当前位置:文档之家› 高二语文报必修《说木叶》导学案




Lesson 1 What’s so funny? Unit 17 Laughter I.New words and phrases(单词与词汇). 1.____ vt.提取,收回9.____n.国界,边境 2.____ adj.成熟的10._____adj.不可置信的,极其惊人的 3.____ vt.忽视11.____ n.代理人,经销商 4.____ vt.澄清,讲清楚12.______adj.和谐的 5.____ n,延误,延期13.________ n.身份 6.____vi.排队14.____ adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的 7.____n.惊险小说或电影15._____ adv.迅速地 8._______ n.锦标赛,联赛16.burst ___ laughing 突然笑起来 17.____ a cheque 兑现支票18._____ delay 毫不拖延 19.____ one’s opinion 忽视某人的观点20.wait __ line 排队等候 21.yell __ sb. 对某人大声叫喊22.push one’s ___挤进去,挤着前进 23.be in harmony ___ 与…协调一致24.deal ___ 对付,处理 II.Fast-reading(快速阅读回答问题) 1.Why did the woman write a cheque for fifty dollars? A.She forgot how to spell 40 in English. B.She often withdraws $50 from the bank. C.Her husband wanted to cash a cheque for her. D.Her husband couldn’t remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”. 2.What happened at last in anecdoteA? A.Her husband took out $50. B.Her husband made a joke with her. C.She withdrew fifty dollars instead. D.She had to go home to get some help. 3.Why did Mr Wang ask his daughter about her opinions of going on a holiday? A.He wanted to get his daughter to go with him,not his wife. B.He thought that his daughter was a mature girl,and wanted to hear her own opinion. C.He had gone to Hainan Island. D.He had gone to Thailand. 4.Why did the man say“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM”? A.He wanted to persuade the counter to give him the money. B.He wanted to get the counter to realize that he was a very important person,and she could take care of him first. C.The man came here first. D.The man was not the first to come. III.Match the titles,the pictures(1-3)and the anecdotes(A-C)(连线找出正确的小标题) 1. Memory loss 2.Check your spelling 3.Family harmony IV.Important phrases and how to use(重要短语及用法). 1.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account… Withdraw vt.___________(汉语意思)


按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开配套教学视频名师讲课播放 必修5 Unit 1 JOHH SHOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA” John Snow was a famous doctor in London - so expert, indeed, that he attend ed Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he tho ught about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly dise ase of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousand s of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted t o face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never b e controlled until its cause was found. He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera ki lled people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person die d. John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed eviden ce. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his enqu iry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gat her information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had liv ed. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. Many of the d eaths were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16, 37, 38 a nd 40). He also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. He had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations. He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the pump. It seemed that the water was to blame. Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. H e immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle f rom the pump so that it could not be used. Soon afterwards the disease slowed d own. He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deat hs that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. A woman, who had moved away f rom Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it deliver ed to her house every day. Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drin king the water. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with ce rtainty that polluted water carried the virus.


《说“木叶”》导学案 【学习目标】 1、理解课文内容,了解文章由“木叶”所阐释的诗歌语言暗示性的理论,提高对古典诗歌的理解能力。 2、引导学生抓关键信息,把握作者的行文思路,理解作者通过对实例比较分析的说理方法。 3、培养学生把握诗歌中意象所表现出的感情色彩,比较同一意象在不同诗作中的细微差别,提高诗歌赏析的能力。 【自主学习】 一、作者作品简介 林庚(1910--2006),字静希。我国现当代著名学者、诗人、文史学家。1933年毕业于清华大学中文系,同年出版了第一本自由体诗集《夜》。历任厦门大学、燕京大学、北京大学中文系教授,在唐诗和楚辞的研究中卓有建树,提出了著名的“盛唐气象”。出版过《春野与窗》《问路集》等六部新诗集及专著《诗人李白》《中国文学史》等。 二、自练自测 1、给下列加点的字注音。 袅.袅()照浦.()褒.扬()灼.灼() 亭皋.()寒砧.()涔.阳()万应锭.() 言筌.()窸窣 ..()()迢.远() 2、词语释义。 (1)万应锭: (2)不落于言筌: (3)相去无几: (4)一言难尽: 3、积累名句。 (1)袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。(屈原《九歌》) (2)庭中有奇树,绿叶发华滋。(《古诗十九首》) (3)叶密鸟飞碍,风轻花落迟。(萧纲《折杨柳》) (4)皎皎云间月,灼灼叶中华。(陶渊明《拟古》) (5)日暮风吹,叶落依枝。(吴均《青溪小姑歌》) 4、质疑问难 通过预习本文,你有什么问题?请写在下面。

【课堂导学】 一、解题 文题为“说木叶”,速读课文,弄清楚什么是“木叶”? 二、整体感知,理清思路 (1)默读课文,找出文中难懂的诗句和段落中的关键句,试用简洁的语言概括每段段意并划分层次。 三、重、难点突破。 1、潜心默读课文,摘录出课文中所引用的诗句,并揣摩老师分列排列的用意:(板书或多媒体显示) 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下后皇嘉树,橘徕服兮 洞庭始波,木叶微脱桂树丛生兮山之幽 木叶下,江连波,秋月照浦云歇山庭中有奇树,绿叶发华滋 秋风吹木叶,还似洞庭波叶密鸟飞得,风轻花落迟 亭皋木叶下,陇首秋云飞皎皎云中月,灼灼叶中华 九月寒砧催木叶,十处征戍忆辽阳高树多悲风,海水扬其波 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来柔条纷冉冉,落叶何翩翩 辞洞庭兮落木,去涔阳兮极浦雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人 秋月照层岭,寒风扫高木午阴嘉树清圆 2、引导学生理解上述诗句,体会总结“木”与“树”的区别,初步领会作者引用诗句阐明问题的写法: (1)比较一下,看上面两列诗句按什么规律排列? (2)、上述左边一列运用了“木叶”或“落木”的诗句,有什么共同特点?(3)、上述右边一列运用了“树”、“绿叶”、“落叶”的诗句,有什么共同特点?

高二英语外研版选修六教学案:Module 6 Section 2 含答案(精修版)

外研版英语精品资料(精修版) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'd like to book a room in your hotel, in which I can overlook (俯视) the sea from the window. 2.The camp lasted (持续) for only a week, but some teachers noticed great changes in their students after the activity. 3.Japan used to occupy (占领) Taiwan for as long as 50 years. 4.The brave soldier dived into the water and rescued (营救) the drowning boy, which made us very moved. 5.I returned to the village many times, and eventually (最终) I gained their trust. 6.The wounded (受伤的) soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time. 7.A group of soldiers led by their commander (指挥官) were advancing towards the front. 8.Because of the icy road, he had to abandon (抛弃) his car and walk home. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.invade v.入侵,侵略→invasion n.侵入,侵略 2.abandon v.放弃,抛弃→abandoned adj.自甘堕落的,被抛弃的,无约束的 3.operation n.行动;操作;经营;手术→operate v.操作;运转;做手术 4.survivor n.幸存者→survive vi.幸存,比……活得长→survival n.幸存,生存5.occupy v.占领→occupation n.职业→occupational adj.职业的 6.commander n.指挥官→command v. & n.命令,指挥 7.deep adj.深的→deeply adv.深深地,深刻地→depth n.深度 8. shocked adj.感到震惊的;惊愕的→shock v.使震惊n.震惊,惊愕


高二英语导学案 班级:_________ 姓名:_________ Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (词汇导学案) 一、学习目标 1.掌握本单元51个课标单词及7个课标短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。 2.能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 二、学习重点 能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的12个重点单词及7个重点短语。 三、学习难点 学会自我分类,根据词性归纳整理本单元的重点单词,并利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 四、学习过程 【自主预习】 1.词汇先根据读音规则试读,再听录音纠正发音、大声朗读,然后通过音形义相结合的方式记忆本单元单词。你记住了吗?写一写,试试吧! 名词(n.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______形容词(adj.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 动词(v.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2.短语合上课本,试着写出以下几个短语的中文意思。 1)test out______________________ 2) ring up_____________________ 3) leave…alone___________________ 4) set aside____________________ 5) be bound to____________________ 6) turn around_________________ 7) in all__________________________ 【小组合作】 1.词形变化判断下列后缀的词性,并根据要求为所给单词选择相应的后缀并给出相应的词类转换形式。你可以吗?试试看吧! -ion/ation_______; -ing_______; -ed_______; -er_______; -ce_______; -ment_______; -cal_______. 1)satisfy→____________(n.) 满意,令人满意的事物→____________(adj.)令人 满意的→____________(adj.)满足的,(感到)满意的 2)alarm→___________(adj.)担心的 3)elegant→____________(n.)优雅,高雅 4)declare→__________(n.)宣言,声明 5)count→_________(n.)柜台,计数器 6)state→__________(n.)陈述 7)talent→_________(adj.)天才的,有才能的 8)imagine→__________(n.)想象力 9)theory→__________(adj.)理论上的 10)divorce→_________(adj.)离婚的 11)assess→_________(n.)评价,评定 12)affect→________(n.)喜爱,感情 13)think→_________(n.)思考,思想14)transfuse→_________(n.)输血 15)bed→_________(n.)寝具,铺盖 2.复合词合上课本,根据汉语意思试着拼写出下列复合词,试一试吧! 1)超重的________ 2)手指甲________ 3)理发________ 4)项链________ 5)扶手椅________ 6)邮筒_________ 7)框架________ 8)兼职的_______ 9)化妆品________ 10)生物化学________


人教版高中英语必修五知识点详解 Units 1-2 1. doubt doubt是高考中的高频考查词汇。doubt可作动词和名词,是新课标重点词汇。其命题角度为:①作动词时, 若为肯定句,后跟宾语从句,通常用if/whether引导,若为否定句,则通常用that引导。 ②doubt作名词时,通常用于There is no doubt that ...(毫无疑问)结构。2010年高考对doubt的考查还将集中 在其后跟从句时连接词的选择上,也有可能将doubt与其他动词或名词放在一起进行词义辨析。 2. expose expose是新课标要求掌握的单词,应重点掌握它的义项及常见用法,特别是be exposed to 句式,其中to为介词,后跟名词、代词和动名词;同时注意exposed to作后置定语和用于句首作状语的用法。另外,being exposed to结构用动名词形式作主语也是重点和难点,极易考查。 预测2010年命题方向为exposed to 作状语和定语的用法。 3. absorb absorb是新课标重点单词,重点掌握其“吸收(液体,热);吸收,理解(知识)”的词义及其be absorbed in(全神贯注于……)的用法,易考点为该短语位于句首作状语和作后置定语两点,考生应能掌握be absorbed by(为某事物所吸引);还应联系be engaged in, be devoted to, be involved in和be lost in等常见重点近义短语。 4. apart from apart from是常见介词短语,意为“除……之外”,考生应熟练掌握近义的词和短语:except, besides, in addition (to), other than, except for, except that, except when等。预测2010年高考会在单项填空题中直接考查或者会出现 在阅读理解题中。 5. available available是新课标重点单词,在近几年高考和各地的模拟考试中出现的频率极高,主要考点为:①词义(可得到的,可用的)。命题形式常为形容词词义辨析,如区分accessible, acceptable, sensible, favourite, average, convenient 等。②用法。be available to意为“可利用的”,be available for意为“使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物”, 要了解二者的区别。 预测2010年高考命题会以考查词义或者形容词短语作后置定语为命题方向。 6. consist of consist of是近几年高考高频考查短语。①理解其词义“组成,构成”。②考查与其他近义词组的用法异同点。 如be made up of, be composed of, constitute, be formed of 等。考生要特别注意consist of要用主动形式表达, 不用系表结构。预测这一考点将成为2010年高考考查的重点,特别是用consisting of 作后置定语。 7. break down 由break构成的动词短语是历年高考命题的重点。考生必须明确break down的几个常见义项,根据不同的语 境加以判断。break down,break up, break off, break away, break in等,都要求考生熟知它们的常见义项,因为 命题时可能会对该短语直接考查,也可在短文中考查对其意义的理解。 8. only+状语(状语从句)位于句首构成部分倒装 这是考生必须熟练掌握的句式之一,以往的高考题中已多次考查到。倒装句式有多种情况,该句式为日常交 际中较常见的一种。特别提示:only只有强调状语或者状语从句才构成部分倒装,强调主语或宾语不用倒装。 预测该句式是2010年高考命题考查的重点。 重要词汇拓展 Unit 1 Great scientists 1. ____ n. 特征;特性 2. _____ vt.&vi. 结束;推断出→______ n. 结论 3. _____ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫 4. ______ vt. 参加;出席;照顾;护理→_____ n. 参加;出席;侍从;看护 5. _____ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光→_____ n. 暴露;揭穿;揭发 6. _____ vt.& n. 治愈;痊愈→______adj.可治愈的 ______ vt.& n. 控制;支配 8. _____ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心→______adj. 被吸收的;全神贯注的 9. _____ adj. 严重的;严厉的;剧烈的 characteristic 2. conclude;conclusion 3. defeat 4. attend;attendance 5. expose;exposure 6. cure;curable 7. control 8. absorb;absorbed 9. severe 10. _____ vt. 宣布;通告→______n. 宣布;宣告;通知 11. ______ vt. 命令;指示;教导→_____ adj.有教育意义的;有指导意义的→_____n.指导;指示;指令→_____ n. 教师;讲师;指导员 12. _____ vt.&vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助→______n.贡献;奉献 13. _____ adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的→______n.创造;创作 14. _____ adj. 热情的;热心的→______ n. 热心;热情


高二语文编号: 19 编制:小组:姓名:评价: 《说“木叶”》导学案 【学习目标】 1.了解中国诗歌语言富于暗示性的特征,进而提高鉴赏古典诗歌的能力。(重点) 2.能运用本课所学的知识分析诗歌中的同类现象。(难点) 3.激发学生对古典诗歌的兴趣,唤起他们对传统文化的热爱。 【学法指导】本文的学习用二课时。第一课时:在预习的基础上,完成本导学案。第二课时,首先在老师的指导下,以预习案为序,完成知识积累;然后,按121课堂模式,进行讨论探究,进行展示交流与点评,完成学习目标。 预习案 一、背景知识 “说”属于议论文体,本文是文化随笔(文艺短评);“木叶”是文章论题,本文是就古诗中“木叶”意象进行分析说理。“木叶”即“树叶”,但是古代诗歌中有用“树”的,有用“叶”的,就是用“树叶”的十分少见。由于作者是一个学者,也是诗人,有着深厚的学养和丰富的联想力,因而对“树”与“木”、“树叶”与“木叶”、“木叶”与“落叶”、“木叶”与“落木”所造成的诗的意境的差别,做出了极为精细的美学辨析,使我们对古诗词艺术中的精微之处有了更深的体察,值得我们借鉴。学习这篇课文需要我们逐字逐句认真、细致地读,把整篇文章贯穿起来,各个部分融会贯通,就可以把握文意。 二、文学常识 林庚(1910年2月22日-2006年10月4日),字静希。1910年2月22日生于北京。福建闽侯人。诗人、文史学家,1933年毕业于清华大学中文系。后留校任教,编文学刊物。1933年初出版了第一本自由体诗集《夜》,以后又先后出版了《北平情歌》《冬眠曲及其他》等。1937年到厦门大学任教十年,1947年为燕京大学教授,1952年起为北京大学教授。曾任古典文学教研室主任,早年以诗闻名于世,与戏剧家曹禺、小说家吴组缃,并称“清华三才子”,是著名的唐诗楚辞研究专家。对明清小说也很关注,并提出颇多精辟的创见。著有《唐诗综论》《诗人屈原及其作品研究》和《中国文学简史》

高中英语选修六unit 1 reading 学案

Unit 1 Art Reading I. Warming up 1. What kind of art can you see in life? 2. Can you name some famous painting and painters? 3. If you could have four kinds of these paintings on the walls of your bedroom, which kind would you like to choose? Give your reasons. II. Reading ◆Fast reading Task one: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they? ◆Careful reading Task two: Read the passage carefully and choose the right answer foe each question. 1. According to the text,it’s less likely that art is influenced by________. A. social changes B. agriculture production C. lifestyle changes D. beliefs of people 2. When did painters mainly focus on religion? A. From 5th to 15th century AD. B. From 15th to 16th century. C. From late 19th to early 20th century. D. From 20th century to today. 3. According to the text, the painters during the Renaissance _______. ①adopted a more humanistic attitude to life ②discovered the rules of perspective ③developed oil paints ④broke away from the traditional style of painting A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③ 4. It can be inferred that classical Roman and Greek ideas were________. A.imaginary B.realistic C.ridiculous D.abstract


Period 1 Grammar (relative pronouns of attributive clause sⅠ) 【学习目标】 1.To know some basic definitions, such as attributive clauses (定语从句), antecedent (先行词), relative pronouns(关系词). 2.To learn how to choose a relative pronoun — that,which,who,whom,whose,as. 【学习重点与难点】 Important point: To grasp the way of selecting a relative pronoun. Difficult point: To identify the sentence parts (subject or object) that relative pronouns function as in attributive clauses. 【使用说明与学法指导】 1、带着预习案中问题导学中的问题自主设计预习提纲,对概念进行梳理,作好必要的标注和 笔记。 2、认真完成基础知识梳理,在“我的疑惑”处填上自己不懂的知识点,在“我的收获”处填写自 己对本课自主学习的知识及方法收获。 3、熟记relative pronouns of attributive clauses基础知识梳理中的重点知识。 预习案 一、问题导学 观察句子。 1.The boys are from Class One. They are playing basketball. → The boys who are playing basketball are from Class One. 2.The student is Wang Kun. The teacher has praised him. → The student whom the teacher has praised is Wang Kun. 3.The factory is over there. It produces cars. → The factory which produces cars is over there. 4.Football is a game. Most boys like football. → Fo otball is a game which most boys like. 二、知识梳理 1. 定语从句:一个句子作_______,修饰主句中的某一名词或代词。 2. 主句中被修饰的名词或代词叫_________。引导定语从句的词叫做_______。 3.关系词的三个作用:指代_________;位于定语从句句首,引导整个____________; 关系词在定语从句中________(作/不作)成分。 三、预习自测 请找出下列句子中的先行词和关系词。 1.The boy who is wearing a black jacket is my friend. 2.That’s the girl whom I teach. 3.The cake that my mother made is for my birthday. 4.He lent me the book which you talked about yesterday. 5.They all enjoyed the story that I told. 6.The man who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing. 7.There is an old man who wants to see you. 8.The problem that we are facing now is how to collect so much money. 9.These are the trees which I planted last year.


必修五 满分值:120分,考试时间:100分钟 宝鸡铁一中周静 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分) 第一节:单项选择:(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。 1 Little George Bush was elected President of the United States for the second time in year 2004. A. 不填; a B. a; the C. 不填; the D. the; the 2.---You must obey every word of mine ! ----__________I don’t ? A. What if B. How if C. Only if D. Even if 3.He has no other interests , _________his work. A. far away B. away from C. apart from D. except that 4.We should keep our strength _________to meet with even more difficulties . A. in shop B. in case C. in order D. in store 5.I didn’t expect that he would _______my failure to achieve his own goal . A. make use of B. make the most of C. make the best of D. take advantage of 6.He ______in touch with his teachers since he graduated from his school 20 years ago . A.has got B. has lost C. has stayed D. kept 7.Scientists say it may be five or six years _______they are ______to test this medicine on human patients . A. since; possible B.after ; impossible C. before ; likely D. when ; probable 8.______from his _____look , he enjoyed himself at the party . A. Judging ; excited B. Judging ; exciting C. Judged ; excited D. Judged ; exciting 9.After a heated discussion , his theory _______correct . A. turned up B. turned out C. turned off D. turned down 10._______is known to us is that the old scientist , for ______life was hard in the past , still works very hard in his eighties . A. As ; whom B. What ; whom C. It ; whose D. As ; whose 11.The little girl _______because of her excellent English and quick wit after several rounds of competition . A. ran out B . got out C. came out D. stood out 12.________the fact he made every effort to achieve his goal , he failed eventually . A. Though B. Although C. Despite D. Spite 13.He suggested the problem worth paying attention _______at the meeting . A. to be discussed B. to been discussed C. being discussed D. be discussed 14.It’s the protection for the trees ______really matters , ______how many trees are planted each year . A. what ; other than B. which ; or rather C. that ; rather than D. as ; more than 15.---Do you mind if I use your tape recorder ? ----___________.


语文必修五编号YW-BX--0301--09 《说“木叶”》导学案 编写人:阮景荷审核:刘凤时间:2013.4.6 班级:组别:姓名: 【学习目标】 1、积累诗词名句,理解古诗词语言富有暗示性的特点。 2、根据诗歌语言特点,领略诗歌的精妙之处,提高鉴赏古诗词的能力。 【学习重难点】 理解“木”与“树”、“木叶”与“树叶”、“落木”与“落叶”、“落木”与“木叶”的不同意味。【学习课时】二课时 【学法指导】: 1、朗读法 2、举一反三,迁移应用 第一学时 一、走近文本 1、导入新课: 学生共同背诵杜甫《登高》诗句“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来”;阐述个人对诗句的境界的感受。 杜甫的这两句诗历来以境界阔达闻名,在极其萧飒荒凉的景象中又充满着一种雄浑奔放的气势,重要的因素是“落木”传递出了这种意境。让我们一同走进林庚的《说“木叶”》,详细探究其中的奥妙。 二、走近作者 林庚先生是现代文学史上的杰出诗人,1933年出版了他的第一本自由体诗集《夜》。此后,林庚陆续出版了《春野与窗》《北平情歌》《冬眠曲及其他》《林庚诗逊等诗集和诗、论合编的《问路集》及诗性哲理随笔《空间的驰想》。学生们这样回忆自己的老师:80年代初,林庚先生给那时的师兄师姐上了一堂“告别课”。为了这一堂课,林先生整整准备了一两个月。半个多世纪的教学生涯,本来已经不用备课,可是先生说要讲出最高的水准来,必须一个字一个字地写好教案。讲完这节课,先生回家后大病一场。 人物评价: 燕园,少了一位良师;天堂,多了一位诗人。 ――载自北京大学校园网静希先生首先是一位诗人,是一位追求超越的诗人,超越平庸以达到精神的自由和美的极致。他有博大的胸怀和兼容的气度……他有童心,毫不世故;他对宇宙和人生有深邃的思考,所以他总能把握住自己人生的方向。——袁行霈学生活动:利用有关资料,对作者自然情况以及文学成就、创作主张进行自学了解 三、知识积累: 诵读课文,初步感知 (一)、基础自测(运用工具书自行解决识记字词,做好读书笔记) 1、注音: 万应锭()桅()杆接踵()而至寒砧()迢()远窸窣()沈佺.期()门闩 ( ) 心有余悸()姣姣()袅袅 ..()柳恽.() 2、阅读文本整体把握 思考:文题“说‘木叶’”表明了作者的论题,作者就此论题阐述了自己怎样的看法? 阅读文本,抓住关键语句。思考讨论并作出回答。 思路点拨:论题只是表明了论述的范围,并不是作者的观点体现。依据说理的思维格式—发现问题、分析问题,得出结论,再结合关键性的语句,可以很快的梳理出文章的脉络层次,便于理解作者的真实写作目的。

高二英语人教版选修六第三单元学案 答案

ban doing sth. /ban…from sth./doing sth.禁止做某事 a ban on 关于……的禁令 put a ban on….发布禁令 一、词汇变形 Book6 Unit3 A healthy life 词汇导学案 1. use(n./v.)---abuse(n./v.)滥用 2. fit(adj.)---fitness(n.)健康---unfit(adj.) 3.stress(n.)---stressful(adj.)---stressed(adj.) 4. addicted(adj.)---addiction(n.) 上瘾 5. automatic(adj.)---automatically(adv.)自动的 6.mental(adj.)---mentally(adv.)精神上的 7. effect(n.)---effective(adj.)---effectively(adv.) 8. normal(adj.)正常的---abnormal(adj.) 9. breath(n.)---breathe(v.)---breathless(adj.) 10. strong(adj.)---strength(n.)---strengthen(v.) 11. resolve(n.)---resolution(n.)解决,决心 12. relax(v.)---relaxed/relaxing(adj.) ---relaxation(n.)放松,消遣 13.desperate(adj.)---desperately(adv.)绝望地二、重点单词 1. abuse v&n 滥用; 虐待; 辱骂 14. chemistry(n.)---chemist(n.)药剂师,化学家 15. disappoint(v.)--- disappointment(n.)失望 ---disappointed/disappointing(adj.)失望的16.weak(adj.)--weakness(n.)---weaken(v.)削弱17.ashamed(adj.)羞愧的--shame(n.)羞愧,遗憾 -shameless(adj.)无耻的--shameful(adj.)可耻的18.illegal(adj.)-legal(adj.)合法的--legally(adv.) 19.rob(v.)---robber(n.)---robbery(n.)抢劫20.slip(v.)---slippery(adj.)滑的 21. survive(v.)幸存---survival(n.)--survivor(n.) 22. inject(v.)---injection(n.)注射 23. judge(v.)---judgement(n.)判断 24. embarrass(v.)---embarrassed/embarrassing ---embarrassment(n.)尴尬 v n 滥用 abuse one’s power ____ abuse one’s trust /confidence ___ abuse alcohol/drugs__ the abuse of power____ _ alcohol/drug abuse ___ 虐待 abuse children___ _ child abuse____ _ 辱骂 (un) scream abuse___ _ 2. ban n.&v.禁止;取缔;禁令(say officially that sth is not allowed ) 1) He was banned from ____ _(drive) for 6 months. 2) He started a campaign to ban ____ _ _(smoke) in public places. 3)Our government has put a ban _____ plastic bags. 3. s tress n. 压力; 重要性 vt.重读;强调 stressful 产生压力的 stressed 感到压力的 relieve/reduce/ease/ lessen/lighten stress 缓解压力 under stress/pressure 在压力下 stress the importance of 强调...的重要性 place/lay/put stress on sth.着重强调某事 =attach great importance to sth =put emphasis on sth. 1) *The government should organize varieties of activities to___ _(强调 的重要性) protecting and improving human environment. 4. quit 停止(做某事); 离开 (quit/quitted; quit/quitted) ?离开(工作职位,学校等);离任 quit school 辍学quit office 离职 quit one’s job ?停止;戒掉 quit doing sth. quit the habit ?迁出;搬离 quit the city 1) You must quit __ (smoke) at once for the benefit of you and your family. 2) Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her. She was told six teachers _ _______ (quit) before her.

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