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一第26卷第1期一2017年1月中一国一矿一业CHINA MINING MAGAZINE 一Vol.26,No.1Jan.一2017

中美草原区露天煤矿土地复垦技术对比案例研究荣一颖1,胡振琪1,付艳华1,李典谟2,万旭生2,Anna Waitkus 3


北京)土地复垦与生态重建研究所,北京100083;2.北京市东城区天恒可持续发展研究所,北京100101;3.Environmental Consultin g ,Laramie 82070)




一一中图分类号:F301.24一一文献标识码:A一一文章编号:1004-4051(2017)01-0055-05Com p arative stud y on land reclamation technolo gy in t yp ical surface coal mine in ste pp e re g ion between China and USA

RONG Yin g 1,HU Zhen q i 1,FU Yanhua 1,LI Dianmo 2,WAN Xushen g 2,Anna Waitkus 3

(1.Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecolo g ical Restoration ,China Universit y of Minin g and Technolo gy

(Bei j in g ),Bei j in g 100083,China ;2.South -North Institute for Sustainable Develo p ment ,Bei j in g 100101,China ;

3.Environmental Consultin g ,Laramie 82070,USA )一一Abstract :The surface coal mine of China is mostl y in the ecolo g ical environment fra g ile zone ,and coal minin g inevitabl y leads to a further deterioration of the ecolo g ical environment in minin g areas.China faces the task of land reclamation and ecolo g ical restoration ,which becomes a focus of researches.Based on the case stud y of North antelo p e Rochelle coal mine in USA and a surface coal mine of Inner Mon g olia in China ,the stud y has done the s y stematic research work on ma j or technical measures on reconstruction of landforms ,soil and ve g etation etc.The stud y found that America laid em p hasis on a pp roximate the ori g inal landform resha p in g ,the investi g ation and p rotection of the native p lants ,p ost minin g land monitorin g .The stud y concluded that China should p a y attention to re g ional coordination of landform resha p in g ,p romote p lantation of native p lants ,reduce tendin g mana g ement ,stren g then p ost minin g monitorin g of land reclamation in surface mine in ste pp e re g ion ,so as to g uarantee the sustainable use of the mine -area land.

一一Ke y words :the United States of America ;China ;ste pp e re g ion ;surface mine ;land reclamation 收稿日期:2016-09-01

基金项目:国家自然科学基金煤炭联合重点支持项目资助(编号:U1361203)第一作者简介:荣颖(1988-),女,河南商丘人,博士研究生,主要从事土地复垦与生态重建方面的研究,E -mail :ron gy in g 0626@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9115907661.html, 三一一煤炭是中国的最主要的能源,






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