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语法填空中对非谓语动词的考查 实例剖析 [例1]…the proverb, “plucking up a crop 32 (help) it grow”, is based on the following story. (2008年广东) 思路分析:因句中已有谓语is based,而“plucking up a crop 32 (help) it grow”是the proverb的同位语,是一个名词短语而非同位语从句,因此,help应是谓语动词;“帮助禾苗长”是“将禾苗拨起来”的目的,作目的状语,用动词不定式,故填to help [例2]While she was getting me ___34___ (settle) into a tiny but clean room…(2007年广东) 思路分析:因句中已有谓语was getting,所以settle应是非谓语动词;又由settle sb. into/in/on…(使某人舒服地处于某处)可知,me与settle是被动关系,要用过去分词用宾补,故填settled。 考点突破 一、单句填空:用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. ___walking_________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国) 2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use __arguing________(argue) with him. (上海) 3. Please remain __seated_______(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁) remain在这里是一个系动词,后面要接形容词做表语,CD明显不对,可以排除,AB都是分词形式,可以充当形容词,但是主语是人,和seat应该是被动关系,所以用过去分词而不用现在分词.Please remain seated .请坐着不要动。Be seated请坐着不要动 4. — Can I smoke here? —Sorry. We don’t allow ___smoking________(smoke) here. (江苏) Sb allow sb to do sth 某人允许某人做某事 Sb allow doing sth某人被允许做某事 5.It is difficult to imagine his __accepting_____(accept) the decision without any consideration. (陕西) imagine one‘s doing sth 固定搭配 6.I can’t stand _working________(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ___to stop_____(stop) talking while she works. (北京) stand(sb.)doing,“忍受(某人)做什么”;refuse to do“拒绝做 7.As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need _repairing____________ (repair). (陕西) Need(需要) 的用法


非谓语动词 非谓 相对谓语动词的时间意义例句 语动 词 说明行为在谓语动词所表示的行为之后,多数I want to go home. 一般是那些表愿望的词: want; hope; expect; wish I hope to see you. 等。 式不 I saw him come in. 定式 说明行为与谓语动词表示的行为同时发生,多 数是那些省略不定式符号的词,一般是复合宾 He helped him (to) carry things. 语。 表示动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发出。We enjoyed seeing the film. I am thinking of taking over the job. 在动词 insist on; rely on; count on(相信) He insisted on doing that work 一般 等后表示动作在谓语动词表示的动作之后发 式动 生。 名词 在有些明确表示时间先后的动词和介词on;I remember seeing him before. upon after代替完成动名词表 示的动作在谓语 动词表示的动作先发生。 说明分词表示的动作和句中谓语 持续性 动词表示的动作同时发生。 现动词 在 一般 分说明分词表示的动作发生之后, 式分 词终止性 句中谓语动词表示的动作立刻发 词动词 生。 过持续性通常说明分词表示的动 作,此句动词中谓语动词表示的动作先发生。 去On arriving Beijing, he went to see his friend. He stood there speaking. Holding a book under his arm, he entered the room. Entering the room, I found nobody in. Turning to the right, you will find the post office. Written in simple English, the book is easy to read.


非谓语动词考查特点及解题点拨 非谓语动词在英语语言中使用率很高,同时也是中考考考查热点。近几年对非谓语动词的考查更加强调语句的复杂性,综合考查时态、语态、逻辑主语一致性的题目较多。因此,考生必须学会在复杂的语境中选用非谓语动词的适当形式。 【例1】Charles Babbage is generally considered _____the first computer. A.to have invented B.inventing C.to invent D.having invented 解题点拨:这是一道把动词的用法和非谓语动词的用法结合起来的考题。关键一:表示心理活动的动词在带不定式作宾补时常用to be或to have done,极少用to do sth.的形式。关键二:注意consider的两种用法,consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”,consider sb./sth.to be 或consider sb.to have done或其被动式be considered to be/to have done意思是“认为某人/物如何(做了什么)”。依题意可知本题考查第二种用法。 练一练:1)The patient was warned ______oily food after the operation. A.not eat B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating 【例2】Do let your mother know all the truth.She appears _______everything. A.to tell B.to be told C.to be telling D.to have been told 解题点拨:这是一道把语态、时态、和非谓语动词结合起来考查的题目。解这类题一定要注意时态和语态的变化,先于谓语动作发生的非谓语用完成形式。前半句说“一定要告诉你母亲全部真相”,后半句说“看上去她好像已被告知所有情况”,因此选不定式完成形式的被动语态。 练一练:2)The old man is said _____a sailor when he was young. A.to have been B.that he was


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的


非谓语动词填空练习题 1.It’s very exciting ______________(have) Chinese food. 2.It is time _______ (go) home. 3.He sat down and watched Wang Wang ____(play) with a friendly black cat. 4.That made me _______(feel) very happy. 5.We decide _________(play) tennis. 6.I h ave _______(stay) in bed by ten o’clock. 7.I try ________(eat) a lot of vegetables. 8.My healthy lifestyle helps me _______(get) good grades. 9.Mom wants me _______(get) up at 6:00 and play with it. 10.It’s important ________(sleep) eight hours a night. 11.I’m sorry __________(hear) the bad news. 12.This time I want __________(do) something different. 13.He plans ________(have) a very relaxing vacation. 14.I really need ____________(relax). 15.How long does it take you _________(get) school from home. 16.Let me________(look) at your map. 17.You are never too young ___________(start) doing things. 18.Don’t forget ___________(clean) your bed. 19.People would like __________(do) such jobs. 20.It’s easy for a child ____________(wake) up an d know where they are. 21.You should tell him __________(get) different clothes. 23.You need time ________(do) things by yourselves. 24.Our teacher asked us __________(stop) what we were doing. 25.You were supposed ____________(meet) at the bus stop. 26.It’s not right for you ___________(copy) others’ homework. 27.I have a pig __________(name) Connie. 28.It’s enough ___________(make) her happy. 29.He encourages us ___________(ask) questions in class. 30.This is the best time __________(watch) them. 34.Why not _________(join) a club _____________(practice) your English. 35.I used _________(be) afraid of the dark. 36.His mother could afford ________(pay) for her child’s education. 37.It was necessary _________(talk) with his mother. 40.He needs ____________(spend) time on his homework. 41.You can find a good way __________(keep) them happy. 42.I don’t know what ____________(wear) at present. 43.I’d rather__(stay) at home and read a book than _____(go) to a party.


非谓语动词 一.动词不定式 1.动词不定式的构成:to +动词原形(这里的to是不定式符号,本身无词义) 否定:not+ (to +) 动词原形 do作主语常用it作形式主语 例: To learn English well is useful. It is useful (for us) to learn English well. 注意:在kind, good, nice, clever 等表示人的品质的形容词后,不用for而用of. 2. 一些表示命令,打算或希望的动词后只接动词不定式作宾语:would like, like (想要), want, wish, hope, decide, pla n, except 等。 例: Would you like too see a film this evening? 3. 在find, think 后跟动词不定式作宾语时,常用it代替,而将真正的宾语放在句末。 例: I find it easy to read English every day. 4. 常见的一些不带to的动词不定式作宾语 Why not do ........ , why don' t you do …,had better (not) do …,would rater do …, could/ would/ will you please (not) do … 例: I would rather stay in the room. 5. 一些使役动词和感官动词用不定式作宾语,但to要省略。 一感(fell )、二听(hear, listen to )、三让(let/ make/ let )、四看(look at, see, watch, notice )、五帮助(help ),但变为被动语态是必须加上to. 例: My friends were made to work the whole night by the boss. 6. 不定式常和疑问词what,which,when,where,how 连用,相当于一个宾语从句。 二.动名词 1. 动名词的构成:动词原形+-i ng 2. 动名词的句法功能


必备英语非谓语动词知识点总结 一、非谓语动词 1.I look forward _____ you soon. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:我盼望尽快见到你。look forward to doing sth盼望做某事,故答案为D。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意look forward to中的to是介词,后跟动名词。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B.动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句意及结构,故选B。 3.一What should we take when going birdwatching? 一 We should take a pair of binoculars ____________the birds clearly. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一去看鸟应该带什么?一为了看得清楚,我们应该带一副望远镜。带上望远镜的目的是看得清楚,用带to的不定式作目的状语。故选C。 4.The workers were made from morning to night in the past. A. worked B. to work C. work D. working 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:在过去工人们被迫从早晨工作到晚上make sb do sth让某人做某事,其被动语态形式sb be made to do sth所以选B。 5.Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates____speaking English.


非谓语动词的用法总结 李靖 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)不是真正意义上的谓语动词,在句中都不能单独作谓语。但都具有动词的某些特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成非谓语动词短语。不定式表目的,表将来;动名词表主动,表进行;过去分词表被动,表完成。 一.作主语( 动名词、不定式、过去分词前面加being, 动名词做主语谓语动词用单数) 1)不定式、动名词都可做主语,但是动名词做主语多指抽象的概念性的动作,可以是多次的经常的行为;不定式多表示具体的动作,尤其是某一次的动作。如: Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火危险。(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火会发生危险。 2)用动名词做主语的句型: It’s no use/no good/pleasure doing sth 做.......没有用处/好处/乐趣 It’s a waste of time doing sth 做.... 浪费时间 It is worth doing sth 值得做某事 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 It is worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。 3)不定式做主语的句型. It is + adj +for sb to do sth. 比较:表示人的品质时只能用of sb 如considerate/kind/nice/foolish/stupid/rude/cruel /wise/clever/brave/selfish/crazy/good/careful/careless/impolite/right/wrong等单词出现 时。 It is silly of you to say so. It is important for us to learn English well. It is a must/ a necessity for us to have a good command of the English language. 4) “Wh- + to 不定式”可做主语。如: When to leave hasn’t been decided yet.什么时候动身还没定呢。 Whether to drive or take the train is still a problem.是自驾车还是乘火车仍是一个问题。 5)一般情况下,不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe 眼见为实。 . Planting flowers needs constant watering. 但and连接的多个动名词作主语,谓语动词大多用复数(如果前后动名词的语义一致, 谓语一般用单数)。如:Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎与盗窃是不道德的。 6) 动名词前面可以加上形容词性物主代词构成动名词的复合结构。如: ----- What made him angry? ------ Mary’s /My/His/Her /Their/ The boy’s/ The president’s being late(made him angry. 7being,构成动名词,做主语。如: . Being examined twice a year , driver must obey in this city. 经典练习:


非谓语动词总结 一.后面可跟动词的ing形式的情况 1.动词:finishdoingsth.完成做某事;enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事;practicedoingsth.练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth.避免做某事;considerdoingsth.考虑做某事;suggestdoingsth.建议做某事;minddoingsth.介意做某事;keepdoing sth.持续做某事 doing值得做某事;spendtime(in)doingsth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;havedifficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难;have fun doing.做某事高兴 3.介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等) 如:be good at doing sth.;thank you for doing sth.;give up doing sth.;stop sb.from doing sth.;do well in doing sth.;be afraid of doing sth.;be interested indoing sth.;be proud of;instead of;be fond of 4.to作介词的情况lookforwardtodoingsth期望做某事; preferdoingsth.todoingsth与…相比较更喜欢…;pay attention to doing注意做某事;be/get used to doingsth.习惯于做某事;make a contribution to为…做贡献 二.后面可跟动词的不定式形式的情况 1.动词:agree todo同意去做;afford to do买得起;decide todo决定去做某事;hopeto do希望去做;wish to do希望去做;fail to do做某事失败去;plan to do打算去做;pretend to do假装去做;refuse to do拒绝去做;would like to do 想要去做;want todo想要去做某事;learntodo学做;prefertodosth.喜欢(爱)做某事;sb.seemtodo sth好像做某事;want/would like to do sth.想做……;used to do sth.过去常做某事 2.句型. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人去做某事 asked sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)


1.They knew her very well.They had seen her ___ _ up from childhood. (grow) 2. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable __ __.(sit) 3.She didn't remember __ __ him before.(meet) 4.— What do you think of the book? — Oh, excellent.It' s worth __ __ a second time.(read) 5. Do you know the boy __ __ under the big tree? (lie) 6. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see __ out the next year. (carry) 7.__ __ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.(sleep) 8.As we joined the big crowd I got __ __ from my friends.(separate) 9. There was a terrible noise __ __ the sudden burst of light.(fellow) 10 .The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself __ __.(hear) 11.__ __ more attention ,the tree could have grown better.(give) 12.Most of the artists _ ___ to the party were from South Africa.(invite) 13.She searched the top of the hill and stopped __ __ on a big rock by the side of the path. (rest) 14. The secretary worked late into the night, ___ _ a long speech for the president. (prepare) 15.She’s upstairs ____ letters.(write) 16.The murderer was brought in, with his hands __ __ behind his back.(tie) 17 .Jane was made _ ___ the truck for a week as a punishment.(wash) 18.Mr. Smith warned her daughter __ __ after drinking. (drive) 19.I can hardly imagine Peter __ __ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(sail ) 20. The salesman scolded the girl caught _ ___ and let her off.(steal) 21. The computer center, __ __ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. (open) 22. Rather than ___ _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers __ __ a bicycle.(ride) 23.Paul doesn't have to be made ___ _.He always works hard.( learn) 24.__ __ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him.(lose) 25 .European football is played in 80 countries, __ __ it the most popular sport in the world. (make) 26.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door " Will call later." (read) 27.Prices of daily goods ___ ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices. (buy) 28.The patient was warned __ __ oily food after the operation.(eat) 29. Charles Babbage is generally considered __ __ the first computer.(invent) 30.How about the two of us _ ___ a walk down the garden? (take) 31.The Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _ __ that he had enjoyed his stay here.(add) 32.The first text books _ ___ for teaching English came out in the 16th century.(write)


非谓语动词 一.动词不定式 1.动词不定式的构成:to + 动词原形(这里的to是不定式符号,本身无词义) 否定:not+ (to +) 动词原形 1.to do 作主语常用it 作形式主语 例:To learn English well is useful.→ It is useful(for us)to learn English well. 注意:在kind, good, nice, clever等表示人的品质的形容词后,不用for而用of. 2.一些表示命令,打算或希望的动词后只接动词不定式作宾语:would like, like(想要), want, wish, hope, decide, plan, except等。 例:Would you like too see a film this evening? 3.在find, think后跟动词不定式作宾语时,常用it代替,而将真正的宾语放在句末。 例:I find it easy to read English every day. 4.常见的一些不带to 的动词不定式作宾语 Why not do ……, why don’t you do…, had better (not) do…, would rater do…, could/ would/ will you please (not) do… 例:I would rather stay in the room. 5.一些使役动词和感官动词用不定式作宾语,但to要省略。 一感(fell)、二听(hear, listen to)、三让(let/ make/ let)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice)、五帮助(help),但变为被动语态是必须加上to. 例:My friends were made to work the whole night by the boss. 6.不定式常和疑问词what,which,when,where,how连用,相当于一个宾语从句。 二.动名词 1.动名词的构成:动词原形+-ing 2.动名词的句法功能


动词不定式和动名词作主语 一,作主语 ⒈不定式作主语 动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种: (1)把不定式置于句首, 不定式作主语侧重于将来特定的某一次, 如: To get there by bike will take us half an hour. (2)用it作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于下列句式中.如: ①It+be+名词+to do It's our duty to take good care of the old. ②It takes sb + some time +to do How long did it take you to finish the work ③It+be+形容词+for sb +to do It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour. ④It+be+形容词+of sb +to do It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says. ⑤It seems(appears)+形容词+to do It seemed impossible to save money. 在句型③中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible, necessary 等;在句型④中,常用careless, clever, good, foolish, honest, kind, lazy, nice, right, silly, stupid, wise等表示赞扬或批评的词.在不定式前的sb,可看作其逻辑主语.这一句式有时相当于Sb is+形容词+to do句式,如:It's kind of you to help me with my English.=You are kind to help me with my English. ⒉动名词作主语 (1)把动名词置于句首, 侧重于经常性发生的动作. 如: Learning without practice is no good. 动名词作主语时,也常用It句式.如: ①It's +no good(no use, fun, a pleasure, a waste of time)+doing… It's no good reading in dim light. It's no use sitting here waiting.


非谓语动词练习题 一、动词填空 1. _____________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国) 2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use __________(argue) with him. 3. Please remain _________(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁) 4. — Can I smoke here —Sorry. We don’t allow ___________(smoke) here. (江苏) 5. It is difficult to imagine his ________(accept) the decision without any consideration. (陕西) 6. I can’t stand _________(work) with Jane in the same o ffice. She just refuses ________(stop) talking while she works. (北京) 7. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need _____________ (repair). (陕西) 8. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried ________ (live) alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home. (湖南) 9. — Robert is indeed a wise man. — Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ____________(not take) his advice! (安徽) 10. If you think that treating a woman well means always ________ (get) her permission for things, think again. (湖南) 11. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _______________________(open and close) could be heard outside the classroom. (全国) 12. —They are quiet, aren’t they —Yes. They are accustomed to _____________ (not talk) at meals. (江苏) 17. According to a recent U.S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ (watch) TV. 18. I believe that’s the best way to prevent such a thing fro m ____________ (happen) again. 19. Did you have trouble in________ (find) the post office (全国) 20. Sandy could do nothing but ________ (admit) to his teacher that he was wrong. (上海) 21. I smell something __________ (burn) in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute (全国) 22. Don’t leave the water ________ (run) while you brush your t eeth. (天津) 23. It was so cold that they kept the fire ___________ (burn) all night. (全国) 24. The managers discussed the plan they would like to see _________ (carry) out the next year. 25. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English ___________ (speak) as much as we can. (江苏) 26. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ____________(interest) in his lectures. (江苏)


一、表格的用法 1.doing 的用法 (1)在要求动词后(作宾语):avoid避免appreciate 感激/欣赏acknowledge承认/自认 admit 承认advocate提倡/主张consider 考虑 can't help不禁 can't stand受不了contemplate细想complete完成confess坦白 dislike不喜欢,讨厌deserve值得 delay 延迟 deny否认 dread可怕defer拖延detest嫌恶 enjoy享有/喜爱envy嫉妒endure忍受excuse借口escape逃跑/逃避finish完成forgive原谅 fancy幻想/爱好favor 造成/偏爱figure描绘/计算hate讨厌 imagine设想involve卷入/包含keep保持miss错过mention说到/讲到mind 介意pardon原谅/饶恕permit允许 postpone推迟practice 实行/实践prevent阻止quit放弃停止risk冒险recall回想resist抵抗/阻止 resume恢复repent悔悟resent怨恨stand坚持/忍受suggest建议save营救/储蓄tolerate忍受

worth值得 You should try to avoid making mistakes. The book is worth reading. The book deserves reading. (2)表进行 Walking on the grassland, I saw a snake.=When I was walking on the grassland, I saw a snake. The man speaking English is Tom. = The man who is speaking English is Tom. (3)表主动 The man speaking English is Tom = The man who speaks English is Tom. = The man who spoke English is Tom. Nobody dinks boiling water but boiled water.= Nobody dinks water that is boiling but the water that has boiled. (4)表伴随 I stand outside waiting for Mr. Chen. I lie in bed reading a novel. (5)表性质;特点 The film is very moving. She is understanding, so you had better discuss your business with her.

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