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QoS Support for High Performance Scientific Grid Applications

QoS Support for High Performance Scientific Grid Applications
QoS Support for High Performance Scientific Grid Applications

QoS Support for High-Performance Scienti?c Grid Applications Rashid Al-Ali,1,2Gregor von Laszewski,1Kaizar Amin,1,3Mihael Hategan,1

Omer Rana,2David Walker,2and Nestor Zaluzec1

1Argonne National Laboratory,U.S.A.2Cardi?University,UK.3University of North Texas,U.S.A.


The Grid approach provides the ability to access and use distributed resources as part of virtual organiza-tions.The emerging Grid infrastructure gives rise to a class of scienti?c applications and services to support collaborative and distributed resource-sharing require-ments as part of teleimmersion,visualization,and sim-ulation services.Because such applications operate in a collaborative mode,data must be stored and delivered in timely manner to meet deadlines.Hence,this class of applications has stringent real-time constraints and quality-of-service(QoS)requirements.A QoS manage-ment approach is required to orchestrate and guarantee the interaction between such applications and services. In this paper we discuss the design and prototype im-plementation of a QoS system and show how we enable Grid applications to become QoS compliant.We vali-date this approach through a case study of nanomate-rials.Our approach,enhances the current Open Grid Services Architecture.We demonstrate the usefulness of the approach on a nano materials application.


Advanced commercial and scienti?c applications of-ten require high-performance,high-end resources that are both expensive and scarce.Based on the Grid ap-proach[1]the emerging Grid infrastructure[2]is mak-ing these resources available to service providers and users,but e?ective use of such resources requires mech-anisms to manage sophisticated Grid environments. Consequently,considerable e?ort has gone into secu-rity issues,resource scheduling,and complex execu-tion frameworks.Although the Grid community has collectively made considerable progress,only recently has consideration been given to a fundamental prob-lem prevailing in service-oriented architectures:provid-ing deterministic quality-of-service(QoS)assurances to service consumers.Providing nontrivial QoS is one of the primary goals of the Grid approach.Nevertheless, most Grid environments operate on a best-e?ort basis, sharing the Grid resources among its users with equal priority.A considerable degradation in performance and e?ciency must be addressed when a large number of requests are issued for shared Grid resources.

To address this problem,we concentrate on ways to increase the collective e?cency a term refered to by von Laszewski as the e?ciency of scientists collaboratively using these resources.One practical solution is to intro-duce QoS mechanisms that enable service providers to partition their services based on quality criteria such as priority,fairness,and economic gain.In other words,a QoS-aware Grid infrastructure can o?er deterministic QoS assurances based on a particular criterion,rather than on a best-e?ort service.

Consider the following scenario[3].A group of scientists want to conduct a collaborative simulation experiment for a speci?c period of time using high-end resources,such as an electron microscope,acces-sible through a Grid infrastructure.The experiment requires access to resources suitable for?ne-grained, real-time computation and requires a speci?c network bandwidth to connect the sites during the experiment. After the experiment is concluded,the data must be moved to a large-capacity,shared data-store,allowing access to the data by groups of scientists not located at the electron microscope site.Clearly,this scenario has a number of requirements that a non-Grid-based resource management or scheduling system cannot ful-?ll.

Motivated by such a scenario,we propose a com-prehensive QoS management architecture in service-oriented Grids,called Grid Quality of Service Manage-ment(G-QoSm).We validate our proposed architec-ture with a proof-of-concept prototype implementation and show its e?ectiveness in a scienti?c application in-volving nanomaterials.

The paper is structured as follows.In Section2 we provide an overview of quality of service in net-working and distributed computing.In Section3we

outline the general requirements of a Grid QoS man-agement system and give an overview of existing Grid QoS systems.In Section4we present G-QoSm and its major components.In Section5we discuss a typ-ical high-performance Grid application and outline its QoS requirements.In Section7we discuss performance results based on executing applications with QoS sup-port.We conclude the paper with a summary of future work.

2Quality-of-Service:Background and Terminology

Quality of service has been explored in various con-texts[4,5].Two types of QoS can be distinguished: quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Grid infrastructure.Qualitative characteristics refer to ele-ments such as service reliability and user satisfaction regarding service.Quantitative characteristics refer to elements such as networks,CPUs,or storage.For ex-ample,the following are quantitative parameters for network QoS:Delay,the time it takes a packet to travel from sender to receiver.Delay jitter,the variation in the delay of packets taking the same route.Through-put,the rate at which packets go through the network (i.e.,bandwidth).Packet-loss rate’,the rate at which packets are dropped,lost,or corrupted.

Together,these four parameters form the network QoS measurement matrix.

CPU,or compute,QoS can be divided into shared and exclusive categories[6].In shared systems,in which more than one user-level application shares the CPU,the application can specify a percentage of the CPU.In exclusive systems,in which usually one user-level application has exclusive access to one or more CPUs,the application can specify the number of CPUs as the QoS parameter.

Storage QoS is related to device such as memory and disks.In this context,QoS is speci?ed by bandwidth and space.Bandwidth is the rate of data transfer be-tween the storage devices to the application.Space is the amount of storage space that the application can use for writing data.

Usually,applications specify two QoS requirements: the characteristics of the resource and the period the resource is required.Reservation involves giving the application the con?dence,or assurance,that the re-source allocation will succeed with the required level of QoS when needed.The reservation can be immediate or in advance,and the duration of the reservation can be de?nite(for a de?ned period of time)or inde?nite (for a speci?ed start time and unlimited duration).3QoS in Grid Computing

The Grid approach can be seen as a global-scale distributed-computing infrastructure with coordinated resource sharing[1,2].The fundamental Grid prob-lem that many researchers have been investigating is resource management,specifying how Grid middleware can provide resource coordination for client application transparently.One of the most successful middleware projects that provides such coordination is the Globus Alliance[7].The availability of Grid middleware tools, such as the Globus Toolkit,facilitates persistent access to Grid services.The use of Grid middleware has ex-panded from scienti?c applications to business-oriented disciplines while envisioning a service-oriented archi-tecture to build sophisticated Grid applications with complex Grid resources requirements.

In most Grid settings,Grid applications submit their requirements to Grid resource management ser-vices that schedule jobs as resources become available. Some classes of applications cannot wait for resources to become available,however.For these applications, it must be possible to reserve Grid resources and ser-vices at a particular time(in advance or on-demand). In addition,other features are highly desirable,indeed required,if the Grid resource management service is to be able to handle complex scienti?c and business ap-plications.We review these requirements in the next subsection and then brie?y discuss how well current QoS systems meet these requirements.


A Grid resource management system should adhere to the following requirements that relate to QoS issues.

Advance Resource Reservation.The system should support mechanisms for advance,immediate,or ‘on-demand’resource reservation.Advance reservation is particularly important when dealing with scarce re-sources,as is often the case with high-performance and high-end scienti?c applications in Grids.

Reservation Policy.The system should support a mechanism that facilitates Grid resource owners enforc-ing their policies governing when,how,and who can use their resource,while decoupling reservation and policy entities,in order to improve reservation?exibility[8]. Agreement Protocol.The system should assure the clients of their advance reservation status,and the resource quality they expect during the service session. Such assurance can be contained in an agreement pro-tocol,such as Service Level Agreements(SLAs).

Security.The system should prevent malicious users penetrating,or altering,data repositories that hold in-formation about reservations,policies and agreement protocols.In addition to a secure channel between the clients and applications and the Grid resources,a proper security infrastructure is required. Simplicity.The QoS enhancement should have a reasonably simple design that requires minimal over-heads in terms of computation,infrastructure,storage and message complexity.

Scalability.The approach should be scalable to a large number of entities,since the Grid is a global-scale infrastructure,and there will be dynamic resources and users joining the Grid.

3.2Current QoS Systems

QoS in Grids is actively being researched.However, the only substantial system developed within the Grid community(to our knowledge)is the General-purpose Architecture for Reservation and Allocation(GARA). GARA[9]provides programmers a convenient access to end-to-end QoS.It provides advance reservations, with uniform treatment to various types of resources such as network,compute,and disk.GARA’s reser-vation is a promise that the client or application ini-tiating the reservation will receive a speci?c quality of service from the resource manager.GARA also pro-vides an application programming interface to manip-ulate reservation requests,such as create,modify,bind, and cancel.GARA uses the Dynamic Soft Real-time (DSRT)scheduler[10]as the underlying compute re-source manager,and it uses Cisco routers to deliver network QoS.

Although GARA has gained popularity in the Grid community,it has certain limitations in coping with current application requirements and technologies:?Most current applications employ the emerging new technology of the Web services and the Open Grid Service Architecture(OGSA)[11].Unfortu-nately,GARA is not OGSA-enabled,and OGSA-enabled applications cannot therefore leverage GARA services.

?Grid applications require the simultaneous allo-cation of various resources.This process is per-formed by the resource manager that contacts the required resources and possibly reserves the re-sources for future allocation.An agreement pro-tocol should exist to inform the application about the resources negotiated for allocation and the level of quality the application expects.This infor-mation is usually encapsulated in a Service


Figure1.The G-QoSm architecture with an

OGSA-enabled QoS service.

Agreement.GARA does not support the concept of an agreement protocol and cannot distinguish whether an application requires a CPU and a net-work resource.The application has to perform two separate calls to GARA and,on success,receives two di?erent handlers.It is the application’s re-sponsibility to manage these handlers when claim-ing the resources.

?QoS monitoring and adaptation during the active QoS session is one of the most important and suc-cessful mechanisms to provide a quality guarantee.

GARA is not tooled with adaptive functions[12].

The most signi?cant limitation,however,is that GARA is at this time no longer actively being devel-oped.

4Grid QoS Management

Grid Quality of Service Management(G-QoSm)is an evolving approach to support QoS management in computational Grids in the context of the Open Grid Service Architecture(OGSA)[13,14].G-QoSm con-sists of three main operational phases:establishment, activity,and termination.During the establishment phase,a client’s application states the desired service and QoS speci?cation.G-QoSm then undertakes a ser-vice discovery,based on the speci?ed QoS properties, and negotiates an agreement o?er for the client’s ap-plication.During the activity phase,additional activ-ities,including QoS monitoring,adaptation,account-ing and possibly renegotiation,may take place.Dur-ing the termination phase,the QoS session is ended,

through resource reservation expiration,agreement vi-olation,or service completion;resources are then freed for use by other clients.Our framework supports these three phases through interaction among components, as depicted in Figure1.In the next section we de-scribe these interactions and highlight service provision for Grid applications.

4.1QoS Grid Service

The basic building block of our architecture is the QoS Grid service(QGS),an OGSA-enabled Grid ser-vice providing QoS functionalities such as negotiation and reservation.Each QoS-enabled resource is accessed through a QGS.Since QGS is a Grid service,it pub-lishes itself to a QoS registry service.In addition to the QoS functionalities,it supports two types of resource allocation strategy:

resource domain,which provides compute,network, and disk QoS with?ne-grained speci?cations,and

time domain,where the whole Grid node,in which the QGS resides,can be reserved for a de?ned period of time.

This functionality is enabled by ensuring that all re-quests must be issued through the QGS.Further,the QGS interacts with a number of modules to deliver QoS guarantees.These modules are the QoS Handler, reservation manager,allocation manager,and the QoS registry service(see Figure1).Currently,G-QoSm sup-ports compute resource-based QoS;we have begun in-tegrating network and disk support.

QoS Handler Access to Grid services is enabled through the Java CoG Kit,which provides a convenient abstraction to Grid services for Globus Toolkit versions 2and3.The Java CoG Kit introduced the concept of task handlers,which allow us to build QoS-enhanced abstractions for computational tasks(see Section4.2). Hence,we have introduced a QoS Handler as a link with the Java CoG Kit Core.The QoS Handler im-plements the required QoS action,encapsulated in the Java CoG Kit Task object,such as QoS negotiation re-quest or QoS job submission.We have enhanced the Task object with QoS-related parameters dependent on the Task action required;for example,in the case of a negotiation request,parameters include start time,end time,resource type,and speci?cations.Once the Task object has been speci?ed,the QoS Handler is,for ex-ample,delegated,on behalf of the client or application, to negotiate QoS requests.In this case the QoS Han-dler is seen as the client,from the QGS point of view.This is a useful approach especially when the appli-cation requires more than one Grid resource.All the application needs is to instantiate the required number of QoS Handler objects,submit the Task object to the handlers,and let the handlers negotiate QoS requests with the QGS to return an agreement.Furthermore,in a QoS-enabled job submission through the interactive mode,the QoS Handler listens for noti?cations of job status,with the noti?cation implemented by the QGS as an OGSA noti?cation.We plan to align ourselves with the GGF Grid Resource Agreement and Alloca-tion Protocol(GRAAP)Working Group[15]that is de?ning a WS-Agreement protocol meant to address machine-to-machine negotiations.

Reservation Manager.The reservation manager is based around a data structure that supports reserva-tions for quanti?able resources;resources associated with de?ned capacities.The reservation manager is decoupled from the underlying resources and does not have direct interaction with them.However,it ob-tains resource characteristics,and policies governing resource usage,from the policy manager.The policy manager,on the other hand,is responsible for validat-ing reservation requests by applying domain-speci?c rules,established by the resource owners,on when, how,and by whom the resource can be used.In brief, when the reservation manager receives a reservation request from the QGS,it contacts the policy manager for validation and then performs admission control to check the availability of the requested resource.Upon success,it returns a positive reply to the QGS,which allows the QGS to propose a negotiable service agree-ment o?er.

Allocation Manager.The Allocation Manager’s primary role is to interact with underlying resource managers for resource allocation and deallocation and to inquire about the status of the resources.It has in-terfaces with various resource managers,namely,the Dynamic Soft Real Time Scheduler(DSRT)[10]and Network Resource Manager(NRM);we are also inves-tigating Nest as the disk storage resource manager[16]. When the allocation manager receives resource alloca-tion request from the QGS,it forwards the request to the designated underlying resource manager.The Al-location Manager interacts with adaptive services to enforce adaptation strategies;for details,see[12]. QoS Registry Service.Since the framework oper-ates in the OGSA architecture,the QGS and other Grid services in the OGSI container should be pub-lished in some registry service so they can be known

by others.Service publishing,in this discussion,does not mean simply publishing a service name,URL,and basic description.For example,for QGS,it includes in-formation on what QoS-enabled service it o?ers,what allocation strategies it employs,and what classes of network QoS it o?ers(e.g.,best e?ort,controlled load, or guaranteed).For other Grid services,service pub-lishing includes information about QoS properties such as performance characteristics and service execution re-quirements.To date,we have used an extended version of the Universal Description Discovery and Integration as part of our QoS registry service.The UDDIe[17] is a Web services registry system,which provides ser-vice providers a means to publish their services with QoS properties and,hence,to search for these services based on the QoS properties.

4.2Java CoG Kit Core

The Java CoG Kit Core(cog-core)[18]compo-nent o?ers a technology-and architecture-independent abstraction layer that provides true interoperability across multiple Grid implementations.Cog-core pro-vides convenient APIs for Grid applications to access the underlying Grid technology.Furthermore,cog-core o?ers several useful abstractions reusable as part of a Quality of Service framework including Grid tasks and their corresponding handlers.

Task.The Java CoG Kit de?nes a Task as an atomic unit of execution.A task is not limited to executing a job.Instead,it abstracts the generic Grid functional-ity,including authentication,remote job execution,?le transfer request,or information query.It has a unique identity,a security context,a speci?cation,and a ser-vice contact.

The task identity helps in uniquely representing the task across the Grid.The security context represents the abstract security credentials of the task.This ab-straction makes it possible to integrate a variety of dif-ferent own security context as part of the Grid infras-tructure.Hence,the security context in cog-core of-fers a common construct that can be extended by the di?erent implementations to satisfy the corresponding back-end requirement.The speci?cation represents the actual attributes or parameters required for the execu-tion of the Grid-centric task.The generalized speci-?cation can be extended for common Grid tasks such as remote job execution,?le transfer,and information query.The service contact associated with a task sym-bolizes the Grid resource required to execute it.Handlers.The Task Handler provides a simple in-terface to handle interaction with a generic Grid task. It categorizes the tasks and providing the appropri-ate functionality.For example,the task handler will handle a remote job execution task di?erently from a ?le transfer request task.This approach does not im-pose any restrictions on the implementation of the task handler as long as its working is transparent to the end user.This module is back-end-speci?c and has a sepa-rate implementation for each abstraction it supports.

4.3Application Integration

We have prototyped an implementation to demon-strate the ease of use and e?ectiveness of a Grid ap-plication using QoS functions.To enable other Grid applications to use the QoS-enabled framework,one needs to conduct the following simple steps:(a)create a task object based on cog-core,(b)depending on the type of the required QoS function,set up the necessary objects for security,job speci?cation,and service con-tact,(c)instantiate a QoS Handler,and(d)Associate the created task with the QoS Handler,and submit the task.

Figure2shows a Java code fragment demonstrat-ing how applications can generate QoS negotiation re-quest,QoS job submission,and task submission to a QoS handler,respectively.

The concept of abstracting the QoS services and in-teracting with the QGS by creating a task(i.e.,QoS function)and submitting it to a QoS Handler has a great advantage when dealing with multiple distributed Grid resources:it makes the design and speci?cation of abstract QoS-based brokers easier.

5Application Case Study:Nanoscale Structures

To validate our QoS approach,we applied our refer-ence implementation and prototyped a Grid computing environment for the analysis of a nanoscale structures application.This application involves a new experi-mental technique,position-resolved di?raction,being developed as part of Argonne National Laboratory’s advanced analytical electron microscope program[19]. With this technique,a focused electron probe is sequen-tially scanned across a two-dimensional?eld of view of a thin specimen.At each point on the specimen a two-dimensional electron di?raction pattern is acquired and stored.

Analysis of the spatial variation in the electron di?raction pattern of each measured point allows the

/***QoS:Prepare Negotiation Task***/ private void prepareQosNegotiationTask(){ //create a QoS service,and

setup QoS attributes Task task=

new QosTaskImpl(‘‘myTask’’,QoS.NEGOTIATION);

this.task.setAttribute(‘‘startTime’’,startTime); this.task.setAttribute(‘‘endTime’’,endTime);

this.task.setAttribute(‘‘allocStrategy’’,strategy); this.task.setAttribute(‘‘cpu_capacity’’,cpuCapacity); //create a Globus version of the security context SecurityContextImpl securityContext=

new GlobusSecurityContextImpl();

//selects the default credentials


//associate the security context with the task


//create a contact for the Grid resource

Contact contact=new Contact(‘‘myGridNode’’);

//create a service contact

ServiceContact service=

new ServiceContactImpl(qosServiceURL);

//associate the service contact with the contact contact.setServiceContact(‘‘QGSurl’’,service);

//associate the contact with the task



/***QoS:Prepare Job Submission Task***/

private void prepareQosJobSubmissionTask(){

//create a QoS JobSumbission Task

Task task=

new TaskImpl(‘‘myTask’’,QoS.JOBSUBMISSION);


//create a remote job specification

JobSpecification spec=new JobSpecificationImpl();

//set all the job related parameters




//associate the specification with the task


//create a Globus version of the security context SecurityContextImpl securityContext=

new GlobusSecurityContextImpl();



Contact contact=new Contact(‘‘myQoScontact’’); ServiceContact service=

new ServiceContactImpl(qosServiceURL);




/***QoS:Task Submission to QoS Handler***/

private void QosTaskSubmission(Task task){

TaskHandler handler=new QoSTaskHandlerImpl();

//submit the task to the handler



Figure2.A sample code fragment for QoS negotiation,and task submission to QoS han-dler

Figure3.Asynchronous processes de?ne a

work?ow steered by the scientist to support

the problem-solving process with the help of

abstract Grid tasks.

researcher to study subtle changes resulting from mi-crostructural di?erences,such as ferro-and electromag-netic domain formation and motion,at unprecedented spatial scales.As much as one terabyte of data can be taken during such an experiment.The analysis of this data requires a resource-rich Grid infrastructure to accommodate real-time constraints.Results need to be archived,remote compute resources need to be re-served and made available during an experiment,and the data needs to be moved to the compute resources where they will be analyzed.Moreover,results need to be gathered and presented in a form that is meaningful to the scientist.

The need for a?exible infrastructure is demon-strated through a simple?ow diagram depicted in Fig-ure3.The elementary logic of the instrument con-trol can be expressed as a sequence of processes that depend on each other:(a)Data acquisition:gathers time-delayed images from the electron microscope.(b) Backup:backs up the incoming data.(c)Data analy-sis:performs scienti?c calculations on the time delayed images.(d)Result display:gathers the results from the data analysis,in a form easy to interpret,to enable further judgments for steering the experiment.

The nanostructures application presents one of many scienti?c use patterns that occur in high-end in-strument scenarios.The pattern includes a high vol-ume of interaction during an experiment that must be dealt with in an adaptive and?exible way.Unexpected and unpredicted experiment conditions must be con-sidered,and the instrument operator’s interface to the

Grid must be as simple as possible while at the same time providing needed?exibility to interactively mod-ify the experiment setup.

The Java CoG Kit provides a convenient abstraction for formulating these tasks while reusing the patterns for?le transfer,job execution,and job management. At the same time it hides much of the complexity, which the Grid application developer may not want to see.To provide the necessary?exibility,we plan to develop graphical components for the Java CoG Kit and integrate them in a problem-solving environment that targets the use of a scienti?c instrument.Through this interface,the scientist will be able to interact eas-ily with the experiment resources and decide when, what,and where data gathered during the course of the experiment is backed up.Image?lters and moni-tors,plugged dynamically into the work?ow for image analysis,help to validate the correctness and useful-ness of the running experiment.Since the sample in the instrument may require specialized and individ-ual?lters,the experiment operator must be given a methodology that allows their easy creation and adap-tation.Because of the focus on the experiment itself, the use of the Grid should be through abstractions as much as possible.Based on the application descrip-tion,we derive the following requirements for QoS:(a) Network requirements to transfer the time-delayed im-ages from the electron microscope as part of the data acquisition process.(b)Disk storage to cache quickly incoming data during the acquisition process and the availability of large storage for a backup process.(c) Computation power to process the scienti?c calcula-tions on the time-delayed images in real time,as new images become available in the data analysis process.

(d)Collect results produced by the data analysis pro-cess and transfer them to a display,where the scientist can interpret outcomes and further steer the experi-ment.

6Case Scenarios and Requirements

In this section,we use case scenarios to illustrate how the QoSm framework can also bene?t scientists in other disciplines.

Collaborative Real-Time Experiments.A group of scientists located in di?erent domains are collaborat-ing on a nanoscale structure experiment.Each scien-tist participates in the experiment by providing local data augmentation and then transferring that data to a high-performance computing resource for collaborative data analysis.The scientists at corresponding domains establish a guaranteed network bandwidth to conduct data transfer;similarly,the scientists at the data analy-sis location establish resource guarantees,not only for the data transfer but also for computing power with adequate resources to perform the data analysis and produce results in a speci?c time,when all scientist are online to interact with or steer the experiment. Ad Hoc Real-Time Experiments Needing Com-puting Power.Several scientists decide to conduct an experiment to verify certain?ndings.The decision is made on an ad hoc basis,that is,without prior ar-rangement.The experiment must be conducted in a Grid infrastructure,with enough computing resources to perform the desired experiment in a reasonable time and ful?ll the scientists ad hoc requirements.Here, the scientists require some commitment from the Grid middleware that the resources needed for the experi-ment are indeed available at this time.The scientists therefore submit a QoS negotiation request to a QoS manager.The QoS manager gives such a commitment if the resources are available at the speci?c time;if the resources are not available,the QoS manager proposes a new available time,which the scientist may accept or reject.

Experiments with Deadline Constraints.A team of scientists has a deadline for delivering experi-ment results.The scientists therefore contact the QoS manager in advance to negotiate a QoS agreement to guarantee resource availability during the experiment.

These three scenarios have the following common elements:(a)The need for Grid resources with par-ticular capabilities(b)The need for resources to be available for a prede?ned period of time(c)The need for an agreement to indicate the commitment level of resource availability

With these elements in mind,we have engineered the G-QoSm framework to ful?ll resource requests with QoS speci?cations,perform advance reservations of re-sources,generate QoS agreements,and execute services based on prenegotiated QoS agreements.In the rest of the paper,we focus on the third elementthe commit-ment level of resource availabilityas we discuss the im-plementation of G-QoSm and provide initial experience results.

7Implementation and Results

Our testbed contained Grid computing resources in-cluding two Linux-based computers with a1.8GHz Pentium processor and256MB of memory for the ser-vice consumer,and a Pentium processor1.2GHz and 512MB of memory for the service provider.Deployed

on these machines were the Globus Toolkit version 3OGSI service container,the Globus Toolkit version 2,and the Java CoG Kit.We experimented with the nanoscale application using two di?erent approaches:(1)with a QoS handler through the Java CoG Kit and (2)with a GT2handler through the Java CoG Kit.

7.1Time-Domain Example

In this section we show results for a nanostructures image analysis based on a sample electron di?raction using up to 900input images.We used a time-domain strategy for resource allocation.In other words,the whole computer was reserved for the application;mul-tiple jobs were submitted to the reserved node but only one of them was executed.

Table 1.Number of images and time taken to process the images under QoS service-and GT2-based job submission

Time taken to process images using QoS >2Number ?of ?Images 25507590Dataset 1:QoS 4:409:2013:5516:55Dataset 2:GT 25:2010:3515:4218:25

We conducted two sets of runs:(1)job submission based on QoS and (2)standard job submission based on GT2GRAM.Each set consisted of four runs to analyze 25images,50images,75images,and 90images.Table 1shows the performance results,with the number of images and the time taken to process that number of images.

Dataset 1,QoS,shows that the time taken to pro-cess the images is less than that for the GT2approach.This result is expected because the reservation mech-anism employed in this time-domain strategy is to re-serve the full processing power of the Grid node for the QoS-based application and thus prevents other pro-cesses from using the processing power as long as the reservation holds.

Dataset 2,GT2,shows that the time taken to pro-cess the images is more than that for the QoS ap-

proach.The reason is that multiple processing loads were applied to simulate a shared multiuser environ-ment.Since the GT2technology does not employ a reservation mechanism,di?erent processes were able to use the processing power while the submitted job was running.

Figure https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a18728980.html,er Interface showing parameters for the QoS Negotiation Task


Resource-Domain Example

In this section we show results when the G-QoSm framework was used to allocate CPU resources with a QoS speci?cation using a resource-domain allocation strategy.With this strategy,a slot of the CPU power is reserved,and the client or application can submit jobs to be executed under fractional reservation constraints.The process is implemented by using the Java CoG Kit API to create a task object and then submitting the created task to the QoS Handler to negotiate the required resources or services.Upon success,a Service Level Agreement is returned for use when claiming a reserved resource in the future.

We prototyped an easy-to-use set of graphical com-ponents designed to make access to QoS services trans-parent for the nontechnical user.Figure 4shows a screenshot of the form used to specify the parameters of the task to be submitted to the QoS Handler.

Figure 5shows a screenshot of the details of a QoS job submission object specifying the executable ‘math-Appl’and a reserved CPU power of 60%.

We conducted a simple feasibility study evaluat-ing the behavior of our system under heavy load.Two computation-intensive,competing processes were

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a18728980.html,er Interface showing parameters

for the QoS job submission task

started before we ingested into our systems the guaran-teed process‘mathAppl.We prototyped a simple CPU monitor that allows us to study the behavior of the sys-tem during runtime.Example screenshots of this mon-itor are depicted in Figure6and6.We show snapsots during two di?erent times.In Figure6the six most CPU-intensive processes are shown before the guaran-teed process‘mathAppl’is submitted.Figure7is a screenshot showing CPU utilization of the six most CPU-intensive processes after the guaranteed process has been started.The?gure also shows‘mathAppl’,as a‘Guaranteed’process,colored red,and using60%of the CPU power of this Grid node,while the competing processes use the remainder of the CPU power.

8Conclusion and Future Work In this paper,we have discussed QoS in several dis-ciplines,including networking,distributed multimedia, and Grid computing.We de?ned a QoS matrix for networking,computation,and storage media.We also outlined general requirements for QoS management in the context of service Grids.

To meet these requirements,we have proposed


Figure6.CPU Utilization of thesix most CPU-

intensive current processes,before starting

the guaranteed


Figure7.CPU Utilization of the six most CPU-

intensive current processes,after starting the

guaranteed process.

Grid QoS resource management architecture,called G-QoSm.This architecture overcomes some of the lim-itations of earlier e?orts in the Grid community,such as GARA.The development of G-QoSm bene?ts from our experience in designing the Java CoG Kit,which uses convenient abstractions to integrate QoS capabil-ities and is easily ported to the Globus Toolkit version 2and3.

We developed a prototype of G-QoSm and validated it using a nanoscale structures experiment as a place-holder for a typical Grid application with data,com-pute,and interactive requirements.We showed the usefulness of part of our architecture based on a simple comparative use scenario under heavy load.

We note that the G-QoSm architecture is suitable not only for nanoscale structures but also for many other applications with computation-intensive and net-working requirements.

Our architecture currently includes a set of compo-

nents that abstract the use of QoS for the nonprogram-mer.We emphasize that these components are critical if the Grid is to gain widespread acceptance in real applications.The current set of components must be augmented and their utility demonstrated to convince new users of the Grids usefulness.

We intend to continue our research in Grid resource management in accordance with the Global Grid Fo-rum Grid Resource Agreement and Allocation Protocol working group WS-agreement standard.We believe, however,that a resource agreement and allocation pro-tocol is just a small fraction of the work necessary to enable full QoS in Grids.Hence,we plan to investigate much more di?cult areas,such as resource allocation strategies,capacity planning,and integrating network QoS support.


This work was supported by the Mathematical,In-formation,and Computational Science Division sub-program of the O?ce of Advanced Scienti?c Comput-ing Research,O?ce of Science,U.S.Department of Energy,under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38.DARPA, DOE,and NSF support Globus Alliance research and development.The Java CoG Kit Project is supported by DOE SciDAC and NSF Alliance.

We acknowledge Hema Arora and Karthika Arunachalam from the Illinois Institute of Technology for their contribution in implementing the visual inter-faces.


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齐头并进堵源治本高校校园网ARP攻击防御解决方案 DIGTIAL CHINA DIGITAL CAMPUS 神州数码网络有限公司 2008-07

前言 自2006年以来,基于病毒的arp攻击愈演愈烈,几乎所有的校园网都有遭遇过。地址转换协议ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是个链路层协议,它工作在OSI参考模型的第二层即数据链路层,与下层物理层之间通过硬件接口进行联系,同时为上层网络层提供服务。ARP攻击原理虽然简单,易于分析,但是网络攻击往往是越简单越易于散布,造成的危害越大。对于网络协议,可以说只要没有验证机制,那么就可以存在欺骗攻击,可以被非法利用。下面我们介绍几种常见ARP攻击典型的症状: ?上网的时候经常会弹出一些广告,有弹出窗口形式的,也有嵌入网页形式的。下载的软件不是原本要下载的,而是其它非法程序。 ?网关设备ARP表项存在大量虚假信息,上网时断时续;网页打开速度让使用者无法接受。 ?终端不断弹出“本机的XXX段硬件地址与网络中的XXX段地址冲突”的对话框。 对于ARP攻击,可以简单分为两类: 一、ARP欺骗攻击,又分为ARP仿冒网关攻击和ARP仿冒主机攻击。 二、ARP泛洪(Flood)攻击,也可以称为ARP扫描攻击。 对于这两类攻击,攻击程序都是通过构造非法的ARP报文,修改报文中的源IP地址与(或)源MAC地址,不同之处在于前者用自己的MAC地址进行欺骗,后者则大量发送虚假的ARP报文,拥塞网络。 图一 ARP仿冒网关攻击示例

神州数码网络秉承“IT服务随需而动”的理念,对于困扰高教各位老师已久的ARP 攻击问题,结合各个学校网络现状,推出业内最全、适用面最广、最彻底的ARP整体解决方案。 神州数码网络公司从客户端程序、接入交换机、汇聚交换机,最后到网关设备,都研发了ARP攻击防护功能,高校老师可以通过根据自己学校的网络特点,选取相关的网络设备和方案进行实施。

H3C S5600系列交换机典型配置举例

S5600系列交换机典型配置举例 2.1.1 静态路由典型配置 1. 组网需求 (1)需求分析 某小型公司办公网络需要任意两个节点之间能够互通,网络结构简单、稳定, 用户希望最大限度利用现有设备。用户现在拥有的设备不支持动态路由协议。 根据用户需求及用户网络环境,选择静态路由实现用户网络之间互通。 (2)网络规划 根据用户需求,设计如图2-1所示网络拓扑图。 图2-1 静态路由配置举例组网图 2. 配置步骤 交换机上的配置步骤: # 设置以太网交换机Switch A的静态路由。 system-view [SwitchA] ip route-static [SwitchA] ip route-static [SwitchA] ip route-static # 设置以太网交换机Switch B的静态路由。 system-view [SwitchB] ip route-static [SwitchB] ip route-static

[SwitchB] ip route-static # 设置以太网交换机Switch C的静态路由。 system-view [SwitchC] ip route-static [SwitchC] ip route-static 主机上的配置步骤: # 在主机A上配缺省网关为1.1.5.1,具体配置略。 # 在主机B上配缺省网关为1.1.4.1,具体配置略。 # 在主机C上配缺省网关为1.1.1.1,具体配置略。 至此图中所有主机或以太网交换机之间均能两两互通。 2.1.2 RIP典型配置 1. 组网需求 (1)需求分析 某小型公司办公网络需要任意两个节点之间能够互通,网络规模比较小。需要 设备自动适应网络拓扑变化,降低人工维护工作量。 根据用户需求及用户网络环境,选择RIP路由协议实现用户网络之间互通。(2)网络规划 根据用户需求,设计如图2-2所示网络拓扑图。 设备接口IP地址设备接口IP地址 Switch A Vlan-int1110.11.2.1/24Switch B Vlan-int1110.11.2.2/24 Vlan-int2155.10.1.1/24Vlan-int3196.38.165.1/24 Switch C Vlan-int1110.11.2.3/24 Vlan-int4117.102.0.1/16 图2-2 RIP典型配置组网图 2. 配置步骤


神州数码交换机路由器命令汇总(部分) 2016年3月23日星期三修改_________________________________________________________________________ 注:本文档命令为最简命令,如不懂请在机器上实验 注:交换机版本信息: DCRS-5650-28(R4) Device, Compiled on Aug 12 10:58:26 2013 sysLocation China CPU Mac 00:03:0f:24:a2:a7 Vlan MAC 00:03:0f:24:a2:a6 SoftWare Version BootRom Version 7.1.103 HardWare Version 2.0.1 CPLD Version N/A Serial No.:1 Copyright (C) 2001-2013 by Digital China Networks Limited. All rights reserved Last reboot is warm reset. Uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes 路由器版本信息: Digital China Networks Limited Internetwork Operating System Software DCR-2659 Series Software, Version 1.3.3H (MIDDLE), RELEASE SOFTWARE Copyright 2012 by Digital China Networks(BeiJing) Limited Compiled: 2012-06-07 11:58:07 by system, Image text-base: 0x6004 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.4.2 Serial num:8IRTJ610CA15000001, ID num:201404 System image file is "DCR-2659_1.3.3H.bin" Digital China-DCR-2659 (PowerPC) Processor 65536K bytes of memory,16384K bytes of flash Router uptime is 0:00:44:44, The current time: 2002-01-01 00:44:44 Slot 0: SCC Slot Port 0: 10/100Mbps full-duplex Ethernet Port 1: 2M full-duplex Serial Port 2: 2M full-duplex Serial Port 3: 1000Mbps full-duplex Ethernet Port 4: 1000Mbps full-duplex Ethernet Port 5: 1000Mbps full-duplex Ethernet Port 6: 1000Mbps full-duplex Ethernet


通过在外网口配置nat基本就OK了,以下配置假设Ethernet0/0为局域网接口,Ethernet0/1为外网口。 1、配置内网接口(E t h e r n e t0/0):[M S R20-20]i n t e r f a c e E t h e r n e t0/0 [M S R20-20 2、使用动态分配地址的方式为局域网中的P C分配地址[M S R20-20]d h c p s e r v e r i p-p o o l 1 [M S R20-20-d h c p-p o o l-1]n e t w o r k2 4 [M S R20-20 [M S R20-20 3、配置n a t [M S R20-20]n a t a d d r e s s-g r o u p1公网I P公网I P [MSR20-20]acl number 3000 [MSR20-20-acl-adv-3000]rule 0 permit ip 4、配置外网接口(Ethernet0/1) [MSR20-20] interface Ethernet0/1 [MSR20-20- Ethernet0/1]ip add 公网IP [MSR20-20- Ethernet0/1] nat outbound 3000 address-group 1 5.加默缺省路由 [MSR20-20]route-stac 0.0.0外网网关 总结: 在2020路由器下面, 配置外网口, 配置内网口, 配置acl 作nat, 一条默认路由指向电信网关. ok! Console登陆认证功能的配置 关键词:MSR;console; 一、组网需求: 要求用户从console登录时输入已配置的用户名h3c和对应的口令h3c,用户名和口令正确才能登录成功。 二、组网图: 三、配置步骤:

神州数码配置命令总结 (已更新)

第一部分交换机配置 一、基础配置 1、模式进入 Switch> Switch>en Switch#config Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 0/2 2、配置交换机主机名 命令:hostname <主机名> 3、配置交换机IP地址 Switch(Config)#interface vlan 1 Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip address Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#no shut 4、为交换机设置Telnet授权用户和口令: 登录到Telnet的配置界面,需要输入正确的用户名和口令,否则交换机将拒绝该Telnet用户的访问。该项措施是为了保护交换机免受非授权用户的非法操作。若交换机没有设置授权Telnet用户,则任何用户都无法进入交换机的Telnet配置界面。因此在允许Telnet方式配置管理交换机时,必须在Console的全局配置模式下使用命令username privilege [password (0 | 7) ]为交换机设置Telnet授权用户和口令并使用命令authentication line vty login local打开本地验证方式,其中privilege选项必须存在且为15。 例:Switch>enable Switch#config Switch(config)#username test privilege 15 password 0 test Switch(config)#authentication line vty login local Switch(Config)#telnet-user test password 0 test Switch (Config)#telnet-server enable://启动远程服务功能 5、配置允许Telnet管理交换机的地址限制(单独IP或IP地址段) (1)限制单个IP允许Telnet登录交换机 switch(config)#authentication security ip (2)限制允许IP地址段Telnet登录交换机 switch(config)#access-list 1 permit switch(config)#authentication ip access-class 1 in 5、为交换机设置Web授权用户和口令:web-user <用户名>password {0|7} <密码> 例:Switch(Config)#web-user admin password 0 digital 6、设置系统日期和时钟:clock set 7、设置退出特权用户配置模式超时时间 exec timeout //单位为分钟,取值范围为0~300 8、保存配置:write 9、显示系统当前的时钟:Switch#show clock 10、指定登录用户的身份是管理级还是访问级 Enable [level {visitor|admin} [<密码>]] 11、指定登录配置模式的密码:Enable password level {visitor|admin}


1.下列应用使用TCP连接的有(本题3项正确) A.Telnet B.BGP C.FTP D.TFTP 2.TCP和UDP协议的相似之处是 A.传输层协议 B.面向连接的协议 C.面向非连接的协议 D.其它三项均不对 3.下列应用使用UDP连接的有(本题3项正确) A.TFTP B.Syslog C.SNMP D.HTTP 4.第一个八位组以二进1110开头的IP地址是()地址 A.Class A B.Class B C.Class C D.Class D 5.下面哪些不是ICMP提供的信息 A.目的地不可达 B.目标重定向 C.回声应答 D.源逆制 6.C类地址最大可能子网位数是 A.6 B.8 C.12 D.14 7.()协议是一种基于广播的协议,主机通过它可以动态的发现对应于一个IP地址的MAC地址 A.ARP B.DNS C.ICMP D.RARP 8.IP地址为子网掩码为的地址,可以划分多少个子网位,多少个主机位 A.2,32 B.4,30 C.254,254 D.2,30 9.关于IPX的描述正确的是(本题3项正确) A.IPX地址总长度为80位,其中网络地址占48位,节点地址占32位 B.IPX地址总长度为80位,其中网络地址占32位,节点地址占48位

C.IPX是一个对应于OSI参考模型的第三层的可路由的协议 D.NCP属于应用层的协议,主要在工作站和服务器间建立连接,并在服务器和客户 机间传送请求和响应 10.在无盘工作站向服务器申请IP地址时,使用的是()协议 A.ARP B.RARP C.BOOTP D.ICMP 11.以太网交换机的数据转发方式可以被设置为(本题2项正确) A.自动协商方式 B.存储转发方式 C.迂回方式 D.直通方式 12.当交换机检测到一个数据包携带的目的地址与源地址属于同一个端口时,交换机会怎样处理? A.把数据转发到网络上的其他端口 B.不再把数据转发到其他端口 C.在两个端口间传送数据 D.在工作在不同协议的网络间传送数据 13.下面哪个标准描述了生成树协议 A. B. C. D. 14.下列有关端口隔离的描述正确的是:(本题2项正确) A.DCS-3726B出厂时即是端口隔离状态,所有端口都可以与第一个端口通信,但之 间不可以互通 B.DCS-3726S可以通过配置实现与3726B一样的端口隔离功能,但出厂默认不时隔 离状态 C.可以通过配置私有VLAN功能实现端口隔离 D.可以通过配置公用端口实现端口隔离 15.下列关于静态配置链路聚合和动态配置链路聚合的理解正确的是: A.静态配置链路聚合需要在聚合组的每个聚合端口中进行配置 B.动态配置链路聚合只需要在主端口中配置一次,在全局模式中配置启用lacp协 议即可 C.静态配置链路聚合不能进行负载均衡 D.动态配置链路聚合不需要配置聚合组号,交换机会根据目前聚合组的情况自动 指定 16.网络接口卡(NIC)可以做什么? A.建立、管理、终止应用之间的会话,管理表示层实体之间的数据交换 B.在计算机之间建立网络通信机制 C.为应用进程提供服务 D.提供建立、维护、终止应用之间的会话,管理表示层实体之间的数据交换17.以下关于以太网交换机的说法哪些是正确的?

H3C IPv6 静态路由配置

操作手册 IP路由分册 IPv6 静态路由目录 目录 第1章 IPv6静态路由配置......................................................................................................1-1 1.1 IPv6静态路由简介.............................................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 IPv6静态路由属性及功能........................................................................................1-1 1.1.2 IPv6缺省路由..........................................................................................................1-1 1.2 配置IPv6静态路由.............................................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 配置准备..................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 配置IPv6静态路由...................................................................................................1-2 1.3 IPv6静态路由显示和维护..................................................................................................1-2 1.4 IPv6静态路由典型配置举例(路由应用).........................................................................1-3 1.5 IPv6静态路由典型配置举例(交换应用).........................................................................1-5


路由 ssh aaa authentication login ssh local aaa authentication enable default enable enable password 0 123456 username admin password 0 123456 ip sshd enable ip sshd auth-method ssh ip sshd auth-retries 5 ip sshd timeout 60 TELNET R1_config#aaa authentication login default local R1_config#aaa authentication enable default enable R1_config#enable password 0 ruijie R1_config#line vty 0 4 R1_config_line#login authentication default R1_config_line#password 0 cisco 方法2,不需要经过3A认证 R1_config#aaa authentication login default none R1_config#aaa authentication enable default enable R1_config#enable password 0 cisco R1_config#line vty 0 4 R1_config_line#login authentication default CHAP认证单向认证,密码可以不一致 R2_config#aaa authentication ppp test local R2_config#username R2 password 0 123456 R2_config_s0/2#enc ppp R2_config_s0/2#ppp authentication chap test R2_config_s0/2#ppp chap hostname R1 R1_config#aaa authentication ppp test local R1_config#username R1 password 0 123456 R1_config_s0/1#enc ppp R1_config_s0/1#ppp authentication chap test R1_config_s0/1#ppp chap hostname R2


1. 基本配置: 开启SSH服务:debug ssh-server 设置特权模式密码:enable password [8] 注释:8为加密的密码 设置退出特权模式超时时间::exec-timeout [] Switch(config)#exec-timeout 5 30(退出时间为5分30秒) 更改主机名:hostname 主机名 设置主机名与IP地址的映射关系:Switch(config)#ip host beijing为主机) 开启web配置服务:Switch(config)#ip http serve 显示帮户信息的语言类型:language {chinese|english} 使用密码验证:login 使用本地用户密码验证:Switch(config)#login local 设置用户在 console上进入一般用户配置模式时的口令:Switch(config)#password 8 test 热启动交换机:reload 加密系统密码:service password-encryption 恢复交换机出厂配置:set default 保存当前配置:write 配置交换机作为 Telnet 服务器允许登录的 Telnet 客户端的安全 IP 地址: Switch(config)#telnet-server securityip 设置Telnet 客户端的用户名及口令:Switch(config)#telnet-user Antony password 0 switch 打开交换机的 SSH服务器功能:Switch(config)#ssh-server enable 设置SSH客户端的用户名及口令:Switch(config)#ssh-user switch password 0 switch 通过DHCP 方式获取 IP 地址。 Switch(config)#interface vlan 1 Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip dhcp-client enable Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#exit 交换机 Switch1 端口 1 同交换机 Switch2 端口 1 用线相连,将该两个端口设置为强制100Mbit/s 速率,半双工模式。 Switch1(config)#interface ethernet1/1 Switch1(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#speed-duplex force100-half Switch2(config)#interface ethernet1/1 Switch2(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#speed-duplex force100-half 配置名称为 test的隔离组。 Switch>enable Switch#config Switch(config)#isolate-port group test 打开LACP调试开关。 Switch#debug lacp 新建一个 port group,并且采用默认的流量分担方式。


10级网络设备常规实训【router】文档 -2011-2012学年第一学期- 实训老师:沈广东刘海涛 编辑:蒋立彪沈广东 目录 一、路由器基本配置-------------------------------------------03 二、使用访问控制列表(ACL)过滤网络数据包-------06 三、路由器的NAT功能--------------------------------------08 四、路由器DHCP 配置--------------------------------------10 五、本地局域网互联(路由协议配置)------------------14 六、使用DCVG-204实现VOIP ---------------------------19 七、跨路由使用DCVG-204---------------------------------22

一、路由器基本配置 一、试验目的: 1.掌握路由器本地设置的方法。 2.掌握路由器设置命令。(设置端口IP) 3.掌握路由器远程设置的方法。(telnet 服务) 二、试验设备 1.DCR-1700路由器1台 2.Console 线、直通双绞线 3.DCRS-3926S交换机1台 三、试验拓扑结构 : 线 //思考1:如果路由器要直接和PC连接,是用直通线?还是交叉线? 三、实验任务及步骤 1.Console 口连接 2.任务模式:enable 特权配置模式 Config 全局配置模式 3.测试计算机与路由器的连通性 PC机配置: Route 配置: Router#delete this file will be erased,are you sure?(y/n)y no such file Router#reboot Do you want to reboot the router(y/n)? //恢复出厂设置并重启 Router_config#hostname RouterA RouterA _config# //修改主机名 RouterA _config#interface fastEthernet 0/0 (//进入100M端口,) //思考2:若想进入10M口如何? // RouterA _config#interface ethernet 0/1 进入10M口


ICT企业网关H3C路由器配置实例 以下是拱墅检查院企业网关的配置实例。路由器是选H3C MRS20-10(ICG2000),具体配置的内容是: PPP+DHCP+NAT+WLAN [H3C-Ethernet0/2] # version 5.20, Beta 1605 # sysname H3C # domain default enable system # dialer-rule 1 ip permit # vlan 1 # domain system access-limit disable state active idle-cut disable self-service-url disable

# dhcp server ip-pool 1 network mask gateway-list dns-list # acl number 2001 rule 1 permit source # wlan service-template 1 crypto ssid h3c-gsjcy authentication-method open-system cipher-suite wep40 wep default-key 1 wep40 pass-phrase 23456 service-template enable # wlan rrm 11a mandatory-rate 6 12 24 11a supported-rate 9 18 36 48 54 11b mandatory-rate 1 2 11b supported-rate 5.5 11 11g mandatory-rate 1 2 5.5 11


version 5.20, Release 2104P02, Basic # sysname H3C # nat address-group 27 # # domain default enable system # dns resolve dns proxy enable # telnet server enable # dar p2p signature-file cfa0:/p2p_default.mtd # port-security enable # # vlan 1 # domain system access-limit disable state active idle-cut disable self-service-url disable # dhcp server ip-pool 1 network mask gateway-list dns-list # # user-group system # local-user admin password cipher .]@USE=*8 authorization-attribute level 3 service-type telnet # interface Aux0 async mode flow link-protocol ppp

interface Cellular0/0 async mode protocol link-protocol ppp # interface Ethernet0/0 port link-mode route nat outbound address-group 27 ip address # interface Ethernet0/1 port link-mode route ip address # interface NULL0 # # ip route-static # dhcp enable # load xml-configuration # user-interface con 0 user-interface tty 13 user-interface aux 0 user-interface vty 0 4 authentication-mode scheme user privilege level 3 set authentication password simple###¥¥¥# return [H3C]


神州数码交换机基本配置 恢复交换机的出厂设置 命令:set default 功能:恢复交换机的出厂设置。 命令模式:特权用户配置模式。 使用指南:恢复交换机的出厂设置,即用户对交换机做的所有配置都消失,用户重新启动交换机后,出现的提示与交换机首次上电一样。 注意:配置本命令后,必须执行write 命令,进行配置保留后重启交换机即可使交换机恢复到出厂设置。 举例: Switch#set default Are you sure? [Y/N] = y Switch#write Switch#reload 进入交换机的Setup配置模式 命令:setup 功能:进入交换机的Setup配置模式。 命令模式:特权用户配置模式。 使用指南:在Setup配置模式下用户可进行IP地址、Web 服务等的配置。 举例: Switch#setup Setup Configuration ---System Configuration Dialog--- At any point you may enter Ctrl+C to exit. Default settings are in square brackets [ ]. If you don't want to change the default settings, you can input enter. Continue with configuration dialog? [y/n]:y Please select language [0]:English [1]:中文 Selection(0|1) [0]:0 Configure menu [0]:Config hostname [1]:Config interface-Vlan1 [2]:Config telnet-server [3]:Config web-server [4]:Config SNMP [5]:Exit setup configuration without saving [6]:Exit setup configuration after saving


山石网科SG/神州数码DCFW-1800系列安全网关至中神通UTMWALL的功能迁移手册 更多产品迁移说明: 山石网科安全网关是Hillstone针对中小企业及分支机构用户的安全现状和需求推出的全新高性能多核安全网关。产品采用业界领先的多核Plus G2安全架构和64位实时安全操作系统StoneOS?,提供全方位的安全防护、易用的可视化管理和卓越的性能,为中小企业和分支机构用户提供高性价比的全面安全解决方案。山石网科下一代智能防火墙采用创新的主动检测技术和智能多维处理架构,通过全网健康指数帮助用户实时掌握安全状况;基于先进的应用识别和用户识别技术,为用户提供高性能应用层安全防护及增强的智能流量管理功能。 神州数码DCFW-1800系列防火墙是神州数码网络有限公司自主开发、拥有知识产权的新一代高性能纯硬件网络安全产品,能够为大中型企业、政府机关、教育机构等的网络安全问题提供安全高速的解决方案。DCFW-1800系列防火墙拥有集成的网络安全硬件平台,采用专有的实时操作系统,可以灵活的划分安全域,并且可以自定义其它安全级别的域,防火墙的安全策略规则会对信息流进行检查和处理,从而保证网络的安全。 武汉中神通信息技术有限公司历经15年的开发和用户使用形成了中神通UTMWALL?系列产品,有硬件整机、OS软件、虚拟化云网关等三种产品形式,OS 由50多个不断增长的功能APP、32种内置日志和5种特征库组成,每个APP都有配套的在线帮助、任务向导、视频演示和状态统计,可以担当安全网关、防火墙、UTM、NGFW等角色,胜任局域网接入、服务器接入、远程VPN接入、流控审计、行为管理、安全防护等重任,具备稳定、易用、全面、节能、自主性高、扩展性好、性价比优的特点,是云计算时代的网络安全产品。 以下是两者之间的功能对比迁移表: 山石网科SG v5.0功能项页码中神通UTMWALL v1.8功能项页码第1章产品概述 1 A功能简介8 第2章搭建配置环境 6 B快速安装指南9 第3章命令行接口(CLI)10 B快速安装指南9 第4章系统管理15 2系统管理47


神州数码交换机配置基本命令 交换机基本状态: hostname> ;用户模式 hostname# ;特权模式 hostname(config)# ;全局配置模式 hostname(config-if)# ;接口状态 交换机口令设置: switch>enable ;进入特权模式 switch#config terminal ;进入全局配置模式 switch(config)#hostname ;设置交换机的主机名 switch(config)#enable secret xxx ;设置特权加密口令 switch(config)#enable password xxa ;设置特权非密口令 switch(config)#line console 0 ;进入控制台口 switch(config-line)#line vty 0 4 ;进入虚拟终端 switch(config-line)#login ;允许登录 switch(config-line)#password xx ;设置登录口令xx switch#exit ;返回命令 交换机VLAN设置: switch#vlan database ;进入VLAN设置 switch(vlan)#vlan 2 ;建VLAN 2 switch(vlan)#no vlan 2 ;删vlan 2 switch(config)#int f0/1 ;进入端口1 switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2 ;当前端口加入vlan 2 switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk ;设置为干线 switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,2 ;设置允许的vlan switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encap dot1q ;设置vlan 中继switch(config)#vtp domain ;设置发vtp域名 switch(config)#vtp password ;设置发vtp密码 switch(config)#vtp mode server ;设置发vtp模式 switch(config)#vtp mode client ;设置发vtp模式 交换机设置IP地址: switch(config)#interface vlan 1 ;进入vlan 1 switch(config-if)#ip address ;设置IP地址 switch(config)#ip default-gateway ;设置默认网关 switch#dir Flash: ;查看闪存 交换机显示命令: switch#write ;保存配置信息 switch#show vtp ;查看vtp配置信息 switch#show run ;查看当前配置信息 switch#show vlan ;查看vlan配置信息 switch#show interface ;查看端口信息 switch#show int f0/0 ;查看指定端口信息 完了最最要的一步。要记得保存设置俄,


一、路由器工作模式: 用户模式:Router> 特权模式:Router # 全局配置模式:Router (config)# 接口配置模式:Router (config-if)# 路由配置模式:Router(config-router)# Line配置模式:Router(config-line)# 二、路由器口令设置: Router>enable;进入特权模式 Router#configterminal;进入全局配置模式 Router(config)#hostname xxx;设置路由器的主机名 Router(config)#enable secret level 15 0 xxx ;设置特权明文加密口令xxx Router (config)#enable password xxx;设置特权非密口令 Router(config)#line console 0;进入控制台口 Router(config-line)#line vty 0 4;进入虚拟终端 Router(config-line)#login;允许登录 Router(config-line)#password xx ;设置登录口令xx Router#exit;返回命令 三、路由器VLAN设置: 配置WAN接口 选择接口:Router(config)#i nterface s0/0/0 配置IP地址Router(config-if)#ip address 设置时钟频率:Router(config-if)#clock rate 64000(另一端无需配置)启用端口:Router(config-if)#no shutdown 四、路由协议设置: 静态路由:Router(config)#ip route network 目标网络网络掩码下一跳IP Router(config)#ip route 默认路由:Router(config)#ip route


大型企业网络防火墙解决方案 神州数码大型企业网络防火墙整体解决方案,在大型企业网络中心采用神州数码 DCFW-1800E防火墙以满足网络中心对防火墙高性能、高流量、高安全性的需求,在各分支机构和分公司采用神州数码DCFW-1800S防火墙在满足需要的基础上为用户节约投资成本。另一方面,神州数码DCFW-1800系列防火墙还内置了VPN功能,可以实现利用Internet构建企业的虚拟专用网络。 防火墙VPN解决方案 作为增值模块,神州数码DCFW-1800防火墙内置了VPN模块支持,既可以利用因特网(Internet)IPSEC通道为用户提供具有保密性,安全性,低成本,配置简单等特性的虚拟专网服务,也可以为移动的用户提供一个安全访问公司内部资源的途径,通过对PPTP协议的支持,用户可以从外部虚拟拨号,从而进入公司内部网络。神州数码DCFW-1800系列防火墙的虚拟专网具备以下特性: 标准的IPSEC,IKE与PPTP协议

支持Gateway-to-Gateway网关至网关模式虚拟专网 支持VPN的星形(star)连接方式 VPN隧道的NAT穿越 支持IP与非IP协议通过VPN 支持手工密钥,预共享密钥与X.509 V3数字证书,PKI体系支持IPSEC安全策略的灵活启用:管理员可以根据自己的实际需要,手工禁止和启用单条IPSEC安全策略,也为用户提供了更大的方便。 支持密钥生存周期可定制 支持完美前项保密 支持多种加密与认证算法: 加密算法:DES, 3DES,AES,CAST,BLF,PAP,CHAP 认证算法:SHA, MD5, Rmd160 支持Client-to-Gateway移动用户模式虚拟专网 支持PPTP定制:管理员可以根据自己的实际需要,手工禁止和启用PPTP。

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