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全国英语专业四级口试模拟试题集Graded Oral Tests for English Majors

(Band 4)


Test 1

T ask I: Retell the story

Miss Hotchkiss lived for her annual holiday. For fifty weeks of the year she works as the Assistant Librarian at the local library on an extremely small salary. But it was enough to keep her. And she still saved half of her salary for one thing: her annual holiday, which she always took at the same time every year without fail, the last two weeks in July. Although where she went or what she did during those two weeks away from the library, no one knew. At least, none of her colleagues and none of her acquaintances knew, but that was not surprising, since Miss Hotchkiss never discuss her private life with anyone.

Today was the last day in the library before her annual holiday. But she went about her job with her usual quiet efficiency, and not a sign of excitement or anticipation.

People knew of course that she went away for the fortnight. But nom one knew where she went. They assumed that she went to a quiet place seaside resort, or to stay with relatives in the country. Certainly she stayed


in England. She couldn?t afford to go abroad, could she?

But there they were wrong. And if any of her colleagues or acquaintances had seen her while they were on their holidays in northern Italy, they would never have recognized her. Y ou see, for Miss Hotchkiss, her annual holiday was an annual metamorphosis, when just for a few days in the year, she adopted a completely difference, life style and character. She bought the clothes she needed the rest of the year as cheaply as possible, but always managed to save to buy the latest fashions to wear on holiday. She walked or caught the bus everywhere at home, but traveled first class on holiday. And if she had no real friends in England, she had a number of good friends in Italy.

The last borrower left the library. As Miss Hotchkiss stepped out into a warm Saturday evening, a Librarian said: “Have a good holiday. See you in August.” He smiled, and she allowed herself a light smile. “Oh, yes, of course. Thank you.”(359 words)

T ask II: T alk on a given topic

Tell us something that happened in your life and showed your another aspect of your character.


T ask III: Role-play

Student A: Y ou have been in university for two years, but you are still not sure about the purpose of a college education, for you think the courses you are taking are somewhat irrelevant to your future career. So you go to your townfellow, a senior student, for advice. Remember you will start the conversation.

Student B: Now you are a senior college student. Y our townfellow, a sophomore, comes to you for advice about the purpose of a college education, for he thinks the courses he is taking are somewhat irrelevant to his future career. Remember student A will start the conversation.


Test 2

T ask I: Retell the story

A Brother Like That

A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is this your car, Mister?” he asked.

Paul nodded. “My brother gave it to me for Christmas.”The boy was astounded. “Y ou mean your brother gave it to you and it didn?t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish …” he hesitated.

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels.

“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.”

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, “Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?”

“Oh yes, I?d love that.”

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, “Mister, would you mind driving in front of


my house?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?”the boy asked.

He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.

“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn?t cost him a cent. And some day I?m gonna give you one just like it …then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I?ve been trying to tell you about.”

Paul got out and lifted that lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride.

That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said: “It is more blessed to give …” (378 words)


T ask II: T alk on a given topic

Describe an event that happened in your family and in which you were deeply touched because of the great concern for you from your family members.

T ask III: Role-play

Student A:Now you are a sophomore student, but you find that life on university campus is not as intense as it was in middle schools and you are at loss as to how time should be spent because there are not as many courses. At an English corner you meet a senior student. So you ask him/her for advice. Remember you will start the conversation.

Student B: Now you are a senior student. At an English corner you meet a sophomore who is at a loss as to how time should be spent because there are not as many courses and asks you for advice. Y ou give him/her some suggestions on time arrangement from your own learning experience. Remember student A will start the conversation.


Test 3

T ask I: Retell the story

Try Something Different

I?m sitting in quiet room at the Milcroft Inn, a peaceful little place hidden back among the pine trees about an hour out of Toronto. It?s just past noon, late July, and I?m listening to the desperate sounds of a life-or death struggle going on a few feet away.

There?s a small fly burning out the last of its short life?s energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane. The whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly?s strategy: Try harder.

But it?s not working.

The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival. Ironically, the struggle is part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass. Nevertheless, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination.

This fly is doomed. It will die there on the windowsill.

Across the room, ten steps away, the door is open. Ten seconds of flying time and this small creature could


reach the outside world it seeks. With only a fraction of the effort now being wasted, it could be free of this self-imposed trap. The breakthrough possibility is there. It would be so easy.

Why doesn?t the fly try another approach, something dramatically different? How did it get so locked in on the idea that this particular route and determined effort offer the most promise for success? What logic is there in continuing until death to seek a breakthrough with more of the same?

No doubt this approach makes sense to the fly. Regrettably, it?s an idea that will kill.

Trying harder isn?t necessarily the solution to achieving more. It may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes, in fact, it?s a big part of the problem.

If you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success. (326 words)

T ask II: T alk on a given topic

Tell us a successful or unsuccessful experience of yourself in trying to get yourself out of a difficult situation and the lesson you learned from it.


T ask III: Role-play

Student A: Suppose you are an English teacher and have stayed in China for several months. Y ou are amazed at the differences between British and Chinese cultures, such as the differences in greetings and farewells, forms of address, taboos, compliments, and the response to them, etc. Y ou discuss these with one your students. Remember you will start the conversation.

Student B: Y ou are a student of English major. Now the foreign teacher in your department comes to you to discuss some cultural differences with you. He/She is from Britain and has been in China for just one month, and is amazed at the differences between British and Chinese cultures, such as the differences in greetings and farewells, forms of address, taboos, compliments, and the response to them, etc. Remember student A will start the conversation.


Test 4

T ask I: Retell the story

Did the Earth Move for Y ou?

Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a debilitating disease involving her nervous system. She was unable to walk and her movement was restricted in other ways as well. The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering from this illness. They predicted she?d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. They said that few, if any, were able to come back to normal after contracting this disease. The little girl was undaunted. There, lying in her hospital bed, she would vow to anyone who?d listen that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.

She was transferred to a specialized rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco bay area. Whatever therapies could be applied to her case were used. The therapists were charmed by her undefeatable spirit. They taught her about imaging -- about seeing herself walking. If it would do nothing else, it would at least give her hope and something positive to do in the long waking hours in her bed. Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy, in whirlpools and in exercise sessions. But she worked just as hard lying there

faithfully doing her imaging, visualizing herself moving, moving, moving!

One day, as she was straining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though a miracle happened: The bed moved! It began to move around the room! She screamed out, “Look what I?m doing! Look! I can do it! I moved, I moved!”

Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming, too, and running for cover. People were screaming, equipment was falling and glass was breaking. Y ou see, it was the recent San Francisco earthquake. But don?t tell that to Angela. She?s convinced that she did it. And now only a few years later, she?s back in school. On her own two legs. No crutches, no wheelchair. Y ou see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a piddling little disease, can?t they? (338 words)

T ask II: T alk on a given topic

The state of mind of the patient often plays a very important role in curing his/her disease and is even considered beyond the power of medicine. Tell a story in which the state of mind plays a positive role in solving problems.


T ask III: Role-play

Student A: Y ou just got to know that one of your friends is suffering from cancer. A few days ago you visited him/ her. Y our friend was in despair and still refused to accept the fact. Y ou comforted him/her and encouraged him/her to face his/her problem bravely. Finally he/she was convinced and determined to face the problem directly. Remember you will start the conversation.

Student B: Suppose you are suffering from cancer, but you still can not accept the fact and are in despair. A few days ago one your friends came to visit you immediately after he /she got to know it. He/She tried to comfort you and encouraged you to face your problem bravely. And finally you are convinced and determined to face the problem directly. Remember student A will start the conversation.

Test 5

T ask I: Retell the story

Rescue at Sea

Y ears ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish service. Because the entire village engaged in the fishing industry, a volunteer rescue team was needed in cases of emergency. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a fishing boat was caught by a storm at sea. Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S.O.S The captain of the rescue team sounded the alarm and the villagers gathered in the town square overlooking the bay. While the team launched their boat and fought their way through the wild waves, then villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back.

An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared through the fog and the cheering villagers ran to greet them. Falling exhausted on the sand, the volunteers reported that the rescue boat could not hold any more passengers and they had to leave one man behind.

Frantically, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lone survivor. Sixteen-year-old Hans


stepped forward. His mother grabbed his arm, pleading, “Please don?t go. Y our father died in a ship wreck 10 years ago and your older brother, Paul, has been lost at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are all I have left.”

Hans replied, “Mother, I have to go. What if everyone said, …I can?t go, let someone else do it?? Mother, this time I have to do my duty. When the call for service comes, we all need to take our turn and do our part.” Hans kis sed his mother, joined the team and disappeared into the night.

Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans? mother like an eternity. Finally, the rescue boat returned with Hans standing up in the bow. Cupping his hands, the captain called, “Did you find the lost man?” Barely able to contain himself, Hans excitedly yelled back, “Y es, we found him. Tell my mother it?s my older brother, Paul!”(330 words)

T ask T wo: T alk on a given topic

This is a typical story of “Helping for the helper”. Please tell a similar story or your own personal experience about the “rew a rding of unselfish service”.


T ask III: Role-play

Suppose you happen to be watching someone in water struggling for life. Student A: you think you would plunge into the water to try to save the man. Remember you will start the conversation.

Suppose you happen to be watching someone in water struggling for life. Student B: you think it is not worthwhile for a college student to save the man in the water at the risk of his life. Remember your partner will start the conversation.


Test 6

T ask I: Retell the story

A soldier was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam and he called his parents from San Francisco.

“Mom and Dad, I?m coming home, but I?ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I?d like to bring home with me.”

“Sure,” they replied, …we?d love to meet him.”

“There?s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was hurt pretty bad in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come to live with us.”

“I?m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”

“No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”

“Son,” said the father, “you don?t know what you?re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can?t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this


guy. He?ll find a way to live on his own.”

At that point, the son hung up the phone.

The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but much to their horror they also discovered something they didn?t know –their son had only one arm and one leg. (268 words)

T ask T wo: T alk on a given topic

James Barrie said, “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” Please tell a story or your own personal experience about this, or vice versa, i.e. about “those who grudge the sunshine to the liv es of others can not enjoy it themselves”.


T ask III: Role-play

Suppose your friend?s parents are not happy about their marriage and want to divorce. Student A: you think it is all right for them to divorce if they really are not happy. Remember your partner will start the conversation.

Suppose your friend?s parents are not happy about their marriage and want to divorce. Student B: you think it is selfish for them to divorce since they have their kid. Remember you will start the conversation.


Test 7

T ask I: Retell the story

Our Community

One Tuesday evening in the beginning of the fall 1996 semester at Shippensbury University, sirens sounded. These sirens were not in celebration; they were a cry to the university that something was wrong. A house, only one block away, was on fire. Nine of the University?s students lived there.

From the minute the word got out that help was needed, it seemed like everyone showed up. The victims of the fire were offered endless invitations for housing for the night. The very next day, everyone got into gear to help them. Items immediately needed were gathered, just to get these students through the next few days. Boxes for donations and money were placed in every dormitory.

As a residence director, I went to ask the students to do what they could. I knew that college students don?t have much, but I asked them to do their best: “Every little bit will help.” I really didn?t think they could do much. I was proved wrong.




2016年5月CET-SET4试题汇总场次1 I. Self-introduction (30seconds) II. Read Aloud(45s to prepare; 60s to read) III. Question & Answer(2 questions; 20s per Q) IV. Individual Presentation(45s to prepare; 60s to talk ) Views on robots doing housework. V. Pair Work(60s to prepare; 90s to talk) Your presentation may include: --for what purpose --what is the price range --whether to buy it at a store or online

I. Self-introduction II. Read Aloud III. Question & Answer ⑴What’s the Lord of the Files about? ⑵There are few people read novels these days, what do you think about this phenomenon? IV. Individual Presentation My school library. V. Pair Work Your presentation may include: --characters --setting --plot


大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)试题构成以及样题 试题构成: 大学英语四级口语考试样题 CET Spoken English Test – Band Four Sample Paper Topic A - 1 Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test – Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. Examiner: Task 1 Read Aloud In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage. (屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.


2018年11月大学英语四级口语考试真题—网络聊天 来源:文都教育 今天是2018年11月17日,大学英语四级口语考试于如期而至。口语考试的时候往往是许多考生最为紧张的时刻,不过口语考试并不是什么洪水猛兽,只要稍加练习,做到有话可说,就不会在考场上出现尴尬的场面。为了帮助大家顺利通过四级口语考试,文都四六级英语老师将会为各位考生提供最贴心的口语考试小提示,希望能够对各位同学有所帮助。 本场个人陈述的主题为Online Chatting“网络聊天”,网络聊天在我们的生活中已经十分常见,几乎成为我们学习、工作、生活不可或缺的部分。那么接下来,我们来看一下就Online Chatting这一主题展开的一些常用的表述: Online Chatting Online chatting has becoming more and more popular in nowadays. It plays an indispensable role in our daily life. First, when you’re pursuing your study in another city, online chatting allows us to keep in contact with our parents who are far away. It’s more convenient than phone calls, because by online chatting we can see our parents through the camera on our smartphones. You can chat together with your friends in the online circle at the same time. Second, as for those who are not good at expressing themselves in person, they can have a talk with their lover by online chatting. Third, more and more people chat online in their work, because it’s convenient and it brings less disturbance to others. However, everything has two sides, online chatting is no exceptional. It may be a waste of time, energy and money as some people may addicted to chatting with those strangers. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional. You must keep alert all the time in case of being cheated by some bad guy. 以上就是文都四六级英语老师为各位考生带来的四级口语考试的个人陈述部分,希望能够对各位考生有所助益。最后,文都教育祝各位同学都可以取得令人满意的成绩。


2016年英语四级口语考试试题 2016年起,全国大学英语四六级口语考试(CET-SET)将分设四级和六级两个级别,即“全国大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)”和“全国大学英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)”。原CET-SET将设定为CET-SET6。以下小编为大家整理的是2016年新版英语四级口语考试试题: Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test – Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A 先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. Examiner: In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage.

(屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. (考生准备时间45秒) Now please begin to read on hearing the beep. (考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟) Examiner: In this task, you are to answer two questions. For each question, you will have 20 seconds to respond. Please start speaking on hearing the beep. (问题文字不显示在屏幕上)


一、英语专业四级口试概况 1.要求:《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对英语专业四级口语的要求是:“能在一般社交场合与英语国家人士交谈,做到正确表达思想,语音、语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。” 2.形式:英语专业四级口试的设计形式有两种:录音口试和面试。前者不需要考官和考生见面,而后者需要考官和考生直接见面。目前,根据我国高校的实际情况,主要采用录音口试的形式。所以,本讲座主要讲述专四录音口试。 3.时间和地点:全国英语专业四级录音口试的时间定于每年英语专业四级笔试以后的一个星期举行。口试由考生所在高校的教务部门组织在语音室进行。 4.内容: 根据大纲的要求,口试内容包括三项: (1)复述故事(听两遍故事后复述三分钟); (2)即席讲话(根据所给的题目准备三分钟后,作即席讲话三分钟); (3)对话(根据规定的角色各自准备三分钟后,对话四分钟)。 5.考试步骤: 口试整个过程大约持续40分钟。 口试开始前,考生首先用10分钟的时间阅读英文的口试指南(Guidelines for Examinees)。学生看完指南后,负责监考的老师再用两分钟的时间将特别需要注意的地方重复一遍。如向考生强调整个考试期间他们都不允许按动自己录音机上的任何一个键,考试内容都已经录在磁带上。考试正式开始后,考生根据录音磁带上的要求依次完成三项任务。录音的操作完全由监考老师控制。 二、英语专业四级口试指南及注意事项 英语专业四级口试采用在语言实验室中进行录音口试的方式。考试要求与考题全部录在磁带上,录音机的开停,全部由电教人员控制。考生只需根据录音磁带上的要求逐项完成任务。考试结束后,所有磁带将寄到主考学校,统一进行评分。 考试包括三项任务。第一项任务要求考生听录音两遍,听时允许记笔记,听完录音后复述三分钟。复述时必须尽量用自己的语言,不允许背诵原文。如事实与原文略有出入,不影响口试成绩。但如整个复述内容和所听材料没有关系,不予给分。第二项任务要求考生根据所给的题目,准备三分钟后,作即席讲话三分钟。第三项任务开始时,甲、乙俩学生分别得到一张纸条,纸条上说明了他/她所处的情景和要扮演的角色,准备三分钟后,开始对话四分钟。准备时不得与对方讲话。 以上三项任务的讲话时间都有限制,考生应充分利用所给的时间,尽量多说一点,因为讲的太少评分人员难以给分。 考生进入语音实验室后必须注意以下问题: 1.不得擅自摆弄电教设备的任何开关。 2.一定要根据自己的考号和在第三项中所扮演的角色,对号入座。如有差错,一定要 向监考教师报告。 3.按照录音磁带上的要求,逐项完成任务。每项任务都有规定的准备时间和讲话时间。 讲话时不要担心时间不够,因为讲不完不会影响口试成绩。


1.人力是否能战胜自然 A:Hi,B.Did you hear that the earthquake happened in Japan? B:Yes,I did.Lots of people got hurt and *** people were dead.the forces of nature are still irresistible. A:But I think we can conquer nature. B:The tsunami which happended in yinni made *** people lose their lives. The earth is becoming smaller because of desertification. A:We have taken some steps to avoid the damage.Nature can provide us many things and human being can change the world by our intelligence and wisdom. For example, they could build a house to prevent the cold and bad weather, and they invented spacecrafts in order to explore more secrets. By launching man-made satellite, people can know the weather. We can also make it easy to travel by making a bridge, like Wuhan Changjiang Bridge. B:I hope people can get less pain. A:Tomorrow is becoming better. 2.怎样看待汽车的未来? A: As you see, there are more and more variety of cars on the road. B: Yes, and with the development of science and technology ,cars are becoming smarter and smarter. A: As to smart cars, what do you expect future smart cars can do? B: In my view, the key to tomorrow’s smart cars will be sensors. A: You got it. You see, many accidents come from drunk drivers. I hope the smart cars can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine.


2级口语考试题 Topic 1: Universities have provided facilities and support for students to qualify themselves for the future jobs and lives. Work in a group and have a discussion on “How students can benefit from universities?” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Topic 2: Nowadays many college students take part-time jobs. In a group and have a discussion on “Should college students be encouraged to work part-time?” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Topic 3: More and more people have found the right jobs through the Internet. Now work in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people f ind their dream job via the Internet.” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Topic 4: Everyone wears clothes and there are so many advertisements for clothes, too. Work in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people often turn to advertising when buying clothes.” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Topic 5: Bill Gates advises young people to get the best education they can and take advantage of both high school and college. Now work in a group and discuss the following topic: “As a student, how will you make the most of college?” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Topic 6: Bill Gates advises young people to get the best education they can and take advantage of both high school and college, but he dropped out when he was in university. Work in a group and have a discussion on “Is school education necessary to one’s success?” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion.


期末口语测试 第一部分:样题及详解 一、自我介绍 涵盖自己的专业介绍,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等 二、短文朗读 Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. 三、简短问答Question and Answer Question 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (20 seconds) Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds) 四、个人陈述 Individual presentation: (preparation time”45 seconds; response time: 1 min) 看图说话:古树禁止登攀

2018年11月大学英语四级口语考试真题The celebration of Youth Day 附文都版参考答案

2018年11月大学英语四级口语考试真题:庆祝青年节 来源:文都教育 今天是2018年11月17日,大学英语四级口语考试也如期而至。口语考试的时候往往是许多考生最为紧张的时刻,不过口语考试并不是什么洪水猛兽,只要稍加练习,做到有话可说,就不会在考场上出现尴尬的场面。为了帮助大家顺利通过四级口语考试,文都四六级英语老师将会为各位考生提供最贴心的口语考试小提示,希望能够对各位同学有所帮助。 本场对话的主题为“庆祝青年节”,五四青年节是青年人的一个重要的节日,这一天往往会举办社会实践活动,诗歌朗诵和晚会来纪念这个节日。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“庆祝青年节”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述: The celebration of Y outh Day A: Hi, Cecelia, the Youth Day is coming. Do you know something about it? B: Sure, Kathy. The Youth Day falls on the May 4th, and it is an important festival in China. A: What about the origin of the festival? B: Well, it comes from May 4th Movement launched by Beijing students in 1919, which marks the beginning of the new democratic revolution, so this festival was established to memorize the movement. People, especially the young, often participate in all sorts of activities to celebrate it. How will you spend the day? A: I am a member of youth volunteers in our school. As usual, we will organize some social practice activities, for example, in this year we will advocate students to do the rural practice, such as cleaning, experiencing farm work and doing housework, so that the youth can learn that today's happy life is not easily won. B: That is meaningful, today’s youth should really cherish their life. I will take part in a Poetry Reciting Competition and my topic is “The Youth”, praising the vigor and warm blood of the youth. A: Good luck! By the way, an evening party in honor of the festival will be held on CCTV this evening. Let us enjoy it. B: Ok , I agree. 以上,就是文都四六级英语老师为各位考生带来的四级口语考试的对话部分,希望能够对各位考生有所助益。同时,各位正在准备着六级口语的同学们不如参考一下今天四级口语考试的内容,为六级口语练一下手。最后,文都教育祝各位同学都可以取得令人满意的成绩。


四级口语阅读真题练习 关注的五点 1. 开头 2. 结尾 3. 转折 but, despite, in spite of, instead, while, although, on the other hand, for another… 4. 因果 on account of, because, as a result of, due to, trigger off, responsible for, to blame, accordingly, consequently, contribute to… 5. 数字 1. Many people catch a cold in the spring time and fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why they can’t find a cure for the common cold. The answer is easy. There are exactly hundreds of kinds of cold viruses there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn’t a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, the body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and brings congestion(充血)with it .You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well, but your body is actually "eating" the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells. You may feel miserable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Q1. Why can’t we find a cure for the common cold? Q2. What does the speaker say about the symptoms of the common cold? 2.The thought of having no sleep for 24 hours or more isn't a pleasant one for most people. The amount of sleep that each person needs varies. In general, each of us needs about 8 hours of sleep each day to keep us healthy and happy. Some people, however, can get by with just a few hours of sleep at night. It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps. But everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this. Sleep is, after all, a very basic need. Q1. What is taken for granted by most people? Q2. What do most people think of sleep? 3. Most American college students need to be efficient readers. This is necessary because full-time students probably have to read several hundred pages every week. They don't have time to read a chapter three or four times. They need to extract as much information as possible from the first or second reading. An extraordinarily important study skill is knowing how to mark a book. Students mark the main ideas and important details with a pen or pencil, yellow or blue or orange. Some students mark new vocabulary in a different color. Most students write questions or short notes in the margins. Marking a book is a useful skill, but it's important to do it right. Q1. Why do most American college students need to be efficient readers? Q2. What is an extraordinarily important study skill? Donna Fredrick's served with the Peace Corps for two years in Brazil. She joined the Peace Corps after she graduated from the college because she wanted to do something to help other people.She had been brought up on a farm, so the Peace Corps assigned her to an agricultural project. Before she went to Brazil, she studied Portuguese for three months. She also learned a great deal about its history and culture. During her two years with the Peace Corps, Donna lived in a village in northeastern Brazil. That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there. Donna helped the people of the village to organize an irrigation project, and she also advised them on planting corps that didn't require much water. Q1. Why did Donna join the Peace Corps after she graduated from college? Q2. What was Donna assigned to do in Brazil?


英语四级考试口语经典句型汇集1.购物 Im flat broke. Lets go window-shopping anyway. Why dont we go window-shopping? Shall we go window-shopping? What a crowd! Its so crowded! What a big crowd! When does the store open? Its closed today. When do you open? What time do you open? How soon does it open? What time does the store open? When do the doors open? When does the store close? We close at seven. What time does the store close? When is closing time? We wont open until eleven. That late? 那么晚?

It opens at eleven. From eleven. Our business hours begin at eleven. Wheres the shoe department? *department store 商场Im lost, too. 我也糊涂了。 Where can I find the shoe department? Where is the shoe department located? Its on the third floor. Going down? /Going up?。是往下/上? 2.饭桌上 Im kind of hungry. 我有点儿饿了 Im kind of hungry. How about you? Yeah, its lunch time. Im starving. /Im getting hungry. Im very hungry. /Im extremely hungry. I could eat a horse. Im thirsty. 我渴了 It smells good. /It smells nice. Im on a diet. Hows it going so far? 现在感觉怎么样? This looks great! /This looks good! This looks delicious!


口语测试 第一部分:样题及详解 一、自我介绍 涵盖自己的专业介绍,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等 二、短文朗读 Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. 三、简短问答Question and Answer Question 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (20 seconds) Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds) 四、个人陈述 Individual presentation: (preparation time”45 seconds; response time: 1 min) 看图说话:古树禁止登攀

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