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TOEFL的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表 表1 TOEFL写作的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

表2 TOEFL听力理解的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

表3 TOEFL阅读理解的网络考、机考、纸考三种考分的分段对照表

一、iBT听力理解试题答题要求如下: 1.显而易见,听力材料的形式是会话和讲话两大类,还是只让考生听一次。听完答题的依据是听懂并理解它的主题,或称中心思想,以及抓好与此相关的事实细节。另一些问题有更高的要求。它不仅需要考生理解听力材料的意思(sentence meaning),并且需要考生判断说话人、讲话人的意图(utterance meaning)。新iBT听力理解允许考生在听的时候记笔记,以备答题时用。 2.听力材料的某些部分前标有这个图标,它表明这部分材料只供考生听, 考生看不到。有些问题有特殊的答题要求,它们会显示在屏幕的灰色格子里。大多数问题的分值为1分;如果某个问题的分值超过1分,该题的答题要求会告知考生,它是几分。 3.考生每题必答。答完一题,需点击“Next”,再点击“OK”确认,才能做下一题。点击“OK”确认后,不能返回至前一题。 4.听力理解部分的答题时限为20分钟。屏幕上方显示时限倒计时。在放送听力材料时,倒计时不再显示。新网络TOEFL考试听力理解的问题,供考生边听边读。 一.iBT听力理解材料的特点。 新TOEFL的听力理解材料由两类组成:对话或讨论;讲话或演讲。对话是两个说话人就某个话题进行、长度约300词左右的听力材料;讨论为多人参与的围绕某个主题展开、长度约800余词的听力材料;而讲话或演讲指一个说话人的讲话,如老师的讲课,长度约700至800词。新TOEFL的听力材料非常强调说话的真实性(authenticity)。所谓真实性,其一,它的语速与本族语说话人(English native speaker)的语速相仿;其二,听力材料中很自然地含有fillers:sort of, uh, um, so, well, etc.;和口语体:we’re gonna talk about ...; An’ I’m gonna get into…;以及说话人下意识的、或是为了强调而有意识的“重复(repetition)”;等等。另一个显著的特点是讲话与讨论融合。如教授的讲课与学生的讨论结合;讲课后教授与学生的问与答。 二.iBT听力理解问题的特点。 新TOEFL的听力理解的题型呈多元化趋势。它保留了其招牌式的、用来得心应手的“四选一”多项选择题,还新增加了“多选多”选择题。此外,试题中的填表和配对题是新面孔。与以往不同,iBT听力试题鼓励考生在听时做笔记,笔记可供考生答题时使用。请看以下样题。 SAMPLE QUESTIONS:


1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible 1: What do you think of the school you went to for the first time Was it a good school and why Task 2: Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer 1: Describe one of the most popular websites in your country.


091031NA Speaking Question 1 Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation. sample answer: 091031NA Speaking Question 2 Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. sample answer: I prefer to move around a lot instead of settling in one place because first of all I believe most people’s growth comes with the changes in their lives. For example, after finishing my junior high school in China, I decided to go to Canada. This gives me an opportunity to be instructed in an entirely different manner. I’ve become a more independent thinker and learned how to look at things from different perspectives. If I were still studying in China, I quite doubt I would learn all this. Secondly, I think that by moving around, people are able to experience diverse circumstances which give them new experiences and broaden their views, and thus they can get more comprehensive understanding of the world, the society and life itself. 090403NA Speaking Question 1 童年学到了什么东西? What did you learn in your childhood?


托福考试(TOEFL)/真题题库2015年12月13日托福口语真题 Task1 - If your parents accidentally won a large amount of money, what do you think should be done with it? Task2 - Do you think college students should choose their majors soon as they are admitted, or should they choose majors in their second or third year in college? Task3 学校决定关闭广播站,因为听众跟志愿者太少了。对话中学生反对,他提出两个解决问题的方法。首先,广播站可以提供网络节目,这样学生收听就更方便了;其次,可以给志愿者学生提供学分、吸引他们参与,这样广播站就会有稳定的节目了。 Task4 文章主旨是Eminent domain,指的是政府有时会需要公民牺牲私有财产(地产)以支持市政建设。教授讲到他叔叔的例子。他的叔叔住在加州,政府决定造铁路以缓解交通堵塞,可铁路会穿过他的居住区。虽然这是私人地产,但这个铁路项目对于整个区域的公民非常有益,因此他叔

叔的地产只能被占用,但他得到了部分赔偿。 Task5 对话中女生碰到一个问题,她上班可能要迟到了,因为路上施工、交通太堵了,她有两个办法解决这个问题:第一,她可以提前15分钟下课,但是教授会复习以及布置作业,这部分很重要;第二,她可以调班至周末上班,但是她周末已经安排了远足活动,那天天气很好,要是不能去就太可惜了。 Task6 文章主旨是两种水源受到污染的原因。第一种原因是沉积物增加,比如说水源附近有施工项目,那么泥沙就可能会进入河道污染水源。第二种是富营养化,农业灌溉时会把肥料带入水中,造成水藻疯狂生长,从而影响生态平衡,污染水源。 2015年12月13日托福口语真题.doc [全文共666字] 编号:6305803

新托福TPO口语参考题目答案——TPO1 - 副本

题目:1. Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 答案:Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying.The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. It talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money, for he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes has no money to buy food. Again, I’ve got similar experience. I once lived in a cramped apartme nt alone and had no money. The book is important to me because it touches me and encourages me. 题目:2. Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 答案I think television has a positive influence on society. It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed o f what’s happening around. Like, my grandfather watches News on TV everyday just to keep up with the latest events. Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Late show with David Letterman and some other


【托福口语真题】托福口语1+2题题目+答案汇总 第一题: 1. Describe an activity you and your family enjoy most. The activity that popular with my family is the basketball. First, whenever each family member is available, we would bring the ball to a park near to my house. You know why we all like to play basketball? We c an work in a team, cooperate with each other and have some fun. That’s a rar e and valuable chance to enhance our relationship. Second, it would be beneficial for our health. Last summer, my mother and I were both a little bit overweight, so we decided to lose weight by playing bas ketball. As a result, every morning we would play in the park. When the new semester began, we both lost 10kg! That’s why my family all prefer the bask etball. 2. What can u do to improve our environment? I am afraid, if we wanted to improve our environment, we would slow down the industrialization. First, dramatically development of industrialization creates a lot of exhausts that pollute the air and the water. For example, noxious water released from a chemical plant would kill fish of many species in the sea. If human being ate the toxic fish, they would get infected as well. Second, industrialization demands a lot of scarce resource; therefore, some of them are extinct and unrecoverable. Since the industrial revolution happened in 19th century, a lot of trees had been cut down for modern development, so that many forests disappeared from the planet. What a pity! Therefore, if our industrialization would slow down a little bit, it would give the environment enough time to recover from devastate. 3. Describe an artist, musician or popular singer you do not like. Give spe cific reasons. Personally, the popular singer I dislike most is … for the following reasons. benevolent as other celebrities. For example, many famous persons First, she’s not as have donated thousands of dollars to WenChuang, where the catastrophe happened. But she, the mean woman, had no such action at all. Second, this woman is arrogant and haughty. Sometimes she shouts at her fans and drives them away. You know, if her fans gave up their favor on her, she would become nobody. Worse, she always brags that she is the top singer in our country and slanders other singers. Therefore, she is the one I dislike most. 4. Describe a special job you had or would like to have. Personally speaking, the special job I like to do is being an international tourist guide for the following reasons.


独立口语话题分类:活动工作职业技能人物交友经历教育科技环境交通其他 2014 年01 月12 日大陆 Task 1: Talk about a study habit of yours that’s different from others. Explain your answer in details. Task 2: Some people prefer to shop in big shopping malls, other prefer smaller shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why in details. 2014 年01 月17 日北美 Task 1: It is a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past. 2014 年01 月18 日大陆 Task 1: Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to do in class. What suggestion would you like to give him? Task 2: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Other teachers prefer that students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why. 2014 年01 月25 日北美 Task 1: What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer.


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


2008年上半年新托福口语真题答案集 史上最牛英语口语学习法:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋在线英语,可免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10650573.html, 特点: 1. 真。 2. 权威。 3. 恒久耐用。 4.复现率高。 5. 绝对高分之必备。 优势: 1. 将历年考过的真题一二题的答案样本呈现给备战托友。 2. 提供了一个8句无敌模板标准,利于控制时间。 3. 结构明晰,套句和亮点词汇有明显标注,节省备考时间。 4. 长短句分配有致。 5. 表达地道,原汁原味。 6. 提供了一种思维模式。 7. 提供了更加现场化的音频。 适合人群: 1. 即将或正在备战新托福的同学。 2. 对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3. 想获得高分的同学。 4. 想进入理想大学的同学。 5. 想说文化英语的朋友。 使用方法: 1. 随时关注此版块,进度跟上。 2. 每次看到题目后,不要直接看答案。自己先审题,写出个人备案 3.对照样本答案进行修缮小马过河6 ~3 d, r- A; m& w 4.自己录音 5.听样本音频,对比不足 学之所得: 1. 形成了思考的习惯。

3. 触类旁通,刺激了其他部分的提高。 4. 得了高分。 5. 进了象牙塔。 6. 高兴。 7. 真高兴。 1月(1. 13,1.19) 1.13与2006. 10. 21重复 T1. What do you think are the qualities of a good leader? In my opinion, a good leader should be trustworthy(值得信赖的,可靠的), persistent(持续的,不断的)and forward-looking. The world is looking for honest and upright(清廉的)leaders, too. In order to leave this world a different place, a leader also has to persevere(坚韧). Leaders don't grow in a comfort zone(温室). Leaders are not people with exceptional(例外的,特别的)talent; they are people who have learned from their mistakes and get up and try again, being a non-quitter(永不放弃的人). Being in leadership roles, a person should be able to see the big picture and take risks, doing things right and at the right time. Thus he can correctly assess(估计,评定)a situation and knows how to take the next step. In summary, honesty, endurance, and having a big vision are the good qualities of / for effective leadership. 共8句 我的时间记录:41‘‘ 你的时间记录为:______ T2. Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? I don‘t think it‘s a good idea for people to always speak the truth. Truth can enhance but sometimes can destroy a relationship, depending upon the intent. There are times when telling "truth" is unloving. For example, you might not be wild about what your friend is wearing, but if your friend is giving an important presentation and asks you how s/he looks, it would not be in anyone's highest good (有最大好处)to give your opinion. There are also times when many of us have much difficulty speaking our truth especially to important others such as parents, siblings, close friends, and beloved ones. We are afraid the other person will be angry or hurt by our truth, even when we state it without judgment or blame. Therefore, telling the truth is not always helpful. The important thing in telling the truth is to be honest with yourself about your own intent in telling your truth. T3.Reading: 【学校通知】:关于关闭艺术展览馆的statement,对话:同学们并不同意,关闭展览馆的原因是empty,而empty


2.25 2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task1 TheuniversitRwantstoprovidestudentmoreentertainmentsandthreechoicesprovidedbelow, whichdoRoupreferandwhR. lAtheaterperformancebRthestudentactors lAconcertprovidedbRprofessionalmusician lAlecturefromaprofessor SampleAnswer: Well,asastudent,IwillchooseatheaterperformancebRthestudentactors.Foronething,thiskind ofactivitRwillimprovetheircooperationskills.Tobemorespecific,atheaterperformanceincludes thewholeprocessoforganizing,participating,andpromotinganevent.Whetherthestudentdirec torortheactortaketheresponsibilitRtoachievehis/herdutR,sothisisagreatopportunitRforthem tolearnhowtodealwithotherpeople.Moreover,aperformancecouldgreatlRinspirethemtobem orecreative.Imean,inordertomakeagoodshow,studentsmaRhavelotsofdifficultiestocopewith ,sotheRhavetobefleRibletofaceanRemergencR.Asaresult,theRmaRcomeupwithlotsofnewid eastomakeit.Becauseofthesetworeasons,Ibelievethisisthebestchoice.(140words) Task2 FriendsmaRdisagreewitheachother,andstillmaintainfriendship.DoRouagreewithordisagree withthisidea,whR? SampleAnswer: OfcourseIagreewiththisidea.FirstlRpeopleareboundtobedifferent.WehavevariousfamilRbac kgroundaswellaseducationbackgroundeventhoughwearefriends.SoitisquitenaturallRthatth erecomeupdifferentideastowardoneproblem.ForeRampleIlikewatchingmovieinthemoviethe atrewhilemRbestfriendAmRhatesittinginthedarkplace.ButIneverrequirehertogowithme;wea restillverRclosefriends.Also,thefriendwhoholdsadifferentattitudewithmesometimescouldins piremetothinkfromanotherwaR.MaRbeaverRsharpdiscussioncanleadmetoaninspiringidea.A fterall,theeRperiencesandknowledgeofonepersonislimited.Forme,Ilikethefriendwhoarediffe rfromme.(132words) Task3 阅读 标题:CreateaStudentMagazine 原因1: Studentsspendalotoftimeontheirpaper,andsomeofthemhavehighqualitR.Soweneedamagazi netopublishthosegoodqualitRpapers. 原因2:Publishstudents’papercanshareinformationabouttheiracademicachievementandprovidethemconfidence 听力


Task 1 .人物 1.Describe a person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. The person I admire most is my mother. Because, my mother works very hard, sparing no effort in supporting the family. In the working days, she always goes out early and comes back at dusk. Also, she is a kind-hearted person. She donates part of her salary to the charity every month. Last but not the least, no matter how difficult the life is, my mum is always full of energy and passion for life. Difficulties she may come across, she remains positive all the time, and keeps bringing warmth to our family. 2.Describe a famous person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response The famous person I admire most is Confucius. Confucius is known as the greatest philosopher and educator of all times in China. He is regarded as the founder of the Confucianism and China education. I admire Confucius mainly because he was a man possessed great wisdom. Most of his ideas included in his works are powerful and deserve bearing in mind. Also, he is a very gentle and magnanimous person. He believed that problems and conflicts could not be solved by violence. Last but not the least, he is my favorite famous person because his moral philosophy has a great influence in Asia up to now. Countries like China, Japan, and Korea, to some extent, are still using his moral philosophy as the basis to arrange societies. 3.Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Explain how this person influenced your life. Give specific reasons and details to support your explanation. The person influencing me most is my mother. My mother works very hard to support our family. In workdays, she always leaves home early and back at dusk. Her spirit encourages me to work hard on my study. Also, my mum is a kind-hearted person that she donates part of her salary to the charity every month. She tells me that we should care about people in need of help. And finally, difficulties she may come across, mother is full of energy and passion for life all the time. From this, she convinces me that people should strive for hope, sparing no effort in realizing the dreams, and we mustn’t yield to disasters in life. 4.Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with.Explain why you would like to spend time with this person .Include reasons and details to support your response.

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