当前位置:文档之家› 三峡大坝英语导游词3篇(完整版)






Everbod is good! No e ame to the headaters of the Yangtze river three gorges, it is divided into the qutang gorge, u gorge and xiling. The sons of li bai in the three gorges one rote the earl onset treasure , then the poem is idel irulated, people also full of love, for the three gorges toda let us to go to the beautiful three gorges.

In the three gorges, just have to sa this mountain here,

it has the majesti mount tai, huangshan has pleted, have the beaut of the fragrant hills. No e look, on both sides is the ontinuous mountains, deftl ill keep out the sun; The outline

of darkness in zhongshan. It is said that onl in the midda

and midnight to see the sun and the moon. Upon the high mountain, toering old trees, jagged. Mountain stream beteen hanging a hite satin, jet hipping, e an feel the fae is

overed ith laers of ater vapor. In the mountains, the lush jungle, river boat, does not have a poeti.

The quiet of the three gorges ater ithout the est lake, also no turbidit of the Yangtze river, is various. The summer, the river ater rose, ill be a hillok blakish green jade river is an organi hole repeatedl, if in the spring and inter, here

s another amorous feelings! Ok, I not muh said, or listening to the sounds of virtual, seeing is believing, ou to itness the most beautiful of the three gorges together!


Tourists friends, everbod! I am our tour guide, u division. I ill take ou to visit the beautiful Yangtze river three gorges, please e ith me!

M friends, this is u gorge. Wu gorge hannel inding, dark loud unlined upper garment, the rain as a skirt, veils and the beautiful mountains in the haz mirage, framed b atuating the people extrapolate. XiaZhong ranges aross the strait, peaks suh as sreen, the river tists and turns, deep and beautiful, just like a natural art galler. Telve peaks on both sides of the Taian strait to ushan, in telve peaks goddess peak is the most handsome, is also the most famous. Legend, the queen lived in the jade pool palae 23 a daughter, named ao ji, she is beautiful, kind-hearted, livel open and bright, intelligent bear palae to lonel life. August 15 this da, she invited the 11 sisters, alking, sim around. When the e to ushan, as fasinated b the sener here, telve fairies ould have tired of the palae lonel life. Over time, the turn into telve under the beautiful mountain, stands in the u gorge on both sides. This is the legend of goddess peak. Tourists friends, e ill visit the next seni spot - the xiling.

Friends, here is the xiling, it gets its name from the three gorges pearl - ihang ends at nanjinguan of xiling mountain. It is the longest of the three gorges a gorge. It

is more than one hundred km. Canon, beah flo more nast, knon for the risks , is famous for its hi , odd and risks to the beaut of the xiling. The hole gorge area is mountains, anons, dangerous shoals, reefs. In XiaZhong gorge, beah, beah. We had a good time! We ill visit the last fe sites - the qutang gorge.

Qutang gorge, 8 km est of fengjie ount, east to the home ton of big reek, most majesti sener and steep. Pentium

roaring Yangtze river, into the valle in imposing manner is grand KuiMen. Tourists friends attention o, this KuiMen on both sides of the mountain steep, suh as all, an reah 1000-1500 meters, the highest peak on both sides of the Taian straits fall ill be dead! River gorge deep ater rush here, endless mountains, onstitute a ver magnifient pitures. As guo moruo is the qutang gorge a poem sas: if the ord landsape, the three gorges this is hief .

The tour it is the end of the Yangtze river three gorges, the tourist friends, ou must be fasinated b the beautiful Yangtze river three gorges!!!! If there is an opportunit, let us be touring together again! Be be!


Words of the Yangtze river from the Tibetan plateau, all the a to the east China sea, alm, all the a until the three gorges all sho it energizes the imposing manner, like the rainbo tourists friends, no e are the starting point of the three gorges in padang, treasure.

Speaking of treasure, I think ou are familiar, is first and foremost b the hite of the earl sailing earl from baidi ton: the filled ith louds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. Moreover is liu2 bei4 treasure entrust an orphan to: not to small and not for good, it is a sin to steal a pin. After another popular poem, shining famous aphorism, tell us about the treasure for us in the important status in histor, horses from the eastern han dnast last ears of the tang dnast period of unique romane, sars and luster of the treasure to reord

the histor, shos the Chinese nation of five thousand ears for us.

Tourists friends, treasure, e are no formall entered the

it of the three gorges, li daouan speak: in the three gorges

or delared the king s mandment as urgent, sometimes the hair filled, both to jiangling, during to hundred, though b dongfeng, not to illness. Rolling in the Yangtze river, from the tangula mountain flood, freel, all the a to the qutang gorge, suddenl on both sides of the mountains, the Yangtze

river and from the mountains of the mountain of splitting a

anon, a turbulent, majesti, li bai rote ross-strait YuanSheng ro, boats alread past thousands of mountains. With li daouan is b running of the ind, not ith disease, also ants to oordinate, full sho the harateristis of the Yangtze river in the three gorges ater soon. No e sat don on a ruise ship, it is diffiult to feel that the denial of artisti oneption, but everone ould see ater aves in the ship, he or she is b no means are mon in jiang river.

We see no, the three gorges hdropoer station, this is the orld s largest hdropoer station, I think ou ma kno, the

itaipu hdropoer station is the orld s largest hdropoer station, but to ears ago, this reord again b Chinese people

to reate a mirale beond,2 billion k motor and generating billions of degrees are far ahead of all over the orld, it is supposed to be the pride of our ountr.

What e are after is the dam s five drainage sstem, the magnifient mahiner, full shoing the great momentum of hdropoer station, is the rstallization of the isdom of our Chinese nation.

Friends, jiangling, our trip to the three gorges ill e to an end, on this trip, e alread see the harm of nature, and appreiate the isdom of mankind, please don t forget this, remember one ord --

I live in China, m hometon has the three gorges.






























Three Gorges of Yangtze River Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!My name is ,you can call me ruth. I’m your tour guide from Wuhan. On behalf of our travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all and best wishes for the success of your travel on the Yangtze River. if you have any special interests or needs, please do not hesitate to let me know , I will try my best to accommodate your needs . Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. like to and the Nile, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise creating one of nature’s most fantastic sights. wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie end Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet Su Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins in the crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts,but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period(475bc----221BC) ve come to the Wu Gorge. Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along snakes based on a beautiful legend. goes like this: 12 nymphs once Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been Yaoji,


描写三峡大坝英语作文 描写三峡英语作文篇一: The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze Riverand are famous throughout the world. The Three Gorges Xiling Gorge西陵峡Wu Gorge巫峡and Qutang Gorge瞿塘 峡.Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interestsuch asZhaojun VillageQu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town. The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Gorges.A big power station has been built here.Since the reform and open policies began to be carried outgreat changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look.At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under constru ction. The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China. 描写三峡英语作文篇二: The three gorges dam is located in China's hunan provincethe whole project is expected to completion in 2021.The flood control and power generation function with the dam.The Yangtze river in the same period a year is always flooding.Destroyed crops and homeseven claimed many lives.Because the surface of the lakethe dam will rise by more than 100 metersand need immigrants millionsthe three gorges region of the many places of interest will be submerged. 描写三峡英语作文篇三: The environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project pros and consthe ecological balance in the regulation of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The Group noted that the Three Gorges Project effects mainly in the middleincluding reducing flood damage to the ecological environmentreduce coal pollution of the environmentreduce siltation of Dongting Lake and so on.Adverse effects mainly in the reservoir areain addition to farmland inundatedchanging landscapes and large number of immigrantsthe Shang Duizhen rare speciesTail floodslandslidesearthquakesand so on terrestrial plants and animals have a certain influence. 描写三峡英语作文篇四:


长江三峡导游词五篇 长江三峡导游词1 各位游客你们好!欢迎来到壮丽雄伟的三峡!三峡是瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡的总称,位于长江上游,全长约1200里。三峡两岸崇山峻岭,悬崖绝壁;其江水汹涌奔腾,惊涛拍岸,可谓险中生美。如今的三峡依然保持着昔日的雄伟,但随着三峡工程的建立更加闻名于世,并对如今的水利工程起着重要的作用。心动不如行动,快去参观一下吧! 各位游客欢迎大家来三峡观光。七百里的三峡雄奇挺拔,清幽秀丽,四季美景风格各异,夏季水涨,水流湍急,水势凶猛,春冬之时,潭水碧绿,清波回旋,怪柏多生绝巘,瀑布飞旋,秋季冷清寂静,猿鸣哀转 长江三峡,中国10大风景名胜之一,中国40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称。它西起四川奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,长二百零四公里。这里两岸高峰夹峙,江面狭窄曲折,江中滩礁棋布,水流汹涌湍急。万山磅礴水泱漭,山环水抱争萦纡。时则岸山壁立如着斧,相间似欲两相扶。时则危崖屹立水中堵,港流阻塞路疑无。郭沫若同志在《蜀道奇》一诗中,把峡区风光的雄奇秀逸,描绘得淋漓尽致。我国古代有一部名叫《水经注》的地理名著,是北魏时郦道元写的,书中有一段三峡的生动叙

述:自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略元阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非停午夜分,不见曦月……。 瞿塘峡为长江三峡之一,西起奉节县白帝山,东迄巫山县大溪镇,总长八公里,是三峡中最短的一个,但最为雄伟险峻。难怪古代诗人发出纵将万管玲珑笔,难写瞿塘两岸山的赞叹。湍急的江流,闯入夔门,在紧逼的峡谷中奔腾咆哮。船驶峡中,真有峰与天关接,舟从地窟行之感。 长江三峡导游词2 大家好!我是你们今天的导游小张,本次三峡之旅就由我来为你们讲解,希望大家玩得愉快! 首先,我们现在乘船进入的是三峡中最短的一段瞿塘峡,它同时也是最雄伟壮观的一段。大家看我们两侧的山脉,可以说是连绵不绝,这些高大的山像屏障一样将三峡罩了起来。这里的水面比较开阔,夏天时甚至可以漫过低矮的山丘。大家现在可以观赏一下两边的著名山峰,自由拍照,注意安全。 好,现在我们进入了三峡的画廊巫峡,大家应该也感觉到了,这里比较曲折,景色又最秀丽,因而得了这画廊的名号。可以看到这里草木茂盛,江水清澈,碧波荡漾,让人感觉到一种从心底涌上来的宁静。而秋天时,这儿又是另一种景象:一切都笼在一种清冷、寂静里,所以猿猴回荡在山谷里的鸣叫便带上了一种特殊的感情色彩。于是古时的游者便像渔歌中所唱那样:巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳。 长江三峡导游词3


《三峡大坝导游词》 三峡大坝导游词(一): 三峡大坝导游词 各位朋友,我们这天参观举世礼貌的长江三峡水利枢纽工程,既我们通常简称的三峡大坝。三峡大坝位于长江三峡西陵峡中段,湖北省宜昌市境内的三斗坪。 古往今来,地球上发生频率最高,危害最大的自然灾害莫过于洪水。人类与洪水抗挣的历史久远,并在抗挣中催生了人类的早期礼貌。华夏民族尤重治水,且在治水中表现了无与伦比的胆量和智慧。治水者名垂千古,水利工程福泽万代,古代大禹和李冰父子及古都江堰工程就是很好的例证。 世界第三长河长江,源于世界屋脊,上经天府之国,中贯鱼米之乡,下串人间天堂,给两岸以灌溉之利和舟楫之便。然而,它一旦暴怒,便为浩劫,沃野成为泽国,民众或为鱼鳖,是中华民族一大心腹之患。尤其在险段荆江,每至汛期,千余万人头枕悬河,夜不成寐。所以,解决长江中下游地区,个性昌荆江河段的防洪问题是兴建三峡工程的首要出发点。 1942年4月3日,全国人民代表大会第七届五次会议(即七届全国人大第五次会议)透过了《关于兴建长江三峡工程的决议》,自此,中国历史上最大的水利工程进入具体实施阶段。1994年12月14日,时任国务院总理的李鹏向全世界正式宣布三峡工程开工。 三峡大坝为钢筋混凝土重力坝,全长2335米,坝顶高185米,正常蓄水位175米,总 库容393亿立方米,防洪库容221、5亿立方米,相当于4个分洪区的库容。电站装机26 台,单机热量70万千瓦,总容量1820万千瓦,年均发电量847亿千瓦时。电厂一年上交的利税能够建一座葛洲坝枢纽工程。大坝通航建筑物年单向一级垂直升船机可快速透过3000吨 级客货轮。 三峡大坝建成后构成的三峡水库将淹没陆地面积632平方公里,范围涉及湖北的四个县,重庆市的16个县市区,共计20个县(市、区)。须迁移的总人口将达113、18万人,称为百万大移民,任务十分繁重。长江三峡工程采用一级开发、一次建成、分期蓄水、连续移民的方案。主体工程总工期17年,分3个阶段进行,一期工程5年,二期工程和三期工程均为6年。1997年实现大江截流,2003年启用永久通航建筑物和首批机组发电,2009年工程竣工。 大家或许会问:如此宏伟的工程需要多资金投入呢?这么多钱又是如何去筹集呢?1993 年7月,国务院三峡工程建设委员会批准的枢纽工程概算为500、9亿元(按1993年5月 末价格水平),库区移民安置概算400亿元,两项合计,三峡工程按1993年5月末水平的 静态投资总额为900、9亿元。 筹集这些资金有以下主要途径: 一、三峡工程建设基金。全国除西藏自治区、贫困地区农业排灌用电外,每度电征收厘钱;从1996年起,直理解益地区和经济发达地区每度电加征到7厘钱,其余地区仍征收4厘。 由此看来,我们每个人都对三峡工程建设作出了贡献。 二、葛洲坝水电站利润,在每度电上网价格4、2分的基础上,从1993年起每度电提升 1分,到1996年提高到8、2分后不再提高。


长江三峡 亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎来到风光秀丽的长江三峡旅游观光。我是大家此行的导游xxx,大家可以叫我小x,。今天,很荣幸可以和大家一同游览长江三峡,体验她的雄伟奇幻和幽深秀丽。途中若有什么问题或需要,请尽管提出来,我将尽力为大家解决。祝愿大家游得开心、玩得愉快! 有人说长江三峡是一幅浓淡相宜的国画,描绘了山河的壮美,秀丽,多姿多彩;有人说长江三峡是一曲波澜壮阔、气势恢弘的交响乐,饱含了人世间绝美的音符;要我说长江三峡就是一首古老的长诗,讲述着古往今来无数动人的故事…… 长江是我国第一大河,自西向东奔流,当它流经四川盆地东缘时,便冲开崇山峻岭、夺路奔流,形成了壮丽雄奇、举世无双的大峡谷——长江三峡!长江三峡西起重庆奉节县,东到宜昌市南津关,全长193公里。三段峡谷各有特色,瞿塘峡雄伟险峻,巫峡幽深秀丽,西陵峡滩多水急。 “朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。”这是唐代大诗人李白的千古绝唱,也是长江三峡的真实写照。今天我们登船从长江三峡的门户宜昌出发,逆流而上品味三峡的美景,追溯诗仙的足迹,感受三峡的独特魅力。 现在我们来到的就是风光绮丽的西陵峡,它西起秭归县香溪河口,东至宜昌市南津关,全长76公里,是长江三峡中最长的峡谷,因位于“楚之西塞”和夷陵的西边,故名西陵峡。西陵峡又分东西两段,中间被三峡大坝所分割。东段葛洲坝至三峡大坝之间的38公里长的区域,不受大坝蓄水影响,仍然保持着原始的三峡风貌;西陵峡以“险”出名、以“奇”著称,北宋欧阳修曾称赞“西陵山水佳”,陈毅元帅也留下了“西陵甲三峡,忘返兴犹稠”的诗篇。 西陵峡峡中有峡、滩中有滩,大滩含小滩,且滩多水急。以前,三峡船夫世世代代都在此与险滩激流相搏。船只只要经过这一代,便常发生“触礁船破碎,满江尸浮沉”的惨剧。“西陵峡中竹节稠,滩滩都是鬼见愁”就是西陵峡险滩的


三峡导游词300字左右 长江三峡又名峡江或大三峡,位于中国重庆市、恩施州、宜昌市地区境内的长江干流上,西起重庆市奉节县的白帝城,经过恩施,东至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,那么三峡导游词怎么准备呢?大家来看看小编推送的三峡导游词300字左右,希望给大家带来帮助! 三峡导游词300字左右1 各位朋友好!现在,我们到了著名的长江三峡了,三峡位于长江上游的重庆与湖北之间,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的总称。而这儿的风光,雄奇险拔却又不失庄雅秀丽,是个休闲的好地方。 三峡总长二百公里,大家看看两边都是连续不断的山,山没有一点缺口,如一条绿龙一带。这儿的山都高耸入云,遮天蔽日,把天空锁成了一条带子。要不是现在是正午,连太阳也瞧不见呢! 三峡是个“多景”的地方。一年四季,这个地方都有绝然不同的美景等你欣赏。在夏天,这儿水势浩大,水流湍急,是一种奔放的美感。但出于安全起见,还是要略加小心。秋天呢,是一种凄婉的美感,每到带霜的早晨,都有猿那哀转的啸叫,真可谓催人泪下。 要是你是个喜欢清幽美感的人,可真是来对时间了!像今天这样的春日,展现了三峡的清幽美。这儿有如雪的急流和碧绿的深潭,回旋着清波还倒影了世间万物的影子,游客依次可以探下头看看,喏,那还有倒映的太阳呢!在你们两边的山峰上,长着许多奇怪的松柏,很有趣味。现在,我们面前是两边的瀑布。这水飞流激荡,是文雅中跃动的美感,好了,随着船的前行,我们好好享受水清树秀、山高草盛的美景吧! 快乐的时光总是过得很快,我们旅行就此结束了。愿这次三峡之旅能在你心中留下一段美好的回忆,再见! 三峡导游词300字左右2 各位旅客朋友们: 昨天晚上休息的好吗?经过昨天晚上的休息,想必大家都已恢复了体力。那么我们精神百倍的向今天的景点出发吧。愿壮丽的长江三峡和我的服务带给您一个愉快的旅程。


精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词 精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词例1 now we are on the way to three gorges dam, I will offer you some basic information about this giant project in advance. Speaking of three gorges dam, it is goes without saying that the three gorges dam is virtually subtlety associated with the number 3,why?I will give you the explanation .Because many of information about three gorges dam contains the number 3.Firstly, three gorges dam is located at sandouping town,38km away from Gezhouba dam which is situated at downstream.Secondly, it is esteemed that 2039 billion has been invested in construction. Thirdly,the project had experienced 17 years which divided into 3 phases. from 1993 to 1997 is the first period and this period is regarded as preparation period;from 1998 to 2003 is the second period and the last period indicates the year from 2004 to 2009.After the project completed,the normal water lever has gone up to 175 meters and the strong capacity of reservoir amount to 393billion cubic meter. Due to the water level rises, 430 thousand arable land has been submerge and 1.75 million immigrations have to search for new


介绍三峡的导游词 导读:介绍三峡的导游词600字篇一 游客朋友们,大家好!我是你们的导游——吴司。我将带大家去游览美丽的长江三峡,请跟我来吧! 朋友们,这里是巫峡。巫峡航道曲折幽深,云作衫,雨作裙,轻纱飘忽,把那秀美的山峦掩映在朦胧的幻影中,引动着人们浮想联翩。峡中两岸青山连绵,群峰如屏,江流曲折,幽深秀丽,宛如一条天然画廊。峡两岸为巫山十二峰,在十二峰中以神女峰最为俏丽,也最有名。传说,瑶池宫里住着西王母第二十三个女儿,名叫瑶姬,她聪慧美丽,心地善良,活泼开朗,耐不住宫中寂寞的生活。八月十五这一天,她邀请了十一姐妹,腾云驾雾,遨游四周。当她们来到巫山时,被这里的美景迷住了,十二仙女早就厌倦了宫中寂寞的生活。久而久之,她们便化成十二座奇秀绝美的山峰,耸立在巫峡两岸。这就是神女峰的传说。游客朋友们,我们将游览下一个景点—西陵峡。 朋友们,这里就是西陵峡,它得名于三峡明珠——宜昌市南津关口的西陵山。它是三峡中最长的一个峡。它全长一百余公里。峡谷内,滩多流急,以“险”出名,以“奇”著称,“奇”、“险”化为西陵峡的壮美。整个峡区都是高山、峡谷、险滩、暗礁。峡中有峡,滩中有滩。大家玩得很开心吧!我们将游览最后一个景点——瞿塘峡。 瞿塘峡全长8公里,西起奉节县的白帝城,东至巫山县的大溪镇,景色最为雄伟险峻。奔腾咆哮的长江,一进峡谷便遇上气势赫赫的夔

门。游客朋友们注意哟,这夔门两岸的山峰陡峭如壁,两岸最高峰可达1000—1500米,摔下去就没命了哟!这里峡深水急的江流,绵延不断的山峦,构成了一幅极为壮丽的画卷。正如郭沫若《过瞿塘峡》一诗所说:“若言风景异,三峡此为魁”。 这次游览长江三峡到此结束了,游客朋友们,你们一定被这美丽的长江三峡迷住了吧!如果有机会,再让我们一起细细游赏一番吧!拜拜! 介绍三峡的导游词600字篇二 大家好,欢迎大家来到美丽的长江三峡旅游观光。 正如大家所知道的,长江是我国的第一大河,它发源于青海省唐古拉山脉的西南侧,流经青海,西藏,云南,四川,重庆,湖北,湖南,江西,安徽,江苏,上海等11个省市。纳百川千流,自西向东,横贯中国腹地,最后注入东海。全长6300公里,是仅次于南美亚马逊和刚果河的世界第三大河流,它孕育了中华民族古老文明,更与山融合而成了壮丽雄奇、举世无双的峡谷——长江三峡。 长江三峡西起重庆奉节白帝城,东至湖北宜昌南津关,由雄伟壮观的瞿塘峡、幽深秀丽的巫峡和滩多水急的西陵峡组成,全长193公里。瞿塘峡以雄著称,西起重庆奉节白帝城,东至大溪镇,峡长虽然只有短短的8千米,是三峡中最短的一个,却有着“西控巴蜀收万壑,东连荆楚压群山”之势。接着就是以秀出名的巫峡,巫峡因巫山而出名,西起重庆巫山城东的大宁河口,东至湖北巴东县的官渡口,是三


三峡大坝英文导游词 Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province! Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges---Qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like "a thousand seas poured into one cup", as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc----221BC)


宜昌 给位朋友,今天我有幸来到这里,做一次演讲。我想让各位更进一步了解这个与我们息息相关的地方,没错,我今天想讲讲宜昌,他的过去,现在,以及将来。 这就是我的家乡,宜昌市,地处湖北省西部,位于长江中上游的交接处,被誉为三峡的门户,湖北省和重庆市两地的节点。 宜昌历史悠久,它丰富的文化和历史具有2400多年,是巴,楚文化的发祥地。在祖先时代世界历史名人屈原的故里,屈原是一位伟大的诗人,而如今,中国的端午节就是为了纪念屈原,所以,每当中国人享受3天的端午节假期时,是应该感谢宜昌这座城市的。 而在二战时期,日本侵华,正是在宜昌的石牌,中国军队抵御了日本军队最关键的进攻,从而保卫了全中国,这里,又被称为东方斯大林格勒保卫战。 现在,宜昌拥有了葛洲坝和三峡大坝两座水电工程,这两座大坝让宜昌成为世界级的水电之都。有些人可能不知道,宜昌曾经被视为“三峡省”有用很高的行政级别。所以我们为自己是宜昌人感到骄傲和自豪。 宜昌已成为长江区域性中心城市和湖北省级副中心城市,未来宜昌将会快速发展。宜昌政府已经为宜昌制定了未来20年的发展规划,会让宜昌成为一座既大又强,特优特美的后现代明星之城。宜昌注定拥有一个光明的未来 看见了吧,这里到处都是迷人的事物,爱上他,用心去感受它! YiC hang Good afternoon, friends, I am very glad to make a speech here,I hope everyone can know more about the place which closely related to ’s right I want to talk about Yichang ,talk about the past ,present and future of my hometown. Yichang used to be called "Yiling" in the ancient times, has been renown as "the gateway to the Three Gorges at the joint of Chongqing municipality and Hubei Province"where the point of upstream and middlestream of Yangtze river. Yichang, rich in culture and with a history of more than 2400 years,is the birthplace


长江三峡导游词三分钟 三峡旅游有其特殊性,如景点均遍布两岸,两岸群山峻岭不宜行车等,所以经水路游三峡最为理想。一般提及游三峡,在没有特别指明其它游览方式的情况下,即为乘船游。以下关于长江三峡导游词,希望您驻足阅读! 长江三峡导游词1 大家好,欢迎大家来到美丽的长江三峡旅游观光。 正如大家所知道的,长江是我国的第一大河,它发源于青海省唐古拉山脉的西南侧,流经青海,西藏,云南,四川,重庆,湖北,湖南,江西,安徽,江苏,上海等11个省市。纳百川千流,自西向东,横贯中国腹地,最后注入东海。全长6300公里,是仅次于南美亚马逊和刚果河的世界第三大河流,它孕育了中华民族古老文明,更与山融合而成了壮丽雄奇、举世无双的峡谷——长江三峡。 长江三峡导游词2 各位游客朋友: 大家好!很高兴有机会为大家服务。我是来自重庆中国青年旅行社的导游,我姓温,大家可以叫我小温。在大家游览重庆的期间,我会竭尽所能为大家服务,如果小温有做得不好的地方,希望大家能够提出来,以便我的改进;做得好的地方,也希望大家能给予我肯定,以增强我的信心。我预祝大家的这次旅途,玩得开心,吃得撑心,住得舒心。谢谢大家! 长江三峡导游词3 游客朋友们,大家好!我是你们的导游——吴司。我将带大家去游览美丽的长江三峡,请跟我来吧! 朋友们,这里是巫峡。巫峡航道曲折幽深,云作衫,雨作裙,轻纱飘忽,把那秀美的山峦掩映在朦胧的幻影中,引动着人们浮想联翩。峡中两岸青山连绵,群峰如屏,江流曲折,幽深秀丽,宛如一条天然画廊。峡两岸为巫山十二峰,在十二峰中以神女峰最为俏丽,也最有名。传说,瑶池宫里住着西王母第二十三个女儿,名叫瑶姬,她聪慧美丽,心地善良,活泼开朗,耐不住宫中寂寞的生活。八月十五这一天,她邀请了十一姐妹,腾云驾雾,遨游四周。当她们来到巫山时,被这里的美景迷住了,十二仙女早就厌倦了宫中寂寞的生活。久而久之,她们便化成十二座奇秀绝美的山峰,耸立在巫峡两岸。这就是神女峰的传说。游客朋友们,我们将游览下一个景点—西陵峡。


三峡大坝导游词 宏伟的长江三峡工程主体建筑物由横跨长江的拦河大坝、位于其中段的泄洪坝段、左右岸发电厂房及通航建筑物组成。它的建设方岸是:一级开发、一次建成、分期蓄水、连续移民。 拦河大坝以185平台为左岸起点,延伸到长江南岸的白岩尖,轴线全长约为2309米,属于混凝土重力坝(用混凝土浇筑的依靠坝体的自重来对抗库区的水压和其它荷载作用不同于另一种坝—拱坝)。大坝建成之后,坝顶会形成一条沟通江南与江北的公路,宽度为15米,大坝底部宽度为124米,如果您从侧面看这个大坝剖面,它呈现为直角梯形,大坝的海拔高程与185平台等高,为海拔185米。这样,万里长江就将在西陵峡中段被拦腰截断,从三峡大坝直至上游重庆市六百多公里的水路就将形成一个天然的河道型水库,水库容量为393亿立方米,正常水库水位是海拔175米,洪水来临之前,将水位降低至海拔145米,这样防洪库容量达到221.5亿立方米。 中段的泄洪坝段长483米,22个溢流表孔(宽为8米,堰顶高程156米,主要作用是泄洪)与23个溢流深孔(7米×9米,孔底高程为90米,主要作用是冲沙。)主要承担渲泄洪水和清除泥沙的任务,泄洪的设计最大流量是11.6万立方米/秒,相当于千年一遇的洪水流量,因为历史上长江上最大的洪水发生于1870年,当时的最大水流量为10.8万立方米/秒。黄陵庙的木柱上就留下了当时的水迹,这为我们的三峡工程的设计提供了珍贵的水文质料。相信1998年的洪水给大家留下了深刻的印象,荆江大堤全面告急、牌洲湾决口、九江新区被淹,直接经济损失高达1600亿,这次洪水的最大流量是6.8万立方米/秒。所以在大坝竣工之后,荆江河段的防洪标准将大大提高。


Hi ,everyone, I’m glad to stand here to give you a short speech about River closure of the Three Gorges Dam . In January 8, 1997,the River closure project started formally . What’s the Three Gorges Dam ? Three Gorges Dam was Three Gorges hydropower station, also known as the Three Gorges project. This project origined from 1914 ,M r. Sun Zhongshan put forward the idea of the construction of the Three Gorges Project . Years went by, many famous persons inspected the three gorge and made policy decisions, like Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, but until December 14, 1994, the world's largest hydropower project - the Three Gorges Dam project officially started, it is located in the middle of the Exiling gorge in Hubei province Inching City three Doo, away from the lower reaches of Gezhouba Dam water conservancy project 38 km. The Three Gorges Project will impact on the surrounding ecology, because there is a dam barrier, fish can not normally pass through the Three Gorges, their living habits and genetic and something else will change. In ancient times it was the intersection of Ba culture and Chu culture.So, the The Three Gorges will influenced a


三峡导游词精选800字范文旅游朋友们:大家好!大家一路辛苦了,首先我代表我们旅行社欢迎来你到长江三峡来观光游览。我是你的导游员。今天就由我为大家服务,一路上你如果有什么要求和建议请尽管提出。我会尽我所能来满足大家的所求。好了,祝你旅途愉快,玩得开心。 我们的旅游船再向前行驶8公里,便进入著名的长江三峡,为了让大家更好地领略长江三峡的风光,下面我就借此时机,先向大家介绍一下长江三峡。 长江三峡东起湖北宜昌南津关,西至四川重庆奉节白帝城,全长有193公里。它包括雄伟壮观的瞿塘峡。幽深秀丽的巫峡和滩多水急的西陵峡,由于长江三峡山河壮丽,风韵多娇,现已成为饮誉全球的风光名胜地。它名居“中国十大风景名胜”之一,在“中国旅游胜地四十佳”一举夺魁,又是国家公布的第一批重点风景名胜区,也是35个王牌景点和16来旅游专线之一。它的奇山异水,风景名胜的精髓。无不唤起了人们的感情共鸣,激起了人们对伟大祖国锦绣山河和名胜古迹的热爱,陈毅曾在《三峡》中写到:三峡天下壮,请君乘船游。一个“壮”字便科学而准确的概括出了它的特色,并不断地激起也人前来观光游览。 旅游朋友们,大家看,前面便是著名的长江三峡了,这里就是第一峡“瞿塘峡”了,长江水受到了白帝城山头阻挡,形 成面积仅为1.6平方公里河湾,颇似一个瞿形堰塘。它西起奉节白帝城东至巫山黛溪镇,全长有8公里,峡口,长江中心原耸立着一大座的礁石,这里便是“卡住三峡咽喉,锁走上一江怒水”的滟预堆

了,这里曾使过往的船工,旅游谈虎变色,胆战心惊,以前这里曾流传着一首民谣“滟预大如马,瞿塘不可下。滟预大如牛,瞿塘不可留”多少年来,它成为上下船只航行的障碍。1958年峡江航道工人以改天换地的气魄。用炸药炸除了这只“拦路虎”。从此三峡畅通无阻。游客朋友们,前面便是第二峡巫峡了,它是因江南的南陵山状若“巫”字,取名为巫山,峡因山而得名的,景区西起巫山大宁河,东起巴东官渡口,全长42公里。现在我们的旅游船已经驶进巫峡了,巫峡“放舟下巫峡,心在十二峰”,峰排列于巫峡的两岸,南北各有六峰,构成迷雾飘忽的“巫峡画廊”,大家请往左看,这是“登龙峰”在巫峡镇下15公里处,海拔1215米,有峰峦6座,由低而高,蜿蜒而上,犹如卧龙登天之势。大家再往前看这是“龙泉峰”,海拔1023米,峰顶泉水清莹寒澈,改名“圣泉”,拔地而起山峦,像一只雄师蹲于山顶,威震峡江。再往前看,这是“朝云峰”了,它距巫峡镇30公里,与青石村隔江相望,海拔1112米,神女峰它是一个独立的石柱,高约 6.4米娇柔轻盈,婷婷玉立,楚辞家宋玉的《高塘赋》,《神女峰》给幽深的巫峡增添了一层神秘的面纱,并且伴有许许多多的动听的神话故事流 传至今,传说神女是西王母的小女儿瑶姬的化身,她们下人凡人间帮助大禹治理洪水后留在就毅然留在人间,她风风餐露宿,日日夜夜地凝视着滚滚江水,为过往的船只导航,由于神女晨迎超霞,暮送夕晖。因此它又名“望霞峰”,1965年9月,周恩来总理陪同西哈努克亲王乘船至神女峰下,恰好神女“拉开了面纱”清清晰稀地露出了它的面容,周总理风趣地说:“因为巫山露多,这神女从不轻易同凡人见面,今天由于贵宾光临,她才和大家见面了。”西哈努克亲王听


三峡大坝英语导游词3篇 到了三峡,就不得不说这这里的山,它有泰山的雄伟,有黄山的奇峻,有香山的秀丽。下面是为大家带来的三峡大坝英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 Everybody is good! Now we came to the headwaters of the Yangtze river three gorges, it is divided into the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. The sons of li bai in the three gorges once wrote "the early onset treasure", then the poem is widely circulated, people also full of love, for the three gorges today let us to go to the beautiful three gorges. In the three gorges, just have to say this mountain here, it has the majestic mount tai, huangshan has pleted, have the beauty of the fragrant hills. Now we look, on both sides is the continuous mountains, deftly will keep out the sun; The outline of darkness in zhongshan. It is said that only in the midday and midnight to see the sun and the moon. Upon the high mountain, towering old trees, jagged. Mountain stream between hanging a white satin, jet whipping, we can feel the face is covered with layers of water vapor. In the mountains, the lush jungle, river boat, does not have a poetic.


长江三峡导游词3篇 长江三峡导游词一: 大家好,欢迎大家来到美丽的长江三峡旅游观光。 正如大家所知道的,长江是我国的第一大河,它发源于青海省唐古拉山脉的西南侧,流经青海,西藏,云南,四川,重庆,湖北,湖南,江西,安徽,江苏,上海等11个省市。纳百川千流,自西向东,横贯中国腹地,最后注入东海。全长6300公里,是仅次于南美亚马逊和刚果河的世界第三大河流,它孕育了中华民族古老文明,更与山交融而成了壮丽雄奇、独一无二的峡谷——长江三峡。 长江三峡西起重庆奉节白帝城,东至湖北宜昌南津关,由宏伟壮观的瞿塘峡、幽深秀丽的巫峡和滩多水急的西陵峡组成,全长193公里。瞿塘峡以雄著称,西起重庆奉节白帝城,东至大溪镇,峡长虽然只有短短的8千米,是三峡中最短的一个,却有着“西控巴蜀收万壑,东连荆楚压群山”之势。接着就是以秀出名的巫峡,巫峡因巫山而出名,西起重庆巫山城东的大宁河口,东至湖北巴东县的官渡口,是三峡中的唯一一个地跨两省市的峡谷,全长45公里。船在巫峡中行,时而大山当前,时而峰回路转,“山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”无疑是它最好的写照。所以有人把巫峡比喻作一条“迂回曲折的山水画廊”。最后经过一段山舒水缓的宽谷地带,我们便来到西陵峡。风光绮丽的西陵峡,西起秭归县香溪河口,东至湖北宜昌南津关,全长76公里,是长江三峡中最长的峡谷。因位于“楚之西塞”和夷陵也

就是现在的宜昌市的西边,故称西陵峡。西陵峡以“险”出名,以“奇”著称,奇险化为西陵峡的壮美。 相信大家必定听说过这几句诗:“朝发白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还,两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”。这到处颂扬的诗句,正是来源于诗仙李白的名作《朝发白帝城》,而这里所说的白帝城,正是我们今天所参观第一个景点。位于长江北岸的白帝城,原名紫阳城,它是新莽时期公孙述割据四川之际建筑的,因为传说城中有井,井中白雾腾空,其形状宛如一条白龙,直冲九霄,于是公孙述自称白帝,城也改名白帝城。三峡工程蓄水后,水将吞没至半山腰,形成水雾缭绕,仙山琼阁搬的仙境。 说到这个三峡工程,全名为长江三峡水利枢纽工程。是一座治理和开发长江的关键性骨干工程,具有防洪,发电和航运等综合效益。建成的三峡大坝坝高185米,蓄水位为175米,年发电量达847亿千瓦时,是新中国最伟大的工程。 好了,我们即将泊岸了,请大家跟我一起去近距离欣赏白帝城的美。 长江三峡导游词二: 各位游客朋友: 大家好!很快乐有时机为大家服务。我是来自重庆中国青年旅行社的导游,我姓温,大家可以叫我小温。在大家游览重庆的期间,我会竭尽所能为大家服务,假如小温有做得不好的地方,希望大家能够提出来,以便我的改良;做得好的地方,也希望大家能给予我肯定,

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