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2009 ~2010 学年度 高职2008 级航海技术系(航海技术专业)《通信英语》测试试卷(3) 一、单选(54%) 1.Ships at sea are in urgent need of MSI because they are _______ various kinds of danger. A subject for B liable to C easy to meet D always encounter 2.Maritime Safety Information means _________. A meteorological warnings B meteorological forecasts C other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships D a, b & c are right 3.WWNWS broadcasts _________ kinds of navigational warnings by means of radio for mariners. A Four B Three C Several D a lot of 4.The WWNWS establishes ________ types of navigational warnings. They are _______. A 3/NAVAREA, Coastal and local warnings B 3/Navigational, Meteorological and other urgent warnings C 4/distress, urgent, safety and routine D 3/Vital, Important, and Routine warnings 5.It is preferable for ships lying _______ to receive MSI to ensure safe navigation. A both at sea or in port B in international waters C at the anchorage C in narrow channel 6.Which of the following statements is right? A The SART can be auto-operated in vertical position some time B The SART can be auto-operated in a parallel position at any time C The SART can by auto-operated under the water sometimes D The SART can be auto-operated in float-free position when combined with EPIRB. 7.When a ship sinks, a ______ satellite EPIRB is _______ activated. A stationary/automatically B float free/manually C vertical/automatically D float free/automatically 8.What language does International NAVTEX use? A Russian B French C English D German 9. The GMDSS must combine all various subsystems, because ______. A they all have different limitations with respect to coverage B they all have different limitations in the technology they use C different systems apply to different ships D all of above 10. The GMDSS is composed of ______. A satellite and terrestrial communication systems B only navigation and alerting systems C just MSI system and locating system D SAR co-ordination system 11. The first communication satellite was used for the purpose of _____. A taking the place of the radio system B introducing a new life-saving system C saving the vessels in distress D improving the communication on land 12. The distress alert from RCC through coast station is a ______ alert.


移动通讯词汇(中英) 数字、英文 1/4比特数quarter bit number AGC恢复时间AGC recovery time AGC启动时间AGC attack time ATM技术asynchronous transfer technics, 异步转移模式,为多种速率信息的情况下研究的一种合适的传输与交换方式。 GSM 泛欧数字蜂窝移动通信系统GSM PLMN接入能力GSM PLMN access capability GSM PLMN连接类型属性 GSM PLMN connection type attribute GSM公共陆地移动网 GSM PLMN 用户身份模块:SIM J-K触发器J-K flip-flop M-序列M-sequence N进制数字信号n-ary digital system RS-232总线RS-232 bus A 安全地线 safe ground wire 安全特性 security feature 安装线 hook-up wire 按半周进行的多周期控制multicycle controlled by half-cycle 按键电话机p ush-button telephone set 按需分配多地址 demand assignment multiple access(DAMA) 按要求的电信业务demand telecommunication service 按组编码 encode by group B 八木天线Yagi antenna 白噪声white Gaussian noise 白噪声发生器white noise generator 半波偶极子halfwave dipole 半导体存储器 semiconductor memory 半导体集成电路semiconductor integrated circuit 半双工操作semi-duplex operation 半字节Nib 包络负反馈peak envelop negative feed-back 包络延时失真envelop delay distortion 薄膜thin film 薄膜混合集成电路thin film hybrid integrated circuit 保护比(射频) protection ratio (RF) 保护时段guard period 保密通信secure communication 报头header 报文分组packet 报文优先等级message priority 报讯alarm 备用工作方式spare mode 背景躁声background noise 倍频frequency multiplication 倍频程actave 倍频程滤波器octave filter 被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification 被呼用户优先priority for called subscriber 本地PLMN local PLMN 本地交换机local exchange 本地移动用户身份local mobile station identity ( LMSI) 本地震荡器local oscillator 比功率(功率密度) specific power 比特bit 比特并行bit parallel 比特号码bit number (BN) 比特流bit stream 比特率bit rate 比特误码率bit error rate


中国联通China Unicom 中国移动China Mobile 网络容量network capacity 交换容量exchange capacity 扩容Capacity Expansion 平滑升级smooth upgrade 射频Radio Frequencies 接收灵敏度Receive Sensitivity: 数据Data Options 传输速率Data Rate 电源部分Power supply 数据接口Data Interface 天线接口Antenna Interface 传输速率Baud Rate 用户交互界面User Interface 认证Certifications 网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate 联通无限U-Max 旗下subordinate] 品牌trademark U-Info 互动视界U-Magic 神奇宝典 U-Net 掌中宽带 U-Mail 彩e U-Map 定位之星 U-Sms 联通在信 应用服务Application Service 产业价值链industrial value chain 战略目标strategic objective 渠道channel 转型transition/Transformation 推广extension 针对aim at 电信telecommunication 整合conformity 市场渗透率market penetration factor 微观的microcosmic 科学技术science and technology 地理环境geographic environment 宏观的macroscopical 供应链supply chain 产品种类product variety


第一部英语听力习题 1.Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up forward to head line and breast line. Utopia船首台,我是驾驶台,请单绑,只剩头缆和横缆。 2.Utopia Aft Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up aft to breast line and stern buoy line. Utopia船尾台,我是船首台,请单绑,只剩横缆和尾浮筒系缆。 3.Utopia Aft Station. Take tug’s towing line to capstan then make fast on starboard quarter. Utopia船尾台,请把拖轮拖缆带上绞缆机并在右舿挽牢。 4.Oredock Pilot. This is Huanghe. My draught forward 10.2m, aft 11.0m, fresh water allowance 200 millimeters. Oredock引航员,我是黄河轮,我船首吃水为10,2米,尾吃水为11米,淡水限额为200毫米 5.Gargantua. This is Utopia. Visibility is expected to decrease to 200m in four hours. Gargantua,我是Utopia,预计四小时后能见度将下降到200米。 6.Euphoria. This is Red Sea. Visibility at Diexieville is 500 meters. It is expected to increase to 1500 meters in the next two hours. Euphoria,我是Red Sea,在Diexieville处的能见度为500米,预计两小时后将增加到1500米。 7.Oilport Pilot. This is Yellow Sea. Is pilotage compulsory? 是强制引航吗? 8.Ioland. This is M/V Blue Eagle. My anchor is foul 我的锚链绞缠住了。 9.Oilport pilot. This is Utopia. Pilot ladder is rigged on starboard side. 引航员用梯已在右舷挂好。 10.Yellow Drill. This is Appleport Pilot. Pilot vessel is approaching you. 引航船正向你处驶来。 11.Yellow Sea. This is Dalianport Pilot. Pilotage suspended for all vessels. 所有船舶暂停引航。 12.Gargantua. This is Utopia. I am coming to your assistance and expected to reach you at 1800 hours. 我将前来援助你船,预计抵达时间为18点。 13.Utopia. Are you ready for helicopter? 准备好接受直升飞机的援助了吗? 14.Roger. I am making identification signal. 我船正在发出识别信号。 15.Bigapple. This is helicopter. Request permission to land on deck. 直升飞机请求允许在甲板上降落。 16.Utopia. this is Fantasia. There is a vessel anchored ahead of you in the center of fairway .


MFG 常用英文单字 Semiconductor半导体 导体、绝缘体和半导体主要依据导电系数的大小,决定了电子的移动速度。 导体:金、银、铜、铁、人、水……导电系数大,传导容易 绝缘体:塑料、木头、皮革、纸……导电系数小、传导不容易 半导体:硅中加锗、砷、镓、磷……平时不导电加特定电压后导电 Wafer 芯片或晶圆:原意为法国的松饼,饼干上有格子状的饰纹,与FAB内生产的芯片图形类似。 Lot 批;一批芯片中最多可以有25片,最少可以只有一片。 Wafer ID 每一片芯片有自己的芯片刻号,叫Wafer ID。 Lot ID 每一批芯片有自己的批号,叫Lot ID。 Part ID 各个独立的批号可以共享一个型号,叫Part ID。 WIP Work In Process,在制品。从芯片投入到芯片产品,FAB内各站积存了相当数量的芯片,统称为FAB内的WIP 。 一整个制程又可细分为数百个Stage和Step,每一个Stage所堆积的芯片, 称为Stage WIP。 Lot Priority 每一批产品在加工的过程中在WIP中被选择进机台的优先级。 Super Hot Run的优先级为1,视为等级最高,必要时,当Lot在 上一站加工时,本站便要空着机台等待Super Hot Run。 Hot Run的优先级为2,紧急程度比Super Hot Run次一级。 Normal的优先级为3,视为正常的等级,按正常的派货原则,或 视常班向生产指令而定。 Cycle time 生产周期,FAB Cycle Time 定义为:从芯片投入到芯片产生的这一段时间。 Stage Cycle Time:Lot从进站等候开始到当站加工后出货时间点截止。 Spec. 规格Specification的缩写。产品在机台加工过程中,每一站均设定规格。 机台加工后,产品或控片经由量测机台量测,该产品加工后,是否在规格 内。若超出规格﹝Out of SPEC﹞,必须通知组长将产品Hold,并同时通知 制程工程师前来处理,必要时机台要停工,重新monitor,确定量测规格, 藉以提升制程能力。 SPC Statistics Process Control统计制程管制;透过统计的手法,搜集分析资料,


WLAN--WirelessLocalAreaNetwork, 中文名叫:无线局域网 WiFi--Wireless Fidel ity ,是一种无线联网的技术(俗称:无线宽 带) DT--Drive Test ,路测,是无线网络优化数据采集的方法。 CQT--Call Quality Test ,呼叫质量测试或定点网络质量测 试 GPS--Global PositioningSystem (全球定位系统)的简 称 KPI--KeyPerformanceindicator 关键性能指标 SIM 卡--Subscriber Identifica tion Module 用户身份鉴别模件 FTTH--Fiber To The Home 光纤到户 Channel--海峡, 频道, 通道,通信中指信息传输的通道(信 道) Frequency-- 频率,通信中特指无线信号的频率 Mobile station -- 移动的设备,移动台,特指手机 Basestation--基站,用于接收和发送手机信号 Short message-- 短消息,短信 Communication-- 通 信 Network-- 网络 Mobile community-- 移动通信 4G--G 是generation (一代)的简称,特指第四代移动通信技 术 Protocol-- 协议,网络之间互联遵循的 规范 Online -- 在线的,名词可指网游 Online banking -- 网上银行 Wireless-- 无线,通信领域范畴指的是无线电或无线电波 Broadcast-- 广播 Cell--细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室。移动通信网络中特指小区(基站信号覆盖的范围) Satell ite Communication-- 卫星通信 China Mobile-- 中国移动 China Telecom-- 中国电信 China Unicom-- 中国联通 Opted fiber--光纤 Cable-- 电缆 Management-- 管 理 DC--direct curren t ,直流电 AC--alternating current ,交流电 DT--Drive Tes t ,无线网络路测


GMDSS 通信英语

GMDSS英语阅读500题单选题一 第三部份英语阅读 单项选择题 1. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver ______ . A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993 C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 1992 2. GMDSS is to provide ______ with reliable communication . A. all large passenger vessels B. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea 3. The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least ______ . A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques B. Two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques C. Two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC 4. The quality of the message can be affected by ______ . A. climate B. sunshine C. human beings D. both a and b 5. Within the polar areas it is ______ to see a satellite in geo-stationary orbit . A. impossible B. possible C. easy D. difficult 6. The Inmarsat system is open for use by ______ countries on a non-discriminatory basis . A. some B. lots of C. many D. all 7. With the help of GMDSS ______ can be alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible . A. all ships in a large sea area B. only the sea authorities ashore C. the SAR units ashore and at sea D. the port radios and the coast stations 8. In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an ______ to satellite communications. A. alternation B. alternate C. alter D. alternative 9. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities


1. WLAN--Wireless Local Area Network, 中文名叫: 无线局域网 2. WiFi--Wireless Fidelity ,是一种无线联网的技术(俗称:无线宽 带) 3. DT--Drive Test ,路测,是无线网络优化数据采集的方法。 4. CQT--Call Quality Test ,呼叫质量测试或定点网络质量测试 5. GPS--Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)的简称 6. KPI--Key Performance indicator 关键性能指标 7. SIM 卡--Subscriber Identification Module 用户身份鉴别模 件 8. FTTH--Fiber To The Home 光纤到户 9. Channel-- 海峡, 频道, 通道,通信中指信息传输的通道(信道) 10. Frequency-- 频率,通信中特指无线信号的频率 11. Mobile station-- 移动的设备,移动台,特指手机 12. Base station-- 基站,用于接收和发送手机信号 13. Short message-- 短消息,短信 14. Communication-- 通信 15. Network-- 网络 16. Mobile community-- 移动通信 17. 4G--G 是generation (一代)的简称,特指第四代移动通信技术

18. Protocol-- 协议,网络之间互联遵循的规范

Online--在线的,名词可指网游 On li ne bankin g--网上银行 Wireless--无线,通信领域范畴指的是无线电或无线电波 Broadcast--广播 Cell--细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室。移动通信网络中 特指小区(基站信号覆盖的范围) Satellite Com mun icatio n-- 卫星通信 Ch ina Mobile--中国移动 China Telecom--中国电信 China Unicom--中国联通 Opted fiber-- 光纤 Cable--电缆 Man ageme nt--管理 DC--direct curre nt ,直流电 AC--alternati ng curre nt ,交流电 DT--Drive Test ,无线网络路测 CQT--Call Quality Test ,呼叫质量测试(通信里常称为拨打 测试) 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.


GMDSS听力考试题型 一.码语听写(20分,错6组以上0分) NO、1 [ ] NO、2 [ ]………NO、20 [ ] 二.单句及会话选择题 (一)单句(10小题) 1.It takes 10 from hard port to hard starboard、、 a、seeds b, kinds c、seconds d、second 2、V essel Utopia is spilling oil、 a、speed b、spiling c、spinning d、spilling 3、Maintain search speed 3 knots、 a、nots b, knots c, normal d, lord 4、The anchors are away、 a、way b、away c、award d、weigh 5、Air draft 31 meters、 a、meters b、miller c、miles d、mad 6、M/V seven star is aground、 a、kaund b、aground c、ground d、grounding 7、Aircraft ETA at…、 a、air b、craft c、airraft d、aircraft 8、The anchors are foul、 a、found b、foul c、find d、five 9、Place in convoy is NO、3、 A, convoy b、command c、count d、coward 10、I an drifting from north to southeast、 a、south b、southwest c、southeast d、sound (二)会话题(10小题) 1、New harbour pilot this is Utopia, change to channel 6, over、 Utopia this is New harbour pilot change to channel 6, over, Question: Which channel is for communication ? a、b、c、channel 6 d、 2.Big apple this is pilot station、You will meet pilot at the position 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east、 Pilot station this Big apple、I will meet pilot at 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east、 Question: Where will the vessel meet the pilot? a、b、c、33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east d、 3.Utopia this is VTS center、Report your relative course and speed、Over、 VTS center this is Utopia、My relative course is 030 degrees, speed 35 knots、 Question: What are relative course and speed? a、b、c、030 degrees, 35 knots d、 4.Pilot boat this Utopia、On which side would I rig pilot ladder? Over、 Utopia this is pilot boat、Please rig pilot ladder on lee side、 Question: On which side would the pilot ladder be rigged? a、b、c、lee side d、


A a bit 一个比特a coil of 一圈 a mix of comflicting information 一个混合的相互冲突的信号 a parallel or series circuit 并联成串联回路 abbreviate 缩写abruptly 突然地absolutely summable 完全可求和 absolute绝对 AC 交流accomplish 实现 accumulate 聚集accurately 精确的 acoustic声学acronym 缩写across the open connection point 开路电压actirated simultaneously 同时被激励activation 激励 activation 激活active devices有源器件 active 有源additional term附加项 adequate 适当地adjacent 相邻的adjustable可调的aeronautics 太空学aeronautics and astronautics 航空航天 aircraft飞行器 alarm 警报器 algebra 代数 algorithm 算法 all or nothing 宁为玉碎,不 为瓦全 allow the solution 求解 alter 转换 alternate current 交流 alternatively 或 者 altitude 海拔 amount 量 ampere 安培 amplification factor 放大系数 amplify放大 amplitude 振幅 an electric combination lock 电子号码锁 an exact relation 直接关系 an initial time 初始 analog ics 模 拟集成电路 analog 模拟 analogous fashion 类似的方式中 analogous 相似的 analog类似的 analytic and numerical solution 解析法和数值法求 解过程 anatomical 解 剖,人体解剖学 angle 角度 anisotropic 各 向异性的 annual 年 antenna天线 apparatus仪器 appliance 工具,设 备,装置,仪表 appointed任命 apprenticed学徒 approach进场 appropriate 适合 approuch 接近地面 approximate近似 arbitrary 任意 are also governed 符合 arise 出现,产 生 arithmetic operations 算 法操作 arithmetic 算术 armed force 军 事力量 artery动脉 artificially 人为 地 assemble 组合 associated with 伴随着 Associative Law 结合律 associative 结合 (率) assume假设 astatic needle 无定向磁针 astatic不定向的 astronautics 太 空航空学 astronomically 天 文学的 astronomy天文学 atmospheric 大气 atom 原子 atomic原子 attenuation衰减 audio音频 automotive vehicle 汽车 available to motivate 可用于驱 动 axial轴 B bachelor 学士 back-of-the-envel ope type analysis 黑箱类型的封 装中 back-of-the-envel ope 粗略 bandwidth带宽 bar 横杠 base 基极 basic operatiom 操作 battery 电池 be analogous to 与…相似 be appropriate for 适合 be conservative 保留 be converted into 转换成 be demited as命名 的为 be evaluated被赋 值/被评估 be expanded被扩展 be factored into 被给予系数 be indicated表示 be isotropic各个 同性的 be present in存在 be reduced to归纳 be referred to in terms of flow 被 比喻做流动的形态 be released 放 开 be subject to易遭 受… be supplemented by 被增加 be symbolically denoted with 用…符号表示 beam(光)束 behavior 性能 beta β bias 偏见 binary digit 二 进制数字 binary 二进制 biological 生物学 biomedical engineering生物医 学工程 bipolar transistor 双极管 bipolar 双极型 blacksmith铁匠 block 阻塞 Boltzman波尔兹曼 bookbinder 装 订商 Boolean algebra 布尔代数 Boolean 布尔 bound 跳跃 boundary condition 边界条件 bounded 有界的 bounding surface 边界局面 brackets 方括号 brightness亮度 broadcast广播 building block结 构单元 but rather to 而是 buzzer 蜂鸣器 by a vector 以 矢量方式


2G 2nd Generation Mobile Communications System 第二代移动通信系统3G/3GMS 3rd Generation Mobile Communications System 第三代移动通信系统3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project 第三代合作组织 AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting 鉴权、授权、计费 AAL1 ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 ATM适配层类型1 AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 ATM适配层类型2 AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ATM适配层类型5 ABR Available Bit Rate 可用比特率 ACL Access Control List 访问控制列表 ACS Add, Compare, Select 加,比,选 ADMF Administration Function at the LIAN LIAN中的管理功能实体 ADT Adaptive Dynamic Threshold 自适应动态阀值 AG Access Gateway 接入网关 AI Acquisition Indicatior 捕获指示 AICH Acquisition Indication Channel 捕获指示信道 ALIM ATM Line Interface Module subrack ATM线路接口插框 AM Account Management 计费管理 AM Acknowledged Mode 确认模式 AMR Adaptive MultiRate 自适应多速率 ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准组织 AoCC Advice of Charge Charging 计费费用通知 AoCI Advice of Charge Information 计费信息通知


GMDSS通信英语朗读题 1.Mayday Mayday Mayday This is motor-vessel Noble Prince Mayday Noble Prince One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point I have struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged. I can not keep afloat more than three hours, crew thirty. Chief engineer and two ratings seriously injured, I need assistance and rescue. I am keeping continuous watch on two one eight two KHZ. This is motor vessel Noble Prince. Over. Questions: 1) What happened to Noble Prince? 2) What is the position of the distress vessel? 3) How long can the vessel keep afloat'? 4) How many persons were seriously injured? 5) On what frequency is she keeping continuous watch? Answers to the questions above: 1) She has struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged. 2) One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point. 3) Less than three hours. 4) Three persons were seriously injured.


Abbreviation: PAGA-Public address general alarm ; PAS-Public address speaklouder; PAT-Public address telephone station; PAB-Public address Beacon; PAC-Public address control unit; MDF-Distributing Frame; ODF-Optic Fiber Distributing Frame; CCTV-CCTV; CAM-Camera; CAME-Camera Ex proof; IDR-Intrusion detector receiver; IDS-Intrusion detector system; IDT-Intrusion detector transmitter; PBX-Private branch exchange; LAN-Local area network; VSAT-Very small aperture terminal; EMSV-Emergency Mobile Satellite Vehicle RFTS-Remote Fiber Test System IAS-Integration Alarm System HSWR-High-power Short-wave Radio System PCS-Patrolling Control System NVS: Network Video Server DVR: Digital Video Recorder PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network IAD: Integrated Access Device ODU: Outdoor Unit IDU: Indoor Unit PBX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange MCU: Multi-point Control Unit VTE: Virtual Terminal Environment VSAT: Very Small Aperture Terminal VCS: Video Conference System LNB: Low noise block SMC: Network Management Server for VCS DCC: Data Communication Channels BNC: Bayonet Nut Connector CCTV Closed Circuit Television Systems


GMDSS英语阅读练习 一、缩略语 1、EPIRB A: Urgency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 B:Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 C:Emergency Positive Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 D:Emergency Position Identification Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 2、LES A: Lord Earth Station 陆地地球站 B:Land Earth Station 陆地地球站 C:Land Earth State 陆地地球站 D:Land Earth Station 移动地球站 3、MSI A: Maritime Safety Information 海上安全信息 B:Maritine Safety Information 海上安全信息 C:Maritime Safe Information 海上安全信息 D:Maritime Safety Identification 海上安全识别 4、ETA A: Estimate Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间 B:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计离港时间 C:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间 D:Estimated Timing of Arrival 预计抵达时间 5、IMO A: International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 B:Internation Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 C:International Mobile Organization 国移动组织 D:International Maritime Organize 国际海事组织 二、单选题 1、Which definition’s meaning is the “Telephone using phase modulation”:

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