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2012高考英语备考易错点睛系列 专题02 代词、数词和主谓一致(教师版)

2012高考英语备考易错点睛系列 专题02 代词、数词和主谓一致(教师版)
2012高考英语备考易错点睛系列 专题02 代词、数词和主谓一致(教师版)


专题02 代词、数词和主谓一致(教师版)




易错点1 没有正确区分one,ones,that,it,those的用法

【易错题l】I like this house with a bea utiful garden in front , but I don’t have enough money to buy .

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

【易错题2】The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ____ spoken in England.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. the one

【解析】考生容易误选B项。that指代前面提到的不可数名词English,the one替代特




【错因透视】that既可以替代可数名词,也可以替代不可数名词,替代可数名词的时候,相当于the one;those只能代替前面提到的名词复数,相当于the ones。


另外,that替代名词单数时,只替代“the+名词单数”,不可替代“a+名词单数”。如:The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.富人的房子比穷人的大得多。The population of China is larger than that of any other country in Asia.中国的人口比亚洲其他任何一个国家的人口都多。


【易错题l】Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ____ before you leave.

A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing



no系列通常用于肯定句中表示否定意义,相当于“not+any”系列。something意为“某物,某事”,往往用于肯定句中;everything意为“一切事物”;everyone意为“每个人”;nothing 表示“什么都没有”;nobody表示“一个人也没有”。)

易错点3不能正确区分other,others,the other,th e others。another的用法

【易错题1】I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I cou ldn’t face _______ day like that.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. o thers

表示一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用another,第三个用a third。

一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others或用the other+可数名词复数。

泛指别的人或物时,用others,当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分不是全部时,用others或other+可数名词复数。句式:some…others…意思是“一些……另一些……”,some…the others…意思是“一些·…··另一些都……”。如:Some are singing,others are dancing.有的在唱歌,有的在跳舞。


【错因透视】‘‘every other+可数名词单数”表示“每隔一……”,every other day意为“每隔一天”。“every+few+名词复数”表示“每隔几……”,every few days每隔几天(注意:few前不加a)。“every+名词单数”表示“每”,every day每天。“every+基数词+名词复数:every+序数

词+名词单数”表示“每(隔)……”,every two days=every second day每两天。如:He goes to town every other day.他隔天去一次城里。The American people el ect a president every four years.美国人民每四年选举一任总统。

易错点4对不定代词none,no one,both,all,either,neither的区别不当。

【易错题1】—Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

—But _____ of them are in fashion now.

A. all

B. both

C. neither

D. none



【易错题2】It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.

A. none

B. neither

C. both

D. each



【错因透视】neither是“两者中没有一个”的意思,可以修饰或代替可数名词单数;either 是“两者中任何一个”的意思,可修饰或代替可数名词单数。它们可在句中作主语、定语或宾语。如:Neither of thetwins is here.那对双胞胎都不在这里。(主语)Neither boy knows French.两个男孩都不懂法语。(定语)Here are two pens.You may take either of them.这儿


【易错题3】To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet to go to the library, or _____.

A. neither

B. some

C. all

D. both

【解析】考生容易误选C项,原因是只照顾到汉语思维“都去”,而没有顾及到all表示三者及以上这一规则。由上句中的“use the Internet or go to the library”可知只涉及两种情况,故可排除B、C两项。由句意可知此处应表示肯定,故正确答案应为D。


②all用于否定句,表示部分否定,完全否定用none。all可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语和同位语,指”全部的””整个的”,可与可数或不可数名词连用,除少数情况外,一般不与可数名词单数连用,与名词复数连用时,表示“所有的…‘全部的”,指三个或三个以上的人或物。如:He gave me all the money.他把全部的钱给了我。All the sc hools are flooded.所有的学校都被淹了。。

易错点5 忽视了主语和谓语动词的一致性

【易错题l】The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _______ rising steadily since1990.

A. is

B. are

C. has been

D. have been

【解析】考生容易误选D项,原因是把students看作句子的主语了,其实主语是the number,故谓语动词用单数;又因时间状语是since 1997,所以用完成时态。


【易错题2】______of the land in that district _____covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifth;is B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifths;is D.Two fifths;are

【解析】考生容易误选D项,原因是没有搞清楚分数和百分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数怎样决定的问题。分数和百分数作主语时,谓语动词形式取决于分数和百分数后的名词。分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词表示。如果分子大于1,序数词用复数形式。该句中的主语land是单数,谓语动词要用is covered。


【易错题3】With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ___ each year.

A. is washing away

B. is being washed away

C. are washing away

D. are being washed away

【解析】考生容易误选B项,原因是把earth当作单数主语对待了,但是quantities of 修饰主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。根据语境,这里要用被动语态。


【错因透视】quantities of+名词+复数谓语;many a+单数名词+单数谓语;the amount of+不可数名词+单数谓语;a(1arge)amount of+不可数名词+单数谓语;large amounts of+不可数

名词+复数谓语;more than one+(单数名词)+单数谓语。

【易错题4】Dr Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.

A. is gong to

B. are going to

C. was going to

D. were going to

【易错题5】Either you or one of your students to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. be

【解析】考生容易误选A项,原因是把students或you看作句子的主语了。either…or…连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。one of your students的谓语应用单数形式,也就是说主语是one。



1.(2012年西安市高三年级第一次质量检测试题英语)—Can I have some milk for my


—I’m afraid there is ______ left.

A.nothing B.no one C.none D.neither


【解析】考查代词用法。none 表示“没有”,既可以指人,也可以指物,但此处指的是物,强调的是数量。

2.(2012年长春市高中毕业班第一次调研测试英语)It’s ashamed of him to have got

so much help from others but give ______ to the society in return.

A.no one B.none C.a little D.much


【解析】考查代词辨析。从句意可知,令他感到羞愧的是,他从别人那里得到很多帮助却没有回报给社会任何东西,故选 none。

3.(北京市西城区2012届高三上学期期末考试英语)—Do you have ______ ready for

the graduation ceremony, Ted?

—No, we still have to find a famous speaker.

A.everything B.something

C.anything D.nothing


【解析】考查不定代词。根据答语内容可判断,此处是在询问 Ted 是不是已将毕业典礼一切事宜都准备好了,因此使用 everything。

4.(北京市重点高中2012届高三尖子生综合素质展示英语)—Have you got any idea for

the summer vacation?

—Yes. I’m going to a peaceful place, especially ______ suitable for relaxation.

A.one B.the one C.that D.this


5.(合肥市2012年高三第一次教学质量检测英语)—Have you got enough tickets?

—Not yet. We just need ______ one.

A.other B.the second

C.another D.the other


6.(山西省2012届高三年级四校联考试题英语)Our new book is more expensive than

______ we had before.

A.it B.one C.this D.the one


【解析】考查代词用法。句意:我们的新书比我们以前的那本书更贵。本句中的 the one 代指 the book。

7.(江西省丰、樟、高、宜四市2012届高三联考英语)—What do you think of the furniture

on exhibition?

—Well, great! But I don’t think much of ______ you bought.

A.the one B.it C.that D.which


8.(河南省洛阳市2012届高中三年级统一考试英语)How can I help ______ if people

just don’t follow my advice?

A.it B.that C.them D.this


9.(南京市2012届高三年级第一次模拟考试英语)It’s estimated that the number

of the candidates, applying for the position as a civil servant, ______ already well over 3,000.

A.are B.will be C.is D.were


【解析】考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,句子的主语是“the number of the candidates”,谓语动词应用单数形式,再加之此处是对客观事实的一种陈述,故用一般现在时态。故选C。

10.(山西省2012届高三年级四校联考试题英语)Some modem teaching equipment as well

as hundreds of computers ______ to ten Hope Schools in South China.

A.were sent B.was sent

C.have sent D.had been sent


11.(河北省普通高中2012届高三教学质量监测英语)“Occupy Wall Street” protests, which started in New York in mid-September and ______ to dozens of US cities, have shown the anger of Americans over the economic problems.

A.has spread B.will spread

C.have spread D.had spread




专题三名词、冠词、代词和数词 综合演练 Ⅰ.语法填空 (2018山东德州夏津一中高三第一次月考) Woodblock paintings(木版画)are often hung at homes during the Chinese Lunar New Year. For many Chinese, the bright-colored paintings are quite time-limited. As soon as the festival comes to an end, these print works will be at once thrown away.1, these short-lived New Year paintings require a year of hard work by the artists, many of 2 have devoted their entire life to this traditional folk art. Yang Luoshu, a 92-year-old man from Weifang City, Shandong Province, is3 those who have had a great love of the art. Yang has worked as 4 craftsman for 77 years, and has kept improving his carving skills with every piece of work. Yangjiabu New Year woodblock paintings, which Yang has fallen in love with, 5(appear) in the Ming Dynasty. As a national cultural heritage, it is now one of China's three 6(representative) of traditional folk paintings for the New Year, together with Tianjin's Yangliuqing and Suzhou's Taohuawu. 7(run) a centuries-old folk art family workshop named Tongshunde, Yang has carved all kinds of images, including flowers, birds, mountains, rivers and traditional Chinese gods. But he realized that something must be changed 8 (make) sure handmade New Year paintings live on. “We are now thin king about development, allowing the paintings to be more 9(create),” he said. For him, the next thing to do is to find qualified successors to ensure that the skills 10(pass) to younger generations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案 [语篇解读]本文为记叙文。文章介绍了木版画大师杨洛书的故事。


英语主谓一致练习全集 一、主谓一致 1.On no-car day, ____________ students ____________ teachers are allowed to drive to school. A.either; or B.not only; but also C.neither; nor D.both; and 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:在无车日,学生和老师都不被允许开车去学校。either; or 或者,或者; not only; but also不仅,而且; neither; nor 既不,也不;both; and……和……都;根据On no-car day可知此处表示无车日,因此都不开车,故选C。 2.Smog and haze is a kind of air pollution. It _______ people _____ about their health. A.make, worry B.make, be worried C.makes, worried D.makes, worry 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:雾霾是一种空气污染。它使人们担心他们的健康。考查主谓一致和动词短语辨析。it是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式,可排除AB两项。make让,使役动词,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,是固定结构,可排除C项。根据句意结构,可知选D。 3.The boys ____________ from America like China A.who is B.are C.which is D.who are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:这些来自美国的男孩喜欢中国。考查定语从句。本句是主谓宾结构,可排除B项。空白处做主语the boys的后置定语,先行词the boys是人,不可用which(用于先行词是 物时),需用who引导;the boys是复数人称,系词需用are;根据句意结构,可知选D。 4.Either Eve or Herb ___________ been invited by Lucy’s parents already. A.have B.has C.was D.Were 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:伊芙或赫伯已经被路西的父母邀请了。 Either ... or...或者……或者,连接两个主语时,用就近原则,already是现在完成时的标志词,结合句意,故选B


高考英语语法专题复习 三、代词 知识要点: 代词是代替名词、名词短语或句子的词。代词可分为人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、不定代词、疑问代词、相互代词、连接代词、关系代词等九类。 一、人称代词 人称代词在句中可以用作主语(用主格,如I, you, he, she, it, we, they, 等)和宾语(用宾格,如me, you, him, her, it, us, them等): 人称代词的用法: 注:(1)在电话中或It is/was...that/who...强调句型中被强调部分做主语时,用主格: ---Is that Mr. Li? ---Yes. This is he. It’s I who did it. 这是我干的。 (2)单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格: “I’m tired.” “Me too.” “我累了。”“我也累了。”“Who wants this?” “Me.” “谁要这个?”“我要。” (3)有时用主格或宾格会导致意思的变化: I like you better than he. 我比他更喜欢你。为I like you better than he likes you. I like you better than him. 我喜欢你胜过喜欢他。为I like you better than I like him. (4)人称代词的排列顺序:单数人称代词通常按“二三一”排列,即you, he and I; 复数人称代词通常按“一二三”排列,即 we, you and they:You, he and I are of the same age. 你,他和我都是同一年龄。 We , you and they are all good citizens. 我们,你们和他们都是好公民。 但若用于承担责任或错误等场合,则可把第一人称 I 置于其他人称代词之前: Tom and I hope to go there. 汤姆和我想去那儿。I and Tom are to blame. 我和汤姆该受批评。 但是,you and I 是固定结构,语序通常不宜颠倒。 (5)人称代词后跟名词同位语。有些人称代词后有时可跟同位语: These small desks are for us students. 这些小课桌是给我们学生的。 We girls often go to the movies together. 我们女孩子常一起去看电影。 He asked you boys to be quiet. 他要你们男孩子安静些。 二、物主代词 物主代词分形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)和名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,作定语;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语:His son is taller than hers. 他的儿子比她的儿子高。 Ours is a great country. 我们的国家是一个伟大的国家 Her son is a friend of ours. 她的儿子是我们的朋友。 This is your pen. Mine is in the box. 这是你的铅笔,我的在铅笔盒里。 注:(1) a friend of mine (ours, yours, hers, his, theirs)结构 (2) 物主代词与own 连用。表强调。也可用of one’s own置于名词后作定语: Mind your own business. 别管闲事。


高考英语代词知识点专项训练(6) 一、选择题 1.I dislike ________when Jim said the UN was not a worthy organization, ________ bringing everyone closer together. A.one; one B.it; one C.one; which D.it; which 2.-Who can I tum to for help in face of difficulty,Mom? --My darling,if not___________,anybody else? A.me B.I C.mine D.myself 3.The British Prime Minister was forced to make an important decision. ___________many would refuse to accept. A.that B.the one C.one D.those 4.The movie is not quite as good as the play ____ was adapted from. A.that B.which C.it D.what 5.________ was a desperate race against time to land the plane before it ran out of fuel. Fortunately, the young pilot made it eventually. A.It B.This C.What D.As 6.The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other. A.it B.them C.her D.that 7.______ remains doubtful ______ this is an important discovery. A.That; whether B.That; that C.It; whether D.It; that 8.The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper. A.it B.those C.one D.that 9.Theoretically, there are many solutions to such a problem, but it is not easy to find________easy to put into practice. A.that B.one C.it D.the one 10.— How much salt did you put in the soup? 11.A s the busiest woman in Norton, she made _____ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. A.this B.it C.that D.one 12.To qualify for the job, . A.a high school diploma is needed B.it is required that one has a high school diploma C.one needs a high school diploma D.a diploma from high school is necessary 13.(2014·全国大纲卷)I think Mrs. Stark could be _______ between 50 and 60 years of age. A.anywhere B.anybody C.anyhow D.anything 14.All _____ made _____ possible for China to succeed in carrying on its reforms and open-door policy.


高考英语-主谓一致-知识点考点全梳理 主谓一致的讲解 语法意义的一致 1,金额,距离,体积,重量,面积,数量,国家,人名,机构,事件,作品时,单数 Two dollars is enough 两美元是足够的 Two meters is long 两米很长 Two kilos is heavy 两公斤很重 Twenty-one is a big number 21是一个很大的数字 The United States is a big country 美国是一个大的国家 2,非谓语动词: Reading books is good for you 阅读书对你来说很好 To study English well is necessary去学习好英语是很有必要的。 2,不定代词: No one is here 没有一个人在这里

3,人类,世界上的人类 Only man thinks how to be better 只有人类才思考如何变得更好。 4,其他用法 1,Many a singer has been here 许多歌手都到过这里。 2,More than one boy has the book 不止一个男孩有这本书 3,More boys than one does housework at home不止一个男孩在家都是做家务的。 4,One and a half apples is here 还有一个半的苹果在这里。 5,a boy or two has been here 一两个学生到过这里。 5,one or two boys have been here 一两个学生到过这里 谓语复数: 1,集体名词: The police are chasing the thief 警察正在追捕这个小偷 2,专有名词: The Himalayas is a big mountain喜马拉雅是一个很大的山。 3,the 加形容词(国家的,民族的)


主谓一致的讲解 主谓一致是指: 1)语法形式上要一致,即名词单复数形式与谓语要一致。 2)意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。 一、并列结构作主语时的主谓一致 1.由and 连接主语时 And 连接的两个或多个单数可数名词、不可数名词或代词作主语时根据意义或概念确定谓语用单数或复数 1)并列主语表示不同的人、物或概念时谓语动词用复数 Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students. Like many others, the little tramp and the naughty boy have rushed there in search of gold. 小流浪汉和调皮的小男孩也赶到那里寻找金子 Both rice and wheat are grown in this area. 2)并列主语表示同一个人、物或概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting. 那位教授兼作家正在会上发言 A journalist and authour lives on the sixth floor. 一位新闻记者兼作家 His lawyer and former college friend was with him on his trip to Europe. 他的律师兼大学时代的朋友陪他去欧洲旅行 The Premier and Foreign Minister was present at the state banquet. 总理兼外长 比较:the writer and the educator have visited our school. the writer and educator has visited our school. His lawyer and his former college friend were with him on his trip to Europe. 注意:指同一个人或物时,并列主语前只用一个冠词,指不同的需要分别加冠词,但两个名词具有分别的对立的意思时只需要一个冠词即可 A boy and girl are playing tennis. 3)并列主语前有each, every, many a , no 等修饰时谓语动词用单数 Each doctor and (each) nurse working in the hospital was asked to help patients. Every man, woman and child is entitled to take part in the activity. 有权参加 Every boy and (every) girl admires him for his fine sense of humour. Many a boy and (many a ) girl has made the same mistake No boy and no girl is there now.没有任何男孩和女孩在那里 注意:many a 跟单数可数名词但是表示复数意义翻译为很多 Many a student was disappointed after seeing the movie. 4)并列主语为不可分的整体时,谓语动词用单数 A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up. 关于保护环境的法律法规已经起草完成。 The knife and fork has been washed 刀叉已经被洗好 War and peace is a constant theme in history 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题 注意;常被视为主体的结构 A cup and saucer 一副杯碟 A horse and cart 马车 A knife and fork 一副刀叉


【英语】高考英语代词专题训练答案及解析 一、单项选择代词 1.Li Hua’s parents hold different opinions on whether they should have ________ child. A.another B.other C.others D.the other 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查不定代词。句意:李华的父母在是否应该再有一个孩子的问题上持不同的看法。another指不定数目中的“另一个,又一个;other意思是“另外的,其他的”,修饰复数名词;others泛指“另外的人或物”;the other通常指两个中的“另一个”。根据句意,故选A。 考点:考查不定代词 2.The population of China is larger than ________ of the United States. A.this B.that C.these D.those 【答案】B 【解析】 考察代词用法。That指代不可数名词或者可数名词单数,后面有定语修饰,表示特指。本句的that指代population; those指代可数名词复数形式,后面也有定语修饰,表示特指。 3.The enemy troop could hardly make any advance, and ________ could they fall back. A.neither B.so C.either D.both 【答案】A 【解析】 本题考查代词。根据could they fall back用倒装结构和句意,故用否定词neither,故选A 4.They have done much of the work; when will ________ be finished? A.the rest B.the other C.another D.the others 【答案】A 【解析】 答案:A代词用法。the rest可指代前面的不可数名词work, 而其它三项均不可指代不可数名词。 5.If I have ever feared death before, it was ______ compared to how I felt as the roller coaster that moved faster and faster. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 【答案】C


高考英语主谓一致单句改错专练 下面每个句子中有一处错误,请标出并改正。 1.There are lots of money left. 2. One thousand dollars are enough to live on. 3.Neither of the books are difficult to read. 4. The police works hard day and night for the safety of the people. 5. Three-fourths of the apple were eaten by the rat. 6. I don't think it one of the best films that has ever been shown here this year. 7. Several pairs of new shoes has been sent to the poor old woman.

8. Mathematics are the science of numbers. 9. More than one person were injured in the accident. 10. Women's position in the family have been improved as well . 11. Mary is one of the girls who is always on time. 12. What caused the accidents remain unknown. 13. The singer and the dancer is to attend our party. 14. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. 15. When I got back, it were already 6 p. m.


第三讲名词、代词、数词 考点一名词的构词法 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式: https://www.doczj.com/doc/9a6513810.html,pared with the traditional trade mode, they don't have to spend money in renting a house. However, there are still some_______(advantage) in online shopping. 【答案】disadvantages 【解析】句意:与传统的贸易模式相比,他们不必花钱租赁房屋。然而,网上购物仍然有一些缺点。由However 可知,这里与上一句形成转折,介绍网购的缺点disadvantage是可数名词,和some搭配,应用复数形式。 2 . China's industrial output is expected to rise by around 6.5 percent this year , marking the best______(perform)since 2010,because the Made in China 2025 strategy(策略)helps to raise productivity and revenue(税收). 【答案】performance 【解析】句意:预计今年中国的工业产出将增长6.5%左右,这是自2010年以来的最佳表现,因为中国制造2025战略有助于提高生产率和税收。mark为及物动词,其后缺少宾语,空前又有形容词最高级修饰,故此处应填perform的名词形式performance。 2.Three factors have greatly contributed to the ______(grow): the depth of the story,traditional Chinese elements and emotions of the characters. 【答案】growth 【解析】空格处作介词to的宾语,空前又有定冠词the,故填grow的名词形式growth。 3.The online books will be renewed and enriched gradually according to readers' borrowing habits and ________(prefer). 【答案】preference(s) 【解析】句意:根据读者的借阅习惯和偏好,网上图书将会逐渐更新和充实。空格处与and前的borrowing habits并列,都由readers'修饰,指读者的借阅习惯和偏好,故填名词。preference在此处既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。 5. When his mom couldn't afford to buy him a toy panda he badly wanted, he wrote a pitiful note on the toy's box begging other _______(stop) not to buy it . 【答案】shoppers


英语语法——主谓一致(就近、就远原则) 就近原则: 也称“ 近原”“就近一致原” (Proximity),即:与靠近的名、代(有不一定是主)在“人称、数”上一致。 在正式文体中: 1. 由下列接的并列主:"there be +句型 ; or ; either;?norr; neither?nor;whether ? or;not ? but; not only?but also"等;。e.g. ①What he does or what he says does not concern me .他的行或言都与我无关。 ②N either you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没。 ③N ot you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父受。 ④Not only you but(also) he is wrong . 不你了,他也了。 2. 在倒装句中:可与后面第一个主一致。 e.g. ①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people .在,能听鼓掌声和人的呼喊声。 ②T here is (are) a pen and some books on the desk . 桌上有一支笔和几本。 II.非正式文体中: 有依“就近一致原”,但也可依“意一致原”或格地依“ 法一致原”。 e.g. Neither she nor I were there (意一致)我和他当都不在那儿。(非正式) Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(文同上句)(正式) 但是,如果依“就近一致原”而与其他两原相矛盾,常常是不太合符范的。e.g. No one except his own supporters agree with him .他自己的支持者同意他的意。(依“就近”和“意”一致的原;但法上,“ No one ”才是主,要改成“agrees ”。“写作中”一 般要依“ 法一致”原。 英语就近原则短语 1.There be 句型There is a book and some pencils on the desk. =There are some pencils and a book on the desk. 2.neither...nor...Neither you nor he is right. = Neither he nor you are right. 3.either...or...Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday. = Either Jim or they are going to shanghai next Saturday. 4.not only...but also... Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday.


高考英语代词知识点单元汇编含答案解析(3) 一、选择题 1.In the past, ____didn’t make much of a difference to your success____ you had a good family background. A.that; if B.it; whether C.that; whether D.it; if 2.With ________ mistakes, ________ is no wonder that the man got laid off only after working for several months. A.such many…there B.many such…it C.such many…it D.many such…there 3.The movie is not quite as good as the play ____ was adapted from. A.that B.which C.it D.what 4.Standard Cognition, a startup company. in California, has developed technology that works like of Amazon Go, but it seeks to sell its artificial intelligence system to businesses for use in their own stores A.the one B.those C.that D.one 5.I would like to buy a flat in the suburb and sold ______ in downtown , because I want to live near my Mom’s. A.the one B.the other C.it D.another 6.Travellers to that area can carry disease to their own countries that have never experienced_____. A.them B.it C.themselves D.itself 7.People were dressed in elegant costumes, all of _____ suitable for a multicultural parade. A.which B.whom C.them D.who 8.The old couple preferred a flat in a small town to ______ in so large a city as Chongqing.A.this B.it C.that D.one 9.The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper. A.it B.those C.one D.that 10.The tallest girl over there is ________ who works very hard in our class . A.a girl B.the girl C.one D.the one 11.In my opinion, there’s no greater happiness than of succeeding in one’s career. A.one B.it C.that D.those 12.I would appreciate____________ if you could help me out when I am in trouble. A.that B.one C.it D.this 13.Generally speaking, the information on the Internet is faster than ______ in newspapers. A.that B.this C.it D.one 14.Located in the center of Melbourne, Australia, are two tall towers designed by building architect Phil Rowe, both of shaped like massive tree houses rather than skyscrapers. A.who B.them C.which D.whom


高考英语代词专项训练及答案 一、单项选择代词 1.When the factory closes, _______ will mean 7,000 workers will be out of work. A.which B.it C.what D.they 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查代词。句意:当那家工厂倒闭,意味着7000名工人将会失业。用it代指前面提到的the factory closes,故选B。 2.Tom told me that he needed a chair and soon I found _________ for him. A.it B.that C.one D.the one 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词用法。句意为:Tom告诉我说,他需要一把椅子而且很快他就找到了一把(椅子)。it用来代替同类同物,即“同一个”;that常用来指代不可数名词,也可用来指代有定语修饰的可数名词(此时,相当于the one);one用来指代泛指的可数名词单数,表示同类不同物中的另外某一个。本题中应用one来指代前面出现的、表泛指的a chair,故答案选C。 3.I hate _______ when people eat with their mouths full. A.that B.these C.it D.them 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查代词。句意:我讨厌人们吃东西时嘴里塞满东西。表示爱憎类的动词如: like/love/hate/dislike或appreciate, rely on和see to等其后加宾语从句时,此时一般先用it 做其形式宾语,其后再接that/when等引导的宾语从句。故选C。 【点睛】 it作形式宾语一般有以下三种情况 1. 谓语动词appreciate, dislike, like, hate, love, make (按时到达,成功)等后接由if或when 等引导的宾语从句时,往往在前面加上形式宾语it。 I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party. 2. 动词have(表明,坚持说),take(认为,猜想),hide(隐藏),publish(公布),put(表达,写出来)等后接由that引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句的前面加上形式宾语。I take it that you will be leaving Shanghai soon.我认为你不久就离开上海。 We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. 我宣布我们已经提前完成了这项工程。

【二年名校模拟】2013高考英语考前100天专题练习:1.3 代词和数词(安徽专用)

1.3 代词和数词(安徽专用) 【模拟提升演练】 1. (2012·芜湖模拟) Europeans made _______ clear that they did not want to take the Roma as neighbors. A. so B. this C. it D. that 2. (2012·黄山模拟)People working 10 or 11 hours a day are more likely to suffer from health problems than _______ who go off duty after eight hours. A. those B. that C. these D. them 3. (2012·铜陵模拟)—Did a letter come for me? —Yes, _______ came for you. A. that B. it C. one D. this 4.(2012·马鞍山模拟)This year we’ve produced ________we did last year. A. twice as much grain as B. as twice much grain as C. twice as more grain as D. as twice more grain as 5. (2012·南昌模拟)It is not rare in _______ that people in _______ fifties are going to university for further education. A. 90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their 6. (2012·泰安模拟)—Do you have _______ for the party, Mary?


高中英语主谓一致知识点讲解 本文主要讲解主谓一致,并列结构作主语时谓语用复数主谓一致中的靠近原则谓语动词与前面的主语一致 等常见考点。 主谓一致是指: 1)语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。 2)意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。 3)就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语, 一般来说,不可数名词用动词单数,可数名词复数用动词复数。例如: There is much water in the thermos. 但当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year. 并列结构作主语时谓语用复数,例如: Reading and writing are very important. 读写很重要。 注意:当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词。例如: The iron and steel industry is very important to our life. 钢铁工业对我们的生活有重要意义。 典型例题 The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting. A. is B. was C. are D. were 答案B. 注:先从时态上考虑。这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C。本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别,monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词。后面的职务用and 相连。这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B。


历年全国高考英语代词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择代词 1.I don’t exactly know what the woman is, but I think she can be but a doctor. A.anybody B.something C.anything D.everybody 【答案】C 【解析】 考查固定搭配。句意:我不太清楚那个女人是做什么的,但我认为她决不是医生。anything but…为固定搭配,意为“决不是……”,故选C项。 2.—Is your neighbor Mr. King a man with good manners? —Actually, he is ________ but polite. And nobody likes to talk to him. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 【答案】D 【解析】 本题考查短语辨析。nothing but 只不过,只有;anything but:根本不是.... 决不...,没有everything but;something but用法。句意:——你的邻居Mr. King是一个有礼貌的人吗?——事实上,他根本不礼貌,没人喜欢同他说话. 3.The Olympic Games makes _____ possible for people to live side by side in peace. A.this B.it C.that D.不填 【答案】B 【解析】 本题的含义是奥运会使人们能够和平的生活在一起成为可能,本题make后的真正宾语位于句尾用动词不定式,那么在英文中通常用形式宾语it来代替真正的主语,故本题选B。 4.J ack Ma, the founder and chairman of China’s Alibaba Group, has a $28.6 billion fortune, ______making him the richest person in China. A.it B.one C.that D.which 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 试题分析:考查代词。句意:中国阿里巴巴集团创始人兼董事长马云拥有286亿美元的财富,这使他成为中国首富。分析句子结构可知,此处用one代替前面的a $28.6 billion fortune,实际上是它的同位语,后面的making him the richest person in China.是现在分词作后置定语修饰one,注意此处不是非限定性定语从句,如果是非限定定语从句的话应该用makes而不是making,所以不能选which,故选B。 考点:考查代词

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