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English for biology students translation Lesson6-9


A Home for Life: Formation of the Solar System and Planet Earth

The story of life's origins begins with the formation of the earth. The sequence of events that gave rise to our planet began, in turn, with the cosmic explosion physicists call the Big Bang. The sun at the center of our solar system condensed from a cloud of primordial matter roughly 5 billion years ago; the planets, including the earth, condensed about 4.6 billion years ago. The earth is composed of a number of layers: a solid crust, a semisolid mantle, and a largely molten (liquid) core that has a solid center. Basic physical features of Earth that may have made the emergence of life possible include the planet's size, temperature, composition, and distance from the sun. The major current hypothesis holds that life arose spontaneously on the early earth by means of chemical evolution from nonliving substances.


The Emergence of life: Organic and Biological Molecules on a Primitive Planet

Evidence for prelife stages of chemical organization comes from laboratory experiments that try to duplicate the physical environment and chemical resources of the early earth. These experiments, including the pioneering work of Miller and Urey, have successfully produced organic monomers including amino acids, simple sugars, and nucleic acid bases. The probable next step toward life was the spontaneous linking of such monomers into polymers such as proteinoids and nuclei acids. Current research suggests that likely sites for this polymerization were clay or rock surfaces.


Researchers have found that, when energy is available to a system, they can generate three kinds of organic molecular aggregates. The Russian Aleksandr Oparin obtained polymer-rich droplets, called coacervates from solutions of polymers. Sidney Fox generated proteinoid microspheres from mixtures of amino acids and water. A third laboratory structure is the liposome, a spherical lipid bilayer that forms from phospholipids. A structure similar to one or more of these aggregates may have been the precursor of true cells.


Further steps in the appearance of cells on the earth included the development of RNA and DNA as biological information molecules. Evidence suggests that RNA, which can form spontaneously under conditions mimicking those of the early earth, was the first informational molecule. The discovery of RNA ribozymes-RNA that can act as an enzymelike catalyst suggests that such catalytic RNA also could have assembled new RNAs from early nucleotides. Certain catalytic RNAs can also carry out sexlike exchanges of pieces of RNA.


Following the development of a lipid-protein surface layer and replicating RNA and DNA informational molecules, the events leading to the emergence of living cells would have included the origin of the genetic code; the sequestering of RNA or DNA into cell-like structures; and the development of metabolic pathways.

接下来脂蛋白表层的形成,RNA的复制,DNA信息分子的形成,最终导致活细胞的出现,包括最初的遗传密码,RNA 或DNA被包裹进细胞样的结构中;及代谢途径的建立。

The Earliest Cells

The oldest fossils that may represent living cells are found in rocks that are about 3.5 billion years old. The cells were probably anaerobic heterotrophs, with autotrophs arising much later. The first autotrophs produced their own nutrients and released O,-a metabolic by-product that had a crucial impact on later life forms. The resulting ozone layer in the earth's

atmosphere reduced the penetration of ultraviolet light. As a result, cells would survive in shallow water and on the land surface. The increasing quantity of atmospheric oxygen also permitted the evolution of aerobic cells and cellular respiration, which in turn signaled the beginning of the global carbon cycle.Although the earliest cells were all prokaryotes, by about 1.5 billion years ago eukaryotes appeared.


The Changing Face of planet Earth

Changes in land masses, the seas, and climate have greatly affected the ev olution of life on the earth. The basic parts of the planet include a light, solid crust over a hot, semisolid mantle and an inner, partially molten core. Massive segments or plates of the crust move over the mantle in the process of continental drift. Over the past 500 million years, continental drift has sculpted the earth's crusts to produce the form and distribution of present-day continents. Climatic changes that greatly affected living organisms accompanied these plate movements; the period was marked by occasional waves of mass extinctions of living creatures. Organisms were also affected by periods of glaciation that followed variations in the earth's orbit and in the output of energy by the sun.

大陆板快,海洋的改变,以及气候对地球生命的进化都有深远影响。地幔上大板快地壳的挤压形成大陆漂移。大陆漂移雕塑了地壳的外观,使现在大陆形成。伴随板块运动,气候改变对活有机体有深远影响。在特定时期的生物大量灭亡高峰是这个时期的见证。生物也受冰河期影响,在冰河期,地球轨道和太阳能的输出都发生了很大变化。Taxonomy: Categorizing the Variety of living Things

Biologists use the binomial system of nomenclature developed b y Linnaeus to categorize the varieties of life on the earth. The system assigns each type of organism to a genus and species. Organisms are then further classified into higher taxonomic categories-family, order, class, division (plants), phylum (animals), and kingdom. Evidence from many subfields of biology, such as biochemistry and comparative anatomy, helps define species and higher taxa (taxon). And whereas species were originally defined in terms of morphological traits, today biologists generally use the criterion of a reproductively isolated population.


Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.


The Five Kingdoms

A phylogenetic tree is a graphic representation of evolutionary relationships. Your text uses a common five-kingdom arrangement: organisms are grouped into the kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Although this system is a convenient organizational tool, the kingdoms are probably no true clades.



Fungi: The Great Decomposers

Characteristics of Fungi

The approximately 175,000 species of fungi include some of the si mplest multicellular organisms. Fungi have a variety of lifestyles. They may be saprobes that decompose dead organic matter; they may be parasites which obtain nutrients from living hosts; or they may live in symbiotic relationships with algae or with the roots of higher plants. In spite of these variations, however, all fungi carry out extracellular digestion: they secrete enzymes that digest organic matter, and then they absorb the resulting nutrients.


Most fungi have the same basic body structure consisting of a main body or thallus composed of filaments called hyphae. In most species the walls of hyphal cells contain chitin. Hyphae in certain species may become specialized to form rhizoids, which serve as rootlike anchors, or they may become the feeding structures known as haustoria. Finally, hyphae may or may not be septate-having cross walls that segregate independent cells, each with at least one nucleus. Lower fungi are coenocytic; that is, they are one mass of cytoplasm that contains multiple nuclei.


Hyphae grow and branch to form a filamentous network cal led a mycelium. Food is digested and absorbed at the tip of each hyphae; more hyphae are generated as this process continues. As a result, fungi may grow very rapidly. Growth depends on mitosis and the rapid manufacture of cytoplasm; fungal mitosis is unique in that it occurs within the nucleus. Hyphae from genetically distinct individuals may fuse to form a heterokaryon-a single cytoplasm with dissimilar nuclei.


As nonmotile heterotrophs, fungi must eventually be able t o find new sources of nutrients. This function is fulfilled by spores, the fungal reproductive bodies. Spores may be home on aerial hyphae, which discharge spores into the air, and depending on the species they may haploid or diploid. There are two main categories of spores: (1) dispersal spores, which are usually short-lived and are produced in large numbers during active fungal growth; and (2) survival spores, which are usually produced in smaller numbers and at a time in the life cycle when the fungus is under some kind of environmental stress.


2Classification of fungi

As with some of the other groups you have studied, it is difficult to group fungi according to actual evolutionary relationships. In general, they are classified according to morphology, methods of reproduction, and modes of spore production. On the basis of these features, the single division of the kingdom Fungi, Mycota, is divided into six principal classes.



The lower fungi comprise the groups Chytridiomycet es, Oomycetes, and Zygomycetes. All lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; spores are formed by asexual means. Of the six fungal classes, only the oomycetes usually have a diploid vegetative state. Oomycetes and chytrids (sometimes called water molds) produce motile, flagellated spores in sporangia. They also produce gametes in gametangia; oomycetes are distinguished by their large, immobile egg cells. In fact, both these groups have such distinctive features that some biologists prefer to classify them as protists rather than fungi. Zygomycetes resemble the other two classes in this group but have nonmotile spores. They are also completely terrestrial, and some form mycorrhizal associations with plant roots.


The higher fungi include the class Ascomycetes, the largest c lass of fungi. Most ascomycetes are either saprobes or parasites. Asexual reproduction produces spores called conidia, which develop on the tips of specialized aerial hyphae. In the ascomycete sexual cycle, hyphae of different mating strains fuse, giving rise to ascospores that form in a small, saclike ascus. Groups of asci form fruiting bodies. Ascomycetes of interest to humans include truffles, yeasts, and Penicillium species.



Most members of the class Basidiomycetes—the second group of higher fungi form visible fruiting bodies. A prime characteristic distinguishing basidiomycetes from ascomycetes is the dense mass of dikaryotic hyphae called the basidiocarp-the "mushroom" seen on damp lawns and the forest floor. Club-shaped basidia, each bearing four haploid basidiospores, line the surfaces of the gills on the underside of the mushroom cap. Members of this group undergo both sexual and asexual reproductive processes at different times in their life cycle, and in response to varying environmental influences.


The class Deuteromycetes, or Fungi Imperfecti, includes a variety of fungi that lack modes of sexual reproduction. Most are known to reproduce asexually by means of conidia. Deuteromycetes important to humans include those used to ferment soybeans and rice to make soy sauce and sake respectively, and those responsible for producing citric acid and the highly dangerous aflatoxin.


Lichens: The Ultimate Symbionts

Lichens are composite organisms in which about 90 percent of the lichen mass consists of one species of fungus, while the remaining 10 percent is made up of one or two species of algae. The algal portion of the lichen provides the fungal portion with essential nutrients, while the presence of the fungal component may enable the alga to exploit an otherwise unavailable ecological niche. Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes, although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens. Lichens have a number of remarkable features, including their ability to become almost completely desiccated without drying and their ability to absorb inorganic nutrients. Reproduction in lichens is not well understood.


Fungal Evolution

The various fungi may have arisen independently from prokaryotes, since some evidence suggests that ascomycetes and basidiomycete did not evolve from known lower forms. However, all fungi do show the same dependence on nutrients produced by plants, animals, or algae.



Animal Development

Production of Sperm and Eggs

In sexually reproducing organisms males and females produce sex cells, known as gametes. These are swimming sperm in males and ova (eggs) in females.


The process of sperm production, spermatogenesis, takes place in testes. The sperm originate in gonial cells (spermatogonia) in the walls of seminiferous tubules. Spermatocytes produced by mitosis in spermatogonia divide meiotically to generate haploid spermatids. The mature sperm has a tail, a nucleus containing haploid chromosomes, and a front end with an acrosome, the storage site for enzymes that will aid fertilization.


Ova, which are produced during oogenesis, are generated in gonial cells (oogonia) of the female's ovaries. Oocytes then enter a stage of arrest in early meiosis. At a species-specific later point, a final ripening (ovulation) and the first meiotic division occur. A second meiotic division, followed by development of the embryo, takes place if the egg is fertilized.


Eggs vary greatly in size from species to species and have complex structures. Virtually all developing animal ova are

surrounded by helper cells, either follicle cells or nurse cells. Depending on the species, eggs also store varying amounts of yolk, a reservoir of nutrients produced by digestive-gland cells in the mother's body. Finally, follicle cells or cells of the maternal oviduct provide protective coatings for the egg, including albumen (egg white) and various types of outer membranes and shells.


Frog oocytes have served as model systems for studies of oocyte development. During maturation they produce huge numbers of ribosomes through gene amplification. Large quantities of mRNA may also be made and stored.


Fertilization: Initiating Development

Fertilization unites male and female gametes and initiates development. In so me species fertilization is external; in others (including most terrestrial animals) it takes place internally. The first contact of the sperm head with the egg's jelly coat triggers the acrosome reaction, in which enzymes are released to digest a hole through the egg's protective layers, and the plasma membrane of the sperm is brought into position to bind to the ovum's surface. After fusion of the egg and sperm plasma membranes, the haploid male nucleus with its chromosomes moves into the egg cytoplasm. Fusion also triggers the egg's final meiotic reduction divisions. When sperm and egg nuclei unite, the two sets of chromosomes mingle to create a diploid set. The fertilized egg is now a zygote.


T he egg's cortical reaction serves as a barrier to the entry of more than one sperm.Initially, there is a temporary change in the egg's electrical state, and the egg cell is activated. The final stage of the reaction, the rapid elevation of the fertilization membrane, prevents further sperm penetration.


In some species fertilization is not necessary. Instead, parthenogenesis takes place: the egg is spontaneously activated and proceeds to normal embryonic development.


Cleavage: An Increase in Cell Number

Cleavage, the major developmental event immediately following fertilization, is a special form of cell division (mitosis). Cleavage produces a blastula, a sheet of cells rounded into a sphere that in most species surrounds a cavity. In the process, the single-celled zygote is divided into many small cells, and yolk, mRNA, ribosomes, and other materials arc distributed to each cell in precise ways. The cells of the blastula, called blastomeres, also each receive a full diploid set of chromosomes.


T here are different patterns of cleavage in different species.The amount of yolk present in the egg is a major factor in determining the pattern: in species having little yolk (such as mammals) the zygote cleaves completely through, forming cells that are roughly equivalent in size. In frogs, in which the egg has somewhat more yolk, cleavage proceeds more rapidly in regions of the embryo having less yolk. In bird eggs the yolk is so massive that cleavage divisions are restricted to a tiny area of cytoplasm.


In many species the precise distribution to blastomeres of molecular determinants in the cytoplasm is crucial to proper development of different cell types in the embryo. In mammal and bird species the fate of cells is determined by the position

of a cell late in cleavage.


Gastrulation: Rearrangement of Cells(原肠胚:细胞重排列)

T he rearrangement of the blastula into a three-dimensional orga nism with inner, middle, and outer layers occurs during gastrulation. The resulting gastrula consists of an outer ectoderm, an inner endoderm, and a mesoderm layer positioned between them.


E ach layer gives rise to specific tissues during em bryonic development. A variation in gastrulation, involving the movement of cells into endodermal and mesodermal positions through the thickened primitive streak, arose in reptiles and can still be seen in bird and mammalian embryos, lending support to the theory that birds and mammals evolved from reptiles.


Organogenesis: Formation of Functional Tissues and Organs

The organs and tissues of the embryo arise during organogenesis as cells inside the embryo and on its surface become specialized. Organogenesis actually includes two closely linked processes, morphogenesis and differentiation. During morphogenesis cells and cell populations change shape: an example is neurulation in vertebrate embryos, in which the edges of the flat neural plate fold upward and fuse, forming the beginnings of the hollow brain and spinal cord. During differentiation cells mature so that they may perform separate functions. This maturation may include taking on a function-related shape, such as the long, spindly shape of skeletal-muscle cells. Cell differentiation also results in responsiveness-the ability of a cell to be regulated within the organism through the action of hormones, neurons, and other signals.


Embryonic Coverings and Membranes

The embryos of land vertebrates are enclosed within four extraembryonic membranes that afford protection while still permitting the exchange of gases, nutrients, and other materials.


Growth: Increase in Size

Growth in embryos is largely due to an increase in the number of cells rather than to an increase in the size of individual cells. In many species the extent of embryonic growth is limite d by the availability of food (yolk). In animals that develop entirely free of the maternal body, such as frogs and insects, the embryo give rise to a larval stage that can feed itself and later undergo metamorphosis to attain the adult stage. In many species the most spectacular growth phase takes place during the juvenile and adolescent phases of the life cycle. Actual growth generally stops once the organism reaches its typical adolescent phases of the life cycle. Actual growth generally stops once the organism reaches its typical adult size, although replacement of dead cells may continue.


A special type of growth, regeneration of lost body parts, can take place in adults of some species. Prior to such regeneration cells in stump tissue undergo dedifferentiation. They lose their functional phenotype, divide rapidly, and generate a population of cells that will regenerate the lost part. Compensatory hypertrophy is a different, temporary growth response in which residual tissue increases in mass and cell number: cells undergo mitosis but do not dedifferentiate.


Aging and Death: Final Developmental Processes

Aging is an ongoing, time-dependent developmental process in which body parts deteriorate. Proposed causes include the degeneration of collagen (the fibrous proteins of the connective tissues) and limits on the number of times cells can divide. Other theories focus on a decline of the immune system or on the accumulation of lipofuscins (aging pigments).



How Biologists Define a Species

Modern biology generally define a species as group of actually or potentially interbreeding populations that is reproductively isolated from the such groups. Members of a species can interbreed with each other, but they cannot breed with organisms belonging to another species. One advantage of the standard of reproductive isolation is that it is very precise. Notice, however, that it can only be applied to organisms that reproduce sexually. Asexual reproducers, including most prokaryotes, many plants, and some animals, must be classified into species on the basis of physical (biochemical or morphological) traits.


Preventing Gene Exchange

Two general types of mechanisms operate to block the exchange of genes between individuals of related groups. The first general type is made up of prezygotic isolating mechanisms that prevent the formation of zygotes. Prezygotic isolation falls into two categories: ecological and behavioral. In the first case, two related group may become adapted to slightly different environments-perhaps varying soil types or food sources. Over time, these genetic differences become so great that successful cross-fertilization can no longer take place. In behavioral isolation, related groups evolve differing behaviors such as specific mating rituals-that restrict the exchange of genes to members of the same group.


Sometimes the differences that produce prezygotic isolation involve mechanical isolation. That is, mating is physically impossible between members of different species because genitals of males and females are structurally incompatible or because molecules on the surfaces of sperm and egg fail to bind. A final type of prezygotic mechanism is temporal isolation, in which time-related environmental cues that trigger reproductive processes are different for related species.


In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable or sterile. In a special case of hybrid sterility termed hybrid breakdown, the second and subsequent generations after a cross show reduced reproductive success. Contrast this fact with the very different outcome of crossbreeding between two genetically distant members of the same species, where the result is often heterozygote advantage (hybrid vigor).


Populations of a species that are spread out over a broad geographical range are often arrayed in a cline-a gradual change in one or more characteristics as each population evolves adaptations to its own local environment. Along a cline, subspecies with distinct characteristics may arise. Often, individuals at either end of a cline are reproductively isolated.


Becoming a Species: How Gene Pools Become Isolated

Ernst Mayr's model of allopatric speciation proposes that species can originate in a two-stage process. In the first stage, populations of existing species are separated by a physical or geographical barrier. As a result, over time genetic differences leading to pre- or postzygotic isolation arise between the two groups. In the second stage, the diverged populations may again come into contact. If this happens, speciation becomes complete through the action of natural selection.


The Genetic Bases of speciation

The extent of differences between populations that are diverging into separate species or between species that have already diverged is represented by a statistic called genetic identity-the relative proportion of the same structural genes present in members of groups being compared. In general, biologists believe that the genetic events leading to speciation take place gradually. Once a new species has arisen, it tends to diverge genetically from related species at a more rapid pace. In some cases, such as the primate order, major differences in body form are not reflected by corresponding divergences in structural genes. This has led Biologists to hypothesize that small changes in regulatory genes may account for many of the large-scale changes responsible for sepciation and the origin of higher taxonomic groups.


One mechanism that may rapidly split populations genetically is polyploidization—the sudden multiplication of an entire complement of chromosomes. This can result in sympatric speciation, in which new species arise even though no geographical isolation has taken place. A phenomenon similar to polyploidization involving the rearrangement of chromosomes has been proposed to explain the evolutionary origin of giant pandas. Clearly, species can originate in a variety of ways.


Explaining Macroevolution: Higher-order Changes

The changes that generate species are sometimes termed microevolution; those that produce the major phenotypic differences that separate genera, classes, orders, and so on are termed macroevolution. Some lines of descent can be traced by studying the fossil record. In other cases relationships must be inferred by comparison of related living organisms. When lines of descent over evolutionary time are constructed, the result is a phylogeny.

遗传物种的改变有时称微进化;那些产生很大差异用来区分属,纲,目的表型变化称大幅进化。某些品系的后代可以通过化石追根溯源。而其他相关性可以通过现存活体的比较来推论。当品系后代以进化钟构建时,形成系统发育树。The rationale for building a phylogeny is simple: it assumes that similarities in body structure, biochemistry, reproductive strategies, and other features of organisms can be used to trace lines of common descent. The process is complex because evolution proceeds in different patterns. In cases of parallel evolution, two or more lineages evolve along similar lines. In convergent evolution, very distantly related lineages become more alike as similar adaptations take hold in response to demands of the environment. Thus similar structures in different organisms may reflect homology (derivation from a common ancestor) or analogy (independent origin of structures used for similar purposes).


One of the most common evolutionary patterns that can be constructed from the fossil record is divergent evolution or radiation. It is represented by the branching and rebranching of a single line. Another common feature of evolution is extinction-the complete loss of a species or group of species. Mass extinctions have occurred at least five times in the earth's history.


Gaps in the fossil record have led some paleontologists to propose the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution. The theory holds that evolution proceeds by spurts-radical changes over short (in geological time) periods of time-with intervening periods of equilibrium. The theory is controversial and tends not to be supported when an abundant fossil record is available.


The Role of microevolution in Macroevolution

Biologists have no certain answers to a number of questions about large-scale evolutionary changes. These questions range from whether novel higher taxa result from as-yet undescribed radical genetic processes, to whether known processes such as genetic drift and small gene changes can plausibly account for the evolution of new genera, families, and orders. Investigators are exploring these areas using traditional methods as well as the newer techniques of molecular biology.



Big Bang大爆炸

Binomial system ofnomenclature双名法











continental drift大陆漂移


























acrosome reaction顶体反应












gene amplification基因扩增










primitive streak原条(原肠胚)














hybrid sterility杂种不育性



parallel evolution平行进化




一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomic单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped 四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology 微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1 chrom颜色 chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑 melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄 xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin黄素flavone黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红 erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯


Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA 和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体,内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and


生物专业英语词汇——词素(词根)部分 一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomi c单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose 戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept(i) 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology 微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel 半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1 chrom颜色chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin(e)黄素flav one黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯chlorophyll叶绿素chloride氯化物chloramphenicol氯霉素 6 cyan,cyano 蓝,青紫色,氰cyanophyceae 蓝藻纲cyanobacteria蓝细菌cyanide氰化物 7 aur,glid,chrys金色aureomycin金霉素chrysose 金藻淀粉chrysanthemum菊花glidstone 金

生物专业英语 课文翻译

教学内容: Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量 的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质 存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小 分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体, 内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein. Several ribosomes may become attached to a single mRNA strand; such a combination is called a polysome. Most cellular proteins are manufactured on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Exportable proteins and membrane proteins are usually made in association with the endoplasmic reticulum. 核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。完整的核 糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。核糖体沿着mRNA移动并阅读遗传密码,翻译成蛋白质。一条mRNA上可能有多个核糖体,称多聚核糖体。大多数细胞蛋白是由细胞质中核糖体生产。输出蛋白和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。 The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy array of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER). Both types play roles in the synthesis and transport of proteins. The RER, which is studded with polysomes, also seems to be the source of the

生物专业英语第七课Fungi The great decomposers词汇

生物专业英语第七课:Fungi: The great decomposers characteristics [,k?r?kt?'ristiks]n. 特性,特征;特色(characteristic的复数)approximately [?'pr?ksim?tli] adv. 大约,近似地;近于 saprobe ['s?pr?ub]腐生菌,腐生生物,污水生物 decompose [di:k?m'p?uz]vt. 分解;腐烂;使腐烂 parasite['p?r?sait]n. [基医] 寄生虫;[生物] 寄生生物(parasite的复数)symbiotic [simbai'?tik]adj. [生态] 共生的;共栖的 algae ['?ld?i:]n. [植] 藻类;[植] 海藻 digestion [dai'd?est?(?)n; di-]消化,消化作用,消化吸收 secrete [si'kri:t]vt. 藏匿;分泌 thallus ['θ?l?s]n. 菌体,[植] 叶状体;叶状植物 hyphae ['haifi:]n. 菌丝(hypha的复数形式)hypha ['haif?] hyphal ['haif?l]adj. 菌丝的 chitin ['kaitin]n. 壳质;几丁质;明角质 rhizoid ['raiz?id]n. 假根adj. 根状的;假根的 anchor ['??k?]锚,锚点,安佳 haustoria [h?:'st?:ri?]n. 吸器 septate ['septeit]adj. 有隔膜的;被隔膜分开的 segregate ['segrigeit]vt. 使隔离;使分离;在实行种族隔离 coenocytic [si:n?'sitik]adj. 多核细胞的;多核体的;合胞体的 mycelium [mai'si:li?m]n. 菌丝;菌丝体 genetically [d?e'netik?li]adv. 从遗传学角度;从基因方面;由基因决定的 distinct [di'sti?(k)t]adj. 明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的 fuse [fju:z]vt. 使融合;使熔化,使熔融 heterokaryon [het?r?u'k?ri?n]n. [植] 异核体 nonmotile ['n?n'm?utail]adj. 无运动的;不动的 heterotrophs ['het?r?utr?f]n. [生物] 异养生物(helerotroph的复数形式) fulfilled [ful'fild]v. 实现(fulfill的过去分词);履行;满足 spore [sp?:]n. 孢子 aerial [['e?ri?l]]adj. 空中的,空气的;空想的 discharge [dis't?a:d?]vi. 排放;卸货;流出 dispersal [di'sp?:sl]n. 分散;传播;散布;疏散;消失 classification [,kl?sifi'kei?(?)n]n. 分类;类别;等级;分级 feature ['fi:t??]n. 特色,特征;容貌;特写或专题节目 Mycota ['maik?uta:]n. 真菌界;真菌门 principal ['prins?p(?)l]adj. 主要的;基本的;资本的 comprise [k?m'praiz]vt. 包含;由组成;构成 chytridiomycetes [,kaitridi?'maisi:tiz]壶菌纲;壶菌门 oomycetes [,?u?'maisi:t]n. [微] 卵菌(一类真菌);卵菌纲 zygomycetes [,zaig?u'maisi:tiz, ,zi-]n. 接合菌;接合菌目;接合菌纲;结合菌亚纲vegetative ['ved?it?tiv; -teitiv]adj. 植物的;营养的;促使植物生长的;有生长力的mold [m?uld]n. 霉菌;模子 flagellated ['fl?d??leitid]adj. [生物] 生有鞭毛的;生有匍匐茎的


生物专业英语试题及答案 一、将下列英文术语或缩写译为合乎学术规范的中文术语: 1、Odorant receptor 气味受体(气味感受器、嗅觉受体、嗅觉感受器也得1分;仅答受体或感受器,则得0.5分)。 2、Differentially expressed gene 差异化表达基因(答为“不同表达基因”,仅得0.5分)。 3、MOE 主要嗅(觉)上皮[答为“嗅(觉)上皮”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Main olfactory epithelium”,也得 分]。 4、VNO4 犁鼻器(答为“信息素外周感受器”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Vomeronasal organ”,也得分)。 5、Social behavior 社会行为(答为“社群行为、社交行为”也得1分)。 6、Monogamy 一夫一妻制(答为“一雄一雌制、单配制”也得1分) 7、Vasopressin 加压素(答为“抗利尿素”仅得0.5分)。 8、Oxytocin 催产素。 9、Kin recognition 亲属识别。 10、Autism

自闭症/孤独症。 11、NIH (美国)国家(立)卫生研究院(所)(若写出其英文术语全称NIH = National Institutes of Health 也得分)。 12、HHMI 霍华德·休斯医学研究所(若写出其英文术语全称HHMI = Howard Hughes Medical Institute 也得分;或者译为Howard Hughes 医学研究所,也得全分)。 13、Nanotechnology 纳米技术(纳米科技、奈米技术、奈米科技)。阳光大学生网 14、Renewable energy 可再生能源(量)(答为“可更新能源、再生能源”,或意思相近者,也得1分)。 15、Biomechanical energy 生物机械能(答为“生物力能、生物力学能”也得1分,而“生物化学能、生物能”,则得0.5分) 16、Nanogenerator 纳米发电机(答为“纳米发动机、纳米电机、纳米发生器、纳米生产器”,也得1分)。 17、Systems biology 系统生物学。 18、DNA sequencer DNA测序仪[答为“DNA测序(器、机)、DNA序列仪(器)”也得1分,答为DNA序列,仅得0.5分]。 19、Neurodegenerative diseases 神经退行性病(若答为“神经系统退行性疾病”或者“神经系统退化性疾病”,也得1)。 20、Amygdala 杏仁核(答为“杏仁体”,也得1分)。


生物专业英语词汇—词素(词根)部分 一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni 单,一,独haploid 单倍体 monoxide一氧化碳 monoatomic单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du:二,双,两,偶 biocolor 双色, dichromatic 双色的, diplobacillus 双杆菌 dikaryon 双核体 twin 孪生 dual 双重的 3. tri 三,丙 Triple 三倍的 triangle三角 triacylglycerol三酰甘油 tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四 Quadruple 四倍的 quadrilateral四边的 quadrivalent四价的 quadruped四足动物 tetrode四极管 tetracycline四环素 5. pent, penta, quique五 pentose戊糖 pentagon五角形 pentane戊烷 quintuple 五倍的 pentose戊糖 pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六 hexose已糖 hexapod六足动物 hexapoda昆虫纲 hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept(i) 七 heptane 庚烷 heptose 庚糖 heptoglobin七珠蛋白8. oct八 octpus 章鱼 octagon八角形 octane 辛烷 octase 辛糖 9. enne, nona九 nonapeptide 九肽 enneahedron 九面体 10. deca, deka :十 decapod 十足目动物 decahedron 十面体 decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百 hectometer百米 hectoliter百升 hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千 kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿 kilobase 千碱基 kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分 decimeter 分米 decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫 millimole 毫摩(尔) milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小, 微量 microgram微克 microogranism微生物 microecology微生态学 micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳 nanosecond十亿分之一秒 nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半 hemicerebrum 大脑半球 [hemi'seribr?m] semiopaque半透明: ['semi?u'peik] semi-allel半等位基因 semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全 holoenzyme 全酶 holoprotein全蛋白 holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万 megaspore大孢子, ['meg?sp?:] megabasse兆碱基 megakaryocyte巨核细胞 megavolt兆伏 megalopolitan特大城市 [.meg?'l?p?lis] 21. macro 大,巨大,多 macrophage巨噬细胞 macrogamete大配子 macroelement常量元素 macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合 polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯 polymerase 聚合酶 multichain多链的 multinucleate 多核的 multicistronic mRNA多顺反子 mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1. chrom颜色 chromophore生色团['kr?um?f?:] chromosome染色体 chromatography色谱法 [kr?um? 't?gr?fi] 2. melan,melano,nigr 黑 melanoma黑素瘤 melanin黑色素 melanophore黑色素细胞 3. xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄 xanthophyl叶黄素 xanthous黄色的,黄色人种 xathine黄嘌呤 flavin(e)黄素 flavone黄酮 letein黄体素,叶黄素 flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核 苷酸 4. erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红 erythrocyte红细胞 [i'riθr ?.sait]


Lesson One(4学时) Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体,内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。完整的核糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。核糖体沿着mRNA移动并阅读遗传密码,翻译成蛋白质。一条mRNA上可能有多个核糖体,称多聚核糖体。大多数细胞蛋白是由细胞质中核糖体生产。输出蛋白和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。 内质网,带有花边的生物囊,有管状,泡状之分,以及光滑和粗糙面区别。两种都与蛋白质的合成和运输有关。粗糙内质网上分布许多核糖体,也可能提供细胞分裂后所需的细胞膜。光滑内质网上无核糖体,主要作用是脂肪和类固醇的合成以及细胞内有毒物质的氧化。两种内质网合成的产物在其中进行分流或运输到细胞外。 运输小泡能够将可运输分子从内质网运输到高尔基复合体上。在高尔基复合体中修饰,包装后输出细胞或传递到细胞质中的其他场所。 细胞中的液泡好象是中空的,但实际上充满了液体和可溶分子。最典型的液泡存在于植物细胞中,储备水,糖以及其它分子。动物中的液泡起吞噬和胞饮作用。 溶酶体是液泡亚单位,含有消化酶,降解大部分生物大分子。消化食物微粒和降解损伤的细胞残片。 线粒体是细胞中化学产能的场所。另外,植物细胞中的质体在光合作用中利用光能产生碳水化合物,线粒体内嵴上提供了很大的表面积并分布着产ATP酶。线粒体自我复制,并且可能是自由生活的原核生物在进化中形成的后代。 质体有两种类型:白色体,缺乏色素,是淀粉,蛋白质和油的储备场所;色质体,含有色素。叶绿体是最重要的色质体,含有与光合作用有关的叶绿素。叶绿体的内部结构是由多层膜形成的叶绿体基粒,其中包埋在基质中的基粒称子座。 The Cytoskeleton(细胞骨架) 所有的细胞都有细胞骨架,网络结构的纤丝充满了它所能触及的全部空间并且对细胞器提供支持作用。细胞骨架大部分由微丝组成,微丝主要由可收缩的肌动蛋白组成。动植物细胞的许多种类型细胞内运动与肌动蛋白有关。第二类蛋白是肌球蛋白,它与肌肉细胞的收缩有关。细胞骨架的另一个主要结构成分是微管,由球状的微管蛋白组成,象脚手架一般维持细胞的稳定形态。细胞骨架的中间丝提供了细胞质伸缩动力。机械酶,例如,肌球蛋白,动力蛋白,驱动蛋白与微丝,微管相互作用产生动力而引起细胞运动。 Cellular Movements(细胞运动 尽管细胞骨架提供了细胞的某些稳定性,微丝,微管及相关蛋白能使细胞爬行或滑动。这种运动需要固体基质依托并通过表面几何形状的改变而运动。某些细胞具备趋药性,即趋向或


A band A带 A chromosome A染色体[二倍体染色体组中的正常染色体(不同于B染色体)] A site[核糖体]A部位 ABA脱落酸abasic site脱碱基位点,无碱基位点 abaxial远轴的 abequose阿比可糖,beta脱氧岩藻糖 aberrant splicing异常剪接 aberration象差;畸变;失常 abiogenesis自然发生论,无生源论 ablastin抑殖素(抑制微生物细胞分裂或生殖的一种抗体) abnormal distrbution非正态分布 abnormality异常,失常;畸形,畸变 ABO blood group systemABO血型系统 aboriginal mouse原生鼠 abortin流产素 abortion流产,败育 abortive egg败育卵 abortive infection流产(性)感染 abortive transduction流产(性)转导 ABP肌动蛋白结合蛋白 abrin相思豆毒蛋白 abscisic acid脱落酸 abscission脱落 absolute绝对的 absolute configuration绝对构型 absolute counting绝对测量 absolute deviation绝对偏差 absolute error绝对误差 absorbance吸收,吸光度 absorbed dose吸收剂量 absorbent吸收剂 absorptiometer吸光计 absorptiometry吸光测定法 absorption吸收 absorption band吸收谱带 absorption cell吸收池 absorption coefficient吸收系数 absorption spectroscopy吸收光谱法 absorption spectrum吸收光谱;吸收谱 absorptive endocytosi s吸收(型)胞吞(作用) absorptive pinocytosis吸收(型)胞饮(作用) absorptivity吸光系数;吸收性 abundance丰度 abundant丰富的,高丰度的


个人整理 free electron laser 自由电子激光器 optical klystron 光学速调管 α-1,3-GalT α-1,3-glactsyltransferase α-1,3半乳糖苷转移酶 6-DMAP 6-Dimethyaminopurine 6-二氨基甲基嘌呤 AFS Simultaneous activation and fusion 融合同时激活 AI Artificial insemination 人工授精 BSA Bovine serum albumin 牛血清白蛋白 CB Cytochalasin B 细胞松弛素B CHX Cyclohexmide 放线菌酮 COCs Cumulus oocytes complexes 卵丘-卵母细胞复合体 DC Direct crruent 直流电 DMSO dimethylsulfoxide 二甲基亚砜 DNMT DNA methyltransferase DNA甲基转移酶 DPBS Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline 杜氏磷酸盐缓冲液EAA Essential amino acid 必需氨基酸 ECG Equine chorionic gonadotropin 马绒毛膜促性腺激素 EGF Epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子 ESC Embryo stem cell 胚胎干细胞 带 A chromosome A染色体[二倍体染色体组中的正常染色体(不同于B染色体)] A site [核糖体]A部位 ABA 脱落酸 abasic site 脱碱基位点,无碱基位点 abaxial 远轴的 abequose 阿比可糖,beta脱氧岩藻糖 aberrant splicing 异常剪接 aberration 象差;畸变;失常 abiogenesis 自然发生论,无生源论 ablastin 抑殖素(抑制微生物细胞分裂或生殖的一种抗体) abnormal distrbution 非正态分布 abnormality 异常,失常;畸形,畸变 ABO blood group system ABO血型系统 aboriginal mouse 原生鼠 abortin 流产素 abortion 流产,败育 abortive egg 败育卵 abortive infection 流产(性)感染 abortive transduction 流产(性)转导


蒋悟生《生物专业英语》教/学案 Lesson One(4学时)Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts Lesson One(4学时) Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts 教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的组成结构(各种细胞器以及它们在细胞中的位置),以及结构与功能之间的关系。各细胞器及功能相关英语词汇以及主要用法。 教学重点:各细胞器的概念和功能,及相关英语词汇的掌握 教学难点:专业英语词汇的记忆 讲授方法:以学生翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解 授课时间:3月22日;3月29日 教学内容: Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA 和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体,内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。

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