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全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系一

一、概念课 【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题、真命题、假命题,理解命题的推出关系、等价关系,推出关系的传递性; 2.在探究命题推出关系的过程中,体会举反例判断假命题的要领,初步会用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的方法; 3.在认识一些基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的作用, 确立真命题必须作出证明的数学意识. 教学重点:理解命题的推出关系. 教学难点:运用逻辑语言表述和判断假命题、论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT 素材,教师引导学生举反例判断假命题用逻辑语言论证真命题,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) (1)命题的构成:在数学中常见的命题由条件与结论两部分组成. 如命题“如果2x >,那么24x >”,其中2x >是条件,2 4x >则是结论. 2x y +=,但不满足命题结论11x y ≥≥且.

如命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题.理由:因为末两位数是12的正整数可以写成10012k +的形式(* k N ∈),而100124(253)k k +=+,所以10012k +能被4整除.即命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题. (4)推出关系: 一般地说,如果命题α成立可以推出命题β成立,那么就说由α可以推出β,并用记号“βα?”,读作“α推出β”. 也就是说,βα?表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是真命题. 如果α成立不能推出β成立,记为“βα?/”,读作“α推不出β”.换言之,βα?/表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是假命题. (5)等价关系: 如果αβ?,并且βα?,那么记作αβ?,叫做α与β等价. 数学交流: (1) 阅读教材16P 第1行至第11行,说一说利用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的基本方法.(教学提示:教师概括) (2)推出关系“?”是一种关系符号,具有传递性,试举出具有传递性的其他关系符号…… 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,命题与推出关系,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 下列语句哪些不是命题,哪些是命题?如果是命题,那么他们是真命题或是假命题?为什么?

上海交通大学附属中学 2018-2019 学年第一学期 高三英语摸底考试卷

上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年第一学期 高三英语摸底考试卷 II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passages below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Space is a dangerous place,not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun and other stars.The atmosphere again acts(1)__________our protective blanket on earth.Light gets through,and this is essential for plants(2)__________(make)the food which we eat.Heat,too, makes our environment endurable.Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space,but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun(3)__________(screen)off.As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, (4)__________they are inside,do prevent a lot of radiation damage. Radiation is(5)__________(great)known danger to explorers in space.The unit of radiation is called"rem".Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1rem without(6)__________(damage);the figure of60rems has been agreed on.The trouble is(7)__________it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage-a person may feel perfectly well,but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged,and this will no be discovered (8)the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren.Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high amount of rems.So far,no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported,but the Apollo missions have been quite short.We simply do not know yet(9) __________men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere,working in a space laboratory.Drugs might help to decrease the damage(10) __________(do)by radiation,but no really effective ones have been found so far. (B) Before I went to the British Koi Keepers’Annual Show,I didn’t understand(1)______ people could take fish so seriously.However,the more I learned about koi,the more interested I became.As one expert told me,“Collecting koi is far more addictive than you might think.They’re as beautiful as butterflies and very calming to watch.”Freddie Mercury,the lead singer of Queen, would have agreed----the pool in his specially built Japanese garden was home to89koi,(2) __________cost up to£10,000each. At the show I met koi euthusiast Jean Kelly.“Koi are getting more and more expensive,”she told me.“One recently sold for£250,000.”I was shocked-----that’s almost as much as I paid for my house.“Well,that was a record,”(3)__________(admit)Jean.“The normal price is nowhere near as high as that.” Nevertheless,serious collectors can pay up to£15,000for a fully(4)_______(grow)koi, which is nearly as expensive as a new luxurious car,and the bigger they are,the more they cost.The cheapest I(5)________find was£75each,but they were only about twice as big as my goldfish. Jean wasn’t impressed by one of the koi on sale either.“Actually,these koi aren’t any nicer than (6)_______,”She commented.“(7)_______they are slightly bigger than the ones I’ve got,I paid considerable less than this.”


英语高考单项选择 真题部分-2004年浙江省 21. The winner of 1990 was extremely bad. _____ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A. At last B.In fact C.In a word D.As a result 22. The Wilsons live in _____ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _____ 17th century cottage. A. the , / B. an, the C. /, the D. an, a 23. The discussion ____ alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came 24. ______ students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese 25. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite _____ as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up 26. I ____ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday. A. should B. might C. would D. could 27. ---- What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. ----- _____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A. It just depends B. It’s up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that 28. --- Brad was Jane’s brother! ---_______ he reminded me so much of Jane! A. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course 29. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ____ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known 30. If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would _____. A. act B. help C. serve D. last 31. _____ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. A. While B. Since C. As D. If 32. I’ve never seen anyone run so fast---- ______ David go. A. just watch B. just to watch C. just watching D. just having watched 33. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for ______. A. none B. either C. any D. each 34. Because the shop _____, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down 35. A nyway, that evening, ____ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place. A. when B. where C. what D. Which


一、现代文阅读。(27分) (一)阅读下文,完成1——6题。(13分) 萧萧落叶红 ①再读《小城三月》,我所居住的小城正是三月春光。书中的小城在北国,但春天到来的气息是一样的,如同三月里微曛的柳风,有着淡淡的喜悦与忧伤,夹杂着主人公若有若无的叹息。 ②60年前的阳光还照在这卷书上,那是女作家萧红的最后时光。萧红写这篇小说时正在香港,她所写的小城唤作呼兰城,离她已有千里之遥。事实上,她再也不曾回去,十年漂泊,小城是她的起点,而香港是她的终点。她在南方城市里,回想童年的哀乐往事,一切已yǎo()不可及。从某种意义上说,《小城三月》是她的绝笔,她抱病写完这篇小说,之后便卧床不起,数月之后与世长辞。 ③呼兰城在东北松花江畔。我在地图中特意寻找过这个小城,因为萧红的缘故。印象中的小城并不大,长满了高大的树木,总有马车从街面急驰而过。大户人家的院落长满蒿草,有蝴蝶、蜻蜓飞过梢头,有荒凉的烟雨声。这是萧红的呼兰城,是她童年的梦影。她的经典作品《呼兰河传》写尽了这种况味。《小城三月》、《后花园》是短篇杰作,在某种程度上,是《呼兰河传》的缩写,或是侧影,一样让人掩面叹息。 ④多少年来,我一直在猜想萧红当年的心情,经历了人生颠沛流离,萧红似乎预见了自己的将来,正如《小城三月》里翠姨的哭泣:“我的命,不会好的。”她的悲哀藏在文字中。读有关萧红的传记,我一直不敢细细阅读她最后的时光,尽管我所欣赏的文章都是那时写成的。那是一种美的消逝,让人不忍卒读。她在小说中流露出故园之恋,熟知萧红的人都知道她童年的不幸及苍凉,故园并没有给她美好的过去,她只是在虚拟一个梦境,想在梦中重返童年,再度过一回真实的人生。 ⑤萧红悲剧性的命运注定她与众不同。民国时期的才女中,冰心有着学者的沉静与母性的温柔,张爱玲是没落贵族的高傲与冷漠,苏雪林才气横溢,有时咄咄逼人。她们都有着高雅的生活,有丰富的内涵与适合自己的人生道路,冰心与苏雪林都享高寿,成为海峡两岸文坛祖母。而萧红,永远是31岁,她的人生定格在那一刻,她悲剧性的命运,她沉郁的悲哀铸成了她作品的丰碑,却也如同一片秋后的枫叶,萧萧而下,在雨中零落成泥。 ⑥萧红墓在香港浅水湾,濒临大海。大海是宽容的,能够带走所有哀愁,就像带走每条河流。浅水湾一带种满了红影树,蔚蓝而沉静的海滨,花红似火,但萧红依旧是寂寞的,她的文字和她本人一样,在三月的雨后,寂寞的清愁漫天飞舞。 1、根据拼音写汉字:yǎo()不可及(1分) 2、“60年前的阳光还照在这卷书上”在文中的含义是______________________________ ____。(2分) 3、以下分析中正确的两项是:()()(4分)


最新高考化学精品资料 高三化学试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求;所有答案必须涂或写在答题纸上;做在试卷上一律不评分。 3.答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。 相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 Fe-56 第I卷(共66分) 一、选择题(本题共10分。每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项) 1.不属于“雾霾”等灾害性天气治理的措施是 A.外出时使用PM2.5口罩,减少有害物质的吸入 B.改燃煤为燃气,可减少废气中SO2等有害物质的量 C.利用太阳能、潮汐能、风力发电,以获取清洁能源 D.使用“乙醇汽油”,减少汽车尾气中有害气体的排放 2.2-氯丁烷常用于有机合成等,有关2-氯丁烷的叙述正确的是 A.分子式为C4H8Cl2 B.与硝酸银溶液混合产生不溶于稀硝酸的白色沉淀 C.微溶于水,可混溶于乙醇、乙醚、氯仿等多数有机溶剂 D.与氢氧化钠、乙醇在加热条件下的消去反应有机产物只有一种 3.在陆地生态系统研究中,2H、13C、15N、18O、34S等常用作环境分析指示物。下列说法正确的是A.34S原子核内中子数为16 B.16O2比18O2沸点更低 C.2H+的酸性比1H+的酸性更强D.13C和15N原子核内的质子数相差2 4.某种解热镇痛药的结构简式为: 当它完全水解时,可能得到的产物有 A.2种B.3种C.4种D.5种 5.“碳捕捉技术”是指通过一定的方法将工业生产中产生的CO2分离出来并利用。如可利用NaOH 溶液来“捕捉”CO2,其基本过程如下图所示(部分条件及物质未标出)。

全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系二

【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题的四种形式及其相互关系,理解否命题、逆否命题; 2.在探究命题的四种形式及其相互关系的过程中,领会分类、判断、推理的思想方法; 3.在进一步认识基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的重要作用,树立分析问题条理清楚、理由充分、符合逻辑的数学意识. 教学重点:理解否命题、逆否命题. 教学难点:正确写出命题的否命题和逆否命题;运用逻辑语言表述和论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT素材,教师引导学生自己互写命题的形式建构概念,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) 如命题(A)“如果两个三角形全等,那么这两个三角形的面积相等”的逆命题是命题(B)“如果两个三角形面积相等,那么这两个三角形全等”. 、的否定分别记为αβ、,那么命题“如果α,那么β”的否命题就是:“如果α,那我们通常把αβ 么β”. 如命题(A)的否命题是“如果两个三角形不全等,那么这两个三角形的面积不相等”.

数学思考: 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出下列命题的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题,并判断其真假: 解题反思:熟悉和准确理解一些常见的词或符号的否定形式:“‘<’的否定形式是‘≥’”、“‘ >’的否定形式是‘≤’”、“‘ =’的否定形式是‘≠’”、“‘或’的否定形式是‘且’”、“‘且’的否定形式是‘或’”,是正确写出一个命题的否命题或逆否命题的前提条件. 变式练习:写出命题“如果12a b ==且,那么21a b ab +>>或”的否命题. 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出命题“偶数加偶数是偶数”的否命题和逆否命题. 【解答】我们先把原命题改写为:如果是两个偶数相加,那么他们的和是偶数.

2016年上海市建平中学、交大附中高三上英语第一次月考 英语试卷及答案

建平中学$交大附中2016学年十月联合月考卷 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10%) Directions: After reading the sentences or passages below, fill in the blanks to make the sentences or passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each other. The world’s (1)__________(famous)heart surgeon,the Egyptian Professor,Sir Magdi Yacoub,has transplanted more hearts than anyone else.To the countless people whose lives he has transformed and saved,he is a hero.Professor Yacoub (2)_____________(inspire) in his work by his father,who was a general surgeon. Now 66 years old,professor Yacoub still retains his energy and extraordinary enthusiasm for his career.For 43 years,he has dealt with desperate patients(3)__________combination pf poor diet,inactive lifestyle and stress overload have caused them to ask for his help.(4)_________ ___________all these experiences,he is very aware of the role of good nutrition and regular exercise in maintaining good health.He eats very well and swims early each morning. Professor Yacoub’s life is always hectic(狂热的).(5)____________a donor heart has suddenly been found,then an operation has to take place quickly.He works long hours;he says there are no regular hours for a heart surgeon,as the surgery _________take place when it needs to be carried out. For relaxation, professor Yacoub enjoys (7)___________(garden) even grows orchids,One dream of his is to go to the Amazon one day(8)________(see) the rare plants there.He is patron of the Chain of Hope charity,which aims to take medical expense to the developing world.Specialist teams give their time free and travel all over the world to places such as Mozambique and Jamaica to train local surgeons in techniques that (9)________ (save) lives .This charity also brings needy children to the West (10)___________necessary heart surgery. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. (A) Valuable By-Products of Space Research


上师大附中2020 学年度第一学期高三期中考试 英语 考生注意: 1. 考试时间120 分钟,试卷满分140 分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. 7:00 a.m..B. 7:30 a.m..C. 8:00 a.m..D. 8:30 a.m.. 2. A. Parent and child. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. D. Shop assistant and customer. 3. A. See a doctor about her strained shoulder. B. Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. C. Replace the cupboard with a new one. D. Place the tea on a lower shelf next time. 4. A. At Mary Johnson’s. B. In an exhibition hall. C. At a painter’s studio. D. Outside an a rt gallery. 5. A. He helped Doris build up the furniture. B. Doris helped him arrange the furniture. C. Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves. D. He was good at assembling bookshelves. 6. A. Blue. B. Red. C. Black. D. Green 7. A. He doesn’t get on with the others. B. He has been taken for a fool. C. He doesn’t feel at ease in the firm. D. He has found a better position. 8. A. They’d better not go riding. B. It is not good riding in the rain. C. They can go riding half an hour later. D. Riding a bike is a great idea. 9. A. The man has to get rid of the used furniture. B. The man’s apartment is ready for rent.

上海名校语文试卷--上海交大附中2017—2018学年度高一第二学期期末补考卷 答案

上海交通大学附属中学2017—2018学年度第二学期 高一语文期末补考试卷 (满分150分,150分钟完成,答案一律写在答题纸上) 一、积累(10分) 一、填空题(10分) (1)关山梦断何处,(陆游《诉衷情》) (2)四十三年,烽火扬州路。(辛弃疾的《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》)(3)素月分辉,银河共影,。(张孝祥《念奴娇》) (4)熊咆龙吟殷岩泉,。(李白《梦游天姥吟留别》) (5),。满城春色宫墙柳?(陆游《钗头凤》) (6),西山寇盗莫相侵。(杜甫《》) (7),燕尾绣蝥弧(王昌龄《塞下曲》) (8),铁马秋风大散关。(陆游《书愤》) (9)王维在《终南山》用了互文手法一联的是,。【考点】再现古诗文中的名篇、名句。 【解析】论语识记理解。 【答案】 (1)尘暗旧貂裘。 (2)望中犹记 (3)表里俱澄澈 (4)栗深林兮惊层巅 (5)红酥手,黄滕酒 (6)北极朝廷终不改 (7)鹫翎金仆姑 (8)楼船夜雪瓜洲渡 (9)白云回望合,青霭入看无 二、阅读(70分) (一)阅读下文,完成2—7题。(16分) 我们为什么需要经典? ①近几年,全国文学界两场较大的学术对话之一就是关于文学经典问题的讨论,全国的各种刊物发表了70余篇参与者的文章,这是上个世纪90年代以来最热闹的一场学术争鸣,的作品才算经典?人们各执一词,难辨是非。 ②只有回到“人类为什么需要经典”这样一个问题的原点上,才能洞察到解决这一问题的有效方法。可以肯定,文学史家和批评家有谁不渴望了解更多的甚至全部文学现象呢?可这并不现实,不是他们不想了解更多,而是做不到,是不可能。于是文学史家在他们所写的文学史中,只选择他们已知的文学现象中极少一部分加以阐释,譬如,据说中国唐代创作的诗歌大概有10万首之多,各种版本的文学史在唐代文学的章节中大体上只会涉及几十位名人,不同程度地讨论几百首诗歌;中国人编写的外国文学史,所展开讨论的作家一般也都 把提到的作品算在内一般也就在六七百部上下。在这些中外文学史中集中阐释的作家,我们在一般情况下就会称为经典


高一化学练习26—共价键 一、选择题(每小题有1~2个正确答案) 1.下列物质属于共价化合物的是() A.O2B.PCl3C.NH4NO3D.Cu 2.下列分子中最难分裂成原子的是() A.HF B.HCl C.HBr D.HI 3.下列分子中所有原子均满足最外层8电子构型的是() A.PCl3B.PCl5C.BF3D.CH4 4.关于化学键的下列叙述中,正确的是() A.离子化合物中可能有共价键B.共价化合物中可能含有离子键 C.离子化合物中只含离子键D.不含共价键的物质一定是离子化合物5.下列叙述中,正确的是() A.P4和NO2都是共价化合物B.CaCl2中既有离子键,又有共价键 C.共价化合物中一定含有共价键D.不含共价键的物质一定是离子化合物6.关于共价键的叙述中,正确的是() A.离子化合物中不存在共价键B.单质中不一定存在共价键 C.一定存在于共价化合物中D.共价键不如离子键牢固7.下列物质的分子中,共用电子对对数最多的是() A.H2O B.HF C.NH3D.CH4

8.已知A原子最外层电子数为1,B原子最外层电子数是次外层电子数的3倍,则A元素与B元素所形成的化合物为() A.一定为离子化合物B.一定为共价化合物 C.既可能是离子化合物,也可能为共价化合物D.无法判断 9.下列说法错误的是() A.同种原子形成的分子,两个原子间的化学键一定是共价键 B.两个非金属元素的原子间形成的化学键一定是共价键 C.不论是含氧酸还是无氧酸,分子内的原子间的化学键都是共价键 D.凡是不含金属元素的化合物一定是共价化合物 10.下列各组数字是一些金属元素原子的质子数,其中能形成AB2型共价化合物的是()A.11、17 B.12、17 C.6、8 D.12、16 11.有关硫酸铵的说法正确的是() A.有很多共价键,所以是共价化合物 B.只有离子键,是离子化合物 C.既有离子键,又有共价键,是离子化合物 D.既有离子键,又有共价键,是共价化合物 12.固体A的化学式为NH5,它的所有原子的最外层都符合相应稀有气体的最外电子层结构,则下列有关说法不正确的是() A.1molNH5中含有5N A个N-H键(N A表示阿伏伽德罗常数) B.NH5中既有共价键又有离子键


交大附中高一期末数学试卷 2019.06 一. 填空题 1. 已知a 、b 为常数,若24lim 123 n an bn n →∞++=+,则a b += 2. 已知数列4293n a n =-,若对任意正整数n 都有n k a a ≤,则正整数k = 3. 已知4cos()5 πα-=,且α为第三象限角,则tan α的值等于 4. 将无限循环小数0.145化为分数,则所得最简分数为 5. 已知△ABC 中,内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,222a b c bc =+-,4bc =, 则△ABC 的面积为 6. 已知数列{}n a 满足: 3122123n n a a a a n +++???+=(n *∈N ),设{}n a 的前n 项和为n S , 则5S = 7. 三角方程sin2cos x x =在[0,]π内的解集合为 8. 将正整数按下图方式排列,2019出现在第i 行第j 列,则i j += 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ?????? 9. 已知()sin(2)3f x x π=+ ,若对任意x ∈R ,均有()()()f a f x f b ≤≤,则||a b -的最小 值为 10. 已知数列{}n a 满足11(3)(2)0n n n n a a a a ++--?-=,若13a =,则4a 的所有可能值的和为 11. 如图△ABC 中,90ACB ∠=?,30CAB ∠=?,1BC =,M 为 AB 边上的动点,MD AC ⊥,D 为垂足,则MD MC +的最小值为 12. 设01a <<,数列{}n a 满足1a a =,1n a n a a +=,将{}n a 的前100 项从大到小排列的得到数列{}n b ,若k k a b =,则k 的值为 二. 选择题 13. 设无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则“lim 0n n a →∞=”是“lim 0n n S →∞ =”的( )

2019-2020学年 上海市上师大附中高一上英语周练英语试卷

2019-2020学年第一学期上大附中高一英语 9月周日小测 Ⅰ. Grammar Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Last August Susan and forty-two other students got wet and dirty while removing six tons of garbage __21__ the rive running across their city. They cleaned up the rive as part of a week-long environmental camp. Like one in three American rives, this river is so polluted __22__ it’s not safe for swimming or fishing. Still, Susan, who __23__ (complete) her third summer camp so far on the river cleanup, sees a change in this river. “Since we started three years ago, the river is getting a lot __24__ (clean).” she says. Environmental scientists praise the teenagers for removing garbage __25__ can harm wild life. Water birds, for example, __26__ die of plastic bottle rings and get cut by tiny metals. Three years ago, __27__ the cleanup started, garbage was everywhere. But this year the teenagers can row their boats fast. By the end of this year’s six-hour cleanup, they __28__ (remove) enough garbage to fill more than two large trucks. “__29__ (see) all that garbage in the rive makes people begin to care about environmental issues,” Susan says. She hopes that when others read that, she and her peers care enough __30__ (clean) it up, maybe they would think twice before they throw garbage into the river. Ⅱ. Vocabulary Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. 1 / 10


交大附中语文练习卷三 一、基础知识 1.阅读语段,完成题目要求: 春天,树叶开始闪出青黄,花苞轻轻地在风中摆动,似乎还带着一种冬天的昏黄。可是只要经过一场春雨的xǐ lín,那种颜色和神态是难以想象的。 (1)请给加点的字词注音:花苞.() (2)请根据拼音写出词语:xǐ lín() 【答案】(1). bāo (2). 洗淋 【解析】 【详解】此题考查学生对句子的理解能力以及对字音字形的识记能力。解答这类题目,考生要依据语境、词义来分析读音和字形。第一小题,“花苞”的“苞”应读bāo,是对植物花朵的蓓蕾期的称呼;第二小题,“xǐ lín”,结合“春雨”可知,这里是说春雨对花苞的冲洗,应为“洗淋”。 2.根据语境选词填空,最恰当的一项是() 这个战场,没有硝烟;这场战争,尚未停歇。早在一百多年前,林则徐就以虎门销烟的壮举,发出了中国人禁烟护国的强音;一百多年之后的今天,禁毒工作仍然。面对毒品的危险,谁都不能袖手旁观。为了自己,为了民族,为了整个人类,我们必须对罪孽深重的毒品大声说“不”!这声音,气贯长虹;这决心,! A. 由于所以绵绵不绝众口一词 B. 尽管但是任重道远众志成城 C. 既然那么纷至沓来众望所归 D. 尚且何况数不胜数众所周知 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】本题考查正确使用词语(包括熟语)的能力。首先阅读语境,把握语境含义,然后抓住词语的相异语素,分析其意义差异,同时可联系日常习惯用语,推断词语意义及用法。 第一处,结合上下文可知第二三句为转折关系,因为前面说早在一百多年前,中国就已经开展禁烟活动,后面说一百多年之后的今天,这个工作依然存在,应选择表转折关系的关联词,即“尽管……但是”; 第三处,“任重道远”,比喻责任重大,要经历长期奋斗;“绵绵不绝”,绵绵不绝指连续不断的样子;“纷至沓来”,形容纷纷到来,连续不断地到来;“数不胜数”,数都数不过来,形容数量极多,很难计算;语境是表示 100 多年之后的今天仍然有毒品现象的存在,强调打击毒品工作的难度,所以选“任重道远”;

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