当前位置:文档之家› 英语专业大三下学期翻译课期末考复习重点




1 He is easily the best student in the class.他无疑是班上最好的学生or他比班上别的学生要好许多.

2 The stranger robbed his wife.那个陌生人抢了他妻子的钱(东西).

3 I can’t agree more.我完全同意,

4 They give the boy the lie. 他们指责男孩说谎

5 Her mother died of difficult labo.他母亲死于难产..

6 He was then bright in the eye. 那时他已经醉了.

7 Calculation never makes a hero.举棋不定永远成不了英雄.

A They are as thick as thieves.他们非常亲密/ 情同手足。

B. Individualism is the core of social value in the United States of America.


1 、He was a man of high renown. (Commendatory)

2 、His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death. (derogatory)

Both “renown” and “notoriety” mean “fame”, but “renown” means good fame while “notoriety” means ill fame.

3、Only ambitious students get the best marks.有抱负的学生才能取得最好的成绩。

Young people, be ambitious.年轻人, 要胸怀大志。

1. They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountain with their broad swords by their side.他们都是(那些抛弃妻子、身带大刀进入深山的好汉们的)后代。

2、In the months ahead, our patience will be one of our strengths--- patience with the long waits that will result from tighter security, patience and understanding that it will take time to achieve our goals, patience in all the sacrifices that may come.

在今后的几个月里,我们的耐心就是我们的一种力量—--- 那种为获得更安全的环境而需要进行长时间才能达到我们的目的的理解和耐心,那种为可能会有牺牲而做好心理准备的耐心。

3. Iraq yesterday got a glimpse of what life without Saddam Hussein may hold, as protests and politicking政治活动marked the first day of meetings to decide the country’s fate.


A loud applause exploded from the audience when the actress went on the stage.


5. In recent years increasing attention have been paid to the economic benefit in the production of our factory.


6.There is a great deal of room for improvement in the United Nation’s work.


7. Always obey your parents--- when they are present. (see 19)

父母的话总是要听的--- 当然是他们在身边的时候。

8. Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Respects


9. The Seventeenth Congress is one of vital importance being held at a crucial stage of China's reform and development.


10. The theme of the congress is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, continue to emancipate解放the mind, persist in reform and opening up, pursue development in a scientific way, promote social harmony, and strive for new victories in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.大会的主题是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科

11. The great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the banner guiding development and progress in contemporary China and rallying the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country in our common endeavor.

中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,是当代中国发展进步的旗帜,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的旗帜。11. Emancipating the mind is a magic instrument for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, reform and opening up provide a strong driving force for developing it, and scientific development and social harmony are basic requirements for developing it.


12. Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is a goal for the Party and the state to reach by 2020, and represents the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups.


13. The world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes, and contemporary China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation.


14. This brings us unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges, with the former outweighing the latter.机遇前所未有,挑战也前所未有,机遇大于挑战。

15. The whole Party must unswervingly hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and lead the people in starting from this new historical point, grasping and making the most of the important period of strategic opportunities,


16. Staying realistic and pragmatic, forging ahead with determination, continuing to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization, and accomplishing the lofty mission bestowed by the times.

求真务实,锐意进取,继续全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化,完成时代赋予的崇高使命。Mr and Mrs Li Shan

Request the pleasure of the presence of

Mr & Mrs Yang Hua

At dinner at seven p.m. on Friday,25th May

At Zuoyue,108 New Avenue







1 You should keep your nose out of here. (It is none of your affairs. Mind your own business.)你别管闲事。

2. 1) Predictably 不出所料2) with dignity 不失尊严3) feel worried 放心不下

4) exactly 一点不差5) extraordinary 意想不到的6) carry a torch 忠贞不渝

3. 1) She was persistent when executed. 他临死不屈。

2) Take it or leave it. 买不买随你。

3) It is a metaphor that eludes me. 我不懂隐喻。(一种修辞)

4) My mother is 86, but she carries her years easily. 我母亲86岁,但她不显老。

5) I’ll chase you down and bring you under, you’ll see. 我将逼得你无路可走,非把你制服不可,等着瞧吧。

6) That time when we caught Molly I double up with laughter.( Uncle Tom’s Cabin)


8) His words and actions are in conflict. 他言行不一

9) Come on, boys, let’s cut out monkey business and get down to work. 孩子们别胡闹了,快干活吧。

10) The football team was organized three years ago and it had yet to win a single game.


11) Acheson’s warning paralleled the president’s own suspicious. 艾奇逊的警告与总统的怀疑不谋而合。

12) All music is alike to him. 他不懂音乐。

13) I have read your articles. I expected to meet an old man. 我读过你的文章,没想到你竟这么年轻。

14) An increasing traffic jam of arriving troops and vehicles hampered the armor trying to thrust towards the city. 大批部队与军车源源而来,交通越来越拥挤,装甲部队被堵塞,无法向城市挺进

15. He was divided on the cashing of it. He had never been in a bank in his life, much less in one on business.


16.A lot of problems remained to be solved. 一大堆问题尚未解决。

17. In all my travels I had yet to see a place as beautiful as this orchard.


18.It is better to be brave to help men than it is to be brave to harm them.。


1) My overcoat would not wear out. 我的大衣十分耐穿。

2) Mr.Shellby, you cannot be serious. 雪尔贝先生,你这话是说着玩的吧。

3) We should lose no time in finishing this task. .我们要抓紧时间完成任务。

4) It is wise man that never makes mistakes. 再聪明的人也会做错。= 智者千虑,必有一失。

It is an ill wind that blows no good. 没有对人人都有害的坏事。=有失必有得

It is a skilled worker that never blunders再熟练的工人,也会失手。=人有失手,马有失蹄。

It is a long lane that has no turning. 任何长途必有弯。= 路必有弯。

5) Well, if this isn’t disgraceful. 啊,这多么丢脸呀。

6)The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us. 我们仍然会重视这些事件的重要性。

7) It makes no difference when he will come. 他什么时候来都一样

8) There is not a moment to lose. 分秒必争。

9) He was not sorry to get rid of his cold. 他感冒好了,非常高兴。

10) They did not half support my proposal. 他们非常支持我的建议。

He eats no fish and plays the game. 他既忠诚,又守规矩。

1、He is a nuisance; I want to see the back of him. 他真讨厌,我不愿见到他。

2、Miniskirt is the last thing she’d like to wear. 他最不愿意穿超短裙。

3、His name escaped my memory. 我不记得他的名字了。

4、He was blind to his son’s faults. 他对他儿子的毛病视而不见。

5、The car refused to start. 车子发动不了。

6、This strange idea is beyond belief. 这种奇怪的想法不能令人置信。

7、He liked to live in a village, free of crowds and noise. 他愿意住在农村,没有嘈杂的人群及喧哗。

8、He gave me advice instead of money. 他没给我钱,而是给我忠告。

9、The old man is totally ignorant of what has happened outside. 老人对外界发生的一切全然不知。

10、It is far from me to do anything to hurt you. 我绝不会做任何事情伤害你。

11、You ought to know better than to do that sort of things. 你不该做那种事。

12、Your temper is more than I can bear. 我受不了你的脾气。

13、The little bridge is anything but safe. 这小桥就是不安全。

14、He was trying in vain to answer the question. 他回答不出问题。

15、We are living up to what the Party expects of us .我们绝不辜负党对我们的期望

16、I would have come yesterday, but I was busy. 我本来昨天可以来,但是太忙没有来。

17、Some of the programs are very interesting, but others could be better.

18、I wish I had memory like yours. 可惜我没有你这样的记忆力。

19、You could have come at a better time. 你来的不是时候。

1)a. Visitors are requested to wait. 来宾请等候。

2) b. New factories are being built all over the country. 全国到处在兴建新工厂。

3) c. Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.


4) d. John actually loved her and was loved in return. 约翰真的爱她,而她也爱约翰。

1. The first clock with weights and wheels is said to have been invented about the year 1000 A.D., but clocks of that kind could not been carried about from place to place. Another four hundred and fifty years passed before the first watch was made in Germany.


2. Having been told about the news, she was very excited. 有人告诉她这个消息以后,她非常激动。

3. The date is expected to be announced soon. (Double passive form) 估计日期不久就会宣布。

4. These new products sell like hot cakes. (Passive sense in active form) 这种新产品十分畅销。

5. A long metal bar is fixed in a retort stand by one end. The other end is heated in a flame until it becomes red. The bar and the stand are then moved away from the heat. The temperature of the bar is found to fall rapidly.


6. The death toll was not established but was thought to be high. 死亡数字尚未确定,但一般都认为会相当大。

7. “Otherwise everything will be destroyed,”the UNESCO official said.


8. So far, 25 patients have been successfully treated by the doctor with traditional Chinese medicines.


9、These data have been utilized in production. 这些数据已经(被) 应用到生产上去。

10、许多盆地是由于地壳下沉而形成的。Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the ea rth’s crust.


It can easily be seen that the recorder has been repaired several times.


Selenology is founded on the data collected by shuttle.


Soon it was all eaten, the flavor completely forgotten, only the empty plate left.

14、他终于被免去了职务。He was finally relieved of all position.

15、她被花言巧语所陶醉。She is intoxicated with(by) sweet words.

16、问题解决了。The problem has been solved.

17、会议延迟了。The meeting was postponed.

18、问题应该讨论。The question should be discussed.

19、美国政府的一位官员说,在那次暴动中,中央情报局的一名特工受了伤。【CIA= Central Intelligence Agency】A US government official said a CIA operative was wounded during the uprising.


The children who have been granted temporary stay in the SAR are not allowed to go to school while waiting for the results of their petition申请to remain.

1) They are paid for this. 他们拿钱就是干这个的。

2) Would you like to be taught Latin? 你愿意学拉丁文吗?

3) The story will be continued in next mon th’s issue. 这篇小说下月期刊继续刊登。

4)Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed from one form into another. 每时每刻,能量都在由一种形式转换成另一种形式。

5. No reference books are to be taken out of the reading-room without permission.


6.The hall is air-conditioned and beautifully lighted. 大厅里有空调设备,照明设计也非常美观。

7. The electric is defined as a stream of electrons flowing through a conductor.


8.Not a voice, or hand, or even an eye was raised。


a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟within a stone's throw 一箭之遥

kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。

at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟on second thoughts 经再三考虑

by ones and twos 三三两两地,零零落落地

Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。

—— Can you come down a little?你能便宜一点儿卖吗?

—— Sorry,it's one price for all.——对不起,不二价。

He had one over the eight after he drank only half bottle of the wine.


One man's meat is another man's poison.人各有所好。

I'll love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。

Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。

His mark in math is second to none in the class.他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。

She is a second Lei Feng.她是雷锋式的人物。

I always believe my sixth sense.我总相信我的直觉。

He talks about you nine times out of teb when we have a chitchat


By 1990, China’s urban population was 10 times over that of 1960.


▲The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.


▲The volume of the earth is 49 times larger than that of the moon.


1)Grain production is double what it was five years ago.


2)China’s steel output in 2000 is 250 times over that of 1949.


That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2或3倍。

The total output value of the city’s light industry has grown over three times as against last year.


2) Wonderful waves rolling in, enormous clouds of foam, made one marvel that anybody could have got ashore at the landing.惊涛拍岸,(浪花千层),此时竟有人能从海上来到岸边,真叫人难以置信。

3、Her skin-tight skirt and orange sweater displayed to enviable advantage a soft and slender body.


4、She was remarkably silent when the other girls all talked and laughed.


5、Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.执法部门如对此不闻不问,那就是失职。

6) …When you deal with a beast, you have to treat him as a beast. 以其人之道,还治其人之身

7) Some cautions must be mentioned --- for example, good tools are essential to do the job well.


One of the first sights of Beijing is the Summer Palace, which lies about 20 kilometers northwest of the city center. It has an area of 3.4 square kilometers, three-fourths of which is covered with shallow lakes. Everyday, more than 10 000 people from different parts of the country and of the world come to visit this grand formal imperial garden.


Guilin in subtropical south China has reputation of having the country’s most beautiful scenery. It has been eulogized in innumerable literary works, paintings and inscriptions since its founding during the Qin Dynasty. Characteristic of Guilin scenery is its oddly-shaped solitary hills rising out of flat ground, in various shapes said to resemble buns, saw teeth, bamboo shoots, camels, etc. There is not only a good view of the hills, but also one of the rivers. The Lijiang River is crystal clear, and no matter how deep the water is, you can see the bottom—the pebbles, sand, and weeds. The landscape in Guilin is characterized by its green hills, clear waters, pretty rocks and grotesque caves.


Tea, the most popular beverage for the Chinese, is one of China’s specialties and traditional exports. China began to grow tea more than two thousand years ago, it falls five major categories: black tea, jasmine tea, green tea, Wulong tea, brick tea.

08 翻译第13讲

1.Good to last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

2.Taste too good for Words 其味无穷,妙不可言。

3. I’ll do a lot for love, but I’m not ready to die for it. 情爱诚销魂,生命价更高。

wake a sleeping dog 招惹是非

To make a noise in the world-----名噪一时

be indifferent to 不闻不问

Misfortunes never come singly. 祸不单行。

The bait hides the hook. 笑里藏刀

The on-looker sees most of the game. 旁观者清

Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多

Business is business. 公事公办

Content is happiness. 知足常乐

The law is not the same at morning and at night. 朝令夕改

1 She had grown increasingly restless.她越来越六神无主。

2. Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man.


3. The nation at large was exhausted from the searing effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction

The nation at large was exhausted 举国上下筋疲力尽

Searing effects --灼热的影响(千疮百孔)

4. With ten years of Sorbonne and the prospect of Nobel, Pierre Curie was a rising star in the galaxy of scientists.


5. The fact that a plane is up in the air and cannot stop if anything goes wrong makes it perhaps a matter of life and death that its performance is absolutely dependable.


6 The list of chiral objects could go on,but examples of two kinds of seashells tell the story.

chiral compound--手性化合物could go on---不胜枚举

7. Eisenhower美国第三十四任总统MacArthur --麦克阿瑟(美国五星上将) Denunciation -- a public condemnation or censure指公开指责或驳斥

8.马赛-- 法国东南部一城市Double-dealing 搞两面派(的)

Finagling-- To use crafty, deceitful methods.使用欺骗手段:使用不正当、欺骗的手段

the daily grind-- 每天必做的苦差

▲10.apathetic--缺乏兴趣的11. delve--钻研

12. canny--精明的, openhanded--大方的, 豪爽的,brisk--活泼的, candid--率直的, 17.Forlorn-- 几乎没有希望的Wistfully--渴望地Rejuvenation--返老还童

20. tramp--重步行走22.priority--优先权

26. This aircraft is small, cheap, and pilotless.



40. revocable—可取消,whim-心血来潮41. bemused--发呆的

46.Internationally speaking, it amounts to the ultimate aspiration of all human beings to usher in an era of understanding and fraternal co-operation. (P124)



分析:句中it 代替后面的不定式,amount to 相当于, 实际是, 就意味着(to);

usher开始,开创to usher in the new century开创新世纪

50 The Germany penetration of the Allied line was a damning commentary on the supposed invulnerability of the Maginot Line.


改译:(1) 马其诺防线据说是固若金汤,这一点已被德军突破联合防线这件事驳得体无完肤了。

(2) 德军突破马其诺联合防线之事实将马其诺防线是固若金汤一说驳得体无完肤。

分析:句中the Allied line 实际上是指Maginot Line,而不是另外的盟军防线。

54.After hearing what you said, I was not a little bewildered.听了你的话,我大惑不解。59.keep their own counsel 不宣布自己的观点→明哲保身

60.The trip came off on schedule.旅行按计划得到实现

She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.如果被要求解释,她肯定表现得很差

a party that came off.成功的晚会

Many a slip 功亏一篑,many a 接单数名词,表示“许多”

63. with a grain of salt 半信半疑地,有保留地,怀疑地

Take that advice with a grain of salt.半信半疑地接受建议。

64. Unless you have got an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. 除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们输定了。

dished. [美俚]完蛋了的, 受挫折的

67. between the devil and the deep sea 进退维谷

68. prepare what he has sown 咎由自取

69. fair without and foul within表美而内心丑陋;绣花枕头;金玉其外,败絮其中;口蜜腹剑

70. beat about the bush旁敲侧击

71. be on tenterhook 提心吊胆; 焦虑不安; 如坐针毡; 心烦意乱;

78. a chip of the old block 相貌[脾气]和父母一样的孩子(多指男孩)

99. It was old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.

101. The mayor of Toledo said in 1932: “ I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.”

119. savoring each paragraph s (paragraph)

I spend three or four hours on two short chapters --- savoring each paragraph, lingering over a sentence, a phrase or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene.No longer was I in Sydney, Australia, on a sticky heat-wave night. Relishing every word, I joined foreign correspondent Sheean on a mission to China.


改译:短短两章,我就读了三四个小时之久,字里行间,细细品味;文中景色,犹如一幅幅美丽的画卷,展现在我脑海里久久不能离去;津津有味地品评每一词句,早已忘却身处热浪滚滚的澳洲悉尼,似乎置身于可爱中国,与记者谢安同行。120. The rock presented a high impenetrable wall, over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam, and fell into a broad, deep basin, blak from the shadows of the surrounding forest.


Bits of all types manufactured in the factory conform to the API Standards. With novel design and fine workmanship, they are made of quality steel in advanced technology. All the products have passed strict quality test and reached in all respects the advanced level of the domestically-made bits of the kind.


Aged trees wave the seasons by, amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation.

4 四词词组:

1、The bait hides the hook. 笑里藏刀

2、Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施

3、Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚

4、Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水

5、A cat has nine lives. 吉人天相(猫有九条命)

6、Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手

7、Don't meet trouble half-way. 勿杞人忧天

8、Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 勿孤注一掷

9、Don't ride the high horse. 勿摆架子

10、Everyone to his taste. 人各有所好

11、An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

12、Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装马要鞍

13、Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达

14、Things done can not be undone. 木已成舟

15、To rack one's brain. 绞尽脑汁

16、Look before you leap. First think, then act. 三思而后行

17、It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚

19、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口

20、It is good to learn at another man's cost. 前车之鉴

21、Nothing so bad but might be a blessing. 塞翁失马,焉知非福

22、We must not lie down, and cry, "God help us". 求神不如求己

23、No man is wise at all times. 智者千虑必有一失

24、Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟,一箭双雕

25、It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行

26、In doing we learn. 经一事,长一智

27、No man is born wise or learned. 人非生而知之

28、Action speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩

29、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪

30、Once bitten, twice shy. 一次被咬,下次胆小

31、Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见

32、The on-looker sees most of the game. 旁观者清

33、Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进

34、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮

35、Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子

36、Nothing succeeds like success. 一事如意,万事顺利

37、Nothing is so certain as the unexpected. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福

38、Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金

39、The morning sun never lasts a day. 好景不常

40、When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. 机不可失,时不再来

41、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁

42、Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧

43、Work makes the workman. 勤工出巧匠

44、Business is business. 公事公办

45、In for a penny, in for a pound. 一不做,二不休

46、Many hands make light work. 众擎易举

47、An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

48、Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮

49、Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多

50、Constant dropping wears the stone. 水滴石穿

51、Sooner or later, the truth comes to light. 真相迟早会大白

52、Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 隐恶败善

53、A word spoken is past recalling./The words once spoken can never be recalled. 一言既出,驷马难追

54、Few words are best. 寡言为贵

55、Least said, soonest mended. 少说为妙

56、Good tongue. 口齿伶俐

57、Pride goes before a fall/destruction. 骄兵必败

58、Love at first sight. 一见倾心,一见钟情

59、Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨

60、Happy is he who owes nothing. 无债一身轻

61、Flow of words. 口若悬河

62、Know nothing. 一无所知

63、Know all. 无所不知

64、One good turn deserves another. 善有善报

65、A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千里

67、A good wife makes a good husband. 妻贤夫自良

68、Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子

69、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女

70、Make your enemy your friend. 化敌为友

71、What we lose in hake we shall have in herring. 失之东隅,收之桑榆

72、Either win the horse or lose the saddle. 孤注一掷

73、One never loses anything by politeness. 礼多人不怪

74、Blooming visage. 容光焕发

75、Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. 以毒攻毒

76、Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 饥不择食

77、Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌

78、Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞

79、The law is not the same at morning and at night. 朝令夕改

80、Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 猫哭老鼠假慈悲

81、He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 骑虎难下

82、The leopard can never change its spots. 本性难移

83、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马

84、Always taking out the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. 坐吃山空

85、A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里

86、A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火

87、A stitch in time saves nine. 一针不补,十针难缝

88、As we sow, so shall we reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

89、Beard the lion in his den. 太岁头上动土

90、Companions are odious. 人比人,气死人

91、Content is happiness. 知足常乐

92、Do as the Romans do. 入境随俗

93、Do as you would be done by. 己所不欲,勿施于人

94、Fire and water have no mercy. 水火无情

95、Fish begins to stink at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪

96、God's mill grinds slow but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏

97、Hear all parties. 兼听则明

98、Many men have many minds. 人多口杂

99、Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散

100、Misery loves company. 同病相怜

Fail to steal the chicken while it ate up your bait grain.

繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous

爱不释手fondle admiringly

爱财如命skin a flea for its hide

爱屋及乌love me, love my dog.

He that loves the tree loves the branch

(恨屋及乌:He who hates Peter har his dog.)

安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment

白手起家build up from nothing / build up from scratch /start from scratch

百里挑一one in a hundred / the cream of the crop

百折不挠be indomitable

半途而废give up halfway leave sth. Unfinished

包罗万象all-embracing all-inclusive

卑躬屈膝bow and scrape cringe

悲欢离合vicissitudes of life

背道而驰run counter to run in the opposite direction

本末倒置put the cart before the horse

笨鸟先飞the slow need to start early

必由之路the only way

闭关自守close the country to international intercourse

变本加厉be further intensified

变化无常chop and change fantasticality

变化无常chop and change fantasticality

别开生面having sth. New

别有用心have ulterior motives

彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane

兵不厌诈in war nothing is too deceitful

博古通今erudite and informed

不败之地incincible position

不耻下问feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates

不可救药be past praying for beyond redemption

不劳而获reap where one has not sown

不屈不挠fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity

不速之客crasher uninvited guest


不言而喻speak for itself tell its own story tell its own tale went without saying 不遗余力spare no effort spare no pains

不以为然not approve object to

不义之财filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness

不远千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance

不约而同happen to coincide

不择手段by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul 不知所措be at a loss be all adrift lose one's head out of one's wits

才疏学浅have little talent and learning

惨绝人寰extremely cruel

沧海桑田time brings a great change to the worlds

沧海一粟/九牛一毛a drop in the bucket

草木皆兵a state of extreme nervousness

层出不穷emerge in endlessly

层峦迭嶂peaks over peaks

察言观色carefully watch what sb. is doing and saying

姹紫嫣红very beautiful flowers


车水马龙heavy traffic



趁热打铁strike while iron is hot Hold a wolf the iron is hot

成群结队gang horde

诚惶诚恐with reverence and awe

承上启下a connecting link between the preceding and the following


吃里扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly

痴心妄想、胡思乱想wishful thinking


叱咤风云ride the whirlwind

愁眉苦脸pull a long face snoot

愁眉苦脸的,愁眉苦脸地woebegone 、morosely



出口成章have an outstanding eloquence

出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群fill the bill supereminence

出谋划策give counsel suggest

出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action

出生入死go through fire and water

触类旁通comprehend by analogy

垂头丧气,无精打采down in the mouth lose one's spirits with the tail between the legs

垂头丧气的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted

绰绰有余more than sufficient

此起彼伏as one falls, another rises

从容不迫go easy take one's time

从容不迫的leisured unhurried

从容不迫地by easy stages

粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy


措手不及unaware unprepared


错综复杂的anfractuous ,daedal reticula sinuous

打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy

大材小用waste one's talent on a petty job


大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay

大惑不解be extremely puzzled

大惊小怪a storm in a teacup 、foofaraw 、fuss 、like a hen with one chicken


大快人心affording general satisfaction

大名鼎鼎famous well known

大器晚成great minds mature slowly

大千世界the boundless universe

大失所望greatly disappointed

大同小异largely identical but with minor differences

大显身手、大显神通strut one's stuff

大言不惭、夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade

大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice

大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty

大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed

殚思极虑rack one's brains

胆小如鼠cannot say boh to a goose


淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth

道貌岸然be sanctimonious

得过且过drift along muddle along


得心应手handy with facility

得意忘形、得意洋洋bloat get dizzy with success


得意扬扬ride high

得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop、high-blown 、perky


德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity

德高望重sainted 、saintlike

登峰造极reach the limit reach the peak of perfection

地大物博vast territory and abundant resources

颠倒黑白、颠倒是非、混淆是非call white black、swear black is white

颠三倒四confused disorderly

雕虫小技insignificant skill

调兵遣将move forces

调虎离山lure the enemy away from his base

掉以轻心treat sth. Lightly

喋喋不休blat 、cackle 、chackle 、harp、harp on、jaw-jaw 、rattle 、twitter、wag 顶天立地of indomitable spirit

东施效颦blind imitation with ludicrous effection

东山再起bob up like a cork

独具匠心show originality

独树一帜develop a school of one's own

独一无二in a class by oneself

独一无二的unique 、unmatched、unparalleled

度日如年one day seems like a year

断章取义garble 、quote out of context

对牛弹琴whistle jigs to a milestone 、Cast pearls before swine

对症下药suit the remedy to the case


多才多艺的accomplished 、all-round 、allround 、miscellaneous、versatile


多愁善感的moonstruck 、spoony

多此一举bring owls to Athens、hold a candle to the sun

多多益善the more the better


脱胎换骨thoroughly remould oneself


恩将仇报、以怨报德、忘恩负义bite the hand that feeds one

尔虞我诈each trying to cheat the other


发扬光大carry forward

翻山越岭tramp over hill and dale



飞黄腾达、青云直上come into one's kingdom、rise in the world strike oil


飞禽走兽birds and beasts

废寝忘食forget food and sleep

分道扬镳part company,each going his own way

分化瓦解disintegrate 、divide and demoralize


纷至沓来come in a continuous stream

纷至沓来的thick as hail

奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety

愤愤不平be indignant


丰富多彩rich and colorful

丰功伟绩great achievement

丰衣足食have ample food and clothing

风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes

风马牛不相及be totally unrelated

风靡一时be the rage


风起云涌like a rising wind and scudding clouds

风雨同舟stand together regardless of situation

风雨无阻in all weathers

锋芒毕露make a showy display of one's abilities


逢场作戏join in the fun on occasion

逢凶化吉trun ill luck into good


敷衍了事make short shrift of 、palter、scuffle

釜底抽薪take a drastic measure to deal with a situation

赴汤蹈火、出生入死go through fire and water


覆水难收spilt water cannot be gathered up again 、It is no use crying over spilt milk


1 Too much water, like little water, kills this plant.


2 Modesty becomes youth. 青年人应该彬彬有礼

3 His accent suggests Welsh. 听她口音好像是威尔士人.

4 My heart failed me at the sight. 一见那情景我就失去了勇气。

5 It occurred to him that one cigarette would comfort him. (P139)这时,他想到,或许抽支烟能解解愁。

6 Every day sees the boy clever. (P139)这个男孩日益聪明。

7 China Q1 sees steady growth of lead, nickel output.中国铅、镍产量第一季度稳步增长。

8.The forty years, 1840--1880 brought almost ten million migrants to America.

9. A terrible thought suddenly struck me -----had I locked the door?


10..A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。

It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest. 我从没有想到她会这样的不诚实。

11. The beautiful scenery gained the place quite a reputation . 美景使这个地方颇有名气。

12. Her habit of biting her nails irritates me . 她咬指甲的习惯使我生气。

13、It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him. 他好象面临着困难的抉择。

14、The blood-stained glove told of the bandit’s crime. 血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪证。

15、The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.


16、The year 2003 witnessed a unprecedented disastrous flood in Huai river basin.


17、September finds agreeable weather in Shanghai. 九月的上海天气宜人。

18、… but then a sudden fit of anger seized him. 他忽然怒从心上起。

19、Beggars can’t be choosers. “要来的饭别嫌馊”,“乞丐没的挑”。

20、In vestibule below was a letter of box into which no letters would go, and an electric button which no mortal finger could coax a ring. (O. Henry)


21、Bettors lose inevitably. 逢赌必输。

22、In a wagon, you can be one place today and another place the next day.


23、It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.


24、The dress set off to perfection the seventeen-inch waist, the smallest in three counties, and tightly fitting basque showed breast well matured for her sixteen years.


25. do justice to 公平对待, 适当处理

39. poor cracker neighbors 对乡下特别是美国东南部穷苦白人的贬称

40. and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance… 他以那副讨人嫌惹人厌的面貌出现,不管他在德比郡有多大的财产,也挽救不了他……

41. …grudging admiration三分仰慕

42. … starvation pittance 难以糊口的

▲One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong,(Yellow Dragon) which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan mountain. Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty.



1、If we don’t hang together, we should most assuredly hang separately.

hang together-- remain associated; help or support each other(人)团结一致,互相支持

2、Life is never just being. It is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. Our parents live on through us, and we will live on through our children. The institutions we build endure, and we will endure through them. The beauty we fashion cannot be dimmed death. Our flesh may perish, our hands will wither, but that which they create in beauty and goodness and truth lives on for all time to come.

Don't spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that will only turn to dust and ashes. Pursue not so



3、Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community. Add truth to

a pile of red brick and you have a school. Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary. Add justice to the far-flung round of human endeavor and you have civilization. Put them all together, exalt them above their present imperfections, add to them the vision of humankind redeemed, forever free of need and strife and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.






The 12th Five-Year-Plan period is crucial for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for deepening reform and opening up and speeding up the transformation of the pattern of economic development. Major objectives and tasks for the 12th Five-Year-Plan period are: we must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide, thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development.

We will propel economic development to a new level. We will accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development and economic restructuring. We will work hard to develop social undertakings, continue to give top priority to education, and steadily raise the educational level of the people. We will effectively conserve resources and protect the environment and actively respond to climate change. We will comprehensively improve the people’s well-being. We will constantly strengthen the government’s internal reform and self-improvement.

In short, by achieving all the targets set forth in the 12th Five-Year Plan through hard work in the coming five years, China’s overall strength will further increase. People will live better lives, and our country will undergo more profound changes.


Chinese gardens can be divided into two categories, the imperial and the private. The former are seen most frequently in northern China, while more of the latter can be found in the south, especially in Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.

6、天生万物,唯人为贵Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.

7、二人同心,其利断金If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.



One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into an abyss.


Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give but to receive, or vice versa.


Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.

12、The Art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. For life is a paradox: it enjoins命令us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains 注定their eventual relinquishment.放弃

The rabbis of old (古犹太教的拉比们) put it this way: “ A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.” Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God's own earth. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what it was and then suddenly realized that it is no more.


1 Mount Tai is famous for its spectacular sunrise. Ascending to the top and watching for the sunrise from Mount Tai has become the desire of every visitor. The magnificent spectacle of the sunrise is beyond description which will offer you an unforgettable visual experience.


2. The Tempest is one of the most original and perfect of Shakespeare’s production, and he has shown in it all the variety of his powers. It is full of grace and grandeur. The human and imaginary characters, the dramatic and grotesque are blended together with the greatest art, and without any appearance.


3 London is a winning city. Not only is it the historical capital of Britain, but it is also the modern cultural, entertainment and business center of the country. London’s famous landmarks will form a breathtaking backdrop to the Games in 2012, complemented by the brand-new facility in the new Olympic Park, including the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Center.

伦敦是一座诱人的城市:不仅因为它是英国具有历史意义的首都,还因为它是英国现代文化、娱乐和商业中心。伦敦的名胜古迹将会成为2012 年奥运会激动人心的背景,崭新的奥林匹克公园包括体育场和水上运动中心等将为奥运提供最新的设施。

4 An elderly Indian hermit man has stunned doctors in the western city of Ahmadabad, after claiming he has not eaten or drunk anything for seventy years, and then proved that he can survive without fuel or water for four days。


5 The Earth’s gravitational force or pull keeps us and everything else on Earth from floating away to space. To get out into space and travel to the moon or other planets we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull.


6 The powerful space rocket works along the same lines as a simple firework rocket. The firework rocket has a cylindrical body and a conical head. The body is packed with gunpowder which is the fuel. It is a mixture of chemicals that will burn rapidly to form hot gases.


7 It is only recently that they have been able to build machines powerful enough to get out of the Earth’s gravitational pull. Such machines are called space rockets. Their great speed and power help them to escape from the Earth’s gravitational pull and go into space.


8 AIDS is a life-threatening sickness that arracks the body’s natural defense system against disease. It can destroy the b ody’s ability to protect itself. AIDS itself does not kill. But because the body’s defense system is damaged, the patient has little ability to fight off many other diseases, such as pneumonia, cancer, blindness and mental disorders.



9 Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.



1 leave sb the choice of …or … 要么…,要么…;或者

Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice o f brave resistance or the most abject submission. 敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。


The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.

2 be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事(使动类经典句)(重点)

The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.

全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/ 把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。

3 it was the memories of 追溯到…(回忆类经典句)

Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’ development.



The southwest part of China witnesses a serious car crash with a casualty of about 30 people.


The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.


I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the

Middle East.


《英语翻译基础》期末复习 13年12月 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) Section A; 选择译文中最符合原文意思的选项(考查翻译实践能力) Section B: 关于翻译理论知识的题目 二、改译句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 三、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共15分) 四、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 五、案例分析题(每小题15分,共15分) 注意:本门课程为:“闭卷(只允许考生带一本正规英汉词典参加考试,不得携带除此之外的任何查字工具。) I、Multiple Choice Questions (20 points, 2 points each) A : Directions : This part consists of five sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1. I prefer driving to being driven. B A. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢别人开车。 B. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢坐车。 C. 我开车比被开车更喜欢。 D. 我喜欢开车,也喜欢被开车。 2. She had deprived herself of the advice of all but yesmen. C A.她丧失了除了唯唯诺诺的人之外的所有人的劝告。 B.她剥夺了自己的所有人的劝告,唯唯诺诺的人除外。 C.她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。 D.她剥夺了所有人的劝告,除了唯唯诺诺的人。 3.我第一次听她在晚上唱歌,她的歌声就深深地打动了我。B A.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her song moved me deeply. B. When I first heard her sing at a party, I was deeply moved. C. I first heard her singing a party, I was deeply moved. D. Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her voice moved me deeply. 4.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. B

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。


英语考试翻译复习资料 Unit1 Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. 你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。 It is true that there are few situations at school where you have to communicate in English, but you can seek out opportunities to practice speaking the language. Talking with your classmates, for example, can be an easy and enjoyable way to get some practice. Also try to find native speakers on your campus and feel free to talk with them. Perhaps the easiest way to practice speaking is to rehearse aloud, since this can be done at any time, in any place, and without a partner. For instance, you can look at pictures or objects around you and try to describe them in detail. You can also rehearse everyday situations. After you have made a purchase in a shop or finished a meal in a restaurant and paid the check, pretend that all this happened in an English-speaking country and try to act it out in English. 的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。 Unit2 The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together. Fortunately, the damage to the boat was not too serious. Chichester calmly got into bed and went to sleep. When he woke up, the sea had become calm again. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he


期末复习 现给大家厘清一下复习思路: 考试卷面分:60 分 考试题型:五种 I 选择更好的译文(10×1’) (备课组长说有可能是两选一,也可能是三选一) 例如讲义上的第1页 It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of room, in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” A.我们可以有把握地设想,二千年前,在凯撒到达不列颠南 部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口,可以看到整个原野都是处于所谓“自然状态”之中。 B.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸 境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。 II翻译评析(15分) 翻译评析评分标准:从翻译的标准(5分)、翻译的方法和策略(5分),以及翻译的技巧(5分)三方面谈。 请复习讲义pp2-4、pp14-29 翻译的标准有传统的:信达(忠实和通顺),有现代奈达的:

从形式对等—到动态对等—最后到功能对等 翻译的基本方法:直译与意译 翻译的基本策略(这是组长这样分的,其实都是翻译的方法):归化与异化 翻译的技巧:词的技巧—词义的确立、词类转换译法、增加、省略、延伸、正反反正译法 句子的技巧—三大从句的译法 III 长句的翻译(3×5’) 两个英语句子,一个汉语句子。 例如1: Ther e is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。 例如2:


(英语)高三必备英语翻译技巧全解及练习题(含答案)含解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be accustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.交友时不要以貌取人。(base) ________________ 2.经历了一场大病后,他明白了生命无价。(suffer) ________________ 3.2018上海进口博览会展示了创新理念,促进了自由贸易。(meanwhile) ________________ 4.不管到哪里旅游,都应该尊重当地的风俗习惯。这样才能成为一名文明的游客。(no


Unit 1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 一.背诵单词 get by 过得去 frustration 挫折;令人失望suburban 郊区的 suburb 郊区 contentment 满足 honey 蜂蜜 make it 成功 canoe 独木木舟 sunset 日落(n) sunrise 日出(n) hawk 鹰 cornfield 玉米田 haul (用马车,卡车)搬运firewood 木柴 sled 雪橇 retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdue overdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加 indoor 室内的 spray 喷;洒 orchard 果园 barn 谷仓 chick 小鸡 typewriter 打字机 freelance 自由撰稿人 pursue 努力去获得,追求household 家庭的;普通的;家庭oversee 看管 beehive 蜂窝organ 风琴;器官 stack 一堆 wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥swamp 淹没;压倒freezer 冰柜 cherry 樱桃 raspberry 悬钩子;树莓asparagus 芦笋 bean 豆;豆形果实canned-goods 罐装品cupboard 食橱;碗橱plum 李子;梅子 jelly 果子冻 squash 南瓜属植物pumpkin 南瓜 gallon 加仑 at that point 就在那时decidedly 肯定地;无疑地blessing 祝福 bless 为……祝福 on balance 总的来说den 兽穴 illustrate 举例说明 hitch 用-具套住 dogsled 狗拉雪橇monster 怪物;妖怪digest 文摘;摘要boundary 边界;分界线widerness 荒野;荒地generate 形成;产生dental 牙的;和牙有关的


任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote).(be eligible to ) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for,scholarship) A form to apply for scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester . 遵照医生建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking . 公司位于县城的正中央.(Be located in) The park is located right in the center of town . 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(Facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 我想在还车之前把邮箱(fuel tank)加满(fill up) I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car. 如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure) If you want to make a complaint,you would better follow the correct procedure. 要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without) We could not have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期待发现小船的踪迹。 After the storm of boat the people on the store anxiously scanned the lake for any sign. 我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗。(consumption) We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road. 电费上涨增加了我们的负担。(add to) The rise in power costs has added to our burden. 你应该自己判断行事,别总是跟在你哥哥后面。(follow the lead) You should fudge by yourself,and not always follow your brother’s. 那种发型今年很流行,但是我想明年就会过时。(in fashion) That hair style is in fashion this year,but I an afraid it will be out of fashion next year. 在追求真理的过程中,我们注定(fate to)要遭受失败的痛苦。(in one’s quest for) In our quest for truth, we are fated to suffer from many failures. 我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的(professinal)角度来对待这件事。(from a```stand point)We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional stand point. 这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in of ) The plan was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement in of it. 她没有什么爱好——除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。 She hasn’t got any hobbies---unless you call watching TV a hobby. 他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。(first-hand) He said he had got the information first-hand from the major himself. 既然你不能回答这个问题,我们最好问问别人。(since) Since you can not answer the question, perhaps we would better ask someone else. 那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。(have a shot) It is a difficult iob but I’d like to have a shot. 这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。(as opposed to)

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


Unit One: Science is a kind of knowledge which is a very useful tool in solving the technical problems of industry, agriculture, warfare and medicine. To understand the width and depth to which science can be applied to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations requires an understanding of what science really is. The word science comes to us from a Latin word, scire, which means "to know". Then, in a broad sense, science is simply what we know, the total of all human knowledge.But the definition of science as all human knowledge would not be a workable one, for it is obvious that there are different types of knowledge. The kinds differ according to how the knowledge was obtained, and also according to what frame of experience it fits. What we know of the arts, literature, law, religion, and technical know-how, are more or less separate funds of knowledge. They have little to do with what we commonly call science. Unit 5: For anthropologists, culture includes much more than refinement, taste, sophistication, education, and appreciation of the fine arts. Not only college graduates but all people are cultured. The most interesting and significant forces are those which affect people every day of their lives, particularly those which influence children during enculturation. Culture, as defined anthropologically, encompasses features that are sometimes regarded as trivial or unworthy of serious study, such as "popular " culture. To understand contemporary American culture, we must consider television, fast-food restaurants, sports, and games. As a cultural manifestation, a rock star may be as interesting as a symphony conductor, a comic book as significant as a book-award winner. Unit 7:This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake. Every course of studies must lead somewhere, for example, to a bigger wage packet. The demand for hi-tech personnel far exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies. Tempting salaries and "fringe benefits" are offered to them. Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the "brain drain", the phenomena in which highly skilled people offer their service to the highest bidder. The wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens. While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer. Unit 11: Where do these ideas come from? Max Luscher from the University of Geneva believes that in the beginning life was dictated by two factors beyond our control: night and day. Night brought passivity, and a general slowing down of metabolism; day brought with it the possibility of action, and increase in the metabolic rate, thus providing us


2012级普通班翻译材料 (一)节日 练习1 农历的正月初一是春节,即农历的新年。据说春节是由冬天的祭拜活动(Sacrifice)发展而来的。在远古社会,冬祭是人们的一种习俗。在所有的节日当中,春节对我们来说是最重要的。在春节到来的前几天,我们便把房子打扫得干干净净并装饰一新(spring-clean:大扫除)。老人们说必须干干净净过春节,这样来年才会幸福、交好运。根据中国的传统,中国人年年过春节,家家都要贴春联(Spring Festival couplet),以表达对新年的祝愿。(167字) 练习2 当公历到了6月份,我们发觉一年的时间已经过去了一半。然而,农历(lunar calendar)五月份才刚刚开始,在中国,人们正准备欢度一个传统节日——端午节。几千年以来,端午节的标志是吃粽子(Zongzi)和划龙舟(dragon boat)。在中国古代,人们认为龙是掌管水的神,而水对日常生活和农业生产至关重要。端午节那天,人们划龙船是为了用粽子款待水神,使他快乐。目的是期望神保佑人们一年四季风调雨顺。(163字) 练习3 每年除夕这一天,家家户户门上贴着红色春联(Spring Festival couplet)。晚上全家欢聚一堂共进晚餐。人们无论离家多远,都总是想法设法赶回家分享这顿团圆饭。家庭聚餐之后,全家人围坐在一起,观看中央电视台的春节联欢晚会。父母或祖父母给孩子们压岁钱,鼓励他们来年学习更好。当孩子睡着之后,有的父母把压岁钱放在他们的枕头下。作为新年礼物的压岁钱象征两件事:一是希望孩子在新的一年里平平安安成长,二是增加节日气氛。(191字) (二)饮食 练习4 我们中国人在互致问候时,尤其在过去,倾向于问“你吃了吗?”这就是为什么我们说中国文化是以饮食为主的。中国人民过去非常关注饮食,因为饥荒在中国烹饪


高中英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable) _________________________ 4.据信,过分溺爱孩子会不知不觉地造成孩子的坏脾气,甚至缺乏自理能力。(It) _________________________ 【答案】 1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing


1. 无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该想办法克服它。No matter what difficulties we come across, we should tryour best to overcome them. 2. 尊老爱幼是中华民族传统的美德。 Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. 3. 今天,各行各业的人都在努力提高白己的知识水平以便跟上时代的发展。Today, people from all walks of life are tryingto acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times. 4. 孩子们特别喜欢卡通片。Children take a fancy to cartoons. 5. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。Given that they are lackingof experience/inexperienced/green hand,they have done a good job. 1. 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时期。She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery. 2. 试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人在工作中犯的错误要少。Experiments showed that non-smokers committedfewer errors than smokers. 3. 球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们白身的成功,二十因为他们支持的球队获得了胜木U。Football fans are oftenhighly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to the team that wins. 4. 尽管演技高超,这部长达3个小时的电影还是未能抓住我们的注意力。Despite the wonderful acting, the three-hourmovie could not hold our attention. 5. 王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫。Professor Wang is the only doctor I


Unit1 A new study shows that dogs can detect if someone has cancer just by sniffing the person’s breath. Ordinary household dogs with only a few weeks of basic training learn to accurately distinguish between breath samples of lung- and breast-cancer patients and healthy subjects.One expert, who led the research, said, “Our study provides compelling evidence that cancers hidden beneath the skin can be detected simply by (dogs’) examining the odors of a person’s breath.” Early detection of cancers greatly improves a patient’s survival chances, and researchers hope that man’s best friend, the dog, can become an important tool in early screening. Unit 2 A research team recently replicated a bacterium’s genetic structure entirely from l aboratory chemicals, moving one step closer to creating the world’s first artificial organism. The researchers said, “It’s the second step of a three-step process to create a synthetic organism. But the final step could prove far more difficult.” Nonetheless, the research is pushing forward at a rapid pace. Last June, the team revealed details of an experiment in which researchers inserted the DNA of one species of bacterium into the cells of another. That process almost magically booted up the inserted genome. The research team hopes to use a similar trick to boot up the artificially created genome, so as to create a man-made living organism. Unit 3 In recent years, the psychologists from many countries banded together to do a research which indicated that continued income growth could make people apply themselves to an ongoing consumption race rather than promote overall happiness. Everyone has to spend more and more money in order to maintain a constant level of happiness. This is because our vanity and jealousy are functioning . The way to sort out them out is to cultivate the noble sentiment of being considerate and serving the society. People shouldn’t pin all their hopes on money. Instead , friends, family and work are also playing a very improtant role . Therefore, hapiness is not an inborn trait, but a talent which everyone can learn. Unit 4 I used to feel excited at teaching my students the elegant economic theories that could supposedly cure societal problems of all types. But what is the good of all my complex theories when people were dying of starvation on the sidewalks and porches across from my lecture hall? My lessons were like the American movies where the good guys always win. But when I emerged from the comfort of the classroom, I was faced with the reality of the city streets. Here good guys were mercilessly beaten and trampled. Daily life ws getting worse, and the poor were growing even poorer. Unit 5 No one thought that shy little Einstein would grow up to a prominent scientist. He was slow in learning to speak, and he often paused to consider what he would say during a conversation.In school, Albert Einstein was singled out by his teachers as a troublesome child because he liked to ask difficult strange questions. He did not like to memorize facts and rules, but was interested in what lay below the surface of things. When he was four or five years old, for instance, his father gave him a compass. Little Einstein was curious about the mysterious force that could keep a compass needle always pointing north, which prompted him to read widely in science. His real studies were mostly done at home by reading books on mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Unit 6 Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others. They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make their own minds. They tend to take the initiatives, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily. They are considered sentimental. When they see a flag on ceremonial occasions, or attend parades celebrating Ame rica’s glorious past, tears may come to their eyes. They tend to be emotional at the reunions with family and friends, too. Sometimes, they can laugh at themselves and their country, while they will always remain intensely patriotic.

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