当前位置:文档之家› 广播词









Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team Member’s flight CZ ___To___(Via___).Our aircraft will be pushed back shortly. To ensure the safe operation of the navigation system, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices throughout the flight, including those with flying mode electronic devices. For your safety, please fasten your seat belt, stow your tray table,(return your footrest to its initial position) and put your seat back to the upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening

the sunshades.

This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke onboard.

Thank you for your cooperation!








Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines---a Sky Team member’s flight. (This is the code-share flight with ______ Airlines.) First, we will introduce our captain and (chief) purser. ______, your captain in command, keeps an excellent safety record for ______years. ______, the (chief) purser, (with ______years’ cabin service experience), is one of our outstanding staff. we ex tend the most sincere greetings

to you.

[For delayed flight: We apologize for the delay which was due to__(aircraft late arrival/bad weather conditions/air traffic control/airport runway congestion/mechanical problems/waiting for passenger/waiting for cargo or passengers’ baggage to be loaded/waiting for in-flight catering), and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together with my team, we will try our best to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding!]

Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one!

Thank you!


Now may we have your attention for the video of safety demonstration? If you have any question, please contact the flight attendants!

Thank you!)



We will now take a moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits.


Your life vest is located (under/above) your seat.It may only be used in case of ditching. Please do not remove it unless instructed

by one of your flight attendants.


To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head, then fasten the buckle and pull the straps tightly around your waist.当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣下部的红色充气手柄,但在客舱内不要充气。充气不足时,将救生衣上部的两个充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。

Upon exiting the aircraft,pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest. Please do not inflate your vest while inside the cabin.For further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces on either side of your vest.


For ditching at night, a sea-light will be illuminated automatically.


Your oxygen mask is above your head. It will drop down automatically in case of an emergency.


When it does so,pull the mask firmly towards you to start the flow of oxygen.Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic

band over your head.Please put your own mask on before helping others.


When the “Fasten Seat Belt Sign”is illuminated, p lease fasten your seat belt. Simply place the metal tip into the buckle and tighten

the strap.To release,just lift up the top of the buckle.


There are ___ emergency exits on this aircraft.They are located in the front, the middle and the rear of the cabin respectively.Please

note your nearest exit.


In case of emergency, exit indication and track lighting will illuminate to lead you to an exit.


For addition al information, please review the “Safety Instruction Card” in the seat pocket in front of you.Thank you!


Now, the flight attendants will do the safety check again, your cooperation will be appreciated.

Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen,

(Thank you for waiting.)Our aircraft will be taking off shortly, please make sure that your seat belts are securely fastened. Thank



Cabin crew, get ready for take-off!


A 两舱飞行计划广播







Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, a Sky Team Member. Here is an update on our flight plan. The distance between ___and ___ is ___ kilometers. The flying time will be __ hours and ___ minutes. We expect to arrive at ___ airport at___ (Beijing Time). (The local time

in___ will be___).

To make your flight more enjoyable, we offer the in-flight entertainment with a variety of programs. The dinner

(lunch/breakfast/refreshment/snack) and beverages will be served by your schedule.

(After the meal service, our in-flight duty free sales service will be available.)

For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight.

We wish you a pleasant journey!

Thank you!



欢迎您搭乘本次航班!我们的飞机已经进入巡航阶段,现在为您播报飞行计划:由___至___的飞行距离是___公里,飞行时间___小时___分,我们预计在北京时间(__月___日)____ 点____分,(___当地时间__月___日___点___分,)抵达____机场。





Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, a Sky Team Member. Here is an update on our flight plan. The distance between ___and ___ is ___ kilometers. The flying time will be __ hours and ___ minutes. We expect to arrive at ___ airport at___ (Beijing Time). (The local time in___ will be___). For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight.

To make your flight more enjoyable, we offer the in-flight entertainment with a variety of programs. The dinner

(lunch/breakfast/refreshment/snack) and beverages will be served. During our meal service, please return your seat back to the upright


(After the meal service, our in-flight duty free sales service will be available.)

We wish you a pleasant journey.

Thank you!


⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。有_____至____的飞行距离是_______,预计空中飞行时间是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。 为了保障飞机导航几通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠悲和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长讲协同机上_______名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and _______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average spe ed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems , passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio co mputers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely st owed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser _________with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!


英语 would you like anything to drink first 您想先喝点什么 here is todays menu.what would you like to have 这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么thank you for waiting sir.here you are.anything more 谢谢,让您久等了。这是您的饭和咖啡,还要点什么 how about the sweet 甜食要不要 may i clear up your table now 现在可以收拾您的桌子吗 are you going to study there or just for sight seeing 你是去学习还是只去旅游the flight has been delayed because of bad weather.由于天气恶劣,航班已经延误。 we cant take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility. 由于低能见度,机场关闭,我们不能起飞。 our plane is bumping hard.please keep your seat belt fastened。我们的飞机颠簸得厉害,请系好安全带。 before take-off 起飞前 ! 2. may i introduce myself, im ___, the chief purser of this flight. 请允许自我介绍。我叫___,本次航班的乘主任务长。 4. follow me, please. your seat is in the middle of the cabin. 请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部。 5. an aisle seat on the left side ------ here you are, sir. 是左边靠走廊座位------这是您的座位。 6. i’m afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. 恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。 7. excuse me for a second, i’ll check. 请稍等一下,我查查看。 8. the plane is about to take off. please dont walk about in the cabin. 飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。 9. you know the weather in hongkong is not so good. it has been delayed. 你知道香港的天气不太好,飞机延误了。 10. air china flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the morning. 中国国际航空公司 ca937航班,上午7:30起飞。 11. flight no. 926, leaving tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to beijing. ca926航班17:40离开东京直飞回北京。 12. you’re flying economy class. is that right 您是坐经济舱,对吗 emergency situation 紧急情况 1.f asten your seat belts immediately. the plane will make an emergency landing because of the sudden breakdown of an engine. 马上系好安全带。由 于飞机发动机出现故障,将做紧急迫降。 2.d ont panic! 不要惊慌。 3.o ur captain has confidence to land safely. all the crew members of this flight are well trained for this kind of situation. so please obey instructions from us. 我们的机长完全有信心安全着陆。我们所有的机组人员在 这方面都受过良好的训练,请听从我们的指挥。 4.t ake out the life vest under your seat and put it on! 从座椅下拿出救生衣, 穿上它! 5.d ont inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft, inflate it by pulling down the red tab. 请不要在客舱内将救生衣 充气!一离开飞机立即拉下小红头充气。 6.p ut the mask over your face! 戴上氧气面罩!

China Southern中国南方航空客舱英语广播词

China Southern中国南方航空客舱英语广播词 起飞前 Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard China Southern airlines, a Sky Team member’s flight. Here our captain, the purser and all the crew members will cherish every chance of service to make your journey with us a safe fine pleasant one. Now please fasten your seat belts, stow your tray table and put your seat back to the upright position. Please help us by opening the sunshades to ensure the safe operation of the navigation system. Please make sure your mobile phones including those with flying mode are turned off. This is a non-smoking flight. Please do not smoke on board. We hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you! 降落 Ladies and gentlemen: We are beginning our final descent, please fasten your safe belts, return your seat back to the upright position and stow your tray table. Please help us by opening the sunshades. All laptop computers and electronic devices should be turned off at this time. We kindly remind you that during landing and taxiing. Please keep your seat belts fasten and do not open the overhead bins. Thank you!


2标准广播词 2.1更改登机口 乘坐CA____航班的旅客请注意: 我们抱歉地通知您,由____飞往____的CA____航班,登机口临时变更,请您带好随身物品,马上到____号登机口候机/登机,由此给您带来不便,我们深表歉意,感谢您的理解与支持。 Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that the boarding gate of Flight CA____ from____ to ____ has been changed. Please take your belongings and go to Gate No.____. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for the inconveniences. 2.2暂无登机口 前往____的旅客请注意: 我们抱歉的通知您,由于登机口紧张,_____航班不能按时登机,请您在候机厅休息,登机时我们将广播通知,谢谢您的合作! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that the boarding of Flight CA____ to ____ has been delayed. Would you please remain in

the waiting hall and wait for further information. Thank you for your cooperation! 2.3航班准备工作未结束,延误登机 前往____的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的飞机已经到达本站,由于飞机上准备工作尚未完成,请您在登机区域稍作等候,登机时我们将广播通知,谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: The aircraft of Flight CA____ has arrived. We need sometime for cabin preparation. We will start boarding later. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for the inconvenience this short delay has caused you. 2.4航班延误,起飞时间待定 前往____的旅客请注意: 我们抱歉的通知您,由于____(原因见 3.),您乘坐的CA____航班不能按时起飞,起飞时间待定。在此我们深表歉意,请您在候机厅休息,等候通知。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that Flight CA____ to ____ can not leave on schedule due to____ (See Chart3). Would you please remain in the waiting hall and wait for further information. Thank you!

英文 机上广播词

1.In-Flight Announcements(机上广播词) (1)Welcome Speech(欢迎词) Good morning (afternoon,evening),ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard____Airlines Flight____to (via____). The distance between____and____is____kilometers. It will take____hours and minutes for the whole flight. We will be flying at an altitude of____meters and the average speed is____kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,passengers are not allowed to use mobile phone,remote controlled toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight,and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during takeoff and landing. We will take off immediately. Now the cabin attendants are going to have a security check. Please be seated,fasten your seat belt and make sure your seat back is straight up,your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (Since this is a non-smoking flight,please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser and other crew members will be sincerely


国内航班中英文广播词 ⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎您乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。由_____至____的飞行距离就是_______,预计空中飞行时间就是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。 为了保障飞机导航及通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞与下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机与电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背与小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品就是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长将协同机上_______名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers、 Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes、 We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour、 In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the lap computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing、 We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you、(This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board、) The (chief) purser _________with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service、 We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! ⑵起飞后广播 女士们,先生们: 我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____。在这段旅途中,我们为您准备了XX餐。供餐时我们将广播通知您。 下面将向您介绍客舱设备的使用方法: 今天您乘坐的就是XX型飞机。 您的座椅靠背可以调节,调节时请按座椅扶手上的按钮,在您前方座椅靠背的口袋里有清洁袋,供您扔置杂物时使用。 在您座椅的上方备有阅读灯开关与呼叫按钮。如果您需要乘务员的帮助,请按呼唤铃。 在您座位上方还有空气调节设备,您如果需要新鲜空气,请转动通风口。 洗手间在飞机的前部与后部,在洗手间内请不要吸烟。


新加坡航空公司英文广播稿 Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard Singapore Airlines flight XX______to____ __(via______) The distance between______and_______is_ _____kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_ ______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of_______ _meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigati on and communication systems,mobile phones,toys and ot her electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and land ing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten yo ur seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are sec urely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in fro nt of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not sm

民航广播稿 中英对照

1关门后安全检查 女士们、先生们: 您今天乘坐的是天合联盟成员—中国南方航空公司前往___的CZ___航班(中途降落___)。我们的飞机将要推出滑行,为了保证驾驶舱导航系统的正常工作,请您关闭手提电话及包括具有“飞行模式”功能的所有电子设备。现在客舱乘务员将进行安全检查,请系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板(和座椅脚踏板),靠窗边的旅客请协助将遮光板拉开。 本次航班全程禁烟,请不要在机上任何区域吸烟。 感谢您的合作! Ladies and Gentlemen, This is China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team Member flight CZ ___To___(Via___).Our aircraft will be pushing back shortly. To ensure cockpit navigation system safety operation, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices throughout the flight, including those with flying mode electronic devices. For your safety, please fasten your seat belts, close your tray table, (return your footrest to its initial position)and put your seat back to the upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke onboard. Thank you for your cooperation!


常用客舱广播词播音训练 1.欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎您乘坐中国厦门航空公司325次航班由长沙前往深圳(中途降落广州)。由长沙至深圳的飞行距离是658公里,预计空中飞行时间是1小时10分,飞行高度是1000米,飞行平均速度每小时650公里。 为了保障飞机导航系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具、电子游戏机、激光唱机和电音频接收等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在由客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李架内或座椅下方。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长将协同机上4名乘务员竭诚为您提供及时周到在服务。 谢谢! Good morning (afternoon, evening), Ladies and Gentleman: Welcome aboard China Airline flight Changsha to Shengzhen (via Guangzhou ). The distance between Changsha and Shengzhen is 650kilometers. Our flight will take 1 hours and 10 minutes, we will be flying at an altitude of 1000 meters and average speed is 650 kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are not allowed to use mobile phones, remote controlled toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during takeoff and landing. We will take off immediately, please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are surely stowed in the


【致礼欢迎】 1.be dedicated to['ded?ke?t?d] 致力于 2.be indicated on ['?nd?ke?t?d] 注明 3.convenience [k?n?vi:ni?ns] n.便 捷 4.depart[d?'pɑ:t] v.离开 5.entire crew [?n'ta??(r)] [kru:] 全体机组 6.pleasure['ple??(r)] n.乐趣 7.prior to 优于 8.take-off 起飞【延误解释】 1.air traffic control['tr?f?k] [k?n'tr??l] 航空管制 2.apologize for [?'p?l?d?a?z] 道歉 3.be caused by [k?:zd] 由于 4.cargo['kɑ:ɡ??] n. 货物 5.catering service [?ke?t?r??] 餐饮服 务 6.cooperation [k????p??re??n] n.合 作 7.delay[d?'le?] v.延误 8.due to [dju:] 由于 9.estimated ['est?m?t?d] 估测 10.flight document [fla?t] ['d?kj?m?nt] n.随机文件 11.ground staff [gra?nd] [stɑ:f] 地面人员 https://www.doczj.com/doc/94965792.html,te arrival [le?t] [??ra?vl] 晚点 13.load [l??d] v.装载 14.on route [ru:t] 路线 15.runway congestion [?r?nwe?] [k?n?d?est??n] n. 跑道堵 塞 16.understanding [??nd??st?nd??] n.理 解 17.unfavorable ['?n'fe?v?r?bl] adj. 不良的 18.weather condition['wee?(r)] [k?n?d??n] 天气情 况 【颠簸广播】 1.be available[?'veil?bl] 可获得的 2.be suspended[s?'spendid ] 暂停 3.be turned off 关闭 4.inconvenience [?nk?n'vi?n??ns] n.不便之处 5.moderate['m?d(?)r?t] adj. 中度的 6.recommend [,rek?'mend] vt.建议


国内航空的广播稿 ⑴欢迎词 女士们先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX前往(中途降落)有至的飞行距离是预计空中飞行时间是小时分飞行高度米飞行速度平均每小时公里 为了保障飞机导航几通讯系统的正常工作在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话遥控玩具电子游戏机激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备 飞机很快就要起飞了现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查请您坐好系好安全带收起座椅靠悲和小桌板请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发(本次航班全程禁烟在飞行途中请不要吸烟) 本次航班的乘务长讲协同机上名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务 谢谢! Wele Goodmorning(afternon,evening),LadiesandGentlemen: WeleaboardXXAirlinesflightXXto(via)Thedistancebetweenandisk ilometers.Ourflightwilltakehoursandminutes.Wewillbeflyingat analtitudeofmetersandtheaveragespeediskilometersperhour.

Inordertoensurethenormaloperationofaircraftnavigationandmun icationsystems,mobilephones,toysandotherelectronicdevicesth roughouttheflightandthelaptopputersarenotallowedtouseduring takeoffandlanding. Wewilltakeoffimmediately,Pleasebeseated,fastenyourseatbelt, andmakesureyourseatbackisstraightup,yourtraytableisclosedan dyourcarryonitemsaresecurelystowedintheoverheadbinorunderth eseatinfrontofyou.(Thisisanonsmokingflight,pleasedonotsmoke onboard.) The(chief)purserwithallyourcrewmemberswillbesincerelyatyour service.WehopeyouenjoytheflightThankyou ⑵起飞后广播 女士们先生们: 我们的飞机已经离开前往沿这条航线我们飞经的省份有经过的主要城市有我们还将飞越 在这段旅途中我们为你准备了XX餐供餐时我们将广播通知您 下面将向你介绍客舱设备的使用方法: 今天您乘坐的是XX型飞机


Unit 1 Boarding Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. Please ask the cabin attendants if you cannot find your seat. The seat numbers are shown on the overhead locker. Please make sure your hand baggage is stored on the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. Please keep the aisle and the exits clear of all baggage. Please take your assigned seats as quickly as possible and keep the aisle clear for others to be seated. Thank you for your cooperation. Greeting Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. I am Lisa, the purser for this flight. During the flight, all of my colleagues will be happy to serve you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be taking off in a few minutes, please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Your seat back and table should be returned to the upright position. All Air China Airlines are non-smoking to comply with Government regulations. Please refrain from smoking during the flight. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey! Unit 3 Baggage Arrangement Ladies and gentlemen: Please put all hand baggage securely in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you. Do not put any baggage in the aisles or by the exits. Thank you. Electronic Device Restriction Ladies and gentlemen: Please note certain electronic devices must not be used on board at any time. These devices include cellular phones, AM/FM radios, televisions and remote control equipment including toys. All other electronic devices including laptop computers and CD players must not be switched on until fifteen minutes after take-off, and must be switched off when the seat belt signs come on for landing. Your cooperation will be much appreciated. UNIT 4 Safety Instruction


国内英文广播词 1、欢迎词 Welcome Good morning (afternoon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard AIR CHINA Airlines flight CA1315 BeiJing to GuangZhou . The distance between BeiJing and GuangZhou is two thousand kilometers. Our flight will take three hours. We will be flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters and the average speed is six hundred seventy kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, make sure your seat back is straight up,your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! 2、起飞后广播 Ladies and Gentlemen: We have left BeiJing for GuangZhou. Along this route,we will be flying over the provinces of河北、河南、湖北、广东, passing the cities of北京、魏县、周口、河口、武汉、龙口、米林、南雄、广州, and crossing over黄河、淮河、长江、珠江、洪湖、罗霄山、南岭、白云山. The breakfast(lunch,supper) has been prepared for you. We will inform you before we serve it. Now we are going to introduce you the use of the cabin installations. This is a B737 aircraft. The back of your seat can be adjusted by pressing the button on the arm of your chair. The call button and reading light are above your head. Press the call button to summon a flight attendant. The ventilator is also above your head. By adjusting the airflow knob, fresh air will flow in or be cut off. Lavatories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear. Please do not smoke in the lavatories. 3、餐前广播 Ladies and Gentlemen:


一. 欢迎词: Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen : The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place. We will be taking off in a few mimutes.You are reminded that smoking and telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight. Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crew will attend to your needs. We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. (With an intermediate stop in___).

Your flight is under the command of Captain___. I am the chief purser___,in addition, we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand, who will be available through the flight to serve you. Please let us know if you need assistance. Thank you. 各位贵宾: 欢迎您搭乘___航空,第___号班机(经过___)前往___。 今天的飞行是由本机机长___、事务长/座舱长___、___位空服员、 ___位___籍空服员为大家服务,如果您需要任何协助,请通知空服人员。 二.安全示范 DOMO 1 Ladies and gentlemen : Your cabin attendants have just demonstrated the proper method of using the life jacket(and oxygen mask.)

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