当前位置:文档之家› 吸血鬼日记第一季01台词(中英双语)



The Vampire Diary第一季01

Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret.一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活;

Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.藏身暗处,独自一人。

Until now, I am a vampire.直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。

And this is my story. 这就是我的故事。Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap. 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐。

Y ou know, it wasn't even a band. 你知道吗,那根本连乐队都称不上。

A guy with a guitar. An hour each way.

只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。还有回来的一个小时。Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad. 他没你说的那么糟。Darren: He sounded like James Blunt. 听着还挺像James Blunt。Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that? 不是很好么? Darren: We already have a James Blunt. 我们已经有一个James Blunt.

One's all we need. 我们只需要一个。Darren’ wife: So why did you come? 那你为什么还要来? Darren: Because I love you. 因为我爱你。Darren’ wife: Nicely done. 聪明的回答。

What's with all the fog? 这雾是怎么回事? Darren: It'll clear in a second. 很快就会散去的。Darren’ wife: Watch out! 小心! Darren: Are you ok? 你没事吧? Darren’ wife: We just hit someone! Oh, my god!我们撞到人了! 我的天呐! Darren: Call for help. 打电话叫救护车。

Darren’ wife: Come on, come on! 快接电话!快接啊!Darren: Please be alive! Oh, my god. 千万别出人命啊!哦,老天呐!Darren’ wife: There's no signal! Darren!Darren? 这里没有信号! Darren! Darren? Stefan: I shouldn't have come home. 我不该回来的。

I know the risk. But i had no choice.我知道风险很大,但我别无选择。

I have to know her. 我必须认识她。Elena: Dear diary, today will be different.亲爱的日记: 今天会是不同的一天。

It has to be. 一定要。

I will smile, and it will be believable. 我会发自内心地微笑,那会让他们相信。

My smile was "I’m fine, thank you.""我很好谢谢"。

yes, I feel much better. 是的,我已经好多了。

I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.


I will start fresh, be someone new.我要重新开始,做全新的自己。

It's the only way I’ll make it through.只有这样我才能够渡过难关。Jenna: Toast. I can make toast. 吐司怎么样,我会做吐司。Elena: It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna. Jenna阿姨,有咖啡就行。Jeremy: Is there coffee? 有咖啡吗? Jenna: Y our first day of school and I’m totally unprepared.


Lunch money? 要午饭钱吗? Elena: I'm good. 我不用。Jenna: Anything else? A number two pencil? 还有别的吗? 2B铅笔?

What am I missing? 我还忘了什么? Elena: Don't you have a big presentation today?你今天不是有一个很重要的报告吗? Jenna: I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...我要和论文导师见面...

Now. Crap!约在现在……糟糕! Elena: Then go. We'll be fine. Y ou ok? 快去吧,我们没事的。你还好吧? Jeremy: Don't start. 打住!Bonnie: So gram’s telling me I’m psychic.祖母说我是个女巫。

Our ancestors were from Salem.我们的祖先来自塞伦。

Which isn't all that, I know,crazy. 还不止呢!很离谱,多吧?

But she's going on and on a bout it, and I’m like, put this woman

in a home already! 可她一直说啊说的,我都想把她送去敬老院了。

But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted

Heath Ledger. 但是我开始想,Obama当选,Heath Ledger英年早逝我都料到了。

And I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort

islands. 而且我始终认为佛罗里达会分裂,变成一个个旅游小岛。

Elena! Back in the car. Elena! 还在听我说吗。Elena: I did it again, didn't I? I’m sorry, Bonnie.我又走神了是吗? 对不起,Bonnie。

Y ou were telling me that... 你刚刚跟我说... Bonnie: That I’m psychic now.我现在能通灵了。Elena: Right.Ok, then predict something. About me.对,那就预言一下吧!预测下我。Bonnie: I see... What was that? Oh, my god! 我想想……那是什么东西? 我的天呐!

Elena, are you ok? Elena,你没事吧?

Elena: It's ok. I'm fine. 没事,我很好。Bonnie: It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.

好像是只鸟还是什么东西,不知道从哪儿飞出来的。Elena: Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.

说真的,下半辈子我都不敢碰汽车了。(<美俚>抓狂)Bonnie: I predict this year is gonna be kick ass.

我预言你将红透一整年!(<美俚> 很厉害;了不起)。

And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are

gonna be beyond happy. 我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已过去,你今后会无比幸福快乐!

Major lack of male real estate.现在是优质男市场人才凋零的时期。

Look at the shower curtain on Kelly beach.快看Kelly beach把浴帘裹身上了。

She looks a hot-- can I still say "tranny mess"?

她就像一个打扮俗艳...我能说摩登女郎吗?Elena: No, that’s over.不,已经过时了!Bonnie: Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It's a busy year.

好吧,常言道,谈恋爱吧,让日子充实起来。Elena: He hates me. 他恨我。Bonnie: That's not hate. 那不是恨!

That's "you dumped me, but I’m too cool to show it. But secretly

I’m listening to air supply's greatest hits.”

他是在说"你甩了我,但我不屑于表现出来",但实际上我是悄悄在听空气补给乐团的热门歌曲。Caroline: Elena. Oh, my god. How are you? Elena,我的天呐,你还好吗?

Oh, it's so good to see you. 能见到你真好.

How is she? Is she good? 她怎么样? 她还好吗? Elena: Caroline, I’m right here. Caroline,我就站在这里。

And I’m fine. Thank you.我很好,谢谢!Caroline: Really? 真的吗? Elena: Yes. Much better. 是的,好多了。Caroline: Oh, you poor thing. 噢,小可怜。Elena: Ok, Caroline. 好了,Caroline。Caroline: Ok, see you guys later? 那好,待会儿见!Elena: Ok! Bye. 好!再见!

No comment. I'm not gonna say anything. 无语,我什么也不想说。Jeremy: Don't take more than two in a six-hour window. 六小时内最多吃两片。Tyler: Hey, Vicki. I knew I’d find you here with the crackheads.

嘿,V icki!我就知道你跟这个瘾君子在一起。Vicki: Hey!嘿!Tyler: Pete Wentz called. Pete Wentz打给我了。

He wants his nail polish back. 他想要回他的指甲油。Jeremy: Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?

Pete Wentz吗? 你活在什么年代呀? Carson Daly的粉丝? Vicki: Oh, Tyler, be nice. Be nice. Tyler,别冲动!别冲动!

That's Elena's little brother. 他是Elena的弟弟!Tyler: I know who he is. 我知道他是谁。

I'll still kick his ass. 但我还是要给他点颜色瞧瞧。Bonnie: Hold up. Who's this? 等等,这是谁? Elena: All I see is back. 我只看到个背影。Bonnie: It's a hot back. 很帅的背影。

Teacher: Y our records are incomplete. 你的档案不全。

Y ou're missing immunization records.没有免疫记录。

And we do insist on transcripts. 而且我们必须要看成绩单。Stefan: Please look again. 请您再看一下。

I'm sure everything you need is there. 我确定您要的都在这儿。Teacher: Well, you’re right. So it is.你说得没错,的确如此。Bonnie: I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.

我觉得是个西雅图人,还有他会弹吉他。Elena: Y ou're really gonna run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh? 看来你真是把那种灵媒技能发挥到极致了,是吧? Bonnie: Pretty much. 差不多。Elena: I’ll be right back.我马上回来。Bonnie: Please be hot. 千万要长帅点啊。Man: Whoa! Pants down, chick.裤子掉了,小妞。Elena: Great. It's the first day of school and you're stoned.

很好,开学第一天你就嗑药!Jeremy: No, I’m not.我没有。Elena: Where is it? Is it on you? 在哪儿呢? 在你身上吗? Jeremy: Stop, all right? Y ou need to chill yourself, all right?

住手,你冷静点儿,行吗?Elena: Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool.

我冷静点儿?这算什么?瘾君子的"忠告"?老弟!你可真行啊!Jeremy: Look, stop! I don't have anything on me. 住手,我身上什么也没有。

Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?

Elena: Y ou haven't seen crazy, Jeremy! 你还没见识过我疯的时候呢,Jeremy!

I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy

yourself. 我一个暑假没管你,但是现在我不能再看着你堕落了!

No, no, no, you know what? 不不不,你知道我怎么想的吗?

Go ahead. Keep it up. 你继续,爱干嘛干嘛!

But just know that I am gonna be there to ruin your buzz every

time, you got it? 不过记住了,只要我发现你嗑药,见一次我档一次,听到了吗?

Jeremy, I know who you are. Jeremy,我了解你。

And it's not this person. 你不是现在这样的!

So don't be this person. 所以别再这样了!Jeremy: I don't need this. 用不着你管我。Stefan: Thank you. 谢谢。Teacher: Y ou're welcome. 不客气。Stefan: Uh, pardon me. Is this the men's room? 不好意思,这里是男厕所吗?Elena: Yes. Um, I was just, um…I was just…对,呃,我只是…我刚刚只是…

It’s a long story. Just... Thank you. 说来话长。就是...谢谢。Mr. Tanner:Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861,


It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.


People in Virginia’s northwest region had different ideals

than those from the traditional Deep South.


Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region

joining the union. 所以弗吉尼亚州于1863年分裂,西北部加入了合众国。Elena: Dear diary, I made it through the day. 亲爱的日记本,我熬过了一整天。

I must have said, "I’m fine, thanks," at least 37 times.


And I didn't mean it once. 但没有一次是真心的。

But no one noticed. 不过没人发现。

When someone asks,” how are you?"当别人问起,“你好吗?”时

They really don't want an answer. 他们其实并不想知道答案。

OK. Hi,bird. That's not creepy or anything.好吧!你好,小鸟。没什么好怕的。

That's what I thought. 我就说嘛!Stefan: Y ou ok? 你还好吗?Elena: Were you following me? 你在跟踪我吗?Stefan: No, I, uh, I just…I saw you fall.没有,我…我只是看到你摔倒了。Elena: Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery.

哦,那你是恰巧来墓地散步。Stefan: I'm visiting. I have family here. 我是来祭拜家人的。Elena: Tactless. I'm sorry. 我太失礼了,对不起。

It's the fog, it's making me foggy. 都怪那雾气,把我搞的晕乎乎的!

And then back there, there was this bird, and it was all very

Hitchcock for a second.


That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?


I'm Elena. 我是Elena。

Stefan: I'm Stefan. 我是S tefan。Elena: I know. We have history together. 我知道,我们一起上历史课。Stefan: And English and French. 还有英语课和法语课。Elena: Right. Thanks. Nice ring. 没错。谢谢。很漂亮的戒指。Stefan: Um, it's a family ring, yeah. I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird, huh?哦!是祖传的,我永远不会跟它分开,有点诡异吧?(<美俚> = kind of)Elena: No, no. It's just, I mean.不不。我的意思是。

There are rings and then there's that. 戒指随处可见,这枚却很特别。

Stefan: Did you hurt yourself? 你刚刚是不是摔伤了?

Did you hurt yourself? 你刚刚是不是摔伤了?Elena: Oh, uh, I don't know. 噢,我不知道。

Oh!Look at that. That is not pretty. Y ou ok?瞧瞧,这可不太好看!你没事吧?Stefan: Y ou should go. Take care of that. 你该走了,好好处理下伤口!Elena: Real ly, it’s nothing.这没什么,真的。Stefan: I lost control today. 我今天失控了。

Everything I’ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.


I'm simply not able to resist her. 对她,我毫无抵抗!Jeremy: Hey. 嗨。Vicki: Working. 我在干活。Matt: Thanks, Vick. 谢谢!V ick! Vicki: Do you need another refill? 还要续杯吗?Tyler: I'd love one. 求之不得!

Matt: Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.

请你告诉我,你没有勾搭我妹妹!Tyler:I'm not hooking up with your sister. 我没有勾搭你妹妹!Matt: Y ou're such a dick. 你真是个混蛋。Jeremy: Hey, what's your deal? 嗨!你是怎么回事?

I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you

can't be bothered. 暑假的时候你还好好的,开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗?Vicki: Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals,


but you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.

但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我了。Jeremy: When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?

你上一次和小狗上床是什么时候?Vicki: Hey, keep It down. 嘿!小点声!

I don't want to tell the whole world I deflowered Elena’s kid

brother. 我可不想告诉全世界我让Elena弟弟失贞了。Jeremy: Y eah, and deflowered and deflowered. 是啊!还一次又一次的!Vicki: We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. 以前几次都是药物作怪!

It's over. Y ou gotta back off before you ruin things between me

and Tyler. 但是现在都结束了!趁你没破坏我和Tyler的关系之前,你必须离我远点!Jeremy: Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche. 拜托!那家伙就是一个白痴<美俚>!

He only wants you for your ass. 他只想和你上床而已!Vicki: Y eah? What do you want me for? 是吗?那你和我在一起是为了什么?Caroline: His name is Stefan Salvatore. 他叫Stefan Salvatore。

He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.


He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. 他还是个孩子的时候就离开这了。

Military family, so they moved around a lot. 军人家庭,所以经常搬家。

He's a Gemini.双子座。

And his favorite color is blue. 最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。Bonnie: Y ou got all of that in one day? 才短短一天你就知道了这么多?Caroline: Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period.


We're planning a June wedding. 我们正在筹划一个六月婚礼!Elena: I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill. 我要去grill酒吧见Bonnie !Jenna: Ok, have fun. Wait, I got this. 好的,玩得愉快。等等,我现在应该说。

Don't stay out late, it's a school night. 别玩得太晚,明天还要上课!Elena: Well done, aunt Jenna. 干得不错,Jenna阿姨。Stefan: Sorry, I was about to knock. 抱歉,我正想敲门。

I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it

was... Strange. 我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉,我知道那有点…奇怪。Elena: No worries. I get it.别放在心上,我明白。

Blood makes you squeamish.你晕血。Stefan: Um, something like that. How's your leg? 差不多吧!你的腿怎么样了?Elena: Oh, it's fine. Just a scratch, barely. 哦,没事了,只是皮外伤。

How did you know where I lived? 你怎么知道我住这?Stefan: It's a small town. 这可是个小镇。

I asked the first person I saw. 我问了遇见的第一个人。

Um, I thought you might want this back. 我想你可能想拿回这个。Elena: Oh, I must have dropped it. I...thank you. 哦,我一定是把它弄丢了,谢谢你!Stefan: Don't worry, i didn't... read it. 别担心,我没看!Elena: No? Why not? 没看?为什么不看?

Most people would have. 大多数人都会看的!Stefan: Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine. 因为我也不想别人看我的。Elena: Y ou keep a journal? 你记日记?Stefan: Y eah, if I don't write it down, I forget it. 是的,如果我不记下来,我就会忘!

Memories are too important. 记忆弥足珍贵。Elena: Yeah. I'm just gonna, um, you don't have to stay out there.

是的。我正要去……,你不用一直站在门外。Stefan: I'm fine. 没关系。

Sorry, were you going somewhere? 不好意思,你刚刚是不是打算要出去?Elena: Yeah, I’m meeting a friend.是的,我要去见一个朋友。

Do you want to come? 你要一起来吗?Matt: How's Elena doing? Elena还好吗?Bonnie: Her mom and dad died. How do you think? 她父母去世了,你觉得呢?

She's putting on a good face.她装作没事的样子。

But it's only been four months. 可毕竟才四个月嘛!Matt: Has she said anything about me? 她有提到我吗?Bonnie: Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. 没有,所以别再犹豫了!

Y ou pick up the phone and call her. 直接打电话给她吧!

Matt: I feel weird calling her. 我觉得打电话给她很奇怪。

She broke up with me. 她和我分手了。Bonnie: Give it more time, Matt. 多给她点儿时间,Matt。Matt: More time, huh? 多给点儿时间,是吗?

Hey, I’m Matt, nice to meet you.你好,我是Matt,很高兴认识你!Stefan: Hi, Stefan. 你好,S tefan。Caroline: So, you were born in mystic falls? 所以,你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的?Stefan: And moved when I was still young. 不过我小时候就搬走了。Caroline: Parents? 你父母呢?Stefan: My parents passed away. 我父母去世了!Elena: I'm sorry. Any siblings? 抱歉!兄弟姐妹呢?Stefan: None that I talk to. I live with my uncle.都很久没联系了,我和叔叔住在一起。Caroline: So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow. 那么Stefan,既然你刚来,应该还不知道明天的派对吧?Bonnie: It's a back to school thing at the falls. 就是秋季的返校活动。Stefan: Are you going? 你会去吗?Bonnie: Of course she is. 她当然会去。Zach: Y ou promised. 你答应过的。

BODIES FOUND MUTILA TED BY ANIMAL 发现被动物撕裂的尸体Stefan: This was an animal attack. 这是一起野兽袭击。Zach: Don't give me that. I know the game. 少来这套,我知道怎么回事。

Y ou tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack.


Y ou said you had it under control. 你说过你能控制自己了!Stefan: And I do. 我是做到了!Zach: Please, Uncle Stefan. 求你了,Stefan叔叔!

Mystic falls is a different place now. 神秘瀑布镇和以前不一样了。

It's been quiet for years.虽然这儿已经平静了很多年了。

But there are people who still remember. 但是还是有人记得的。

And you being here.现在你来了。

It's just going stir things up. 这只会激起往事!Stefan: It's not my intention. 这不是我来这的目的。Zach: Then what is? Why did you come back? 那是什么? 你为什么要回来?

After all this time, why now? 都这么长时间了!为什么是现在?Stefan: I don't have to explain myself. 我不需要自我辩解吧?Zach: I know that you can't change what you are. 我知道你没法改变你自己!

But you don't belong here anymore. 但你也不再属于这里了!Stefan: Where do I belong? 那我属于哪里?Zach: I can't tell you what to do. 我无法告诉你你该怎么做。

But coming back here was a mistake. 但回到这里是个错误!Mr. Tanner: The battle of willow creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls.


How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms.Bennett?

在这场战争中有多少受害者遇难?Bennett小姐?Bonnie:Um…a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot. 很多? 我不确定,就是很多。

Mr. Tanner: Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett.


Mr. Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to

overcome your embedded jock stereotype?

Donovan先生,你愿意借此机会改变一下你玩世不恭的形象吗?Matt: It's ok, Mr. Tanner, I’m cool with it. 不必了,Tanner先生,我觉得这样挺好!Mr. Tanner: Hmm,Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?

Elena? 你一定可以给我们讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧?Elena: I'm sorry, I… I don't know.抱歉,我... 我不知道。Mr. Tanner: I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena, 因为某种原因,如果是去年,我可以完全通融,Elena。

But the personal excuses ended with summer break.

但私人情感在暑假结束前就该做个了结!Stefan: There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians.

除了本地居民,有346人遇难。Mr. Tanner: That's correct. Mister... 正确,…先生?Stefan: Salvatore. Salvatore。Mr. Tanner: Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at mystic falls? Salvatore。在神秘瀑布镇有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗?Stefan: Distant. 远亲。Mr. Tanner: Well, very good. 哦,很好!

Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this

battle. 除此之外,当然,战争中没有本地居民遇难。Stefan: Actually, there were 27, sir. 事实上,有27人,先生!

Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be

housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss.


The founder's archives are, uh, Stored in civil hall if you'd like to

brush up on your facts. Mr. Tanner.

市政厅有发起人的档案。你可以去那温习一下。Tanner先生。Man: What do you mean, you never hooked up? 什么意思?你从不钓凯子?Caroline: People look up to me. 大家都仰慕我。

I have to set an example. 我总得树立榜样。

Just admit it, Elena. 你就承认了吧!Elena!Elena: Oh, ok, so he's a little pretty. 哦!好吧!他是挺帅的!

He has that romance novel stare. 他有浪漫小说中男主角那深邃的眼神。Bonnie: Stefan looked deep into her eyes,Stefan深情地看着她。

piercing her very soul. 像要看穿她的灵魂。Caroline: Hey!you made it! 嗨!你来啦! Stefan: I did. 是啊!Caroline: Well, let’s get you a drink.去喝一杯吧!Stefan: Well, I’m…可我... Caroline: Oh, come on. 哦!来嘛!Bonnie: So where is he? 他在哪?Elena: I don't know. Y ou tell me, 不知道,你告诉我吧。

you're the psychic one. 你说你能通灵。Bonnie: Right, I forgot. Ok, so give me a sec. 对啊!我差点忘了!好吧,给我一秒钟。

Grams says I have to concentrate. 祖母说我必须集中注意力。Elena: Wait,you need a crystal ball.Ta da.What?等等,你需要个水晶球,来了!怎么了?Bonnie: That was weird. 好奇怪!

When I touched you, I saw a crow. 我碰到你时,我看见了一只乌鸦。Elena: What? 什么? Bonnie: A crow. There was fog, a man. 一只乌鸦,浓雾密布,一个男人。

I'm drunk. It's the drinking. 我醉了,酒精作用。

There's nothing psychic about it. 跟通灵无关。

Y eah? Ok, I’m gonna get a refill. 是吧? 那么,我要再来一杯。Elena: Ok. Bonnie! 好吧!Bonnie! Stefan:Hi! 嗨!Elena: Hi!嗨!Stefan: I did it again, didn't it? 我又吓到你了,对吧?Elena: yeah. 没错。Stefan: I'm sorry. Y ou're upset about something. 不好意思,你有点不高兴啊。Elena: Oh, uh, no, it's Bonnie. She's... 哦!没有,Bonnie 她...

Y ou know what? Never mind. Y ou're... Here.你知道吗?不想了!你...来了呀!Stefan: I'm here. 我来了!Elena: Y ou know, you’re kind of the talk of the town.

你知道吗?你是全镇的话题人物。Stefan: Am I?是吗?Elena: Mm-hmm,Mysterious new guy, oh, yeah. 嗯哼,神秘的新人,就是这样。Stefan: Well, you have the mysterious thing going, too. 你也挺神秘的。

Twinged in sadness. 满脸哀伤。Elena: What makes you think that I’m sad?你为什么觉得我很悲伤?Stefan: Well, we did meet in a graveyard. 我是在墓地遇见你的!Elena: Right. Well, no, technically we met in the men's room.


Y ou don't want to know, it’s...你不会想知道,这个...

It's not exactly party chit-chat. 这可不算是派对闲聊话题。Stefan: Well, I’ve never really been very good at, uh, chit-chat.

我一直都不太善长闲聊。Elena: Last spring...My parents' car drove off of a bridge into the lake.


And I was in the backseat and I survived, but...我就在后座,我幸免了,可...

They didn't. So that's my story. 他们却没有,这就是我的故事。Stefan: Y ou won't be sad forever, Elena. 你不会永远都悲伤的,Elena!Vicki: No, Tyler. I'm not having sex against a tree. 不!Tyler!我可不想靠着树做爱。Tyler: Oh, come on, It would be hot.. 哦!别这样,多刺激啊!Vicki: For who? No, it’s not gonna happen.对谁而言? 不,不行。

It's not gonna happen, not here, not like this. 不行!不是在这!也不是这样!

No.I said no. I said no! Ow, that hurts! 不!我说了不!我说了不! 嗷!好痛!Jeremy: Hey, leave her alone. 嘿!放开她!Tyler: Y ou know, you’re starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert.

你让我有点反感,Gilbert!Vicki: Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me. 快滚!Tyler,离我远点!Tyler: Wow,Vicki Donovan says no. 哇,V icki Donovan居然会说不?

That's a first. 还是第一次啊!Vicki: I didn't need your help. 我不需要你帮忙!Jeremy: It seems like you did. 但是看起来你需要。Vicki: He was just drunk. 他只是喝醉了。Jeremy: I'm drunk. Am I throwing myself at you? 我也喝醉了!我这样对你了吗?Vicki: No, you're worse. 不!你更糟!

Y ou want to talk to me, get to know me. 你想跟我聊天,了解我。

See into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me. 看穿我,不断搞我,直到你厌倦我了!Jeremy: Is that what you think? 你就是这么想的吗?Vicki: That's what I know. 我知道一定是这样的!Stefan: I like Bonnie, 我喜欢Bonnie。

she seems like a good friend.她像是个很好的朋友。Elena: Best friend in the world. 这世上最好的朋友!Stefan: And Matt, he can't seem to. 而Matt,他好像不是。

Uh, take his eyes off of us. 他一直盯着我们不放!Elena: Matt's that friend since childhood that you start dating,


Because you owe it to yourselves to see if you can be more.

因为感觉想看看自己是否能和他往下发展。Stefan: And? 然后呢?Elena: And then my parents died.然后我父母去世了。

And everything changes. 一切都变了!

Anyway, Matt and I,together we just, i don't know, it wasn't, um...

It wasn't... 不管怎么样,Matt和我在一起,我不知道,一直没有...没有... Stefan: Passionate. 激情!Elena: No. No, it wasn't passionate. 对!对!没有一点激情!

Hey, um, are you ok? 嘿,你还好吧?

Um, your eye, it just, it's…你的眼睛,有点... Stefan: Y eah, no. It's, um, it's nothing. 没事,没什么!

Um, are you thirsty? I'm gonna get us a drink. 你渴了吗? 我去拿点喝的!Vicki: Jeremy? Is that you? Jeremy? Jeremy? 是你吗?Jeremy?Matt: Looking for someone? 在找人吗?Elena:Hey! 嗨!Matt:When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone. 当初你跟我分手的时候,你说你需要一个人静一静。

Y ou don't look so alone to me. 在我看来你并不是一个人。Elena: Matt, you don't understand. It’s…Matt,你不明白,这... Matt: that's ok, Elena. Y ou do what you have to do.没关系,Elena,你做什么都可以!

I just want to let you know that...我只是想让你知道...

I still believe in us. 我对我们的感情仍有信心!

And I’m not giving up on that. 而且我决不会放弃!Elena: Matt. Matt。Caroline: Hey!There you are. 嘿,原来你在这里。

Have you been down to the falls yet? 你去看过瀑布了吗?


吸血鬼日记经典台词 1、I will start fresh,be some one new. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 2、It's the only way I'll make it through. 这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。 3、No comment. 不予评论 4、You need to chill yourself,all right? 你的冷静点,行吗? 5、Keep it up. 爱干嘛干嘛 6、It is long story. 说来话长 7、I lost control today. 今天我失控了 8、Everything I;ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. 我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。 9、You are such a dick. 你真是个混蛋。

10、Memories are too inportant. 记忆弥足珍贵。 11、i'm not giving up on that. 我不会放弃。 12、Do not suilt you. 一点都不适合你。 13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question. 你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。 14、She took my breath away. 她把我的灵魂都吸走了。 15、Let's just cut to the chase. 我们直截了当。 16、I was impressed. 真令我印象深刻。 17、Ashes and Ashes 灰飞烟灭 18、People are going to stop giving you breaks. 人们总是针锋相对。


吸血鬼日记第一季第二十一集 Previously on "the vampire diaries"... "吸血鬼日记"前景提要... For over a century, I have lived in secret... 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk. 直到现在我知道这很冒险 But I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她 The original Johnathan Gilbert had an invention 老Johnathan Gilbert有个发明 that was stolen by a vampire. Her name was pearl. 被吸血鬼偷了她叫Pearl I gave your device to Damon. 我把东西给Damon了 Why don't you ask him for it yourself? 你怎么不自己去找他要? Oh! 哦! Mom! Mama! 妈妈! 妈妈! My wife Isobel spent her life 我的妻子Isobel一生致力于 researching paranormal activity in this area. 这一地区奇异事件研究 - What have you done to my wife? - I turned her. - 你对我妻子做了什么? - 我咬了她 Why do I look like Katherine? 为什么我会长得像Katherine? - You were adopted. - This girl showed up, - 你是收养的- 这个女孩儿出现了 and about to give birth. 岁的临产少女 What else do you know about her? 关于她你还知道什么? - Just her name... Isobel. - Stop looking. - 只知道名字... 叫Isobel - 别看了 She doesn't want to know you. 她不想见你 She's alive? Does that mean she's a... 她还活着? 意思是她是个... Aah! 啊! Hello, Rick. Rick 又见面了 Isobel. 嘿Isobel Heh. 呵 It's good to see you. 见到你真好 You look good. 你看起来不错 I hear that you're a high-school history teacher? 听说你是个高中历史老师? How... how is that? 工作... 工作怎么样? Where have you been, Isobel? 你去哪儿了Isobel? I don't have any reasons that are gonna comfort you. 我没有你想要的答案 I don't have any explanations that are gonna satisfy you. 也没有能使你满意的解释 I wanted this. 我就想这样 It's that simple? 就这么简单? Yeah. 是的 You were supposed to mourn me and move on. 你应该哀悼我然后继续自己的生活 You were my wife. 你是我妻子 And I loved you. 而且我爱你 How could I not search for you? 我怎么能不找你? Because I wasn't lost, Rick. 因为我并不是一时鬼迷心窍Rick - I understand that you know my daughter


吸血鬼日记第一季13 Previously on "The V ampire Diaries..." 吸血鬼日记前情提要... For over a century I have lived in secret... 一个世纪以来我秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk, 直到现在我知道这很冒险 - but I have to know her. - Elena... - 但我必须要认识她- Elena... she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 她简直是Katherine的翻版 Y ou have no idea of the future I have planned for us. 你知道我替我们计划的将来么 Y ou, me, and Damon. 你我和Damon Our love for Katherine wasn't real, Damon. Damon 我们并不爱Katherine Katherine never compelled me. I knew everything. Katherine从没强迫我我知道一切 It was real for me. 我的爱是真的 I'm going to bring her back. 我要把她带回来 Tell me how to get into the tomb. 告诉我怎样进入墓穴 - The grimoire. - Where is it? - 用魔法书- 在哪? Check the journal, Jonathan Gilbert's. 在Jonathan Gilbert的日记里 Can I borrow your ancestor's journal? 我能借一下你祖先的日记吗? I gave it to my history teacher. 我给历史老师了 - Alaric Saltzman. - Damon. - 我叫Alaric Saltzman - 我叫Damon So the grimoire, that was Emily's, right? 那本魔法书... 是Emily的对吧? That's what you need to reverse the spell? 你要用它解除咒语? - I'll help you. - Ok. - 我会帮助你的- 好I told Damon that I'd help him get Katherine back. 我跟Damon说我会帮他把Katherine带回来But it was a lie. I can't let him do it. 可我说的是假话我不能让他恣意妄为Then don't. And I'll help you. Whatever it takes. 那就阻止他我会帮你的不遗余力的帮你Please! 求求你! Please, help us! 求求你救救我们! Please, my husband, he's been hurt! 我丈夫受伤了! Please help! 帮帮我们吧! What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? 大半夜的你在这干嘛? It's not safe. 这里不安全 No. No, sir. 对对先生 It's not safe. 确实不安全 And that's how it's done. 过程就是这样 What happens to the bodies? 那些尸体怎么办? Well, I'll take them into the woods 我会把他们弄到森林里 and the other animals will finish them off. 其他动物会解决掉的 Are you sure you're ready for this? 你真的准备好了? I'm ready. 是的 I want you to turn me. 快把我变成吸血鬼吧 When it's time. 等时机成熟 Kiss me. 吻我 Y ou should get a taste.


看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季04集 previously on "the vampire diaries"... 吸血鬼日记前情提要 for over a century, i have lived in secret,until now. 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地生活 直到现在 i know the risk, but i have to know her. 我知道风险很大,但我必须认识她。elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine. Elena,她和Katherine长的一模一样。 our love for katherine wasn't real, damon. 我们对Katherine的爱不是真的,Damon。i'm gonna bring her back. 我要把她带回来。 - i'm anna. - uh, jemy. -我叫Anna。 -我是Jemy。 you know, my great-grandfather actually showed me a journal. 我的曾曾祖父给我看过一本日记。 he had written all of this creepy stuff about vampires. 他记录了所有这些令人毛骨悚然的吸血鬼的事。 your turn any sad relationship stories? 该你了,有什么悲剧的恋爱经历么? fell in love, married young... 先是坠入爱河,然后年纪轻轻就结婚。。 wife died. 跟着老婆死了。 i've never been in your room before. 我以前还真没进过你的屋子呢。 elena? Elena? who am i to you? 我对你来说算什么? you are not katherine. 你和Katherine不一样。 why do i look like her? 那怎么我们看起来那么像?you were adopted. 你是被收养的。 how you doin' in there? 你没事吧。 stefan, who was that man in the road? Stefan,路中间那个人是谁? i don't know. do you remember anything else about him? 我不知道,你记得什么其他和他有关的细节么? i wish. 记得就好了。 i never really saw his face. 我都没看到他的脸。 he was wearing a hoodie.all i caremember is that 他穿了件卫衣。 there was these black boots coming towards me. 我只记得他那双黑色靴子朝我逼近。 i brought some vervain 我又带来些马鞭草。 for, um-- for you and jenna. 给你和Jenna用。 and, um, i made this bracelet for jeremy,few extra on for friends. 我还帮Jermy做了这个手镯,还有些多的给亲朋好友。 you can put it in jewelry, 你可以把它们放在首饰里, or you can even put it in food or drink, 也可以放在吃的或者喝的里面。 but as long as it's in you or on you,a vampire cannot control you. 只要这玩意在你体内或者体外,吸血鬼就控制不了你。 wow. so much to remember. 哇噢,用起来还蛮复杂的吗。 i know, but there's another vampire in town 我知道,但镇上还有只吸血鬼。 so until we find out who it is and what he wants, 在我们找出他是谁,有什么企图之前, we have to be careful.


People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences. 人们做好事的理由有很多,但有时好事却招致恶果。——《绝望主妇》 I have the one thing that you never will. Her respect. 我拥有你这辈子都得不到的东西,她的尊敬。——《吸血鬼日记》 Too late to turn back now. 现在回头为时已晚。——《绯闻女孩》 Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。——《绝望主妇》 If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 舍不得孩子套不着狼。——《吸血鬼日记》 Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。——《神探夏洛克》 Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》 Y ou make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you let me, I’ll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。——《老友记》 Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。——《绝望主妇》 Happy to know you still care. 很高兴知道你还会关心我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Right now you're my priority, not business. 现在我的重心是你不是工作.——《绯闻女孩》


Mystic Falls... I was born here. This is my home. - And mine. - And mine. For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers... - witches. - And even hybrids. Then there's Elena. She's one of us now. You're a vampire now... You just have to learn the right way to be one. And I'm gonna teach you. Now there's a hunter in town, determined to kill us all. There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there? And only I know his secret. You're one of the five. So what is all this? Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook. You know for a fact he was supernatural? Definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appears just as someone blows up the entire founders' council, covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all people in the world, seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of the five. And then he kamikazes himself with explosives. - Seem natural to you? - What's the five? That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook. Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff. What? That's...concerning. Keep me posted. What, you're not going to tell me? I can't tell you. It's private. We're in a fight. You're in a fight, I'm not in a fight. I'm over it. I've been over it. You're not still mad at me about Elena? You let her feed on you. I'm always going to be mad at you. But we're not in a fight. Very well, then. They didn't find any remains at the explosion site. So Connor's still out there.


吸血鬼日记第一季16 Previously, on "The Vampire Diaries"... "吸血鬼日记" 前情提要... For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. 直到现在 I know the risk, 我知道这很冒险 but I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她 Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Elena 她简直就是Katherine的翻版 What happened to your face? 你的脸怎么了? It's nothing. 没什么 It didn't look like nothing. 这看起来可不像没什么 Matty tells me you broke his heart. Matty说你伤透了他的心 - Mom. - He found his rebound girl. - 妈- 他有新欢了 There's a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有一个墓穴 You saved everyone in the church? 你把教堂里的所有人都放出来了? vampires, Damon. 个吸血鬼啊Damon You can't just bring them back. 你不能只把他们带回来就完了 It's Harper. 是Harper I'm glad you found us. 很高兴你找到了我们 Annabelle, close the door, please. Annabelle 请关上门 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d13433866.html,==-- 仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d13433866.html,==-- 协调:忧心如熏 时间轴: Idol 翻译: *叶* Flower一休Miller's玫瑰星河fabulous_carr 校对: 甜蜜的向往夏天的熏风 Hey. Bouffin. 嘿Bouffin What are you guys watching? 你们看什么呢? You guys have been watching the same thing the whole time? 你们一直没换过台看得不烦啊? There are over channels. It's called a remote control. 有超过个频道呢这个叫遥控器 This button changes the channel. 用这个按钮换台 Hold it like this. 这样拿着 Hmm. 嗯 Did you get enough, sweetheart? 饱了吗亲爱的? For now. 目前饱了 Anna, are you hungry? Anna 你饿了吗? Do you want a little? 想吸些吗? No. Thank you, Miss Givens. 不谢谢Givens小姐 Why don't you lay down for a while and get some rest? 你为什么不躺下休息会儿呢? She's fine. 她没事 Aren't you, Miss Givens? 是吧Givens小姐? Of course, I am. 当然了我没事 I'm fine. 一点事都没有 吸血鬼日记第一季第集 Hey, mom.


1、I will start fresh,be some one new.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 2、It's the only way I'll make it through.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。 3、No comment.不予评论 4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你得冷静点,行吗? 5、Keep it up.坚持下去。 6、It is a long story.说来话长 7、I lost control today.今天我失控了 8、Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。 9、You are such a jerk.你真是个混蛋。 10、Memories are too important.记忆弥足珍贵。 11、I'm not giving up on that.我不会放弃。 12、Do not suit you.一点都不适合你。 13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。 14、She took my breath away.她把我的灵魂都吸走了。 15、Let's just cut to the chase.我们直截了当。 16、I was impressed.真令我印象深刻。 17、Ashes and Ashes灰飞烟灭 18、People are going to stop giving you breaks.人们总是针锋相对。 19、They just don't care anymore.他们不再互相关心。 20、She's always the one that everyone picks.她总是人见人爱。 21、I want to change who I was.我想改变我自己。 22、You called,and I am here. 你让我过来,我就来了。 23、Everything's going be fine. 一切都会好的。(频率好高) 24、We need to talk. 我们需要谈谈。(频率更高) 25、I fancy you. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are full of light. I enjoy you.我迷上你了。你坚强美丽、活力四射。我喜欢你。 26、I want you to know, that I will always be here for you, you can come to me about anything.我要你知道,我会一直在你身边,你有任何事都可以来找我. 27、You’re always one step from a maybe.你总是举棋不定 28、Don’t hide from me. 不要躲避我 29、I’ll help you, whatever it takes.无论如何我都会帮你 30、Why so nosy? 八卦什么 31、Sweet dream/sleep tight /nighty-night好梦 32、Settle down 冷静 33、See you around. 后会有期 34、No more lies. 坦诚相待


吸血鬼日记第一季17 Previously on "the vampire diaries"... "吸血鬼日记" 前情提要... For over a century, I have lived in secret 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk, 直到现在我知道这很冒险 but I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她 There's a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有个墓穴 A spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her. 咒语把Katherine封在墓里为了保护她 I'm gonna bring her back. 我要把她找回来 She's not there! 她不在这里! You saved everyone in the church? 你把教堂里所有人都救出来了? We've taken up residence in a farmhouse just outside of town. 我们在镇子外的一个农场定居下来了 - All vampires? - Some. - 全部个吸血鬼? - 只有一些 I hate this house. I didn't stay locked up for years 我恨这所房子我被锁了年好不容易出来了 to end up locked up here. 但最后还是被困在这里 Aah! 啊! Ugh! 啊! So, where's Bethanne? Bethanne呢? She won't be coming back. 她回不来了 My wife Isabelle spent her life 我的妻子Isabelle倾其一生 researching paranormal activity in this area. 研究这个地区的超自然现象 - What have you done to my wife? - I turned her. - 你把我的妻子怎么样了? - 我把她变成吸血鬼了 Maybe there is such a thing as vampires. 或许吸血鬼确实存在 They're just different from the way we always thought they were. 只是他们和我们想象的不太一样罢了 Aah! 啊! You got a problem with blood, Anna? 你害怕见到血吗Anna? Ahh! 啊! I knew this girl Vicki. 我认识一个叫Vicki的女孩儿 She was attacked by an animal, a bite to the neck. 她被一种动物袭击了咬到了颈部 And then I saw your face. 之后我看到了你的脸部变化 Why would you confront me about it? 你为什么敢让我这么做? Because maybe it's true about Vicki. 因为或许Vicki确实是吸血鬼 And also because I want you to turn me. 还因为我想让你把我变成吸血鬼 I love storms. 我爱死暴风雨了 That a vampire thing? 吸血鬼都这样吗? 'Cause I read vampires don't like raining water. 因为据我所知吸血鬼是不喜欢下雨的天气的 It's only Dracula. 只有Dracula不喜欢雨天(德古拉伯爵吸血鬼) Yeah. He was a complete wuss. 切他就是一个胆小鬼 Never showered. V ery smelly. 而且从来都不洗澡浑身臭味


00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:48,290 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作 更多美剧下载请登陆 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d13433866.html, 2 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:48,290 ■ 3 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,000 翻译:内丘桃smile jason j&s 4 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,000 ■ 5 00:01:32,830 --> 00:01:35,830 翻译: Kevin.Young 默默双宿小肥道士 6 00:01:32,830 --> 00:01:35,830 ■ 7 00:01:36,000 --> 00:01:39,000 校对:桃金娘银中转:渔夫时间轴: 3+4) 8 00:01:36,000 --> 00:01:39,000 ■ 9 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:44,000 后期: zwzy_1007(胖胖) 剧集总监:桃金娘银 10 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:44,000

11 00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:35,360 《吸血鬼日记》第一季第十集 The Vampire Diaries S01E10 12 00:39:07,050 --> 00:39:10,240 欢迎有能力的影视爱好者加入我们字幕组 加入仅凭个人兴趣爱好没有任何金钱实质回报 13 00:39:07,050 --> 00:39:10,240 ■ 14 00:00:01,690 --> 00:00:04,480 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着 For over a cecentury, I've living in secret until now. 15 00:00:04,480 --> 00:00:06,580 我知道这很冒险但我必须认识她 I know the risk, but I have to know her. 16 00:00:06,580 --> 00:00:08,550 埃琳娜她和凯瑟琳长的一摸一样 Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 17 00:00:08,550 --> 00:00:10,970 -你好老弟 -达蒙 - Hello, brother. - Damon. 18 00:00:11,150 --> 00:00:12,660 被我咬死叫罗根的那个家伙


美剧中那些励志的英文经典台词 Don't let your pride leave you all alone. 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。——《吸血鬼日记》 I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself. 之前我一直认为,世界上最悲伤的事情就是失去你深爱的人,但是我错了。世界上最悲伤的事情是你意识到,你迷失了自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 When you lose somebody, every candle, every paryer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. 当你失去一个人,每一支蜡烛,每一段祷告都不能改变这个事实,你仅有的只有忍受那个你在意的人曾在你心里居住的地方变成一个洞。——《吸血鬼日记》 I will start fresh. 我要重新开始,做全新的自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠行动争取的。——《吸血鬼日记》 I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in.Well,this is reality.Right here. 我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起,现实的生活开始...是的,这就是现实,就在这里。——《吸血鬼日记》 If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you. 不要选择轻松的那条路。别让这个世界惯坏你。——《行尸走肉》 Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself. 最好不要忽略过去,而是从中得到些教训,否则历史会不断重复上演。——《绯闻女孩》The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be. 变形金刚的故事告诉我们,事情的真相往往与其外在表现不同。——《生活大爆炸》My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. In the absence of suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. 亲爱的,当悲剧降临,我们总想把责任归咎于他人。如果无人可以指责,我们往往责备自己。——《唐顿庄园》 If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事?——《权力的游戏》 小李子获奥斯卡影帝感言全文:附语言点精析 Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Hugh Glass in The Revenant, and he delivered a powerful message about climate change while accepting his award on Sunday night.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥最终因在《荒野猎人》中饰演休·格拉斯获得了第一个奥斯卡小金人,他在周日晚上的一番领奖词提到了气候变化,并传递了满满的正能量。 “The Revenant was a product of the tireless effortsof the unbelievable cast and crewI got to work alongside.”


第一季 第一集 Elena:Dear diary, I couldn’t have been more wrong I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; pretend like it would all be OK Stefan:I had a plan I wanted to change who I was; create a life as someone new, someone without the past Elena:Without the pain Elena& Stefan:someone alive Elena:But it’s not that easy The bad things stay with you Stefan:They follow you You can’t escape them, as much as you want to Elena:All you can do is be ready for the good So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it I need it 埃琳娜:亲爱的日记我真是大错特错。 本以为可以微笑应付自如假装一切都可以好起来 斯特凡:我本来有个计划 想改变自己 塑造全新的自我没有过去 埃琳娜:没有痛苦 埃琳娜&斯特凡:充满活力 埃琳娜:但并非易事 困难总是追随你 斯特凡:不愿离去 无论多么渴望都无法摆脱 埃琳娜:唯一能做的就是为美好的明天做好准备 当它降临时能欣然接受因为我们需要它 我需要它 第五集 Elena:I tried I want so much to make things right, But every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful What you don’t know can hurt you 埃琳娜:我竭尽全力

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词 !【美剧知识】

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词!【美剧知识】 【纸牌屋】 1. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain...The sort of pain that's only suffering.痛苦分两种。一种让你变得更强......另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。 2. And a person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.一个人的品行,不取决于这人如何享受胜利,而在于这人如何忍受失败。【绯闻女孩】 3. Three words. Eight Letters. Say it and I'm yours.三个字。八个字母。说出来,我就是你的了。 4. Sometimes you have to let things go,so there's room for better things to come into your life.有些事情我们必须放弃,才有精力去迎接更美好的生活。【吸血鬼日记】 5. If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss.你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 6. Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?生活太残酷了,如果我们不相信爱,还能为什么而活呢?【生活大爆炸】 7. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了


【Katherine】 1.kiss me or kill me. 吻我或者杀了我。 2.Better you die than I die 你死总比我死好。 3.Hello, John;goodbye ,John. 你好,John;再见,John. 【Damon】 1.I don't deserve you ,but my bother does. 我配不上你,但是我弟弟可以。 2.I will always choose you. 我一直都会选择你。 3.I don't mind being the bad guy;I'll make all the life and death decisions,while you'r ebusy worrying about collateral damage.I'll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I'll be the one to keep her alive. 我不介意当一个坏人;但你还在忙于考虑利害关系,我已经做了生死决定;我甚至会让她因为而恨我;但是到了最后,只有我能让她活下来。 4.I promise you, I will never leave you again 我向你承诺,我永远都不会再离开你 5.Two is company,three is party。两人作伴,三人聚会 6.No matter where you go ,I will be there to pull you back;Cause right now, you are all I got. 无论你走多远,我都会在这里拉你回来;因为现在,我只有你了。 7.Because when people see good,they expect good.And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations. 因为当人们看见好的一面,他们就期待好的。而我不想活在人们的期望中。 【Stefan 】 1.For over a century,I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows. Alone in the world. 一个世纪以来,我都秘密的活着,藏匿在黑暗中,独自一人。 2.I know the risk, but I have no choice,I have to know her. 我知道这有危险,但我没有选择,我必须认识她 3.I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well,this is reality.Right here. 我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起,现实的生活开始,是的,这就是现实。 4.All I need in the world is my brother. 我要的是我哥哥能在这个世界上。 5.No matter what I go through to get her back,trying to fight against my blood lust a nd control of my life again.None of that matter if she has feelings for somebody else.无论我做什么来赢回他的心,试着控制我的嗜血并重新掌握我的人生;但是如果她心里还有别人,我所做的将毫无意义。 6.Nothing wrong in free will. You'll know untill you lose it. 自由意志没什么不对,当你失去它,你才会知道。 7.If let myself care ,all I feel is pain. 如果我让自己在乎,我能感觉到的只有痛苦。

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