当前位置:文档之家› 2007-2010年全国职称英语理工A真题及答案





1Why can't you stop your eternal complaining?

A long

B everlasting

C temporary

D boring

2Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.

A damaged

B shaken

C fallen

D jumped

3These paintings are considered by many to be authentic.

A faithful

B royal

C sincere

D genuine

4Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A simplicity

B attraction

C power

D rigor

5Ten years after the event, her death still remains a puzzle.

A mist

B fog

C secret

D mystery

6John was irritated by the necessity for polite conversation,

A troubled

B annoyed

C threatened

D aroused

7Academic records cannot be duplicated.

A borrowed

B purchased

C copied

D rewritten

8The emphasis on the importance of education has spurred scientific research

A encouraged

B fastened

C raised

D initiated

9We have ample money for the journey

A some

B little

C enough

D extra

10 The doctor's pills worked marvels for me.

A miracles

B patients

C illness

D recovery

11 Mary's perpetual moaning nearly drove me mad.

A endless

B monotonous

C serious

D bitter

12 It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment

A old

B unforgettable

C unfair

D funny

13 Y ou didn't adhere to these principles.

A order

B follow

C prove

D handle

14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the barren land.

A empty

B hairless

C smooth

D bare

15 Anyone who wants to apply for a loan need read the following specifications.

A expressions

B warnings

C advertisements

D instructions



Water-the Issue of This Century

The world is running short of fresh water. Populations are growing bigger and Thirstier(渴的), with the result that freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce (缺乏). Half the world's wetlands have disappeared during the last century, while estimates suggest that water use will rise

by 50% in the next 30 years.

The World Bank report estimates that as much as half of the world's population, concentrated in Africa, the Middle East and south Asia, will face 'severe water shortages' by 2025. Local water conflicts and the loss of freshwater ecosystems appear large in some regions.

A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people may live within 100km of the sea in 2025, putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries (渔业) are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits, and half the world's coral reefs (珊瑚礁) may perish in 100 years. Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities, the Bank says.

The report concludes that there is ample evidence to justify immediate and coordinated action to safeguard supplies and use water more efficiently.

Fresh water consumption is rising quickly, and the availability of water in some regions is likely to become one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century.

A third of the world's population - around two billion people - live in countries that are experiencing moderate to high water shortages. That proportion could rise to half or more in the next 30 years unless institutions (制度) change to ensure better conservation and allocation of water.

China is one country where the portents (征兆) are gloomy. The most water-stressed country in East Asia, China is exploiting 44% of its usable water, a figure projected to rise to 60% by 2020. Primary withdrawal of water of more than 60% is widely considered by water experts to exceed the environmental carrying capacity of a river basin system. Although China's total use appears still to be reasonable, it has several basins that are severely stressed environmentally.

Withdrawals exceed environmental limits in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and will exceed them in India by 2020. In the Middle East and North Africa, only Morocco has unexploited water resources. The rest have exceeded environmental limits and many are mining aquifers (蓄水层) - bodies of water-bearing rock - the report says.

16It is estimated that water use will rise by 50% in the next 30 years.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

17Most developed countries will face water shortages in 20 years.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

18Most of the world's population may live within 100km of the sea in 2025.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

19Almost all coral reefs may disappear in 100 years.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

20Some species of fish in the Atlantic are at dangerously low levels.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

21The World Bank report implies that urgent action should be taken to protect water supplies.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

22India exceeds environmental limits for water use.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned




1Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) will soon be extinct (灭绝). If the present rate of hunting and habitat (栖息地) destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy (悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意) for the survival of their distant relatives - human beings. 2In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes (基因组) match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse, used as model for human disease in lab tests, which shares only 60% of its DNA with us. In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other species of monkey. As well as resembling us genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority (优先). But there is another, more selfish reason to preserve the chimp.

3The chimpanzees' trump card (王牌) comes in the field of medical research. Chimpanzees are so similar to humans that veterinarians (兽医) often refer to human medical textbooks when treating them. Y et chimpanzees do show differences in several key areas. In particular, chimps are much more resistant to a number of major diseases. It is this ability that is so interesting.

4For example, chimps seem to show a much higher resistance than humans to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Indeed, their use as experimental animals in AIDS research has declined because they are so resistant.

5By sequencing the chimp genome and pinpointing (找到) the place where the chimpanzee DNA sequence differs from that of humans, scientists hope to be able to discover which part of the genetic code gives chimps their increased resistance to some diseases. This, they hope, will allow them to develop new and more effective treatments for the human forms of these diseases. Such treatments could include the production of new drugs or even the alteration (改变) of the human genetic sequence. The recently completed human genome sequencing project has shown that such an effort is now well within our reach.

23Paragraph 1 .

24Paragraph 2 .

25Paragraph 3 .

26Paragraph 4 .

A Genetic differences between chimps and" humans

B Reasons for HIV resistance

C Implications of chimpanzee extinction for humans

D Effective AIDS treatment

E Genetic similarities between chimps and humans

F Chimps' resistance to HIV

27Chimpanzee extinction may affect

28There is a difference of less than 2% between the chimp and

29Scientists suspect that genes play a significant role in protecting chimps from getting

30The discovery of the genetic code of chimps will be helpful to

A healthier lifestyle

B some human disease treatments

C some diseases

D human survival

E human genomes

F key areas




Y outh Emancipation in Spain

The Spanish Government is so worried about the number of young adults still living with their parents that it has decided to help them leave the nest.

Around 55 percent of people aged 18-34 in Spain still sleep in their parents' homes, says the latest report from the country's state-run Institute of Y outh.

To coax (劝诱) young people from their homes, the Institute started a "Y outh Emancipation (解放)" program this month. The program offers guidance in finding rooms and jobs.

Economists blame young people's family dependence on the precarious (不稳定的) labor market and increasing housing prices. Housing prices have risen 17 percent a year since 2000.

Cultural reasons also contribute to the problem, say sociologists (社会学家). Family ties in south Europe - Italy, Portugal and Greece - are stronger than those in middle and north Europe, said Spanish sociologist Almudena Moreno Minguez in her report "The Late Emanc ipation of Spanish Y outh: Key for Understanding".

"In general, young people in Spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized," said Minguez.

In Spain - especially in the countryside, it is not uncommon to find entire groups of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews (外侄/侄子) all living on the same street. They regularly get together for Sunday dinner.

Parents' tolerance is another factor. Spanish parents accept late-night partying and are wary of setting bedtime rules.

"A child can arrive home at whatever time he wants. If parents complain he'll put up a fight and call the father a fascist," said Jose Antonio Gomez Y anez, a sociologist at Carlos III University in Madrid.

Mothers' willingness to do children's household chores (家务) worsens the problem. Dionisio Masso, a 60-year-old in Madrid, has three children in their 20s. The eldest, 28, has a girlfriend and a job. But life with mum is good.

"His mum does the wash and cooks for him: in the end. he lives well." Masso said.

31The "Y outh Emancipation" program aims at helping young people

A live in an independent way.

B fight for freedom.

C fight against social injustice.

D get rid of family responsibilities.

32It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in

A Greece.

B Finland.

C Spain.

D Italy.

33Y oung people's family dependence can be attributed to all the following factors EXCEPT

A parents' tolerance.

B housing problems.

C unwillingness to get married.

D cultural traditions.

34Which of the following statements is ,NOT true of Dionisio Masso?

A She has a boyfriend.

B She is 60 years old.

C She has three children.

D She lives in Madrid.

35The phrase "wary of" in paragraph 8 could be best replaced by

A tired of.

B afraid of.

C worried about.

D cautious about.


Listening to Birdsong

A male zebra finch (雀科鸣鸟) chirps (鸣) away to himself. Suddenly he notices a female bird nearby. He realizes he has an audience and immediately changes his song. Can the female tell the difference in his performance? According to a new study, the female zebra finch knows. And she prefers the special trills he creates when he sings to her. A male zebra finch changes his song when singing to a female in ways that people can barely detect. But the female finch can tell the difference.

Scientists had noticed slight variations in the songs of male zebra finches based on whether they were singing alone or whether there was a female (and potential mate) nearby. With an audience, the males sped up the pace of their songs and controlled the notes they used.

For this study, .researchers Sarah C. Woolley and Allison Doupe at the University of California, San Francisco decided to focus attention on the listening females, which have not been well studied in the past.

In the study, Woolley and Doupe set up a long cage with a sound speaker at each end. One broadcast the sound of a male zebra finch singing to himself, like someone singing in the shower. The other speaker broadcast a male performing for a female audience, as if he was giving a concert.

Female birds were placed between the two speakers. Some of the birds had mates, others didn't. The females shifted around a bit, and then most of them hopped over to sit beside just one speaker. All the birds that made a clear choice liked songs meant for a female audience, even if they'd never met the male.

Mated females also had a chance to listen to two different performance songs, one from an unknown male, and one from their mate. They spent more time listening to the concert version of their mates' songs, this suggests that after a while, females learn to recognize - and prefer - the songs of their mates.

Scientists then studied the brains of the females. They found certain areas of the brain perked up (活跃起来) when the birds listened to the concert songs. These brain areas may be involved in recognizing and evaluating the songs, and storing the memories of them.

This research deals with what's called directed communication, when the communicator, or sender, focuses the message for a specific audience. One example is the way morns speak to their

babies. Mothers around the world use the same sort of high-pitched sing-song chatter (喋喋不休), and the babies respond best to those sounds. Songbirds are one of the only other species known to learn their communication, in this case their songs.

36Which of the following is true about birdsongs?

A Female zebra finches are too shy to sing before males.

B Male zebra finches sing louder than females.

C Male zebra finches change their songs to attract females.

D Female zebra finches like to listen to unknown males sing

37What did the researchers find in their study of female zebra finches?

A Female finches liked songs male finches sang for them.

B Female finches only liked songs male finches sang for their mates

C Female finches liked to listen to songs from both speakers,

D Female finches chose the best male singers as their mates.

38What is meant by "concert songs" in paragraph 7?

A Songs sung by zebra finches at a concert.

B Songs sung by female finches for male finches

C Songs sung by male finches to other finches.

D Songs sung by male finches for female finches

39The expression "directed communication" in the last paragraph means communication in which

A the communicator sends messages to himself.

B the message sender has a specific audience.

C two communicators send messages to each other.

D mothers talk to their babies in their mother tongue.

40Which of the following can best reflect the theme of the passage?

A Chirping away.

B Zebra finches and their life.

C Frequencies of birdsongs.

D Birdsongs as communication.


The Robot Man

According to Hans Moravec, universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in, leaving us with little to do. Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings. In new situations they'll be able to adapt, unlike today's mobile industrial robots. These robots will have the computing power,to cope with simple speech and text recognition, and will be used for tasks such as domestic cleaning.

The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn. Second generation robots are programd with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide "pleasure" and "pain" stimuli. For example, a collision provokes a negative response, a completed task would be positive.

Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three. This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before= beginning a task, it can imagine what will

happen in order to predict problems. If it has a free moment, it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of doing things next time. It could even observe a person or-another robot performing a task and learn by imitation. For the first time, we have here a robot that can think.

By the time we get to generation four in 2040, Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour; generalise abstract ideas from specific experience; and, conversely, compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as 'earn a living' or 'make more robots'.

The Moravec manifesto (宣告) runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one, they'll begin to take on-many tasks in industry. Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force, the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become low-cost commodity items So much so that they'll move into the home, where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.

With increasing automation in generations two and three, the length of the average working day will plummet, eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry, but the service economy too. Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations.

These future machines will be our "mind children". Like biological children of previous generations, they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future.

41What will be the distinctive feature of the second generation robots?

A They will be able to learn by themselves.

B They will be able to recognize speeches and texts.

C They will be able to predict problems.

D They will be able to match human reasoning and behavior.

42Which of the following statements is true of the future robots?

A They will take over the information industry.

B They will relieve us of many chores.

C They will never surpass us.

D They will become high-cost commodity items.

43The author's main purpose is to

A support the view that robots will play a major role in our life.

B describe the life of Hans Moravec.

C make fun of the views of Hans Moravec.

D get people prepared for the threat of future robots.

44The word "plummet" in paragraph 6 means

A stretch.

B decrease.

C extend.

D grow.

45What does Moravec think of these future robots?

A They will be humans' mind-children.

B They will look like previous biological children

C They will create a dangerous world.

D They will rule the world.



My Life at Renda

I learned very quickly that being a teaching assistant (TA) at the University of Iowa would be different from being a teacher at Renmin University.

(46) Eyes staring, mouths open, students examined my big nose, while I was writing my name on the blackboard.

At Iowa, when my first classes began, half of my students still hadn't arrived. When everyone finally found a seat, ringing cellphones and loud yawns (哈欠) interrupted my opening remarks. It is not that American students were disrespectful.(47) They were, however, far more skeptical than the students I had at Renda. The truth is I couldn't fault them for their skepticism. Undergraduates at large US universities - especially freshmen and sophomores - often have several classes a semester handled by TAs. In some cases, the TA sets the course content.

(48) Most have good intentions, but very few are as effective as professors.

Every teacher has to confront obstacles to learning - no matter what the culture. Students who talk during lectures, students who cheat, students who question the grade they get for a paper or project - dealing with these is all part of the job.(49)

The difference, I think, is that in the US I had to swallow more of my pride.(50)

I had a responsibility to teach them, of course, but I had to do so indirectly -as a guide who himself had a few things to learn from the students.

A Back at Renda, I had walked into my first classes feeling like a celebrity

B In my students' minds, I had little to offer them, except perhaps some sample questions for the mid-term exam.

C In others, the TA works as a grader and discussion leader

D I encountered these in China, and I faced them in the US.

E On the other hand, being taught by a graduate student is not necessarily bad

F Most were polite, or at least, indifferent.



Sharks Perform a Service for Earth's Waters

It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy. They are thought to (51)people frequently. Although these fish perform a valuable(52)for earth's waters and for human beings, business and sport fishing are threatening their(53). As a result, some sharks are at risk of disappearing from Earth.

Warm weather may influence both fish and shark(54). Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their(55)waters. Experts say sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,(56)people also swim. In fact, most sharks do not purposely charge at or bite humans. They are thought to mistake a person(57) a sea animal, such as a seal (海豹) or sea lion. That is why people should not swim in the ocean when the sun goes down or comes up, because those are the times when sharks are looking for(58). Experts also say that bright colors and shiny jewelry (珠宝) may cause sharks to attack.

A shark has an extremely 'good sense of(59), with which it can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals(60)by animals.

These powerful senses help sharks find their food. Sharks eat fish, any(61)sharks, and plants that live in the ocean.

Medical researchers want to learn more about the shark's body defense and immune (免疫的) (62)against disease. Researchers know that sharks(63)quickly from injuries. They study the shark in hopes of finding a way to fight human disease.

Sharks are important for the world's oceans, as they eat injured and diseased fish. Their

(64)activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too

(65). This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.

51A meet B attack C recognize D visit

52A research B experiment C analysis D service

53A existence B power C mates D skills

54A intelligence B shape C activity D size

55A fresh B soft C deep D warm

56A whose B which C where D that

57A for B to C as D with

58A help B food C friends D trainers

59A humor B security C touch D smell

60A produced B contained C used D added

61A those B these C other D another

62A processes B systems C ideas D theories

63A escape B recover C return D cut

64A hunting B mental C social D swimming

65A weak B little C great D few


2009 年理工类A12标准答案


1 eternal→everlasting (B )

2 wrecked→damaged (A)

3 authentic→genuine (D)

4 lure→attraction (B)

5 puzzle→mystery (D)

6 irritated→annoyed (B)

7 duplicated→copied( C) 8 spurred→encouraged( A) 9 ample→enough( C)

10 marvels→miracles (A) 11 perpetual→endless( A) 12 shabby→unfair (C)

13 adhere to→follow (B) 14 barren→bare (D) 15 specifications→instructions (D)


16 A Right 17 C Not mentioned 18 A Right 19 B Wrong

20 C Not mentioned 21 A Right 22 A Right


23 Paragraph 1 C Implications of chimpanzee extinction for humans

24 Paragraph 2 E Genetic similarities between chimps and humans

25 Paragraph 3 A Genetic differences between chimps and humans

26 Paragraph 4 F Chimps’ resistance to HIV

27 Chimpanzee extinction may affect D human survival

28 There is a difference of less than 2z between the chimp and E human genomes

29 Scientists suspect that genes play a significant role in protecting chimps from getting C some diseases

30 The discovery of the genetic code of chimps will be helpful to B some human disease




31 A live in an independent way.

32 B Finland

33 C unwillingness to get married

34 A She has a boyfriend

35 D cautious about


36 C Male zebra finches change their songs to attract females

37 A Female finches liked songs male finches sang for them

38 D Songs sung by male finches for female finches

39 B the message sender has a specific audience

40 D Birdsongs as communication


41 A They will be able to learn by themselves

42 C They will never surpass us

43 A support the view that robots will play a major role in Our

44 B decrease

45 A They will be human's mind-children


46 A Back at Renda, I had walked into my first classes feeling like a celebrity.

47 B In my students’ minds, I had little to offer them, except perhaps some sample questions for the mid-term exam

48 C In others the TA works as a grader and discussion leader

49 D I encountered these in China and I faced them in the US

50 E On the other hand, being taught by a graduate student is not necessarily bad


51 B attack 52 D service 53 A existence 54 C activity 55 D warm 56 C where 57 A for 58 B food 59 D smell 60 A produced 61 C other 62 B systems 63 B recover 64 A hunting 65 C great




1 With immense relief, stopped running.

A enormous

B some

C little

D extensive

2 The scientists began to accumulate data.

A handle

B collect

C analyze

D investigate

3 Jack eventually overtook the last truck

A passed

B hit

C reached

D led

4 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance.

A possible

B profitable

C wise

D easy

5 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle

A mystery

B fact

C statement

D game

6 That guy is really witty

A ugly

B smart

C honorable

D popular

7 The world champion suffered a sensational defeat.

A dramatic

B reasonable

C humiliating

D horrifying

8 It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job.

A prepared

B trained

C guided

D qualified

9 This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a town in the South

A praises

B writes

C describes

D imitates

10 The meaning is still obscure.

A transparent

B vague

C alien

D significant

11 Dumped waste might contaminate water supplies.

A destroy

B decrease

C pollute

D delay

12 One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia

A expects

B assumes

C predicts

D considers

13 It is very difficult for a child to adhere to rules.

A follow

B remember

C understand

D learn

14 I hope that I didn’t do anything absurd last nig ht.

A awkward

B strange

C awful

D stupid

15 There should be laws that prohibit smoking around children.

A advocate

B forbid

C inherit

D withdraw




Green Roof Research

The concept of green roofs is basically about growing plants on roofs,thus helping to replace the green footprint that had been destroyed due to the const ruction of the building.Green roofs are the most prevalent(流行)in Germany,wh ich is widely regarded as the leader in green roof research.

The green roofs that are used these days can be classified as "extensive" and “intensive” systems.Extensive green roofs use mosses,grasses and herbs,

which are tolerant to droughts. These plants do not need much maintenance,can be grown in a layer of substrate(土层)that can be as shallow as 1.5 inches,an d generally are inaccessible to the public.In contrast.a wide range of specie s of plants are grown on intensive green roofs,such as shrubs(灌木)and even tr ees,which require deeper substrate layers,and are usually grown on flat roofs.T hey need intensive maintenance, and are usually areas that resemble parks which are accessible to people.

There are several benefits of adopting green roof technologies.Apart from the obvious psychological and aesthetic(暮学的)benefits of garden—like environ ments surrounding you,some of the common‘economic and ecological benefits are:a reduction in the consumption of energy;air and water purification;recoverin g green spaces;and the mitigation(缓解)of the heat island effect in urban area s.

The green roof research that is currently ongoing is focused on evaluating the species of plants that are suitable to be grown on roofs,the methods of pr opagation(繁殖) as well as establishment,nutrient(养料)and water requirement,s ubstrates,and the quantity and quality of water runoff.The evaluation criteri a of plant species are:at what rate they can be established:their capacity to withstand invasive weeds;tolerance of cold and heat;tolerance of drought cond itions;capacity of persistence and survival.

A number of experiments are being conducted on roof platform simulations at various research centers.These sites are generally outfitted with equipment,w hich are used to measure temperatures at different depths of the growing substr ates,and the rate and volume of the runoff of stormwaters from each of the pla tforms.

Green roof technology is representative of a completely new market for land scape contractors,and all roofs that currently exist and the future ones to be constructed are the potential market—a market that is too huge to be overlooke d.

16. It is estimated that around 10 percent of the flat roofs in Germany are gre en

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

17. German people prefer extensive green roof systems to intensive ones

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

18. Small plants like grasses and herbs are grown widely on intensive green roo fs.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

19. Green roof is an ecologically sound strategy of spreading green in urban ar eas

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

20. One of the benefits of green roofs is the reduction of the heat island effe ct in cities

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

21. One focus in the green roof research is the evaluation of suitable plant sp ecies

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

22. Although green roof technology can create a garden—like environment,its p otential market is rather small.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned



The Supercomputer Network

1 Recently.Ten laboratories run by governments in different parts of the worl

d hav

e become linked.Their computers have been connected so they can“talk”to each other. This may not seem very dramatic news,but it is the beginning o

f a development that will increase the power of the Internet tremendously.

2 The Internet is an interconnected(互联)system of networks that connects comp uters round the world and facilitates the transmission and exchange of informat ion. The way that you use the Internet is by accessing this network.This depe nds on the power that your system allows you to use.The power of your computer is responsible for how fast you can download(下载)files,how much data you can store,etc.If your computer is old and slow.accessing the information can be very difficult.

3 The new development in information technology has been called“the grid”(网格技术),and it will be a network of computers that are linked together.The“gri d”will work in a diffe rent way from the Internet,enabling you to get the powe r of the biggest computers in the world on your computer.Accessing the informa tion will no longer depend on the power of your computer.The idea is that whil e you access information,you will also have access to the power of the bigger computer stations.

4 One advantage of this revolutionary idea is that geographical location will b ecome irrelevant.The“grid”will decide which are the best parts of a worldwid e network to do the job you want.This means that you may be accessing a comput er In Japan to solve a problem in Alaska.

5 The“grid”can be compared to having an efficient personal assistant.You can give your assistant a task and“he”will do it for you.The assistant will do t he preliminary research,collect the data,compare them and decide on the best course of action by accessing any of the computer centres in the “grid” that happen to have the relevant information.All you have to do is assign the task,sit back and wait.

6 At present,possible applications o f the“grid”in scientific research are b eing explored.While it has taken about fifteen years for Internet use to bec ome widespread,experts believe that the “grid” could be up and running for p rivate individuals far more quickly.Scientists working on“grid”projects are convinced that it will be as widely used as the web in the next ten years.

23 Paragraph 2_________

24 Paragraph 3_________

25 Paragraph 4_________

26 Paragraph 5_________

27 Traditionally the power of your computer determines how fast you can access_ _________.

28 The “grid’’ will enable you to get on your computer the power of ________ _ in the world.

29 The “grid” would be like __________, who can perform your tasks efficientl y.

30 It is believed that the widespread use of the “grid’’ will be come possibl

e in the next________.



第一篇Centers of the Great European Cities

The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition p eople gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night.A mixture of l ocals and tourists make for’an exciting,metropolitan atmosphere.

Squares,plazas(广场)and arcades(拱廊)form the heart of Europe’s cities

Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco—a beautiful square surrounded by s n0Ps, churches,restaurants and cafes.In Barcelona,Spain,La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods.London’s Cov ent Garden IS filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians,acro bats(杂技演员)and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of m any cities often are architecturally impressive? In London,the serve as a beau tiful backdrop(背景)to the coffee tables that line the streets and the banks of the Thames...

These vibrant(有活力的)hearts are the product of centuries of evolution,s ocial historian Joel Garreau told US News and World Report recently.“The reas on people think Venice is so great today is you don’t see all the mistakes,”s

aid Garreau ”l hose have all been removed.”Most European cities were laid ou t before the invention of the car, so bars, restaurants and caf6s were near to people homes Today the focus of many Europeans,life has moved away from the ce nters.They live in the suburbs and Outskirts.driving to supermarkets to get t heir supplies.But on a continent where people treasure convention,there are s till those who hold onto traditional ways,ling and shopping locally.These peo ple,together with tourists,provide the city centers with their reason for exi stence.

Coffee culture plays a part in keeping these city centers flourishing this is particularly true of Paris whose citizens are famous enthusiastic conversat ionalists. this‘s skill is developed over many hours spent chatting over espre ssos(浓咖啡)and cigarettes.

Religion also plays a role in developing sociable atmosphere.People in Ro man Catholic countries used to visit the Church on an almost daily basis.Entir e communities would gather in the same building and then move out to the market s,cafes and bars In the surrounding streets.An enormous example of this relat ionship between church and society is the Duomo.The huge marble cathedral in F lorence,Italy is surrounded by bakeries and coffee shops,and caters not only to the tourist crowds,but also the local community

31. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that each big city in Europe

A. has many large squares.

B. has many very magnificent sky-scrapers.

C. has a center where tourists meet their spouses.

D. draws tourists in large numbers every year.

32. Which statement is NOT true of Covent Garden?

A. It is crowded with people.

B. It is located in London.

C. It is surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafes

D. It is filled with stalls.

33. Why do people think that Venice is so great?

A. Because it is a famous tourist attraction.

B. Because you can reach anywhere by boat.

C. Because all the mistakes have been removed.

D. Because it is well-known for its merchants.

34. What are Parisians famous for?

A. Their enthusiasm for conversation.

B. Their pursuit of independence.

C. Their ability to keep the city flourishing.

D. Their devotion to developing a multiple culture.

35. The writer cites the Duomo in the last paragraph as an example to illustrat

e that

A. all churches are magnificent.

B. there is a tight link between church and society.

C. old churches are very popular.

D. high-rise churches are impressive.


Real-World Robots

When you think Of a robot,do you imagine a shiny ,metallic device having the same general shape as a human being,performing humanlike functions,and re sponding to your questions in a monotone(单调的)voice accentuated(强调)by high-pitched tones and beeps This is the way many of US imagine a robot,but in the real world a robot is not humanoid at all.instead,a robot often is a voiceles s ,box- shaped machine that efficiently carries Out repetitive or dangerous fun ctions usually performed by humans. Today" s robot is more than an automatic ma chine that performs one task again and again. A modern robot is programmed wit h varying degrees of artificial intelligence,that is,a robot contains a compu ter program that tells it how to perform tasks associated with human intelligen ce,such as reasoning,drawing conclusions,and learning from past

A robot does not possess a human shape for the simple reason that a two-leg ged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced.A robot does,however,move from place to place on wheels and axles(轮轴)that roll and rotate.A robot even has limbs that turn round and move in combination with joints and motors.To fi nd its way in its surroundings, a robot utilizes various built -in sensors.Ant ennae attached to the robot's base detect anything they bump into.If the robot starts to shake as it moves on an incline,a gyroscope(陀螺仪)inside it senses the vertical differential .TO determine Its distance from an object and how qui ckly it will reach the object,the robot bounces beams of laser. light and ultr asonic sound waves off obstructions(障碍物)in its path?These and other sensors

constantly feed information to the computer,which then analyzes the informatio n and corrects or adjusts the robot’s actions.As science and technology advan ce the robot too will progress in its functions and use of artificial intellig ence programs,

36 The writer begins the passage by comparing

A a real-life robot with a fictional robot.

B the shape of a human being with a box.

C an imaginary machine with a human.

D a robot with a computer program.

37 The word “humanoid” in Paragraph 1 means

A lacking human feelings.

B lacking human characteristics.

C having a human form and characteristics

D lacking human intelligence.

38 According to the first paragraph,artificial intelligence is

A the unnatural way in which robots move.

B a voiceless,box—shaped machine that performs repetitive tasks

C a computer program that imitates human intellectual processes

D a sensor that detects troubles in a robot.

39 The last paragraph suggests that future robots will

A surpass human beings in intelligence.

B be more humanlike in behavior and action.

C use a laser to transmit information.

D will perform very complicated household jobs.

40 Another good title for this passage would be

A Robots:Taking the Place of Humans.

B Artificial Intelligence Programs.

C Modern—Day Sensors.

D Today’ S Robots and How They Function

第三篇 Why Humans Walk on Two Legs

A team of scientists that studied chimpanzees (黑猩猩) trained to use trea dmills (跑步机) has gathered new evidence suggesting that our earliest apelike ancestors started walking on two legs because it required less energy than gett ing around on all fours.

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