当前位置:文档之家› 英语语法总结冠词和名词




Chapter 1简单句(Simple Sentences)


一.名词的格:of 属格的构成及逻辑语义关系

1.1 of属格的构成



eg:the roof of the church教堂的屋顶/the name of the song歌曲的名字/the title of the book 书名/the leg of the table


eg:I took the advice of an old man that I met during a journey and decided to make something of myself.




eg:The mother of the boy in a red suit is president of our company.穿红色西服的那个男孩的妈妈是我们公司的总经理。



基本结构:N1+of+N2。N表示名词;一般来说,这里N1是由不及物动词变化过来的名词,表示某个行为,这一行为是由N2来发出的。或者说N2是N1行为的执行者。比如:eg:the arrival of my mother


而第二个名词my mother则是这个行为的执行者,即相当于说my mother arrived.


eg:the rise of the U.S. Superpower超级大国美国的兴起/the growth of agriculture农业增长



eg:America’s invasion of Iraq

【点睛】:这里的invasion是由及物动词invade变化过来的,这个短语相当于说America invaded Iraq,即第二个名词Iraq是该动作的承受者


eg:a statement of the facts陈述事实




eg:the city of Rome罗马城市/the news of the team’s victory该队胜利的消息




eg:a boy/a student 这里的[b]和[s]都是辅音

eg:a university/ a unique person/an unkind old lady 这里的三个词university,unique和unkind虽然都是以字母u开头,但前两个u读成[ju],是辅音,所以用不定冠词a;


eg:an hour/an honor/an SOS sign/



区分特指与泛指:所谓泛指(generic reference),也叫类指,顾名思义,是表示一类事物,或某类事物的总称。所谓特指(specific reference),是表示某类事物中的具体某一个或某一些。

eg:The lion is a dangerous animal./ The lion escaped from the zoo.

【点睛】在前句中,the lion是表示“狮子”这类动物,而不是指具体的某头狮子。而后句中,the lion是指具体的一头狮子,即就是这个动物园里的某头狮子。

译文:狮子是一种很危险的动物。/ 那头狮子从动物园里逃跑了。

eg:The tiger is becoming almost extinct./ The tiger is sleeping in the cage.


译文:老虎几乎要灭绝了。/ 那只老虎正在笼中睡觉。




一般来说,这三类名词与英语的冠词有四种不同的搭配使用规则,从而衍生出四种不同的模式来表示泛指的意义。具体来说就是:不可数名词不加冠词表示泛指;复数名词不加冠词表示泛指;单数名词与定冠词the连用可以表示泛指;单数名词与不定冠词a/an 连用表示泛指。



eg:Life is hard sometimes./ Life is education in itself./ The writer is writing a book about the life of blacks in America./ I am studying the life of Beethoven.

【点睛】第一句可以知道这里的life是指整个人类生活,而不是具体指某个人的生活,即表示泛指,所以不能说The life is hard sometimes.(×)。第二句同第一句。而在第三句,

这里的life专指“美国黑人的生活”,所以是特指,要说出the life。而第四句中,这里的life专指“贝多芬的生平”,所以是特指,要说成the life。

译文:生活有时会很艰难。/ 生活本身就是教育。/ 这位作家正在写一本关于美国黑人生活的书。/ 我正在研究贝多芬的生平。

eg:Happiness is often the product of honesty and hard work.


eg:Sugar isn’t very good for you./ Can you pass me the sugar, please?



eg:Books become more and more expensive./ Books fill leisure time for many people./ Put away the books on your desk./ Move the books off that chair and sit down.

【点睛】第一句意思是泛指一切书都在涨价,即这里的books是表示泛指,所以不能说The books become more and more expensive.(×)。第二句同第一句。在第三句中,这里的books是专指“你桌上的那些书”,所以是特指,要说成the books。在第四句中,这里的books是专指“椅子上的那些书”,所以是特指,要说成the books。

译文:书变得越来越贵。/ 对于大多数人来说,书填补了他们很多闲暇的时光。/ 把你书桌上的那些书都摆整齐了。/ 把椅子上的书拿开就可以坐了。

eg:Tigers are becoming almost extinct./ Tigers are dangerous animals./ The tigers are

sleeping in the cage.

注意1:从以上例句发现,表示特指的复数可数名词或不可数名词,它们一般带有各种短语或从句作后置定语,以限定这些名词所指的事物的范围。如以上句中的on the desk 和of blacks in America等等。



eg:The Chinese are a great people.

【点睛】由于Chinese是单复数同形的名词,这里的the Chinese是表示复数的概念,这从谓语动词are可以看出来。但这里的the Chinese表示的是“整个中国人或中华民族”’即是一个泛指的概念。


eg:The industrious Chinese are admired by their neighbors.


当然不是所有的国籍名词都可以这样用,比如我们不能说the German are...。这样用的国籍名词仅限于以-ese,-sh和-ch结尾的词。


eg:The poor are causing the nation’s leaders great concern.

【点睛】这里的the poor是复数概念,表示“穷人们”这类人,即是一个泛指的概念,而不是专指某些穷人。


eg:The emotionally disturbed and the physically and mentally handicapped need the aid of Society.




eg:The tiger is becoming almost extinct./ Tigers are becoming almost extinct.




eg:The whale is the largest mammal on earth./ The whale is dead.

【点睛】在第一句中,我们想到的是“鲸”这类动物,而不是特定的一只只鲸。所以,这里的the whale是表示泛指。在第二句中,我们心里想的是“鲸”这类动物中特定的一只,比如眼前所看到的这只鲸。所以,这里的the whale是表示特指。如果要理解成泛指的话,则表示“鲸都已经灭亡”,相当于说“鲸”这类物种已经没有了,这显然与目前的事实不符,这就反证了这里的the whale不是表示泛指。

译文:鲸是地球上最大的哺乳动物。/ 这头鲸已经死了。



eg: Man is a social animal.人是社会的动物

Man has been on this planet for over a million years.人类居住在地球上已长达一百多


Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, for the

very nature of life includes death.自古以来,人类就不得不接受这样的现实:一切生命




eg:A tiger is a dangerous animal./ The tiger is a dangerous animal./ Tigers are a dangerous Animal.

eg:A teacher should be patient with his or her students.

【点睛】这里的a teacher相当于all teacher或any teacher,表示泛指的概念。


eg:A growing child needs great nourishment.


但是,“an/a+单数可数名词”泛指用法不能用来表示那些属于整个类别的特性。比如:eg:A tiger is becoming almost extinct.(×)因为这里的extinct只适于描写整个老虎的特性,强调的是“种群”的灭绝,而不适于表示“老虎”这类动物的一般特性。




一般来说,听话者可以采取两大方法来判断说话者的所指对象,因而形成两种特指模式:情景/文化特指(situational/cultural reference)和上下文共指(textual co-reference)。

eg:I went to New York City last week. The traffic is awful.

【点睛】显然,这句话里的the traffic不是泛指所有的交通,二是专指纽约市的交通。这里the的指代关系就是通过上下文来建立起来的,是属于上下文共指。


eg:Have you fed the cat?




2.4.1情景/文化特指(situational/cultural reference)



eg:Albert Einstein, the famous physicist.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,著名的物理学家

这里就不宜用不定冠词a说成:Albert Einstein, a famous physicist.

这里之所以应该用the而不用a,就是因为“爱因斯坦”举世闻名,因此说话者断定听话者应该知道“爱因斯坦”是何许人,也即说话者与听话者共享一条信息——爱因斯坦是著名的物理学家。通常,如果是在英语世界里非常著名的人物,那么在描述时,一般都可以用the来特指。比如提到“汤姆克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)”,我们可以说:

eg:Tom Cruise, the famous American movie star.

eg:David Beckhm, the British soccer player

eg:Andy Lau, the famous actor(面向中国)/ Andy Lau, a famous Chinese actor(面向世界)以上讨论的有关the表示“著名的“这样用法的例子,是在人名后面接一个带有the的名词短语,来说明这个人的身份,此时用the表示“这里所特指的就是那位著名的人”。

另一种情况是,在著名的人名或地方的前面加the,即构成为“the+专有名词”。比如:eg:A: My name is James Bond.

B: What, not the James Bond?

【点睛】这里B用定冠词the说the James Bond,是断定听话者A知道詹姆斯·邦德是谁,也就是说,A和B有共享的背景知识——知道詹姆斯·邦德这个人物。



eg:I live in Beijing, not the Beijing, but a little village in Anhui.


一.一般常识(general knowledge)/较大背景


eg:the North Pole/ the Equator/ the earth/ the Renaissance

二.具体知识(specific knowledge)/局部情景(local use)


比如在一个小镇上生活的人们,彼此之间谈到the post office,the market,the church或the castle时,指的就是该镇上唯一的这些场所,或者是他们常去的场所。再比如,双方谈到the pub,也许是镇上唯一的一家酒吧,或者是双方常去的那个酒吧。这里说话人说the pub,具体指的是哪个酒吧,对于听话者来说,是不言而喻的。

eg:Have you visited the castle?



eg:It was in the newspaper, so it must be true.



三.即时情景用法(immediate situation)


eg:The roses are very beautiful.



eg:Can you find the page?




eg:A:Shut the door, please!

B:Which door?

2.4.2上下文共指(textual co-reference)





2018 高考英语语法专题练习冠词(含答案和解析) 冠词是高考英语中的必考知识点,体现在语法填空和 单项选择这两大题型中。正确掌握冠词的用法非常重要, 今天,我们讲练结合,说一说冠词的用法。 Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 1.(2016·汉中市二模)Have a good time! 解析:考查冠词。have a good time 玩得开心。2.(2014·天津,8 改编)Life is like an ocean: Only the strong-willed can reach the other shore. 解析:第一个空表示泛指,且ocean 以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an;形容词前用定冠词表示一类人,the strong-willed 意为“意志坚强的人”。 3.(2014·重庆,6 改编)I can't tell you the way to the Wilson's because we don't have a Wilson here in the village. 解析:way 后有介词短语作定语,表特指,所以第一空填定冠词the;泛指“一个名叫Wilson 的人”,第二空填不定冠词a。 4.(2014·陕西,19 改编) The village where I was born has grown into a town. 解析:village 后有定语从句修饰,是特指,故第一空填定 冠词;泛指“一座城镇”,故第二空填不定冠词a。

5.(2016·大庆市一模)Every time there was an outbreak,a great number of terrified people died. 解析:there was+可数名词单数,且“outbreak”以元音音素开头,故用an。 6.The news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday. 解析:句意为:市长来我们学校参观的新闻昨天通过收音机发布了。名词news 后有介词短语修饰,起限定作用,表特指,故填the。 7.In Germany, a successful project, which roughly translates as “adopt a grandparent”,has been running with a great success. 解析:句意为:在德国,一个名为“领养祖父母”的项目已成功运行。project 为单数可数名词,此处意为“一个成功的项目”,表泛指。故填不定冠词a。 8.—Mom, why can't I have a new bike?—Dear, you know, money doesn't grow on trees. 解析:句意为:——妈妈,我为什么不能要一辆新自行车?——亲爱的,你要知道,赚钱可不是件容易的事。bike 为单数可数名词,是首次提到,此处表泛指,故用不定冠词a。 9.The wish always remains unrealistic that you can come


四种常见国际贸易术语 一、FOB Free On Board(……named port of shipment)--船上交货(…指定装运港),是指卖方在指定的装运港将货物装船超过船舷后,履行其交货义务。这意味着买方必须从那时起承担一切费用以及货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。它要求卖方办理货物出口结关手续。 按照《2000年通则》,FOB合同买卖双方的主要义务如下: 卖方主要义务: 1.负责按港口惯常方式在合同规定的日期或期间内,在指定装运港,将符合合同的货物交至买方指定的船上,并给予买方充分的通知。 2.负责办理货物出口手续,取得出口许可证或其他核准书。 3.负担货物在装运港越过船舷为止的一切费用和风险。 4.负责提供商业发票和证明货物已交至船上的通常单据。如果买卖双方约定使用电子通讯,上述发票和单据可被具有同等效力的电子信息所替代。 买方主要义务: 1.负责技合同规定支付价款。 2.负责租船或订舱,支付运费,并给予卖方关于船名、装部地点和要求交货时间的充分通知。 3.自负风险和费用,取得进口许可证或其他核准书,并办理货物进口以及必要时经由另一国过境运输的一切海关手续。 4.负担货物在装运港越过船舷后的一切费用和风险。 5.收取按合同规定支付的货物,接受有关单据。 使用FOB术语时,应注意以下几个方面的问题: 1.不能把FOB术语称之为"离岸价"。 2."船舷为界"主要是针对风险的划分而言的,如果把它作为划分买卖双方承担的责任和费用的界限就不十分确切了。

3.船货衔接问题。 4.装船费用问题(FOB变形)。按FOB术语成交,可以选用适当的FOB 术语变形,即FOB术语之后加列各种附加条件,用以明确有关装船费用的负担。常用的FOB变形有以下几种: (1)FOB Liner Terms-FOB班轮条件,指有关装船费用按班轮条件办理,即由负责签订运输合同的一方当事人(即买方)支付。 (2)FOB Under Tackle-FOB吊钩下交货,指卖方仅负责将货物交到买方指定船只的吊钩所及之处,有关装船的各项费用均由买方负责。 (3)FOBS(FOB Stowed)一FOB包括理舱,指卖方负责将货物装人船舱支付包括理舱费在内的装船费用。 (4)FOBT(-FOB Trimmed)一FOB包括平舱,指卖方负责将货物装入船舱,并支付包括平船费在内的装船费用。 (5)FOBST(FOB Stowed andTrimmed )-FOB包括理舱、平舱,指卖方负责将货物装上船,并支付包括理既费和平舱费在内的装船费用。 FOB变形不改变交货地点和买卖双方划分风险的界限。 5.应当注意《2000年通则》与《1 941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》对FOB贸易术语的不同解释。 二、CFR Cost and Fright(…named port of destination)--成本加运费(……指定目的港),是指卖方必须支付成本费和将货物运至指定的目的港所需的运费,但货物灭失或损坏的风险以及货物装船后发生事件所产生的任何额外费用,自货物于装运港越过船舷时起即从卖方转由买方承担。 按照《2000年通则》,CFR合同买卖双方的主要义务如下: 卖方主要义务: 1.负责在合同规定的日期或期间内,在装运港将符合合同的货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,并给予买方充分的通知。 2.负责办理货物出口手续,取得出口许可证或其他核准书。 3、负责租船定舱,并支付至目的港的正常运费。 4.负担货物在装运港越过船舷为止的一切费用和风险。


英语语法专题一冠词 英语的冠词有三个(a, an, the),a和an是不定冠词;the是定冠词。 (一)不定冠词 一、知识测练 填上恰当的不定冠词。 1.She thinks that English is _______ useful subject and she spends more than _______ hour speaking it every day. 2.I bought _______ new handbag. There was _______ "s" on the corner. 3.There is _______ orange and _______ banana on your desk. They are for you. 4.Is Germany _______ European country or _______ Asian country? 5.They have made quite _______ few friends since they lived in this place. 二、知识归纳 不定冠词a和an的基本用法: 不定冠词a和an都是修饰_________(可数、不可数)名词的单数,表示“一个”的惑思,一般指人或物中的某一个或某一类。 (1)a用在_________(辅音、元音)开头的单词前(注意:辅音不是辅音字母)。 如:a man, a beautiful flower, a heavy bag, a university, a European country (2)an用在_________(元音、辅音)开头的单词前(注意:元音不是元音字母)。 如:an orange, an hour, an honest boy, an unhappy girl, an Asian country, an unusual tree 三、知识过关 单项选择 1.That's not _______ apple. It's _______ pear. A. a, a B. the, a C. an, a D. a, the 2.Walk down the road for half _______ hour, you'll see _______ university in front of you. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an 3._______ tiger is stronger than _______ sheep. A. A, an B. An. A C. The, / D. A, a 4.There's _______ "s" and _______ "u" in the word "use". A. the, the B. an, a C. an, an D. a, an 5.China is _______ Asian country, but England is _______ European country. A. an, an B. an, a C. a, an D. a, a 6.Is this _______ useful book? —Yes. And it's also _______ interesting book.


【名词】 选择正确答案 1. There are forty ______ in our school. A. women teachers B .teacher women C. woman teachers D. women teacher 2. Mr. Li is one of ______ in the hospital. A. most popular doctors B. the most popular doctors C. most popular doctor D. the most popular doctor 3. The sign "NO PHOTOS" means that you can't ______. A. take pictures B. bring in pictures C. buy any photos D. sell any photos 4. Some of the boys in ______ are afraid of maths exams. A. Class Three B .the Class Three C. Three Class D .the Three Class 5. Have you got any ______ for us this time? A. pieces of message B. piece of messages C. pieces of messages D. messages 6. ______, those mountains will be covered with trees. A. In a few years time B. After a few years time C. In a few years’ ti me D. After a few years time 7. Hong Kong is an SAR while Macao is another. So there are ______ in China. A. both SAR B. both SARS C. two SAR D. two SARS 8. Look! There are ______ stars up there in the ______. A. thousands of; sky B. thousands of; air C. thousand of; sky D. thousand of; air 9. My father lived in ______ for some ten years. A. city Beijing B. the Beijing city C. Beijing of city D. the city of Beijing 10. Just from the ______ I know it's Liu Minjun. A. noise B. voice C. sound D .sing 11. —Where are the other two students? —They're in ______. A. teacher's office B. teachers' office C. the teacher office D. the teachers' office 12. —How many ______ have you next term? —Let me see. We'll have eight. A. lesson B. subjects C. days D. class 13. My uncle's full name is David Edward Hartpode. His family name is ______. A. Edward B. Hartpode C. David D. David Hartpode 14. He writes more carefully than ______ in his class. A. any student B. any other student C. any other students D. all students 15. This new kind ______ can do half the work. A. of tractor B. tractor C. of a tractor D. a tractor 16. John is very happy to have a ______ training.


一、选择题 1.WeChat is _________ useful tool to communicate with others nowadays. A.an B./ C.the D.a 2.I bought useful dictionary yesterday. dictionary is very cheap. A.a; A B.a; The C.an; The 3.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 4.Ciqikou is _______ famous place in Chongqing. A.a B.an C.the D./ 5.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 6.In China more and more couples want to have ______ second baby so that _____ first child can feel less lonely in the future. A.the ; the B.a ; the C.the ; a D.a; a 7.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 8.You are such __ honest kid, and I would like to invite you for __ dinner.. A.an; a B.a; the C.an; / D.a; / 9.---What is your cousin like? --Well, my cousin is ______ 11-year-old boy with shirt black hair. He is also very funny and he likes telling _____ jokes. A.a; the B.the; 不填C.不填; the D.an; 不填10.Little Mary is ________ honest girl, so we all like her. Besides, ________ girl looks very pretty. A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; an 11.Middle school students don' t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _ park for fun with their parents or friends. A./,a B.a, a C.the, a D.a, / 12.Trees turn green and flowers come out in _______ spring. A.the B.a C./ 13.—What do you usually have for______ breakfast? —A piece of bread and _________egg. A.a; an B./;the C.a; the D./; an 14.—Jim took ___ one-hour ride just now. What a short time he spent finishing such a long way!—He is ______ experienced rider. A.an; the B.a; the C.a; an D.an; a


一、选择题 1.On Children's Day, Jack received a prize for being ____ honest boy. A./ ; an B.the; an C./ ; a 2.— What do you often do after class? — We often take part in after-class activities. I like to play _______ basketball, but my brother likes to play________ guitar. A.a; the B.the; the C.不填; 不填D.不填; the 3.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.—There is a chess match between a Chinese player and AlphaGo(阿尔法). —It’s very amazing. Playing _____ chess is usually ________ one-to-one game. A./;a B.the; a C./;an D.a; the 6.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 7.Middle school students don' t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _ park for fun with their parents or friends. A./,a B.a, a C.the, a D.a, / 8.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 9.Today is my little sister’s ______ birthday. My family will get together to cel ebrate it. A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth D.the nine 10.My dear friend, your attitude today has ________ important effects on your success tomorrow. Come on, please. A.a B.an C./ 11.I want to have ________ English pen pal. A.a B.the C.an D./ 12.Zhao Youting is _______ famous actor from Taiwan who played the lead role of Ye Hua in ______ TV show Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms.(《三生三世,十里桃花》) A.a; / B.the; / C./; the D.a; the 13.—Have you seen ______ movie Nice To Meet You? —Yes, it's ______ wonderful one. A.a, the B.the; a C.the; the D.a; a 14.---Kate, are you only child in your family?


名词专项练习 选择正确的答案 1.Are those ____? No ,they aren't. They're____. A.sheep;cows B.sheep;cow C.sheeps;cow D.sheeps; cows 2.Mum, I'm quite thirsty. Please give me____. A.two orange B.two bottles of orange C.two bottles orange D.two bottles of oranges 3.I have got ___news from my friend. Do you want to know? A.a very good B.any C.a piece of D.two pieces 4.____room is on the 5th floor. A. Lucy and Lily B.Lucy and Lily's C.Lucy's and Lily D.Lucy's and Lily's 5.Every morning Mr.Smith takes a ___to his office. A.20 minutes' walk B.20 minute's walk C.20-minutes walk D.20-minute walk 6.This is James Allan Green.We can call him ____. A.Mr. Green B.Mr. Allan C.Mr. James D.James Green 7.Jake and Tom are____. A.good friends B.good friend C.a good friend D.good a friend 8.It's only about ten____walk to the nearest post office. A.minutes B.minute's C.minutes' D.minute 9.He often has____for breakfast. A.two breads B.two piece of bread C.two pieces of bread D.two pieces of breads 10.Mrs.Green has two____. They're very bright. A.childs B.child C.children's D.children 11.What did the headmaster say about Jim's ____. A.two months holiday B.two months' holiday C.two-month holiday . D.two month's holiday 12.I won't go there with you, for I have a lot of ____to do. A.works B.job C.work D.woking 13.Li Lei is a friend of ____. A.I sister B.my sister's C.me sister D.my sister of 14.Have you read ____? A.today's B.today paper C.the today's paper D.today's paper 15.How many ____are there in the room? A.boxes B.box C.boxs D.boxxes 16.Many ____have been built in our city since 1987. A.factorys B.factories C.factoryes D.factoris 17.There are lots of ____in the basket on the table. A.tomatos B.tomato C.tomatoes D.tomatoss 18.The cat caught two ____last night. A.mouses B.mice C.mouse D.mices 19.Jake went to have two____pulled out yesterday afternoon. A.tooths B.tooth C.teeth D.toothes 20.In our school there are fifty-five____. A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.women teacher D.woman's teacher


贸易术语总结 总论如下图: 标注:DAP、DAT是与DDP同一个位置 分论 依据是“清风货运保”。“清”:清关手续;“风”:风险转移;“货”:交货地点;“运”:运费;“保”:保险 1、EXW 清风货运保 买方买方 买方交货时卖方所在地或其 他指定点 清风货运保 买方买方 卖出买进货交第一承运人出口国内地、港 口 注意: (1)在卖方所在地交货的,买方有义务将货物装上买方派来的运输工具上,之后风险转移。 (2)在卖方所在地以外的某个地点交货的,货物运到该地点无须卸货、在卖方自己的车上交买方支配,风险转移

3、FAS (1)卖方应及时给买方发出装货通知,以便及时对装上船后的风险购买保险5、CFR (1)卖方应及时给买方发出装货通知,以便及时对装上船后的风险购买保险6、CIF (1)对投保险种无约定时,仅需要投最低险别 7、CPT 8、CIP 11、DAT

注意: (1)DAT卖方要负责卸货 以上要关注的要点: (1)2010年新的贸易术语取消了FOB、CFR、CIF下的“船舷”的概念,卖方承担货物装上船为止的一切风险,卖方承担货物自装运港装上船后的一切风险。 (2)2000年贸易术语依照卖方义务责任的大小分为EFCD组,而2010年依照不同的运输方式分为两组,适合水上运输的术语有四种:FAS、FOB、CFR、CIF。注意:这两组通则不是依照“新法取代旧法”的规则的,而是要看当事人的约定,采用哪种贸易术语。 (3)E、F组后附地名的意义是装运地或者装运港;C、D组是目的地或者目的港,此时风险的转移点是不变的,买方不需要承担到目的地或者目的港的风险。 (4)F组和C组下,交货地点和风险转移点都在指定装运港或装运地,故称装运合同;D 组称为交货合同,E组为产地交货合同。


2021年中考英语语法专练二:冠词 ( )1.[2020扬州] In 2016, China set April 24 as country's Space Day. A. a; the B. the; the C. the;/ D. /; the ( )2.[2020?泰州]It’s pity that many wild animals are now in danger. Please have pity on them since they are part of our big family. A.a;/ B. a; a C./;a D./;/ ( )3. We often have three meals day. And we usually have breakfast at 8: 00 every morning. A. a; the B. a; a C.a;/ D./; the ( )4.[2020?新疆] The photo makes me think of trip to Hangzhou last year. - Yeah, we had great time there. A.a;/ B. an; the C. the;the D. the;a ( )5.[2020?达州改编]-There will be 8-day art exhibition(展览) in Dazhou next month. We can enjoy great works like Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. -Wow! It must be most unusual exhibition. A. a; the B. at ;an C.an; a D. an; the ( )6. “ apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is useful saying.


中考英语语法 (名词篇) 语法总述: 词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.): 表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, ball, class, orange, clock, 合成名词:8-year-olds, groun-ups, passers-by, e-mail, 2、代词(pron.): 主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..): 表示人或事物的性质或特征。 如:good, right, white, orange, ugly, sweet, far, 合成形容词:8-year-old, hard-working, 4、数词(num.): 表示数量或事物的顺序。 基数词:one, two, three, hundred, 序数词:first, second, third, 量词:a piece of, two bottles of, three basket of, four bowls of, five cups of,six pairs of, 5、动词(v.): 表示动作或状态。 系词:am, is,are, 半系词:look, sound, feel, get, become, keep, stay, taste, smell, turn, 实意动词:have, see , think, beat, walk, 助动词:辅助动词构成否定、疑问等语气,辅助东西构成时态语态等。如: be,do,does,did,will,can,should,may, 6、副词(adv.): 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, here, often, quietly, slowly, home, upstairs, hard, very, really, 7、冠词(art..): 用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.): 表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。 如in, on, at, from, above, under, behind, with, without, to, 短语介词:next to, in front of, at the age of, 9、连词(conj.): 用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, or, before, when, while, after, as soon as, if, unless, until, because, so, though, but, even if, even though, as if, 10、感叹词(interj..): 表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello 2、句子成分: 主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)


一、选择题 1.---Look! Who’s girl under the tree? ---Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is honest girl. A.the; an B.a: the C.the; a D.an; the 2.--Why not take umbrella? It is raining. --What good advice! A.a ; an B.an ; a C.an ; / 3.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 4.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 5.Kevin is a soccer fan and he plays ________ soccer quite well. A.a B.the C./ 6.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 7.Lily is _____ shy girl, but she’s good at playing _____ guitar. A.an, the B.a, the C.a, / D.an, / 8.Don’t worry! The government will look after ________ homeless in freezing days. A.a B.an C.the D./ 9.—Can you remember when Mr. Brown left ________ city? —Sorry . I can’t. I only remember it was ________ Thursday. A.a, a B.the, the C.a. the D.the, a 10.____ Sunday morning, I played ____ badminton . A.In, the B.On, the C.On, / D.In, / 11.I want to have ________ English pen pal. A.a B.the C.an D./ 12.— What do you often do after class? — We often take part in after-class activities. I like to play _______ basketball, but my brother likes to play________ guitar. A.a; the B.the; the C.不填; 不填D.不填; the 13.—What _______ cold weather! —Yes. But it's ______ unusual experience for us who always live in a hot place. A.an;an B./;a C./;an D.a;an 14.---Kate, are you only child in your family? ---Yes, but new baby is on the way. A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; the


一、选择题 1.________baby in red is________eight-month-old boy. A.The;an B.A;a C.The;a D.The;/ 2.Ciqikou is _______ famous place in Chongqing. A.a B.an C.the D./ 3.—When is Mother’s Day? —It’s on ___________ Sunday in May. A.two B.the second C.twelve D.the twelfth 4.—What did you do yesterday? —We took a trip to Water Park by ____ bus and went for ____ walk around the lake. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; the 5.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 6.––What’s on your desk, Judy? ––It’s ________ English-Chinese dictionary. It’s _______useful dictionary. A.an, the B.an, an C.an, a 7.—There is a chess match between a Chinese player and AlphaGo(阿尔法). —It’s very amazing. Playi ng _____ chess is usually ________ one-to-one game. A./;a B.the; a C./;an D.a; the 8.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 9.---Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you ___hand?----Thanks very much, __ I can manage. A.the , and B.an , or C.a , so D.a , but 10.–You made ______ same mistake again. You missed ______ “l” here. -- Oh, sorry. I’ll correct it right now. A.a, the B.the, the C.the, a D.the, an 11.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 12.--Why not take umbrella? It is raining. --What good advice! A.a ; an B.an ; a C.an ; / 13.Don’t worry! The government will look after ________ homeless in freezing days. A.a B.an C.the D./ 14.As Hannah Lucas had a disease, she and her brother Charile made app called notOK to let

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