tone, for example, in a letter to a friend.)


The verb …cohere? means, …to stick together as a mass or a group.? In other words, the different parts of a whole are connected or linked. When referring to language, …coherence? is mostly about the linkage of ideas.

Coherent language is easy to follow because the ideas are linked using special linking words and phrases (= "connectives"). In other words, the absence of key linking words or phrases can make your language less coherent.

Obviously, before you can show the language of linking ideas, you have to say several things, not just one thing. In other words, the first way to get some po ints for coherence is to speak extended answers, with extra information, not answers that only address the basic question, without adding anything extra. First answer the question directly, then develop your answer with extra information that is related to the question.

Extended (or 'developed') answers are also more coherent because they help the listener (or reader) better understand your meaning. For instance, adding an example of what you mean helps the listener understand. The more "understandable" or "clear" your answer is, the more it can be called "a coherent" answer.

Another aspect of coherent language is the logical placement of the ideas. That is, the ideas are stated in a logical order. For example, if you are explaining something that has several steps, you first talk about the first step and continue on to the last step. In this case, the linking words at the beginning of the sentences should be words such as …First?, …Second?, …Next?, …Then?, and …Finally?.

Here's an example of using a short linking phrase to connect the second sentence (the second idea) to the previous sentence (the first idea).

“If you've got a lot of money and especially if you think you can get a good job when you come back to China, studying for an MBA overseas could be a good idea. On the

other hand, it might not be the wisest decision if your family has to make financial sacrifices to allow you to study overseas because returning MBA's often can't find good-paying positions in China.”

The words, …On the other hand? i s the linking phrase. It tells the listener (or reader) that the second sentence is an alternative idea to the first sentence. (There are different linking phrases, representing different meanings.) This linking phrase does two things: it serves as an introduction to the second sentence and it links to the idea of the first sentence. Overall, the linking phrase makes it easier for the listener to understand your meaning in the remainder of the second sentence.

Good coherence is important in language because if a speaker makes errors in pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary (or all three), or if there is background noise (such as when talking on a telephone), the listener can probably still understand the meaning because he or she was given an introduction to what you are going to say. In addition, when you are speaking about something complex, it is a good communication skill to give the listener special help in following what you are saying so that the listener does not have to strain too hard to follow you. (This also applies to your writing in the Writing test.)

Using good coherence is especially important when a speaker speaks for a long time, as in Part 2 or when a speaker is explaining something rather complex or abstract, as in the answers for many Part 3 questions.

In the Speaking test, many candidates speak in a way that can be generally understood, i.e., they speak in a way that is not particularly unclear, illogical or inconsistent. This is often because they just say simple things. In addition, the IELTS examiner might understand you because he or she knows what to expect when you give an answer, based on the examiner?s experience. However, the examiner?s job is to also consider how well you would be understood by a typical English-speaker overseas. In order to get a good sub-score (6 or above) for coherence, you have to clearly demonstrate that you know about the joining words and phrases and can use them correctly. (To get a 6 for Coherence, you will be forgiven for making a few mistakes in the correct usage of joining words and phrases – just show that you have knowledge of this and are trying!)

Using connectives to link sentences is the most important aspect of coherence but there are other examples of the logical linking of language that come under the heading of …Coherence?. One example is, when you reply to a question, closely link your answer to the question – link it grammatically (using the same verb form as the question) and link it logically by first answering the question and then giving other details.

By giving extra details, you will be making your language more coherent ( = easy to understand) because these extra details help the listener to understand more clearly what you meant in the first part of your answer. In fact, by giving extra details to your basic answer, you can demonstrate good coherence in two ways: a) by simply giving extra ideas that are related to the first idea in your basic answer and, b) in the way you connect these extra ideas to your basic answer by using phrases such as “For example, ...” , “In other words, ...” etc.

Another important aspect of coherence is to understand what the question really means so that your answer actually suits the question. See my comments about the answers that the Portuguese girl gave in the video of her interview. It helps to understand what IELTS examiners expect in your answers and this understanding is best gained by reading many of the pages on this website.

Show the examiner that you can use the 'short form' of answers to 'Yes/No' questions. These short forms are clearer and more emphatic than simply saying, "Yes" or "No" and are, as a result, more coherent.

Although you should answer questions directly, that does not always mean that you should answer questions immediately. For example, if you asked a rather complex question in Part 3, it's very suitable to begin your answer with an introductory statement before you address the actual question. One example of this is to say, "Well, it depends on the situation. If .... then ..... but, on the other hand, if ...

then ... ".

Showing your coherence skills becomes more important as you progress through the test from Part 1 to Part 3. In Part 2, where you describe something in detail for about 1.5 minutes and therefore speak several sentences on the one topic, it is important to show connections between these sentences. And in Part 3, showing

good coherence is especially important because many (or most) of the questions require answers that link several ideas or several statements. See here for notes on coherence in Part 3. These notes are also applicable to Part 2.


雅思口语评分标准(官方完整版) 雅思口语评分标准有助于同学们详细分析自己的雅思口语问题,快速找出个人不足,有针对性的进行训练提升。下面是BC官方公布的雅思口语评分标准,共分为:流利度和连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及准确性、发音四项。具体评分标准如下。 雅思口语评分标准(官方完整版) 分数 流利性与连贯性 词汇多样性 语法多样性及准确性 发音 9 表达流利,极少出现重复或自我纠正的情况;出现犹豫是基于思考内容,而非寻找合适的词汇或语法 表达连贯,衔接手段的使用完全恰当 完全且恰当地展开话题 准确自如地使用词汇来谈论任何话题 自然且准确地使用习语 自如得体地使用语法结构 除了出现英语为母语者也会犯的口误外,始终使用准确的语法结构准确运用丰富多样的发音特点,能表达微妙的差异

表达过程中始终灵活地使用各种发音特点 听者理解毫无障碍 8 表达流利,偶尔出现重复或自我纠正的情况;出现犹豫通常是基于思考内容,仅在少数情况下是寻找合适的语言 连贯且恰当地展开话题 词汇使用丰富,运用自如及灵活,表达意思准确 熟练地使用非常见的词汇及习语,偶尔欠准确 按需进行有效的改述 灵活地使用多种语法结构 除极其偶然情况下出现的不当或简单的/非系统性错误外,大部分语句准确无误 使用多样的发音特点 表达过程中灵活地使用多种发音特点,但偶尔出现偏差 表达过程中始终易于听者理解;母语的口音对听者理解的影响极小7 表达详尽,并无明显困难,或不失连贯 有时出现与语言相关的犹豫或出现重复及/或自我纠正 具有一定灵活性地使用一系列连接词和语篇标记 灵活地使用词汇讨论各种话题 使用一些非常见的词汇及习语,对语体及词汇搭配有所认识,但有时词语选择不甚恰当


雅思口语考试考察点及评分标准介绍 口语一直是中国考生普遍存在的缺陷,一方面因为非母语出身先天条件,还有一方面中式思维的灌输,让考生总是吐出中式英语的强调。本文文都国际教育小编为大家带来雅思口语考察点及雅思口语考试评分标准的相关内容介绍。 雅思口语考察点介绍: 第一项:流利度和连贯性(Fluency & coherence) 在流利度和连贯性里面6、7分对考生的一个要求叫做speaks at length,回答要有一定长度,换句话说在流利度和连贯性里面要求大家最主要的就是要多说一些,更多的展现你的英语,只有你在15分钟里面你能更多的去展示你的英语,才能够拿到更好的分数。雅思口语考试的分数越高他对你的要求就会越严格,看一下8分是怎么样要求的,在8分里面他是这样要求:说话要流利,几乎没有重复、自我修正,犹豫。在流利度和连贯性上最根本的一点就要多说一些,其次要避免的是这三点:重复、自我修正以及犹豫。 第二项:词汇资源(Lexical Resource) 词汇资源7分的要求是这样的,uses vocabulary resource flexibly,discuss a variety of topics,uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary。用词汇量要灵活,去讨论大量的话题,要用一些不太常见的,不太滥用的单词比较地道的单词以及习惯用语。如果描述一下北京那个的交通堵塞应该怎么去说,咱们同学首先想到的叫做traffic jam,老外除了会说traffic jam,还经常会说traffic congestion,还有很多人会说the conject traffic,heavy traffic这就是一些地道的不常见的英语。 第三项:语法(Grammatical Range) 有同学存在这样的一个误区认为雅思口语考试他是不考语法的,其实不是,雅思口语考试对6分的要求是uses a mix of simple structures,用大量的简单和复杂句型的组合就可以了,所以口语当中可以用简单和复杂句交替的去说就可以了。7分要求是uses a range of complex structure with some flexibility,用大量的复杂句型,同时还要有灵活度。以及7分下面的一个要求更严格一些,frequently produces error-free sentences and some grammatical mistakes persist,也就是你的语法要正确不能经常说一些错误的东西,所以对大家说句子说句型的准确度其实要求是很严格的。 最后一项pronunciation发音,这是口语里面最难提高的一项,发音评分标准反复要求的是pronunciation features,叫做语音特色或者语音特点就是平时我们说话能够更像老外,更像native speaker。老外在说的时候会用到一些连读,吞音,弱化。比如a good teacher,d是要吞掉的。love his job,需要把h去掉,


雅思口语评分标准(官方完整解读版) 什么是雅思口语评分标准 分为四大部分,分别为:f ,v ,g ,p 。 f 者,fluency 也,即流畅。 v 者,vocabulary 也,即词汇。 g 者,grammar 也,即语法。 p 者,pronunciation 也,即发音。 如果你考口语时,f 得6分,v 得6分,g 得5分,p 得6分,总分23,你口语成绩为6分。 如果你考口语时,f 得5分,v 得6分,g 得5分,p 得6分,总分22,你口语成绩只有5分。 如果你考口语时,f 得7分,v 得6分,g 得4分,p 得6分,总分23,你口语成绩为6分。 由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5 ,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。) 雅思口语评分标准有助于同学们详细分析自己的雅思口语问题,快速找出个人不足,有针对性的进行训练提升。下面是BC 官方公布的雅思口语评分标准,共分为:流利度和连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及准确性、发音四项。具体评分标准如下:

表现出4分水平中所有积极表现,但也表现出6分水平中部分积极表现 含有 2 分水平中部分表现

表达通常无 法理解 雅思口语评分标准的各项是如何打分的 fluency,就是你的口语流畅度。如果在考官问你问题的时候,你可以很流畅地回答,期间没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿的话(如果用时间计算的话,大概《5秒吧),那么恭喜你,你在f这个部分,至少有6分。所以,你在回答问题的时候,千万不要有一些思考的情况出现(即脑袋在想应该说些什么,而嘴巴却没有说话)。如果你有停顿(即停下来思考》·5秒),那么你在这部分最多只能拿5分,甚至更低。 考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说: i don’t know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。) i don’t know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。) i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。) (因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。) 另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about xxxxx? 总结:反正在f这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来》·5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。


IELTS Speaking Module Flow Chart 雅思口语考试流程 Part 1 第一部分 Introduction & Interview(彼此介绍 并谈论一般性话题) Total time总时间: 4 – 5 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction questions [You will be asked 4 standard questions] 2. Topic 1 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic]

3. Topic 2 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic] 4. Topic 3 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic] Part 2 第二部分 Individual Long Turn(个人表述) Total time总时间: 3 – 4 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Preparation Time [You are given 1 minute to prepare]


2018年最新雅思口语评分标准 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家讲解下2018年最新雅思口语评分标准,备考雅思考试的各位烤鸭,赶紧来看看吧! 雅思考试评分标准包括:语言的流利度和连贯性,词汇变换,句式丰富性和语法准确性,发音。雅思考试考官按这四项评分标准分别评等级分,并且这四项是同等重要的。 下面我们来了解一下雅思口语评分细则: 标准一:Fluency and coherence 流利度与连贯性 6分标准 ①is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation。表现出充分交流的意愿,但有时由于偶尔的重复、自我纠正或犹豫而缺乏连贯性。这里说的充分交流的意愿具体体现在回答的长度上,具体到每一个部分,Part1的每个问题建议回答3-5句话,Part2的时间控制在1分30秒到2分钟,Part3的每个问题至少回答5句话,上不封顶。要特别注意,偶尔的重复、自我纠正或由于导致的连贯性缺乏在6分的标准下是被允许的,但是要杜绝由于背诵大段文章所导致的不流利现象。 ②uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately。能使用一系列连接词及语篇标记,但无法保持一贯恰当。这里的connectives指的是逻辑连接词,比如表示列举的firstly, secondly,finally等,表示转折关系的but,however等,表示因果关系的so,thus,therefore等。这里的discourse markers指的是“口水词”,这些词没有具体的意义,但能在口语表达中起到润滑作用,使表达更口语化,比如well,you know等。 标准二:Lexical resource 词汇多样性 6分标准 ①has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies。有足以详尽讨论各种话题的词汇量,虽然有时使用不当但意思表达清晰。这个要求中写到a wide enough vocabulary,而不是单词越高级越好,口语的词汇和写作有很大的区别,不能通用,很多写作词汇用到口语里就会显得非常不自然和奇怪,反而会影响打分。另外,不能直接去字典里查出中文所对应的英文单词直接用到口语中,比如establish,build,construct在字典里都有建立的意思,但是后两个可以和具体的建筑物搭配,第一个应搭配抽象的名词,比如目标。 ②generally paraphrases successfully基本上能成功地进行改述。Paraphrase在口语里非常重要,能用自己已经掌握的表达方式来表达自己的意思,可以用一句话来解释一个单词或者换一种方式来表达,考官会考察这种能力,而不仅仅是考察你词汇量的大小。 标准三:Grammatical range and accuracy语法多样性及准确性


关于雅思口语考试的二十条细则 做事要按法则、规律来,这样才能事半功倍。雅思口语备考也是有法则的,同学们需要谨记并且按照这些法则来备考。今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是关于雅思口语考试的二十条细则的相关资讯,希望能给备考的烤鸭们带来一定的帮助,赶紧来看看吧! 1.雅思口语考试的关注点绝不是考生提供的信息内容,而是提供信息时所选用的形式,也就是词汇和句型。 2. 发音是否标准决定着考官评判你英语(论坛)水平起点的高低。 3. 词汇作为四大评分标准之一,并不是考察学生运用长难词汇的能力,而是对常用词汇的灵活把握。 4. 雅思口语中的语法,时态的把握尤其重要,不仅要求考生正确使用相应时态形式,同时,时态的多样性也必须有所体现。 5. 流利程度并非一味强调语速,而是要尽可能的减少表述中不必要的停顿和重复。 6. 大多考生习惯用单词或者短语回答口语第一部分的问题。但切记,雅思是语言能力的考试,句子的完整性至关重要。一句话回答问题总显得单薄无力,也达不到交流的目的。所以,学会合理扩充答案便成了一种技巧。 7.常见扩充答案的方法有三种:a. 给理由;b. 举例子;c. 做展望。 8.学会层次化信息,此时需要用到一些逻辑联系词,比如:first of all, besides, finally, etc. 9.一分钟题卡准备时间的分配如下:5-10秒读题;10-15秒确定表述对象;35-45秒做笔记。 10.给自己的speech录音是练习口语行之有效的方法之一。

11.学会用题卡中隐藏相关信息做扩充。比如,当谈论人物类话题时,可就其外观和性格作适当描述;当谈论地点类话题时,可就其地理位置作相应叙述。 12.表述过程当中,注意语音语调的抑扬顿挫。一成不变的音律只会让考官怀疑你在背诵答案。 13.一般情况下,第二部分的表达时间尽量控制在一分半钟左右。如果考官提前打断你,不要着急,也许并不是因为你表现欠佳,而是时间不够了。 14.尽量保证在一分半钟之内完整表达你的speech,其中包括题卡中每一个问题的作答。 15.口语第三部分重新回归一问一答的模式,没有额外准备的时间,考生需凭借第一反应作答。 16.问题回答没有时间限制,考生不必强迫自己说太多,只要答在点上即可。 17.减少“I”在这一部分的的出现次数,必要时可以用“we”或者“people”替代。 18.如遇政府类或者抽象类话题,一个原则要记住:talk small, never talk big. 可采取以点代面的政策。 19.处理对比类问题,比如:Do you prefer A or B? 可尝试用“It depends”的方式作答。这样的答案好处有两点:a. 讨论式作答比单一式作答更合理;b. 讨论式作答会花费更多的时间,减少考官发问的频率。 20.回答对比类问题时,还应注意连接词的运用,比如:but, while, on the other hand. 同时,句型句式的重复也是这类题的死穴。


雅思口语不同分数段评分标准解读 一、雅思口语4分水平 1. 词汇的准确性和灵活性:全部使用最简单的词汇来描述个人观点,对于不熟悉的话题中会出现多处词汇使用不当之处;几乎没有用到 高分表达或者短语搭配,基本无词汇替换意识,同一词汇可能出现5 次以上。 2. 基础语法和高级语法使用:不能准确区分时态,主谓一致,甚 至出现he/she不分的情况;高分句式使用0句,或错误>10处。 3. 发音准确性和语音语调:错误发音在5处以上,个别地方考官 无法分辨你说的内容;词汇和句子均没有明显的语调,平淡,像念书。 4. 流利度和连贯性:内容完全无逻辑,缺乏连接词使用,经常出 现不必要的停顿,停顿或者“er…ah….”次数大于7-8次以上且停顿 时间在5秒以上或自我更正次数大于7-8次;用单个的词回答考官问题,对每个问题几乎没有实行扩展,完全类似于审问的形式 二、雅思口语5分水平 1. 词汇的准确性和灵活性:使用简单词汇过多或者字典英语痕迹 明显,使用大量在国外生活里从来不用的超级大词;有1-3处的固定搭 配或者俗语,谚语,有同义替换意识,出现3次以下的同义重复,替 换不够充分。 语法: 2. 基础语法和高级语法使用:基本全是简单句,每隔几句就有少 量的时态或者单复数错误;高分句式使用1-3句或错误6-10处。 3. 发音准确性和语音语调:考官能够听懂你的内容,但1-3处需 要考官仔细辨认或者猜测。考官不享受和你的对话,希望考试时间快

点过去;单词重音分辨基本准确,但句子中没有明显的语音语调变化, 有明显的背诵痕迹。 流利连贯: 4. 流利度和连贯性:有1-2个简单逻辑连接词,如and,but.不必要的停顿及自我更正次数在5-7次左右或者出现超级流畅,说话没有 轻重缓急,能够解读为背书的情况;偶尔会用完整句子来回答考官问题,但对考官问题扩展有限,仅限于回答考官问题,类似于审问。 三、雅思口语6分水平 1. 词汇的准确性和灵活性:用词比较准确,适当时候会用一些有 难度的词汇,但1/3的难词被错误使用;有3-5处的固定搭配或者俗语,谚语,有同义替换意识,但个别地方会有使用不当之处。 2. 基础语法和高级语法使用:简单句为主,但是能零散的用复杂句,基础语法错误基本消除,但扔存有一些高端的语法错误,如介词 或连词使用不准确;高分句式使用3-5句或错误4-6处。 3. 发音准确性和语音语调:考官能比较容易的听懂你的内容,1- 3处发音不够标准,但不影响交流和理解。个别地方会出现英式和美式发音的交叉使用;清楚分辨单词重音及句子的重读部分,但连读和弱读 不明显。 4. 流利度和连贯性流畅度:有3-5个逻辑连接词的有效使用。偶 尔出现不连贯,不必要的停顿次数在3-5次左右;能说出完整的句子, 但是每隔几句一定会有不连贯的地方。有可能出现较长时间的令人尴 尬的停顿,但次数低于3次。 四、雅思口语7分水平 1. 词汇的准确性和灵活性:清楚分辨小词和大词的使用特点,偶 尔有用词不当,但不影响整体意思的表达;有5处以上的固定搭配或者 俗语,谚语,有非常强的同义替换意识,且基本都准确。


雅思考试评分标准 雅思考试评分工作由经过训练的评分人员和考官在考试中心进行。每隔一年对雅思考官进行测评,以确保评分符合雅思考试评分标准。在每个考试中心,会进行系统化的监测,并对一定比例的答题纸实施双重阅卷。雅思评分标准采用国际认可的9分制评分系统,充分包含了听说读写四项能力,准确反映考生的语言水平。 记录在成绩单上的,包括一个总分,及听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项分,各科都是1-9分的评分制,四个项目独立记分,最后所得成绩取四项成绩的平均值。总分和四个单项分均允许半分。

九个分数段及其描述如下: 雅思听力评分标准 雅思听力达到6分需要在总共40题中对23-26题。 附上雅思听力评分标准(A类与G类是一样的):

雅思阅读评分标准 雅思阅读考试的评分标准是分为A类和G类两种的。针对留学和移民的考生,有不同的评分标准。

雅思写作评分标准 首先雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。写作中,以移民为主的培训类(General Training)和以留学为主的学术类(Academic)试题类型是不同的。 Task1(20分钟,150字) G类:书信类题目,投诉信,请求信,建议信,邀请信等 A类:图表题,曲线图,柱状图等,也有流程图和示意图等

Task2(40分钟,250字) A类与G类相同,考生可能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。 评分并不是两部分平均,而是以Task2为主 由于考题不同,考量标准也会略有不同。以下是写作评分标准: Task 1 Task Fulfillment (完成任务) G类:书信作文应该完成书信的使命,题目里的每一项要求都不可或缺。 A类:图表作文应该在对于图表所给出的数据进行分析的基础上指出图表的总体趋势和走向,并点明与总趋势不相吻合的特殊之处,而且还要有数据的支持Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接) 文章通过一定的衔接手段(CohesiveDevices)来表明上下文的连贯性(Coherence)。衔接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有(logical)逻辑、(grammatical)语法和(semantic)语义三方面的连接词(connectors) Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (词汇和句子构成)


雅思口语评分标准 第一:流利度和连贯性;简答来说连贯性就是逻辑,一个人说话是否有层次、有重点。第二是词汇资源;除了很多考生粗暴理解的要有广泛的词汇量以外,其实还有很重要的要求。第三:语法的多样性和准确度。最后是:语音。 我们先来看流利度和连贯性。在雅思口语中,除了willingness to speak at length是前提,必须尽可能自然地使用a wide range of connectives,把不同的信息点做有效的衔接,不管你想表达出因果的逻辑、递进的、并列的、还是让步的、或者转折等等。但是,这里又需要另外一点:但凡说到衔接词,很多考生第一时间能到或者潜意识中就会用出来的衔接词是and, but, because, so! 但我想说的是,除了这些最最最基本的,更重要的是:自然地、恰当地使用语气词、语篇标记做衔接!什么叫语气词或者语篇标记?简单且粗暴地来说就是没有太多实际含义、但是我一说出来,你大概就知道我接下来要干什么的东西! 比如:well, you know actually I was going to say … / so basically this means … / it is no exaggeration to say that … / to be honest, …在这里,你并不是真的要去跟谁坦白,而只是一种语气的表达、引出接下来的说话内容,是符合人与人之间真正的语言交流的!这些东西就像是润滑剂、润滑油,当它们滴在工具上的时候,用起工具起来就会非常顺手!你说出的话就不会让人觉得生硬、或者尬聊!或者更严重的:像背诵的答案! 第二,在雅思口语考试中,你的词汇也很重要,但更重要的是你要知道怎么去恰当的用这些词汇或短语,而不是意味着为了用词而用词,否则你在考官面前很有可能被判定为:故意炫耀词汇!那么,从什么维度来判断你在评分标准下表现得还不错呢? 首先,由于雅思口语话题范围特别广,话题特别多,所以你确实要尽可能储备多的词汇。比如:运动的类型?运动的好处?表达对运动的喜好的方式?除了常见的be crazy about, be into, be a fan of, be passionate about等等常见的词组短语,是否有约定俗成的、习语的、少见的表达方式呢?而这些表达方式一定很难很高大上么?当然不是,一个简单的sporty就足以表达出你对运动的喜爱。同样,在谈论天气的时候,除了用hot表达很热,还可以使用boiling, burning, searing hot等方式。 另外,在这个评分标准下面还有一件非常重要的事情你需要去做,那就是: Paraphrase!简单说就是同意替换:把自己已经说过的内容,通过使用不一样的方式再次表述,以达到让意思更加清楚或强调的作用。


雅思口语评分标准四大部分 一:先说说雅思口语评分标准,分为四大部分。 分别为:f,v,g,p。 f者,fluency也,即流畅。 v者,vocabulary也,即词汇。 g者,grammar也,即语法。 p者,pronunciation也,即发音。如果你考口语时,f得6分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。如果你考口语时,f得5分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分22,那么很遗憾,你口语成绩只有5分。 如果你考口语时,f得7分,v得6分,g得4分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。) 二:再说说各个部分是如何评分的。 f:即fluency,就是你的口语流畅度。如果在考官问你问题的时候,你可以很流畅地回答,期间没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿的话(如果用时间计算的话,大概《5秒吧),那么恭喜你,你在f这个部分,至少有6分。所以,你在回答问题的时候,千万不要有一些思考的情况出现(即脑袋在想应该说些什么,而嘴巴却没有说话)。 如果你有停顿(即停下来思考》·5秒),那么你在这部分最多只能拿5分,甚至更低。考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说:i don’t know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。) i don’t k now, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。) i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。) (因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。) 另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about xxxxx? 总结:反正在f 这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来》·5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。 v:即vocabulary,就是你说口语时所用到的词汇。其实,在这部分,一般很容易拿到6分的,只要你不要用错词汇。而且,在考口语时,也不需要你说一些多难多深奥的词汇,只要说一些一般的语汇就ok了。因为,即使是考官,他在平时说英语的时候,也不会用多深奥的词汇。就如你在平常生活,会跟别人说文言文,或之乎者也吗?所以,在v这部分,你所说的词汇,能简单就简单,而且要直接明白,能让考官知道和清楚你的意思。如果你要用高深的词汇也可以,但千万别用错词意了。例如说:“我认为...”,你可以用: i think that .... i figure that .... 虽然两个都有“我认为”的意思,但后者的figure明显比前先的think要深奥,且不常用。你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明了,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure却是informal(不正式的),而且还是very informal(非常不正式的)。英国的雅思老师说,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是


A类与G类相同,考生可能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。 评分并不是两部分平均,而是以Task2为主 由于考题不同,考量标准也会略有不同。以下是写作评分标准: Task 1 Task Fulfillment (完成任务) G类:书信作文应该完成书信的使命,题目里的每一项要求都不可或缺。 A类:图表作文应该在对于图表所给出的数据进行分析的基础上指出图表的总体趋势和走向,并点明与总趋势不相吻合的特殊之处,而且还要有数据的支持Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接) 文章通过一定的衔接手段(CohesiveDevices)来表明上下文的连贯性(Coherence)。衔接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有(logical)逻辑、(grammatical)语法和(semantic)语义三方面的连接词(connectors) Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (词汇和句子构成) 文章的语言表达。5分或5分以下的作文一般语法错误较多。6分作文则一般没有致命的语法错误,用词和句子基本准确。而7分以上的作文用词丰富(Variety)、句子结构复杂(Complexity)。 Task2 Arguments (论证) 充分并且有力的。需要运用多种论证手法 Ideas (内容) 不要出现跑题的情况。有些学生由于词汇量有限,导致题目中的单词不认识;有些学生对于所涉及的题材不了解;有些学生没有抓住写作重点,即理解上有偏差。Evidence (论据) 关键要合理,并且能够证明论点,论点要结合题目和实际情况 Communicative Quality (交流质量) 大体上与Task 1的Coherence and Cohesion相同,也涉及文章中代词,关联词,同义反义词等的运用。 Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (词汇与句子的构成) 与Task1大致相同。 以Task1为例,一名在IELTS学术类考试中写作获得6分的考生,达到这一等级对应的写作水准是:


- 7- https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d7326605.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d7326605.html, Band Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy Pronunciation 9 speaks fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction; any hesitation is content-related rather than to find words or grammar speaks coherently with fully appropriate cohesive features develops topics fully and appropriately uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately uses a full range of structures naturally and appropriately produces consistently accurate structures apart from ‘slips’ characteristic of native speaker speech uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety sustains flexible use of features throughout is effortless to understand 8 speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self-correction; hesitation is usually content-related and only rarely to search for language develops topics coherently and appropriately uses a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to convey precise meaning uses less common and idiomatic vocabulary skilfully, with occasional inaccuracies uses paraphrase effectively as required uses a wide range of structures flexibly produces a majority of error-free sentences with only very occasional inappropriacies or basic/non-systematic errors uses a wide range of pronunciation features sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses is easy to understand throughout; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility 7 speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices uses paraphrase effectively uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist shows all the positive features of band 6 and some, but not all, the positive features of band 8 6 is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies generally paraphrases successfully uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility may make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times 5 usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self-correction and/or slow speech to keep going may over-use certain connectives and discourse markers produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems manages to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics but uses vocabulary with limited flexibility attempts to use paraphrase but with mixed success produces basic sentence forms with reasonable accuracy uses a limited range of more complex structures, but these usually contain errors and may cause some comprehension problems shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all, the positive features of band 6 4 cannot respond without noticeable pauses and may speak slowly, with frequent repetition and self-correction links basic sentences but with repetitious use of simple connectives and some breakdowns in coherence is able to talk about familiar topics but can only convey basic meaning on unfamiliar topics and makes frequent errors in word choice rarely attempts paraphrase produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sentences but subordinate structures are rare errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding uses a limited range of pronunciation features attempts to control features but lapses are frequent mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener 3 speaks with long pauses has limited ability to link simple sentences gives only simple responses and is frequently unable to convey basic message uses simple vocabulary to convey personal information has insufficient vocabulary for less familiar topics attempts basic sentence forms but with limited success, or relies on apparently memorised utterances makes numerous errors except in memorised expressions shows some of the features of band 2 and some, but not all, the positive features of band 4 2 pauses lengthily before most words little communication possible only produces isolated words or memorised utterances cannot produce basic sentence forms speech is often unintelligible 1 no communication possible no rateable language 0 does not attend


雅思四大口语评分标准分析 雅思口语不过6?四大口语评分标准分析为你解答,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语不过6?四大口语评分标准分析为你解答 标准一:语言的流畅度与连贯性Fluency Coherence 什么叫流利度和连贯度呢?比如说雅思口语的时候中间有一些恩、啊的这种不必要的停顿,所以给考官整体的感觉它是不连贯的,这也是非常明显的一点。 考官会听什么: (1)语言是否流畅。考生能否连续地说,还是需要放慢语速才能继续说下去?是否需要重复说过的话才能保证不停顿?能否自然地使用话语标记? (2)语言是否连贯。考生说的话是否言之有理?是否回答了问题?能够一直紧密围绕着话题讲吗? 得分要素:由于语言是一个有机的整体,丰富的词汇能使你的语言变得更通顺——你脑海中的词汇越多,你就越能自然流畅地表达自己的观点,也就能避免在雅思口语发言时卡壳和放慢语速,而这些正是将考生得分局限在5 分以下的问题。

标准二:语法知识的广度及准确度Grammatical Range Accuracy 大多数同学在雅思口语表达的时候,经常会犯一些语法错误。比如说三单的部分、词性的部分、介词的搭配、短语错误,包括时态、人称等等,这些基本错误较多。 考官会听什么: (1)语法广度。考生是否能运用简单句和复合句?是否会使用各种时态? (2) 语法准确度。考生用的语法准确吗?是否用对了形容词比较级和名词复数形式?是否能意识到主谓一致?动词的形式是否正确?代词和介词的使用是否正确? 得分要素:雅思考生需要向考官展示出自己能正确运用语法的能力,比如能正确使用介词和动词时态。但只是做到准确还不够,考生还要掌握各种语法结构。考官会看考生有没有正确使用话语标记?是否能使用复合句?介词用对了吗?会使用比较级吗? 能运用几种动词时态?会使用条件句吗? 标准三:词汇多样性(lexical resources) 在雅思口语中,大多数同学比如说在表达词汇的时候,只会用一些比较单一,过于简单的词汇。比如说美丽,他可能只会说beautiful,我喜欢就是I like,实际上你还有很多种表达方式。比

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